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篇一:品读小故事 感受大魅力

品读小故事 感受大魅力




我觉得在故事教学中,教师的角色是一个“story teller”和“reading helper”,要充分利用故事文本趣味性与悬念性等特点,在故事情节的推进中不断抛出问题、创造悬念、激发阅读兴趣。“猜故事”就是很重要的一个环节,它鼓励孩子插上想象的翅膀,预测故事情节的发展。当我们在真正阅读某个故事前,我们经常会有自己想象中的故事内容。故事封面、标题、插图都会给我们提供一些关于故事内容的暗示或提示。我们常常会根据这些暗示猜想和预测将会读到些什么,满怀期待的积极阅读也就开始了。


在故事的开始就让孩子们预测Who lived in the old man’s house? What happened in the house? 孩子的阅读兴趣一下子就被吊了起来。让孩子对未知的文本充满了好奇和阅读的期待。

(2)根据插图猜故事。故事中最精彩的情节往往会配上形象的图片,吸引读者的注意力,帮助读者更好地理解故事情节。教师应引导学生仔细观察插图,图中的场景,特别是人物的表情和动作,通过表情、动作所传递的信息请学生想想故事中的人物将会说些什么、做些什么,使学生走进人物内心世界,获得更真实、更深刻的体会。比如实验一小的郭宝玉老师在教学绘本故事《Uncle wolf and hens》这个故事的时候,她就让孩子仔细观察插图,推测故事的结局是什么。











主动思考的一个重要表现。在本节课中,当故事发展到father monster 打扮的很怪异去商店的时候,老师就问,看到这个场景,你有什么疑问吗?孩子的质疑精神一下子就被激发起来了,提出了许多稀奇有趣的问题。


词汇附带习得是相对于词汇的有意学习而言的。有意学习指学习者刻意的背记单词,例如通过背词汇表或做词汇练习来记单词,而词汇附带习得是指学习者在完成其他任务时,如阅读故事、听听力材料时,注意力集中在语言的其他方面,尤其是语言所传递的信息上的间接的词汇学习。与刻意的词汇学习相比,词汇附带习得具有下列优势:“一是词汇习得是在语境中进行的,能够使学习者对词汇的用法和意义理解得更深刻;二是词汇习得效率会更高;三是词汇学习个性化。但我知道只有被注意到的信息才有可能被进一步加工,进而存储到短时及长时记忆里。例如陈静老师的这堂《the secret of the spooky house》的教学中,老师有意义有选择的先关注了学生在输出时需要用到的几个高频词汇,如spooky,monster,popcorn,secret等同时巧妙地让学生发现和注意到它们,让学生在阅读和输出时附带习得了这些有用的词汇。



主要情节,后者可以孩子亲身体验人物的语言和情感。角色扮演符合小学生爱动爱玩,爱交际的特点。英国儿童教育专家Jayne Moon指出,孩子具有意义先行的特点,而表演则是为学生提供了饱含丰富意义的情境,赋予语言生命力。另外,在大多数人已熟练掌握故事内容时,可在小组内重编对话,进一步发挥学生的想象力。在今天陈静老师的这节课中,复述和表演孩子们都有了精彩的表现。甚至可以让孩子续编故事教师可预设一些提问,激发学生的好奇心和探究的欲望,放飞他们的想象和思维,为他们提供探究的空间,培养学生的创造力,使他们能够对所学知识进行再创造。

可以说,真的是“小故事,大文章”,阅读能力的培养不是一朝一夕的事情,它要求教师在教学实践中不断反思、总结教学经验,能根据小学生的特点,采取有效的教学策略,培养和提高学生的阅读能力,让孩子在 “自然”“真实”“完整”的环境中学习语言,掌握语言。


来源: 浙江省苍南县2013-2014学年高二下学期第三次联考 试卷试题及答案.doc One Halloween, a little boy and his friend went out for a fun night of trick-or-treating. At first everything was great. They were getting lots of candy as they went from house to house,but then they saw a house which they hadn’t been to before. It was a very spooky (阴森森的) house. Being young and brave,they decided to go up to the door and knock. After all,scary houses might have the best candy! As they walked up the long winding path,they saw things that chilled (使恐惧) them to the bone! They heard sounds that frightened them. Maybe they should turn back. But the little boys,being very brave,just wanted to see what was in that house,so they went on,made their way up to the door,they imagined what might be inside. Maybe it would be a witch or maybe a ghost!

