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篇一:PEP三年级下英语教学设计-Unit2 my family-学科网


1. 通过教学使学生掌握5个新单词man,father(dad),woman(mum),family,达到能听说认读这些单词。

2. 完成句型教学,使学生理解句子Who's that man/woman? He/She's my father/mother.熟读并能在实际语言环境中正确运用。

3. 培养学生热爱家庭,关心父母的情感。鼓励学生用英语表达自己的想法。 教学方法



1. 单词教学


2. 句型教学






T:Hi,boys and girls.

SS:Hello,Miss Wang.

T:How are you?

SS:Fine,thank you,how are you?

T:Very well,thanks.


Today,we'll learn the new Unit--Unit 2.Part A.

(一)Let's learn:Let's learn the new words.

1.words.(Before the class,teacher draws the simple pictures of a family.) T:First,some words. (Pointing to a girl.)Look here,this is a…(girl).师教读后,指名学生个别读,老师正音。(Pointing to a man.)This is a man. Read after me,"man".学生分组练习,组与组之间进行比赛,看哪组读得又准又快。

And your father is a man.Your father means your dad or your daddy.学生同桌之间,前后相互读。

(Pointing to a woman.)Don't forget your mother.Your mother means your mum,or your mummy.用找单词卡片的游戏练习读这个单词。And your mother is a woman.I am a woman,too.学生边传单词卡片,边读单词。Father add g-r-a-n-d being grandfather. Guess,how to say "奶奶"in English? 教学grandfather, grandmother.

Reading the words "man, father, woman, mother, grandfather, grandmoter." They make up a family.My family.(在Unit 2后边板书My family,把课题补充完整。)

2.Learning the song of your family.

T: I love my family, do you love your family?

SS: Yes!

T: Well, let's learn a song about your father and your mother. When you go back home, sing this song to your daddy and your mummy, they will be very happy. (Listen and sing.)

(二)Let's talk.

1.Learn"who's that…?"

Pointing to a man,and say"Who's that man?"(那个男的是谁?)Read it again and again.Then…

T:Can you make a sentence like this?


SA:Who's that woman?

SB:Who's that girl?

SC:Who's that boy?

看人物卡片Students ask"Who's that…?"And Miss answers.(注意突出he,she的不同用法)。

Now, you can see, when you answer these questions, must use "he".师手指板书 Who's that man/boy?并板书"He is…"用同样的方法教"She"的用法。学


Students follow me reading"Who's that man?He's my father.Who's that woman?She's my mother."

2. Reading books.

T:Let's read our books.Turn to page 14.

(Listen to the tape,read after the tape,and read it together.)

3. Practice.

(Showing the photoes.)Ask the students "Who's that boy?Who's that girl?Who's that man?Who's that woman?"And the students answer my questions like this: T:Who's that girl?

SS:She is …(She's …).

T:Who's that boy?

SS:He is A.(He's A.)

T:Hi,A.Who's that man?

SA:He's my father.

T:Who's that woman?

SA:She's my mother.


Today, we have learned some new words. They are "man,woman,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother." Let's read.老师领读。And a new sentence "Who's that…"

When you go back home, sing the family song to your father and mother. See you.



1.复习巩固Part A 学习的5个单词,学习新单词sister, brother达到能熟练地听说认读这些单词。

2.完成句型教学,使学生理解句子Is he your brother / father /grandfather? Is she your sister/mother /grandmother?熟读并能结合Part A句型Who's that…?




运用多媒体辅助教学,采取看听读做等多种方法提高学习兴趣,温故知新. 教学步骤

1. 单词教学


2. 句型教学






T:Hi,boys and girls.

SS:Hello,Miss Wang.

T:Nice to meet you.

SS:Nice to meet you,too.

二、Presentation. Today,we'll go on learn Unit--Unit 2.Part B.


1. Review words.

At first, let's review the words. Let's watch the video of the words.观看动画帮助学生回忆Part A学过的六个单词(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, man, woman)。

板书,进一步复习巩固单词。板书man,问指名学生读该单词,同样的方法复习woman。出示father, mother的单词图卡让学生认读并分类板书好。老师戴上花镜扮作老年人问:Who am I ?学生回答grandmother。老师用:grandmother love grandfather引出单词grandfather,也把它们分男女板书好。师领生读。

2。Learn new words.

