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List of martial arts 世界格鬥藝術列表

This is a list of martial arts, broken down by region and style.以地區和流派區分

Asian and Pacific Martial Arts 亞洲和太平洋地區武術

Borneo 婆羅洲

Bersilat - Ber silat,婆羅洲的Silat?估計爲Silat之一種。

Burma 緬甸

Bando -斌道

Banshay -不知道

Lethwei (Burmese Boxing) -厘衛,即俗稱的緬甸拳。風格兇猛,與泰拳相似。

Naban -不知道

Thaing -泰拳

Cambodia 柬埔寨

Khmer Boxing -高棉拳

India 印度

Kalaripayattu 一種印度古武術。

Singapore 新加坡

Kuen-Do -拳道?

Chinese martial arts (中國武術)

The hundreds of different styles of Chinese martial arts are collectively called Kung Fu (功夫), Wushu (武術), Kuoshu (國術), or Ch'uan Fa (拳法) depending on the persons or groups doing so. (數以百計的不同風格的中國武術統稱武術(功夫) ,武術(武術) ,Kuoshu (國術) ,或權法(拳法) ,取決於個人或團體這樣做)

Internal or soft styles 內家, nei chia, (pinyin拼音: nei jiā) internal family martial arts:

Xingyiquan (形意拳 Hsing-i Ch'uan)

Liuhe Bafa (六合八法 Liu He Pa Fa, Lok Hup Ba Fa) Baguazhang (八卦掌 Pa Kua Chang)

Taijiquan (太極拳 T'ai Chi Ch'uan)

Yiquan (意拳 I Ch'uan)

T'ien Lung Tao (天龍道)

External or hard styles 外家, wei chia (py拼音: wai jiā) external family and combination styles: Bajiquan (八極拳)

Black Tiger Kung Fu (黑虎拳)

Chin Na (擒拿) (actually a feature of many different Chinese styles as well, internal and external)

Chin Wu Men (精武門) (a famous school based in Shanghai that teaches several different styles) -精武會。

Choy Lay Fut (蔡李佛)

Chuo Jiao (戳腳)

Dog Kung Fu (狗拳)

Do Pi Kung Fu -?

Dragon Kung Fu (龍形拳)

Duck Kung Fu 鴨形拳

Eagle Claw (鷹爪翻子拳)

Emei Quan (峨嵋拳)

Fang Zi (翻子拳)

Five Ancestors (五祖拳)

Hung Gar (洪家)

Jeet Kune Do (截拳道)

Kuen-Do ?

Lau Gar (Lau family style)

Leopard (豹拳)

Mei Hua Quan (梅花拳 Plum Blossom Fist) Monkey Kung Fu (猴拳)

My Jong Law Horn (迷蹤羅漢拳)

Nan Quan (南拳)

Northern Praying Mantis (北派螳螂拳)

Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) (白眉拳)

Phoenix (Wu Jia Quan Fa or Wu Jia Dragon-Phoenix style) 巫家拳

Rat Kung Fu (蔡家 Choy Gar)

San shou (散手)

Shaolin Quan (少林拳)

Shuai Chiao (摔跤 Shuaijiao)

Snake Kung Fu (蛇拳)

Southern Praying Mantis (竹林螳螂拳)

Tantui (彈腿/譚腿)

Tiger Kung Fu (虎拳)

Tompei Quan (通背拳)

Turtle Kung Fu(龜形拳)?

Wing Chun (詠春)

Wing Tsun (詠春)

White Crane (白鶴拳)

Yau Kung Mun ?


San Jitsu


But Marma Atti






Silambam Nillaikalakki

Vajra Mushti

Indonesia 印度尼西亞

Kuntao 昆道

Silat 蘇萊特,俗稱印尼拳、馬來拳的武術形式。Tarung Derajat


Ready Set Go课程一览表 Ready Set Go学习目标评量表 Ready Set Go 20周教学进度表










第一部分 听力(共两节,共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)


1.When will the woman discuss her class project with the man?

A.During the man’s class.

B.After today’s class.


2.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a garden. B.In a kitchen.

C.In a market.

3.How does the woman’s sister go to university ?

