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篇一:七年级下册英语语法《Welcome 的用法》知识点整理

Welcome 的用法

Welcome to the show.欢迎来到本节目。

welcome 一词的常见用法归纳如下:


welcome to Beijing!欢迎来北京。

Welcome, come in, please. 欢迎,欢迎,请进来。

⑵作名词意为“欢迎,款待”,可用 warm (热烈的), cold (冷淡的), enthusiastic (热情的)等形容词作定语加以修饰。如:

The hostess gave us a warm welcome. 女主人热烈欢迎我们。

Her suggestion received a rather enthusiastic welcome. 她的建议颇受欢迎。


They welcome us warmly and showed us to our rooms.


He was warmly welcome back to Beijing.人们热烈欢迎他回到北京。

He didn’t welcome the suggestion. 他不欢迎这项建议。


a welcome guest 受欢迎的客人9. a welcome rain 甘霖

a most welcome suggestion 极受欢迎的建议

另外,用作表语时, welcome 意为“被允许的;可随意使用??的”。如:

You are welcome to use my car. 我的车你尽管用。

本文由 索罗学院 整理




1. 根据句意和单词首字母写单词, 完成句子。

1) Never before in history has a city been so completely d . Nothing is left but memories.

2) Her dream is to get a sto support her to finish her college.

3) The team won at last, people celebrated the o through the night.

4) She s the family as a cook for fifteen years.

5) He is interested in several subjects, i maths, physics, English and history.

6)Eating sweet dumplings is regarded as a cfor the Lantern Festival.

7) It is our Chinese t to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.

8) He bwater to make tea for the guests.

9) N, children often prefer watching TV to reading.

10) The great hall is d with flowers and balloons.

2. 用画线单词的适当形式填空。

1) They’ll hold a it every year. are afraid of .

3) We’ll the west part of our country.

4) He is a man. He holds absolute over everything in his company. followed theU3-l2

1. 根据句意和单词首字母写单词,完成句子。

1) —I have got the first place in the mid-exam.

—C !

2) The drug is not harmful, but is dangerous when it is taken with a .

3) Every student have chances to afor scholarships.

4) There are preparing rooms for the r of guests.

5) Teachers’ s is paid monthly.

6) She stood up and did something to her s arranged hair.

7) Luckily, I had a good o to study English.

8) He bought a big b of flowers for his wife on her birthday.

9) As my children grew into t,they needed more of my time.

10) Men in China usually r at the age of sixty.

2. 用适当的单词形式填空。

1) Most of his friends are retired people, but he still has a few years for the .

2) They received a letter of congratulations. It says, “ on your success!”

3) Some people hate alcohol, and even drinks.

4) At the desk, he handed back his room key to the receptionist.

5) A smart young man said to the dressed girls, “Welcome to the show!”


1. 根据句意和单词首字母写单词, 完成句子。

1) I’ll meet you at the e of the zoo tomorrow.

2) I appreciate your i3) She had light brown hair tied with a r.

4) I am going to be a the meeting.

5) Let’s drink(a toast) to the band bridegroom!

6) The road l all the new towns.

7) The club will hold a cvictory of the match.

8) Honesty and hard work c to success and


2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1) Please do not the before knocking on the door.

2) It was generous of her to such a large sum, which made a great _______to the organization.

3) I want to you to my party and I will be too glad to hear that you accept my . . from his fans.


1. 根据句意和单词首字母写单词, 完成句子。

1) The thief masked his face with a s2) Don’t take it s he’s only teasing.

3) He glued a stamp onto the e4) She put some d on the Christmas tree.

5) She sher anger and carried on.

6) These films are suitable for a only.

7) The boys were running in e .

8) This p has two pounds of fresh fruit in it.

9) We usually sing c before Christmas Day.

10) He put the c on the shelf.

2. 用适当的单词形式填空。

1) Do you think he is serious about leaving the company? I think he should think about it more .

2) We decorated the house with balloons and flowers so beautifully that all of us were satisfied with the 3) The good news excited everybody and the classroom was full of .