After knocking several times,the door slowly creaked(嘎吱作响)open: To their surprise,a monster (怪物)slowly came out to greet them. They were so scared that they couldn’t move! What could they do? Then the little boy had an idea. He said,“Trick-or-treat!” Then the big scary monster,much to the kids’ surprise,reached over and brought out a huge bowl of the best candy they had never seen. Wow,the kids thought,this was great!

It turned out that the house was decorated for Halloween,and the big scary

monster was just wearing a costume,just like the kids. Since they were the only kids,and were brave enough to go to the scary house,they could take as much candy as they wanted.

46. This passage is ________.

A. a funny Halloween story

B. mainly about two brave kids

C. mainly about a spooky house

D. mainly about the custom of Halloween

47. Why do you think the kids were brave enough to enter the strange house?

A. Because they were prepared for what would come to the door.

B. Because they expected to meet another trick-or-treat inside.

C. Because they were curious about what was in the house.

D. Because they were anxious to get more and better candy.

48. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. the monster was afraid of the phrase “trick or treat” B. the two kids were also wearing costumes

C. not all families prepared candy for brave kids

D. some other children had been to the house before the two kids

49. The underlined word “deterred” in the second paragraph can be replaced by “________”.

A. warned B. delayed C. attracted D. frightened


来源: 新疆昌吉州一中2013-2014学年高二下学期期中考试 试卷 试题及答案.doc

A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspaper."Last week," he said,"my umbrella was stolen from a London church. As it was a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn't get it back."

"How did you write your advertisement?" asked one of the listeners, a merchant. "Here it is," said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper. The other man took it and read,"Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella.. The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No. 10 Broad Street."

"Now," said the merchant,"I often advertise, and find that it pays me well. But the way in which an advertisement is expressed of extreme importance. Let us try for your umbrella again, and if it fails, I'll buy you a new one."

The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote: "If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn't wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street. He is well known."

This appeared in the newspaper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door. In the doorway lay at least twelve

umbrellas of all sizes and colors, and his own was among them. Many of them had notes fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.

14. The result of the first advertisement was that _____.

A. The man got his umbrella back

B. The man wasted some money advertising

C. Nobody found the missing umbrella.

D. The umbrella was found somewhere near the church.

15. The merchant suggested that the man should ________.

A. buy a new umbrella

B. go on looking for his umbrella

C. write another and better advertisement

D. report the police

16. "If it fails, I'll buy you a new one," suggested that the merchant ________.

A. was quite sure of success

B. wanted to buy him a new umbrella

C. didn't know what to do

D. was rich enough to buy one

17. The story is mainly about _________.

A. a useless advertisement

B. how to make an effective advertisement

C. how the man lost and found his umbrella D. what the merchant did for the umbrella owner


来源: 福建省泉州一中2013-2014学年高二下学期期末考试 试卷 试题及答案.doc

Frank Wright probably is the greatest architect that the United States has ever produced. He had a natural ability to design buildings. His buildings were not only beautiful, but they were also functional. They fit their purposes very well. Wright’s churches, for example, make people feel like thinking and praying. His office

buildings make people enjoy working, and his houses make people feel comfortable at home. However, Frank Wright’s beautiful, functional buildings are not the only reason that he is famous. There is another reason.

Frank Wright is called the greatest American architect because he started an American style in architecture. Most of the architecture in the United States before Wright was really European, not American. Wright’s buildings do not like old European buildings. They have their own style. Wright’s ideas about style are still used in the United States and in other parts of the world.

The most important idea in Frank Wright’s style of architecture is that a building must fit its purpose and the land around it. His houses are often called“grass-land houses”because their lines are similar to the lines on the grass-land. Both the lines of the grass-land and the lines of Wright’s house are parallel(平行)to the horizon(地平线), the place where earth and sky seem to meet. They are horizontal lines. Most European style houses, in contrast, have many vertical(垂直的)lines that form 90 angles with the horizon.