Next, let's learn two new words--brother, sister. "brother" means “兄弟”,"sister" means “姐妹”。老师利用单词图卡直接教授新单词。男女分读加深学生印象,Boys read "brother", girls read "sister", please. Now, let's change. 挑选几组同学来读。

3。Words practice. Let's read. Read after me, then, you're the teachers and I am the student. Let me follow you.

在学生较熟练地掌握新旧单词后,让他们看单词图卡进行抢读,比比哪位同学认得又快读得又准。 Game: man left, woman right.学生听老师读单词,如果单词是男性学生就向左跳,反之,向右。先由几名同学上讲台演示,然后集体玩这个游戏。When you hear a word of man, please jump to left, when you hear a word of woman, jump to right.


1. Review sentences.

OK, go on learn sentences. 板书:Who's that man?问学生:Do you remember this sentence? Let's read. 学生读后造句,老师板书Who's that man/boy? Who's that woman/girl?

Great! Now, I ask and you answer. Who's that woman/ man/ girl/ boy? 学生一起回答,再指名提问,引出本课新句型的学习。

2.Learn new sentences.

Who's that boy? Is he your grandfather? Is he your father? (No, he's my friend.) 老师板书好新句子,解释汉意,教读。Is he your grandfather/ father/ brother? 学生仿造句子,注意he/she的不同用法。Can you make some sentences like these? 老师把学生造的句子板书好,Is she your grandmother/ mother/ sister?

3。Sentences practice. 用多媒体课件展示人物卡片,师生就句子进行问答练习。Brother T: Who's that boy? Ss: He's my brother. Mother Ss: Who's that woman? T: Guess! Ss: Is she your mother? T: No, she's Mimi's mother. Man/woman Ss: Who's that man/woman? Sister/grandmother Ss: Is she your sister/grandmother? …

篇二:Unit4 My family 教学设计

Unit4 My family 第三课时


Song time, Letter time, Checkout time


1. Knowledge aim 知识目标

(1)学生能听懂、读准字母Ll, Mm, Nn,并能掌握它们比划、笔顺进行正确的书写。


2. Ability aim 能力目标

(1)会唱歌曲 Family song

(2)学生能在语境中通过介绍家人、表演、听录音标序号等形式复习本单元所学的语言知识 。


3. Emotional aim 情感目标

(1) 增强学生学习英语的兴趣。



Step1 Warm up

1. Greeting

T: Glass begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Look, you can call me Miss Hu. This is my English name. Can you read it? 带读Candy一遍

2. Sing a song

Let’s sing a song. Shake your hands. 第二遍改歌词Candy

3. Free talk

T: You sing the song very well. I’m happy to be your English teacher today. I want to know something about you. May I know your name? Hi, xxx.

Step2 Presentation and practice

Checkout time——Mike’s family

1. Review the words of family

T: I know some of you now. Do you know this boy? Who’s he?

a) 出示Mike一家的人物图片

逐个出示迈克的家庭成员T引导学生说This is Mike’s …并将人物图片贴在黑板上 b) 出示单词卡片father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma 请学生认读并将卡片


c) Ask three Ss come to the blackboard and put them in orders

d) 教师快速指单词学生读

e) 扮演Mike介绍家人 This is my …

2. Listen and number

(1) Show the pictures of Checkout time. Ss try to say with the teacher together.

T: They are Mike’s family. This is Mike’s …

(2) Listen and number

T: Let’s listen and number. From 1-6. Open your books turn to Page29 and pick out the pencils.

(3) Check the answers

Acting time

T: You did a good job. You know Mike’s family very well. Look at this family. This is Bobby’s family. He is introducing his family. Let’s act Bobby. Try to introduce his family.

1. Bobby’s family

(1) Ss act Bobby by themselves

(2) The techer act Bobby, choose three Ss act the family members

出示情景:It’s 9:00 in the morning. We meet Bobby in the park. So let’s say: 引导全班说Good morning.

(3) 再请一组表演,教师指导

2. Sam’s family出示情景:It’s 3:00 in the afternoon. We meet Sam in the supermarket.

(1) Sam是如何介绍他的家人的?


Hello, I’m Sam.

