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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:15:59 体裁作文


1. [A] 45 minutes. [B] 35 minutes. [C] 30 minutes. [D] 15 minutes.


2. [A] Yes, but on condition that the woman would turn down the radio.

[B] Yes, he doesn't know he is disturbing the woman. [C] No, because the radio is so loud.

[D] No, he is not able to turn down the radio.【参考答案】:A

3. [A] The department store. [C] The bookstore. [D] The drugstore.



[A] He is not sick. [B] He is feeling better now. [C] His brother Jack is always ill.

[D] He is still not very well.【参考答案】:A


[A] Caller and operator. [B] Customer and shop-assistant. [C] A woman looking for the place and a passer-by. [D] A woman looking for the place and a taxi-driver.



[A] Spring. [B] Summer. [C] Autumn. 【参考答案】:C

7. [A] $ 400. [B] More than $ 400. [C] Less than $ 400. [D] Around $ 400.


8. [A] Taking a picture. [B] Doing a hair-cut. [C] Hunting. [D] Shooting.【参考答案】:A 题 9 9. [A] The woman has bought a house. [B] The house is situated in a good neighbourhood. [C] She will live there forever. [D] Both A and B. 【参考答案】:D

题 10

[A] Fred is an interesting man. [B] Fred always says what he means. [C] Fred is not dependable. [D] Fred hardly tells.



Directions:In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.[题数:18;分数:36分;参考时间:11分54秒] 题 11 - 14


11. [A] On Thursday. [B] On Friday. [C] On Saturday. [D] On Sunday.

【参考答案】:C【题目解析】:该对话围绕“野餐准备工作”展开。该题是对“野餐时间”这一细节内容的考查,该题答案出现在对话的首句I'm going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday's picnic later.中,关键词是Saturday,所以答案应是C)。

12. [A] At a park. [B] At the beach. [C] At Dave's house. [D] By a river.


【题目解析】:该题是对“野餐地点”这一具体内容的考查。从Well,everyone has been talking about having a barbecue down by the river可知,野餐地点应是“小河边”,因此选择答案D),句中的barbecue表示“吃烤肉食品的野餐会”。


[A] She has been working a lot recently. [B] She has been taking care of her sick mother.

[C] She has been taking two night classes. [D] She has been looking for a new job.

【参考答案】:A【题目解析】:该题答案出现在she's been very busy working two jobs一句中,也就是说“她正忙于做两项工作”,选项中最符合此意的只有A)。

[A] Cherry pie. [B] Chocolate cake. [C] Beef pudding. [D] Toasted bread.【参考答案】:A

【题目解析】:该题是对“野餐甜点”这一内容的考查。要做好该题,把握好maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few cherry pies like she did last time.这一句是关键,其中cherry pies是最关键的内容,表示“樱桃馅饼”,选项B)、C)、D)分别表示“巧克力蛋糕”、“牛肉布丁”、“烤面包”,因此都不符合题意,只有选项A)是正确的。

题 15 - 17


15. [A] To a park. [B] To a movie theater. [C] To a concert.

[D] To a museum. 【参考答案】:D

【题目解析】:由Hey Taxi!,Where to?两句可判定,这是一则发生在出租车司机和乘客间的谈话。该题是对谈话中“女乘客的目的地”这一具体内容的考查。该问题恰与对话中司机的提问Where to?从女乘客的回答Well,I'm going to the National Museum of Art可确定,答案是D),表示“去博物馆”。选项A)、B)、C)分别表示“去公园”、“去影剧院”、“去看音乐片”,都不符合题意。

16. [A] In five minutes. [B] In ten minutes. [C] In twelve minutes. [D] In twenty minutes.

