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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:21:21 体裁作文

篇一:大会欢迎辞(英文版)Welcome Speech for PVCEC2015

Welcome Speech for PVCEC2015

Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:

At this special time of wonderful October, in this grand hall of Beijing, the capital of China, a very beautiful city, Photovoltaic Conference and Exhibition of China 2015, jointly sponsored by China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA), Chinese Renewable Energy Society (CRES), Chinese Renewable Energy Industries

Association (CREIA), China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC), China Center of Information Industry Development, undertaken by China Photovoltaic Society, will be formally open. Now, first of all, it's my great pleasure, on behalf of the organizer, to give our warmly welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. China has become the world's largest PV market of newly installed capacity since 2013, and the upward trend is still maintained. Amid the New Normal economy and energy revolution, the Chinese government regards solar PV development as a must to create new engines for economic growth, to restructure energy system and to improve the ecological environment.

Under this background, China Photovoltaic Industry Association, jointly with

Chinese Renewable Energy Society, China National Renewable Energy Center and Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association, decide to hold the 1st

PVCEC2015 in Beijing with very serious plans and vigorous supports from different authorities. And it to be separated into two parts, to begin with, we'll invite some representatives from our guests to give lectures about their latest researches and reports on the issue, and meanwhile we will have exhibitions to offer the most novel and synthetical enjoyment rather than boring display.

The event of PVCEC2015 will present an unprecedented feast for China's booming PV industry with the theme of "building the new landscape for a healthy and sustainable development of China PV industry".

Wish the congress will be successful and fruitful,and wish you have a pleasant and memorable experience here.

篇二:English speech 演讲稿

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. A few months ago, when the beauty pageants were held in some provinces across China, they caught my eyes immediately. Sometimes, I can’t help cheering up, well, some beauty really struck me! In a sense, they are truly visual feast. And they are affecting many people in their daily life as well. With various categories of age and sex, beauty pageants are enjoying popularity in many parts of the world, attracting an enormous worldwide audience-around 3 billion viewers in 115 countries. I believe strongly that everyone, just like me, loves to enjoy beauty and fashion, and should have the right to enjoy them too. However, is the beauty pageant a good and proper way to appreciate the beauty and defence our rights? I questioned myself. And I am afraid not.

Virtually, the beauty pageant has caused a lot of social problems in China. Firstly, it requires a large amount of money and energy. As we all know, beauty pageants are usually held in the whole country or in the whole world, lasting for a period of time. And a lot of money and energy, of course, are needed for preparation, which are seen as a kind of waste.

Secondly, in terms of the result, it may be quite controversial because the standard is only decided by a small group of people, which makes the result not acceptable for the public. And also, beauty contests are usually carried out within a period of time, we can not judge a person’s beauty and ugliness, and good or bad in this limited time. Moreover, for the pageants, the girl with the highest facial beauty score isn't usually the girl who wins. The winner is the one who can answer questions best under pressure, seems the most sincere during personal introduction and interview, and has the best stage presence. So, the rule possibly makes the final winner not satisfy the public’s taste at all. It reminds me of the winners of Chongqing’s beauty contest, who were ever (转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:english,speech,2015)aroused heated discussion. I don't know what’s your opinion about them, however, anyway, they are the results of the beauty pageants.

Well, about the bad effects, thirdly and the most importantly, it will do great harm to women. Ladies and gentlemen, just suppose, when the beauty pageants promote an ideal of female beauty, only a minority of women can realistically aspire to, does it add to the pressure on other women to conform it? And when you are surrounded by a lot of persons that are better than you in the physical appearance or stature, don’t you feel inferior or uncomfortable? And not to mention to be confident. As a result, they probably spend time and money on fashion, hair styling, or increase dieting, eating disorders and even cosmetic surgery, which are very unhealthy and risky. So it not only increases pressure, hurts self-confidence, lower self-esteem, but also do harm to the health.

