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篇一:Happy birth day

Happy birth day

为什么奶昔不甜 为什么风景不美 因为你 在身边 世界只剩下 一个焦点 一开始你就特别 从眼神就很体贴 我们都 不穿鞋 光着脚穿越 耳语流言 在这之前我到底是谁 你出现 我眼前 一瞬间 一切都改变

Happy birth day 你就在我身边

和你吃苦一生 胜过天堂一天

Happy birth day 告别忧伤昨天

自从遇见了你 才是我 Happy birth day

风筝和风在缠绵 诗人和诗在兜圈 你坐在 我旁边 这一种快乐 无法描写 世界我环游一圈 看很多空中小姐 都没有 比你美 第一名模也 只能闪边 为什么快乐也会流下眼泪 灌溉了我的荒野 开满了玫瑰

我不累 我不睡 我不休息 我不阖眼 我不想浪费每一秒 在这 有你的世界

Happy birth day 你就在我身边

和你吃苦一生 胜过天堂一天

Happy birth day 告别忧伤昨天

自从遇见了你 才是我 Happy birth day



书标头An I can read book (level 1),此系列有level 1、2、3,每个level有40本以上不同主题的书,尤其level 3,每本都值得阅读,此书单只列出我有收藏的。

1. Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur* 分享、友谊

2. Danny and the dinosaur* 幽默、冒险、友谊

3. Sammy the seal* 冒险

4. The lighthouse children 关怀

5. Stanley 勇于改变、爱

6. Captain cat 幽默、友谊

7. Grizzwold 努力、冒险、幽默

8. Chester 不气馁

9. Danny and the dinosaur go to camp 团体生活、幽默

10. Who will be my friends 交朋友

11. Oliver

书标头A picture reader,同系列不同作者,浅显易懂。

1. Where is my broom 小巫婆找扫把

2. Don’t wake the baby 不要吵醒小baby

3. Silly Willy 幽默

4. The big snowball 探险

5. Benny’s big bubble 探险,系列作家Tomie de paola 的作品

6. Otto the cat 友谊

7. The little engine that could helps out 再试一次的勇气

8. Lots of hearts 关怀

9. Pig out 幽默

10. Picky Nicky 认识营养的食物



书标头An I can read book (level 2)

1. Small pig 追求所自己的喜欢

2. There is Carrot in my ear 大幽默

3. Newt 自信

4. Two silly trolls 幽默

5. Buzby 独立、探险、幽默

6. Father bear comes home * 关怀

7. The adventures of snail at school 幽默、冒险

8. Harry and the lady next door * 幽默各名家绘本

1. Fireman small 认真

2. Heaven 死亡、爱

3. The snowman 奇幻探险

4. Now one foot, now the other 亲情

5. Who’s afraid of the big, bad bully 对抗恶势力、勇气

6. Blueberries for Sal * 温馨

7. Winnie in winter 知足、幽默

8. Marsha makes me sick

9. Marsha is only a flower

10. Oi! Get off our trains 环境保护、分享

11. The doorbell rang 分享、数字概念

12. Little polar bear finds a friend 友谊、冒险

By Cynthia Rylant,一个小男孩Henry和一只大狗Mudge的系列故事,幽默小品,浅显易懂。购自美国,台湾书目可能较不齐全。

1. Henry and Mudge and the best day of all

2. Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble

3. Henry and Mudge the first book

4. Henry and Mudge and the starry night

5. Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days

6. Henry and Mudge and Annie’s perfect pet

7. Henry and Mudge take the big test

8. Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps


第三阶段 ( 3岁 )

汪培珽第三階段英文書: Arnold Lobel plus I Can Read系列

书标头An I can read book (level 2),By Arnold Lobel,最爱作家之一,其书必买。并强烈推荐给有基本英文听力的小学生。


Amanda Pig and Oliver Pig系列

1. Frog and toad are friends *

2. Frog and toad together *

3. Frog and toad all year *

4. Days frog and toad *

5. Grasshopper on the road *

6. Mouse soup *

7. Mouse tales *

8. Owl at home *

9. Uncle elephant *

书标头An I can read book (level 2、3)

