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1.作“在-------期间,当----的时候”引导时间状语从句.注意与when、 while的用法区别。

①下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。

1)用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指一边----一边. 如:

The girl sings as she goes to school.

He looked behind occasionally as he went forward in the forest.


As time went on / by, she became more and more beautiful .

As children get older, they become more and more interested in everything.

3)表示两个短暂行为或事情几乎同时发生.如:I watched her as she read the book.

I thought of it just as you opened your mouth.

Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry.


As a young man, he was active in sports.


如:When I was at college, I could speak several foreign languages. When the clock struck twelve, I had slept for 2hours.

③ while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生。如:Work while you work. Play while you play.

2. As =Since 作"既然"、"由于"解,引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。如: As he’s been ill for ages, I will help him. As / Since you're not feeling well, you may stay at home.

As he wasn't ready , we went without him.

3. As =in the way that作"像"、"按照……的方式"解,引导方式状语从句。如: Do as I told you.

Remember, you must do everything as I do.

4. 用于as--- as或not / so/ as ---- as中,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。如:They helped the old as much as possible.

I don't speak English so/ as well as she does.

5. 表示虽然,尽管 等,引导让步状语从句,常用倒装语序,模式为:

adj. /adv. / n.+as +主语+谓语+主句。如: Young as he is, he knows much. Tired as they were, they walked on.

6. 表示也------一样。 She is a doctor, as was her husband.

(二)、 as作关系代词,引导定语从句,表示正如,这一点.如:

He is very careful, as we all know.

As is well-known, Taiwan belongs to China.

另外,当先行词被the same, such等词修饰时,常用as来引导定语从句。如: Such a clever girl as she can learn anything quickly.

I was reading the same book as he bought yesterday.


1.表示好像。如:He dressed as a policeman.

2. 表示作为当作。如:I found a job as a guide.

3. 当某人是某身份时。如:As a child , she was sent to abroad.

4. as引导的介词短语大多用作状语,as译为"作为";少数情况可引起宾语补足语。如:

As a Party member, I'll take the lead in everything. (状语)

She works as a model. (状语)

She has me as one of her best friends.(引起宾语补足语)

(四)、作副词的用法 1 表示与------等同。如:This dress is twice as expensive as that one. 2 像,如等。如:As before, he remained unmoved.



同样地, 一样地

She is as tall as her mother.




As a schoolboy, he showed every sign of genius.

当他还是个小学生的时候, 就显示出了天资聪慧。

(表示方式)以…的身份, 以…资格, 作为; 以…形式, 以作为; 以…角色, 扮演…角色; 如同, 像

(表示结果)成为, 看作, 看成

We had better treat it as a joke.


(表示目的)为了, 以…为目的

The dykes were built as a protection against the sea.


(表示举例)例如, 诸如…之类的

We talked about such subjects as the weather.



在…期间, 当…时候

I was coming in as he was going out.

我进来的时候, 他正出去。

尽管, 即使, 虽然

Intelligent as you are, I suspect you will fail.

尽管你聪明, 我猜想你会失败。


由于, 因为

As you weren't there I left a message.

因为你不在那里, 我留了个信儿。


as引导方式状语从句时,翻译成“按照”。I have changed it as you suggested. as作关系代词引导非限制性定语从句时,位置灵活,可位于句首,句中,翻译成“正如...一样/正像...一样”在定语从句中做主语或宾语 。

As is well known to us all,Taiwan is a part of China.(as代Taiwan is a part of China做is well known 的主语)

Taiwan is a part of China,as is well known to us all.(as代Taiwan is a part of China做is well known 的主语)

Machine,as was expected,has stoped operating.(as代Machine has stoped operating做 was expected的主语)

Taiwan is a part of China,as we all know .(as代Taiwan is a part of China做 know 的宾语)


as 和 like 在英语中是两个很常用的单词。它们词性丰富,意思众多。现一一列举如下: as

作副词,意思是: 同样地, 一样地。

作介词,意思是:1. (表示时间)当还是…的时候。

2. (表示方式)以…的身份, 以…资格, 作为。以…形式, 以作为; 以…角色, 扮演…角色; 如同, 像。

3. (表示结果)成为, 看作, 看成。

4. (表示目的)为了, 以…为目的。

作连词,意思是:1. 在…期间, 当…时候 2. 尽管, 即使, 虽然

3. 像…一样 4. 由于, 因为

5. 照…方式 6. 正如,如同


作动词,意思是:1. 喜欢, 喜爱 2. 想要 3. 喜欢做;喜欢。

4. (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想,想要,希望。

作介词,意思是:1. (表示方式)如同, 像; 相似; 类似

2. (表示态度)想要, 有…的意向

3. (表示属性)像, 像…一样; 与…类似; 好像是, 看来有…可能(或迹象); 能表明…特征, 像…才会

4. (表示列举)比如, 诸如…之类, 像…等


6. 符合…的特点,像…才会。

作形容词,意思是:相似的, 相同的。

作名词,意思是:1. 相类似的人[事物]

2. 喜好;爱好。

作连词,意思是:1. 像…一样;如同 2. 好像;仿佛;似乎

作副词,意思是:1. 和…一样,如,像 2. 大概,可能


1.Fight as men, or die as slaves?


