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篇一:moment a rhythm [ 静临 ]

慎- -

moment a rhythm [ 静临 ]




他算了算今天的行程,「差不多是最后一个了吧」,于是加快脚上的动作,打算尽早收工。 他是这样想的,在他倒下去之前。











腰腹一带的位置痛觉残留麻木了神经,红色液体从他的身体里流出来,在水洼中恣意蔓延。 这场雨不知何时才会停。













如果这世间存在权威这种说法,那么此时此刻,站在主观立场上自私解读会不会过分? -





2010-2-11 12:58 回复










这边,折原临也拿出一组扑克牌,抽牌的同时一边把那些牌一张张丢进火堆里一边自言自语。 “游马崎他们、岸谷新罗一家、赛门、栗楠会的四木老大、警察、??”





“对,对。我曾经把他说的那句‘他人即地狱’解释给某个人听,你猜那个人怎么回答我的?” “??我不知道。”

“他说‘过去、回忆或是结果,都是些非常害怕寂寞的家伙’,没头没脑的对话啊。” “??这是第4个了,劳烦你自己收拾。”



















篇二:A frightening moment

Sarah (Wanting Wang)

April 1, 2012

A Frightening moment

One year ago, we had a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It was supposed to be a wonderful day with laughing and happiness because the Chinese New Year is just like the American Christmas day. It was a big festival for all the Chinese. Nevertheless, that day for me was a frightening day because of the things that had happened. In

addition, I will never forget the things that had happened on that day for my whole life.

The nightmare started from the night on that day. Before that day, we decided that we would go to my uncle’s house to have a party. My boyfriend drove his new car, a Range Rover Sport Supercharged to go to my uncle’s place. This was his dream car, it had a perfect body, and it was brand new with less than 300miles on it. Also hehad just bought it one week before. My boyfriend, three of my friends, and I sat in(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:moment,a,rhythm) the car. When I got to my uncle’s home, everything continued normally, we ate food, we sang some Chinese songs, and we playedthe games. All the things we did were the things that we were supposed to do during the Chinese New Year. The only thing that made the party not perfect was that my boyfriend got sick, but it didn’t matter tohim, he still felt happy and joined everything. That notwithstanding, the nightmare was coming, and it made all the happiness cease because of a cigarette.

During the party, one of my friends told my boyfriend that he wanted a cigarette, but there were no more cigarettes left, so my boyfriend told him that he knew where they could buy them, then,he drove him to buy the cigarettes.There was nothing

happeninguntilthey came back to the house. My boyfriendtold me that he drove on the

road which had a 30 miles speed limit and no car on the road. However, suddenly,he got sick,he didn’t know anything, and he couldn’t feel anything. His car’s acceleration was very strong; it could hit 60 miles from 0 mile only in 5 seconds. So, maybe when he

couldn’t feel anything, he might press the accelerator as strong as he can, also he couldn’t control his hands at that time, the steering wheel sometimes turnedleft sometimes turned right. At the same time, he hit two trafficsigns and went down to the hill. The car was almost dead; it didn’t look likean expensive car anymore. Fortunately, the passenger and he were well; there was no wound on their bodies. It is lucky.

After the accident, the things that happened normally, they called the police, my uncle, and me. After that, I felt scared. I couldn’t believe this was trueall of these things were frightening. Even now, we don’t want to recall that day, and of course the day that we celebrated the Chinese New Year was a frightening day.

篇三:A difficult moment

A difficult moment

After the college entrance examination,I started my university life.I have been eager to experience my university life since my middle school..Moreover ,I feel honoured to go to Nanjing University, so it should have been a great joy to me and my family.However,it is not as happy as expected and I even think it to be a difficult monment.

The day when we took a bus to Nanjing,I felt very apprehensive.It occurred to me that I have left my warm family, my beautiful hometown and my great parents.I am bound to miss them badly.Besides, I have to live in a totally unfamiliar environment and try to get along with strangers.Sometimes ,I am very shy and I don’t know how to communicate with someone I am not familiar with.To stay with them in silence will make me awkward and embarrassed.Apart from this ,I am faced with the study pressure..There will be a lot of great students in Nanjing University.I also don’t know how to keep the balance between study, work and play.In a word ,I am afraid of the unknown future at that difficult moment.

The bus arrived at Nanjing University. A fellow student received us .He was very kind and took me to handle procedures.He told me many interesting things about the university which relieved me a lot .When I came to the dormitory, I met my roommates who were very nice and kind.Gradually,I felt very warm. In the evening ,I hugged my parents and saw them off.

At that time,I thought my life in Nanjing University will be a difficult time for me .I am not a brave girl who is always afraid of the unknown future and

unacceptable consequences.So I can’t help thinking that going to an unfamiliar environment will be very awful and preparing for the worst.In fact,I just imagine the difficult time in my mind.I draw a conclusion from the lesson that it is good to learn something new and we have to keep trying so as to have fun in our life.All difficult moments will pass away and I have to encourage myself to welcome the bright future.


