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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 00:23:01 英语作文


Che la morte ti dia la pace che cercavt.Requiescat in pace

(May death provide the peace you sought,rest in peace)


i'll make you suffer,i decide who live or die


Nothing is true, everything is permitted


Mario:No thing is ture ,and every thing is permitted,these are the words spoken by our ancestors that lay at the heart of our creed.



presenter:when other men blindly follow the truth,remember当其他人盲目的追寻真相的时候,记住--

Ezio:Nothing is ture万物皆虚

presenter:when other men are limited by of laws,remember当其他的人受到道德和法律的限制,记住--

Ezio:Everything is permitted.万事皆允

presenter:We work in the dark and serve the lights,we are assassins.我们在黑暗中工作,为光明服务,我们,是刺客。

When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I have time, but I did not know it. I have love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three.


When other men blindly follow the truth,remember...Nothing is true.

When other men are limited,by morality or law,remember...Everything is permitted.

We work in the dark to serve the light.We are assassins.

Nothing is true,everything is permitted.


When other men blindly follow the truth,remember...Nothing is true.

When other men are limited,by morality or law,remember...Everything is permitted. 当其他人盲目追寻真实的时候,记住,万物皆虚……


莱昂纳多:这位是伯爵夫人,别看她外貌这么漂亮,她的外貌和她的恐怖程度成正比例。 Ezio:这不是我喜欢的类型


Altair: 你不是以前说,“万事皆须,万事皆可行”吗?

Al Mualim: 你不懂此话的真实含义,我的孩子。它不是授予你自由去做你想去做的事,这是个知识,是能指引你感受的。它要的是你很显然没有的智慧!


Al Mualim: 你胜利的喜讯已经传到我这了。我要感谢你,那个城市也要感谢你。你把城市从那些腐败的领导者们解放了出来,这将毫无疑问的提升和平的事业。

Altair: 你真的会很肯定吗?

Al Mualim: 人统治的方法是由他的人民反映出来的。你清理了腐败的城市,你就治愈了市民的心灵和思想。

Altair: 我们的敌人不这样认为。

Al Mualim: 你的意思是?

Altair: 我所杀的人都对我说了些奇怪的话。他们都没有后悔。即使快死了,他们也看着对胜利很有自信。虽然他们不直接承认,但他们之间的确有跟线在连接着他们。我很肯定。

Al Mualim: 这两者是有区别的,Altair:一个是别人告诉我们什么是真的,另一个是我们看的什么是真的。大部分人都懒得去区分,这样做更容易些。但作为刺客,你的本性就该去观察,去提问。


Al Mualim: 你走之前,我有个问题问你。

Altair: 请说。

Al Mualim: 什么是真理?

Altair: 我们把信念放在自己里。我们用真实存在的方法去看世界,并希望某一天全世界的人都可以这样看世界。

Al Mualim: 那么什么是世界?

Altair: 一个假象。我们可以要么屈从于它,就如大多数人都这样做;或者超越它。

Al Mualim: 怎么样去超越它?

Altair: 要认知到万事皆虚,万事皆行。法律不是来自于神,而是理性。我现在明白了我们的信条不是要求我们去自由。是要求我们智慧。

Al Mualim: 你现在知道为什么圣殿骑士是个威胁了吗?

Altair: 我们驱散假象,他们却用假象来统治。

Al Mualim: 是的。他们想重新塑造一个让他们满意的世界。所以我派你去偷他们的宝藏。所以我把它一直锁起来。所以你要杀死他们。只要还有一个人活着,他们渴望创造新世界秩序的想法就也活着。带上你的武器,去找这个最后的敌人。他死了,最终Robert de Sable就会脆弱了。

When other men blindly follow the truth,remember...Nothing is true.


When other men are limited,by morality or law,remember...Everything is permitted.


We work in the dark to serve the light.


We are assassins.


Nothing is true,everything is permitted.



















(我个人非常欣赏阿泰尔这几句话,很有主见,看以看出阿泰尔骨子里是个COOL MAN!)

万物皆虚,万事皆允。艾吉奥入会时诵读,来看看Ezio(艾吉奥)相关经典名言: Ezio在刺客信条2中说“真正睿智的人不会向你指明真相,而是教导你去发现真相” Ezio在刺客信条兄弟会中说“我的教堂不是用来供奉上帝的”


刺客Assassin's 当我还年轻时,我拥有自由,不过我没有看到。我拥有时间,不过我没注意到。我拥有爱,但我没感觉到。如今很多年已经过去了,现在我真正懂得这三者的含义。在我的垂暮之年,这些认知逐渐转变成了幸福。爱,自由,时间。曾经随意丢弃的这些,原来正是驱使我前行的动力。这其中,爱,最为特别。

篇二:新编英语教程 3 Unit 5 The Light at the End of the Chunnel

Unit 5 The Light at the End of the Chunnel

Teaching objectives

1. to be familiar with narration in informal tone

2. to get a good understanding about the relationship between France and the Great Britain from the historical viewpoint

Teaching procedure

I. Pre-reading questions:

1. As far you know, do you think transportation plays an essential role in a country’s development? How and in what aspects?