2.We had better treat it as a joke.


3.She is dressed in white like a nurse.

她穿着白衣服, 像个护士。(与其他人比)。

4.The second child was like its mother in looks.


【问】 编辑老师,您好!我在做翻译题时遇到两个句子,可是我看不出它们有什么区别,请您帮我分析一下。

1. She spoke as a teacher.

2. She spoke like a teacher. (浙江 刘 荣)

【答】 刘荣同学,你好!这两个句子意思是有区别的,因为as和like的意思不同,虽然它们都用作介词,但是as表示“以实际的身份或地位”,所以第一句的意思是“她作为老师发言”


I had no success as a lawyer. 我作为律师并没有获得成功。

Perhaps she can acts as a spokesman for our product. 或许她可以为我们的产品作代言人。 We got on together like old friends. 我们在一起相处得就像老朋友一样。

Ever since Jane came, she has worked like a horse. 自从珍妮来到这里,就像牛马似的在工作着。


1)Don’t treat me like a guest.


2)Like Lei Feng he has done a lot of good deads .


2. as指“身份”或“资格”等,意为“作为”和“看作”等,用于说明“同一关系”,即两者实为一体,如:

1)Don’t treat me as a child.


2)He worked for a year in the countryside asanordinary peasant.



1) He works like a worker.(他像工人一样干活。)

(言外之意:He really is not a worker.)

2)He works as a worker. (他作为一名工人而工作。)(言外之意:He himself is a worker.)


1)Why didn’t you do as I asked﹖


2)I have the same idea as you do.


说明:口语中,也可用like 代替as 引导从句,但在正式场合(如考试)应用as.如:Do it like I tell you.

4. like 常见搭配有:be like, like this ,like that, look like等,如:

1) This elephant is like a snake.


2)Don’t treat her like that.


3)Each believed that he knew just what the beast looked like.




1、A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants allowed to go to the theatre?" Anybody who can pay for a may go to the theatre in England, though only two percent choose to do so. This is not because theatres are expensive, because most people prefer to watch television, football matches or to gamble.

The word "peasant" is not used in England, except as an insult or as a joke. We have no peasant class, only laborers. We do not have a system, as in other parts of Europe, people inherit a small piece of and work it for substance. We have farms, which can employ laborers for wages. Such people are as "agricultural workers". They are not highly paid out but they can manage to live fairly well.

Farming is becoming more some more time at agriculture college to learn how to do the job and we are now self-sufficing in grain: which we have to pay to store, through our taxes.

(1)、 A:pound B:dollar C:time D:ticket 答案:D

(2)、A:and B:which C:but D:not 答案:C

(3)、A:agricultural B:industrial C:business D:social 答案:A

4)A:however B:where C:there D:which 答案:B

(5)、A:earth B:land C:farm D:soil 答案:B

(6)、A:respected B:organized C:gathered D:regarded 答案:D

(7)A:advance B:popular C:scientific D:accessible 答案:C

(8)、A:good B:accordingly C:properly D:correct 答案:C

(9)、A:efficient B:self-contained C:independent D:producing 答案:A

(10)、A:Virtually B:In fact C:On the contrary D:By the way 案:B

2、When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book Dr. Leomard Zuninn. In his book, Contact: The First Four Minutes, he offers this advice to anyone in starting new friendships: "Every time you meet someone in a social , give him your undivided attention for four minutes. A lot of people's lives change if you did just that."

You may have noticed that the person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if to find someone more interesting in another part of the room. If has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.