This is my…

(2) Try to act

3. Coco’s family 同上 出示情景:It’s 7:00 in the evenng. We meet Coco by the lake. Song time

1. New words


T: They are Bobby’s family, Sam’s family and Coco’s family. They all live togther.出现房子。 教学带读live together并释义 住在一起 i-i-live to-ge-ther live together 开火车读,个别读


T: They all live together. So they all love one another.

教学带读love one another并释义 相亲相爱 o-o-love one a-no-ther love one another 个别读

(3) 出示两个完整句子并带读

They all live together. 带读,男女生读,齐读

They all love one another. 带读,分大组读,齐读

2. Watch the song

3. Answer the question

What do you hear in the song? 你在歌曲里听到了什么?

4. Try to follow


5. Sing together

T: Let’s sing to all the teachers. Let’s sing beautifully.

Letter time—— Letter family

T: We all love our family. Look, there is a sheep. This is the sheep’s family.

1. Find and read: Sheep’s family


T: Can you find some letters in the picture?

(1) Ss read

(2) Read after the teacher

(3) Read one by one

(4) Play a game: 心有灵犀

(5) 字母Ll, Mm, Nn卡片认读,排序

2. Let’s write

T: Now you can read the letters well. Can you write them? Let’s have a try.

a. Watch the letters carefully and discuss in pairs how to write

b. Write after the teacher 老师写一个学生跟着同时书空,学生在书上写一个

c. 后背写字母 T-S1示范 Work in pairs

3. Review the letters

T: Now we can read and write letter Li, Mm, Nn. What letters have we learnt?

出示字母卡Gg Jj 正音

出示字母卡Ll Ii 提示字形不同

Say the letters from A to Nn

Ticking time

T: You learn the letters very well. Today we have learnt the new lettters Ll, Mm, Nn. Can you say and write them very well? If you learn it very well you can tick three stars.


How many stars, one, two or three?

2. Estimate in groups

T: Introduce your family in groups one by one. Then estimate in groups and tick in the right blanket.

T: Today you did a good job. Most of you have got six stars. And your group gets many stars too. Thank you. Goodbye!

篇三:Unit4 My Family

Unit 4 My family


1.本单元的词汇较多,但是教学难度不大。部分家庭成员的词汇father, mother等是比较常见的,sister在上一单元已经有所接触,因此可补充口语化称呼mum, dad以及grandfather, grandmother 两个单词。考虑到现在独生子女较多,学生分不清brother, sister和cousin的区别,建议增加cousin。

2.在介绍家庭成员时,建议拓展学生比较熟悉的句子I love my ?以及用happy, big, small等形容词描述自己的家庭。一方面为了让学生体验家庭的温馨之情,另外也是使学生的语言表达更丰富.更完整。

3.日常用语拓展Good night.,引导学生正确区分两者的用法。


1.本单元教材以“My family”为主题,让学生学会向别人介绍自己的家人。

2.词汇:family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, me。

3.句型:学会使用This is ...来介绍家庭成员。

4.日常交际用语:Good evening.。

5.字母:学习认读及书写字母Ll, Mm, Nn。



1.family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma等单词的准确发音。

2.This is ?的发音。

3.在介绍照片中的自己时,学生受思维定势的影响,可能会出现This is my me. 这样的错误。教学This is me.时要注意消除这种定势影响。

4.Mm, Nn的发音及笔顺。


1.family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma等单词的准确发音。

2.This is ?的发音。

3.在介绍照片中的自己时,学生受思维定势的影响,可能会出现This is my me. 这样的错误。教学This is me.时要注意消除这种定势影响。

4.Mm, Nn的发音及笔顺。

课时安排: 4课时



Story time.


1.学生能熟练地运用句型:This is my ?.

2.学生能搞清楚人物关系.区分认识:father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma .

3.认识人物:Tim, Helen.



1.学生能听懂.会说.会读.会运用句型:This is my? .

2.学生能搞清楚人物关系.区分认识:father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma .

3. 会用本课所教句型来介绍自己的家庭成员。


1.学生能听懂.会说.会读.会运用句型:This is my? .

2. 会用本课所教句型来介绍自己的家庭成员。


PPT, photos.


Step 1 Greeting and free talk.

T:Hello, who is she?

Ss: She’s my friend.

T: Who is he?

Ss: He’s my friend, too.

Step 2 Presentation

1.教师利用PPT出示前面课文中出现的一些人物,复述人物名称,引出This is ..的句型。

T: Who is this?

S1: This is Mike.