56.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.The influence of European Architecture on America Architecture.

B.The Buildings Designed by the Greatest Architect Frank Wright.

C.The influence of Architect Frank Wright on American Architecture.

D.Frank Wright’s Contribution to the Improvement of Environment

57.What do you know about American Architecture before Wright’s time?

A.It hadn’t formed its own style yet.

B.It was a model of modern style.

C.Most of the houses were designed by Europeans.

D.Most of the houses were practical but not good-looking.

58.What is the most important idea in Wright’s style?

A.Architecture should present a variety of designs.

B.A building must have a large grass-land around it.

C.Architecture design should match natural surroundings.

D.The function of a house is the most important in design.

59.Which of the following styles of architecture is true of Wright’s“grass-land houses”?

A.The houses appear to stand on the horizon.

B.The houses are built mainly on the grass-land.

C.The houses have many lines that form a right angle(角)with the horizon. D.The houses are special in style with lines similar to those on the grass-land. CACD

篇三:高英2 期末考资料整理

Ⅰ. Translation

Unit 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille — Joseph P. Blank

21 Seconds after the roof blew off the Koshak house, 柯夏克家的屋顶一被掀走, john yelled, "Up the stairs -- into our bedroom! Count the kids." 约翰就高喊道:―快上楼一一到卧室里去!数数孩子。‖ The children huddled in the slashing rain within the circle of adults. 在倾盆大雨中,大人们围成一圈,让孩子们紧紧地挤在中间。 Grandmother Koshak implored, "Children, let's sing!" 柯夏克老奶奶哀声切切地说道:―孩子们,咱们大家来唱支歌吧!‖ The children were too frightened to respond. 孩子们都吓呆了,根本没一点反应。 She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. 老奶奶独个儿唱了几句,然后她的声音就完全消失了。

22 Debris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed. 客厅的壁炉和烟囱崩塌了下来。弄得瓦砾横飞。 With two walls in their bedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate, 眼看他们栖身的那间卧室电有两面墙壁行将崩塌, John ordered, "Into the television room!" 约翰立即命令大伙:―进电视室去!‖ This was the room farthest from the direction of the storm. 这是离开风头最远的一个房间。

23 For an instant, John put his arm around his wife. 约翰用手将妻子搂了一下。 Janis understood. 詹妮丝心里明白了他的意思。 Shivering from the wind and rain and fear, 由于风雨和恐惧,她不住地发抖。 clutching two children to her, she thought, Dear Lord, give me the strength to endure what I have to.她一面拉过两个孩子紧贴在自己身边,一面默祷着:亲爱的上帝啊,赐给我力量,让我经受住必须经受的一切吧。 She felt anger against the hurricane. 她心里怨恨这场飓风。 We won't let it win.我们一定不会让它得胜。

24 Pop Koshak raged silently, frustrated at not being able to do anything to fight Camille. 柯夏克老爹心中窝着一团火,深为自己在飓风面前无能为力而感到懊丧。 Without reason, he dragged a cedar chest and a double mattress from a bed-room into the TV room. 也说不清为什么,他跑到一问卧室里去将一只杉木箱和一个双人床垫拖进了电视室。 At that moment, the wind tore out one wall and extinguished the lantern. 就在这里,一面墙壁被风刮倒了,提灯也被吹灭。 A second wall moved, wavered, 外又有一面墙壁在移动,在摇晃。 Charlie Hill tried to support it, but it toppled on him, injuring his back.查理.希尔试图以身子撑住它,但结果墙还是朝他这边塌了下来,把他的背部也给砸伤了。 The house, shuddering and rocking, had moved 25 feet from its foundations. 另房子在颤动摇晃,已从地基上挪开了25英尺。 The world seemed to be breaking apart. 整个世界似乎都要分崩离析了。

25 "Let's get that mattress up!" John shouted to his father. ―我们来把床垫竖起来!‖约翰对父亲大声叫道。 "Make it a lean-to against the wind. ―把它斜靠着挡挡风。 Get the kids under it. 让孩子们躲到垫子下面去, We can prop it up with our heads and shoulders!"我们可以用头和肩膀把垫子支持住.