1. Last one in is a rotten egg 勇气、百折不挠

2. Clara and the bookwagon 珍惜、努力

3. Inspector hopper 侦探

4. Big Max * 侦探

5. Here comes the strikeout * 不气馁、练习棒球

6. No more monsters for me * 不可怕的怪兽

7. The smallest cow in the world *


1. The biggest bear * 友谊、爱心

2. Nana upstairs & Nana downstairs 祖孙情

3. Pompeii buried alive a sad story

4. The bravest dog ever Balto 勇气、冒险、助人

5. One hundred hungry ants 数字概念

6. Corduroy

By James Marshall,关于一只小狐狸和其朋友的系列故事,幽默首选,其书必买。并强烈推荐给有基本英文听力的小学生。




Unit 1 Birthday


1.英美儿童把生日这一天看做是奇妙的一天。他们把它当做个人的新年来庆祝。在生日这一天,儿童会收到来自家人及朋友的礼物,其中最重要的礼物当属生日蛋糕,同时还有象征儿童年龄的蜡烛。在生日宴会上,蜡烛被点燃后,过生日的人可以许一个愿,然后一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,接着大家一起唱那首著名的歌曲“Happy Birthday to You”。除了大小各异的礼物之外,他们通常还会得到一顶“生日帽”,并在聚会期间一直戴着它。在聚会上,他们做游戏、吃蛋糕和冰淇淋,玩得十分开心。

2.英美人的生日礼物多式多样,礼品的贵重与否、价格多少不是最主要的。对于亲朋好友送来的礼物,他们喜欢当面打开,拿到礼物时往往说一些感谢和赞美的话,如:Thank you.但在中国,人们一般不会当面打开礼物,而是要等客人离开后才会打开。不过,这种习惯正在逐渐改变。

3.party为“聚会”的意思,也有人直接把它译成“派对”。它还有“党派”的意思,如:Chinese Communist Party意为“中国共产党”。

4.Let’s buy a present.(咱们买个礼物吧。)礼物也可以说成gift。

5.What about a rabbit?(一只兔子怎么样?)What about...?可用于征求意见或询问消息,意为“......怎么样?”或“......好不好?”如:What about a kite? (一个风筝怎么样?)What about a walk?(去散步怎么样?)

6.Good idea.(好主意。)完整的说法是That’s a good idea.(那是个好主意。)idea在这里意为“想法”或“念头”,再如:bright idea(绝佳的妙策)。idea用于否定句中时意为“了解”、“理解”,如:—Do you know who he is?(你知道他是谁吗?)—I have no idea(who he is).(我不知道他是谁。)


8.在英语中元音特别响亮,一般来说,元音构成音节,成节辅音如dle, ple也能构成音节。英语的词有 单音节的、双音节的和多音节的。每个词一般只有一个重读音节,单音节的词则为重读。在重读音节中,元音字母a,e,i,o,u 的读法,主要有以下两种情况:

(1)开音节:开音节有两种,一种叫做绝对开音节,即在元音字母后面没有辅音字母,例如:go,we,be,he。另一种叫做相对开音节,即在单个元音字母后面有一个辅音字母(r除外)之外,再加一个不发音的字母e构成的音节,如: cake, make, bike, name等。此时,元音字母a,e,i,o,u都读它们字母表的音名。

(2)闭音节:单个元音字母后面有辅音字母(r 除外)时,这个元音字母构成的音节叫做闭音节, 例如:bag, not, hen, put等。在重读闭音节中,元音字母a读做//,e读做/e/,i读做/I/,o读做/D/, u读做// 或 //。

Part A


◆ 语言知识目标


2.学习句子:Please come to my birthday party.

Let’s buy a present.

What about a football?

Oh,no./Good idea.


4.学唱歌曲:Happy Birthday to You!