2. What is the significance of English Channel Tunnel?

3. How did the English and the French people look at the Chunnel, joyously or resentfully? Why do you think so?

I. The English Channel

1.English Channel, narrow sea, western Europe, separates France and Great Britain(known in French as La Manche (“the sleeve”).

2.Its principal islands are the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands.

3.The channel is at its narrowest between Dover in England and Cape Gris-Nez, near Calais, in France, it being 34km wide.

II. Background knowledge

1. The function of the English Channel

1) as a route for invaders of Britain from the


a. crossed by Julius Caesar’s legion in 55B.C.

b. Norman forces in 1066

2) As a barrier: Napoleon and Hitler threatened to cross it, they failed.

3) The Channel has chiefly served as a physical barrier to the invasion of Britain.

2. The long-lasting Anglo-French conflict

1) In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, France, conquered England and became King William I of England.

2) In 1154 King Henry II recovered the English throne. France assisted Scotland, over which the English kings attempted to dominate. These sources of friction led to fighting between the 2 countries from 1294-1337.

3) In 1337, Edward III of England took the title of King of France.this step began the Hundred Years’ War which continued on and off until 1453.

4) During King Henry VIII’s reign(1509-1547), England again invaded France and expanded its holdings around Calais.

5) From 1689to 1815 there was a series of conflicts between Britain and France for domination of the North American continent.It lasted until the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815.

3. The Channel Tunnel Project

1) 1802 from a French engineer, the British government held off for security reasons.

2) Early 1880s,digging began, the project was cancelled again for the same reason.

3)1950s, the missile age made the defense consideration obsolete. In 1964, the 2 governments agreed to proceed with a rail tunnel.

4) In 1975 , the British government cancelled the project because of the constantly rising costs.

5) In 1987,the construction began again.

4. Channel Tunnel Drill

An immense road-header machine drills out clay during the construction of the Channel Tunnel. The tunnel runs beneath the English Channel and became operational in May 1994. Completed at a cost of $15 billion, it enables passenger and freight trains to travel from Paris, France, to London, England, in about 3 hours.

5. Normandy Cliffs

The white cliffs of Aval, in the Normandy region of northern France, rise above the English Channel.

6. Channel Tunnel Inauguration

French President Fran?ois Mitterand and Queen Elizabeth II of Britain inaugurated the Channel Tunnel in 1994. The railway tunnel, also known as the Chunnel, connects Folkestone, England, with Calais, France.

7. Ice Ages

Periods in Earth’s history when sea ice or glaciers have covered a significant portion of the planet’s surface and significant cooling of the atmosphere has occurred. Earth has existed for about 4.5 billion years. During that time it has experienced several ice ages, each lasting tens of millions of years. The total of these episodes may account for as much as 15 to 20 percent of the planet’s history. The icy cover has ranged from about 10 percent to about 30 percent of the entire surface of the planet.

The most recent ice age, the Pleistocene Epoch, lasted from about 1.6 million years to 10,000 years before present. During that time at least 20 glaciations, or periods when the ice cover increased, occurred. Each of these periods was followed by an interglaciation, or a period when the ice cover shrank.

III. Main idea

The text is a feature report which introduces one of the most important infrastructure construction projects in Modern Europe —— the English Channel Tunnel. It consists of two parts. First, it begins with an objective presentation of both the British and French local residents’ negative opinions on the Chunnel, which result from their mutual feeling of dislike. In spite of this, the construction began and the project proves to be of great significance. The second part is the writer’s personal experience at the breakthrough ceremony. Although the difference of national characteristics still exists, the connection of two countries and the hug of the construction workers from two nations are incredibly toughing. Worries about and anticipation of the future of the Chunnel on the part of the Eurotunnel is disclosed at the end.

IV. words and expression

? Para. 1

? What did the author talk about in this paragraph?

? He stated the topic of the report directly: the English Channel Tunnel.

? 1. compound adjectives

? 1) the soon-to-be-opened English Channel Tunnel (L1-2) means “that is to be opened soon” ? e.g. an easy-to-perform trick

? a difficult-to-use camera

? the soon-to-be-completed Metro

? 2) Gull-wing means “like the wings of the gull”.

? e.g. a baby-food store

? a mountain-top hut

? city-reconstruction discussions

? 3) Cross-Channel-link means “building a link that crosses the Channel”.

