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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 05:23:59 作文素材



三鹿奶粉事件的思考 ●题目●












这一事件的发生,给人们以教育:欲建立企业,先建立信誉;欲做大企业,先做好信誉;欲做强企业,必牢守信誉。诚实守信一向被我们民族视为“立人之本”、“立政之本”、“进德修业之本”。 “三鹿奶粉”事件固然给消费者家庭、给社会造成了严重危害,但害人者必害己,损人者必损己。始作俑者正在受到党纪政纪的严肃处理、国家法律的严厉制裁;生产厂家由红红火火的发展变成了现在破产,全国奶产业的生产受到了很大冲击,严重影响了在国际市场的竞争力。深刻的教训告诉我们:在信用交易已经成为现代市场主要交易形式的历史条件下,在全社会倡导诚实守信、建立健全社会信用制度,不仅是建立社会主义市场经济秩序、促进市场公平竞争的基础,也是提高国内外市场融合度的必然要求。诚实守信,不仅是做人之根本,也是企业生存和发展之根本。


在这次事件的背后 是我们的监督机制不完善的深刻体现。食品缺乏有效的监督,在当今的社会下,厂家必定以自家利益为中心,将人民的身心健康抛诸脑后,采取各种方式来实现自己利益的最大化。在此之前的安徽阜阳的劣质奶粉致大头娃娃事件,金华火腿事件,苏丹红事件,毒酒,毒大米??种种事实表明,缺乏有力的监督,厂家难以以消费者的利益为中心,从而无法保证食品相应的质量安全。





Sanlu Group, a leading Chinese dairy producer, said it had found in its self-check that some of its baby milk powder products were contaminated by tripolycyanamide.

It has decided to recall all the baby milk powder it had produced before Aug. 6 this year.

Recently, quite a number of infant kidney stone cases were reported in Gansu and other provinces. Investigations showed that most of the baby patients had drank the Sanlu formula before.

At least one baby in the northwest province had died as a result of kidney stones.



China's latest tainted product crisis ha(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:作文三鹿奶粉事件简介)s spread to its liquid milk industry, the country's quality watchdog said Friday, USA Today reported. 危机已经扰乱了奶制品产业,自奶粉中发现工业品三聚氰胺后,厂家纷纷开始大量回收奶粉。

The crisis has already roiled the dairy industry, with widespread recalls after the industrial chemical melamine was found in milk powder. 目前事件已导致4名婴死亡,6200人感染疾病。

It has been linked to four infant deaths and illnesses in 6,200 others. 国家质检总局周五透露,中国三大主要奶制品公司所生产的液态奶中也被发现含有三聚氰胺。

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said milk in liquid form by three leading Chinese dairies has been found to be contaminated with melamine Friday.


A report posted on the agency's website said test results show nearly 10% of samples taken from Mengniu Dairy Group Co. and Yili Industrial Group Co. contained up to 8.4 mg of melamine per kg.


They are China's two largest dairy companies.


Milk from Shanghai-based Bright Dairy also shows melamine contamination.


And so QSIQ revoked the status of "China's famous brands" of "Mengniu" liquid milk "Guangming" liquid milk and "Yili" liquid milk of Yili Industrial Group Co.


Melamine has no nutritional value but is high in nitrogen, making products with it appear higher in protein.


Suppliers trying to cut costs are believed to have added the toxic chemical to watered-down milk to cover up the resulting protein deficiency.


To address the problem, China's quality watchdog raised the bar on food safety September 18, revoking a special status that helped some producers avoid inspections, Bloomberg reported.


The government will immediately cease bestowing "inspection-free'' status on food producers, ordering them to stop citing the privilege in advertisements, QSIQ said on its Web site.


At least two producers, China Mengniu Dairy Co. and Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., enjoyed exemption from government inspection on some products,


enabling them to develop new yogurt flavors and blended-milk products without having to undergo inspections.


The country's quality control watchdog has found that one-fifth of companies producing milk powder in China had melamine in their products



Sanlu Group, a leading Chinese dairy producer, said it had found in its self-check that some of its baby milk powder products were contaminated by tripolycyanamide.

It has decided to recall all the baby milk powder it had produced before Aug. 6 this year.

Recently, quite a number of infant kidney stone cases were reported in Gansu and other provinces. Investigations showed that most of the baby patients had drank the Sanlu formula before.

At least one baby in the northwest province had died as a result of kidney stones.



