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1. The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was the ball.

In ancient Egypt, as ever, where pitching stone was a favorite children’s game. But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians(埃及人) made what was probably the first ball.

At first, balls were made of grass or leaves held together by vines. Later they were (藤)

made of pieces of animal skin sewed together and filled tightly with feathers or hay.

Before long the Egyptians had developed a number of ball games, each with its own set of rules. Perhaps they played ball more for instruction than for fun. Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they would need for war.

1. What did the ancient Egyptians think about throwing stones?

A. Throwing stones was not children’s favorite game. B. Throwing stones was dangerous. C. Throwing stones was boring.

D. Throwing stones was a game without any rules. 2. The first balls were made of _____.

A. grass or leaves held together by vines B. stones wrapped with clothing C. woods

D. clothes filled with cotton

3. For the Egyptians, ball games were _____.

A. terrible B. difficult C. useless D. educational

4. Ball games invented by the Egyptians _____.

A. are the same as those played today B. are quite popular with the youth C. have their own set of rules D. are not played by women

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The First Olympic Game B. The Value of Life C. The First Ball Games D. The History of Egypt

试题分值:25.0 得分:[5, 5, 5, 5, 5]

提示:[1]B.细节题。本题问“古埃及人对投掷石头有什么看法?”中心词是“throwing stones”。答案在第二段,不过第二段中并没有出现“throwing stones”,而是“pitching stones”。这两个词的意思一样。第二段大意是“在古埃及,投掷石头是孩子们喜爱的一项活动。但是如果石头投掷得不好,孩子就会受伤。为了寻找一些不那么危险的物品来投掷,埃及人发明了第一个球。”所以,答案是B。A的意思是“投掷石头不是孩子们喜爱的一


[2]A.细节题。本题问“第一个球是怎么制造的?”中心词是“the first balls”,答案在第三段的第一句,该句大意是“开始的时候,人们用藤条缠绕草和树叶来制作球”。据此可知答案是A。

[3]D.细节题。本题问“对埃及人来说,球类比赛是______。”中心词是“ball games”,答案在最后一段的第二句话,该句大意是“也许,埃及人玩球类比赛更多的是为了教育而非乐趣”。据此可知答案是D(教育性的)。 [4]C.细节题。本题问“埃及人发明的球类比赛_______。” 中心词是“ball games”,答案在最后一段,该段大意是“不久以后,埃及人就发明了很多球类比赛,每种比赛都有自己的一套规则。也许,埃及人玩球类比赛更多的是为了教育而非乐趣。球类比赛主要被认为是一种教授人们战争所需要的速度和技巧的方式”。据此可知答案是C(具有自己的一套规则)。A的意思是“和如今的球类比赛一样”,B的意思是“很受年轻人的欢迎”,D的意思是“女性不玩”。



1. Washington's story is not true. His first biographer ___________ the tale.

A. coinage B. invented C. enhanced D. encouraged

知识点: 学生答案: 得分:

第一部分 [B;]

标准答案: 试题分值:





该题选B,题目大意是“华盛顿的故事是杜撰的, 是他第一位传记作者虚构的。” invent:及物动词 vt. 1. 发明,创造

He invented a new type of stethoscope. 他发明了一种新型听诊器。 2. 捏造,虚构

We must invent an excuse for being late. 我们必须编一个迟到的借口。

2. The purpose of the campaign was ___________"ringers".

A. catching B. to be called C. to catch

D. catching to

知识点: 学生答案: 得分:

第一部分 [C;]

标准答案: 试题分值:





该题选C,题目大意是“这一运动的目的是捉拿 “冒名顶替者”。” catch:及物动词 vt. 1. 接住,抓住 I′ll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。 2. 逮住,捕获

The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。

3. Students in New York State who possess and sell advance copies of state Regents

examinations have to face ___________ misdemeanor charges. A. correspondence B. cooperate C. crime D. criminal

知识点: 学生答案: 得分:

第一部分 [D;]

标准答案: 试题分值:





该题选D,题目大意是“纽约州的一些学生,他 们因拥有并出售州教育

董事会的考卷样本而受到刑事轻罪指控。” criminal:形容词 a. 1. 犯罪的,犯法的

Robbery is a criminal act. 抢劫是犯罪行为。 2. 刑事上的

Scotland has its own criminal law. 苏格兰有它自己的刑法。

4. He peeked ___________ my test paper.

A. on

B. through C. at D. over

知识点: 第一部分 学生答案: 得分:


标准答案: 试题分值:





该题选C,题目大意是“他偷看我的考试卷。” peek at:偷看;窥视

1. I peek at the list.我很快看了一眼名单。 2. She peeked at her neighbors from behind her curtains.她从窗帘后面窥视她的邻居。

3/ No peeking at your presents before Christmas morning!不要在圣诞节早晨前偷看你的礼物!