26 The larger children sprawled on the floor, with the smaller ones in a layer on top of them, and the adults bent over all nine. 大一点的孩子趴在地板上,小一点的一层层地压在大的身上,大人们都弯下身子罩住他们。 The floor tilted. 地板倾斜了。 The box containing the litter of kittens slid off a shelf and vanished in the wind. 装着那一窝四只小猫的盒子从架上滑下来,一下子就在风中消失了。 Spooky flew off the top of a sliding bookcase and also disappeared. 斯普琪被从一个嵌板书柜顶上刮走而不见踪影

了。 The dog cowered with eyes closed. 那只狗紧闭着双眼,缩成一团。 A third wall gave way. 又一面墙壁倒塌了。 Water lapped across the slanting floor. 水拍打着倾斜的地板。 John grabbed a door which was still hinged to one closet wall. 约翰抓住一扇还连在壁柜墙上的门, "If the floor goes," he yelled at his father, "let's get the kids on this." 对他父亲大声叫道:―假若地板塌了,咱们就把孩子放到这块门板上面。‖

27 In that moment, the wind slightly diminished, and the water stopped rising. 就在这一刹那间,风势稍缓了一些,水也不再上涨了。 Then the water began receding. 随后水开始退落。 The main thrust of Camille had passed. 卡米尔号飓风的中心过去了。 The Koshaks and their friends had survived. 柯夏克一家和他们的朋友都幸存下来了。

Unit 2 Marrakech — George Orwell

20 But what is strange about these people is their invisibility. 然而这些人的真正奇特之处还在于他们的隐身的特性。 For several weeks, always at about the same time of day, 一连几个星期,每天几乎在同一时候 the file of old women had hobbled past the house with their firewood, 总有一队老妪扛着柴草从我房前蹒跚走过。 and though they had registered themselves on my eyeballs I cannot truly say that I had seen them. 虽然他们的身影以映入我的眼帘,但老实说,我并不曾看见她们。 Firewood was passing -- that was how I saw it. 我所看见的是一捆捆的柴草从屋外掠过。 It was only that one day I happened to be walking behind them, 直到有一天我碰巧走在她们身后时,and the curious up-and-down motion of a load of wood drew my attention to the human being beneath it.堆柴草奇异的起伏动作才使我注意到原来下面有人。 Then for the first time I noticed the poor old earth-coloured bodies, 这才第一次看见那些与泥土同色的可怜老妪的躯体—— bodies reduced to bones and leathery skin, bent double under the crushing weight.枯瘦的只剩下皮包骨头、被沉重的负荷压得弯腰驼背的躯体。 Yet I suppose I had not been five minutes on Moroccan soil before I noticed the overloading of the donkeys and was infuriated by it. 然而,我踏上摩洛哥国土还不到五分钟就已注意到驴子的负荷过重,并为此感到愤怒。 There is no question that the donkeys are damnably treated. 驴子遭到荷虐,这是无疑的事实。 The Moroccan donkey is hardly bigger than a St. Bernard dog, 摩洛哥的驴子不过如一只瑞士雪山救人犬一般大小, it carries a load which in the British Army would be considered too much for a fifteen-hands mule, 可它驮负的货物重量在英国军队里让一头五英尺高的大骡子来驮都嫌过重。 and very often its packsaddle is not taken off its back for weeks together.而且,它还常常是一连几个星期不卸驮鞍。But what is peculiarly pitiful is that it is the most willing creature on earth, 尤其让人觉得可悲的是,它是世上最驯服听话的牲畜。 it follows its master like a dog and does not need either bridle or halter . 不需要鞍辔会僵绳。它便会像狗一样更随着自己的主人。 After a dozen years of devoted work it suddenly drops dead, 为主人拼命干上十几年活后,它便猝然倒地死去, whereupon its master tips it into the ditch and the village dogs have torn its guts out before it is cold.这时,主人就把它仍进沟里,尸体未寒,其五脏六腑便被村狗扒出来吃掉。

