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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 05:17:36 写作技巧



字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100


For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students Should Take Part in Social Practice following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1、 很多大学生缺乏社会实践

2、 大学生应该参加社会实践

3、 我的观点

范文:According to a survey, in recent years, many universities ignored the phenomenon that college students did not have enough chance to take part in social practice leaded to they lacked the ability to adapt to society in the future. When we asked college students whether they had engaged in social practice, most of them said no. I take it for granted that social practice can bring many benefits to college student. In the first instance, social practice can offer students adequate chance to meet various people in society. They can accumulate enough experience and use it in the future career. The second thing that must be taken into consideration is that it is a great opportunity for them put theory into practice and improve their In a word, I take the attitude that social practice is a critical thing for university students and they should also learn how to balance between study and work.

标题:Five(Three) Famous Symbols of Chinese Culture

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100



As we know, China is one of the countries with the longest history of ancient civilization in the world. Our ancestors made a contribution to our country even world with a wealth of cultural legacy.

One of the famous symbols of Chinese Culture is the Yellow River. It is the second longest river in China and considered as Mother river of Chinese individual. It is generally recognized that Huang Di was born here and Nu Wa was made by mud from Yellow River.

Chinese knot is also a famous symbol in culture. Our ancestors used it to record things but now it is mainly used for decoration in the Favorite Spring. It must be emphasized that Chinese knot represents love, harmony and marry.

The last symbol that must be taken into consideration is The Great Wall. The Great Wall was built by ordinary people to avoid other countries attacking ourselves at the beginning. It is called as world miracle was made by intelligent individual.

The Yellow River, Chinese knot and The Great Wall, represents Chinese outstanding culture and it is just a part of the Chinese excellent culture. I hope everyone from the world could learn

the acknowledgeable about Chinese culture.



标题:How should young people choose their job?

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100


Some people think young people should be free to choose their job, while others believe that they should be realistic and think about their future.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, a large quantity of people encounter the question that how should young people choose their jobs. Whether they ought to be free to do what they admire?

Some people who are satisfied with having the freedom to select their occupation interpret that they are solicitous of participating in what they are interested in. Consequently, not only can they achieve their ambitions, but also they can gain respect and affirmation.

However, others appreciate being realistic and consider their future so that they are able to accommodate the fierce competition beneath this society when they apply for employment. What's more, they grasp that a promising career equipped with high salary is essential when it comes to their intention to support their family.

In my point of view, I rely that choosing our job freely is better. Only if we reconcile our profession with our interest can we blossom in the future, letting us go through whatever might present.


interpret:v: 作解释

be solicitous of sth: 渴望 [s??l?s?t?s]

affirmation:n: 肯定 [??f??me???n]

accommodate:v:适应 [??k?m?deit]

reconcile A with B:使和好,调节 [?rek?nsail]


Changes of people's diet


1. state the changes on people's diet in the past five years.

2. give possible reasons for changes.

3. draw your own conclusions.

In the five years, there has been great changes on people's diet, which has received considerable publicity. Firstly, people tend to maintain a balanced diet complete with protein, vitamin, fibrin and so on. Secondly, more people are scheduled to finfish their meal in a short time, which allows them to return to their work quickly. Thirdly, the quest for the eating pattern that meets nutrient needs over time at a low calorie level is also widespread.

On the basis of the changes of people's diet, the reasons are conspicuous and as follows. First of all, with the remarkable improvement of people's living standards, individuals are admitted to cultivate nutritionally balanced diet.What's more, the competition is so fierce that the clerks have no choice but to do their utmost to get advanced, which occupies their time to have a time-consuming meal. Lastly, the reason why low calorie provisions is well received is that girls focus on have a good figure.

In conclusion, only if we maintain a balanced diet can we keep healthy. No matter how different people's diet at present, health is the first forever.


nutrient:adj/n:营养 [?nju:tri?nt]

conspicuous:adj: 明显的,惹人注目的 [k?n?spikju?s]

remarkable: adj: 卓越的,引人注目的 [ri?mɑ:k?bl]

admit:v: 承认,允许

provision(s): n\vt: 供应的食物;储量


标题:The best ways of reducing stress

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100


People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your


Nowadays,with the remarkable development of the economy,numerous people in the metropolis are suffering great stress and difficulties.When it comes to how to deal with stress problem,different people have different conception such as reading,doing exercise,cultivating their gardens and so on.

As far as I'm concerned,I think highly of communication,which is the best ways of reducing stress.For one thing,opening to your friends sincerely contributes to calm down yourself.For another thing,not only can you get some suggestions from you best friends,but also you suppose to be inspired.