? e.g. a keep-fit-class schedule

? a cross-border-raid threat

? 4) 31-mile-long

? e.g. a ten-year-old boy

? a three-inch-thick book

? a 3-hour-long journey

? 2. (L2) For the first time since the last ice age, England was about to be linked to France. ? 1) an ice age 冰川期

? 2) this is an exaggeration, which means “for the first time since the world began to exist”. Para 2-5

? Question:

? What did an English couple say about the French people, and what did a Frenchman say

about the English people? Why do you think they showed a mutual feeling of dislike? ? An English retired civil servant said that he’d rather have England become the 51st state of

U.S.A than have his country linked to France. He added that the French didn’t care for anybody. His wife said the France was an awful place and that the French people drank wine all the time. She disliked French food and preferred to have English sauce with her food. In the meantime, a French farmer complained about English ketchup and about their not having any good wine. The British and the French people disliked each other because there had been long years of conflict between the two countries.

? What did English and French local residents think about the Channel before it was

constructed? Why did they have such feelings?

? They didn’t like each other and didn’t want to linked with each other by the Channel. (the

long-lasting Anglo-French conflict *)

Para 2-6

? Language points:

? 1. (L4) I’d rather England become the 51st state….

? e.g. I’d rather you stayed with us over the weekend.

? He’d rather John hadn’t called on him.


I would rather you work on your own to find a new solution from your failures than follow

the convention without any new discovery,” the supervisor said to him.


We would rather die than live in disgrace.

? 2. (L5) …said a retired civil servant 公务员

? 3. (L6) … his pale blue eyes filled with foreboding.

absolute construction:





1)The moon appearing, they decided to go on with their journey.

2)Good-bye said, he went home.


3)The weather(being)hot, we all went swimming.


4)Some of the money to be paid by the thief, the police went.


5)He climbed in, sword in hand.


6)The meeting(being)over, we left the room.


主格名词/代词 + 分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语

(作逻辑主语) (作逻辑谓语)

1. All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.

2. The question settled, we went home.

3. The river having risen in the night, the crossing was impossible. 主格名词/代词 + 分词 (过去分词/现在分词)

主格名词/代词 + 形容词

1. His mother being ill, he had to stay home to look after her.

2. Other things being equal, I would buy the black dress.

主格名词/代词 + 副词

The meeting being over, our headmaster soon left the meeting-room.

We to care for the children, you are able to be carefree away from home. 主格名词/代词 + 不定式

主格名词/代词 +介词短语

Our English teacher came into the classroom, papers in hand.

with复合结构 与 独立主格结构







1,With winter coming on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south. =Winter coming on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south. 二,作原因状语

1,With the weather terribly cold, we entered the room to warm ourselves. = The weather terribly cold, we entered the room to warm ourselves. 2,With the key having been lost, she could not enter the room.

= The key having been lost, she could not enter the room.


1,With time permitting, we'll visit the Summer Palace.

= Time permitting, we'll visit the Summer Palace.

2,With the car going wrong, we'll have to stop

at the foot of the mountain.

= The car going wrong, we'll have to stop at the foot of the mountain. 四,作伴随状语

1,The mother was cleaning the house with her baby playing on the bed. =The mother was cleaning the house, her baby playing on the bed.

2,Last night I followed him, with a sword in my hand.

= Last night I followed him , sword in hand.


He sat at the desk reading with a pen was in his right hand.


Soon she arrived at a park with grass green and flowers in blossom.

= Soon she arrived at a park whose grass was green and whose flowers were in blossom.

? 3. (L10) …as the gull-wing eyebrows shot upward…

? What was the feeling of the husband when he had such facial expression?

? Angry, dislike, etc.

? 4. (L11) …, the entente was scarcely more cordiale.

? Entente = understanding

? Cordiale = friendly

? = the understanding on the other side of the Channel was hardly more friendly. Or the

understanding was just as unfriendly.

? 5. (L12) a village a beet field away form the French terminal

? = a village which is only a short distance away form the French terminal

? 6. (L15) A tiny explosion of air from pursed lips, then the coup de grace.

? Pursed lips 噘起的嘴

? Coup de grace = (French) a decisive finishing blow 致命的一击

Para 6-8

? Questions:

? When will be the inauguration of the Chunnel? Who will inaugurate it? (On May 6, 1994.

Queen Elizabeth of Britain and President Francois Mitterrand.)

? What the significance of the Chunnel? (L20-21)

? What information do you know about the Chunnel in Para 7? (Its length, construction,

terminals, the time-spent)


Lesson twenty-one asking for directions

Excuse me is there a cafe nearby?麻烦一下,这附近有咖啡店吗?

Is there a net cafe nearby?

a net bar 网吧

a W.C.(washing closet)(英)

a rest room 洗手间(美)

a washing room 洗手间

a bank银行

a school学校

a hotel旅馆

a post office邮局

a restaurant饭店

a gas station加油站

Where can I was my hands?洗手间在哪儿?


