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篇一:Finding Balance Between Work and Life

Finding Balance Between Work and Life 在工作和生活中间找到平衡

After the illness, then death, of a close family friend within a much too short six week period of time, I began to ponder the fragilityof life and the limited time we have here on earth... When faced with our own mortality, many of us wonder if we have made the right choices about our lives and what other paths we could have chosen.


Consider Options 考虑其他的选择

It is important to take the time to consider our options and to evaluate the choices so that we have time to work, time to play and time to make sure our life is as fulfilling as it can be. After all, the time we do have to "get it right" is limited. Sister Jean C. Peters, CSJ says in the CSJ Newsline "I do not suggest that hard work has no place in our lives, but it cannot have the only place. A sense of leisure and a spirit of play need space in us as well".

花一些时间去考虑、评估我们做出的选择是很重要的,因为这样我们才有时间去工作,娱乐,才能确保我们的生活过得最充实。毕竟,我们能够“做对”的时间是有限的。Jean C. Peters在CSJ新闻纵横上说:“虽然我不并不建议生命中不要努力工作,但是努力工作也不应该占据生活中的唯一位置。我们也需要一点悠闲的时间,一种游戏的精神。”

Achieve Balance 达到平衡

How do we achieve balance in our lives? It takes planning and it takes action. A friend of mine recently downgraded her job, cut her hours (and her paycheck) so she could pick up her daughter from school several times a week. It wasn't easy, but, she set up a budget and, with planning, calculated how she could live on her reduced income.


Flexible Work Options 灵活的工作选择

Flexible schedule is another option. Working some hours in the office and some hours at home allows for more time with the family. Spending some of my work hours at home has benefited my employer - we now have email coverage on evenings and weekends rather than strictly during office hours. For those of us who do work from home setting limits is important. For some telecommuters, designated office hours have helped manage their time. Job Sharing is an another alternative - two people can often share one position.


Keep in mind that the worst that can happen if you ask your boss about flexible work options is that he can say no. If you don't ask, you won't have a chance. If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


Make a Move 行动起来

More dramatic measures are sometimes in order. Several years ago, Michael Landes, author of the Back Door Guide to Short-Term Adventures started a new life engaging in short-time work experiences. Michael recently told me that "It was all these short-term job adventures that allowed me to grow into this phase and open my eyes to what I really wanted - BALANCE in my career, life, relationships, and home. It's as if I came full circle I left my secure job, home, relationship, and community six years ago to explore the world (along with nurturing my dream and passion - my book, and everything that comes with that). The work component had really consumed my life. Now is the time to go back to what I left - but with fresh eyes and a new perspective... We will have phases through our entire life where one area will rise above the other - the key, however, is BALANCE."

还有很多有效地达到平衡的方法。几年以前,Back Door Guide to Short-Term Adventures一书的作者Michael Landes开始尝试了一种短时间工作的经历。最近他告诉我说:“就是因为有


Balance is possible and well worth the effort sometimes required to achieve it. After all, we really don't have forever.


篇二:牛津8A Module One My life Unit Two Work and play

Module One My life Unit Two Work and play


1. one of the top students / one of the best students 优等生之一

拓展:one of + (adj.最高级)+ n.复数 ……之一

基数词--序数词 (基数词)>1 序数词+“s”

one-fourth / a quarter 四分之一

one-second / a half 二分之一

three-fourths / three quarters 四分之三

2. work in her business 在她的公司里工作

拓展:business n. 公司 ,生意

It’s none of your business! 不管你的事!

in business 经商 on business 办理事务

busy adj. 忙的

be busy with sth. 忙于某事

be busy (in / with) doing sth. 忙于干某事

3. get up early 早起

拓展: go to bed late 睡得晚

4. put on my school uniform 穿上校服

拓展: wear my school uniform 穿着校服

take off 脱下

put… on … 放在…上

5. write computer games 编写电脑游戏

6. be responsible for sth. 对某事物负责

拓展:be in charge of / take charge of 管理某事


7. drive sb. to sp. 开车送某人去某地

拓展:fly to sp. 乘飞机去某地

drive oneself to sp. 自己开车去某地

8. on the way 在路上

拓展: in the way 挡路

by the way 顺带说一句(语气词)

in a way 某个方面,在某种意义上

on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上

on one’s way to school 在某人上学的路上

9. start school 开始上学

拓展:start to do sth. / start doing sth.