Take myself as an example.When I was a high school students,I had taken part in an English Contest,which is so fierce that I'm afraid whether I can get a ward.Knowing that I was under great pressure,my best friend had a talk with me face to face,which I was grateful for.Thanks to her encouragement and advice,I stood up to my feet with more confident and struggled for the competition cheerfully.There is no doubt that I had achieve my ambitions.How helpful my friend is!


标题:How to Improve Your English

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100



English is an important language to communicate with individual from other countries. Therefore, it is our obligation to improve English if we are eager to develop our ability to communicate with foreigners. My suggestions about improving English as follows.

In the first instance, you ought to read more English books in place of Chinese books. It is a wonderful ideal for you to increase vocabulary and expand vision from foreign literature. My brother was absorbed in foreign literature in university and read a large number of books about it. He can communicate with foreigners in daily life fluently even he will work in the United States next month.

Watching English movies or listening to English music is a great way that must be taken into consideration. The most rewarding result of doing it for me is that I got gold medal in the English speech contest. It is a simple thing for you to listen to music in your spare time or watch English movies relax yourself when you feel tired.

Whether your study got along well or not, always remember to improve your Engliah, it connects you with your future as a bridge.

标题:Living alone or Living with Roommates

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100


Direction:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on whether college students should live alone or with roommates, following the outline given below.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

1. 有人认为大学里应独自生活

2. 另一些认为大学里应与别人同住

3. 你的看法

One of the controversial issue today is whether college students should live alone in daily life rather than share room with classmates.

Some individuals take it for granted that students should learn some life skills and know how to deal with life problems that we meet. Therefore, it is a wonderful chance to train them by

staying alone in university. Others adopt a totally different view that students should be advocated to live together with classmates. It is significant for students to enrich their experience and it can improve their ability in communicating with others.

As far as I concerned, I agree with the second opinion to some extent. We can become more mature, more tolerant and more optimistic by stay with others. It can also help us to enter the society easily in the future.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should sometimes do things they do not enjoy doing.

Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

Time limit: 30 minutes;

Length: about 300 words. 作文号:539612 教师:范国华字数:100~500 满分:100

ShouldPeople Sometimes Do Things They do not Enjoy Doing?

As to the question, diffident people have diffident views. Some say not while others think the answer is yes, and in my mind, I agree with the latter. Yes, people should sometimes do things


they do not enjoy doing, and the reason is very easy: we have to.

Frist, something we don’t enjoy may be helpful to us. Take me for example, when I was a kid, I don’t like study. I preferred to play free than go to school, but I have to receive nine years of compulsory education. I do not enjoy it but I really learned a lot in school.

Second, no rules, no justice. Something you may not enjoy, but if you do not do that, you will hunt others.

Last but not least, we have to do some things because it is our responsibility. When we have our own families, it’s our duty to make our families better, and we must do things we don’t enjoy to reach the goal. For example, maybe we have to take a boring job because we need to earn money to support our families.

In conclusion, we sometimes need to do things we do not enjoy, because we have to.



Books can be divided into two main types: fictions (novels and stories) and non-fiction (histories, biographies, etc.). Which of the two types of books do you generally prefer to read? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Length: 300 words

Pay attention to organization, idea development, logic, apprpriate use of language


There are two main types of books: fiction and non-fiction, andsome people welcome fiction while others prefer to non-fiction. I prefer to read fiction, because it is interesting, enjoyable, beautifully written and inspirational.

First,I prefer to read fiction because of its interesting plots, which surprise me and make me feel good. Jin Yong's novels are mostly Romantic works, he is using the imagination to write there, his works are imaginative Kyo, the rich. I like the plots of Jin Yong’s novels very much, which make me feel happy and relaxed. Compared with fiction, the content of non-fiction is more boring. Second,Iprefer to read fiction because of its beautiful words. I enjoy the beauty of words, and the language and artistic mood or conception of fiction such as poems and essays can meet the need. Compared with fiction, the words of non-fiction are less vivid.

Last but not least, I prefer to read fiction because of it is enlightening.Many goodfictions can help me attain spiritual awakening, like The Red and the Black,Game of Thrones and so on. For me, reading a good fiction is like talking with a wise man, who shows me a beautiful story having profound philosophic theory and rich connotation in it, which elevates my soul to great things without knowing, and the non-fiction cannot give me the kind of feeling.

All in all, though the non-fiction is more helpful to study, I prefer to the fiction because I enjoy its beauty.
