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篇一:Wear the School Uniform! 穿不穿校服 英语作文

Name: Lily

Topic: Wear the School Uniform!

General purpose: To persuade

Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that student should wear the school uniform in China.


Ladies and gentleman:

Good morning, it is a pleasure for me to speak with you.

The concern that whether student should wear school uniform brings you to be here to listen to this speech. For those against, they believe that the requirement of the school uniform is killing the individuality of the youth. Schools should show greater appreciation of individual difference instead of encouraging conformity. But no matter what your opinion is, today, I will say that the school uniform is absolutely necessary for the student.

In the first place, giving teenagers the right to choose their own clothes is just only a tiny part of individuality cultivation. What more important is that, to inspire and foster creativity, teachers and parents should allow children to challenge their authority; schools should encourage any brilliant new ideas; society should listen to their voice.

In the second place, many young people misunderstand the concept of individuality. To them, individuality is to do everything differently without concerning about ethical standards, rules and laws. When they are going after their idea of individuality, they are actually at the risk of being ego-centric. Then the unified school uniform is the first step to guide them back, as it is the symbol of being in the group and tell them everyone is part of the society.

In the third place, it can save money, getting away of comparison, no chasing brand product. More importantly, students can focus on their study for better. Can you imagine a college campus filled with shadow heads and a generation of vain youth? Therefore the school uniform should be popularized in every school and show student the right individuality in the society.

Quote:21 Century

Spark: Do we need unified school uniform?







Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Essay(范文):

Many high schools, both public and private, require students to wear uniforms. I think that such a policy is an excellent idea because uniforms can make things more equal for all students. First, uniforms make students equal on an economic level. With uniforms, students from poor families dress the same as students from rich families. This can prevent envy and jealousy about stylish clothes. It can also encourage students to form friendships based on personality, not clothes.

Second, uniforms can reduce unequal treatment by teachers. Research suggests that teachers often have higher expectations for more attractive students, which include those students with nicer clothes. This special attention can include providing more challenges and opportunities for these students. Uniforms help teachers make judgments based on ability, not appearance.

Finally, uniforms encourage the individual students of a school to feel like part of a bigger group. Their feelings of being together, working together and having something in common are all helped by uniforms.

It is my opinion that all schools should have a policy requiring uniforms. Uniforms give every student an equal chance.

第 1 页 共 1 页


Topic: Are school uniforms a step forward or a step back?

Thesis: School uniforms are a step back.

Topic sentence: We can even say that in some ways school uniforms are a step back of education.

School Uniforms are a Step Back.

Nowadays when you come into a school, you will find that all the students are in the same kind of clothes, which is called school uniform. By wearing school uniforms, the students are seemed disciplined and tiny; the school is seemed as unified as army. You may think that school uniforms must have made a great contribution to this. But the fact is that while showing such a view of school to you, the students are suffering. The problems of the clothes themselves are visible. The size of the clothes is single, while the growing of children’s body is multiple. So you’ll find many children are in unbecoming garment. Someone may feel the sleeves too long while others may feel the trousers too short. Besides, the material of school uniforms is also a serious problem. Most of school uniforms are made by synthetics, which is a kind of chemical fiber. Except that it’s very uncomfortable to wear clothes in this material every day, it’s also harmful to children’s health.

School uniforms are also not good for children’s psychic development. Now that they have to wear school uniforms every day, they don’t need to choose other clothes for themselves. So they have no idea about which kind of clothes is more suitable for themselves, and have no idea about beauty and fashion. By wearing the same clothes, the children may lose their individual character. Some may even lose their confidence of beauty.