4) “I wish you a very happy future,” the boy said to the girl and shyly.


1. 1) destroyed 2) scholarship 3) occasions 4) served 5) including

6) celebration 7) tradition 8) boiled 9) Nowadays 10) decorated

2. 1) celebrate 2) darkness 3) graduation 4) power 5) traditions


1. 1) congratulations 2) alcohol 3) apply 4) reception 5) salary

6) smartly 7) opportunity 8) bunch 9) teenagers 10) retire

2. 1) retirement 2) Congratulate 3) alcoholic 4) reception

5) smartly


1. 1) entrance 2) invitation 3) ribbon 4) attending 5) bride 6) links

7) ceremony 8) contribute

2. 1) entrance 2) contribution 3) invitation 4) bridegroom

5) reception


1. 1) stocking 2) seriously 3) envelope 4) decorations 5) swallowed

6) adults 7) excitement 8) pudding 9) carols 10) calendar

2. 1) seriously 2) decoration 3) excitement 4) happily


welcome to the show


Stu: Hello ,and welcome to Lao Wai Kan Dongxi .the show where I teach you about the English language .But as you have already found out.I don’t know that

much about English. But today somebody is going to join me to help me teach you.Ally, welcome to the show!


Ally: Thank you very much for having me .非常感谢你们的邀请!

Stu: Ally, I hear you are quite famous in China.艾力,我听说你在中国人气很旺, Ally: Indeed.

Stu: How many Weibo followers do you have?那有多少人在微博上粉你呢? Ally: Well. 3 millions. Not bad.差多三百万吧,还不赖。

Stu: Oh,three millions .

Ally: So , how about you ?

Stu: I’ve got three........

Ally: What? What? What? I can’t hear ..........What?

Stu: I’ve got three thousand,

Ally:All right. I’m sorry.

Stu: Anyway ,let’s go to the first story .Stop laughing.我们先来看看第一个别笑了。词吧!

Ally: All right ,that’s our first term or you can say

But what dose it mean?

好的,这就是我们今天得第一个词汇“口误”。你也可以说“fluffing your line”,不过,这是什么意思呢?

Stu: Flubbing or fluffing your lines is when you got your lines wrong live on

television. That can be quite embarrassing as I’m sure you know .Now the reason why we are talking about the

term is because recently a video went popular in China of some very popular news reads fluffing their lines live on TV.


Ally: Ok,I guess you also fluff your lines a lot ,I guess.Right?

Stu: No.


Stu: Ally,come on make me look good on the show,please.


Ally:Yeah Yeah Yeah ,you never flub your lines.

Stu:Yeah .I never flub my lines,I never ever flub my lines.Unlike these people. 我从来没有过口误,这些人可就不一样了。

Ally: All right, that some of Chinese best news readers flubbing their lines. 好的,这就睡一些中国最棒的新闻主播口误的情形

Stu: Ally, do you think that was unprofessional?

Ally:Well,I think it’s quite understandable,because you know they are live and maybe

they want to laugh and they can’t ,it’s serious. I think........,well,I’d do the same thing,But seriously Stu,you never flub your lines.


Stu: Never

Ally: Are you sure?

Stu: Yeah ,I’ve never flubbed my lines.

Ally: Ok,what’s about this? Roll the tape.好吧,那这是怎么回事?来放一段录像。 Stu:Ally, I don’t know how you got hold of that video ,but I’m telling you now .My lawyers will be in contact with you later today.


Ally: Your lawyers?

Stu: All right,I don’t have any lawyer.but my Mom is gonna(going to) give you a phone call tonight.Don’t laugh ,it’s serious......Should we go to our next term ?Stop laughing.

Ally:偶像剧or ,it’s a new term for me,it’s a new genre of movie that’s

exploding onto the scene here in China. Began in around the year 2000 in Tai 。Wan somewhere ,I guess One of the very popular examples,must be ,right?


Stu:No ,I’m sure that was a fashion drama.时尚剧

Ally:Fashion drama?

Stu: What’s the difference ?