When we are introduced to new people, the author suggested, we try to appear friendly and . In general, he says, "People like people who like (1)、 A:for B:of C:by D:through 答案:C

(2)、A:interested B:interesting C:interest D:interests 答案:A

(3)、A:occasion B: situation C:position D:chance 答案:B

(4)、A:will B:are going to C:should D:would 答案:D

(5)、A:each B:average C:every D:one答案:B

(6)、A:hoping B:hopes C:hope D:hopeful答案:A

(7)A:everyone B:anyone C:some D:any答案:B

D:will答案:C (8)、A:would B:ought toC:should

(9)、A:self-confident B:self-confidence C:self-confidently D:self-confide 答案:A

(10)、A:them B:the self C:themselves D:theirs 答案:C

3、 Why are children so different in their response the same situation? Some research suggests that styles of parenting may affect children's in dealing with their world. According to some researchers,

there are three parenting styles and one style of parenting enhances children's competence more than the others. Typical behavior patterns of children according to each are as follows. Authoritarian parents value control and expect their children to obey questioning. In homes, children are so strictly

controlled that often they cannot make independent choices about their own behavior. Permissive parents value self-expression and self-regulation. They are warm, noncontroling, and undemanding. In permissive homes, children receive so guidance that they may become uncertain and anxious about they are doing the right thing. Authoritative parents respect children's independent decisions, interests, and opinions, but also stress social values. They are loving, demanding, firm in maintaining standards and willing to impose punishment. In authoritative homes, children know is expected of them and can decide whether it is worth parental displeasure to pursue a goal. These children know the satisfaction of meeting

responsibilities and achieving success.

(1)、 A:with B:at C:to D:for 答案:C

(2)、A:competence B:attitude C:opinion D:value 答案:A

(3)、A:raise B:raising C:raised D:to raise 答案:C

(4)、A:in spite of B:without C:regardless of D:upon 答案:B

(5)、A:authoritative B:democratic C:liberalD:authoritarian答案:D

(6)、A:few B:much C:many D:little 答案:D

(7)、 A:that B:whether C:whatD:how 答案:B

(8)、A:mild B:severe C:harsh D:lenient答案:A

(9)、A:that B:it C:what D:which 答案:C

(10)、A:challenging B:risking C:blending D:overcoming答案:B

4、In 1959 the average American family paid $989 a year's supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1,311. That was a price of nearly one-third.

Every family has had this sort of experience. Everyone agrees that the cost of a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement when reasons for the rise are being discussed. Who is really ?

Many blame the farmers who produce the vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, and cheese stores offer for sale. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the farmer's share of the $1,311 spent by the family in

1972 was $521. This was thirty-one percent than the farmer had received in 1959. But farmers claim that

this increase was very small to the increase in their cost of living. Farmers tend to blame others for the sharp in food prices. They particularly blame those who the farm products after the products

leave the farm. These include truck drivers, meat packers, manufacturers of packages and other food containers, and the owners of stores where food is sold. They are among the "middlemen" who stand the farmer and the people who buy and eat the food. Are middlemen the ones to blame for food price?

(1)、 A:on B:to C:for D:with答案:C

(2)、A:paid B:increase C:decrease D:income 答案:B

(3)、A:expense B:expenditure C:feeding D:living 答案:C

(4)、A:responsible B:fault C:reason D:cause答案:A

(5)、A:these B:that C:they D:them 答案:B

(6)、A:rather B:different C:better D:more 答案:D

(7)、A:leading for B:included C:compared D:known答案:C

(8)、A:rise B:arise

(9)、A:sale C:promote D:rising 答案:A B:buy C:eat D:process答案:D

10)、A:for B:out C:among D:between 答案:D

5、Indians in the United States are faced with significant problems. First as groups of people with their languages and cultures, each tribe wants to keep The want their children to be proud of being Indians, as well as to survive in the outside world. The young they see on television and in movies. Like everyone are anxious to get a good education and a good , the Indians see little prospect and become frustrated because they usually go to schools and often cannot adjust many Indians feel that they are discriminated against, partly because they always see themselves losers in movies and history books. They have lost much of their self-confidence and pride, and they must acknowledge this fact in order to get rid of their problem.

(1)、A:own B:self C:selves D:owns答案:A

(2)、A:on B:down C:up D:from 答案:C \

(3)、A:adult B:youth C:adults D:women 答案:C

(4)、A:that B:in that C:in which D:which答案:D

(5)、A:own B:else C:owns D:body 答案:B

(6)、A:While B:Therefore C:However D:Although 答案:C

(7)、A:for B:with C:at D:from 答案:A

(8)、A:noble B:senior C:junior D:inferior 答案:D

(9)、A:to live B:to life C:to livesD:to walk 答案:B

(10)、A:for B:as C:and D:but答案:B

6、One of the most common complaints I hear from families is that they are not close. They may be close in proximity, but still not feel close as . They may live next door or in the same house, but not feel


Closeness is about attitude. We feel close when we feel understood, when we feel loved and when we simply over time. It is planted by love, watered by honest sharing and fed by storm and sustain a family through the most difficult time.

out that the CEO of one of the island's largest banks of winning.