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Topic135 Some high schools require all students to wearschooluniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide whatto wearto school. Which of these two school policies do yo(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:穿不穿校服英语作文)u thinkisbetter? Use specific reasons and examples to supportyouropinion.[参考提纲]135、同意穿校服(1)保证学生的平等,对学生性格好(2)学生可以更加关注于学习(3)学校的形象很好。

[托福参看范文]Topic:135Many high schools, both public and private, requirestudents towear uniforms. I think that such a policy is anexcellent ideabecause uniforms can make things more equal for allStudents.First,uniforms make students equal on an economic level.With uniforms,students from poor families dress the same asstudents from richfamilies. This can prevent envy and jealousyabout stylish clothes.It can also encourage students to formfriendships based onpersonality, not clothes.Second, uniforms canreduce unequaltreatment by teachers. Research suggests thatteachers often havehigher expectations for more attractivestudents, which includethose students with nicer clothes. Thisspecial attention caninclude providing more challenges andopportunities for thesestudents. Uniforms help teachers makejudgments based on ability,not appearance.Finally, uniformsencourage the individual studentsof a school to feel like part ofa bigger group. Their feelings ofbeing together, working togetherand having something in common areall helped by uniforms.It is myopinion that all schools should havea policy requiring uniforms.Uniforms give every student an equalchance.



Topic134 Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Children should be required to help with household tasksas soon asthey are able to do so. Use specific reasons and examplestosupportyouranswer.[参考提纲]134、同意让儿童做家务(1)能够让儿童理解父母(2)能够让儿童发展一些家务技能。有些人很早就会作饭,这很好。(3)能够让儿童体会到成功和失败的乐趣。作饭做坏了和做好了。[托福参看范文]Topic:134In the past in America, children were valuable workers.Forexample, they helped on the farm or in the family business inorderto bring in money. Just a couple of generations later,attitudeshave changed. Now children are

免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? hardly expected to work atall.Modern children often dont even do household chores. This issad,because I think that they are missing something if they donthelpout at home. Sharing in household tasks benefits children ofallages.First of all, household tasks build skills. Very youngchildrenlearn motor skills and classification skills when theypick up theirtoys and put them away. Talking about how to dothings helps themlearn to analyze situations. Older children learnskills theyllneed as an adult. Cleaning and cooking may seemdull, but knowinghow to do them well makes life a lot easier. Howmany young adultsleave for college unable to do their own laundryor cook anythingbesides a frozen microwave dinner? Its amazinglycommon.Wheneveryone in a family helps out, the family is happier.Nowadays itscommon for both parents to work. When they come home,they have morework to do. Life is stressful and theres no timefor fun. Bysharing household tasks, everyone gains. Children canhelp theirparents with simple tasks such as picking up their ownrooms,putting away their own laundry, starting dinneroccasionally, ortaking care of younger siblings. Then the familycan relax together,and parents wont feel like servants to theircouch potatooffspring.The most important thing children learnfrom helping withhousehold tasks is responsibility. Handlingeveryday tasks teachesorganization and time management skills.Children learn that choreshave to be completed before they canplay, or before ? They gettheir allowances. Children whounderstand that effort pays off willbe more successful later inlife.Kids should not work all the time.A happy life needs balance.But if they can successfully handletasks at home, they will handlelife better too. They will know thesatisfaction of doing a goodjob, be involved in family life, andbecome more confident andresponsible adults.




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篇五:高考满分英语作文 学校是否应该强制学生穿校服

高考满分英语作文 学校是否应该强制学生穿校服



Possible Version:

Dear 'Chat back',

Taking the advantages of wearing school uniforms into consideration, I'm all for it that school uniforms should be a necessity for students. Since clothes play an important role in our daily life, many students feel like showing themselves off. In this way, school uniforms help students avoid being compared to others about the clothes.

For example, my friend flora is born in a poor family. Her parents are both laid off now. So she can't afford the fashionable clothes. Smart as she is, she used to feel uncomfortable when staying with the students who are dressed up. Thanks to the school uniforms, she is never looked down upon. Now, she has already cleared up the negative feelings and stood out among her classmates.

In a word, I think highly of school uniforms. It can always do us good.