Ally:Huge difference ,man. Ok ,one is more dreamy an focused on a romantic plot.

While the other doesn’t.

区别可大了,偶像剧比较空幻更注重去苏兆罗曼蒂克的情节,时尚剧则不然。 Stu: For example.

Ally:Well,for example,There’s one so popular that’s called My Sunshine(何以笙箫

默),and that show stars one very famous Chinese actor Wallace Chung(钟汉 良) .Take a look.由非常有名的中国演员钟汉良主演,我们来一饱眼福。 Stu: Oh,dreamy.But I still I don’t really know the difference between the two.Do the

both have good looking actors?



Stu: Are they all dad at acting? 她们演技都很糟糕? —— Yes. Do they both have romantic music?它们都有浪漫的音乐? —— Yes. And unbelievable plot lines?夸张的剧情? —— Yes.

And........a lot of product placement? 很多植入广告? —— Yes,lots of them. And bad editing? 编排混乱? —— I’m afraid so.

Poor production? 粗制滥造? —— Yes.

Well,I still don’t really know the difference.Can we have a look at one? 我还是不知道这两者有什么区别。我们来看一部吧。

Ally:So Stu,was that a fashion drama or an idol drama?

Stu: I don’t know let’ You qian renxing Yes.


But before we start talking about it,I think we have to see why people are talking about it themselves.


Ally:Yeah,so there was a student from Wuhan who received a full scholarship from

the New York University.But not the one in the USA,but in the United Arab Emirates,which is A Llianqiu in Chinese.

是的, 一个来自武汉的学生他获得了纽约大约的全额奖学金,但不是美国的那个纽约大学,而是位于阿联酋的纽约大学。

Stu: Well,ok,I heard that scholarship was for one point eight million RMB or

3hundred thousand US dollars. Did you go to university? —— Yes. 我听说奖学金是180万人民币,

Stu:I went to university,Did you spend 3 hundred thousand US dollars? 你上大学花过30万美元吗?

Stu: I never spend 3 hundred thousand US dollars ,so this huge amount of (大量

的)money has prompted a lot of people online to start to talk about rich brats abroad and here in China.


Ally: Yes,and as part of the joke.Well,the poor people in China will do something like this.You know ,like me ,I’ll buy a yoghourt ,and I will lick the cover of the yoghourt,so that I can get the most of the product.


Stu: Yeah,I do that too.But now,a lot of people online have started to say that when

they become rich ,they’ll do something like this.But where does this Chinese term come from.

英雄所见略同,但很多人在网上开始说到当他们变得有钱之后,他们会这么做。 不过这个中文说法到底出自哪里?

Ally: Oh,there’s a story about rich guy who was a part of a deal,but halfway through the deal,the guy found out that he was being cheated.


Stu: And instead of,you know,reporting this guy,the swindler to the police .He

decided that he was going to let the swindler continue stealing cash,and he let

him steal more and more cash ,and then eventually he stopped.But when asked why he let the swindler do this,he said,it’s ok ,I’m rich.


Ally:Yeah,so basically now that term is going to describe people who are kind of

loose their money or 任性.So Stu are you one of these loose spender?

是的,所以基本上现在这个词汇,用来形容那些对钱不在乎的人或称其为“任性” Stu: No,See.I’m not rich enough.I would be a loose spender,but I just don’t have

money.Anyway, it’s time to wrap up(圆满完成) today’s show .Ally,did you have a nice time?


Ally:So good,man.I’d like to be here all the time.

Stu: Are you going to come back in the future?

Ally:For sure.

Stu: Good,great!So join us again for another Laowai Kan Dongxi You Dao talk show.And let’s say Bye—bye.

第六章 找回这颗心






篇四:外研版必修五 module1 听力文本


Part 1

Interviewer: Hello, and welcome to today's edition of In the air. As you know every week on this programme we discuss an aspect of the way we live now, and today's topic is the language we speak — English. So that's something which affects us all. The question is, what's going to happen to the way we speak English in the future? Are we all going to speak like Americans? Or will British English still exist? Later on we're going to ask you to phone in and give your views on the subject, but first we're going to speak to two young people, one American, and one British, who have spent time on an educational exchange in the other's country because we thought perhaps they would have some interesting ideas on the subject.