Moreover, the last but not least, the beauty pageants can mislead the public value system. The in the contests, winner could get a lot of things, like money, fame and so on. And women are judged on their physical appearance rather than on any other qualities they may possess. This contributes to ignoring the enormous costs of success and mislead people to use their external conditions, and not to strive to accumulate. That’s the main reason that more and more girls become unrealistic, dreaming of becoming famous and rich overnight.

Well, faced with its bad influence, what actions we should take towards the beauty pageant?

From my view of point, we should pay less attention to those various beauty pageants. We can regard them as enjoyment, but don’t take seriously. And be confident with your appearance. Never complain your plain looking. Just like Lincoln puts it, the Lord prefers common-looking people. That’s the reason he makes so many of them. So, you are lucky one. Though you may be not the prettiest one, but you are the unique one in the world. In addition, focus more on cultivating your inner beauty, such as virtues, knowledge or abillities, which I believe outweighs your physcial beauty and can add to your beauty as well. In a nutshell, I’d like to end my speech with one sentence: love yourself , be yourself, and most importantly, be the winner of the beauty pageants in your life.

篇三:English speech

Money and success

Good morning everyone. It's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a

speech to you. My name is xxx , I come from Ga Niang middle school and I am grade

8. Today my topic is money and success.

What is success? In our daily life,many people think success is measured by money. Of course, money is important. If there is no money, I can’t use this

microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition. Without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard. Without money, we can’t t live in such a hometown. In order to make a lot of money, many people work every day, work weekends. But are they happy? No. they are too busy making money. They have no time to relax and enjoy themselves. And they even can’t spend time on their families.

In my opinion, sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.

That’s all of my speech, thank you for listening.

My family

Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here to give you a short speech. My name is XXX, I’m from GaNiang middle school. Today I want to talk something about my family. Everyone has a family. Someone explains the word of family like this: f means father, a means and, m means mother , i means i , l means love, and y means you. So,"Family" means "father and mother I love you!"My parents give me life.They love me,take good care of me, always keep me to be so healthy and strong.

In our daily life, most of people were live together with their parents when they were a middle school student. But for me, i just can stay with my parents for a short time one year. Maybe you want to ask me “why?” Well, I’m a left-behind child. When i was a little girl we lived together ,I can meet them everyday. And at that time i didn’t know our life was so difficult. Until one day they told me “ we are going to work in the city, you stay at home and study hard, so that you can change our life in the future”. After that, i told myself i should try my best to study and help my

grandparents to do housework, so that my parents would be happy. When i met some problem i said to myself “Nothing is difficult if i put my heart into it. Nothing is easy if i don’t try my best.”

That’s all of my speech, thank you for listening.


Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. My name is XXX, I;m 14 years old, and I come from Ga Niang middle school.Today I'd like to talk something about friendship.

Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will take care of me when I am sick.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. When staying with our friends, we can relax ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want to do, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry together. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives. And if you have a good friend, you should encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and

friendship, we should repay as much as we can. And in my eyes, friendship is a wall that cannot be easily pushed away.

Finally, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make friends is hard", let' cherish our friendship and pray it will never change.

That’s all of my speech, thanks for listening.

篇四:English Speech- listening 倾听

Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about listening.

To begin with, I want to tell you a story. …

One day a mother asked her five year old boy “if you and mum get out playing, then we are very thirsty but we don’t have water with us. There are only two apples in our bag. What will you do?”

The little boy thought for a while and said, “I will have a bite on each of the apples.” We can imagine how disappointed the mother was after heard the boy’s answer. She could have lectured her son like all other parents and then told him what the right thing to do. But she suddenly changed her mind and touched her boy’s little cheek and asked him very softly, “Honey, can you tell me why?”

The little boy blinked his eye and said with a very naive look, “Because I want you to eat the sweeter one.”

At that very moment, the mother’s eyes were full with tears!

How sweet the story’s ending is! However, it will be a totally different story to tell if the mother hadn’t any patience in listening to the kid.

The reason why I am telling this story is that listening is a crucial part of effective communication.

Actually certain research has shown that we spend an average of working day communicating, of this communication time 9% is spent writing.

16% reading,

30% talking,

45% listening.

So every successful communication is about how well we listen.