A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By subway.

4. What was the weather like last Saturday ?

A.It was sunny.

B.It was raining all day.

C.It turned fine in the afternoon.

5. What does the man mean ?

A.He knows what’s wrong with the watch.

B.The woman needs to buy another new battery.

C. The clock shop can probably repair the woman’s watch.



6. What did the woman do last night?

A.She saw a film. B.She went shopping.

C.She watched a football match.

7.Why couldn’t the man keep in touch with the woman last night?

A.The woman’s mobile phone was stolen.

B.The woman’s mobile phone was power off.

C.The man had something important to do.


8.What is the weather like these days?

A.Hot. B.Cold. C.Rainy.

9.Where is the typhoon expected to come from?

A.The mainland. B.The western Pacific.

C.The man’s city.

10.When is the typhoon likely to come to the speakers’ city?

A.Tomorrow morning.B.Today.

C.Tomorrow evening.


11.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

12.What do we learn about the man?

A.The man is badly ill.

B.The man has caught a cold.

C.The man doesn’t like his job very much.

13.What did the woman do with the man’s trouble?

A.She prepared some hot water for him.

B.She told him to go to bed.

C.She telephoned the doctor immediately.


14.Where does the woman want to go?

A.To go to the park.

B.To go to the English Language Institute.

C.To go to the King Street.

15.Where are the speakers?

A.In the park. B.In a department store.

C.At the station.

16.Which road should she take when she comes to the end of the park?

A.The road on the left.

B.The road on the right.

C.The road leading to the park.


17.When will the Burj Dubai be completed?

A.In 2010. B.In 2009. C.In 2008.

18.Where is the center of the tallest buildings at present?

A.In Europe and the Middle East.

B.In North America and Asia.

C.In Asia and the Middle East.

19.Why do people build so many tall buildings?

A.Tall buildings are wonderful to look at.

B.Tall building save more resources.

C.People like to live in tall buildings.

20.What is the height of the Empire State Building?

A.About 400 meters.

B.About 200 meters.

C.About 300 meters.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. I was scared _______ when I saw the tiger jumped out of the cage and ran to the little child.

A. to the death B. of death C. into the death D. to death

22. Please post this letter in the post office nearby, and __________, I will get two tickets in the train station.

A. in meantime B. on the meanwhile C. in meanwhile D. in the meantime

23. Don’t turn the room __________, as I have just tidied it.

A. upside down B. inside C. outside D. inside down

24. Wang Gang is considering buying a computer, is considered to be a great help in our work and study.

A. as B. which C. that D. What

25. It is very common that former soldiers have difficulty in ___________ civilian life.

A. sticking to B. relating to C. adjusting to D. connecting to

26. Was it two years ago ________ they first met?

A. since B. which C. while D. that

27. As the busiest woman in the village, she made _____ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that village.

A. this B. that C. one D. It

28. Peter _____ the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.

A. set out B. set off C. set in D. set aside

29. Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _____.

A. to pick up B. picking up C. to be picked up D. being picked up

30. At least 100 people lost their lives in the fire, _____ 7 children.

A. contained B. included C. including D. except

31. I am going to Shanghai. Do you have anything _____ to your parents?

A. to take B. taken C. taking D. to be taken

32.When they moved to Canada,the children________the change very well.

A.adapted to B.adopted to C.used to D.attempted to

33.E-mail,as well as telephones,________an important part in daily communication.

A.is playing B.have played C.are playing D.play

34.________,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on working hard;you’ll succeed________.”

A.At a time;in time B.At a time;on time

C.At one time;in time D.At one time;on time

35.We’ll have a sports meet for the next three days.________,we won’t have lessons for three days.

A.In other words B.On the other hand

C.For one thing D.As a matter of fact

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

The popular Korean male artist Rain swept through Asia recently, gaining popularity among both male and female fans. his popularity, Pepsi(百事可乐), which did not to offer any Korean artist the opportunity to be one of its ambassadors (大使), has changed their mind. They now have Rain to be its new “blue blood(蓝血家族)” and have offered him a high price.