Part 2

Interviewer: I'd like to speak to our American guest first. Hi, Samantha, welcome to the show, and welcome to England!

Samantha: Thanks!

Interviewer: Where are you from?

Samantha: I'm from Albany, in New York State.

Interviewer: When did you arrive in the UK?

Samantha: Two months ago, in September, at the beginning of the school term.

Interviewer: How did you get to hear about the exchange?

Samantha: I saw an advertisement in my school magazine back in the states.

Interviewer: Where are you attending school now?

Samantha: In Leeds, in Yorkshire.

Interviewer: And how are you getting on?

Samantha: I'm getting on just fine, now that I understand the local accent. Interviewer: So, it was difficult at first?

Samantha: Yes, because I didn't get what people were saying for a couple of days. I think that was the biggest problem I had when I arrived. Interviewer: But then you got used to it?

Samantha: Yes — and now it seems quite normal. In fact, in some ways the accent here, in the north of England, reminds me of American English.

Interviewer: How do you mean?

Samantha: Well, like they say bath instead of bath, or Do you want to dance instead of dance, like they do in other parts of Britain.

Interviewer: What's been the most positive thing about the exchange so far?

Samantha: Definitely the people, especially the other students in my class. They're really friendly.

Interviewer: Is there anything else you like about living in Britain?

Samantha: Lots of things, like the music scene in Leeds, for instance. I like Leeds because there's more going on here than back home in the states. The school has a creative music laboratory, which is really interesting.

Interviewer: I've got a question to ask you, Samantha, about the future of English. Do you think in the future everyone will speak American English?

Samantha: No, why should they? Since English is spoken all over the world, I guess it's only natural that there are lots of varieties.

Interviewer: So do you think you'll go home speaking with a north of England accent?

Samantha: Oh no, I didn't mean that!

Interviewer: Well now I'd like to turn to our other guest, another exchange student, that's eighteen-year-old Callum Nightingale. Callum, you recently returned from the US. How long were you there?

Callum: Ten months altogether.

Interviewer: And where were you?

Callum: I was in a fertile agricultural region, in a fairly small town in Mississippi.

Interviewer: That's quite a long way south, isn't it?

Callum: Yes, it is.

Interviewer: What was the most difficult problem you had?

Callum: I reckon it was the climate; it was hot and humid for a lot of the time.

Interviewer: How did you get on with American English?

Callum: Well, I didn't really have any problems with the accent. It was easy to understand, they speak rather slowly.

Interviewer: But did they understand you?

Callum: That's a good point. I think they did. As I was the only British person in the school they made a fuss of me. The girls all said my accent was cute.

Interviewer: What was the best moment of your stay?

Callum: I think it was the prom, that's the school dance at the end of the year.

Interviewer: I want to ask you a couple of questions about American English. Did you find that a lot of words are different?

Callum: Yes, especially at school — they have grades, we have years, then the names of subjects are a bit different, like "civics", which basically means law and government. And some sports are different — football means American football, not soccer — I actually played in the soccer team. Then the American word for maths is math, without the "s" — that seems like a very small detail. But the first time I heard it, it sounded strange ... but you get used to it. When I came home my mum said I had picked up an American accent, but it's worn off now I think.

Interviewer: Callum, do you think that in the future everybody will speak an American variety of English?

Callum: Maybe yes. I think the British will speak American English because they hear it every day now, on TV, in films and so on. Interviewer: And are you happy about that?

Callum: I don't know. I suppose I don't mind, really. Everything changes sooner or later.

Mary: Hi there, I'm Mary Mansi. Welcome to another edition of the phone-in programme where we talk about talking: "Speaking of Language". Call us with your questions. The number is 0203-444-666, and calls are free. In the studio with us today is Professor Evans from the UK. Welcome, sir!

Professor Evans: Thanks, good morning, Mary.

