作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:20:51 体裁作文





- 该系统稳定可靠,与人工评阅作文比较,速度快、不知疲劳、没有偏爱、系统面前


- 该系统不仅给出每位学生的作文分数,还从词汇、语法、文风、内容等方面给出意

见反馈。使每位学生了解自己的弱点、长处,为进一步提高指出努力的方向。 - 教师通过该系统布置作文、设定完成写作的时限,作文提交时限之后的下一个工作



1. 每个学校:指定一位老师作为学校负责人,以便冰果英语与其联系相关的管理、使

用事宜。该负责人的联系信息(电话,email)请告知冰果英语: 电话: 010-88819550, 13581773339。

2. 学校负责人:把该校所有需要使用智能作文评阅系统的老师的相关信息(包括每位


3. 冰果英语:根据学校负责人提供的老师名单,给每位老师设立账号,由负责人转告


4. 使用的老师:

1)在联通英特网的计算机上,打开IE浏览器,输入网址 进入“我是老师”,并用自己的账号登录,登录后可以修改密码。



5. 写作文的学生:在联通英特网的计算机上,打开IE浏览器,输入网址 文序列号找到布置的作文题,即可当场写作或拷贝自己已经写好的作文并提交(提交时须正确填写姓名、学号)。作文截止时间的下一个工作日,可以查看自己作文


6. 使用的老师:在学生提交作文截止时间的下一个工作日,再次登陆,在浏览作文列表中,找到你所需要的作文,在该作文右方点击“完成情况”,再点击“下载成绩单”就可以下载学生提交的作文和系统给出的成绩、评语。

7. 写作文的学生:如果老师允许学生网上查看成绩,那么学生可以再次进入网址 文序列号找到作文题,点击“查看完成情况”,然后输入学号(即提交作文时输入的学号),即可查看成绩。



1. 新编网站



2. 冰果智能作文评分系统:




3. 图书馆冰果资源,含听说读写译能力全面提高和考试应考等,建议请学生从图书馆网页进入登录。也可直接从登陆(注意:不是.com)。浙大用户可以注册免费使用冰果资源。可以使用公共帐号,也可以注册使用。










一、学生 ................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 根据序列号查询作文 ................................................................................................ 4

1.2 根据老师姓名查询作文 ............................................................................................ 6

1.3写作文 ......................................................................................................................... 8

1.4 查询成绩 .................................................................................................................. 10

1.5查询历史成绩 ........................................................................................................... 12

二、老师 ................................................................................................................................. 15

2.1登录与个人信息 ....................................................................................................... 15

2.2布置作文 ................................................................................................................... 16

2.3查看作文 ................................................................................................................... 17

2.4指定范文 ................................................................................................................... 19

2.5人工评阅 ................................................................................................................... 22

2.6下载作文记录(Word) .......................................................................................... 24

2.7下载作文记录(Excel)........................................................................................... 25

2.8学生列表 ................................................................................................................... 26

2.9查询学生历史成绩 ................................................................................................... 28

图表 1 从学生页面查询作文 ................................................................................................. 4

图表 2从首页查询作文 .......................................................................................................... 4

图表 3找到作文 ...................................................................................................................... 5

图表 4选择学校名称 .............................................................................................................. 6

图表 5 找到学校,输入老师姓名 ......................................................................................... 6

图表 6找到老师姓名 .............................................................................................................. 7

图表 7点击查看老师布置的作文及其序列号 ...................................................................... 7

图表 8点击进入老师布置的作文 .......................................................................................... 8

图表 9从首页根据序列号查找作文 ...................................................................................... 8

图表 10写作文,提交作文 .................................................................................................... 9

图表 11 作文提交成功 ......................................................................................................... 10

图表 12输入学号和作文序列号 .......................................................................................... 10

图表 13找到作文的历史记录:得分和评语 ...................................................................... 11

图表 14输入学号和姓名 ...................................................................................................... 12

图表 15找到提交的历史记录 .............................................................................................. 13

图表 16展开历史记录,查看详情 ...................................................................................... 14

图表 17输入帐号和密码,登录系统 .................................................................................. 15

图表 18登陆成功,进入个人信息页面 .............................................................................. 15

图表 19更改个人信息,姓名密码和联系方式 .................................................................. 16

图表 20输入作文参数和要求内容 ...................................................................................... 16

图表 21提交后,得到序列号 .............................................................................................. 17

图表 22点击察看作文,查看作文列表 .............................................................................. 17

图表 23点击作文,查看提交和批改情况 .......................................................................... 18