【参考答案】:C【题目解析】:该题是对“到达目的地所需要的时间”这一具体内容的考查,该问题恰好与对话中女乘客的提问How long does it take to get there?司机对这一提问的回答?it shouldn't take more than twenty minutes for the average driver.And I'm not average.I have driving down to an art,?get there in less than twelve minutes.。该回答中的have driving down to an art表示“驾车技艺精湛”,cruise through the traffic表示“从车来人往中慢速驶过”,其中对于该题来说,最关键的信息是?get there in less than twelve minutes一句,由此可知该司机驾车12分钟内即可到达目的地,因此选C)。


[A] To a party. [B] To a restaurant. [C] To a play. [D] To a business meeting.

【参考答案】:B 【题目解析】:对话中can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?以及How do I get there from the museum?两句暗示了对话中女乘客从博物馆出来后要去餐馆用餐,所以选B)。

题 18 - 21


[A] When to move. [B] Where to live the following year. [C] How much time to spend at home. [D] Whose house to visit.【参考答案】:B




[A] Take some money to the housing office.

[B] Inform the director of student housing in a letter.

[C] Fill out a form in the library,

[D] Maintain a high grade average.

【参考答案】:A 【题目解析】:对话中男士说You,d better hurry up if you want a room next September,而从前面的对话内容(make my dormitory deposit for next year)可知男士说的hurry up指的是赶紧去交dormitory deposit,由此可知如果要住学校的房子,就要付一些钱给housing office,因此答案选(A)。

[A] Both live on campus.

[B] Both live off campus.

[C] The man lives on campus; the woman lives off campus.

[D] The woman lives on campus; the man lives on campus.




[A] Grades. [B] Privacy. [C] Sports. [D] Money.【参考答案】:D

【题目解析】:从男士的话Think of the money you'd save可以判断他关心的是money,因此答案选(D)。(A)Grades是女士关心的问题。(B)和(C)两项对话中未谈及。

题 22 - 24



[A] She's impressed with the ticket sellers.

[B] She's pleased about the man's purchase.

[C] She's uncertain about the change in plans.

[D] She's resigned to the situation.


【题目解析】:此题考查女士对what's happening的态度。从buy concert tickets和all these people in front of me可以判断what's happening就是排队买票的situation。女士说自己等了45 minutes,之后又补充说a couple?finally gave up and left,这些都说明她为了买到tickets而情愿等候。选项(D)?resigned to the situation “顺从这种情形”符合题干要求。 23.

[A] By writing a personal check.

[B] By changing them to their personal account.

[C] By paying in cash.

[D] By using a store credit card.

【参考答案】:C【题目解析】:预览选项可知此题考查的是付款方式。女士最后说,they are not caking phone orders,or checks,or credit cards.It's cash or nothing,?。这就说明除了cash“现金”,其他方式都不行,因此选(C)。选项(B)中的charge?to one's account意为“把?记在某人帐上,赊购”。


[A] Stay where he is.

[B] Go home to telephone the order.

[C] Try to get the tickets elsewhere.

[D] Return after lunch.


【题目解析】:男士在对话结束时说“Tickets for a good concert are worth waiting for”。既然他认为买票看一场好的音乐会是值得等待的,那么他肯定会等下去,即选项(A)。

题 25 - 28



[A] The relationship of purchases to time spent in shopping.

[B] The length of time required {or drugstore shopping.

[C] The increases in the size and stock of drugstores.

[D] The buying of clothing from department stores.




[A] A druggist's suggestion.

[B] An article.

[C] An advertisement.

[D] A sales clerk's comment.


【题目解析】:本题要抓住对话的开始部分。对话开头听到女士说read a fact,接着男士明确指出I saw that article,而录音中没有提到其他三个选项。


[A] People enjoy shopping in them.

[B] People spend little time in them.

[C] People are more likely to buy something in them if time is limited.

[D] People spend too much time reading articles about quick cures sold in drugstores.


【题目解析】:三个选项出现in them,最。后一个选项是in drugstores,不难看出them指代drugstores。对话在围绕购物与时间的关系:时间有限,目的性反而更强,更容易做出购物的决定。其他选项在文中都找不到依据。


[A] They know what they want to buy.