21 This kind of thing makes one's blood boil, 这种事情当然令人发指, whereas-- on the whole -- the plight of the human beings does not. 可是,一般说来,人的苦难却没人理会。 I am not commenting, merely pointing to a fact. 我并非在乱发议论,只不过是指出一个事实而已。 People with brown skins are next door to invisible. 这种人简

直就是一种无影无行之物。 Anyone can be sorry for the donkey with its galled back, 一头背上被磨得皮破肉烂的驴子人人见了都会同情, but it is generally owing to some kind of accident if one even notices the old woman under her load of sticks.而那驮着大捆柴草的老妇人则往往要有某种偶然因素才会受到注意。

Unit 3 Pub Talk and the King’s English — Henry Fairlie

9 Someone took one of the best-known of examples, which is still always worth the reconsidering. 有人举出了一个人所共知,但仍值得提出来发人深思的例子。 When we talk of meat on our tables we use French words; 我们用法语词谈到饭桌上的肉食时, when we speak of the animals from which the meat comes we use Anglo-Saxon words.而谈到提供这些肉食的牲畜时则用盎格鲁一撒克逊词。 It is a pig in its sty ; it is pork (porc) on the table. 猪圈里的活猪叫pig,饭桌上吃的猪肉便成了pork(来自法语pore); They are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef (boeuf). 地里放牧着的牛叫cattle,席上吃的牛肉则叫beef(来自法语boeuf); Chickens become poultry (poulet), Chicken用作肉食时变成poultry(来自法语poulet); and a calf becomes veal (veau). calf加工成肉则变成veal(来自法语vcau)。Even if our menus were not wirtten in French out of snobbery, the English we used in them would still be Norman English. 即便我们的菜单没有为了装洋耍派头而写成法语,我们所用的英语仍然是诺曼底式的英语。 What all this tells us is of a deep class rift in the culture of England after the Norman conquest.这一切向我们昭示了诺曼底人征服之后英国文化上所存在的深刻的阶级裂痕。

10 The Saxon peasants who tilled the land and reared the animals could not afford the meat, which went to Norman tables. 撒克逊农民种地养畜,自己出产的肉自己却吃不起,全都送上了诺曼底人的餐桌。 The peasants were allowed to eat the rabbits that scampered over their fields and, since that meat was cheap, the Norman lords of course turned up their noses at it. 农民们只能吃到在地里乱窜的兔子。兔子肉因为便宜,诺曼底贵族自然不屑去吃它。 So rabbit is still rabbit on our tables, and not changed into some rendering of lapin.因此,活兔子和吃的兔子肉共用rabbit这个词表示,而没有换成由法语lapin转化而来的某个词。

11 As we listen today to the arguments about bilingual education, 当我们今天听着有关双语教育问题的争论时, we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. 我们应该设身处地替当时的撒克逊农民想一想, The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. .新的统治阶级把法语用来对抗撒克逊农民自己的语言,从而在农民周围筑起一道文化障碍。 There must have been a great deal of cultural humiliation felt by the English when they revolted under Saxon leaders like Hereward the Wake. 当英国人在像觉醒者赫里沃德这样的撒克逊领袖领导下起来造反时,他们一定深深地感受到了文化上的屈辱。 "The King's English"--if the term had existed then--had become French. And here in America now, 900 years later, we are still the heirs to it ―标准英语‖——如果那时候有这个名词的话——已经变成法语。而九百年后我们在美国这儿仍然继承了这种影响。

