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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 06:18:39 作文素材

篇一:In My City中英对照歌词


In My City——Priyanka Chopra&Will.i.am中英文







方式 分类: 轻快流行

强烈推荐,很久没听到这么好听的歌了,歌词还是蛮好翻译的^ ^

中文歌词原创,欢迎转载,不过请标明出处^ ^


I know you got your own town


I know you got your own ways


I know you got your own life


I'm just sayin' C'mon down to my place


C'mon make some new friends


And tell me what you drinkin'


I know there a place like home 我知道有一个地方温馨如家

But I know you gonna like it in my city 但我知道你会喜欢在我的地盘里的这个地方

Everybody's welcome here


Everybody's welcome to my city


We got no worries here


I know you gonna like it in my city 我知道你会喜欢在我的地盘里的这个地方

Know you gotta a friend in me


You ain't gonna wanna leave




You ain't never had a party


Till you come to party in my city 来到我这里见识一下真正的聚会


Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?

1. Do you want to watch a game show?


2. What do you think of sports show?


3. What do you want to watch on TV tonight?


4. I don’t mind talk shows?


5. Let’s watch news.


6. What do you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch the talent show.

今天晚上你计划看什么? 我计划看才艺节目。

7. What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? I can learn some great jokes.


8. I like watching news because I want to find out what’s going on around the world.


9. I can’t stand soap opera. They’re boring.


10. What did you do in class today? We had a discussion about TV show.


11. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.


12. I can expect to learn a lot from the news. I hope to be a TV reporter one day.

我能期待着从新闻里学到许多。 我希望有一天当一名电视记者。

13. My favorite TV shows are the news and sports shows.


14. I like to watch action movies because they’re exciting.



P5 P7 text

Unit 2 I’m going to study computer science.

1. What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a computer programmer.

你长大了相当什么? 我打算当一名计算机程序员。

2. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study

computer science.

你打算怎么做呢? 我打算学习计算机科学。

3. When are you going to start? I’m going to start when I finish college.


4. I know why you’re so good at writing stories.


5. How are you going to become a writer?


6. I’m going to keep on writing stories.


7. My parents want me to be a doctor, but I’m not sure about that.


8. Not everyone knows what they want to be.


9. You can be anything you want.


10. Just make sure you try your best.


11. I’m going to study hard and get good grades.


12. I want to get a lot of exercise.



13. I’m going to learn another foreign language.


14. But foreign languages are not for me.


15. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. 大多数时候我们向别人承诺。

16. I promise/ make a promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school.


17. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.


18. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.


19. There are different kinds of resolutions.


20. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. 很多决心和自我提高有关系。

21. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.


22. Some people say they’re going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos.


23. Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common.


24. People hardly ever keep them.


25. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. 有时候决心可能太难而不能履行。

26. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!



Unit 3 Will people have robots? (Section A 1a-2c)(第1课时)

1. Do you think there will be robots in people’s home? Yes, there will. I think every home will have a robot.


2. Will kids go to school? Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers.


3. Will people use money in 100 years? No, they won’t. Everything will be free.


4. Will people live to be 200 years old? Yes, they will.

人们会活到200岁吗? 是的。

5. People will have robots in their homes.


6. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.


7. There will be only one country.


8. What’s your prediction about the future? I think there will be more pollution. Really? I don’t think so. But I think there will be fewer trees.


9. Cities will be very big and crowded.


10. What will the future be like? 将来会是个什么样子啊?

11. Cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. 城市将会更拥挤而且污染。将会有更少的树环境将很危险。


12. We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.


13. Will we have to move to other planets? Maybe. But I want to live on the earth.


14. Will there be world peace? Yes, I hope so.


15. In the future, there will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea.


16. I sometimes see blue skies in my city, but in the future I can see more air pollution.


17. Families usually spend time together on weekends, but maybe in 200 years people will have less time.


18. People now usually live to be about 80 years old, but in the future people will live to be 100 years old.


19. I will fly rockets to the moon.


20. I took the train to school.


21. I live in an apartment across the street from here.


22. We live in a house in the country.


23. I will be an astronaut.


24. I will live on a space station.



篇三:英文写作in 100 years

Life in 100 years

With the rapid development of hi-tech, our life will change a lot in many ways in the future.