Could you tell me the way to the Tian’anmen Square?告诉我天安门广场怎么走好吗? Where is the nearest cafe?最近的咖啡馆在哪儿?

How can I get to Tian’anmen Square?到天安门广场怎么走?

the Forbidden City故宫

the Summer Palace 颐和园

the Yonghe Lama Temple雍和宫

the Temple of Heaven天坛

the Ming Tombs十三陵

China Science and Technology Museum中国科技馆

the Great Hall of the People人民大会堂

the Monument to the People`s Heroes人民英雄纪念碑

the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao毛主席纪念堂

Landmark Tower亮马大厦

Lufthansa Shopping Center燕莎购物中心

Sunflower Tower盛福大厦

Just go straight ahead and turn left at the first crossing.一直向前走,在第一个拐角处左转。 go straight ahead towards the building.一直朝那幢建筑物走 go straight ahead 一直向前走 crossing十字路口


T shaped crossing丁字路口

turn left at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口左转

turn right at the traffic light 在信号灯右转

turn left at the first traffic light在第一个信号灯左转



pedestrian crossing

人行横道 a. 1.呆板的,平凡的 2.供行人使用的 n.行人 crosswalk 人行横道


路、街 n. 林荫道,大街;途径,手段



Go this way, follow the road back for about 500 meters.这么走。沿着马路往回走大约500米。

go back往回走

follow the road back沿路往回走

go up往前走

go down往后走

go along the street沿着路走

I went up to Beijing我去北京了。

I went down to my homedown。我去乡下了。

The museum is opposite the Great Hall of the People。博物馆正对着人民大会堂。 be opposite=be facing sth.在?对面

The park is just on the left side of this street。公园就在马路的左边。

The bank is the left side of the post office银行在邮局的左边

The Orientdl Plaza is located in the downtown area. 东方广场位于市中心。

be located位于

=be situated


the second ying road二环路

the third ring road三环路

You can`t miss it.你一定找得到。


I miss my father a lot.我很怀念我父亲。

miss 错过

miss a bus错过了公交车

miss it没找到,错过

Can I go by bus? 我坐公共汽车能到吗?

bus 公共汽车

shuttle bus班车(单位的)

aircondition bus空调车



trolley bus电车(英)

subway 地铁(美)



the loop line环线 vt. 把(绳等)打成环 n. 圈,环

the light rail 轻轨




Magnetically Levitated Train磁悬浮列车

levitate (1) vt. 使升空(或飘浮)(2) vi. 升空,飘浮

plane=jet plane 飞机



小公汽n. 面包车

You can take the subway to get there。你可以坐地铁到那儿。

take the subway=ride the subway=get on the subway乘地铁

It`s on my way。I`ll walk you there.我顺路,陪你去。

Let`s go for walk.让我们散步去

walk sb. 陪某人走

I`ll walk you downstairs. 我送你下楼

Sorry, I`m new here ,too.不好意思,我也不熟。

Sorry I`m a stranger here。对不起,我对这也很陌生.

How far is it from Beijing Hotel to the Palace Museum. 从北京饭店到故宫有多远? It takes five minutes to get there by taxi.坐出租车5分钟。

by bike骑自行车

on foot步行

by plane坐飞机

by air坐飞机

It`s a five-minute walk.步行5分钟

Five minuites will do.5分钟就够了。


Where to? ?去哪儿?

That`s the place.就是这。(到了。)

Please get off.请下车。

You should pay 20 yuan.你应付20元

The change is 20 yuan.20元

Have a nice day.

Lesson Twenty-Two language

Do you speak English?您讲英语吗?

Do you speak Chinese?你会说汉语吗?

I can speak in English.我能说英语。

Excuse me , do you speak English? 劳驾,你说英语吗?












I am proficient in English and I can speak a little German.我英语很精通,而且我会说点德语。

English language proficiency text 英语水平测试

n. 熟练,精通proficient a. 熟练的,精通的

I speak only a little English.我会说一点英语。

I can speak a little English.我能说一点英语。

Well sorry,I speak broken English.对不起,我英语说得很不好。

Forgive my broken English。原谅我这槽糕的英语。

It`s broken. 很蹩脚。

My English still needs work.我的英语还有提高的余地。

How long have you been studying Spanish?您西班牙语学了多长时间了?

I have been studying English for two years.

I started to learn English since two years ago.2年前我开始学习英语。

What is your mother tongue?您的母语是什么?

mother tongue=mother language=native language 母语 native 本地的 n. 当地 本地 I`m a Beijing native. 我是北京人

Beijing native in New York 北京人在纽约。

Shanghai native in Tokyo 上海人在东京

Chinese is my native language. 汉语是我的母语。

Italian is her native language,but she speaks French fluently ,too.意大利语是我的母语,但他的法语也很流利。

I am proficient in English.我精通英语。

I am professional in English.我的英语很专业。

I can speak fluent English.我能说流利的英语。

fluency n.