◆ 语言技能目标




◆ 情感态度







Step 1Warming up


2.欣赏歌曲:Happy Birthday to You!

3.通过歌曲,揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Birthday Part A

教师说:“今天是Sally的生日,让我们一起对她说Happy birthday!”


Step 2 Presentation


1.教授句子:Please come to my birthday party.

(1)教师播放课文录音,让全班听一听Sally 对大家说了什么,以此引出句子Please come to my birthday party.的教学。

(2)出示单词卡片,教学party和my birthday party,并板书。

(3)教学句子:Please come to my birthday party.根据意群,引导学生读好这个句子。



2.教授句子:Let’s buy a present.



教师手拿一个礼物盒说:“Let’s buy a present for Sally.”


(2)板书buy a present,领读并操练。



Buy a present.

Let’s buy a present.

3.教授句子What about a...?以及单词 football和card。

(1)教师从礼物盒里面拿出礼物,边拿边说:“Let’s buy a present for Sally. What about a...?”引出单词football和card的教学。

(2)学习句子:What about a...?并用不同的单词进行替换操练。

(3)Sally 的朋友们要给她买一件礼物,你们有什么建议呢?请学生用“What about a...?”来提建议,每个学生说一句,教师都要用“Good idea.”回答。

(4)板书Good idea.并教学。


1.翻开课本第2页,教师播放课文录音,学生跟着录音模仿着说句子,接着回答问题:Whose birthday is it?




(1)完成课本第3页的Look and say.

(2)完成课本第7页的Listen and connect.

Dad:Hi,Sally. Here’s a present for you.

Sally:Oh,it’s a kite! Thank you,Dad.

②Mom:Hello,Sally. Happy birthday! Here’s a present for you.

Sally:What’s this?

Mom:It’s a bag.

Sally:Thank you,Mom.

③Ben:Happy birthday,Sally! Here’s a present for you.

Sally:Oh,it’s a football! Thank you,Ben.

④Kate:Happy birthday,Sally! Here’s a present for you.

Sally:What’s this?Oh,it’s a bird! Thank you,Kate.





4.教师播放课本第3页的Listen and learn the English sounds.学生模仿跟读。


Step 3 Extension


教师把钢笔、笔盒、卡片、足球、贺卡等物品放在讲台上,布置一个购物场景,然后请当天过生日的学生上台(如果没有,可以请一个近期要过生日的学生上台),给他/她戴上“生日帽”。教师对大家说:“Let’s buy a present for ×××.你们有什么建议?”请同桌之间进行讨论,再请一些同学上台表演对话。

Step 4 Homework

1. 听录音,熟读本课内容。



Part B


◆ 语言知识目标


2.学习句子:Happy birthday!

Here’s a present for you.

What’s this?

It’s a rabbit.


4.学说韵律诗:A Black Cat.


◆ 语言技能目标



3.能准确使用Here’s a present for you. What’s this?It’s....等句子谈论生日礼物。

◆ 情感态度


◆ 文化意识







Step 1Warming up


2.学唱歌曲:Happy Birthday to You!

3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Birthday Part B

Step 2 Review

复习单词present,football和card,初步感知句子:What’s this?

1.教师出示礼物盒,问:“What’s this?”引导学生回答:“A present.”(或It’s a present.)出示卡片,复习单词present。



游戏规则:教师出示一个袋子,在袋子里放入一件物品,如:钢笔、铅笔或玩具小狗、小兔等,教师用“What’s this?”提问,请一个学生上台触摸猜测袋子中的物品,并使用“It’s a....”回答。最后放入玩具小鸟和蛋糕模型,引出新单词bird和cake的教学。

Step 3 Presentation



(二)教授句子:What’s this?



游戏规则:教师出示图片的一角,请全班学生用“What’s this?”提问,再请个别学生站起来猜。教师将卡片奖励给猜对的学生,并说:“Here’s a present for you.”引导学生说:“Thank you.”