But before filing papers, he changed his mind, stating that he wanted to spend more time with his family. Ronald A Young, in the Honolulu Advertiser, said this about the candidate's decision:"No matter what you accomplish in the business world or the social world, if you fail the family, then you have not accomplished much. give to them."

to put more time elsewhere. It's likely a decision he'll never regret. A:house B:home C:family D:group C

(2)、A:share B:stay C:live D:keep 答案:A

(3)、A:grows B:changes C:stays D:happens 答案:A

(4)、A:pays B:spends C:takes D:costs 答案:C

(5)、 A:weather B:carry C:keep D:protect 答案:A

(6)、 A:pointed B:set C:put D:gave 答案:A

(7)、 A:sign B:mark C:score D:chance 答案:D

(8)、 A:provided B:allowed C:had D:gave 答案:B

(9)、 A:lie B:result C:say D:happen 答案:A

(10)、 A:took B:brought C:chose D:held 答案:C

7、 Clem was a faithful Christian. He believed that God would help him out of any difficulty. One day, the Mississippi River was flooding its banks and the water began around Clem's house.

It rose to the front gateway Clem was standing. A man in a rowboat and called to Clem. "Come with me and I'll take you to the high ground!" Clem replied, "No, my will save me!"

The flood continued to rise to the second-storey windows and Clem, out, saw a powerboat come up. The man in the powerboat shouted, "Get on my boat and I'll take you to the high ground!" Clem replied, "No, my God will save me!"

The water then rose to the roof and Clem was sitting on its ridge. He saw a fly over and a rope was dropped. A man yelled over a bull horn, "Grab the and climb in and we'll take you to the high ground!" Clem replied, "No, my God will save me!"

So Clem was to see the flood engulf (吞没) the house. Finally he was drowned. The next thing he

knew, he was standing before his God. He asked God me?" His God replied, "What do you want from me? I sent you a rowboat, a powerboat, and a helicopter, you just turned me down!"

(1)、A:rise B:rising C:rose D:risen 答案:B

(2)、A:where B:which C:when D:what 答案:A

(3)、 A:sank down B:passed by C:took off D:ran away 答案:B

(4)、 A:mother B:boss C:God D:son 答案:C

(5)、A:look B:looked C:looking D:to look 答案:C

(6)、 A:powerboat B:helicopter C:airplane D:eagle 答案:B

(7)、A:boat B:bag C:ladder D:rope 答案:D

(8)、A:scared B:excited C:happy D:clever 答案:A

(9)、A:shyly B:happily C:angrily D:calmly 答案:C

(10)、A:so B:for C:if D:but 答案:D

8、 On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women's club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old woman who lived __1__.

When she came home she sensed something __2__. Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no sign of forced entry. Had anything been taken? She went from room to room, __3__, and found her camera and spare watch missing.

The following Thursday she went out at her __4__ time, but didn't go to the club. __5__, she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would happen.

It was 4 o'clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making tea at the time. The bell rang again, and the next moment she heard her letter-box being pushed open. __6__ the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A __7__ of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a __8__. The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and __9__ the water over the hand.

A sharp cry was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was __10__ by the sound of running feet. It wasn't long before the police caught the thief.

(1)、A:lonely B:alone C:away D:busily 答案:B

(2)、A:terrible B:uncomfortable C:unusual D:Bad 答案:C

(3)、A:looking B:examining C:searching D:checking 答案:D

(4)、 A:same B:spare C:special D:usual 答案:D

(5)、 A:Therefore B:However C:Instead D:Again 答案:C

(6)、 A:Putting down B:Laying aside C:Picking upD:Taking away答案:C

(7)、 A:pile B:site C:lot D:piece 答案:D

(8)、 A:knifeB:hand C:letterD:key 答案:B




“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” Although this might be excellent advice in matters concerning family and friends, borrowing and lending are frequently the foundation of a booming economy.

A loan is a sum of money borrowed for a limited period. A loan may be obtained from an individual or from an institution such as a bank and is generally granted at a specific rate of interest. Interest is the fee that the borrower pays to use the money. An extremely high rate of interest --- and certainly any amount more than law permits --- is called usury. Lending money can be a risky business, for there is always the possibility that the borrower may not be able to pay the loan. For this reason, a lender generally requires the borrower to register something valuable of his or hers, known as collateral (抵押), as a part of the loan agreement. A house or an automobile, investments in the stock market, even the value of a business, are all examples of collateral that a lender may be willing to accept in the event that the borrower fails to pay the loan.