Have you ever run out of coffee or tea? And the nearest cup is too far away? Well, that will change in the future. If all goes well, intelligent kitchens will soon help solve all your problems. The kitchens of the future will give wise ideas on planning your menu for the day. Do you care about your weight / it will tell you the right diet and what is good for your health. It will even keep in mind your likes and dislikes.

If you often clean the floor, you will find it’s not easy to clean the floor under a bed. A flying bed can help you to do what you like. How cool it would be to sleep on the flying bed. In the future, the clothes will be quiet different from now. The color can change by people’s mind. And when you get lost, the clothes will help you find the way to your home.

Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. Don’t worry. The green car will be popular in the future. It is made of leaves. it looks like a big tree. It can not only fly in the air but also can swim in the water. That may not seem impossible now, but we never know what will happen in the future.

In a word, life in the future will be much more wonderful and colorful than now. I hope all our predictions can come true.

People’s life in 100 years

What will people’s life be like in 100 years? What will the world be like in a century? I think high-tech will change our life. In my view, the most important difference is there will be fewer people in 100 years. There will not be just one country. But people will go abroad with more freedom than now. Besides, everyone will have their own house with a park, a lake or even a forest. As for transportation, there will be all trackless in the future. People’s life will be faster and safer by new transportation. What’s more, the law will be more perfect. Our society will be more democratic and fairer. People will live in a safe and wonderful world.

All in all, the world in 100 years will be more harmonious. People’s happiness Index will be promoted. It is the inevitable result of social development.



试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100


、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 得分:100

1. This is my new watch. It was a present ( )my wife. A. at B. to

C. from

满分:2 分 得分:2

2. It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack ( )be there at any moment.

A. must B. need

C. should

满分:2 分 得分:2

3. My elderly father seems very ____ to sit in front of the TV all day long. A. Boring B. typical C. stunned

D. content

满分:2 分 得分:2

4. I usually get up ( ) 7 o'clock ( ) the morning.

A. past, on B. at, in

C. in, in

满分:2 分 得分:2

5. He is a good student. He( )hard.

A. work B. works

C. does works

满分:2 分 得分:2

6. I come here twice a week to swim and ( ). A. work B. work out C. work to

满分:2 分 得分:2

7. Having lived in Italy for thirty years, Vivian and her husband moved to make a ____ home in

New York.

A. permanent B. determined C. complicated D. worthwhile

满分:2 分 得分:2

8. I just ( ) at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise. A. sit around B. sit in

C. sit down

满分:2 分 得分:2

9. He often works in ( )evening. A. a B. /

C. the

满分:2 分 得分:2

10. While the chairman was giving a talk at the meeting, some workers at the back paid no

attention and kept ____.

A. chattering B. enduring C. relieving

D. mentioning

满分:2 分 得分:2

11. We often have ( ) supper at home.

A. us B. ours

C. our

满分:2 分 得分:2

12. Does David ( )? A. like flying B. likes fly

C. likes to fly

满分:2 分 得分:2

13. Those pupils who take an excessive interest in computer games ought to spend more time

on ____ readings.

A. complex B. radical C. worthwhile D. permanent

满分:2 分 得分:2

14. Don’t worry. We have enough time to finish ____ the food and drinks before the guests


A. setting aside B. laying out C. smoothing out D. taking over

满分:2 分 得分:2

15. A:I prefer watching TV. B:So ( ) I. A. have B. am

C. do

满分:2 分 得分:2

16. A:He has got two sisters. B:( ).

A. So have I B. So am I

C. So do I

满分:2 分 得分:2

17. ____ wants the book may have it. A. Anybody B. Who C. Whoever

D. Everybody

满分:2 分 得分:2

18. My cousin doesn't ( ) serious (严肃的) TV programmes on the weekends.

A. like watch B. enjoy watching C. love watch

满分:2 分 得分:2

19. We will have to ____ the matter carefully before we can draw any conclusion. A. find out B. look into C. search for D. base on

满分:2 分 得分:2

20. More and more listeners are expected to ____ the phone-in programme on the radio as

various activities are being invented.