图表 24进入人工批阅 .......................................................................................................... 19

图表 25指定范文 .................................................................................................................. 20

图表 26指定范文成功 .......................................................................................................... 20

图表 27返回学生作文列表,显示范文列表 ...................................................................... 21

图表 28进入人工评阅 .......................................................................................................... 22

图表 29提交得分和评语 ...................................................................................................... 23

图表 30查看人工评阅的分数和评语 .................................................................................. 23

图表 31查看作文 .................................................................................................................. 24

图表 32下载、查看Word格式的成绩单 ........................................................................... 24

图表 33查看作文 .................................................................................................................. 25

图表 34下载、查看Excel格式的成绩单 ............................................................................ 26

图表 35 输入学生的学号和姓名,定义班级 ..................................................................... 26

图表 36将学号和姓名剔除班级 .......................................................................................... 27

图表 37 剔除的学号和姓名显示在另外一个分类中 ......................................................... 27

图表 38查看学生历史成绩 .................................................................................................. 28

图表 39点击查看学生作为详细情况:即人工评阅界面 .................................................. 29



1.1 根据序列号查询作文

图表 1 从学生页面查询作文

图表 2从首页查询作文

图表 3找到作文




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(一) 第四周以应用文为主:本周的作文内容和要求见p27页。
















(二) 第五周的作文写模拟考试中的作文。(Test One)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On Second Majors of Colleges. You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 许多学校都开设了第二专业供学生选择。

2. 学生选择第二专业的目的多种多样。

3. 我个人的看法是。。。。。。

Nowadays, Many schools have set up a second major for students to choose, and there is various major can be selected by the students.

As far as I am concerned,learning in school was boring, but the second will allow students to broaden professional horizons, learn something more meaningful, so that the future of the students is also helpful.

Second, the second major can also enrich the extracurricular lives of students, thus

boring college life more interesting, but also can make to more friends. After graduating from university but also to have more direction to develop.

Finally, the current needs of society more diverse graduate students, so the creation of the second major of the students and the community is good for them. End to the above, I think the University set up a second major is a good phenomenon, he can enrich students of university life, but also to cultivate talents for the society.

(三) 第五周的作文写模拟考试中的作文。作文序号7420。(Test Two) Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Further Your Study Abroad? You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有许多情年学生想要出国留学

2. 分析出国留学的利弊

3. 我的个人观点

现在有许多青年学生想出国留学。出国留学有好处,同时也有坏处。 我的观点是,出国留学的好处在于能够学习到各种文化以及各种不同于中国应试教育的知识,同时也能拓宽自己的视野,感受不同的世界,体验不同的风土人情。 但是出国留学的坏处在于不知道哪些知识或者文化是自己能够接受的,导致最后会分不清到底应该主要修习哪种文化。这样就是最糟糕的了。你可能说着让中国人和外国人都听不懂的话。 所以就我的观点而言,出国留学是好事,但是在出国留学之前你应该调查一下那里的风土人情,明确了解哪些是自己确实要的。在经过一系列的考虑之后,你才能继续你的出国留学。 There are many young students to study abroad. Studies abroad are good, but also have disadvantages. My view is that the benefits of studying abroad is the ability to learn a variety of different cultures and knowledge of exam-oriented education in China, but also to broaden their horizons and experience a different world, experience different customs. However, the disadvantage of studying abroad is to not know what knowledge or culture is that they can accept, leading to the final will be hard to tell in the end to attend what should be the main culture. This is the worst. You may be talking to Chinese and foreigners could not understand the words. So my point of view, study abroad is a good thing, but before studying abroad, where you should look into the customs, a clear understanding of what they had really wanted. After a series of considerations, you can continue your study abroad.

(四) 第七周(Test Three)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Solve the Conflicts Among Students Outside School? You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 近年来,时有耳闻学生课外时有发生矛盾争吵,甚至闹出生命

2. 请分析发生这种现象的原因

3. 并给出今后对应的措施

近年来,时常听说学生在课外发生争吵,有的时候甚至将对方杀死。我分析,这些事件的发生不仅仅是学校的责任,更是整个社会的责任。 学校的责任在于并没有帮助同学进行压力的释放。学习压力和升学压力导致了同学们心中的焦躁和委屈,他们想宣泄却无从宣泄。所以他们会变得脾气火爆,从而一点的小矛盾就会打架争吵。作为学校来说,学校应该适当的对学生进行心理指导,放松他们的紧张情绪,从而减少争吵次数。 社会责任在于给学生制造了太多的压力,导致学生的压力过大,升学的压力被社会的就业压力不断提升,如果没有办法作出有效的措施来缓解这些压力,那么学生的压力将会越来越大,所以对社会来说适当减轻就业负担也是很重要的。 综上所述,这个问题并不是取决于一个问题,而是多个问题的集合,所以要慢慢解决

In recent years, I often heard that students in extracurricular quarrels, sometimes even kill each other. My analysis, the occurrence of these events is not just the responsibility of the school; it is the responsibility of society as a whole.