For the past two years, Pepsi has an enormous amount of money in signing up world popular mega stars to be the company’s ambassadors. They Taiwan popular Idols F4, Jay Chou, Hong Kong star Edison Chen, Nicholas Tse, Louis Koo etc. Now with the rising of Korean star Rain, Pepsi was quick to put him on its

According to sources, Pepsi has recently sent a(an) to Korea to discuss details with Rain and they are about to a contract. When a reporter called Ms Li to verify this matter, she didn’t deny it, and that “At this point, we can’t reveal anything”. Also according to sources, Pepsi will be the sponsor of Rain’s October in Hong Kong, but Rain’s Hong Kong manager Ms Chan Ka Ying to talk about this. There will be an announcement shortly!”

the old Chinese saying goes: “One mountain cannot be ruled by two tigers”, Pepsi has somehow created an internal between Rain and Jay Chou. Rain’s popularity is rising and he has the “single eye-lid” feature as Jay, whose status has somehow There’s a rumour that the skin product brand DHC is intending to their ambassador from

Rain’s recent Beijing concert was a tremendous hit, in “Korean Fever” in Mainland China.

36. A. Thanks for B. Due to C. According to D. Based on

37. A. target B. point C. aim D. intend

38. A. accepted B. invited C. adopted D. approved

39. A. spent B. depended C. cost D. paid

40. A. contain B. include C. cover D. enclose

41. A. up-to-date B. new C. modern D. recent

42. A. schedule B. record C. list D. program

43. A. manager B. artist C. boss D. representative

44. A. sign B. mark C. get D. keep

45. A. supplied B. increased C. joined D. added

46. A. concert B. show C. display D. exhibition

47. A. recognized B. responded C. reacted D. acknowledged

48. A. comfortable B. pleasant C. convenient D. relaxed

49. A. As B. When C. After D. While

50. A. struggle B. competition C. fight D. conflict

51. A. same B. alike C. different D. similar

52. A. infected B. effected C. affected D. caused

53. A. exchange B. vary C. shift D. switch

54. A. markets B. shops C. malls D. stores

55. A. resulting B. causing C. leading D. directing 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


The English, as a race, are very different in many ways from all other nationalities, including their closest neighbors, the French, the Belgians and the Dutch. It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the reasons are, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed many attitudes and habits which distinguish him from other nationalities.

Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems restrained, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a city train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or having a light sleep in a corner, and no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual. An Englishman, pretending to be giving advice to overseas visitors, once suggested, “On entering a railway carriage, shake hands with all the passengers.” Needless to say, he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, if broken, makes the person immediately suspected.

In many parts of the world it is quite normal to show openly extremes of enthusiasm, emotion, excitement, etc, often accompanied by appropriate gesture. The Englishman is somewhat different. Of course, an Englishman feels no less deeply than anyone of a different nationality, but he tends to display his feelings far less. This is reflected in his use of language. Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl. A more emotional man might describe her state “Oh, she is a goddess”, whereas an Englishman might just say “Oh, she’s all right.” An Englishman who has seen a highly successful and enjoyable film recommends it to a friend by commenting, “It’s not bad you know”, or on seeing some very unusual scenery he might convey (表达) his pleasure by saying, “Nice, yes, very nice.” The overseas visitor must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest and involvement. Instead, he must realize that “all right,” “not bad,” and “nice,” very often have the sense of “first-class,” “excellent,” “beautiful”. This unique style of language use is particularly common in England, and is known as restrained statement.