A. take over B. be involved in C. come up with D. catch sight of 满分:2 分 得分:2

21. A:Are there two men in the room? B:( )__. A. No, there are one B. No, there's only one C. Yes, there is one 满分:2 分 得分:2

22. His children found it hard to ____ him from the simple way of life in the countryside. A. skip B. dissuade C. tighten

D. endure

满分:2 分 得分:2

23. It ____ over two years since the old gentleman first came to sample the puddings. A. has been

my city in 100years

B. was C. will be

D. would be

满分:2 分 得分:2

24. A:( )like to have a coffee? B:Yes, please.

A. Are you B. Would you C. Can you

满分:2 分 得分:2

25. A: ( ) will the meal take? B:It'll take two hours, I think. A. How long B. How many C. How much

满分:2 分 得分:2

26. A: I saw Tom just now at the café B:It ( )be him. He went to U.S.A. yesterday. A. mustn't B. can't

C. shouldn't

满分:2 分 得分:2

27. Polly is very busy. She ( )work at about 7.00 every day. A. finish B. does finishes

C. finishes

满分:2 分 得分:2

28. On your busy schedule, remember to give a ____of your day to relaxation.

A. gapp B. portion C. pause

D. bunch

满分:2 分 得分:2

29. We haven’t seen Miss White for quite a few months since she was ____ into a big hospital

round the corner.

A. vanished B. endured C. invited

D. admitted

满分:2 分 得分:2

30. The cardigan is particularly to my taste, ____ its price. A. except B. besides C. except for D. in addition to 满分:2 分 得分:2

31. Now that she is sick with cold, I feel I ____ have stopped her from going out in the rain.

A. could B. might C. must

D. ought to

满分:2 分 得分:2

32. Having lived in Italy for thirty years, Vivian and her husband moved to make a ____ home in

New York.

A. permanent B. determined C. complicated D. worthwhile

满分:2 分 得分:2

33. A:The area is too noisy. B: Yes, I agree. It's ( ). A. no enough quiet B. not enough quiet C. not quiet enough 满分:2 分 得分:2

34. The proposal was not well thought out; ____, it was too expensive. A. previously B. eventually C. nevertheless D. moreover

满分:2 分 得分:2

35. Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for ( ). A. they B. them

C. their

满分:2 分 得分:2

36. David is ( ) only accountant in my son's company. A. the B. an

C. a

满分:2 分 得分:2

37. A:I am from England. B: ( ). A. So am I B. So do I

C. So have I

满分:2 分 得分:2

38. Educators think that television is making ____. A. more and more illiterates of children B. more and more children of illiterates C. more and more children to become illiterates D. more and more children will become illiterates 满分:2 分 得分:2



一. 单句改错.(下列句子各有一处错误,请改正)

1. Now people get a lot of informations from TV. 2. German is a European country.

3. They didn’t want me to do any work at family. 4. Yesterday I met an old friend of my father.

5. Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts. Do better next time. 6. They are of different size.

7. It is so beautiful place that you must visit it. 8. What a terrible weather we have been having! 9. It took place in France, an European country.

10. Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 11. What good time we had last night! 12. We shall spend three-day holiday together.

13. I came to understand that was not easy to earn money. 14. Some parents think useless for girls to go to school.

15. When he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place. 16. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 17. It’s important that we should think over before doing anything. 18. The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control. 19. I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started. 20. We must take part in the social practice to prepare us well for our future. 21. The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance. 22. Henry did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down.