5. If I had to do something ___________ with my hands. I would do poorly.

A. interesting B. intricate C. interrupt D. interior

知识点: 学生答案: 得分:

第一部分 [B;]

标准答案: 试题分值:





该题选B,题目大意是“如果我不得不用双手做 一些复杂的事情,我会干得很差劲。”

intricate:形容词 a. 错综复杂的;复杂精细的 The intricate machine requires a skilled operator. 这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作。

6. I always took it ___________ granted that I was far more intelligent than he was.

A. as B. over C. for D. but

知识点: 第一部分 学生答案: 得分:


标准答案: 试题分值:




提示: 该题选C,题目大意是“我过去总是想当然地以为


take sth for granted:认为某事理所当然 1. He took it for granted that the room should belong to him.他认为那间房子属于他是理所当然的。

2. She speaks English so well that I take it for

granted that she is English.她英语说得这么好,我想当然地把她当成了英国人。

3. Don’t take it for granted that college graduates can do everything in all aspects


7. The lonely salesman finished ___________ pictures of his family.

A. up B. within C. out D. without

知识点: 第一部分 学生答案: 得分:


标准答案: 试题分值:





该题选C,题目大意是“寂寞的推销员从身上掏出 全家照。”

fish out:把鱼钓光;捞出;掏出 1. fish out the keys掏出钥匙

2. He managed to fish out his key in the darkness and unlocked the door.黑暗中,他费了很大的气力才掏出钥匙,打开了房门。

8. I ________ the office because I could no longer stand the stuffy atmosphere there.

A. quitted B. quested C. quenched D. quivered

知识点: 学生答案: 得分:

第二部分 [A;]

标准答案: 试题分值:




提示: 该题选A,题目大意是“我离职是因为我再也无

篇二:Lesson Ten Do We Need the Family(中英文)

Lesson Ten

Do We Need the Family? (我们需要家庭吗?)

In an earlier study of the family, I took as given that in general a nation’s family structure determines the kind of society it will have, and that any attempts to change or improve the society must begin with changing the family. Six years later now, I have come to feel that, paradoxically, although some kind of family structure may be indispensable to societal functioning, it is the society that determines that the family will be, and not the other way around. Whatever kind of family a give society needs is the kind of family it will have. Thus, any change or improvement in family forms may have to come as a result of changes in other societal structures. That means the whole web of political-economic institutions and leadership.(在一项对家庭的早期研究中,我认为总体而言,一个国家的家庭结构决定了这个国家会拥有什么样的社会,而且,改变或改善社会的行为必须从改变家庭着手。六年后的今天,我开始感到,与此相矛盾的是,尽管某种家庭结构与社会功能息息相关,但应当是社会决定了家庭的走向,而非相反。一个特定的社会所需要的家庭形态,正式它所将会拥有的。因此,对家庭形式的任何改变与改进,可能应当是其他社会机构发生变化的结果。那意味着政治经济系统和领导体制的整个网络。)

I think of the family as being that we are and of society as being how we act. There is always a lag between that we are and what we are doing. Today, this lag is so great, and the pace at which we are going so fast, that we are not even comprehending the results of our actions, let alone discriminating as to what of it all we are letting form our national character. It’s no wonder that as human beings and as members of families we are confused, adrift and almost totally, alienated from the societal actions which overwhelm us.(我把家庭看作是我们所处的状况,而社会则是我们行为的方式,在我们的状况与行为方式之间总是存在着差距。今天,这一差距越来越大,同时我们发展的步伐越来越快,因此我们对自己行为的后果甚至已不能理解,更不用说要区分可以让其中的哪些部分来塑成我们的国民性格。难怪作为人和家庭成员,我们感到困惑、没有方向,而且几乎被席卷而来的社会行为所异化。)

