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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 14:32:29 优秀作文

篇一:you are the one

I love three things in the world,sun ,moon and you ,sun for

morning ,moon for night and you forever .


Happiness is that you have food to eat ,place to sleep and

people to love .when I was going toward the future in a bad

weather ,god made us meet ,though it is a wrong time.

You appear in my life as sunshine ,you drive out all of the

clouds in my world .Your smile is so warm that if someday I miss it ,I

will suffer from insomnia ;Your voice is so sweet that whenever I heard

you are the one链接

it .I will lose myself in it.

My friend told me ;"Never made somebody your everything because

when she is gone ,you've got nothing ."I smiled to them and said ;"You

think I regard her as my whole world ? No !I regard my whole world as


Even if I had a million reasons to leave you ,I would still look

for one to stay .If I cant't find it .I would still stick to my way ,because I

thought that ;maybe giving up needs a number of reasons ,but insisting

needn't .The same as the conclusion ,maybe hating someone needs ,but love


You're the person who I can't live without .

Now ,please raise your head to stare at the stars on the

heaven ,find out two brightest stars ,they are the eye I stare at you ,and it

seems that they will last forever ,the milky river is filled within my love

for you and others stand for miss .

You're the one .

篇二:You Are The One

You Are The One(你是世界的唯一) 世界上没有完全相同的两片树叶,每个人都是独一无二的。



居里夫人曾经说过:“生活对于任何人都非易事,我们必须有坚韧不拔的精神。最重要的还是我们对自己要有信心。我们必须相信,我们对于每一件事都是具有天赋的,并且无论付出任何代价,都能把这件事完成。 当事情结束的时候,你要能够问心无愧的地说:‘我已经尽我所能了’。”

同样是人,别人能做到的我们也能做到!地上本没有繁华热闹的大都市,是人们经历的多少酸甜苦辣和辛勤汗水建造的结果。难道不是吗?世界上没有绝对的幸福,也没有不尽的痛苦,有的只是永恒的精神和创造! 世界不会因你而改变天空的颜色,但却会因你而变的更加美妙和精彩。





H---Welcome to the dating show " you are the one ", I am Sheng Peng fei, welcome to our program, welcome our romance specialist ,Zhou Yu and Bai Jiewei .

In this program, there will be 6 male guests and 3 female guests to meet with you. Welcome six handsome male guests.

Boys, please get ready for our program.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First, let us know about the fist girl through a video.

(:A---I am an outgoing and girl, my intimate friends though I was typical of

understanding wife and living mother, I quite agree with their views. I wish my partner to be honest and genuine. Coming here, the main purpose is to seek for a man who will accompany with me forever. I like romance but not absolutely romantic love.

Lily, one of my colleagues, falls in love with a romantic love, but she is destined to be hurt.

“Love me little, love me long.” That is me, a persistent girl who is looking for long-term love.)

H----Now, Welcome Alice on stage. Boys,What is your impression of Alice, please Make a choice. If she is the right one, please Step forward .

1--- Alice,what do you think is love we really need?

A--- I need get a long-term love rather than a romantic love.

In my opinion, a romantic love is often like the butterfly, which disappears after beautiful hover. I never believe love a person in one minute, that’s very untruthfulness and foolish. I feel unsafely and blind.

Then I prefer having accompanying for life long-time to the short-time tenderness. According to report responsibility is essential for a long-term love.long-term love is a light that never dims.

What about you?

1--- I think love is part of life; it is the ingredient of happiness. Romantic love has already became kind of fashion. Romantic love is a valuable experience during one’s lifetime. It helps the students to fully understand the responsibility. In order to keep love fresh, people in love trend to equip themselves with more talent.

It can help us to established spiritual strength and keep enthusiastic about life. Now, We need the specialist Mr.Bai to give some advice

B--- According to the guests’ conversation. I have two recommendations to point out.Firstly, In fact,Love is an elusive concept, when two different sexual persons just

meet at the first time.Maybe they can just establish a basic friendship with each other.Due to their different experience,they may hold different views to love.,but when the relationships further, if they can confront a lot of things togethter, they get better acquaintance with each other,a couple of lovers should realize how to concern, respect and trust the other. Secondly, the joy of love can do some romantic things on occasion,these things are in common or necessary in present society.no matter romantic love or long-term love,it is your common experience and emotion accumulation, they both demand two people to treat it seriously

H----Alice, now, The right to choose is belong to you, who is your loved , you can hold his hand up .

A----Sorry, I cannot accept you. Goodbye.

H---Oh, it is pity that Alice didn’t succeed in our programs, we hope that she can meet her lover Outside the program.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ H---now, let us know about the second girl through a video

(:E---I am Eunice, a 24-year-old lady. When I am free, reading is the priority one for me to kill the time. And now I am reading a book called“I kissed dating goodbye”---- written by Joshua Harris. First on the book, I think it is an amazing insight into dating in American culture. The author identifies several shortcomings of dating, but he is not saying anyone can’t date. Rather, he’s questioning the motivations we have behind dating and asking people to really be honest with themselves.

Anyway, today I come to this TV show for the purpose of finding an honesty guy to have a date. Do you want to have a date with me? Give me the reason please.)