流利 n. 流畅;流畅的说话(或写作

) fluent a. 流畅的,流利的 How many languages do you speak?您说几门语言?

I can speak in three languages.我能说三种语言。

I`m a trilingual.

我会三种语言的。 a. 三国语的,用三国语言的

I`m a bilingual.

我是双语的。 n. 通两种语言的人 adj. 两种语言的; 能操两种语言的

Canada is bilingual country.加拿大是个双语国家。

I can read ang write in three languages.我能用三种语言读和写。

How well do you know Chinese?你中文懂多少?


how well 程度如何

how long 多久

how many多少

She speaks mandarin with s strong accent.她说普通话口音很重。

local vernacular当地方言


Do you speak the local vernacular?你能说当地方言吗?

We must master the local vernacular.我们必须掌握当地的方言。

mandarin Chinese

普通话 n. 中国官话,国语,满清官吏,中国柑桔 a. 中国式紧身马褂的

mandarin fish鳜鱼

mandarin bird鸳鸯






客家话 n. 【汉】客家人;客家语



Pinyin Plan汉语拼音方案

Chinese phonetic alphabet

a. 语言的,语言上的,表示语音的



phrase 词组

sentence 句子

paragraph 段落

text 正文

Every one makes mistakes when they are lenrning to speak.每个人学说话时都会犯错误。 Speak it out.Don`t be afraid to lose face。说出来,别怕丢脸。

As for me reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.对我而言,背诵对掌握一门外语很重要。

as for sb.对某人而言

as to sth. 就某事而言

essential=crucial 很重要

a.决定性的,紧要关头的;严酷的 极困难的

essential a. 1.根本的,本质的 2.必要的,必不可少的 n. (pl.)本质,要点

master v.掌握 n. 主人

You are my master now.你现在是我的主人了。

be essential to sth. 对?至关重要

As for me ,dictation is essential to mastering English listening comprehension. 对我而言,听抄练习是提高英语听力的好办法。

Will you slow down? I can`t follow you. 你能说慢点吗?我跟不上你。

Will you speed up?你能说快一点吗?

Will you speak up?你能说大声点?

Will you speak down?你能说小声点?

What do you mean by “Chinese charateristics”?您说的“Chinese charateristics”是什么意思?

character 汉字、性格


具体性格特征n. 特性,特征,特色 a. 特性的,本性的,有特色的

We are going to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.我们正在建设有中国特色的社会主义。

By Chinese characteristics,I mean that?说到中国特色,我的意思是?

联合国使用的语言:English French Russian Chinese Spainsh Arabic

most commonly used language最常用的语言

English speaking countries以英语为母语的国家

UK; US ; Australia; Ireland; New Zealand

Lesson Twenty-three Neighborhood

I have lived at 24 University Street for 20 years. 我在学院街24号住了20年。

Where do you live?

district 区

municipality 直辖市

n.[C] 自治市;市政当局[G]

24 University Street Chaoyang District Beijing Municipality China中国北京直辖市朝阳区学院街24号。

He lives at 10 Downing Street.他住在唐宁街十号。

Great changs have taken place in the neighborhood for the past decade.过去十年小区发生了巨大的变化。


century 世纪

millennium 千年

n. 太平盛世,一千年

sth. take place in somewhere 某地发生某事

A robery took place in the comer of the street. 街角发生抢劫案。

Ever since China adopted the reform and opening up policy great changs have taken place all


2013年广东省高考英语模拟试卷 ( 附答案)

第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分.满分30分)



Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family.

The family was ____1____ and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's

guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold ______2____. As

they made their bed on the ____3_____ floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall

and _____4____ it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,"

things aren't always what they seem."

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very

____5_____ farmer and his wife. After ____6_____ what little food they had the

couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest.

When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in

tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole ____7_____, lay dead in the

field. The younger angel was ____8_____ and asked the older angel, “how could you

have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him.” she

____9_____. ―The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and

you let the cow die.‖

"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. "When we stayed

in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold ____10_____ in that hole in

the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with _____11____ and unwilling to share

his good fortune, I _____12____ the wall so he wouldn't find it."

"Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of ____13_____ came

for his wife, I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem."

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't _____14____ the way

they should. If you have _____15____, you just need to trust that every outcome is

always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later...