As to the statement that the family may be indispensable to societal function – this may not the true today. I think it is true only when a society is more or less homogeneous in nature. When society is fragmented, as it is today, there amy be no place for family in any form we might recognize from past experience. The traditional family as the hearthstone of society may now be an indulgence of our nostalgia. We are already well into an era of experimental transitional forms of group living. Perhaps we should give more than passing thought to whether we should accept and try to stabilize the better among them or let a runaway society impress its own unexamined needs upon us.(至于所谓家庭与社会功能息息相关的说法——这在今天已不一定正确了。我认为只有当一个社会本质上更加具有共生性时,这样的说法才是正确的。当社会如今天这样,变得支离破碎、混沌不定、表面上不能为人理解的时候,已经没有一种我们可以根据以往的经历辨识出来的家庭形态了。传统的家庭曾经是社会的中心,但现在却可能只存在于我们怀旧的情感中。我们早已进入一个群体生活处于试验、转变过程的时代。我们是否应当接受那些较好的过渡形式,并试图将之稳定下来,还是任由一个失控的社会将其未经审视的要求强加于我们,或许对这个问题我们应该给予更多的思考。)

The traditional nuclear family came into being a couple of hundred years ago as the result of societal pressures during the shift from feudalism to industrialism. For a long time prior to that societal structures in general were fairly rigid but family living was extended into the community and therefore was less confined. There was no work ethic as such. Sabbath and holy days were reserved for celebration. And since there were about a hundred and fifty saints’ days in the year, there was plenty of rest and recreation for everyone. Children reached what was called ― the age of reason ― at seven and were then considered to the extend their capacities allowed—adult. There

were almost mandatory communal games and festivities that children and adults collectively celebrated. There was no generation gap of interests.(传统的核心家庭式在几百年前产生的。它是从封建社会向工业社会的转化过程中,各种社会压力所造成的结果。在此之前的很长一个阶段,社会结构在总体上相当刻板,但是家庭生活却延展进群体中,因此局限更少一些。当时也没有现在的职业道德准则。安息日和圣日是专门用来庆典的日子。而且,一年中有大约一百五十个圣者纪念日,因此对每个人来说,休息和娱乐也就多的是。儿童在七岁时便达到了所谓“理性年龄”,然后便被认为是——在其能力许可的范围内——成年人。儿童和成人一起庆祝一些几乎是强制性的群体游戏和节日。在当时,兴趣上的代沟是不存在的。)

As the Industrial Revolution developed, however, activities of children and parents diverged. Schooling experience was taken out of the home and its time span lengthened. Families became more and more self-centered. The process of tracking children into careers of their parents’ choosing developed. Individual private property became important.(然而,随着工业革命的发展,儿童与其父母的活动开始分化。教育经历被移出家庭,而且其时间也被延长了。家庭变得越来越以自身为中心。儿童根据其父母的选择亦步亦趋地走上工作道路。个人私有财产变得重要起来。)

Thus, as capitalism replaced feudalism, the nuclear family became the device for expanding and perpetuating private fortunes. People of lesser means became infected with the Horatio Alger syndrome, and the American Dream was born. During the Victorian age, when ― children were seen and not heard,‖ the family had solidified into strict separation of parents and children. In general offspring were delegated to nannies and governesses, or—in the case of the impoverished—were largely left to fend for themselves. In the case of the upper classes, who set the styles, what was least annoying to parents was considered best for the children. Then along came Freud to shake parental guidelines with his dictum that ― the child is father to the neurotic. As this was gradually but widely accepted by child-rearers, such unpleasantnesses as toilet-training, prohibitions against thumb-sucking and masturbation, and so on, were discarded in favor of ―ego strengthening.‖ Thus, permissiveness was ushered in and later reinforced by Spock and the followers of Dewey.(因此,随着资本主义取代了封建主义,核心家庭成为扩张和维护私有财产的工具。出身较为贫困的人受到霍瑞修?埃尔加综合症的影响,而美国梦也应运而生。在维多利亚时代,“儿童是看的见,却听不到的”。父母和儿童被严格地区分开来,而家庭就此得到了巩固。子女一般被托付给保姆和家庭教师,或者——就穷人来说——只能自己照顾自己。对于决定社会时尚的上层阶级而言,给父母添得麻烦越少,就被看作对孩子越好。然后,就出现了弗洛伊德。他以其名言“儿童时代是神经质的根源”震撼了育儿之道。随着这一思想逐渐而广泛地为儿童教养者们所接受,一些不太令人感到愉快的事情,如用厕训练,以及对吮指和手淫的禁止等等被放弃了。人们追求的是“自我强化”。因此,放任的态度被引导进来,并得到了斯波克以及杜威的追随者们的巩固。)