3.教师播放录音,全班学生一起学说韵律诗:A Black Cat.

What’s that? 那是什么?

What’s that?那是什么?

A black cat.一只黑猫。

Where’s the cat? 黑猫在哪里?

Where’s the cat?黑猫在哪里?

In the hat.就在帽子里。

4.教师播放课文录音,请全班学生初步感知课文内容,由此引出Here’s a present for you.的教学。



1.翻开课本第4页,教师播放录音,学生先模仿跟读,然后回答教师提出的问题:What’s the present?




(1)完成课本第5页的Play a game.

(2)完成课本第6页的Learn to write.



2.呈现单词cake,baby和Kate。教师播放课本第5页的Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读。

篇四:牛津七年级英语预备教材Unit 13配套试卷和答案

牛津七年级英语预备教材Unit 13配套试卷和答案

Ⅰ. 词汇


1. My ________(最喜欢的)food is ice cream.

2. Tomorrow is Ann’s ________(生日). She will have a party.

3. —Would you like some ____(香蕉)? —No, thanks.

4. I often get a lot of ____(卡片) from my friends before the Spring Festival.

5. I always get many beautiful ____ (礼物) from my aunts every year.

B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

6. I want ________(buy)her a new book. What about you?

7. Look at ________(they). They look very happy.

8. She ________(enjoy)the big dinner with her parents.

9. —Would you like ________(go)with me? —Yes, I’d love to.

10. On Sundays, I often do the ___(shop) with my mother.

Ⅱ. 单项选择,选择最佳答案。

1. His mother wants ________.

A. go shopping B. to go to shopping C. to go shopping

2. What do you get ________ your birthday?

A. to B. for C. with

3. —Happy birthday to you. —________.

A. The same to you. B. Thanks a lot. C. That’s OK.

4. I often talk ________ my friends ________ our school life.

A. with; to B. with; about C. about; with

5. My birthday is _________ August 8.

A. on B. in C. at

6. I like all fruit except _________.

A. chocolates B. sweets C. bananas

7. —The boy looks ____. —Yes. Today is his birthday.

A. happy B. sad C. happily

8. —Who ____ to your sister’s birthday party? —My uncles and aunts.

A. comes B. come C. coming

9. The little boy is very kind. He always ____ his food ____others.

A. share; with B. share; for C. shares; with

10. I see two _____ in Daniel’s bedroom.

A. pair of blue jeans B. pairs of blue jean C. pairs of blue jeans

Ⅲ. 按要求句型转换,每空一词。

1. I want to buy a toy for her.(同义句)

I ________ ________ to buy ________ a toy.

2. is my birthday.(对画线部分提问)

________ is ________ birthday?

3. I watch TV (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ you watch TV?

4. Millie plays happily.(同义句)

Millie ________ a ________ ________.

5. His mother wants to (对画线部分提问)

________ ________his mother ________ to ________?

6. Simon and his brother live in the same bedroom. (同义句)

Simon ____ a bedroom ____ his brother.

7. All the people enjoy Millie’s birthday party. (同义句)

All the people ______ ___ ____ ____ at Millie’s party.

8. I often get for my birthday. (对画线部分提问)

____ ____ you often _____ for your birthday?

Ⅳ. 汉译英,每空一词。

1. —你通常得到什么作为你的生日礼物?—许多书。

—_____ do you usually ____ ____ your birthday? —_____ _____ ____ books.

2. 你们在聚会上的感觉如何?

___ ___ you _____ _____ the party?

3. —你愿意到我家来吗? —很乐意。多谢!

—____ you ____ _____ _____ to my home? —Yes. ____.

4. 我每天步行去学校。

I ____ ____ school every day.

5. 那个小女孩穿了一件新白上衣和一条黑裤子。看起来真酷!

The little girl ____ a new white coat and ____ ____ ____ black trousers. She ____ ____!