Unit 7 the Libido for the Ugly — H. L. Mencken

1 On a winter day some years ago, 几年前的一个冬日, coming out of Pittsburgh

on one of the expresses of the Pennsylvania Railroad, I rolled eastward for an hour through the coal and steel towns of Westmoreland county.我乘坐宾夕法尼亚铁路公司的一班快车离开匹兹堡,向东行驶一小时,穿越了威斯特摩兰县的煤城和钢都。 It was familiar ground; boy and man, I had been through it often before. But somehow I had never quite sensed its appalling desolation. 我常常经过这一带。这儿正是工业化美国的心脏,lucrative and characteristic activity, 是其最赚钱、最典型活动的中心, the boast and so intolerably bleak and forlorn that it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke . -这儿的财富多得无法计算,简直都无法想象——and here were human habitations so abominable that they would have disgraced a race of alley cats.也是在这儿, 2 I am not speaking of mere filth. One expects steel towns to be dirty. 钢铁城镇的脏是人们意料之中的事。to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight. Liberty to Greensburg, a distance of twenty-five miles, there was not one in sight from the train that did not insult and lacerate the eye. 从东自由镇到格林斯堡,在这全长25 Some 有的房子糟得吓人,而这些房churches, stores, warehouses, and the like--教堂、商blinks before a man with his face shot away.人们惊愕地看着这些房子,就像是看见一个脸给子弹崩掉的人一样。 A few linger in memory, horrible even there: 珍尼特西面的一所样子稀奇古怪的小教堂,就像一扇老虎窗贴在一面光秃秃的、似有麻风散鳞的山坡上; the headquarters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at another forlorn town, 参加过国外战争的退伍军人总部,设在珍尼特过去不远的另一个凄凉的小镇上。 a steel stadium like a huge rattrap somewhere further down the line.沿铁路线向东不远处的一座钢架,就像一个巨大的捕鼠器。 But most of all I recall the general effect--of hideousness without a break. 但我回忆里出现的 三要还是一个总的印象 There was not a single decent 从匹兹堡到格林斯 There was not one that was not

Unit 8 the Worker as Creator or Machine—Erich Fromm

9 Most investigations in the field of industrial psychology are concerned with the question of how the productivity of the individual worker can be increased, and how he can be made to work with less friction; 在工业心理学方面的大多数调查都是关于如 psychology has lent a machine which runs better when it is well oiled. 人类工程‖,即试图把工人和雇员当作机器来对待,认为他们也像机器一样,只要加好油,就能运转得好一些。 While Taylor was primarily concerned with a better organization of the technical use of the worker's physical powers, 用工人的体力, most industrial mainly concerned with the manipulation of the worker's psyche.The underlying idea can be formulated like this: anything else, 如果他高兴就能工作得好一些的话,那么就让我们使他高兴、安心、满意或别的什么的,provided it raises his output and diminishes friction量,减少抵触情绪就行。 In the name of " human relations," 在―人际关系‖的名义下, the worker is treated with all devices which suit values are recommended in the interest of better relations a completely alienated person; even happiness and human with the public. Thus, for instance, according to Time 例如,据《时代》周刊报导,said to a group of fifteen hundred Supermarket executives: 美国一位最著名的精神病学家对一批1 500名超级市场经理人员说: "It's going to be an increased satisfaction to our customers if we are happy... ―如果我们是高高兴兴的,我们的顾客就会感到更满意……It is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management, if we could put some of these general principles of values, human relationships, really into practice."如果我们真的能把某些有关价值观和人际关系的总的原则付诸实践,那么对资方来说,换来‖One speaks of "human relations" and one means the most 人际关系‖,指的却是最最非人的关系,他们讲的是幸福,指的却是完全机械的重复活动,这种活动使人完全失去了独立的思考和任何的主动性。

Unit 10 the Sad Yong Man —

Rod W. Horton & Herbert W. Edwards

6 Naturally, the spirit of carnival and the enthusiasm for high military adventure were soon dissipated once the eager young men had received a good taste of twentieth- century warfare. To their lasting glory, .


Unit Two

Let's dress up—It's Halloween

From early childhood getting dressed up is connected with a special pastime in North America, called Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on the last night of October, when the air is crisp and snow is not far off. Every young child is acquainted with this exciting tradition. On the last day of October when dinner is finished, children hurry to dress up in a costume. Darkness comes early at this time of year and caution must be practiced, foremost by the children who are going from house to house, “trick or treat”. Parents warn their children not to dart out in front of cars. In all the excitement it is easy for children to become distracted and ignore safety rules. Planning what your costume will be, ahead of time, is part of the fun of the evening. Many mothers will spend time fabricating outfits for their little girls who suddenly turn into circus clowns, beautiful ballet dancers or weird colorful bugs. Fathers may help their sons construct a costume of foil armor. Little boys often enjoy pretending they are in the army so on Halloween it is possible to see squads of lieutenants and sergeants marching along in the dark. We affiliate the celebration with the