H---Now, Welcomed Eunice on stage.

H---Boys, What is your impression of Eunice, please Make a choice. If she is the right one, please Step forward.

E---Good morning, Mr.Sheen. Good morning, everybody.

H---Good morning, Eunice, welcome.

We have seen that Eunice has a lot of visions of dating.

So, guest NO.1, why are you dating?

2---I need to date to learn more about relationships and the opposite sex. I need to date that way when I meet the right person I will be ready.

H---so Eunice, what do you think of his answer?

E--- dare I say, if you view dating in and of itself as a reason to improve your own “dating skills”, you are using the other person in the relationship.

H--- and what about guest NO.2? What’s your opinion?

3---I think that in order for me to find my life partner, I'd have to date around. The scenario would go like this: If there's a guy that I was interested in, I'd go on a date with

him and if we liked each other, we'd enter into a more serious relationship and then see how we fit. If we're not a good fit, we end the relationship and then when I meet a new guy that would interest me, another dating cycle would begin.

E--- I would totally agree with you before I read the book I kissed dating goodbye. But now I changed. Here's the book's approach to dating: When I find someone I'm interested in, rather than going on a date with him, I'd develop a good friendship with him first. If you think you can't get to know someone by just being their friend, you haven't experienced good friendship. So this is a healthier way to get to know someone without the 'romantic' pressure and confusion.

H---Now We need the specialist to give some advice

H---Eunice, now,The right to choose is belong to you, who is your loved , you can hold his hand up .

E---I am sorry, I quit. See you, host. See you, everybody.

H---Unfortunately, Eunice didn’t succeed in our program, We hope that she can meet her lover Outside the program.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ H---now, let us know about the last girl through a video

(:G--- My name is Gaoxiaoyan,30 years old. I come from Qingdao, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I am a high school teacher. I used to have a marriage in the end ,two years ago. Now I want to find a man who love me to get married. My love point is that love is ideal, marriage is rational.)

H---Now, Welcome Gao Xiaoyan on stage.

Boys, What is your impression of Gao Xiaoyan, please Make a choice. If she is the right one, please Step forward.

4---why did your first marriage end?

G---Because my husband doesn't like to communicate with me, and everything he have no opinion, so the last marriage only have silence.

5---What do you have some demand for man?

G--- No requirement, as long as he is good for me, there is something to communicate with me.

6---What do you think about a happy marriage?

G--- I think a happy marriage is maintained by two men, two people need to interflow and communicate, two people have the same values, but one person need to give or pay. H---Now We need Mr. Zhou to give some advice。

G---Gao Xiaoyan, now,The right to choose is belong to you, who is your loved , you can hold his hand up .

G---Congratulations to Gao Xiaoyan, wish you happiness.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H----For anyone, No matter in love, appointments, marriage, needs the joint efforts of both sides. We wish you can be together forever who is successful on our stage. We wish you can meet your lover as soon as possible who is regretful on our stage. This program is going to the end, Thank you very much.

篇四:you are the one i want

You're The One That I Want

I’ve内心的激动 他们正在繁衍不可控制 And I'm losing control


因为你给予的力量 让我难以平静 You’d better shape up 请再让自己更好一些 'Cause you need a man

我需要一个依靠 And my heart is set on you

而我的心只属于你 You’d better shape up 请再让自己更好一些 You’d better understand



To my heart I must be true 我必须忠诚我内心的感受 Ooo - You're the one that I want

你就是我想要的唯一 the one that I want 我想要的唯一 the one that I need 我需要的唯一 If you're feeling 如果你正在感受到 某一种感情

That’s too hard to convey 不知道如何表达[k?n've?] Better take it my direction 请让你的思绪飘向我[d??rek?n]

Let me feel your way 亲爱的,追随你的直觉 You’d better shape up 'Cause you need a man

And my heart is set on you You’d better shape up You’d better understand To my heart I must be true Oooh - You're that I want The one that I want Oo-oo-oo The one that I want Oo-oo-oo, The one that I want

The one that I need

Starring n. 扮演主角,领衔主演

high angle-look cute:高角度-看起来可爱low angle-look street:低角度-看起来街头 angle ['??g(?)l] n. 角度,角,方面 light best side:亮出你最好的一面 suggest nudity

nudity ['nju?d?t?] n. 裸露;裸体像 hide bad bits:隐藏不好的部位 show good bits:秀出好的部位 ... pop collar ['k?l?] n. 衣领;颈圈 cover blemish ['blem??] 瑕疵;缺点 crop n. 产量;农作物; vt.修剪;剪短


篇五:C21-You are the one

C21-You are the one

It’s early in the morning soon another day will dawn I can’t wait to feel your arms around me again I believe that we could lay down the world together we could live the dream that never ends Open up the door just a little more baby let me in You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart

Everytime I near you

time is standing still

there’s nothing you can’t fix with your heavenly smile I would never leave you my love is for life taking things for granted was never my style Just give a little love

say you’ll never stop

I’ll do anything You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart

And I’ll do anything

if you give me your heart

ahh ahh yeah

I’ll do anything You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one give a little love

say you’ll never stop

and I’ll do anything

I’ll give you love

if you’ll give me your heart who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go you are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart
