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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 05:28:10 字数作文

篇一:How to write a letter

How to write a letter?




1 write --- wrote --- written --- writing

2 know -- knew -- known

As we all know, … As is well known, …

It is well known that… What is well known is that…

3 receive your letter / believe/ relieve one?s stress

4 succeed – success -- successful

5 environment / government 6. broaden our horizons

7 Our school will hold an activity where…

An activity will be held in…

8.teach -- taught 9.study – studied– studies

employ -- employed 10 destroy -- destroyed

11. nowadays 12 every day 13 competition / contest

14 oral English/ spoken English

15 hear -- heard

16 glad

17 常见的不可数名词:news; advice; progress; information; weather; whether

书信作文常见开头 (开门见山、清晰恰当)


申请信:I?m writing to

I?m writing to work in your…

咨询信:I?m writing to you to tion about…

… 建议信:offer my suggestions on …

I?m writing to my views concerning…

感谢信:I?m writing to r your…

道歉信:I?m writing to express my to you for…

I?m sorry that I didn?t reply to your email 请求信:I?m writing to if you can help me to sell…




I am a student in China and I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation. I?ve seen your advertisement, and I?d like to know something more about your six-week English course.




Would there be host family or university dormitory?(住宿条件)

李华写信给笔友Peter, 李华的叔叔李明将去他所在的城市开会,询问是否可以接机。 李明:高个子,戴眼镜;航班:CA985 ;到达:8月6日上午11:30 (2013全国一) I?m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference. I?d like you do me a favor.


His 李华自制了一些中国结,给开网店的美国朋友Tom写信,请他代卖:

1)外观(材料、形状、尺寸);2)象征意义;3)价格 。


. They look really beautiful 形状), 尺寸). In China, these knots 象征意义). 价格)。




I?m Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer camp in Singapore that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. (个人优势).

参加意图) 希望获准)





We?d throwing a surprise party for Xiaoming?s birthday. We?d like to invite you to the 时间、地点). We each will 准备礼物). When he comes, we?ll (活动内容).


称呼:Ladies and gentlemen / Fellow students / My dear friends/ Distinguished guests / Mr. Chairman / Honorable judges …

开头:Good afternoon ! Today the topic of my speech is …

My name is Li Hua. Thanks for having been given the chance to run for….


My name is Li Hua. I?m very glad to have the chance to run for the vice president of the English Club. Thanks for coming to my election campaign.





In order to relieve our students? study stress for a little while, our school will hold a mountain-climbing activity on April 10 at Daqing Mountain.


A book exchange activity will be held at 2 p.m. on January 4th in Room 201 in the teaching building to raise students? interest in reading.

Volunteers Wanted

It?s decided that the Voluntary Service Club of our school will be set up in the coming new year. Its main purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to serve the society better and know more about the society. It can also help to develop our cooperative ability. The club members will be required to do voluntary work at weekends or during holidays. We?re going to visit the elderly in the nursing home, keep public places clean and offer help or guidance to the passengers in the train station. The students who are healthy, open-minded and willing to help others are welcome to join. If you are interested, please send your application to the Students? Union before December 31. Those who are qualified for it will be interviewed in a few days. The Students? Union … Thanks to your help, I’ve made such great progress in English. However, I also have some difficulty in learning English. For one thing, I can’t have a good understanding of English grammar and sometimes can be quite confused. For another,

speaking English fluently is a big concern for me. Therefore , I’ll appreciate it very much if you can help me.

There are also many suggestions for our English learning.

Firstly, in my view, it’s a good choice for us to organize an English Corner, where we can express ourselves freely and have more communications with my classmates in English. What’s more, keeping English diaries is another good idea, because not only can it develop our writing skills but also it can help us form a good habit. In addition, we can watch more English movies, which can enrich our knowledge.

I’m firmly convinced that we’ll achieve our goals eventually as long as we make great efforts together.

Dear sir :

I am writing to request the valuable chance to be one of the homestay families for the American students .

My parents ,who are kind and easy--going in nature, are in favour of my idea that I host an American student. We live in a beautiful community .Luckily ,we have extra /spare rooms for guests .I am student of Xinhua middle school ,open-minded and enthusiastic .What?s more ,I ?m quite good at languages and we can communicate well in English .