1. A. happy B. cruel C. rude D. indifferent

2. A. living-room B. basement C. rest-room D. ground

3. A. cold B. hard C. rough D. smooth

4. A. closed B. mended C. fixed D. repaired

5. A. hospitable B. cool C. cold D. gentle

6. A. sharing B. eating C. having D. finishing

7. A. wage B. salary C. income D. food

8. A. puzzled B. upset C. cross D. displeased

9. A. inquired B. accused C. asked D. scolded

10. A. stayed B. put C. laid D. stored

11. A. greed B. wealth C. treasure D. coldness

12. A. hid B. sealed C. covered D. shut

13. A. love B. mercy C. death D. evil

14. A. keep on B. turn out C. come up D. get on

15. A. belief B. thought C. love D. faith





Watching online open classes U.S. top universities has become indispensable for


to various open courses after she watched the online video of " Justice: What's the

right thing to do." Guo was immediately attracted by the topic and the discussion of

(moral) and justice.

About 700 sina micro bloggers (post) different links to the videos.

163.com has launched a special channel (provide) more

than 1,200 class hours of free videos. Many Chinese have adjusted daily

timetable and some office workers have quit taking naps they can watch

download free online resources to their cell phones to watch

while taking buses.

others to

get up an hour earlier in the morning to watch the videos before leaving has mobilized a great number of followers.

"This set up a good example of how to change and improve our teaching

methods." said Wang, a professor of Sun Yat-Sen University. He also suggested that

(translate) into

foreign languages and posted online to help foreign audiences understand Chinese


Ⅱ 阅读(共两节.满分50分)






―There were no rush hours any more,‖ said Charles M. McLean, who runs the

nation’s busiest road. ―We have rush periods, and they keep getting longer and


McLean was describing Chicago's 235 mi1es of expressway. But the same might

be said about almost any of the expressways that have become an important part of

American city life---and about the heavy traffic that often blocks them.

In Chicago, a computerized system has been developed that controls traffic on the

city's seven expressways. Now one man- a controller- can follow the movement of

Chicago's traffic by looking at a set of lights.

The system uses electronic sensors that are built into each expressway, half a mile

apart. Several times a second, the computer receives information from each sensor

and translates it into green, yellow, or red lights on a map in the control room.

A green light means traffic is moving forty-five miles an hour, yellow means

thirty to forty-five miles an hour, and red means heavy traffic----cars standing still or

moving less than thirty miles an hour

―See that red light near Austin Avenue?‖ the controller asked a visitor. ―That’s a

repair truck fixing the road, and the traffic has to go around it.‖

At the Roosevelt Road entrance to the expressway, the light kept changing from

green to red and back to green again. ―A lot of trucks get on the expressway there,‖

the controller explained. ―They can’t speed up as fast as cars.‖

The sensors show immediately where an accident or a stopped car is blocking

traffic, and a truck is sent by radio to clear the road. The system has lowered the

number of accidents by l8 percent. There are now 1.4 deaths on Chicago's

expressways for each one hundred million miles traveled, while in other parts of the

country there are 2.6.

Traffic experts say that the Chicago system is the ―coming thing‖. Systems like

Chicago's are already in use on some expressways in Los Angeles and Houston.

―,‖ says New York City’s traffic director; and he adds,

―We are far behind...!‖

26.What’ the main idea of the passage?

A. A Computerized Traffic Control System greatly helps in Chicago.

B. Rush Periods in Chicago are getting longer.

C. Chicago has the busiest road in the nation.

D. The expressways are faster now.

27.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The controller follows Chicago's traffic by waiting for the red light to turn to


B. The sensor can immediately deal with the accidents.

C. The system has greatly helped to reduce the deaths on the expressways.

D. At the entrance to the expressway, the lights can change only because of the

speed of the truck

28. By saying ―‖ the director means _____.

A. Chicago has taken something very heavy.

B. They are under the control of Chicago.

C. Chicago is ahead of them in using the system.

D. Chicago is the center of all the systems in the US.

29. Why did the controller ask a visitor?

A. He wants to tell him how the lights work.

B. He cited it as an example to show the visitor what the lights tell.

C. He shows the visitor what he does.

D. He was teaching him how to control the system.

30. Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A. A science book B. A travel journal.

C. A magazine D. A student text


In families with two working parents, fathers may have more impact on a child’s

language development than mothers, a new study suggests.

Researchers recruited 92 families from 11 child care centers before their children

were a year old, interviewing each to establish income, level of education and child

care arrangements. Over all, it was a group of well-educated middle-class families,

with married parents both living in the home.

When the children were 2, researchers videotaped them at home in free-play

sessions with both parents, recording all of their speech. The study will appear in the

November issue of The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

The scientists measured the total number of utterances of the parents, the number

of different words they used, the complexity of their sentences and other aspects of

their speech. On average, fathers spoke less than mothers did, but they did not differ

in the length of utterances or proportion of questions asked.

Finally, the researchers analyzed the children’s speech at age 3, using a

standardized language test. The only predictors of high scores on the test were the

mother’s level of education, the quality of child care and the number of different

words the father used.