《Rhythm》教案Lesson 3 Experiment in folk

Teaching aims:

To practice the vocabulary relating to music

To read and understand a newspaper article

To practice using adverbial clauses of cause, result and purpose with because, as, since, so that and so/such…that.

To express opinions and give reasons for them

Teaching difficulties:

To practice using adverbial clauses of cause, result and purpose with because, as, since, so that and so/such…that.

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

First listen to a piece of music called “Er Qian Ying Yue”

T: Then ask students “What do you think of the music you just listen to?” “What kind of music is it?”


T: Chinese folk music sounds so wonderful and special. It is our cultural treasure. Our nation is proud of Chinese folk music. We have a lot of top musicians; can you name some famous musician?


T: Show some slides such as Nie Er, Xian Xinghai, Hua yanjun. Then give some information about musician and ask students to guess who it is.

1. He was born in Guangdong province in 1905. He is called people’s musician.

2. He wrote many songs such as On Taihang Mountain and the famous Yellow River chorus.

3. He died in Russia when he went there to study.


Answer : Xian Xinghai

Now let’s listen to another piece of music, guessing its instrument. (Let students listen to piano.) T: “What kind of music is it?”


T: Yes, piano. Does piano belong to Chinese folk music?

S: No, it belongs to western instrument. Piano sounds so sweet that many people like listen to piece of piano. Can you name some western musicians?

S: Mozart, List, Schubert and so on.

T: suppose if we combine our Chinese folk music with western music, What will happen? S:

T: Does someone once try to do so?


Ⅱ Reading

Someone have already done so. He is Kong Xiangdong, and have you heard of the name? Now read the text and let’s see what’s the matter.

After reading the text, show a picture of Kong Xiangdong, give a brief profile:

A famous Chinese name in the music world, one of the most famous pianist in the world. He has performed in more than 40 countries and has scored numerous prize. He combine classical music and folk music well.

How much do you understand the text and answer the following questions

Do the exercise 2

Do the exercise correct errors

1. Playing the same music in different cities of the world is very bored.

2. The concert last week was such success that he had to give another two concerts.

3. Because Kong’s talent and hard work, he become famous worldwide.

4. He was made to practise the piano so much that, at time, he thought about giving up.

5. He gave a concert combine classical music with Chinese folk music.

6. This is why he went back his roots and study Chinese folk music.

7. He didn’t quit, he became a great pianist.

Answers: 1. bored改为 boring 2. success 前加a 3. Because 后面加of 4. time改为times

5. combine 改为combined 6. back 后加to 7. he前加 and

Ⅲ Language points

1. combine… with … “把… 与…结合”

Diets are most effective when combined with exercise.


2. success 成功, 胜利

Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。成功 的事,取得成功的人。

The meeting was a success. 会开得很成功。

He is a great success as a teacher. 作为一个教师,他是很出色的。


Task 1 voice your opinion

What kind of music do you like? Which type of concert would you prefer to go to, classical or Chinese folk music? Give your reasons.

Task 2 retell the story about Kong Xiangdong

Cover the text and in pairs, talk about Kong Xiangdong, seeing how much they can remember from the text.

Ⅴ Grammar

Do the exercise 3, 5 and 7

Use exercise 6 to draw a conclusion: after doing the exercise 3,5 and 7

Do the exercise 8 and 9 together because of their common character

Ⅵ Vocabulary

Do the exercise 10

Ⅶ Language in Use

Work in pairs and tell each other: 1) when you listen to music, 2) what kind of music you listen to and why. Use the following words to help you.

Ⅷ Homework

Do the exercise on page 70 and 71

篇五:A Difficult Moment(3)

A Difficult Moment

I will never forget the difficult moment when I was singing out of tune on the stage.

It happened when I was a sophomore in high school. An English songs singing contest was held in our school. I liked singing. My favorite singer Angela Chang once sang a very beautiful English song and I loved it best. So I decided to take part in the competition and sing the song. I practiced singing every day to memorize the words. I thought I had been well prepared.

The day finally arrived. I was full of confidence and believed I would perform perfectly. The students before me all sang splendidly, which caused me great stress. When the anchor said it's my turn to singing, I walked out onto the stage and then started singing nervously. When I sang to the climax, the accident occurredthatI was out of tune. Then all the audience burst out laughter. It was a really difficult moment. I felt very awkward, but still finished my performance. Of course, I lost the contest. What's worse , since then, over a long period of time, I had very low self-esteem. I didn't believe in myself and thought that I can't do anything as well as others .

However, I regained my confidence. One day, our foreign teacher came into the classroom and told us to give a three-minute speech on the topic of love in front of the whole class. And the point wasthatwe had only

two minutes to prepare it. However, I gave a wonderful speech, which surprised all my classmates even me. Then I realized that everyone is unique and has his or her own strengths. We cannot lose our confidence no matter what happens.

As life is full of ups and downs, it is essential for us to be optimistic and adaptable in mind. Anyway, we should believe in ourselves,so that we would be able to obtain the trust of others and finally succeed.