T: Who is this?

S2: This is Tina.

再出示一些孩子喜闻乐见的卡通人物和班级的学生,用句型This is? .进行介绍,巩固句型。

S1: Who is this?

S2: This is ? .

适度铺垫:出示许多照片,从谈论朋友话题过渡切入主题family。教师拿出自己的全家照,稍作介绍This is my ?. 感知家庭成员名称。过渡语:Here’s a story. It’s about Mike’s family.

1.Learn: Story time

a. 利用PPT 出示课文中一下人物:

教师先指着Mike, T:Who is this?

Ss: This is Mike.

接着让学生发挥自己的想象力,猜一猜图片中其他人与Mike有什么样的关系,很多学生就会猜到: This is Mike’s mother, father, friend, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma? .

b. Watch the story.

通过观看故事的视频,来进一步学习和理解句子:This is my father.

This is my mother.

This is Tim. He’s my brother.

This is Helen. She’s my sister.

This is me. And this is my family.

最后强调family 的含义,揭题:My family. 并向学生进行情感教育,有爱的家庭对孩子成长的重要性。

仔细阅读故事,将人物图片与相应的句子配对。让学生充分搞清家庭成员之间的关系。 Read after the PPT.

Read after the teacher.

Step 3 Have a rest.

Listen to the song < Family song >

Step 4 Practice

Read into roles

T: (指着全部人物图片) This is my family.

S1: ( 指着Mike父亲照片)This is my father.

S2: ( 指着Mike母亲照片)This is my mother.

S3: ( 指着Helen照片)This is Helen . She’s my sister.

S4: ( 指着Tim照片)This is Tim . She’s my brother.

S5: ( 指着Mike照片)This is me.

Introduce into groups.

Step 5 Consolidation


Eg: T: Look! This is my family.

This is my father. This is my mother.

He’s my son. She’s my sister.

This is me.

Step 6 Homework

Read the stoty.

Recite the story.


Unit4 My family

This is my father. This is my mother.

This is me.

This is my family.

This is Tim. This is Helen.

He’s my brother. She’s my sister.


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:the,family,song)



Fun time, Letter time.


1.学生能听懂.会说.会读.会运用句型:This is my ?.

2.学生会听说读写字母:Ll , Mm, Nn.



1.学生能听懂.会说.会读.会运用句型:This is my ?.

2.学生会听说读写字母:Ll , Mm, Nn.



1.学生会听说读写字母:Ll , Mm, Nn.

2. 会用本课所教句型熟练介绍自己的家人。


PPT, photos.


Step 1 Free talk and warm up.

1. Listen to the song

2. T:Hello, who is this?

Ss: This is my ? .

T: Who is he/ she?

Ss: He’s / She’s my ? .

Step 2 Revision

在复习上节课的基础上继续学习家庭成员词汇grandpa, grandma,补充mum, dad, cousin, grandmother, grandfather。感知构词规则,能熟练运用This is ?句型。

Recite Story time

Step 3 Presentation

1. Group work

课件出现教师现在的家庭照,让学生观察.猜测。然后老师揭示答案This is my ? Guessing game: 老师说,学生猜测。如He is my father's father. Who is he﹖She is my mother's mother. Who is she?学习新词grandpa, grandma以及grandfather, grandmother。操练句子This is my ? I love my ? 边教学边板书,将家庭成员类词汇有序排列在黑板上。

学生事先准备好家人的照片,在小组内用This is ? 介绍交流,为后面的活动做铺垫。

2. Point and say


3. The students play the game


4. Teach the letters: Ll, Mm, Nn

a. Show the letter cards

b. Read after the teacher.

c. 教师示范书写,学生跟写。(教师注意纠正错误写法和要点)


________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

d. 找出这三个字母中含有的相同因素。

e. Magic eyes.(快速认读字母)

f. 写出字母的左邻右舍。

Step4 Practice and Consolidation

1. Pair work.


S1:Is this your father/ mother/ brother/ sister./grandpa/ grandma? ? S2: Yes. / No, he’s / she’s my? .

2. Games

What’s missing?

Step 6 Homework

1. Copy the letters.

2. Recite the story.


Unit4 My family

This is my? .

Is this your ? ?


No, this is my? .