begin to do sth. / begin doing sth. 开始干某事

10. too simple for me 多我来说太简单

拓展:too +adj.原级+to do sth. 太…而不能干某事

too+adj.原级+for sb. +to do sth. 对某人来说太…而不能干某事

not+adj.(反) +enough+for sb.+ to do sth. 对某人来说不够…而干某事 so+adj.原级+that …can’t…(从句) 如此…因此…不能…

11. I never fail an exam. 我从未在考试上失败过。

拓展:fail to do sth. 未能干某事 (don’t do sth.)

failure n. 失败

12. twice a week 一周两次 (how often 提问)

拓展:twice 两次 (how many times 提问)

13. collect me from school 到学校接我

拓展:collect sth. from sp. 从某地收集某物

collection n.[c] 收集品

14. after school 放学后

15. on Fridays = every Friday 每周五 (how often 提问)

拓展:on Friday (when 提问)

16. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人干某事

拓展:ask sb. not to do sth. 要求某人不要干某事

17. assist sb. /help sb. 帮助某人

拓展:assistant / helper n. 助手

18. finish one’s homework 完成家作

拓展:do one’s homework 做家作

finish off 结束,完成,完全吃光;[口] 干掉,杀死

finish up 结束,用光

finish with 完成;与……断绝关系

19. continue doing sth. 继续干某事 (同一件事情)

拓展:continue to do sth. 继续干某事(另外一件事情)

20. need sth. 需要某物(need v.)

拓展:don’t need sth. 不需要某物

(don’t) need to do sth. (不)需要干某事

need ( not) do sth. (不)须要干某事 (need 情态动词) in bad need of sth. 急需某物 (need n. 需要)

21. Luckily, they are very popular. 幸运地,他们很受欢迎。

拓展:luck n. 运气 Good luck! 祝好运!

lucky adj. 有运气的 I’m a lucky dog! 我是个幸运儿!

luckily adv. 幸运地


① 直接+ly e.g. beautiful – beautifully wonderful – wonderfully

② 辅音字母+y 结尾, 去y +ily e.g. lucky – luckily happy – happily ③ le结尾,去e +y e.g. simple – simply possible – possibly

④ adj. 与adv. 同形的 e.g. early fast hard


popular 简写成 pop e.g. pop music 流行音乐

22. My dad is the manager of the company, and my mum is responsible for sales. 我爸是这家公司的经理,而我妈负责销售。

拓展:manage v. 管理 manager n. 经理

manage to do sth. 设法完成某事

sale n. 销售 on sale(s) 特价销售

sell v. ( sell – sold – sold )

23. I seldom go to bed before 11.30 p.m. 我很少在晚上11点30分前睡觉。

拓展: I don’t go to bed until 11.30 p.m. (not… until…基本结构)

It isn’t until 11.30 p.m. that I go to bed. (强调)

24. I do not usually need much sleep. 我通常不需要很多睡眠。

拓展:sleep v. 睡觉 ( sleep – slept – slept )

n. 睡眠 go to sleep 入睡(状态) go to bed 上床睡觉(动作) sleepy adj. 困的,欲睡的

篇三:Effect of Research on My Life and Work Afterwards

Effect of Research on My Life and Work Afterwards

The most unforgettable thing in research work on my life is that I accompliashed a series of computer opearation system all by myself.What an interesting and moving event I encounted it is while thinking of it. Such an achievement can be praised by my schollmates, teachers, neighbors my friends as well as the whole families.