There are two major sorts of loans: consumer loans and commercial loans. A consumer loan is one that is made to an individual, and it may be to buy a house or an automobile or to finance an education. A commercial loan may be used to start a new business, pay for new equipment and staff, or expand an office or factory. The business of making loans also contributes to a healthy economy by enhancing the employment market. Loans allow consumers to buy and improve homes, creating jobs for carpenters, architects and etc. Loans enable businesses to expand, and when these businesses open a branch office or a new store, they also increase their consumption of office supplies, furnishings, and computers.

In a booming economy, money circulates quickly, and each deal represents earnings for someone. It may be reasonable to say that a certain level of debt is normal, even necessary, to a healthy economy as long as the individual borrower or business is careful and try not to take on more than a manageable amount of debt.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” is excellent advice for keeping good family and friends

while it is __________.

82. What is the purpose of collateral in a loan agreement?

83. Different from commercial loans, consumer loans may be used to __________.

84. How can the individual borrower or business profit from a booming economy?

81. 82. To prevent the borrower from not paying the loan. / …

83. …

84. By being careful and avoiding being in too much debt / …


as a joke

A son in many developing countries means insurance, who will inherit his father's property and help support the family. However, to parents, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her future is, to some extent, shaped as soon as her family limits her opportunities and treat her as second-rater, which explain why women in developing countries perform much worse than men both in study and career.

Deep discrimination (歧视)against women creates a firm force that keeps girls from living up to their full potential. It also leaves them victims to severe physical and emotional harm. These “servants of the household" come to accept that life will never be any different. What's most harmful, it results not only in millions of individual tragedies, but also in the lost potential for the entire country. Studies show there is a direct link between a country's attitude toward women and its social and economic progress. The status of women is central to the health of a society. If one part suffers, so does the whole.

To deal with the situation, many women turn to education. Educated women are essential to ending sex discrimination, starting by reducing the poverty The most basic skills in literacy and Maths open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women. Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia, for instance, are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education.

Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, have fewer and healthier children, and make sure their own children complete school. Understanding the importance of hygiene (卫生)and nutrition, they are more likely to stay in physical wellness.

Nevertheless, the comprehensive change for a society speaks for the more far-reaching meaning of women education. As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs, they gain status in their communities, which translates into the power to influence their families and societies. Such power may, together with other forces of outside interference, make even bigger changes possible and gradually lighten up women's fates in these countries.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. What two facts make a woman achieve less than men in developing countries?

82. The most severe result of discrimination against women is ________________________.

83. Why are educated women in developing countries more likely to remain healthy?

84. High social position at home helps women to have the ability to ________________________.

81. Her family limiting her opportunities and treating her as second-rater.

82. the lost potential for the entire country

83. Because they understand the importance of hygiene and nutrition.

84. influence their families and societies


Pizza Hut lovers, you can now smell just like your favorite food. Pizza Hut launches its own perfume that smells like a fresh pizza pie. This is not a joke — although it started as one! While it might seem like an unusual venture for the brand famous for pizza, the company?s perfume is already available as a limited edition product. fuck myself

According to the Globe and Mail, the project started out as a joke by Grip Limited, an advertising firm that works with Pizza Hut in Canada, who asked the chain?s Facebook fans to imagine the pleasant smell of a fresh-delivered pie as a perfume — and to name it. Fans responded to the idea so enthusiastically that Grip Limited decided to take the joke a step further and make the perfume a reality.

A month and a half later, to celebrate that Pizza Hut Canada had gotten 100,000 fans, the chain?s community managers announced that the first 100 people to message them would actually get a bottle of Pizza Hut perfume. And sure enough, the bottles were shipped to those 100 lucky fans before Christmas.

Grip Limited isn?t the only company to attract attention with odd aromas (芳香). Four years ago, Burger King offered a $4 meat-scented body spray for men. Before that in 2006, Stilton created a perfume meant to mimic (模拟) the scent of blue cheese.

Pizza Hut Canada has not announced any plans to make more of the perfume in the future. But the chain also said in the release that it?s possible the perfume could appear in stores in the future.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. Some people consider the perfume a joke because they think Pizza Hut is a _______________.

82. _____________________________ pushed Grip Limited to turn the joke into reality.

83. Who are the lucky birds to get the perfume?

84. Why did Pizza Hut follow Burger King?s steps to release a perfume?

81. famous brand for pizza

82. The fans? enthusiastic response to the project / idea / activity

83. The first 100 people to message the Pizza Hut Canada

84. To attract public attention


If you need another reason to give thanks at the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day, how?s this: people who maintain an “attitude of gratitude” tend to be happier and healthier than those who don?t, according to an instructive article this week in the Wall Street Journal.