56. According to the passage, the English are different from other nationalities in _______.

A. habits B. attitudes C. character D. all of the above

57. The underlined word “restrained” in the second paragraph probably means “ ”.

A. calm and controlled B. polite and friendly

C. nervous and quiet D. silent and kind

58. In Britain, if you don’t want other people to think you are strange, you’d better _________.

A. talk with others as much as possible B. behave just like the English do

C. say nothing about yourself D. shake hands with everyone you meet

59. If an Englishman says “all right”, it may mean “________”.



Wissen ist Macht. 知识就是力量。

übung macht den Meister.熟能生巧。

Man ist was man isst.一方水土养一方人。

Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg.有志者,事竟成。

Nenne einen Spaten Spaten.实事求是。

Lerne sprechen, bevor du singst.先学走在学跑。

Zeit ist Geld.Zeit ist Gold.时间就是金钱。

Alle Anfang ist schwer.万事开头难。

Ende gut, alles gut.结尾要圆满。

Morgenstunde hat Gold im Mund.一日之计在于晨。

Die W?nde haben Ohren.隔墙有耳。

Probieren geht über Studieren.实践出真知。

Hunger ist der beste Koch.饥不择食。

Voller Bauch studiert nicht gern.饱腹者不思学。

Frühstücke wie ein Prinz, iss zu Mittag wie ein Bürger und am Abend wie ein Bettler!早餐最重要。

Was H?nschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

Man kann nie jemand überholen, wenn man in dessen Fu?stapfen trift.踏着别人的脚步前进,超越就无从谈起。

Wer alleine arbeitet, addiert. Wer zusammenarbeitet,multipliziert.团结合作效率高。 Ohne Flei?, kein Preis.一分耕耘一分收获。

Gleich und gleich gestellt sich gern.物以类聚人以群分。

Morgen,morgen,nur nicht heute,sagen alle faulen Leute.明日复明日,明日何其多。事事待明日,万事成蹉跎。

Durch Schaden wird man klug. Durch Fragen wird man klug. Man lernt aus Fehlern.吃一堑长一智。

Wer zuletzt lacht,lacht am besten.笑到最后的人笑得最灿烂。

In der Kürze liegt die Würze.言简意赅。

Alle wege führen nach Rom.条条大路通罗马。

Kleider machen Leute.人要衣裳马要鞍。

Der Mensch ist nur dann ganz Mensch, wenn er spielt. -----Schiller游戏人生的态度 Auch gro?e M?nner haben klein angefangen.大人物的开头有也很卑微。

Alle reden vom Wetter, aber keiner unternimmt was dagegen.每个人都谈论着天气,却没有人反对。

Lügen haben kurze Beine.谎言走不远。

Beharrlichkeit führt zum Ziel.坚持到底就是胜利。

Reisen veredelt den Geist und r?umt mit allen unseren Vorurteilen auf.-----Oscar Wilde旅游能洗净心灵使之升华并去除人们心底的成见。

Das Wort liegt mir auf der Zunge.话在嘴边就是说不出来。

Gott hilft nur den Mensch, der sich hilft.天助自助者。

Gesundheit ist nicht alles, aber ohne Gesundheit ist alles nichts.健康不是万能但没有健康却万万不能。

Ein gesunder Geist soll in einem gesunden K?rper wohnen.健康的身心合二为一。 Lieber reich und gesund als arm und krank.情愿富裕而健康也不要贫穷而生病。 Zeit heilt alle Wunden.时间忘却悲伤。

Aus nichts wird nichts.不劳无获。

Lange Harre, kurzer Sinn.头发长见识短。

Ich sehe alles durch die rosarote Brille.我有一颗乐观向善的心。

Besser nicht beginnen, als nicht beenden.不要半途而废。

Ein Tropfen auf einen hei?en Stein.杯水车薪

Jeder hat seine Vergangenheit.每个人都有它的过去。

Mit dem Essen kommt es Appitit.看见饭菜就有胃口了。

Einem sind eigene Fehler nicht bewusst.看见自己的问题很难。

Das Teure ist nicht immer das Gute.贵的不一定就是好的。

Kommt Zeit, koomt Rat.车到山前必有路,路到桥头自然直。

Für den Flei?igen hat die Woche sieben heute, für den Faulen ,sieben Morgen.对于勤奋的人一周有七天,对于懒惰的人一周有七个早晨。

Der Glaube kann Berge versetzen.愚公移山,贵在坚持。

Teilnehmen ist wichtiger als siegen.重在参与

Gott wolle uns vereinen.有情人终成眷属

Jedes Ding hat zwei Seiten.万物都有两面性。

Mit dem Hut in der Hand geht man durchs ganze Land.礼貌谦恭行走天下。 Hilfe in der h?chsten Not.雪中送炭