Praise and appraise play an increasing important role in my daily livf,This kind of phenomenon around us is very common and popular. Many people pursuit of achievement in their work by their hard efforts,which occupies completely them much time in the daily work and never have time with their families,not to mention rest for a while or do holidays.What importance is to achieve self-value for them.First and formost, I seek some material things by my own hands,at the same time I long for spirit things. Besides, I view the achievement as a double-edged affect, which presents me some opportunities as well challenges.The most important thing is that I devote myself to working and forming a good stand to accept it. Moreover, it make me well prepared to face the opportunities and challenges. Last and not least, there is an increasing belief in my heart to overcome any difficulties in the following work and accept new challenges without others consideration.

Afterwards, little achievement can give me even tremendous look. My following work is praised by the top leaders and is shared by common emplorees. All these things can attributed to my first step, which encourages me march on step by step.

篇四:work and life

Work And Life

I will expound this theme in four aspects.//

Work and life is just a couple .We work because we want to live happy lives .We live happy life need to work with full passion ,In all ,work plays an important role in our life.//

We value something ,such as family and friends ,we think a lot success and achievement.and we take reputation and others in heart too. //

I have being thinking for a long time what we do in our life .It’s a very important question for everyone.//

Always ,we start by being taught in school how to become good students. We spend a great part of our childhood studying.and finally we get the diploma that will ensure us “the position we deserve”.//

we participate the interview one by one ,through hard tests until we find a job,be accepted .We need a job to improve our circumstances ,but, if we just work but not enjoy life ,//

then we will be dull and bored,we can’t get pleasure or fun. Then life over!! //

Obviously we don’t want to live this way all life.SO an idea come to my mind on how to improve my life. //

I made a promise to be happy.I’m unique no one can take the place of me.I’ll never give up until I fulfill it.I’ll save more time to

enjoy my life. //

We should work hard in order to get a happy life.we make a lot of efforts.Finally we want to be rich and happy. //

When we have these spirits we can make a success,remember never disappoint to yourself !Just do it .Everything will be okay.

篇五:Nigel TED Speech Work life balance

Work-life balance, says Nigel Marsh, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer. Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time and productivity — and offers some stirring encouragement to make it happen. (Filmed at TEDxSydney.) What I thought I would do is I would start with a simple request. I'd like all of you to pause for a moment, you wretched weaklings, and take stock of your miserable existence. (Laughter)

0:33Now that was the advice that St. Benedict gave his rather startled followers in the fifth century. It was the advice that I decided to follow myself when I turned 40. Up until that moment, I had been that classic corporate(<口>凸出的大肚子) warrior(战士,武士) -- I was eating too much, I was drinking too much, I was working too hard and I was neglecting the family. And I decided that I would try and turn my life around. In particular, I decided I would try to address the thorny issue of work-life balance. So I stepped back from the workforce, and I spent a year at home with my wife and four young children. But all I learned about work-life balance from that year was that I found it quite easy to balance work and life when I didn't have any work. (Laughter) Not a very useful skill, especially when the money runs out. 1:32So I went back to work, and I've spent these seven years since struggling with, studying and writing about work-life balance. And I have four observations I'd like to share with you talk so much rubbish about work-life balance. All the discussions about flexi-time or dress-down (穿便装,着朴素服装)Fridays or paternity leave only serve to mask the core issue, which is that certain job and . Now the first step in solving any problem is acknowledging the reality of the situation you're in. And the reality of the society that we're in is there are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like. (Laughter) (Applause)It's my contention that going to work on Friday in jeans and [a] T-shirt isn't really getting to the nub of the issue.


3:08The second observation I'd like to make is . We should stop looking outside If you don't design your life, someone else will design it for you, and you may just not like their idea of balance. It's particularly important -- this isn't on the World Wide Web, is it? I'm about to get fired -- it's particularly important that you never put the quality of your life in the hands of a commercial corporation. Now I'm not talking here just about the bad companies -- the "abattoirs ([??b?twɑ:(r)] 屠场)of the human soul," as I call them. (Laughter) I'm talking about all companies. Because commercial companies are inherently designed to get as much out of you [as] they can get away with. It's in their nature; it's in their DNA; it's what they do -- even the good, well-intentioned companies. On the one hand, putting childcare facilities in

the workplace is wonderful and enlightened. On the other hand, it's a nightmare --- it just means you spend more time at the bloody office. We have to be responsible for setting and enforcing the boundaries that we want in our life.