Mary: How long have you studied language and the way we speak, sir? Professor Evans: I've been interested in words and how we use them since I was a small boy. I grew up in the North of England, as you can hear from my accent. Now I live in a small town in Wales, where people speak English with a strong Welsh accent. And my wife is Australian so I hear three different English accents every day!

Mary: Ok, great. Now let's go to our first caller. Good morning ma'am. Lili: Hi there Mary, this is Lili Wang. I'm from Shanghai but my husband

篇五:【人教版】八年级上册英语:Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show试题及答案

Test for Unit 5

听 力 部 分 (20分)


( )1.What does John want to watch?

( )2.What does the man want to know from the news?

( )3.What does Jack like to watch?

( )4.Where does the girl want to go?

( )5.Who is the boy's favorite cartoon character?


( )6.A.I love it. B.I don't watch it. C.Alan likes to watch it.

( )7.A.She wants to be beautiful. B.She doesn't like the watch.

C.She likes the ring.

( )8.A.Thank you. B.He doesn't mind it. C.Yes,he likes it.

( )9.A.They are talking to the teacher.

B.They can't stand them. C.I don't like it.

( )10.A.Yes,I like it very much. B.No,he doesn't like it.

C.It is for mothers.



( )11.Which of the following does Mike like?

A.Animal World. B.Sports shows. C.Action movies.

( )12.What does Mike think of Animal World?

A.He likes it very much.

B.He doesn't like it because it's boring.

C.He thinks it is interesting.


( )13.What does Paul give to Tina?

A.Some comedy books. B.Some cartoon books.

C.Some Mickey Mouse toys.

( )14.Who is Tina's favorite cartoon character?

A.Mickey. B.Snow White. C.Lion King.

( )15.What does Mickey look like?

A.He has a small red nose.

B.He has two small round ears.

C.He has two large round ears.


( )16.This is a letter from Wendy to________.

A.Linda B.Sandy C.Mary

( )17.Wendy likes the watch because________.

A.it tells the time B.it is beautiful C.it is very nice

( )18.Wendy can't stand________.

A.soap operas B.sports shows C.sitcoms

( )19.________likes soap operas very much.

A.Wendy B.Mary's sister C.Wendy's sister

( )20.What does Wendy think of talk shows?

A.She doesn't like them. B.She doesn't mind them.

C.She loves them.

笔 试 部 分(100分)


( )21.—________do you think________the weather today?

—It's pretty good.

A.How,of B.What,of C.What,of D.How,about

( )22.—Mr.Yang bought an expensive car last week.

—Really?He must be very________.

A.shy B.talented C.friendly D.rich

( )23.—________I borrow your math book?

—Sure.Here you are.

A.Need B.Will C.May D.Must

( )24.—Can you tell me why he is late?

—Sorry,I don't know the________.

A.menu B.culture C.reason D.role

( )25.—Welcome to our show,Miss Liu!


A.You are welcome B.Thanks a lot

C.It is right D.I'm sorry

( )26.—How do you like Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?

—I can't________it.It has some bad plots(情节) for kids.

A.stand B.mind C.read D.watch

( )27.You don't need to________to go to the pub(酒吧)—just jeans and a T-shirt are OK.

A.dress up B.get up C.look up D.put up

( )28.The singer often________on TV.We know her very well.

A.happens B.becomes C.appears D.takes

( )29.We must________who broke the mirror yesterday.

A.come out B.find out C.go out D.put out

( )30.—Where are you going for vacation,John?

—I plan________to Dalian.

A.go B.going C.went D.to go

( )31.William doesn't ________ talk show and Jack can't ________ soap operas.

A.like,mind B.stand,love C.mind,stand D.stand,mind

( )32.—Who likes watching news?

—Greg does.He hopes________about everything new.

A.know B.knowing C.to know D.knew

( )33.—Do you like Phoenix Legend(凤凰传奇)?

—Yes.I think it is one of________musical groups in China now.

A.most popular B.more popular

C.popular D.the most popular

( )34.—What will you do after you finish your schoolwork?