If an American student stays with us ,I?ll be a guide to some local places of interest and some typical towns and villages in our area. (accompany ---to some places ).My parents and I will help him or her to make Chinese meals ,such as jiaozi, noodles and other foods.

We have the confidence to make the American students feel at home and have some sweet memories .

looking forward to your reply .

liHua Dear sir or madam,

I?m a senior high student. I am writing in response to your advertisement in the newspaper for volunteers for the International Vegetable Sci-tech Exposition. I?m interested in the job very much. I think I?m fit for the job.

As a student, I?ve read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields . As a child from the rural area, I?m quite familiar with planting skills of crops including vegetables. I?m fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Besides, I?m easy to get along with and enjoy working experience as a volunteer for some social practice activities on holidays. So I?m sure that I can do the job well if I get the position.

I would appreciate it very much if you kindly spare your time to consider my application. I?m looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly

Li Hua

Dear Friends:

May I have your attention please? Now I?d like to make a speech here.

With the improvement of living standard, there are a lot of wastes on campus.For example, the students leave the lights on in the daytime, water running after washing and

remains of a lot of food after eating on the table. Some of the students even ask their parents for pocket money.

I think it is high time that we had to deal with the problem. The reasons are as follows: In the first place, the bad habit of being wasteful will have a bad influence on their own character. Secondly, it adds financial burden to their parents. Last but not least, it also exhausts the world?s very limited natural resources, water and electricity.

But how to reduce the waste? In my opinion, it is everybody?s business to fight against waste. The most important thing is that we should make it a rule to develop a saving habit. Make sure you turn off the lights and the lap when we don?t use them..

Therefore, I'm sure, with everyone doing his bit, we will change the present situation for the better.

That?s all. Thank you!

一 获得高分的英语书面表达的六大特性。







三 积累背诵专题词汇和句子,提高作文速度



Recently there is a heated debate in our class on whether middle school students should take on part-time jobs on their weekends.

2.原因如下The reasons for this can be listed as follows.

3.它有如下优点。It has the following advantages .

4.它带来的坏处大于好处。It brings more harm than good to us.


1.我感觉我没有完全习惯这儿的生活。I don?t feel quite accustomed to the life here.

2.在这儿我似乎不能与他人融洽相处。I seem not to be able to fit in well with others here.


I can?t concentrate on my lessons these days and I failed in the last exam, which worries me a lot



I long to study English well ,but I don?t know how , which makes me upset.

篇二:作文:A Letter to My School

A Letter to My School(SYSU)

With the end of the college entrance examination,we had to say goodbye to our mother high school. And we all know that every end is a new start.Hopefully or sadly,most of us went to a new place, and she called college.She send the old student to various enterprises and once more welcoming our freshmen to her arms.

There is a song that I have heard hundreds of times: You Raised Me up. And here, I want to dedicated it and write a letter to my new school: Sun Yat-sen University to show how grated and honored I felt to entry such a world-class university.

Dear my school:

Good evening! After I listened the song You Raised Me up ,then I remembered you,the one “who” I lived and studied in now. I arrived at your gate in a rainy summer afternoon, I known that you will accompany me at least four years and your part of “body” will be my new home. Yes, I call it home because it is a place I lived and it is a place where I shared my happiness and unhappiness with my roommate, my classmate, my teacher, my friend and all of the people in SYSU. Thank you very much because you reached my dream in childhood: go to a grate college. And thank you especially for : you are raising me up to more than I can be.

·You raised me up with the 90 years experiences.

·You raised me up with the style of college education which differ from high schools.

·You raised me up with the sacrifice of every teacher.

·You raised me up with hundreds and thousands of books in the School Library. ·You raised me up for I can join a lot of societies which give me many social experiences and may be helpful in social area one day.

·You raised me up with our school motto:study extensively, inquire prudently, think carefully, distinguish clearly and practice earnestly.


And you also raised WE up to lots of different areas and different places. Thank

you for raised we up in the past 90 years, and happy 90th birthday,!I love you so much! And have a nice dream,my new school.