[B] They have little money to spend.

[C] The, talk themselves out of purchase.

[D] They shop at the cheapest stores.


× 1.

[A] Check the time of high tide. [B] Go stand under the clock. [C] Wait a little longer.

[D] Look for the traffic light. 【参考答案】:C

× 2.

[A] Catch a cold.

[B] Hurry to get the bus.

[C] Sit next to the bus stop.

[D] Fix his torn sleeve.


× 3.

[A] The room is on fire.

[B] The two persons are bothered by the smoke.

[C] There is very little breeze.

[D] The two persons are not permitted in the room.


× 4.

[A] He's a boat builder. [B] He smokes a pipe. [C] He paints in watercolours. [D] He fixes pipes.【参考答案】:D

× 5.

[A] A trip she has already taken.

[B] A trip she takes frequently.

[C] A restaurant she owns.

[D] A famous statue in Philadelphia.


× 6.

[A] Barry no longer lives in New York.

[B] Barry doesn't know how to be economical.

[C] The woman called Barry in California.

[D] The woman didn't ever meet Barry.


× 7.

[A] She gave a lecture to the psychology class.

[B] She advised the man to see a psychologist.

[C] She persuaded the man not to take the course.

[D] She convinced the man to apply to graduate school.


√ 8.

[A] He thought about it once.

[B] He thinks the weather is great.

[C] The school has never had to close.

[D] Weather caused the school to close on one occasion.


[A] Bob isn't ready to buy a new car yet.

[B] Bob has two cars, a new one and an old one.

[C] Bob's old car is still in good condition.

[D] Bob doesn't know much about cars.


√ 10.

[A] She doesn't like dessert.

[B] She had dessert long ago.

[C] She isn't pleased with the service.

[D] She got the wrong dessert.



Cambridge 4 TEST 1

1. ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视 v.

2. encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v.

3. mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n.

4. easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj.

5. change=modify(modification) 改变v.

6. destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n.

7. investigate=make inquiries=go into=probe=look into 调查v.

8. where=geographical location 表地点

9. important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj.

10. reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n.

11. protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v.

12. newspapers, television=media媒体n.

13. where to live=habitat居住地n.

14. get warmer=global warming变暖n.

15. contribute to=play a part有助于v.

16. survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v.

17. curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.

18. link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.

19. underdeveloped=degenerated=rudimentary不发达的adj.

20. poor=bad=badly=not very good=no good at something=weak贫穷的,可怜的adj.

21. exceptional=good=excellent=outstanding=brilliant=impressive=admirable超常的,例外的adj.

22. mating=courtship交配.

23. follow=track=tail=shadow=hound=stalk=stalker跟随,跟踪v.

24. good vision ability=vision is obviously more useful…好的视力

25. best=well=greatest=finest=ideal=top=number one


26. surprised=amazed=astonished=astounded=be taken aback=startled感到惊讶的adj.

27. volunteer=subject实验研究对象n.

28. similar=resemble=like=alike相似的adj.

29. blind=can not see瞎的adj.

Cambridge 4 TEST 2

1. initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.

2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on the increase=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.

3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.

4. more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.

5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.

6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.

7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.

8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传统的adj.

9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v.

10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.

11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.

12. inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.

13. differ from=unusual与…不同v.

14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.

15. consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.

16. alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=variant另一个

17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.

18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.

19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.



21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.

22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病 n.

23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系 n.

24. beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody

good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的 adj.

25. insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解 n.

26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的 adj.

27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.

28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随

29. mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的 adj.

30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.

31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少 n.

32. class=type=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.

33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习 n.

34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴 n.

35. defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.

36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.

37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助 v.

38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的adj.

39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质 n.

40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境 n.

41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.

42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.

43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.

Cambridge 4 TEST 2 1. initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.