Not only the children, then , but the parents also, became neurotic. Parents, who were totally unequipped for the job, became psychiatrists to their children. The era of the guilt-rid-den, anxious, ineffectual parent began; the seeds of disintegration were sown in the traditional family structure. (于是,不仅是儿童,就连父母也变得神经质了。父母成为孩子的心理医师,而其实他们对这一工作却毫无能力。于是便开始了一个负疚、焦虑、无能的父母的时代。传统家庭结构中播入了分化解体的种子。)

As Janet Malcolm stated in a recent issue of The New Yorker: ― Children, unlike patients, don’t go away, after fifty minutes.‖ Parents faced the dilemma of the tension between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise, sloppiness and destructiveness. The ― to-getherness‖ of the Fifties then gave rise to the total confusion of the Sixties when frustration followed disillusionment as ever expanding technological

forces closed in on the family, along with war, riots, student revolts and assassinations.(正如詹尼特?马尔科姆在最近一期《纽约客》中所言:“儿童和[精神]病人不同。他们不会在50分钟后离去”。父母们面临着一个困境。一方面他们做着自以为有助于孩子成长的事情,一方面他们(父母)又承受着肆无忌惮的噪音、邋遢和破坏性行为。50年代的“团结”引发了60年代的全然混乱。这时,日益扩张的技术力量围困着家庭,更加上战争、骚乱、学生运动和暗杀事件,这一切造成的幻灭又引起了人们的沮丧心理。)

Today, with Women’s Lib, the pill, permissive attitudes toward sex-in and out of marriage-with the rise in the use of babysitters and day care centers, and with the growing rate of single-parent families, the traditional nuclear family, where it hasn’t altogether disintegrated, has become demoralized. Only thirty-five percent of families in this country are now nuclear-that is, with both mother and father and children comprising the unit. Three-fifths of the people on welfare are mothers without husbands.(今天,随着妇女解放运动的兴起、避孕药的采用、对(婚姻内外)性行为的放纵,随着儿童看护和日间托儿所越来越多地为人们所使用,随着单亲家庭的日益增多,那些尚未解体的传统核心家庭开始丧失了信心。在我国,现在只有35%的家庭现在还是核心的,即,有父母和孩子共同组成家庭单位。领取福利金生活的人中五分之三是没有丈夫的母亲。)

We might say, in general, that at best these days the American family barely manages to hold together in some kind of nuclearity until the children are grown. In spite of protestations to the contrary of ―square‖ families who often pray and stay together with gritted teeth, so help them God, the American family today is fast becoming merely a place for each member to hang his hat while he is doing his own thing or waiting ofr a better perch to hop to. This is the logical out growth of changing societal pressures.(我们或许会说,从总体上看,目前美国家庭 最多只能勉强地保持某种核心形式,直到孩子们长大成人。而相反,尽管那些“正统”家庭不断抗议,他们常常咬牙切齿地祈祷着、保持着家庭的整体,愿上帝保佑他们,但是今天的美国家庭正飞快地变成一个 仅仅供每个各行其事的成员 回去休息的地方,或者他们会等着另栖新枝。这就是变化中的社会压力的合理结果。)

It might be well here to list some of the pressures responsible for disintegration of the family over the past twenty-five years:(在这里,或许应该罗列出过去25年里造成家庭解体的一些压力:)

? Government and other bureaucracies have developed to the point that they handle almost

everything for the individual citizen from his conception to his interment, We are all fast losing personhood.(*政府和其他官僚机构发展到极高的程度,以至于它们控制着每个公民从孕期到入葬的几乎各个方面。我们都正在飞快地失去着自己的个性。)