23. There was a five-pound note in the pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it. 24. People can hardly do some fishing there.

25. I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains. 26. I am sure you will find one you like it. 27. It was yesterday when he broke the window. 28. He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see. 29. Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan. 30. It starts with choosing a tree from neither a farm or a store. 31. She never has enough time for that she wants to do. 32. I find what I have one shortcoming in my character. 33. What necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits. 34. It didn’t matter that I would win or not.

35. People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country. 36. The development will bring us much more hopes and chances. 37. The Olympics are held each four years. 38. A summer, Fane traveled abroad.

39. I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly. 40. I know you are particular interested in Human Rights. 41. As there is no air or water, there can be no life, too.

42. There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose. 43. He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible. 44. I couldn’t see as clear as before.

45. The water in it is so dirty that it smells terribly. 46. I appreciate your help very well.

47. You always gave me specially attention and inspired me. 48. It was until midnight that it stopped raining.

49. People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer. 50. He has to work if he wants to live comfortable. 51. She is a brave and honesty girl.

52. It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out. 53. It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before. 54. He gave me an order worthy 15 million dollars.

55. The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly. 56. Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? 57. We had guests last night who had not stayed in it ago. 58. We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable. 59. If you won’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus. 60. Our city is a modern city. It set up in the early 1980s. 61. Bad habits not come suddenly.

62. I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it. 63. Following the road and you will find the store.

64. I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him. 65. You must do everything you can help them.

66. When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away. 67. Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs. 68. Think perhaps I was too tired; I stood up and was going to sleep. 69. I was often tired and watch TV demands little effort. 70. The little girl hurried home with the remained money. 71. His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.

72. It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home. 73. She liked it very much and reads it to the class. 74. There were over 1000 students attend it.

75. Is it likely to be any food at the party on Saturday? 76. Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you. 77. He spends hours on the telephone, talks to his friends. 78. Filling with many people, the room is crowded.

79. At the interview there are many people who wait to interviewed for jobs. 80. It will cost a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it. 81. There used to have a church in front of the school. 82. Hope you great success in your work!

83. All you can do is encouraging him, show him understanding and offer him advice. 84. In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity. 85. In a few weeks the story was returned to her.

86. It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning. 87. I rushed out the house as quickly as I could. 88. It is necessary to decide what is worth taking notice. 89. I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school. 90. She could hardly afford for the medical care.

91. But we don’t seem to have much time to talk about together. 92. He was punished because what he had done. 93. The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate. 94. I gave you my luggage at a quarter of an hour ago. 95. I am writing to thank you with your kind help. 96. He means to come no earlier as that time. 97. We must return back to school this afternoon 98. Child as he is, but he knows a lot.

99. Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates. 100. Thinking he happened to have no work to do, and he came back home.

二. 单句改错(下列句子各有两处错误,请改正)

1. If you close your eyes, you can’t see something, because your eyelids prevent the light enter your eyes. 2. For our joy, Li Ding, monitor of our class, who was among the winners. 3. The only thing I can think is when I am going to get home listen to my music. 4. All my classmates are busy prepare for the exam except myself.

5. The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. 6. I communicated myself thanks to his great kindness.

7. I was great delighted to learn that you do very well in the mid-term examination. 8. If you learning English, it is not enough only to keep in minds the rules of grammar.

9. I get up very early this morning to go to the airport to meet Mr. White, a expert from the USA. 10. One and a half year later, I now think English a fun to learn.

11. I went through the test for many times but I can only answer three out of the twenty questions. 12. For instance, on one night, the played strong and loudly music till 4 o’clock in the morning.

13. Thinking he had no work to do, and my father came back home, quickly finishing his supper and left for the cinema.

14. Men have been interesting in the stars ever since they first looked up into sky. 15. That is difficulty to say how many people are learning English. 16. Three years ago, he was picked out and send to study in abroad.