2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on the

increase=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.

3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.

4. more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.

5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.

6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.

7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.

8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传统的adj.

9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v.

10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.

11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.

12. inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.

13. differ from=unusual与…不同v.

14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.

15. consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.

16. alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=variant另一个

17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.

18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.

19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.



21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.

22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病 n.

23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系 n.

24. beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody

good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的 adj.

25. insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解 n.

26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的 adj.

27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.

28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随

29. mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的 adj.

30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.

31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少 n.

32. class=type=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.

33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习 n.

34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴 n.

35. defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.

36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.

37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助 v.

38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的adj.

39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质 n.

40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境 n.

41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.

42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.

43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.

Cambridge 4 TEST 3

1. quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言n.

2. exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of

something=to give an example of something 例证 v.

3. explain=tell=say what/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go

through=throw/shed light on=set out解释v.

4. outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述 v.

5. purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end目的 n.

6. encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do

something=influence=encourage=talk somebody into=put somebody up to鼓励 v.

7. loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款 n.

8. poverty= being poor贫穷n.

9. crime= illegal activities in general犯罪 n.

10. reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝 v.

11. employ=give somebody a job=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.

12. courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员 n.

13. storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.

14. facility=rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n.

15. ambitious=ambition=power-hungry/power-mad=competitive= determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc.有志向的,雄心壮志的 adj.

16. effort=to try very hard to do something= attempt=campaign=drive努力 n.

17. feature= a part of something that you notice because it seems important,

interesting, or typical;a part of the land, especially a part that you can see: a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc特点 n.

18. planet= the world=earth/Earth=the globe 地球 n.

19. unpredictable=can't say/tell=unforeseeable=it remains to be seen 无法预测的 adj.

20. machinery=machines, especially large ones= a system or set of processes for doing something=machine=device=robot=appliance=mechanism 机械 n.

篇三:冀教版小学英语第七册 Lesson 13 Where Do They Live教学设计

冀教版小学英语第七册 Lesson 13: Where Do They Live?教学设计

一、 教学内容

本课学生要能理解并熟练运用动物类单词:panda, snake, giraffe, zebra.能够对他们的栖息地进行问答,Where does a _____ live? In a_____.使学生对英语有好奇心,能交流简单的句型。

二、 教学目标



(2)能对他们居住地进行问答: Where does a ____ live? In a _______.



三、 教学重难点

1. 教学重点


(2)能对他们居住地进行问答:Where does a ____ live? In a ___。


(1) 能对他们居住地进行问答:Where does a ____ live? In a_____.

(2) 能熟练运用所学知识,对其他动物的居住地进行介绍。

四、 教法与学法



五、 教学准备


六、 教学过程

Step 1: warm-up


2、Sing a song “Old Macdonald had a farm.”



T: Animals are lovely. I love animals. Do you love animals? Ss: Yes! We love animals.

T: Now I will say some sentences about animals, some are right, but some are wrong. You please show me different actions to tell me if it is right or wrong.


1. A bird has wings.(将鸟的图片贴在黑板上)

2. A fish has fur. (将鱼的图片贴在黑板上)

3. A rabbit has two long ears.

4. A horse has a short tail.

T: Good. Now I have no pictures for you. You please listen carefully and do the actions as quickly as you can. Ready?

5. A lion has a pouch.

6. A tiger has stripes.

7. An elephant has a trunk.

8. A kangaroo has a mane.


Step 2: New concepts

1. Guessing game

T: Today we are going to learn Lesson 13 Where Do They Live?(板书课题)。First I want to introduce four friends. Who are they? Let’s guess.

(1) It is white and black. It is fat. In China we call it “国宝”. What is it?

(2) It has no arms and no legs. It is long. It looks like a line. What is it?

(3) It looks like a horse, but it has stripes. What is it?

(4) It is very tall. It has a long neck. What is it?