? Society in general has become depersonalized. With the spread of television and other instant

forms of communication everything in the world happens right in our living rooms. Instant knowledge of remote real happenings has given rise to casual acceptance of them, as if they were only screen entertainment. This is true even of the killings of war.(*社会在总体上已变得非人性化。随着电视以及其他快速通讯形式的普及——世界上的每一件事都像在我们的客厅里发生着一样。遥远发生着的真实事件,能够为我们立刻了解,这也使得我们对它们随意地接受下来,就好像它们只不过是屏幕上的娱乐节目一样。即便是战争中的杀戮亦如此。)

? Schools, to a great extent, have taken over the responsibilities of parenting-even as to health

care.(*也很大程度上,学校已取代了父母养育的责任——就连保健方面也是这样。) ? Insta

out ofthe family

llment buying has provided instant gratification, which has led to the lessening of

individual capacities for discipline and sacrifice, and has had a tattering effect on our moral fiber.(*分期购买提供了即刻的满足。这导致个人的克己与牺牲的能力降低,而且对于我


? We have become a nomadic society. Twenty percent of Americans have moved annually for the

past twenty years. Half the population does not live in its natal state. Neighborhoods and communities have ceased to be important as hubs for communal activities.(*我们已经变成了一个游牧式的社会。20%的美国人在过去的20年里每年都有迁徒。全国一半人口不住在出生地。邻里和社群不再是群体活动的重要枢纽。)

? There has been homogenization of styles and ideas, mainly because of concentrated

urbanization, television, radio, and easy access to travel.(*风格和思想产生趋同现象。其原因主要是集中的城市化、电视、广播,和旅行的便利。)

● There has been an increasingly wider scattering of interests and activities of individual family

members. We have been segregated ever more sharply into age groups. Generation gaps have opened at five-year intervals.(*个体家庭成员的兴趣与活动发生着越来越广泛的差异。我们被愈发鲜明地根据年龄隔绝开来。代沟以五年的间隙存在着。)

? As a result of Women’s Liberation and the fact that forty percent of mothers work outside the

home, we have moved into a time when babysitting and child care centers have become indispensable services along with laundry and milk deliveries.(*由于妇女解放运动,也由于40%的母亲走出家庭工作,我们已进入一个新的时期。雇人照看孩子、日间托儿所已和洗衣店与送奶服务一样成为不可或缺的服务。)

? Divorce has been made painless, quick, and is no longer a stigma. There are now sixteen

million divorced people in the U.S. Extra-legal cohabitation, birth control, and abortion are generally accepted. First marriages have dropped sharply since the advent of pill, and divorced people are not remarrying at as high a rate as formerly. Divorced status now may be said to be normal permanent phenomenon in our culture.(*离婚已变得毫不痛苦、迅速便捷,而且已不再是一种耻辱的象征。美国现在1600万离婚者。法外同居、避孕方法和人工流产已被广泛接受。自从出现了避孕药片,初婚数目显著下降,而离婚者也不如以往那样多地再婚。现在可以说,离婚状况已经是我们文化中一种正常、永久的现象。)

● Men have come to taking custody of children in divorce cases. It is no longer a stigma for women to give them up. And women now are often refusing to take on the single responsibility of raising children. In the last two years, the number of children living with divorced fathers has risen fifty percent. (One startling development in recent years is that often neither parent wants custody. John R. Evans, Chief Judge of Juvenile Court in Denver, stated recently that throughout the country there is wholesale abdication of parental responsibility.) (*离婚案件中,孩子开始被判给男方养育。女方放弃养育孩子已不再是一种耻辱。妇女现在经常拒绝单方面负起养育子女的责任。在过去的20年里,与离婚后的父亲同住的孩子数量上升了50%。(近年来,一个惊人的发展是,常常父母双方都不愿养育子女。丹佛青少年法庭首席法官约翰?R?伊文斯最近指出,在全国有大规模的放弃为人父母的责任的现象。)

? What we think of as the virtues that draw us to marriage- the yearning for routine, permanence

and security-are, say some, the things that drive us to divorce.( *被我们看作吸引人们结婚的好处——对常规、稳定和安全感的渴望——据说已成为驱使人们离婚的因素。)