Leicht gesagt, schwer getan.说得容易做的难。

Was man versprochen hat, muss man sich daran halten.君子一诺千金。 Wir essen aus einer Schlüssel.同舟共济

ein langes Gesicht machen拉长了脸,生气

ganz Ohr sein全神贯注,洗耳恭听

etwas im Kopf haben记住

von der Hand in den Mund leben生活拮据

unter vier Augen sprechen私下交流

beide H?nde viel zu tun haben忙得不可开交

den Mund voll nehmen说大话

ein Gesicht wie drei Tage Regenwetter 生气

die Beine unter die Arme nehmen快跑

auf der Nase liegen摔倒;倒霉

篇五:组题必修七 (一)




1.I ___ my university professor in the supermarket near my house, which was out of my expectation.

A. came out B. came across C. came about D. came along

2.Do you remember the chicken farm _____ we visited three months ago?

A. where B. when C. that D. what

3.— Can I look at the menu before I make an order? — Of course. ___________, madam.

A. Take your time B. Don’t mention it C. Never mind D. Help yourself

4. — Could I have a word with you, mum? — Oh, dear, if you ______.

A. can B. may C. must D. should

5.The reason ______ at the meeting for being late was not reasonable.

A. why he gave B. what he gave C. he gave D. on which he gave

6. With the guide _______ the way, we finally got to the village which we were looking for.

A. led B. leading C. to lead D. had led

7.I was about to go to bed _____ one of my old classmates made a call to me.

A. when B. as C. while D. that

8.In ______ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

A. historic B. remote C. traditional D. further

9.Half a month later, he found his lost motorcycle in the woods off the highway.

A.abandoned B.rented C.donated D.refused

10.The majority spoke against the plan,while he spoke at the meeting___it.

A.in connection with B.in search of C.in terms of D.in favour of

11.— Why didn’t she ask for help at that time?— You know, at such a midnight, there was no one ________.

A. she could turn to B. for whom to turn C. who to turn to D. for her to turn

12.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, Chinese astronauts __________ walk in space.

A. anxious to do B. eager for C. are dying to D. are longing to

13.Students are encouraged to _________ the design competition for robots at the university.

A. take part B. operate C. join to D. participate in

14.The man I ______ yesterday in the street is my manager.

A. paid a visit B. had a talk C. met D. dropped

15.The plan has to be _______ to meet the real situation.

A. adjusted B. adapted C. produced D. refounded


16.In this quiet way, the first________(两星期)of her visit soon passed away.

17.Much new knowledge is________(遥远的)from the immediate interest of the ordinary


18.There is an active demand for________(作口译的人)during the trade fair.

19.An officer climbed on to the________(平台)and spoke to him.

20.I can not understand so abstract c________.

21.What things do you do w________or monthly, but not every day?

22.He tried to a________his daily plan to leave time for everything.

23.What you said is not r________to the matter in hand.

24.Do you know how a(n)________(宇航员)flies in a spacecraft?

25.The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this________(角度).


The popular Korean male artist Rain swept through Asia recently, gaining popularity among 百事可乐Korean artist the opportunity to be one of its ambassadors (大使), has changed their mind. Rain to be its new “blue blood(蓝血家族)” and have offered him a high price.

For the past two years, Pepsi has an enormous amount of money in signing up world popular mega stars to be the company’s ambassadors. They Taiwan popular Idols F4, Jay Chou, Hong Kong star Edison Chen, Nicholas Tse, Louis Koo etc. didn’t deny it, and that “At this point, we can’t reveal anything”. Also according to sources, Pepsi will be the sponsor of Rain’s October in Hong Kong, but Rain’s Hong Kong manager Ms Chan Ka Ying , “At this moment, it’s not to talk about this. There will be an announcement shortly!” the old Chinese saying goes: “One mountain cannot be ruled by two tigers”, Pepsi has between Rain and Jay Chou. Rain’s popularity is rising and “single eye-lid” feature as Jay, whose status has somehow been their ambassador from Jay to

Rain’s recent Beijing concert was a tremendous hit, 55 in “Korean Fever” in Mainland China.