supernatural so some children may choose to wear a skeleton costume bearing a skull and crossbones, or even a monster costume. The choice of wardrobe for the evening is really limitless. Witches can be seen riding on broomsticks across well illuminated intersections. Earlier in the evening they may have concocted a witch's brew to quench their thirst for their arrival home. Ghosts can be heard groaning and moaning while they glide along city streets. Beautiful butterflies flutter by on their way to a party. Pirates carrying swords and pistols roam about, patches over one eye. Small aliens search for a new home here on Earth. Wearing a cape and mask allows a child to become Superman for a few hours and enter the world of fantasy. An ethnic flavor is introduced as a band of gypsies dance along under a bright full moon. Of course you can always see a certain number of native American costumes, the buckskin jackets and dresses decorated with fringe and beads. Some youngsters choose to decorate only their faces with grease paint instead of wearing masks. In many ways this is safer for a child, making visibility clearer. At the same time a mask allows them to remain anonymous to all but their closest friends.

Usually, on the night before Halloween, family members gather together to carve a pumpkin. On Halloween night the candle lit face of the pumpkin shines from each home welcoming the little ghosts and goblins to call. Parents usually escort small children around their own neighborhood helping to keep them safe. Small children only visit random houses, their parent's friends mostly, while older children knock at every door. Crowding onto the front porch of the house the children rap at the door and chant the refrain “trick or treat”. Householders distribute candies, apples, peanuts, or any edible treat into decorated wooden six quart baskets, or plastic bags. They

may be asked to recite a poem or sing a song before receiving their treat. Some lucky children may receive cookies from a freshly baked batch of chocolate chip cookies. On arriving home the children will dump all the junk candy out onto the floor to examine their loot. Usually there is a great racket as brothers and sisters compare what goodies they have collected. Adults, too, like to join in Halloween celebrations by attending small house parties at halls or arenas.or large group gatherings. They may play the old traditional games, such as bobbing for apples, which float in tubs of water telling ghost stories and visiting a haunted house. Everyone seems to get enjoyment from being slightly afraid. If you live in the country the hooting of an owl or even the howl of a wolf underlines the spooky atmosphere of Halloween evening. Clouds scuttle across the face of the moon and the flap of a bird's wings can be heard as it settles on the bare branches of a tree. Eyes gleam in the night as a black cat crosses your path. Bats swoop about in the dark startling those who are nervous. On this evening it is not necessary to be extravagant to have a good time. A little imagination and a sense of fun will create a memory of Halloween night for many years.


一年 班 座號 姓名




(Part I)根據所聽到的問題,選出最適當的回應:10%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

(A)They like sports.

(B)They don’t like animals. (C)No, I don’t think so. (A)Yes, she likes dancing.

(B)She goes to the dance club at three thirty. (C)She goes there every Monday. (A)Sorry, I am late.

(B)Yes. Let’s meet at 6:00 p.m.

(C)Where’s my watch? I can’t find it. (A)The computer game is interesting. (B)Oliver has a computer game.

(C)Yes, Frank plays computer games every day. (A)Great! My mom loves chocolate cakes. (B)My mother has to work hard. (C)I want cakes on my birthday. (A)Her brother is in the park.

(C)Helen is playing with her classmates. (A)He plays tennis on Sundays. (C)He goes to the badminton club. (A)The piano.

(C)The black old car. (A)Yes, they do. (C)No, he doesn’t.

(A)In the spooky house. (C)In the White House.

(B)He is playing basketball. (D)He is at the gym.

(B)He plays soccer on Mondays. (D)He is a baseball player. (B)The woman.

(D)The good composer. (B)No, they don’t. (D)Yes, he does. (B)In a food shop. (D)In a shoes shop.