The WSJ?s Melinda Beck reports that adults who feel grateful have “more energy, more optimism, more social connections and more happiness than those who do not, according to studies conducted over the past decade. Now a new study conducted by researchers at Hofstra University — the results of which are set to be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Happiness Studies — finds similar benefits of gratitude for adolescents as well.

Dr. Jeffrey J. Froh, assistant professor of psychology and lead researcher of the new study, surveyed 1,035 students aged from 14 to 19 and found that grateful students reported higher grades, more life satisfaction, better social integration and less envy and depression than their peers who were less thankful and more materialistic. Additionally, feelings of gratitude had a more powerful impact on the students? lives overall than materialism.

What the majority of the research suggests is that gratitude should be chronic(长期的) in order to make a lasting difference in well-being. Dr. Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and a pioneer in gratitude research, told the WSJ that in order to reap(收获)all of its benefits, feeling gratitude must be rooted into your personality, and you must frequently acknowledge and be thankful for the role other people play in your happiness: “The key is not to leave it on the Thanksgiving table,” he said.

For older children and adults, one simple way to cultivate gratitude is to literally count your blessings. Keep a journal and regularly record whatever you are grateful for that day. Be specific. Listing “my friends, my school, my dog” day after day means that “gratitude tiredness” has set in, Dr. Froh says. Writing “my dog licked my face when I was sad” keeps it fresher. The real benefit comes in changing how you experience the world. Look for things to be grateful for, and you?ll start seeing them.

Studies show that using negative, insulting words — even as you talk to yourself — can darken your mood, as well. Fill your head with positive thoughts, express thanks and

encouragement aloud and look for something to be grateful for, not criticize, in those around you, especially loved ones.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. According to the article in the Wall Street Journal, people who don?t maintain an “attitude of gratitude” tend to be ______________.

82. What are the major findings of the new study at Hofstra University about?

83. According to the passage, how can people probably avoid “gratitude tiredness”?

84. In order not to darken our moods, we?d better stop ________________.

81. less happy and healthy

82. Benefits of gratitude for adolescents. / Adolescents benefit from feeling gratitude.

83. By regularly recording specific things they are grateful for.

84. using negative, insulting words


My wife and I recently completed a trip to China with China Highlights. It was a very memorable vacation. From start to finish, China Highlights was very helpful and supportive. The start of our trip began with an Internet search for a tour agency that would meet our needs and expectations. After reviewing and submitting questions to websites of many companies, we selected China Highlights. Our decision was based on the speed and content of their responses, along with the significant amount of support information provided both on their websites and in their emailed attachments. In addition, the proposed journey and price for a private tour including plane fares between cities and first class seats on a high speed train were strong incentives (激励) to select China Highlights. Their assistance and flexibility in finalizing the itinerary, with favorable payment terms, further convinced us that we made a good choice. We relied on his recommendations for several pre-departure and planning issues Up to the time of departure, Michael was always available to quickly response to our ongoing questions and ensured that we left fully prepared.

From the time that we first arrived in Beijing and at every destination of the trip, the guide and the driver were at the airport / train station with signs for us. Conversely, as we left each city, they took care in getting us to the proper check-in area on time, with enough instructions for us to easily continue boarding THE transportation despite obvious communication issues since we did not speak Chinese. In hindsight, our concerns about travelling between locations were unnecessary. Similarly, travelling throughout the cities, as we visited each attraction, was very comfortable. The guides kept us informed of historical and local information. One suggestion would be to pre-identify any sites to visit and have them included in the final journey rather than try to change during the visit.

The sights that we visited were most impressive. Obviously, the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, and the Terra Cotta Soldiers were everything we expected. The guides were very knowledgeable, and helped us understand many aspects of these areas.

After we returned home, China Highlights followed up to make sure that we were satisfied with our trip, and to get any feedback that we wanted to provide. They even addressed some minor issues that we cited. Overall, China Highlights went over and above our expectations.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. What made the couple choose China Highlights during their visit to China?

82. The overseas visitors were satisfied with China Highlights services except ___________________.

83. During their visit, not only the sights but also ________________ made a great impression on them.

84. How did China Highlights improve its quality of service after the visitors finished their journey?

81. That China Highlights was very helpful and supportive.



1、A friend of mine, teaching abroad, was immensely amused by the question, "Are English peasants allowed to go to the theatre?" Anybody who can pay for a may go to the theatre in England, though only two percent choose to do so. This is not because theatres are expensive, because most people prefer to watch television, football matches or to gamble.