The researchers are unsure why the father’s speech, and not the mother’s, had an


―It’s well that the mother’s language does have an impact,‖ said

Nadya Pancsofar, the lead author of the study and a graduate research assistant at the

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina.

It could be that the high-functioning mothers in the study had already had a strong

influence on their children’s speech development, Ms. Pancsofar said, ―Or it may be

that mothers are contributing in a way we didn’t measure in the study.‖

31. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How were children influenced by their parents?

B. A new study was done about the children in families with two working parents.

C. Fathers influenced a child’s language development

D. Fathers had a greater effect on the growth of children.

32. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The children were chosen at random.

B. All the children chosen were from the care centers.

C. The mother’s speech had no effect on the children.

D. The research was designed to find out why the father’s speech had more effects.

33. According to the study, ______________________________.

A. mothers’ function in the children’s speech development is high.

B. every aspect of the influence on the children’s speech development is not


C. fathers’ words were less than mothers’ and they did not differ in their


D. the standardized language test only concerned the education of mothers’, the

care children received and fathers’ words.

34. What does the word ―established‖ in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. set B. developed C. proved D. recognized

35. Why do fathers have a greater effect?

A. The reasons are not clear.

B. They do not change the length of their statements.

C. Fathers seldom speak in the family.

D. Fathers have a higher level of education than mothers.

follow the light


Every day on the road, accidents are caused. They do not only happen. The

reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on

the road. But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the

misfortune-frustration, tiredness or just bad temper-that show what the accident really

is, a sort of attack on oneself.

Road accidents, for example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.

By definition, an accident is something you cannot predict or avoid, and the idea

which used to be current, that the majority of road accidents are caused by a minority

of criminally careless drivers, is not supported by insurance statistics. These show that

most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or


It is not always clear, either, what sort of conditions make people more likely to

have an accident. For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety actions and

most companies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are observed,

but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from

work due to an accident. These accidents are largely the result of human error or

misjudgment-noise and fatigue, boredom or worry are possible factors which

contribute to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too

much, usually people who have a high anxiety level, run three times the normal risk

of accidents at work.

36. This passage might be written to .



When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. __21___, it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadn’t been so ___22___.

As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly___23__ cold — very cold. Alice’s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move __24__ that she didn’t hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also ___25___. Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something _26__. Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “Hello, dear,” said the old lady. “I need ___27___. I’m afraid I’m lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes. ”

“Airport? You ___28___ are lost,” Alice said. “You need to go back five kilometers ___29___ you reach the T-junction. Turn left and ___20___ for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the ___31___ to the airport. But I’m afraid there’s no ___32__ you’ll get there in five minutes!”

“Thank you very much, dear,” replied the old lady. “Don’t worry — I’ll _33__ in time.”

The ___34___ moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it ___35___ and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something ___36___ happened. The car began changing. First, its color __37___from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, __38___ just above the ground. As the car ___39___ into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling ___40___, the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief…


A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise


. A. brave B. excited C. curious D. stubborn


A. fell B. seemed C. proved D. grew


A. aside B. around C. forward D. backward


A. arrived B. stopped C. stayed D. started


A. gathered B. existed C. dropped D. moved


A. help B. gas C. rest D. water


A. necessarily B. normally C. basically D. certainly


A. if B. until C. unless D. as


A. drive B. walk C. follow D. march


. A. address B. signs C. notices D. guidance


A. doubtB. room C. time D. way


A. have it B. get it C. make it D. finish it


A. door B. window C. headlight D. wheel


. A. passed


A. strange B. rushed C. turned D. continued B. sensitive C. imaginable D. horrible


A. developed B. appeared C. spread D. changed


A. rolling B. floating C. drawing D. flashing


A. pointed B. returned C. broke D. rose


A. tune B. voice C. sound D. tone

Every summer a great many students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure.

Most of the are in seasonal work, mainly connected with wourism and The pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the of travel. You can pick grapes on farms in France, entertain kids on American summer camps, and, of course, there are jobs in hotels and restaurants.

But it is not easy now to find work. “ you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings,” says Althea Ellis, an adviser in for students.

“If you work with a family in Italy, you’ll have to speak Italian. When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Pairs, the owner will expect you to speak . British students only have a language for jobs in the USA and Australia.”

enjoys the experience. Sarah James was employed to help forty American children in Europe. The two teachers with the children had never been .One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was home; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the they made, and what’s worse, Sarah herself was robbed on her only evening of the entire trip. “ I did visit a lot of new places,” she says,“ but it wasn’t worth it. The pay was and it really was a 24-hour-a-day job. The kids never slept!”

“The troubles is, students expect to have a(n) time of it.” Althea Ellis points out. “After all, they see it as a ,you have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual (临时的) work. You’ll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy. In the other words, you’ll work if it’s convenient for the company that you. But you have employment rights. As soon as the holiday season ,they’ll get rid of you.”