4:37The third observation is Before I went back to work after my year at home, I sat down and I wrote out a detailed, step-by-step description of the ideal balanced day that I aspired to. And it went like this: wake up well rested after a good night's sleep. Have sex. Walk the dog. Have breakfast with my wife and children. Have sex again. (Laughter) Drive the kids to school on the way to the office. Do three hours' work. Play a sport with a friend at lunchtime. Do another three hours' work. Meet some mates in the pub for an early evening drink. Drive home for dinner with my wife and kids. Meditate for half an hour. Have sex. Walk the dog. Have sex again. Go to bed. (Applause) How often do you think I have that day? (Laughter) We need to be realistic. You can't do it all in one day. We need to elongate(延长,加长)the time frame-upon which we judge the balance in our life, but we need to elongate it without falling into the trap of the "I'll have a life when I retire, when my kids have left home, when my wife has divorced me, my health is failing, I've got no mates or interests left." (Laughter) A day is too short; "after I retire" is too long. There's got to be a middle way.

6:36A fourth observation: We need to approach balance in a balanced way. A friend came to see me last year -- and she doesn't mind me telling this story -- a friend came to see me last year and said, "Nigel, I've read your book. And I realize that my life is completely out of balance. It's totally dominated by work. I work 10 hours a day; I commute two hours a day. All of my relationships have failed. There's nothing in my life apart from my work. So I've decided to get a grip (控制住自己)and sort it out. So I joined a more fit. (Laughter) Lovely though physical exercise may be, there are other parts to life -- there's the intellectual side; there's the emotional side; there's the spiritual side. And to be balanced, I believe we have to attend to all of those areas -- not just do 50 stomach crunches.

7:43Now that can be daunting. Because people say, "Bloody hell mate, I haven't got time to get fit. You want me to go to church and call my mother." And I understand. I truly understand how that can be daunting. But an incident that happened a couple of years ago gave me a new perspective. My wife, who is somewhere in the audience today, called me up at the office and said, "Nigel, you need to pick our youngest son" -- Harry -- "up from school." Because she had to be somewhere else with the other three children for that evening. So I left work an hour early that afternoon and picked Harry up at the school gates. We walked down to the local park, messed around on the swings, played some silly games. I then walked him up the hill to the local cafe, and we shared a pizza for two, then walked down the hill to our home, and I gave him his bath and put him in his Batman pajamas. I then read him a chapter of Roald Dahl's "James and the Giant Peach." I then put him to bed, tucked him in, gave him a kiss on his forehead and said, "Goodnight, mate," and walked out of his bedroom. As I was walking out of his bedroom, he said,

"Dad?" I went, "Yes, mate?" He went, "Dad, this has been the best day of my life, ever." I hadn't done anything, hadn't taken him to Disney World or bought him a Playstation.

9:08Now my point is the small things matter. Being more balanced doesn't mean dramatic upheaval (巨变,突变) in your life. With the smallest investment in the right places, you can radically transform the quality of your relationships and the quality of your life. Moreover, I think, it can transform society. Because if enough people do it, we can change society's definition of success away from the moronically (似痴愚的) simplistic notion that the person with the most money when he dies wins, to a more thoughtful and balanced definition of what a life well lived looks like. And that, I think, is an idea worth spreading.


Some Comments from the Ted website:




my life and work















现在越来越多的人,蛊惑于游记体书籍,书中充满着每一个人都可以、现在不做就晚了、年轻就是不后悔、不去会死等表述,还有包装成追寻自我与真正生活价值的gap year。实际上,真的不是每个人都可以,现在错过未来还有更多未知的风景、不去也不会死。对于大多数人来说,还没有足够的水平和能力去支撑以旅游来养活自己,否则这类书也不会如此热销。而且,一旦你真的去了,你会发现这是一个巨大的陷阱。