The paradox is that in spite of all of the foregoing, we still seem to be thinking in terms of the traditional family. This, doggedly, is what we are! Yet we act-or are impelled by the pace and impingement of the technological environment-as if the traditional family really no longer has meaning for us. Hence the lag between family and society-between what we are and how we act-is very side, indeed.(矛盾在于尽管出现上述种种情况,我们似乎还是按照传统的家庭观念在思考。这一固执的现象正是我们的现状!然而我们的行事方式——或者说在技术环境的驱使和影响下——却好像表明 传统家庭真的对我们已经毫无意义可言。因此,家庭与社会——即


What is the question to ask, then? Not: Do we, as individuals, want the family? (although I personally think that ought to be the real question), but: Does society need the family? Demographically, today’s society does not need the family. We do not have to have a Paul Ehrlich to point out to us that the planet already has an oversupply of people. Technotronic society has no need for more children. We could get along from here on out with only a few strategically-placed breeding installations.(那么,应当提出的问题究竟是什么?不是:我们,作为个体而言,是否需要家庭?(尽管我个人认为那应该是真正的问题),而是:社会需要家庭吗?从人口上看,今天的社会并不需要社会。我们不需要一位 保罗?厄尔里希 来向我们指出地球上已经人口过剩了。电子技术社会并不需要更多的孩子。从目前的现状出发,我们只要根据战略规划部署一些种婴场就够了。)

Economically, society does not need the family. There is no longer need for great labor force concentrations or financial hierarchies. How about the self-serving needs of citizens-ego trips, name and gene survival? The bio-programmed society which seems likely ahead not only could do without personalized needs-it would doubtless find them a hindrance.(从经济角度来看,社会也不需要家庭。现在已不再需要那种大量的集约型劳动力或金融寡头。那么人们自身的需要又怎么解决?如自我发展、衍续种姓。我们面临的未来社会很可能是一个生物编程的社会。它不仅可以 无需个人的需求——而且,它无疑会将之视作一个障碍。)

Is it necessary to preserve the family in order to support female citizens? Women in general, and women’s Libbers in particular, are demonstrating in all sectors that they can earn their own livings and not necessarily be dependent on male support. Men could avoid taking financial responsibility for wives by hiring cooks and maids. Sex requirements for both men and women could be bureaucratized or otherwise programmed.(那么,家庭是否应当保留下来,已扶助女性公民呢?妇女在总体上,尤其是妇女解放运动的支持者在各方面都表现出,她们可以自食其力,而无需依靠男性的扶持。男性可以雇些厨师和佣人,这样还可以避免娶妻带来的经济上的责任。至于男人与女子的性需要则可由政府安排分配,或以其他方式编程控制。)

We might well ponder the advisability of reining in the societal horse that is running away with us- at least long enough to ask a hard question or two. Is te family an institution for the nurture and betterment of people, or is it a dispensable adjunct of our public actions gone wild? If we believe society does need the family, and that the family is valuable human institution, we might consider that future forms-or transitional forms-it is taking or is likely to take, and prepare ourselves for them for the betterment of ourselves and posterity.(我们或许应该好好考虑一下,是否应当控制住驮着我们脱缰而去的社会狂马。至少我们思考的时间应当长一点,问几个深刻些的问题。家庭究竟是一个培养、改善人们的机构,还是一个对我们失控的公共行为来说是可有可无的附庸?如果我们认为社会确实需要家庭,而家庭也是一个有价值的人类的机构,那么我们应当考虑家庭正采取着,或可能会采取的未来形式——或过渡形式。为了改善我们自身和子孙后代,我们应当对此有所准备。)

篇三:家的重要性(The importance of family)

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????The family is a very important part of everyday life. Not only is it important for each person in the family to participate in family functions, but it is also important that the family participates in activities throughout the year. The more things that you do as a family, the more memories will reflect in later years. Families can provide encouragement during life. "The possibilities that exist between two people, or among a group of people, are a kind of alchemy. They are the most interesting things in life" . I believe that families help to create the future. They tend to push towards valued goals in life. Family members can share similarities; however, there are still

differences. For example, a father might like to watch inside sports while his son likes outside sports. I grew up in New Paris, Indiana. The town is rather small, but there are a lot of people driving through it. Traffic is a lot worse on Saturday because of the New Paris Speedway. Since I live out by the racetrack, on Saturday nights I make plans to get out of the area for the evening.