(Part II)根據所聽到的對話內容及問題,選出符合對話內容的答案:10%


Teddy likes history very much, and he ______ it every day. (A)study (B)studies (C)doesn’t study (D)is studying Tom’s cousins don’t like ice cream, ______. (A)but he doesn’t like it (B)and he does, too (C)but he likes cakes (D)but he does A: Do students in Taiwan have to go to school on Saturdays? B: No, they ______. (A)don’t have to (B)don’t have (C)do (D)have not A: ______ milk tea? B: Jack and Rose do. (A)How do you like (B)Who need (C)Who wants (D)Why does he love My dad helps me ______ math every evening. He is a good and helpful father. (A)with (B)about (C)for (D)at I can play ______, and my cousin can play ______. (A)the drums; soccer (B)drums; the soccer (C)drums; soccer (D)the drums; the soccer Both ______ are hiding behind the door. They are playing hide-and-seek with their children. (A)the three women (B)Jolin and her sisters (C)those girls’ aunt (D)Mr. and Mrs. Lin Listen! Jay ______ the piano in the classroom. He is really good at music. (A)is playing (B)plays (C)play (D)are playing The excellent businessmen ______ English newspapers every morning. (A)has to read (B)see (C)look at (D)read A: How is it going in school, Cindy? B: ______ (A)Never mind. (B)Not too bad. (C)Take it easy. (D)What a big surprise! A: What time does your mother leave home every day? B: ______ (A)It is at six thirty. (B)My mother gets home at 7:30 p.m. (C)At about seven eleven in the morning. (D)She is there on Mondays and Fridays.



22. 23. 24. 25. A: ______ B: He is our art teacher. (A)Is Amy’s father your art teacher? (B)What does Amy’s father do on Tuesdays? (C)How is Amy’s father doing? (D)Who is Amy’s father? A: Why don’t you ask her? Maybe she can help you. B: ______ (A)No wonder. (B)Here you are. (C)Wow! That’s exciting and interesting. (D)You’re right! It’s a good idea. Thanks. A: ______ B: No, it is on Monday.

(A)Do you go to the tennis club on Sunday? (B)Is it Sunday today? (C)Is the ball game on Friday? (D)What day is it today? Every child in Mr. Martin’s family ______. (A)have much fun (B)stay in school for long hours (C)walks to school every morning (D)are so nice

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

(A)have (A)to (A)well

(A)doesn’t watch (A)plays

(B)plays (B)with (B)really (B)watches (B)can play

(C)do (C)and (C)either (C)sees

(C)doesn’t play

(D)be (D)for (D)too (D)watch (D)is playing

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.


What is Peter doing now?

(A)He is playing baseball in the park. (C)He is staying at school. Are Cindy and Cathy home? (A)No, they are at school. (C)Cindy is, but Cathy isn’t. Who lives with Tom? (A)Only Peter.

(C)Peter, Cindy and Cathy.

What time is the baseball game? (A)At 2:30 p.m.

(C)From 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Which(哪一個) is right?

(A)Peter and his friends are watching a talent show. (C)Peter is playing basketball at school.

(B)He is playing computer games at home. (D)He is playing basketball with his friends. (B)Yes, they are.

(D)No, they are in the park with Peter. (B)Bob.

(D) Only Cindy and Cathy. (B)At 2:15 in the afternoon. (D)We don’t know.

(B)Tom and Bob both love basketball.

(D)Tom’s sisters can’t go to the baseball game.







__________ 5. The magic show is so wonderful and exciting. For example, the magician(魔術師any key. I really love it.

__________ 6. A: David is our new coming classmate, but he can’t write any Chinese words. I can’t believe it.

B: In fact(事實上 __________ 7. Students, don’ ’s 882-5252.


__________ 1. Her uncle, David, is a teacher, and he __________(teach) PE in Jheng-Sing Junior High School. __________ 2. Jane, __________(close) the window, please. It is so hot here. __________ 3. Jay __________(like) the movie, “Superman”, but I do.

__________ 4. A: Look! Cindy __________(have) fifty-five cats in her house! B: Wow! She really loves animals. __________ 5. Betty and Eric __________(run) behind their favorite star, and Sandy is, too.


1. He loves that rabbit, and I do, too. (將整句改為否定句)


1)The turtle can swim. ’t jump. {將(1)、(2)句以連接詞合併成一句}


1.Jack每星期三傍晚練習吉他。 2.她這個週末必須做很多家庭作業嗎?


※背面還有題目※ 一英3

一年 班 座號 姓名



spooky s house结局






※背面還有題目※ 一英5