China's latest tainted product crisis has spread to its liquid milk industry, the country's quality watchdog said Friday, USA Today reported. 危机已经扰乱了奶制品产业,自奶粉中发现工业化学品三聚氰胺后,厂家纷纷开始大量回收奶粉。

The crisis has already roiled the dairy industry, with widespread recalls after the industrial chemical melamine was found in milk powder. 目前事件已导致4名婴幼儿死亡,6200人感染疾病。

It has been linked to four infant deaths and illnesses in 6,200 others. 国家质检总局周五透露,中国三大主要奶制品公司所生产的液态奶中也被发现含有三聚氰胺。

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (QSIQ) said milk in liquid form by three leading Chinese dairies has been found to be contaminated with melamine Friday.


A report posted on the agency's website said test results show nearly 10% of samples taken from Mengniu Dairy Group Co. and Yili Industrial Group Co. contained up to 8.4 mg of melamine per kg.


They are China's two largest dairy companies.


Milk from Shanghai-based Bright Dairy also shows melamine contamination.


And so QSIQ revoked the status of "China's famous brands" of "Mengniu" liquid milk "Guangming" liquid milk and "Yili" liquid milk of Yili Industrial Group Co.


Melamine has no nutritional value but is high in nitrogen, making products with it appear higher in protein.


Suppliers trying to cut costs are believed to have added the toxic chemical to watered-down milk to cover up the resulting protein deficiency.


To address the problem, China's quality watchdog raised the bar on food safety September 18, revoking a special status that helped some producers avoid inspections, Bloomberg reported.


The government will immediately cease bestowing "inspection-free'' status on food producers, ordering them to stop citing the privilege in advertisements, QSIQ said on its Web site.


At least two producers, China Mengniu Dairy Co. and Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., enjoyed exemption from government inspection on some products,


enabling them to develop new yogurt flavors and blended-milk products without having to undergo inspections.


The country's quality control watchdog has found that one-fifth of companies producing milk powder in China had melamine in their products



Sanlu Group, a leading Chinese dairy producer, said it had found in its self-check that some of its baby milk powder products were contaminated by tripolycyanamide.

It has decided to recall all the baby milk powder it had produced before Aug. 6 this year.

Recently, quite a number of infant kidney stone cases were reported in Gansu and other provinces. Investigations showed that most of the baby patients had drank the Sanlu formula before.

At least one baby in the northwest province had died as a result of kidney stones.



China's latest tainted product crisis has spread to its liquid milk industry, the country's quality watchdog said Friday, USA Today reported. 危机已经扰乱了奶制品产业,自奶粉中发现工业化学品三聚氰胺后,厂家纷纷开始大量回收奶粉。

The crisis has already roiled the dairy industry, with widespread recalls after the industrial chemical melamine was found in milk powder. 目前事件已导致4名婴幼儿死亡,6200人感染疾病。

It has been linked to four infant deaths and illnesses in 6,200 others. 国家质检总局周五透露,中国三大主要奶制品公司所生产的液态奶中也被发现含有三聚氰胺。

The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (QSIQ) said milk in liquid form by three leading Chinese dairies has been found to be contaminated with melamine Friday.


A report posted on the agency's website said test results show nearly 10% of samples taken from Mengniu Dairy Group Co. and Yili Industrial Group Co. contained up to 8.4 mg of melamine per kg.


They are China's two largest dairy companies.


Milk from Shanghai-based Bright Dairy also shows melamine contamination.


And so QSIQ revoked the status of "China's famous brands" of "Mengniu" liquid milk "Guangming" liquid milk and "Yili" liquid milk of Yili Industrial Group Co.


Melamine has no nutritional value but is high in nitrogen, making products with it appear higher in protein.


Suppliers trying to cut costs are believed to have added the toxic chemical to watered-down milk to cover up the resulting protein deficiency.


To address the problem, China's quality watchdog raised the bar on food safety September 18, revoking a special status that helped some producers avoid inspections, Bloomberg reported.


The government will immediately cease bestowing "inspection-free'' status on food producers, ordering them to stop citing the privilege in advertisements, QSIQ said on its Web site.


At least two producers, China Mengniu Dairy Co. and Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., enjoyed exemption from government inspection on some products,


enabling them to develop new yogurt flavors and blended-milk products without having to undergo inspections.


The country's quality control watchdog has found that one-fifth of companies producing milk powder in China had melamine in their products



三鹿 Sanlu

三聚氰胺 melamine

结石门 Kidney Stones Gate

婴幼儿配方奶粉 baby formula

奶粉 Milk Powder

奶农 dairy farmers

乳制品行业 Dairy Industry

母乳喂奶 breast-feed (vs bottle-feed)

食品安全 food safety

假冒伪劣产品 counterfeited products

中国驰名商标 top China brand

国家免检产品 national inspection-free product

国家质检总局 State Quality Inspection Administration 中国制造 Made in China