篇三:外经贸英语函电 letter 作文 信函

(建立联系) 经鲍兹威尔先生介绍,我方获悉贵公司的名称与地址。 愿与贵公司建立业务关系,在中国市场销售贵公司的五金产品。本公司经营五金产品多年,声誉卓著,拥有可靠 的销售渠道。 为使贵方对我公司有全面的了解,现随函附寄去我公司宣传手册一本。盼早日回复。

Dear Sir,

We have your name and address through the introduction of Mr. Boswell, who has informed us that you are interested in opening up the market in China. We hope to establish business relations with you for the purpose of marketing your hardware products here.

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the leading company in China dealing in hardware products, with high reputation and reliable outlets.

To give you a general idea of our company, we are enclosing a copy of our brochure. Any proposals concerning cooperation will be given our immediate consideration.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully

Write a letter with the following given particulars.





Dear Sirs,

We are interested in your dishes and here by enclose the details of our enquiry for them We have been running a quality retail business of a wide range if china dishes

Would you please send us a copy of your china dish catalogue with the details of your prices? We look forward to your early reply

Yours Sincerely

Write a letter with the following given particulars.

Letter 1

1. 确认收到来函并表示感谢对方的询价。




Letter 2:





Write a letter with the following given particulars.





Dear Sirs,

We have been very satisfied with your product. However, we feel your price is too high to accept. We find that we can obtain a price of $5.00 per piece with a local firm. This is much lower than your price of $8.00 per piece. Unless you see your way clear to meeting these figures we will not place with you an order that will carry us for the rest of this year. That order is probably to be one of the largest that we have ever placed with you.

We shall eagerly wait for your reply before we decide where to place our order.

Yours sincerely,

Write a letter with the following given particulars.





Dear Sirs, From the samples you sent to us on May 10th, we have made selections. We take pleasure of placing you the following order, which we commend to your immediate and best attention:

100 women’s cardigans large-sized

100 women’s cardigans middle-sized

100 women’s cardigans small-sized

Kindly forward these as early as possible. Enclosed please find a draft as the prices you offered us.

Write a letter urging the establishment of L/C with the following particulars.





Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to inform you that the 1000 pieces of bicycles under the captioned S/C have already been ready for shipment.

The delivery date is drawing near, but we still haven’t received your covering letter of

credit till today. Please expedite the establishment of L/C so that we can effect shipment within the stipulated time.

In order to avoid any amendment, please make sure that the L/C is in precise accordance with the terms of our S/C.

We are expecting your L/C coming soon.

Yours faithfully,

Write a letter with the following given particulars.





(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:write,a,letter的作文)

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your order of October 12 th for our men’s shirts. We would like to recommend you our latest package for the order, which is strong and economical.

We pack each shirt in a waterproof polythene bag and then in a paper box, one dozen to a carton. Each carton is lined with waterproof material and reinforced by metal straps from outside, so that the content is protected from dampness.

We are awaiting your early reply and wonder whether our suggestion meets your requirement. Yours faithfully




Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


1. 对昨日的面试表示感谢;

2. 表明自己在面试中的收获;

3. 表达想就职于该公司的希望。





● 范文●

Sept. 22, 2011


Dear Mr. Wang,(注意称呼语及其后的逗号)

①I’m writing to thank you for the interview yesterday. I learned a lot about your company, and its ambitious plans for future development.

I hereby ②formed a clearer vision of how I may contribute to the growth of your company. I believe ③my knowledge and experience in personnel management makes me the right choice for the position of the manager of the sales department.

I am ④looking forward to hearing from you and hoping that I will have the opportunity to work with your company. (结束语的基本模板)

Sincerely yours, (敬语)

Li Yue (签名)




① thank you for…意为“感谢……”。




② form a clear vision of意为“清楚地看到,清楚地了解到……”,可以理解为understand或者know clearly。

③ 此处从句作believe的宾语,从句中的主语核心词为knowledge and experience。本句话结构清晰、语言严谨。




④ look forward to意为“期待、盼望”,是表达某种愿望时的常用语。


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a invitation letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.