17. Sometimes, I wish I can stay in a quiet place lonely, away from this city for a long time. 18. Many years ago, I step into a bookstore for some books I wanted them.

19. Having learned why he wanted the book, and the bookseller gave him some writing papers and a new pencil as a gift.

20. You can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the internet. 21. I got know that they were college students travel in china. 22. Under the help of him and my classmates, I made some progresses.

23. We went to the zoo on last Sunday. There were a lot of visitors stood in front of the ticket window. 24. With development of mobile phones, the short message service is becoming more and more popular for us nowadays.

25. On the night before my first day, I was much excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up lately in the morning.

26. Three years ago, I was studying to abroad in Japan. It was there where I began reading comic books. 27. Have they ever thought of plastic bags do harm our environment?

28. It is certainly that Zhang Village will built into a better modern village.

29. On the ceremony we made a statement which as grown-ups we should have sense of duty to our society from now on.

30. Though the city is modern, but there are still some problems, such as air pollution crowdedness and noisy.


In many western countries heavy industry is high developed the difference between heavy and light industry are based on the nature of the goods produced. Heavy industry produce machines while light industry uses machines produce the smaller objects required for various purpose in our home and offices. The growth of industry in country depends on the general level of economic or industrial development. In its beginning, industrialization is likely to be cheap. decrease (减少)costs, industrialists in an area usually depends on Local supplies of the coal or electric power for their operation.


It happened in a morning that I was walking in the street. I ate up a banana and threw its peel on the corner of the road. Short after that I heard a scream behind. I looked back to see what was happened. A little girl about 8 years old fell down and the banana peel was exactly under her left shoes. She stood up without cry. Then she picked up the banana peel and ran toward the dustbin. On that moment, I realized my fault, and went to apologize her for that, but my vanity (虚荣心)prevented me. The little girl had taught me a good lesson by her action. And now, after I do everything, I'll think carefully whether it's right and wrong. I'll do my best to be in good habits and qualities.


Mr Wang is my physics teacher. He has 1.75 meters in the height. He was born in November 4, 1952. So he is a middle-aged man. He graduated Qinghua University in 1978. After graduation, he becomes a middle school teacher. He has been taught physics for more than 20 years. He is very successful as a teacher. He has been given a lot of honor. He not only is a good teacher in phy

sics but also speak English and Russian very well. In his spare time, he likes reading books, collect stamps and listening music. Also, Mr Smith is kind-hearted.


Dear Lily,

I got your letter and pleased to hear about your job interview at a grocery store. I know you wanted to get a job at the TV station, and you've been looking for several week now and haven't found something. The job at the grocery store doesn't sound badly. If I am you, I'd take it. If you worked there a while, you could earn some money. Its your decision, of course, but I advise you to take it. Let me to know what you decided to do. By the way, after you get the job you can think about get a bike later.



Dear Abby,

How are you? I've got a wonderful news to tell you I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam for it, but only a few were chosen and I was one of them. Therefore, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against my going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year but they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They can't imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study in the capital instead. Then I'll be able to continue living with them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?

Best Wishes,



I went to see film after supper. In my way to the cinema, I met an old English woman, she had lost her way. I gave up the chance to see the film, walking towards her and took her to her hotel. While go there, I told her great change had taken place in the past few years and she told me something about Britain and her family. Though I missed the film, however I felt very happy, for

I not only helped the old lady out from trouble but also practise my spoken English. If I hadn't worked hard at English, I would have been able to help her.


I was anxiously expected your letter, and at last it has been reached me. I am very glad to know that everyone at home is enjoying good health as usually. Things there are the same now as we were before. The final examination will take place of next week. But I am now busy preparing my lessons. It's nice to think that the summer vacation is coming near. I can't say much I want to see you all again. Looking forward to spend summer days with you. Give my love to Father, mother and anyone at home.