教读每一个单词,其中要读出单词中的元音及音节,并在四线三格中书写 panda与snake.将其图片贴在鸟与鱼的下方。

2. Finding homes

T: Here I have another picture. Look, what can you see? What are they? Are they happy? (教师出示一张被关在笼子里的伤心的动物图片).

Ss: No.

T: They are not happy. They are sad. They are crying. Why? Because they are in a cage. They have no free. Animals are our friends, so today let’s set them free and help them find their homes. (出示树木的图片,让学生说出其名称,并贴在黑板上。) T: Listen, a bird lives in a tree. A question for you: Where does a bird live?

Ss: In a tree. (板书这两个句子,并在bird与tree下增加下划线,同时将鸟与树木用直线连接,领读句子。)

教师采用同样的方法,介绍森林、洞穴和河流,让学生到台前帮助动物连线找家,教师提问:“Where does a fish/panda/snake live?”, 学生做出相应的回答。


Step 3: Practice

1. Listen to the tape (播放第二部分课文课件,学生跟读。)

2. Please ask and answer in pairs. (同桌做对话练习并展示。) T: Where does a duck live? Do you know? On a farm. Pay attention “on”. Where does a pig live?

Ss: On a farm.

T: Where does a panda live?

Ss: In a forest.

3. Writing



Step 4: Class closing

1. T: Animals are our good friends. So we should protect them.

2. Homework: Finish the exercise in the activity book.

七、 板书设计

Lesson 13: Where Do They Live?





Where does a bird live? In a tree.


第一部分 选择题(共85分)


第一部分 听对话回答问题

对话听两遍。(10分)新 课 标第 ( A

( )


( )4. How will Kate go to Beijing?


( ) 5 What’s the boy’s favorite animal?

A. The monkey. B. The giraffe. C. The lion.

( )6. What is the boy going to be in the future?

A. An engineer B. An artist C. A waiter

( )7 . Whose book is this ?

A. Sam’s B. Steven’s C. Mike’s

( )8. What is Mr. Li’s telepgone number?

A. 13901432971 B. 13815918860 C. 13801896538

( )9. Where is Mary?

A.In the classroom B.In the Teachers’ Office C.At home

( )19. Where does Millie often read books?

A. In the living room. B. In his bedroom. C. On the balcony.

( )20. What is in front of the house?

A.Some trees. B. A garden. C. A river.

二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(20分)

( ) 1. — is your home from the school?

—It’s only two kilometres away.

A. How long B. How often C. How far D. Where

( )2 -Is Moscow the capital of ______?

-Yes, you are right.

A. Japan B. America C. Russia D. the UK

( )3.-How do you say “3,698” in English?


A. Three thousand, six hundred ninety-eight

B. Three thousands, six hundreds and ninety-eight

C. Three thousand, six hundred and ninety-eight

D. Three thousand, six hundred and ninety eight

( )4.Taiwan is ____ the south-east of China.

A. to B. in C. at D. of

( )5.--- _______?

---Yes. This is Tom speaking.

A.Who are you B.May I speak to Tom

( )6. These aren’t ________ cards. They’re_______

A.ours; their B.our; theirs (

A. across; over B. cross; over D.over; cross


A. garden B. bedroom D. river


A. twelfth; nine B. nine; twelve D. twelve; ninth


A . A, the C A, an D The, an


A. have C.are D. held

( )12.—

’s and Mary C.Tom and Mary’s D.Tom’s and Mary’s

( )13.—

B. Oh , really C. Have a nice time D. Wonderful


B. from C. for D. in

( go to the park on Sundays? B: Good idea! Let’s go!

B. Do we C . Why not D.Why don’t

( Tina is too tall ,so she can’t see the picture on the wall.

A. behind B. next to C. in the front of D. in front of

( )17.--- Shall we go shopping on Hunan Road this evening?

--- , but I have to stay at home and look after my younger sister.