Ⅴ. 单句改错。

( )1. How many peoples are there in you family? ________


( )2. She . So she doesn’t like watching football matches. ______


( )3. you a CD? ________


( )4. I a cake her. ________


( )5. interesting film _________



A:Hello, Kate! B:

A:I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.

B:Party? What Party?

A:It’s my birthday, and I’m going to have a party. Don’t you know?


A:Oh dear. I forgot(忘记) to tell you about it. B:Sure. I’d love to come. What time will it start(开始)?


B:Where will you have it?

A:. Please don’t forget to tell Ann about it.

B:OK. I’ll do it.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ Ⅶ. 完形填空。 How are you, Lin? I’m writing you at my school. It’s a big middleI’m in a big class. There’re fifty students in my class. There are about two hundred teachers in my school. My English teacher Miss Liu. is a nice teacher.

We go to school Monday to Friday. There are four classes in the morning and t

wo in the afternoon. We play games four on Friday after class.

I have some friends at school. One is America. She speaks English and Chinese. I like to play them. We football. That’s my favourite game. 1. A. to B. for C. with D. from

2. A. school B. class C. classroom D. office

3. A. be B. are C. am D. is

4. A. He B. She C. Her D. Him

5. A. from B. for C. in D. on

6. A. in B. on C. at D. about

7. A. come from B. from C. comes from D. out

8. A. many B. a many C. many a D. /

9. A. for B. and C. at D. with

10. A. play the B. play C. plays D. are play


Lucy’s mother wants to go shopping. She wants Lucy to help her. She is making a shopping list. She wants to buy some eggs, some oranges, some milk and some meat for supper. But she doesn’t know what to have for lunch tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday. Lucy asks her mother to buy something nice to eat. Her father likes to eat fish. So she asks her mother to buy some fish in the supermarket. Lucy goes to the market with her mother. She wants to help her mother carry things.


( )1. Lucy is making a shopping list.

( )2. Lucy goes shopping with her mother.

( )3. Lucy’s father likes to eat cakes.

( )4. They want to eat some fish for lunch tomorrow.

( )5. Today is Sunday.


I’m at Billy’s birthday party. There are a lot of friends in his house. Some stand beside the table and enjoy the snacks and drinks. There is some food on the table. I like the chocolate and the fruit very much. Billy sits in the sofa and chats with some friends there. He wears a red T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He looks so cool today. Wow! The cake is really big. There are some candles on it. Billy’s friends begin to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Billy. Billy is very excited. He blows out the candles and cuts the cake. Everyone has fun at the party.

( )6. There are a lot of friends at ________ birthday party.

A. Millie’s B. Billy’s C. my

( )7. Billy wears ________.

A. a blue T-shirt B. a red T-shirt

C. a red T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans

( )8. Which sentence is true?

A. Billy stands beside the table. B. Billy likes the chocolate and the fruit very much.

C. Everyone has a good time at the party.

( )9. There are ________ on the cake.

A. the chocolate B. some candles C. the fruit

( )10. Billy looks ________ today.

A. cool B. sad C. polite

Ⅸ. 书面表达(10分)

根据提示以My Birthday 为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。

提示: 1. When is your birthday?

2. What do you usually do on your birthday?

3. What do you often get?

4. How do you feel?




Ⅰ. A) 1. favourite 2. birthday 3. bananas 4. cards 5. presents B) 6. to buy

7. them 8. enjoys 9. to go 10. shopping

Ⅱ. 1—5 C B B B A 6—10 C A A C C

Ⅲ. 1. would like; her 2. When; your 3. Where do 4. has; good time 5. What does; want; do 6. shares; with 7. have a good time 8. What do; get