The word "peasant" is not used in England, except as an insult or as a joke. We have no peasant class, only laborers. We do not have a system, as in other parts of Europe, people inherit a small piece of and work it for substance. We have farms, which can employ laborers for wages. Such people are as "agricultural workers". They are not highly paid out but they can manage to live fairly well.

Farming is becoming more . These days young men starting work on the farm are expected to spend some more time at agriculture college to learn how to do the job . English agriculture is very and we are now self-sufficing in grain: is stored by the Common Market and which we have to pay to store, through our taxes.

(1)、 D:ticket (2)、C:but(3)、A:agricultural(4)、B:where(5)、B:land(6)、D:regarded

(7)、C:scientific(8)、C:properly(9)、A:efficient(10)、B:In fact

2、When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book Dr. Leomard Zuninn. In his book, Contact: The First Four Minutes, he offers this advice to anyone in starting new friendships: "Every time you meet someone in a social lives change if you did just that."

You may have noticed that the person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if to find someone more interesting in another part of the room. If has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.

When we are introduced to new people, the author suggested, we try to appear friendly and . In general, he says, "People like people who like (1)、 C:by (2)、A:interested(3)、B:situation(4)、D:would(5)、B:average(6)、A:hoping


3、 Why are children so different in their response the same situation? Some research suggests that styles of parenting may affect children's in dealing with their world. According to some researchers, there are three parenting styles and one style of parenting enhances children's competence more than the others. Typical behavior patterns of children according to each are as follows. Authoritarian parents value control and expect their children to obey questioning. (8)、C:should (9)、A:self-confident(10)、C:themselves

In homes, children are so strictly controlled that often they cannot make independent choices about their own behavior. Permissive parents value self-expression and self-regulation. They are warm, noncontroling, and undemanding. In permissive homes, children receive so guidance that they may become uncertain and anxious about they are doing the right thing. Authoritative parents respect children's independent decisions, interests, and opinions, but also stress social values. They are loving, demanding, firm in maintaining standards and willing to impose punishment. In

authoritative homes, children know is expected of them and can decide whether it is worth parental displeasure to pursue a goal. These children know the satisfaction of meeting

responsibilities and achieving success.

(1)、 C:to (2)、A:competence(3)、C:raised(4)、B:without(5)、D:authoritarian(6)、D:little


4、In 1959 the average American family paid $989 a year's supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1,311. That was a price of nearly one-third.

Every family has had this sort of experience. Everyone agrees that the cost of a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement when reasons for the rise are being discussed. Who is really Many blame the farmers who produce the vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, and cheese stores offer for sale. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the farmer's share of the $1,311 spent by the family in 1972 was $521. This was thirty-one percent than the farmer had received in 1959. But farmers claim that this increase was very small to the increase in their cost of living. Farmers tend to blame others for the sharp in food prices. They particularly blame those who the farm products after the products leave the farm. These include truck drivers, meat packers, manufacturers of packages and other food containers, and the owners of stores where food is sold. They are among the "middlemen" who stand the farmer and the people who buy and eat the food. Are middlemen the ones to blame for food price?

(1)、 C:for (2)、B:increase (3)、C:feeding(4)、A:responsible(5)、B:that(6)、D:more


5、Indians in the United States are faced with significant problems. First as groups of people with their languages and cultures, each tribe wants to keep of its native customs. The want their children to be proud of being Indians, as well as to survive they see on television and in movies. Like everyone , the Indians see little prospect success and become frustrated because they usually go to schools and often cannot adjust in the city. In addition, many Indians feel that they are

discriminated against, partly because they always see themselves losers in movies and history books. They have lost much of their self-confidence and pride, and they must acknowledge this fact in order to get rid of their problem.


6、One of the most common complaints I hear from families is that they are not close. They may but not feel emotionally.

Closeness is about attitude. We feel close when we feel understood, when we feel loved and when feel distant.

and fed by true listening. It grows slowly and years to mature; but it's roots grow deep. It can most storm and sustain a family through the most difficult time.

I received a letter from a reader in Hawaii. out that the CEO of one of the island's largest banks was considering a run for governor. Since he was well-liked, he seemed to have a good But before filing papers, he changed his mind, stating that he wanted to spend more time with his family. Not that elected officials cannot be family-oriented, but he felt he needed more time at home Ronald A Young, in the Honolulu Advertiser, said this about the candidate's decision:"No matter what you accomplish in the business world or the social world, if you fail the family, then you have is measured by what of yourself you give to them."

He made a decision to give the best of himself to his family. closeness first, despite pressure to put more time elsewhere. It's likely a decision he'll never regret.



