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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:26:03 英语作文


国家奖学金 National Scholarship

国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship

三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student

三好学生 Merit Student

学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records

突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity

先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student

优秀工作者 Excellent staff

优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre

优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member

优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates

优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer

先进班集体 Advanced Class

优秀团干 Outstanding Leagu


e Cadres

学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association

学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association

精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual

社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work

文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities

道德风尚奖 Ethic Award

精神文明奖 High Morality Prize

最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization

突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution

工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working

团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution

二、 各系比赛与奖项

话剧比赛 Drama competition

英语演讲比赛 English Speech Contest

八系辩论赛 Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition

黑板报设计大赛 Blackboard Poster Design Contest

PPT设计大赛 Courseware Design Competition

文明宿舍 Outstanding Dormitory

OK杯篮球比赛 OK Cup for Basketball Game

我心飞扬歌唱比赛 “My Heart Flies” Singing Competition

诗歌朗诵比赛 Poetry Recitation Contest

诗歌创作比赛 Poetry Creation Contest

摄影大赛 Photography Competition

金话筒比赛 “Golden Microphone” Competition

兴我中华演讲比赛 Speech Competition on Revitalizing China

课件比赛 Courseware Design Contest

报刊比赛 Press Writing Contest

足球比赛 Football Match

三笔比赛 Essay Contest

冬日环保针织比赛 Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental Protection

登山比赛 Mountain-climbing Competition

网络工程师 Network Engineer Certification

全国建模比赛 National Mathematical Modeling Contest

知识风采比赛 Knowledge Competition

PPT 课件制作大赛 Courseware Design Competition

辩论赛 Debate Competition

创业大赛 Venture Contest

党团知识竞赛 Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League

政法论坛 Political and Legal Forum

金秋系列活动 Series of Activities in “Golden Season

模拟法庭 Moot Court

演讲比赛 Speech Competition

征文比赛 Essay Competition

网页设计大赛 Web Page Design Competition

辩论赛 Debate Competition

软件设计大赛 Software Design Competition

多媒体课件设计大赛 Multimedia Courseware Design Competition

网站设计竞赛 Web Design Competition

电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):

演讲比赛 Speech Contest

电子设计大赛 Electronic Design Contest

服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):

服装创意设计大赛 Garment Design Competition

毕业设计大赛 Graduation Design Competition

发表论文 Publications

专利证书 Patent

服装设计大赛 Garment Design Contest

泳衣大赛 Swimming Suit Design Competition

手提包设计大赛 Handbag Design Competition

服装创意设计大赛 Creative Garment Design Competition

生命科学系(Department of Life Science):

实验技能操作大赛 Experiment Skill and Operation Contest


The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in Guangdong

建筑与土木工程系(Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering):

建筑文化节 Architectural Culture Festival

建筑设计竞赛 Architectural Design Competition

钢笔画比赛 Ink Drawing Contest

节徽设计大赛 Festival Logo Design Contest

“五佳”歌手活动 “Best Five” Singer Activities

友谊篮球赛 Friendship Cup Basketball Match

工程测量比赛 Engineering Survey Competition

班际足球赛 Inter-class Football Match

省大学生科技竞赛 Science and Technology Contest for Province College Students 十佳学生活动组织 Top Ten Student Activities Organization

十大学生修身楷模 Ten Model Students of Self-cultivation

学生科研创新奖 Student Award for Research and Innovation

棋王大赛 Chess Competition

电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛 E-Society Feisi Cup Architectural Renderings Computer Design Contest

“飞狐杯”八系辩论赛 Flying Fox Cup 8 departments Invitational Debate Competition 女子篮球赛 Women's Basketball Match

广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛 Chemistry and Chemical Experiment Skills Competition for Colleges in Guangdong

导游技能大赛 Tourist Skills Contest

导游路线设计大赛 Tourist Route Design Competition

党团知识竞赛 Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC

礼仪风采大赛 Manner and Etiquette Contest

体育系(Department of Sports):

体育文化节 Physical Culture Festival

相声小品大赛 Crosstalk and Sketch Contest

班际篮球赛 Inter-class Basketball Match

三、 证书

大学英语四级 CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)

大学英语六级 CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate)

英语专业四级 TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)

英语专业八级 TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)

普通话等级考试 National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)

日语能力考试 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4) 商务日语能力考试 Business Japanese Proficiency Test


soccer base(英格兰足球方面最全的球员库,包括head to head,以及英格兰足球联赛每场比赛的出场阵容和进球者,适合考古者,不过只有进球和出场数据) http://www.socce


ESPN Soccernet States Center(英格兰大部分报纸和俱乐部官网引用的数据网站)

Physio Room(英超伤病动态更新)


Actim(英超官方统计) ,,12306,00.html Actim(英通社提供的部分资料)

Sensei Guide(一个杂乱的数据统计站)



National Football Teams(国家队数据,资料)



Football Database(同上)

OPTA(Sky主打的英超数据网站) ,19528,11662_2705370,00.html



路透社: 美亐联社:





ESPN Soccernet Physio Room

National Football Teams

路透社: 美亐联社:






Football Database


Actim/page/Statistics/0,,12306,00.html Actim

Sensei Guide

上座率详细统计 http://itv.stats.football365.com/dom/ENG/PR/attend.html rsssfhttp://www.rsssf.no/clubs.html

篇四:大学英语4 Quiz for Unit 1

Quiz for Unit 1

姓名: 学号: 成绩:

Part I. Complete each of the following sentences with the most appropriate word

2. Her interests are very __________ from those of other girls.

3. Large price increases could __________ demands for even larger wage increases.

4. There are some __________ differences between them, which makes one more appropriate for certain types of problems than others.