Ⅳ. 1. What; get for; A lot of 2. How do; feel at 3. Would; like to come; Thanks

4. walk to 5. wears; a pair of; looks cool

Ⅴ. 1. B people 2. A can’t 3. C 去掉to 4. C for 5. B an

Ⅵ. 1—5 E D B C A

Ⅶ. 1—5 A A D B A 6—10 C B D D B

Ⅷ. 1—5 F T F T F 6—10 B C C B A

Ⅸ. 略



1. He does his homework every day.

______ ______ ______ his homework every day?

2. Mary has lunch at home.

______ Mary ______ lunch at home?

3. I like watching TV in the evening.

______ you ______ ______ TV in the evening?

4. I can borrow his ruler.

______ I ______ his ruler? 5. She’s looking at the blackboard.

______ ______ ______ at the blackboard?

6. There are some boats in the picture.

______ ______ ______ boats in the picture?

7. I’d like a cup of tea.

______ ______ ______ a cup of tea?

Key: 1. Does he do 2. Does; have 3. Do; like watching 4. Can; borrow she looking 6. Are there any 7. Would you like



1. There is something wrong with my bike. It needs ____.

A. to repair B. repairing C. repaired D. being repaired

2. Are you ______ help?

A. with need of B. in need of C. in need for D. need of

3. You ____ angry with her, for she is too young.

A. need not to be B. do not need to C. need not be D. need not

4. I want to go to the doctor, but you _____ with me.

A. need not to go B. do not need go C. need not go D. need go not

5. Every one of us _____ a simple life.

A. needs live B. needs living C. needs to live D. needs living

Key: 1—5 B B C C C

5. Is

篇五:Happy birthday.doc案例与反思

《Happy birthday》教学案例





会读会认的单词:Here’s , present , cake

理解并会用句子:Here’s your…….Happy birthday!

运用句子Here’s your ……根据具体的情况送礼物

接受别人的礼物要说Thank you!




1、 单词present的读音

2、 句子Here’s your……的理解和运用



小贴画,每人一张纸内容为:Dear_____,Here’s your___________.

五、 教学过程

(一) Greetings

Hello ! boys and girls , I want to find the most beautiful


1.Look at my fingers , tell me how many?(用手指快速的表示


2.T: Can you sing a song about numbers?

S: Yes , 《Ten little fingers》

3.T: Show me your finger,point to the desk,point to the chair, point to the window, point to your pen, point to your pencil, point to your book, point to your bag.

S:(do actions)

[教学评析]:首先用手指表示数,快速的在学生眼前闪过,以锻炼学生的反应能力,带入英语的情境中,然后唱一首数字歌以复习数字,再运用“Point to ”来复习学过的物品单词,为下一环节做铺垫。

(二) Presentation


1.呈现句子Here’s your…….

T:Look,What’s that?

S:It’s a bag

T:Do you know what’s in it?Please guess what’s this? Hands up!

S:A pencil?A pen?A book?An eraser?

T:Oh!It’s a pencil,whose pencil is it? Please stand up! S:(A student stand up)

T:Here’s your pencil(write down the words),

You should say “Thank you

S:Thank you!

T:Good boy/Good girl!Who can help me?Give them out. S:(Give out the things like me,and say Here’s your……,Thank you!)



Show many sticks

T:Look, I have so many present,(write down the word)If you work hard ,I will give you a present.But you must read this word“present”


T:火眼金睛的学生是谁?Which letter pronounce/p/


happy birth day书

T: Which letter pronounce/r/


T: Which letter pronounce/z/

T: Which letter pronounce/t/


T:Who can read it well?

S:present(resd it one by one)




T:Look at the screen,I have a present box,So many words in it,if you can read the words,please stand up quicly and tell me ,then sit down slowly!



T:This word is ……,who knows?



S:Very , Very good!

T:Let’s read it together


T: 火眼金睛的学生是谁?What does the first letter pronounce?

T: What does the third letter pronounce?


T:Can you read it well?




运用板书,孩子们把Here’s your present;Here’s your cake读出来了。

T:Who can read this sentence?

S: Here’s your present

T:Who can read this sentence?

S: Here’s your cake



S:birthday cake,birthday present,birthday party,happy birthday.

T:Sam’s birthday is coming,what do you want to say? S:Happy birthday!(write down the words)

T:can you sing a song?