7、 Clem was a faithful Christian. He believed that God would help him out of any difficulty. One day, the Mississippi River was flooding its banks and the water began around Clem's house. It rose to the front gateway Clem was standing. A man in a rowboat and called to Clem. "Come with me and I'll take you to the high ground!" Clem replied, "No, my will save me!"

The flood continued to rise to the second-storey windows and Clem, out, saw a (3)、C:adults(4)、D:which(5)、B:else (6)、C:However (10)、B:as (7)、A:for(8)、D:inferior(9)、B:to life

powerboat come up. The man in the powerboat shouted, "Get on my boat and I'll take you to the high ground!" Clem replied, "No, my God will save me!"

The water then rose to the roof and Clem was sitting on its ridge. He saw a fly over and a rope was dropped. A man yelled over a bull horn, "Grab the and climb in and we'll take you to the high ground!" Clem replied, "No, my God will save me!"

So Clem was to see the flood engulf (吞没) the house. Finally he was drowned. The next thing he knew, he was standing before his God. He asked God Why have you abandoned me?" His God replied, "What do you want from me? I sent you a rowboat, a powerboat, and a helicopter, you just turned me down!"

(1)、B:rising(2)、A:where(3)、B:passed by(4)、C:God(5)、C:looking(6)、B:helicopter


8、 On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women's club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old woman who lived __1__.

When she came home she sensed something __2__. Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no sign of forced entry. Had anything been taken? She went from room to room, __3__, and found her camera and spare watch missing.

The following Thursday she went out at her __4__ time, but didn't go to the club. __5__, she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would happen.

It was 4 o'clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making tea at the time. The bell rang again, and the next moment she heard her letter-box being pushed open. __6__ the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A __7__ of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a __8__. The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and __9__ the water over the hand. A sharp cry was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was __10__ by the sound of running feet. It wasn't long before the police caught the thief.

(1)、B:alone(2)、C:unusual (3)、D:checking(4)、 D:usual(5)、C:Instead


9、 When I was about eight years old, I noticed a cassette in a store and, without thinking, put it in my pocket. Later at home, my mother ___1___ about it. She dragged me into the store, and made me ___2___ and return the cassette. All I thought was that I would be careful not to get caught when doing something ___3___. C:Picking up(7)、 D:piece(8)、B:hand (10)、 A:followed

A few years later, I made a friend, Andy, who liked shoplifting (入店行窃). Every day after school, we'd go to stores and steal ___4___ we could get our hands on. One day, we were putting some socks into our pockets when ___5___ a store clerk grabbed us. Soon the police arrived and ___6___ me home in a police car. They talked with my mother and then left. I was waiting for the severe punishment. However, my mother didn't ___7___ me at all. To my surprise, she began to cry. I promised I would never steal again, ___8___ she wouldn't stop. I felt guilty to see her so distressed. Since then I've never stolen any more. Why that "non-punishment" was more ___9___ than the "real" punishment? I am not sure, but it made me think of disciplining my own children. Besides, I learned that a true friend would never pressure you to do bad things. When I told Andy to quit the habit, he ___10___ me and we continued to be friends just as before.

(1)、 A:found out(2)、D:apologize(3)、A:wrong(4)、B:whatever(5)、C:suddenly

(6)、B:drove(7)、D:blame(8)、B:but(9)、C:effective(10)、A:agreed with

10、 Monday morning is always the worst of the week. Everybody is ___1___; everybody is ___2___ a hurry. Last Monday's even worse than usual. 'Hurry up, Dick!' father shouted ___3___ he banged on the bathroom door. 'I've got a train to catch!' 'I'm shaving,' Dick answered. 'I'll be out in a minute.' 'Breakfast's ready,' mother called from the kitchen. ___4___ she got no reply, she came

upstairs to see what was going on. 'Where's David?' she asked. 'Is he still ___5___ bed?' She knocked at his bedroom door loudly. 'You'd better get up,' It's a quarter to eight. Your breakfast's getting cold!' 'I don't feel like any breakfast.' David mumbled. 'I'll have another five minutes' sleep ___6___.' Mother was ___7___ to go into his room and drag him out of the bed when the doorbell rang. She ___8___ downstairs to open the door. It was the postman. 'Good morning, Mrs. Grawford,' he said ___9___. 'It's a lovely day, isn't it?' 'You wouldn't think so if you lived here,' mother answered. '___10___ Monday this place is like a madhouse.'

(1)、 B:sleepy(2)、C:in(3)、A:as(4)、C:As(5)、A:in(6)、D:instead