篇四:新视野大学英语四Listening Quiz2--Book4题目及答案

Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

(每小题: 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear some short

conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage. 1.

A. The woman is a talented singer and impressed the man.

B. The man would like to go to a talent show.

C. The man liked the show better than the woman.

D. The woman had no interest in the show at all.

Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage. 2.

A. One's own values.

B. One's hard work.

C. One's personal contacts.

D. One's special abilities.

Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage. 3.

A. The man doesn't think second place is good.

B. The man hasn't taught the woman anything.

C. The woman is proud of winning the race.

D. The woman believes she is a loser.

Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage. 4.

A. Mother and son.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Husband and wife.

D. Boss and employee.

Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage. 5.

A. The 12th.

B. The 17th.

C. The 15th.

D. The 18th.

Questions 6 to 6 are based on the following passage. 6.

A. They have rights.

B. They are well-paid.

C. They work outside homes.

D. They have good jobs.

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Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

(每小题: 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. 1.

A. Some famous movies.

B. People in a war.

C. The history of war.

D. A battle station. 2.

A. In 1999.

B. In 1978.

C. In 1983.

D. In 2005. 3.

A. The last group of episodes coming out before the first


B. A man, like the one in the movie, who wears a black suit.

C. A battle station that has the ability to destroy a planet.

D. A group of movies that seems confusing to people. 4.

A. Darth Vader.

B. Han Solo.

C. Princess Leia.

D. Luke Skywalker. 5.

A. The man was influenced by Star Wars.

B. The man is exciting.

C. The man likes Star Wars.

D. The man has a new hope for movie history.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. 6.

A. Joining a family.

B. Becoming a fantastic dancer.

C. Going out for the night.

D. Dancing at the woman's home. 7.

A. Dancing.

B. Dinner.

C. A concert.

D. A movie. 8.

A. The man is important to his parents.

B. The woman had a great time with her parents.

C. The woman isn't serious about her parents.

D. The man doesn't want to go out with the woman's parents. 9.

A. To be more serious about the parents.

B. To have tea with the parents.

C. To go with the woman without her parents.

D. To go with the woman and her parents. 10.

A. Wife and husband.

B. Girlfriend and boyfriend.

C. Sister and brother.

D. Mother and son.

篇五:Functionalists think the family


Functionalists think the family is a socially useful and happy institution providing the best context for bringing up children. They think everything is useful. The family is an important institution because of its contribution to maintaining social stability.But Marxist disagree Functionalists. Marxist believe the family contributes to the maintenance of societies structure .Marxist believe the family is about a continuing conflict between social class with opposing interests.

Functionalists think the family exists primarily to pass on private property from one generation to the next,and to prepare a submissive and obedient workforce.They think families are factories producing stable human personalities .It is highly unlikely that any society will find a substitute to take over the functions of the nuclear family.There are four main functions for the family:sexual,reproduction,socialization and economic.Family can product many children.Parent education children.And the children will be a laborer.Then laborer can make contributions to society.Family can provides food and shelter for family members.If we don’t have the family.Society cannot be stable.

Parson(1951)sees primary socialization as involving the learning and internalization of society’s culture,such as the language ,history and values of a society.When a baby born.Parent teach the children many thing that live.Parent teach child how to speak,how to eat,how to walk

and so on.It like a primary education.Then children can know many thing.In Parson’s view,socialization in the family is so powerful that society’s culture actually becomes part of the individual’s personality-people are moulded in terms of the central values of the culture and act in certain ways almost without thinking about it.

Marxists argue the nuclear family teaches people to ‘know there place’ and obey the ruling class.Marxists dislike the nuclear family.Because nuclear family supports capitalism.The set up of the nuclear family enables social inequalities to continue from generation to the next.

Functionalist always think every thing have there useful way.And they downplaying conflict.For example they think children may often be used as scapegoats by parents.Being out of date,family has change and be difficult.They ignoring the exploitation of women,typically raised by feminist writers,discussed below..And ignoring the harmful effects of the family,nuclear family has become so inward-looking institution that leads to emotional stress.

So we can know functionalists always think every thing is useful.And Marxism argue with functionalists that sexual,reproduction,socialization and economic.