Helen is one of my best friends. She had taught us English when I attended training course two years before. Helen always made good preparations for the lessons; she tried her best to make her classes lively. I used to being poorly in English, especially in written English. But now I'm able to write English letters and reports correct. I still remember how she helped me for my English patiently. Teachers' Day's come. I'm going to send to her a card and give her best wishes.


I'd like to tell you why I learn English.I often read English aloud and try learn something important by hearts, which helps me remember it easily and form the good habit of thinking in English. I listen to a lot and talk with others in English.In this way, I was improved both my hearing or my spoken English.I keep a diary in English every day but my spoken English is becoming better and better. I also try my best to master the necessary grammar knowledge.By this means, I can express itself in English correct. That's the way I have been learning English.I hope it will be useful to you. That's all.Thank you.


I passed all the other course that I took at my university, but I could never pass botany. This was why all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a lab look through a microscope

at plant cells, and I could never see through a microscope. This was used to make my professor angry. "I can't see everything,‖ I said. Then he began patient enough to explain how to see through it, and I still couldn't make it. At last we tried it with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. With my pleasure, I saw something and drew it quickly on the paper. "What's that?" my professor asked. "That's what I saw." I answered. "No, you don't!" he shouted, and he bent over and looking into the microscope. "That's your eyes! You've fixed the lens so that it reflects! You've drawn your eyes!"


One cold day, a aged lady was sent for her doctor. When he came, she tells him that her right leg was very sore(酸痛)in the knee. The pain sometimes was bad enough to make it walking difficult. She asked him what the trouble could be because she had ever before suffered some similar discomfort. After making a careful examination, the doctor said, "You are in a very bad state of health for a woman of your age. I think the trouble in your right knee is just matter of old age. We get diseases as we get old. The trouble will mostly clean up in spring!" "Non sense, doctor!" she said, "My left knee is perfect, and it is exactly same age as my right."


May I have you attention please? I have a few things to tell to you. When you have a class here in the language lab, please be here a little early. Change your shoes before enter the lab. Don't bring anything here except your text books. When you are into, please don't touch these machine without permission. Always do as the teacher tell you to. In class you should only speak the English, not Chinese. Recorders can be used make a copy of the listening materials. When class over, turn off your machines and leave the lab one by one.


On Children's Day last year, our city hold an interested activity, that children and their parents play the rich and the poor. In the dinner, the rich could have more delicious food, but the poor could only have breads with porridge(粥). Parents both hoped to have the dinner for the poor with the children. They hoped that their children could be taught the lesson from the dinner. Now many p

eople on the earth don't have enough food and clothes. Every day only one half the world could enjoy enough food. The activity was held to make the families understand the differences from the poor and the rich and also make the parents know that too much material life won't always do good to the children.


We'll never forget the day which my classmates and I paid a visit to a chemistry factory last week. It was a larger one with nearly 2,000 workers. It looked a garden and we could see colorful flowers, grass and trees anywhere. We also visited some workshops and saw workers worked very hardly. We talked to them and learned a lot. We understood them further. On the way home we felt tiring. We all thought that we had a very good day. We really hoped that we could get more chances of leave the school and learn social experience.


One morning Mrs. Jenkins went to department store to buy a coat. There was not shop assistant in the store before she got there. She had to wait. Then a fat lady came in. She went to Mrs. Jenkins and asked her to serve for her. She told Mrs. Jenkins that she wanted to buy a coat. Mrs. Jenkins said that she couldn't do. The fat lady got angrily. She didn't let Mrs. Jenkins explain anything but insisted that Mrs. Jenkins would do that right away because it was her job. At last Mrs. Jenkins has to tell her that she was a customer herself and wanted to buy a coat, either.


If there are much more people in the world, there must have more food to feed the people. But food is already a problem in today's world. One-third of the world's population is starving, so there is not enough food. Ten thousand people died of hunger every day in some parts of the world. But in others parts of the world, people become ill or died because they eat too much food, and they are very fat. Some countries have no food, but the others have too much, and they throw them away. How can tomorrow's world feed its people? The world needs produce more food than it does now.