5. She’s so __________ that she always eats cake with a little fork.

6. If you have other criteria that you would like to see included in this table, or need more __________, please e-mail me.

7. Competitive success is commonly seen as the American __________ to social rank based on family background.

8. According to the author, if your letter is thrown into some “letter-to-be-read” file, it __________ be neglected.

9. It can be concluded from the passage that newspaper readers usually read a newspaper ______.

10. I wanted to show women’s __________ with glamour and fashion.

11. She lost her husband and only child in a car accident. Later she devoted herself to kinds of

activities to __________ in the sand.

12. At the end, his audience rose to __________ for his wonderful performance.

13. Kissing is one of the most __________ act of love——almost everyone does it at some point.

14. Stay away from the things that __________ you.

15. I actually want to begin by going back to Freud and talking about a few __________ last class.

Part II In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there

are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

16. He fell in love with her at the first sight, and affection is __________.

A. ritual B. neutral C. mutual D. riddle

17. __________ with database systems would be an advantage for you to apply for this job.

A. Formality B. Familiarity C. Fascination D. Feasibility

18. She believes that fine food and wine are beyond taste of the __________.

A. entertainment B. temptation C. humor D. vulgar

19. The poor girl __________ fear in her eyes at the attacker.

A. sparked B. flashed C. burst D. explode

20. The administrative __________ helps quicken the speed of the economic development.

A. setin B. setdown C. setback D. setup

21. We hired a magician to __________ the children at the party.

A. enrich B. entertain C. assemble D. construct

22. Computer games are so irresistible a(n) __________ that a lot of teenagers yield to it.

A. temptation B. riddle C. attempt D. clarificaiton

23. Bill is an example of a severely disabled person who has become __________ at many

survival sills.

A. proficient B. persistent C. consistent D. sufficient

24. He was __________ of selling state secrets and arrested last month.

A. doubted B. suspected C. respected D. inspected

25. Be __________, you can’t expect her to do all the work on her own.

A. logical B. honest C. reasonable D. sincere

26. The beauty of the house __________ its simplicity.

A. lies in B. lies about C. lies with D. lies down

27. Fans are fascinated by watching football games because the outcome of the matches often are

not so __________.

A. enjoyable B. incredible C. believable D. predictable

28. What a __________ that you met a classmate of Wuhan University in Paris!

A. accident B. accidence C. incidence D. coincidence

29. ----Chinese football team won the World Cup?


A. Fat team B. Fat chance C. Thick team D. Thick chance

30. Police are worried that many crimes go __________.

A. to report B. reporting C. unreported D. to unreport

31. __________ that all the students are so keen on the film?

A. Which is it B. Why is it C. When is it D. Where is it

32. People __________ her because she wears such strange hats.

A. make up B. make from C. make fun of D. make over

33. ----__________ you didn’t come to the party?

----Sorry, I had a cold.

A. How come B. What C. Why D. Where

34. __________ he had lived to finish it.

A. Could that B. Should that C. Would that D. Might that

35. To master a foreign language, __________.

A. a lot of practice is needed B. it needs a lot of practice

C. one needs a lot of practice D. practice is in need of

36. None of us had the final say in this matter, and therefore it was recommended that we

__________ for the authorities.

A. wait B. waited C. would wait D. must wait

37. The boy spent as much time watching TV as he __________ studying.

A. does B. had C. was D. did

38. The mother didn’t know who __________ for the broken glass.

A. blamed B. be blamed C. to blame D. would blame

39. The football game comes to you __________ from New York.

A. lively B. alive C. live D. living

40. Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliners __________ at the very moment of the


A. should have died B. must be dying C. must have died D. ought to die

Part III Translation: Complete the following sentences by translating into

English the Chinese given in brackets.

41. _________________________________ (我们需要努力打下坚实的基础) if we want to

smoothly achieve satisfactory scores in CET-4.

42. The idea of camping __________________________________(我向来不感兴趣).

43. She is __________________________ (一样活跃) than she used to be.

44. They stole the jewels ______________________________(就在那些警卫的眼皮底下).

45. The theory of relativity is so challenging that it is _________________________________(大


Part IV Writing: Write a paragraph about leisure activities, using at least 8

words or phrases in your writing from the list below.