1. We want our children to behave well; first of all, we listen to them. We can learn

from the mother in previous story. She didn’t jump to a random conclusion until she listened to her son finished talking.

2. At work, we get information by listening. Sometimes even more and even better,

listening can help us to get problems solved.

Once the former U.S. president Bill Clinton said, by listening, you can convince people only with your ears. Well, we are really convinced with our ears by

listening to the telephone record conversation between him and Ms. Lewinsky.

3. Well, also a sound friendship lasts because our friends need us to be there only

by listening to them sharing their joy and sorrow.

Now we are aware listening is important.

The question is how to be a good listener?

Here I have summarized four principles to be a good listener.

First of all, of course, stop talking. You can’t listen while you are talking and don’t interrupt. Give them time to say what they have to say.

Second, concentrate on what they are saying. Leave your emotions behind.

Third, put yourself in other person’s shoes. Active listening is not about inward thinking. Instead you must look at the problems from the other person’s perspective and actively try to see his or her point of view.

Last but not least, don’t jump to conclusion too soon before others done with the talking.

A good listener has magic! A good listener has the ability to make people feel good!

Maybe the reason why we have two ears and one mouth is because we may listen more and talk less.

Let me end my speech by quoting from the play-”HAMLET”

“Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice!”

篇五:financial English speech专业英语演讲稿

Good evening everyone. It’s my great honor to give a speech here. Today my topic is about the global financial crisis.

On September in 2008, the American subprime mortgage crisis (次级抵押贷款危机)which lasted more than one year gradually extended to the whole economy system to be a

economy crisis all over the world. Its coming not only makes the Untied States face a series of economic problem, but also

brings the economic market around the world a great shock: As a country, the Iceland has applied for the bankruptcy(破产); Zimbabwe’s inflation(通货膨胀) has been out of control; Our neighbor, Korea, since its economic system gets closest to the United States, it suffers much more than other Asian countries in this economic storm. As for China, we are influenced a lot in this special year. A lot of factories in Guangdong and Fujian province suffered a lot :the difficulty in exporting lead the workers lay off, even make the factory break; A great number of students in universities also feel about the crisis, since it’s hard for them to find a job.

When walking along a street, an inevitable(不可避免的) phenomenon you will find is that lots of shops or markets are selling their goods at a discount; when visiting a countryside ,an

evident(明显的) situation you will discover is that many workers are staying in their hometown . Why ? That’s because the

financial crisis that originated on (起源于)Wall Street(华尔街) and swept the world has gone beyond the toy sector(部门) and bitten into the Chinese economy. Over the past six months, many labor-intensive(劳动密集型的) factories have shut down, leaving massive numbers of workers jobless. Although our

government has taken some effective measures to stimulate(刺激) the need of employment, we also can’t deny the fact that the situation is still serious. According to expects, the growth of Chinese GDP slowed to 9.9 percent down 2.3 percentage points from the same period last year and falling to single figures for the first time in five years.

However, as one of the newly developing countries in Asia, China has strict foreign exchange control and relatively

independent financial system, which can help to reduce the influence that the crisis would bring. Although China is not a utopia(乌托邦) in this storm, but we do worry less than the countries we referred to.

As a college student, I am concerned about this situation. Basing on expects, the graduates in this year are more than 5

millions. To my surprise, there are more than 1 million can’t find position. So it seems very important for us college students to consider what we should do in the intensely competitive society, particularly during this special background---international financial crisis.

From, my own perspective, we should do these following three points.

Firstly, objectively analyse our advantages and disadvantages, and choose an appropriate job. In addition, we should not attach too much importance to material aspects of the job.

Secondly, have a great ambition towards our future. Actually, this is a challenge for all of us, but under no circumstances, should we give up or give in. Therefore, never abandon our dream.

Last but not the least, learn more knowledge and improve our abilities as possible as we can. Only master extensive knowledge and lay a solid foundation can we have a promising and bright future.

Every man is the architect of his own fortune. No matter how terrible the economic is, I do believe that a brilliant and original person still can realize his value and make contribution to

our society.