A. works B. challenges C. changes D. hardships 21.

A. service B. industry C. business D. science 22.

A. pains B. comfort C. difficulty D. excitement 23.

A. always B. hardly C. never D. seldsom 24.

A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although 25.

A. health care B. vacation work C. language studies D. tourist safely 26.

A. Italian B. English C. French D. Spanish 27.

A. chance B. ability C. possibility D. advantage 28.

A. No one B. None C. Not everyone D. Everybody 29.

A. abroad B. employed C. sad D. respected 30.

A. driven B. ridden C. left D. flown 31.

A. friends B. decisions C. noise D. destruction 32.

A. busy B. free C. tiring D. pleasant 33.

A. nice B. reasonable C. fair D. poor 34.

A. hard B. easy C. difficult D. ordinary 35.

A. holiday B. job C. festival D. study 36.

A. besides B. therefore C. however D. meanwhile 37.

A. fires B. employs C. recommends D. appreciants 38.

A. few B. little C. all D. much 39.

A. starts B. lasts C. approaches D. finishes 40.

It was the second day of a winter holiday in Queenstown, New Zealand, three years ago. When we decided to explore the beautiful scenery, our landlady 36 us,“Make sure you are well wrapped up today. The weather is 37 . Head back when you see snowfall.”

The day was bright and sunny, and I started to wonder if she was being too cautious. When snow began to fall at 6:00 pm, I was not worried, thinking we’d have no 38 in catching a taxi back. However, we waited for a while, and all the drivers shook their heads when told of our 39 .

The first driver passed by and gave me a card with a number for me to 40 help. I was filled with 41 , but I had no choice but to lead my three sisters to a nearby place to make the 42 . Then a taxi drew up and we climbed in. The driver did not appear very friendly. Then the light streaming from his headlights showed very 43 why no taxi wanted to take us to our hotel. And I began to understand the driver’s apparently unfriendly silence — he was worried. The steep incline (斜坡) ahead was 44 with snow. The taxi slowly made its way up the hill. Suddenly, we came to a dead stop, and the driver turned to us. “Look! It is very 45 to go forward. You have to get out and walk. If I drive any further, the taxi will slide back,” he said. “Er ... can you keep your headlight on and help my elder sister? The rest of us will follow you up,” I said. The driver 46 . We made it safely back to our hotel. Even though it 47 for the rest of the days, we could see the silver lining in the cloud(一线希望): the generous soul who helped us.

41.A. protected B. guarded C. helped D. warned

42.A. hateful B. colorful C. changeable D. unforgettable

43.A. reason B. time C. trouble D. opportunity

44.A. situation B. destination C. background D. information

45.A. call for B. wait for C. give up D. look up

46.A. confidence B. pride C. doubt D. joy

47.A. appointment B. call C. way D. invitation

48.A. clearly B. weakly C. Unwillingly D. quietly

49.A. charged B. covered C. crowded D. provided

50.A. dangerous B. possible C. limited D. unacceptable

51.A. agreed B. admitted C. admired D. applied

52.A. shone B. blew C. rained D. snowed

Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it patience. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to some action. You must first go where there are people. You won’t make friends staying home . Joining a club or group, talking to those who like the same things you do is much easier. Or join someone some activity.

Many people are when talking to new people. all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown .And it’s human nature to feel a bit about the unknown. Most of fears about new people come from doubts about .We imagine other people are us——finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself you are, and try to put the other at ease. You’ll both feel more comfortable.

Try to act self-confident even you don’t feel that way when you a room full of strangers. Walk tall and straight, look at other people directly and .

If you see someone you’d like to , say something. Don’t wait for person to start a talk. Just meeting someone does not mean that you’ll make friends with that person. is based on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”. It takes time to friendship.

53.A. needs B. costs C. spends D. wants

54.A. make B. take C. do D. carry

55.A. alone B. yourself C .lonely D. with you

56.A. that B. which C. as D. what

57.A. with B. to C. on D. in

58.A .shy B. excited C. afraid D. worried

59.A .At B. For C. After D. In

60.A. unhappy B. usual C. upset D. unlucky

61.A. talking B. meeting C. visiting D. speaking

62.A. yourself B. himself C. yourselves D. ourselves

63.A. talking B. saying C. laughing D. judging

64.A. like B. what C. as D. that

65.A. when B. as C. if D. what

66.A. come B. go C. enter D. step t5o

67.A. smile B. laugh C. cry D. jump

68.A. talk about B. speak to C. say to D. call up

69.A. other B. the other C. another D. others

70.A. new B. young C. old D. little

71.A. Friendship B. Relation C. Connection D. Feeling

72.A. start B. develop C. keep D. Change


























参考答案 略