Let's go各级教材教学内容

Level 1

歌曲 / 对话

Classroom objects & commands命令 指令

Colors, classroom commands Classroom objects & commands Family, daily activities活动 Toys, play activities

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The Hello Song Hi, How Are You? This Is My Friend The Family Song The Happy Birthday Song How’s the Weather? Peaches, Apples, & Plums What Do You Like?

Weather, play activities Food items, food verbs Animals, action verbs

词 汇 语 法 发音

It is + noun It is + adjective Plural nouns Pronouns

It is + adjective + noun Prepositions of location I want + noun I like + noun

Alphabet A-Z A, B, C D, E, F G, H, I, J K, L, M, N O, P, Q, R S, T, U, V W, X, Y, Z

Level 3

歌曲 / 对话 歌曲 / 对话

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Where’s Eddy? Busy, Busy, Busy Three Fifteen Short Shorts The Bookstore Song Where Were You at Two? Where Did You Go?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hello, I’m Sam Jack’s a Mechanic How Was Camp? What Did You Do? Guess What?

What Do You Want to Do?

词 汇

Rooms in a school Classroom materials Daily activities日常活动 Times and daily activities Clothes, descriptive adjectives Transportation交通工具, city Playground equipment操场器材 Places to visit, zoo animals

语 法

Where questions

Have + noncount nouns不可数名What questions with do When questions

What + present continuous现在Where + present continuous 一般过去式Simple past + be Simple past + irreg. verb


cl, gl pl, bl pr, br tr, dr cr, gr fr, fl ch, sh t, th

Sue Doesn’t Have Any Glue

词 汇 语 法 发音

Comparative adjectives比较级 Occupations职业

Outdoor activities户外活动 Birthday activities Illnesses, indoor activities Sports, action prepositions行动介词

Chores家务劳动, favorite activities

Activities and future dreams

Comparisons比较级 What, Where questions Past continuous过去进行时 What questions with past过去式的特殊疑问句 Past with regular verbs动词过去式的规则变化 Past with irregular verbs have to vs. like to Future going to

ail, ay ea, ee y, ie ow, aa ew, oo oil, oy ow, ou au, aw

When’s Your Mother’s Birthday?

Do You Like To Go Swimming?


2 3 4 5 6

Level 5

歌曲 / 对话 歌曲 / 对话 1 2 3 4 5

Who’s That Girl? The Weatherman Song 6 7 8

How Old Were You? Whose Boots are These? The Farmer Brown Song I Couldn’t Understand Him

词 汇 语 法 发音

She Wants to Be an Engineer Occupations

Physical description: hair, eyes Outdoor activities and equipment Animals

Seasons, seasonal activities

Like/want + infinitive Present vs. present cont. Future will

Comparative, superlative Past vs. future going to

sn, sm sw, tw sk, sch st, str squ,qu

A Crocodile is Bigger Than a Fly Last Summer, What Did You Do?

How Much Do You Want? Food, eating utensils Count vs. noncount nouns spr,spl

Childhood activities Countries

When clauses Present perfect

ph, kn wh,wr

Have You Ever Driven a Taxi?

词 汇 语 法 发音

How Long Have You Known Him? Routine, ongoing activities How long + pres. perf. cont. th, tch

This One’s Good, That One’s Better Sensory adjectives Clothing Farm animals Gift items Cities of the world

Good, better, best Possessive pronouns Why, because Modal should

Conditional + could, would

rm, rn rk, lk rt, lt rd, ld nt, nd

Should I Take My Umbrella? If You Could Go Anywhere

7 Activities, adverbs of manner Adjectives of emotion nk, ing

上教版牛津英语教材与Let’s Go教材比较

Level 1

级 别

项 目





Let's Go

阅读量 1040 1360


school, myself, autumn, family, new year, animals, colours, professions, birthday party, dinner greetings, classroom, family, birthday, age, toys, weather, outdoor activities; food and drink; favorite colors; animals(15)


Level 2 生词数 217 256

阅读量 1148 2080

Level 3

级 别

项 目





Let's Go

阅读量 2645 3125


getting to know you, my friends,

feelings, families, shopping, parks and playgrounds, insects and plants, using my five senses, animals I like, toys I like, people I like, noise, the seasons rooms in a school, numbers, shapes, days of the week, frequency, adjectives, clothes,

weather, places in a community, transportation, countries, places to visit, playground equipment, nature, day trips

grammar Simple past tense

Level 4 生词数 275 472