● 审题概述●


● 范文●

July 15, 2008

Dear Li Ming, (友人,直呼其名)

I’m really happy to tell you that our best friend Zhang Yue will be back from the U.S. this summer holiday. And we arranged a special party for her at 6 p.m. July 21, 2008. Would you like to join us? I ①bet that Zhang Yue would be delighted to have you in the party.

Since this is a ②masquerade, don’t forget to ③be all dressed and masked so that nobody may recognize you. I think the party will be a great fun.

Zhang Yue and I are expecting you at her home. By the way, if you can’t come, call me at 12345678.

Good Luck!

Yours, (友人,敬语可随意点)

Cheng Cheng









③Be all dressed and masked意为“穿好服装并带好面具”,此处指为化妆舞会所作的准备。 ◇第三段思路点评:



Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a business Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


20打,小型,$ 100.00/打

25打,中等型号,$ 200.00/打

30打,大型,$ 250.00/打

● 审题概述●



● 范文●

Dear Sir/ Madame, (不知道对方是男是女时用用这个)

We are writing to thank you for your ①quotation of May 6 and the sample pajamas. We ②find both the quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to place an order with you for the


20 dozen, small, US $ 100.00 per dozen.

25 dozen, medium, US $ 200.00 per dozen.

30 dozen, large, US $ 250.00 per dozen.

Look forward to finding a good market for ③the above items and hope to place larger orders with you in the near future. (结束语的基本套路)

Yours faithfully, (敬语的正确使用)

Jay Lin

Manager of the Sales Department (写信人身份的具体位置在信末,而不是文中) ◇第一段思路点评:

首先感谢公司寄出的报价单和样品,指出对其质量和价格都很满意,并提出订货。 ◇语言点提示:

① quotation意为“报价单”。

② find both the quality and prices satisfactory意为“认为(产品的)质量和价格都令人满意”,find…satisfactory可以替换为be satisfied with。




③ the above items即指上文中描述的订购货品,避免了重复。


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an annoucement according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


Words for reference:

大礼堂:auditorium 毕业晚会:graduation party 文艺演出:program of entertainment ● 审题概述●


● 范文●

Notice (必不可少)

All the students of English Department ①are required to attend the Graduation Party at 6:30 on June 3(Monday). There will be ②wonderful programs of entertainment. All the students are requested to be ③at the auditorium on time.

Student Union of the English Department June 1, 2008


第一句点名晚会的主题和时间,第二和第三两句说明了晚会的内容和地点。简单明了。 ◇语言点提示:

①are required to:被要求;必须

②wonderful programs of entertainment:精彩的文艺演出

③at the auditorium:在大礼堂


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an e-mail according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


收信人:Mr. Smith(admission-office@163.com)


● 审题概述●


● 范文●


To: (电子邮件的基本格式)

Subject:To apply for the scholarship

Dear Mr. Smith,

①I am so pleased to learn that my application for admission to ②postgraduate study at your universty has been approved. My problem is that my tuition ③is still somewhat short for the amount required.

In this case, I hope ④to obtain some financial assistance. Would you kindly advise me if there is such a possibility?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely, Wang Ying ◇第一段思路点评:


篇五:A Thank You Letter感谢信

题目 A Thank-You Letter


Please single out ONE person to whom you owe the most thanks and write A Thank-You Letter to him or her within 180 words.

作文号:235762教师:蔡红霞字数:100~250 满分:15

A Thank-You Letter

Dear Miss Shi,

The Thanksgiving Day is on the way, and I really want to express my great gratitude to you. I know you have no choice to read this overdue letter clearly but I still want to write it. The news that you had passed away over 3 months came when I was studying mathematics in the classroom. I swallowed hard and rushed out. It occurred to me that how pertinent you were to teach me to accommodate myself to the junior middle school when I cried bitterly. It was Miss Shi who emboldened me to speak louder when facing to all of the students and study harder to prove myself to be an excellent girl. To tell the truth, I can’t be a member of the best class in the senior school without the help of you. What’s more, some classmates including me paid a visit to you after hearing the news that you had a cancer. You still behaved bravely which gave us an insight into how human beings should face to death. I have regretted not to say “Thanks” to you.

Your student
