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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 19:22:43 字数作文


I’m hanzongjian . My major is safety engineering.My topic is the relation of life and taking a bus. Every day, we may take a bus to work or study. It has something in common with our life.

1. Everyone’s whole life is just like to take a bus.

2. As we all know, every journey has a starting and finishing point just as everyone has a life and

lose it finally .But between the two points, there exists a great many lines. Which one in the earth is my own way ? This is depended on ourselves.

3. Some people have a long journey, while others don’t. This is just like our life span, short or


4. Some people can have a good view of the landscape out of the window very calmly.

5. While others have so bad luck that they don’t have a seat. They have to stand in the crowd,

forward and backward with the running bus. This two pictures may show whether we have a steady job,education and so on.

6. Compared with the people hung on the door, who are likely dropping from it, they may feel

delighted. This stands for whether we can get the chance to work or study etc.

7. To obtain comfort and elegance, seat is an indispensable chance to have. So people in the bus

would strive to have one. Like us, we tend to grasp every chance to make a different.

8. Some people are lucky enough that there is a vacant seat. This is just like our background,

such as birth place, family members, father’s job and so on.

9. Some people are so bad lucky that he still stands lonely while all other people sit a seat.

10. Sometimes the seats around him always are empty again, but the seat nearest him is just


11. While you make a firm determination to go to the next place, the seat a moment ago is vacant

and occupied by other people at once. So you’ll regret doing that decision.

12. To have a seat or occupy it, some people ignore conscience and our traditional virtue, what’s

worse, even hurt other’s benefits.

13. Some people give out his seat because of all kinds of reasons.

14. With a long wait, some people use variant methods to have his own seat in the end. His dream

comes true finally.

15. But unfortunately he finds that he has achieved his destination. Beaty always exists for a short


16. The moment he steps out the bus, looking back the cabinet, perhaps he would sigh for only a

small seat. He is granted to have understood all this completely.

17. In fact, he will still capture the seat, although all this happens again. He would even don’t

have a standing seat because of his not capturing a seat. If we don’t find a job, we even have a chance to lose it. Just so easy.

18. Unless you never get in the bus, which is not determined by yourself only. For example, you

are caught with a rainy day. We need a job and must force myself to have one because we have a big family to support. What’s more, we need to buy a car and a house. You know, if not, we even can’t buy a grave someday.

19. The people who get to their destination take off the bus, the people in the bus are still in.

20. Bustling still, up and down again.



【第 一 句】要不我们拼车?

【地道口语】How about we share a ride?


Mr. Twistle: Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care of yourself.

Chris Gardner: Mr. Twistle. Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride?


补充说明:拼车还可以被称作carpool——如果google一下你就会发现多数情况下这两个词是一起出现的,但毕竟share a ride更容易理解一些。

【第 二 句】要不要搭便车?

【地道口语】Do you want a ride?


LOIS: It's not like we're a team or anything. Do you want a ride?

CLARK: I'll walk. Maybe the fresh air will help.


补充说明:让人搭便车叫做give a ride,想要搭便车叫做want a ride,如果是搭车回家,那就是need a ride home。

【第 三 句】来接我。

【地道口语】Pick me up.


JAMES WILSON: Amber was home.

GREG HOUSE: I told her to find you. Have you pick me up.


补充说明:不一定非要是用小车来接,自行车的甜蜜蜜,人亲自到场护送的都叫pick up。

【第 四 句】我要坐前排。

【地道口语】I call shotgun.


Lincoln: We're going to Vegas.

Roland: Oh, hell yes! Yo,I call shotgun!



【第 五 句】快上车啦。

【地道口语】Hop in.


JOEY: Phoebe here with the cab yet?


CHANDLER: Yeah, she, she brought the invisible cab...hop in.


补充说明:以前学校里教上车是get on the bus,口语里常用的hop这个动词,“跳上车”,显然更生活化,也带有一点催促的口气。

【第 六 句】上路咯。

【地道口语】Hit the road.


Betty: If there was ever a time to be neighborly, this is it.

Matthew: We’re idiots for staying here. I mean we should have hit the road as soon as they found Monroe’s body.


补充说明:hit是一个大词,而hit the road则是一个使用频率非常高的俚语,意思是“出发、离开”。

【第 七 句】靠边停。

【地道口语】Pull over.


Booth: You know what I’m trying to mend bridges here.

Bones: Alright, pull over.



【第 八 句】放我下车。

【地道口语】Drop me off.


Behrooz: He tried to kill me, and then he did this to you. He’s not my father anymore. Mom, please.

Dina: All right. Drop me off at an emergency room, but then you’ll have to drive away.




In our country,many people do not follow the traffic rules when they cross the road.They may think cars will let them go first,so in a group they run a red light.They may think they are fast enough to cross the road before cars get close to them.So traffic accidents often happen in our daily life.

In my opinion,we should follow the traffic rules when we cross the street,if everyone follows the traffic rules,there will be fewer traffic accidents.

篇四:作文 有关交通安全的英语作文


越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文(80字左右)






参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra-crossing 斑马线


★ 范文

With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.

Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc.

We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks


优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: http://www.uniuk.cn/(报名网址)




Traffic In The City

With the development of economy ,traffic is becoming one of the greatest problems of a modern city.

One problem is pollution .The waste gases from the exhaust pipes are great enemies to the air. And there are so many cars and buses in the city that the harm they cause to the environment is considerable. Another problem is crowdedness .City inhabitants are so familiar with traffic jams that they are part of their lives. Time wasted on traffic and people are made impatient by the awful traffic. Worse than that ,traffic accidents are real-life disasters of blood and death .Traffic has become one of the nightmares of people living in cities.

To build highways and bridges only works out part of the problem .Cars and buses should be improved to give less waste gases. Government should encourage citizens to take buses so that there is less traffic on road. People should obey traffic rules and try not to make trouble on road. City area should be expanded so that there is more space for wide roads. Maybe low-pollution high-efficiency means of traffic should be invented .Only after we pay enough attention to the problem will it be possible for us to solve it .