26.A. Thanks for B. Due to C. According to D. Based on

27.A. target B. point C. aim D. intend

28.A. accepted B. invited C. adopted D. approved

29.A. spent B. depended C. cost D. paid

30.A. contain B. include C. cover D. enclose

31.A. up-to-date B. new C. modern D. recent

32.A. schedule B. record C. list D. program

33.A. manager B. artist C. boss D. representative

34.A. sign B. mark C. get D. keep

35.A. supplied B. increased C. joined D. added

36.A. concert B. show C. display D. exhibition

37.A. recognized B. responded C. reacted D. acknowledged

38.A. comfortable B. pleasant C. convenient D. relaxed

39.A. As B. When C. After D. While

40.A. struggle B. competition C. fight D. conflict

41.A. same B. alike C. different D. similar

42.A. infected B. effected C. affected D. caused

43.A. exchange B. vary C. shift D. switch

44.A. markets B. shops C. malls D. stores

45.A. resulting B. causing C. leading D. directing


Maybe it is true that we do not know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we do not know what we have been missing until it arrives. It takes an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Do not expect love in return; but if it does not, be content it has grown in yours. Do not rely on one’s appearance; it can trick you. Do not rely on wealth; even that fades away. Rely on someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You cannot go on well in life until you let your past failures and heartaches go off. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trails to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. The happiest of people do not necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness waits for those who cry, those appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Always put yourself in others’ shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

46.In this passage, the writer wants to tell us ______.

A. what to do in our life

B. where to go with other persons

C. how to treat our life

D. how to get on well with other persons

47.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. If you give someone your love, you are sure to receive love in return.

B. We often don’t know what we have lost until it happens someday.

C. It is wise not to rely on anybody because you are likely to be deceived.

D. If it takes you a short time to love someone, you will easily forget the person.

48.If you put yourself in another person’s position, ______.

A. you shouldn’t do what will hurt other people

B. you should put on other people’s shoes

C. you should believe in other people

D. you should depend on your imagination

49.In the last paragraph the writer is actually telling us that a person in the world should be one who ______.

A. can accept the suggestions made by others

B. can live happily and forget the past

C. does good to other people and is respected and loved by them

D. has made a lot of money for himself before he dies

For many years Henry had been a journalist. He had worked on many international newspapers and magazines and traveled over the world.

Henry had witnessed war and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and erupting volcanoes ( 火山爆发).

He had reported on serious accidents such as major fires and airline crashes. He had seen every kind of terrible crime and strange event there was.

He had met and written about some of the most unusual people in the world. In fact, there wasn’t much that Henry had not seen or done.

Now he was retired from journalism(新闻业). He owned a very expensive restaurant and spent his days talking to his wealthy and important customers. He liked to say that nothing surprised him.

One day he was sitting at the bar in his restaurant when a big gorilla(大猩猩) walked in and asked for a table.

Henry showed no surprise. He took the gorilla to a table and handed him a menu. He treated him politely and pretended there was nothing at all strange about having a gorilla in his restaurant.

The gorilla looked through the menu and ordered a salad.

Henry served the gorilla his salad personally, knowing that his waiters and waitresses would be too frightened.

At last the gorilla finished his salad and asked for the bill.

Henry wrote out the bill and handed it to the big animal.

The gorilla studied it, shook his head sadly then gave Henry fifty dollars. “Thank you,” Henry said, and then to make conversation, he added, “we don’t get many gorillas in this restaurant.”

“At fifty dollars for a salad,” the gorilla said, “I’m not surprised.”

50.According to the story, Henry had________.

A. had the most exciting experiences

B. told the longest stories

C. made history

D. caused accidents

51.One day when a gorilla came into the restaurant, Henry was_____.

A. very surprised by the gorilla

B. not disturbed(烦忧) by the gorilla

C. very interested in the gorilla

D. scared of the gorilla

52.From the sentences “Henry served the gorilla his salad personally, knowing that his waiters and waitresses would be too frightened” you can learn that______.

A. his staff were not brave people

B. Henry (来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:koo,tiger)didn’t normally serve customers

C. the gorilla had eaten there before

D. the gorilla was careful with his money