Is the responsibility of the school did not help the students to release stress. To learn stress and academic pressure led to the hearts of the students’ anxiety and resentment, without knowing where they want to give vent to vent. So they will become hot temper, so that conflicts will be fighting a small quarrel. As schools, the schools should the appropriate psychological guidance for students to relax their tension, thereby reducing the number of arguments.

Social responsibility is to create too much pressure on students, resulting in excessive pressure on students, studies of the pressure is rising employment pressure on society, if there is no way to make effective measures to alleviate these pressures, then the pressure of students will be increasingly bigger, so appropriate to reduce the employment burden on society is also very important.

In summary, the problem is not dependent on a problem, but a collection of a number of issues, so be gradually solved

(五) 第八周(Test Four)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Radio and Other Media. You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 尽管目前有许多传媒手段,收音机仍然在日常生活中起到重要作用

2. 收音机以听见长,吸引着我们的注意力

3. 从目前情形看,收音机不会轻易被其他传媒手段所代替。







第九周(Test Five)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On Reference Books. You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 目前市场上充斥着各种各样的参考书

2. 部分学生有过分以来参考书的倾向

3. 你对是由参考书的态度

目前市场上充斥着各种各样的参考书,同学们也喜欢买各种参考书来加强自己的成绩,甚至有部分同学过分的依赖了参考书,他们甚至认为只要有参考书就能拿更高的分数。就我而言,参考书不能太多,每个科目一本就可以了。 首先,参考书过多会导致重复的题目增加,降低学习的效率。大家都知道,学习很大意义上来说就是学习一种方法,目前可以通过做题目来掌握这个方法从而达到学习的目的。但是若这种方法被学会,那就不需要这些同类的问题了。所以书目的增多只会浪费时间。



终上所述,我认为太多的参考书不利于学生的发展。 Nowadays the book store is flooded with a variety of reference books, students also like to buy a variety of reference books to enhance their performance, and even some students over-relied on reference books, they even think you can take as long as there is more reference books higher scores. In my case, reference books can not be too much, each subject one on it.

First, the reference will result in excessive duplication of the subject increase, reducing the efficiency of learning. We all know that learning is learning a great sense, a way can now be subject to control by this method to achieve learning. However, if this method is learned, it does not need these kind of problems. Therefore, the increase in titles only wastes of time.

Second, the lack of reference books allow students to become dependent, are

attempting to do any one exercise from the reference books to find solutions to problems, rather than thinking through the brain to solve, although doing so successfully, but you do not really to master this method, this is also wrong. Finally, too many reference books give students time in class have a lazy mood, what they think they know everything they teach, so do not listen carefully, this is also wrong.Involved in reference to the subject so you really can not master these methods. In summary, I think a lot of reference books is not conducive to the development of students.

(六) 第10周的作文是写一篇记叙文(Unit 5)。内容和要求见课本155页。

(七) 第11周的作文是写一篇调查问卷(Unit 6) 内容和要求见课本181页。

(八) 第12周的作文是写一篇说明文(Unit 7) 内容和要求见课本图表作文


(九) 第13周的作文是写一篇海报(Unit 3) 内容和要求见课本85页。

(十) 第14周的作文是写一篇作文(Unit 8) 内容和要求见课本235页。



1. 登陆网站:http://writing.bingoenglish.com

2. “学生用户快速写作”下输入“作文序列号”:15988;并点击查询。

3. 输入:学号,姓名,学校名,班级

4. 写完后,按“提交作文”

5. 建议:先把作文写在word文档上,最后复制粘贴到写作网站上。


What Electives to Choose

1. 各大学为大学生开设了多种多样的选修课

2. 学生出于各种原因选择不同的选修课

3. 以我自己为例。。。。。。

Nowadays, many universities provide/offer ... The standards/purposes/reasons … differ/vary from individual to individual.

Some students, who …, prefer the electives … Some students choose the electives … Others take the electives …

There are also a few students who …

As far as I am concerned, …