46. make an attempt to do something 努力……,试图……

47. a labor of love 心甘情愿做的工作

48. make fun of somebody 取笑某人

49. range from...to... 在……和……之间变化

50. have a better sense of humor 更有幽默感

51. be likely to do something 有可能会……

52. beyond the reach of somebody 在某人伸手够不着的地方

53. for example 例如

54. in other words 也就是说,换句话说

55. selectively 有选择地

56. laugh to fall out of one’s chair 笑得前仰后合

57. appeal to something 对某人有吸引力

58. instinct 本能,天性,直觉

59. in no time 立即,马上,不一会

60. familiarity 熟悉,通晓



一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)得分:100

1.Xiaoyan has a reservation (B )a single room.




2.A:Where do (C )live? B:( )home is in London.

A.they, They

B.their, They

C.they, Their

3.(A ) people are my friends.( ) people are my husband's friends.

A.These, Those

B.This, That

C.Here, There

4.Pam will not come to our meeting next week.She (A ) in France from Monday till Thursday.

A.is staying

B.are staying


5.A: (A ) will the meal take? B:It'll take two hours, I think.

A.How long

B.How many

C.How much

6.Mr Green is now (C ) a holiday.




7.I am (B ) engineer.




8.Mr Manning (C ) in Paris today and tomorrow.



C.is working

9.Tell me about your new friend.(B )is he like?




10.Mary (C ) brown eyes and golden hair.


B.have got

C.has got

11.A:(B ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you.

A.Do you want

B.What would you like

C.What you like

12.The French restaurants are nice, but they are (C )!

A.not enough nice


C.too expensive

13.This is my new watch.It was a present (C )my wife.




14.A:Hello, Linda, how are you? B:(B ).

A.Very good.Are you good?

B.Very well, thank you.And you?

C.Hello, Rose, how do you do?

15.This watch is (A ) that one.

A.as expensive as

B.very expensive than

C.more expensive to

16.A:(B )? B:My father is a manager.My mother is a nurse.

A.Where are your parents

B.What do your parents do

C.What are your parents doing right now

17.John is (A ) experienced at training than Mary is.




18.Quite often after dinner, they (C ) music in a pub and ( ) home about midnight.

A.are playing…are going

B.will play… are going


19.A:The classroom is not big enough for 50 students.B:Yes, I agree.It's (A ).

A.too small

B.no enough

C.not enough bigger

20.It (C )heavily here at this moment.



C.is raining

21.A:What does your mother do? B:(C ).

A.She does shopping once a week

B.She tells stories to my daughter every evening

C.She is a clerk in a bank

22.A:Are there two men in the room? B:(B )__.

A.No, there are one

B.No, there's only one

C.Yes, there is one

23.I just (A ) at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.

A.sit around

B.sit in

C.sit down

24.A:(B ) you like a drink? Wine? Beer? B:A beer, please.




25.A: I saw Tom just now at the café B:It (B )be him.He went to U.S.A.yesterday.




26.London is (C ) capital of Britain, and it is ( )_ great city, too.

A.a, the

B.the, /

C.the, a

27.A:Why don't you go to an estate agent, then, you're talking face to face? B:Well, (C ).

A.I would like

B.That's a shame

C.I don't know

28.He often works in ( C)evening.




29.I go to see my grandparents once (C )week with my parents.




30.A:The chair is not comfortable enough.B:Yes, I agree.It is (B ).

A.to be not comfortable

B.too uncomfortable

C.no comfortable

31.My husband doesn't (A ), but I like it very much.

A.like shopping

B.like shop

C.likes shopping

32.David ( B) on a new database at the moment.

A.currently work

B.is currently working

C.currently working

33.(B ) a coffee machine in the room?

A.Are there

B.Is there

C.Have there

34.A:I'm keen on football.B: So (C )I.




35.Polly goes to a gym twice (B )week with her friends.




36.A:The shower isn't working.B: (B ).

A.I come to call the plumber

B.I'll call the plumber

C.I like calling the plumber

37.A:The area is too noisy.B: Yes, I agree.It's (C ).

A.no enough quiet

B.not enough quiet

C.not quiet enough

38.Sally's parents (B )come and stay with her soon.

A.are going

B.are going to

C.is going to

39.A: (B )is the nearest chemist's? B: On the corner.




40.Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for (B ).




41.A:(B ), David? B:An orange juice.

A.What do you like

B.What would you like

C.Would you like an orange juice

42.A: (B )? B: Yes, I'd like to.Thanks.

A.Would you like something

B.Would you like to come to the shop one day

C.Would you like coming to the shop one day

43.A.Oh, dear.I've got a temperature.B.You (C )have some aspirins to reduce it.




44.A:(A ).B:Hi.My name's Rose.Are you from London?

A.Hello, I'm Paul.What's your name?

B.Hello, who are you? What's your name?

C.Where are you from?

45.I usually get up (B ) 7 o'clock ( ) the morning.

A.past, on

B.at, in

C.in, in

46.I am getting too fat.I have to (A )my weight.

A.work off

B.work of

C.work out

47.(C )would you like, tea or coffee?




48.I'd like (A ) apples, please.




49.The news is not new at all.It is (B ).


B.quite old

C.enough old

50.I don't want (A ) milk in my coffee.