A. I can’t B.Sounds great C.That’s right D.No, I’m very sorry

( )18.- Is there ____________ with Malaysia Airlines Flight (马航)370 ?

- Sorry , we are not sure now . A. anything wrong

B. something wrong

C. nothing wrong D. wrong anything

( )19.There are about ________books in their school library.

A. five thousands B. five thousand of C. thousand of D. five thousand

( )20.-What’s your new home like? -____________.

A. I like it very much B. It’s very expensive

C. It’s far from my school D. it’s big and bright

三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

My dream home is a big house on the top of a hill. There is a swimming pool a big garden behind it. The water in the pool is always and I can swim in it in winter. Flowers and vegetables

beautiful at any time. When chat in the garden, we can . In front of my house there is a field. I can often play my friends in it.

There are five There is a for 120 people. That means I can invite120 friends There is also a small Each bedroom bunk beds(双层床my home, they can

( )1.A. next B.next to D. beside to

( )2. A. warm B. hot D. cold

( )3.A.hear B.see D.grow

( )4. A. see B. look C. watch 新- 课-标 -第 -一-网 D. hear

( )5.A.my friends and I C.my friends and me D.me and my friends

( )6. A. hour C. time D. weekend

( )7. A.basketball C. football D. tennis

( )8. A. for C. with D. about

( )9.A.buildings C. tops D.floors

( C.restaurant D. balcony

( C.big too D.small enough

( B. having C. have D. to having

( B. home cinema C. park D. reading room

( B. have C.there is D. there are

( B. spend C. cost D. have



下面是某学生杂志就“理想”这一话题刊载的三位学生的谈话。阅读谈话并选择正确答案。 Maria. I’m 13. I live in New York City. I like going to school by bike. I seldom take buses. Riding a bike is good exercise for me. I like watching NBA matches on TV very much. I watch them every week. It’s real fun for me. I like pop music a lot, too. My favourite singing star is Michael Jackson. At school, music is my favourite subject. I have a good voice(嗓音). I have a dream of being a singer like Madonna.

Huck. I’m 12. I live in Los Angeles. I like playing football and basketball. I play football or basketball every day with my friends after school. I often watch ball matches on TV. Sometimes I

go and cheer(欢呼) for the Lakers(美国湖人队). I like collecting stamps, especially(特别) animal stamps. I like animals, so I like animal stamps. I have panda stamps from my friend, Candudu. They are very good. On weekends I often go to the mountains to paint pictures. I have painted some very nice pictures. Painting is my life, so I will be a painter.

Sophia. My home is in Washington D.C. . I like reading and watching programmes(节目) about travel(旅游)and history. I often stay at home reading on weekends. At school, I like French very much. and I am good at it. I’d like to be a guide(导游). I can go around the world and meet a lot of people. They would be great fun!

( )1.Maria often goes to school ___________.

A. by bus B. by bike C. by car D.on foot

( )2.Huck likes collecting animal stamps because ______.

A. Candudu has panda stamps B. they are wonderful

C. likes playing football D.he likes animals

( )3.Huck will be a painter because________.

A. he likes painting C. he can go out on weekends ( )4.If Sophia is a guide, she can _________.

A. speak French very well C. read history ( A. they often play it C. they watch basketball matches on TV

C. in the exercise book D. on the billboard(广告牌)

( ) 7. If you want to play basketball, you can call _______.

A. 375-4789 B. 375-4753 C. 375-762 D. 375-4766

( ) 8 You can have the dancing class at ______

A. 1:00 p. m. B. 3:00 p. m. C. 4:00 p. m. D. 8:00 a. m.

( ) 9. Tom is free from 6:00 a. m. to 8:00 a. m., so he can go to ______ to enjoy himself.

A. the Ball Games Centre B. the Swimming Pool

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:13,where,to,live)

C. Free Classes D. the Kids Centre

篇五:英语作文Whether to Live in The City