—My parents expect me________a writer.

A.to become B.becoming C.becomes D.became

( )35.—________?

—I don't mind them.

A.What's your favorite movie

B.Why do you like soap operas

C.What's wrong with you

D.What do you think of sitcoms

Ⅵ.完形填空。(10分) American boys and girls love to watch TV.Some children __36__six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV set.Some children even watch TV for eight __37__ or more on Saturdays or Sundays.

A child can learn geographical(地理学的) things from __38__.Some shows help children to understand the news from other parts of the __39__.Some programs show people places from other countries or other times in history.Children can watch a play,a concert,or a soccer __40__at home.Some programs even __41__children how to use computers or how to cook.It's __42__ to watch TV.

But as the saying goes:Every coin has two sides.One problem from American kids is that they watch __43__ TV.They don't have much __44__ to do other activities.Playing,reading,spending time with friends and families are much better

than sitting in front of a TV.Another problem is that not all programs are __45__ ones.Children also learn something bad from TV.

( )36.A.make B.take C.spend D.keep

( )37.A.days B.hours C.minutes D.weeks

( )38.A.class B.school C.teachers D.TV

( )39.A.family B.country C.world D.time

( )40.A.match B.player C.team D.fan

( )41.A.teach B.like C.mind D.talk

( )42.A.bad B.awful C.popular D.fun

( )43.A.a little B.little C.too much D.too many

( )44.A.money B.time C.information D.work

( )45.A.bad B.interesting C.boring D.good



Host:Welcome to 8 o'clock Face to Face.Tonight we are going to talk to Linda,a 14-year-old girl.Welcome to the show,Linda.

Linda:Thank you.

Host:Do you like to watch TV very much?

Linda:Yes,I like to watch TV very much.

Host:What do you think of soap operas?

Linda:Oh,I love them.

Host:Me,too.And how about sports shows?

Linda:I don't mind them.

Host:Really? And what do you think of sitcoms?

Linda:I don't like them.

Host:And talk shows?

Linda:That's great!I like them.

Host:And what do you think of game shows?

Linda:Oh,I can't stand them.They're so boring.

Host:OK!That is interesting.Thanks for joining us.


( )46.Linda doesn't like to watch TV.

( )47.Linda likes soap operas very much.

( )48.Linda doesn't mind sitcoms.

( )49.Linda also likes talk shows.

( )50.Linda can't stand game shows.

( )51.What time does the show “ ” begin? A.10:00. B.9:20. C.13:30. D.22:00.

( )52.What type is the show “Tokyo Love Story”?

A.Sitcom. B.Sports show.

C.Soap opera. D.Music.

( )53.Which two shows begin at the same time?

A.Face To Face and Romantic Dream.

B.Happy Family and China Music.

C.Chinese Mother and Football Magazine.

D.Chinese Mother and Happy Family.

( )54.Which program is Fashion Show?

A.Romantic Dream. B.News.

C.Face To Face. D.China Sports.

( )55.Which channel has the show “Good Friend Contest”?



Brad,Kevin and Tina are three kids from America.They like watching different TV shows.Let's learn about what they like watching.

Brad:I like cartoons very much,such as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.They're very fun.I'm a player so I also like watching sports games,such as soccer games,basketball games,tennis games and so on.The games are exciting,and the players are great.Wang Hao is my favorite player.I can learn a lot from him.

Kevin:I like Animal World best,because I like animals.I watch the program about animals on weekends.The program tells us something about animals.We can know lots of animals from it.We can also know how to protect(保护) them.

Tina:As a girl,I like soap operas and sitcoms.I like watching them because they can make me feel happy.

( )56.The three kids are from________.

A.China B.America C.England D.France

( )57.Brad is a player and he likes________.

A.game shows B.Animal World

C.soap operas D.cartoons and sports games

( )58.________is Brad's favorite player.

A.Wang Hao B.Yao Ming

C.Deng Yaping D.Li Ning

( )59.Kevin watches the TV show Animal World________.

A.on weekends B.on Monday

C.on Friday D.every day
