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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 04:18:11 体裁作文


The Advantages And Disadvantages Of the Virtual Life

As with all of great technological revolutions in the past , the rise of Internet has brought many changes in our lives.

Firstly , it's pretty convenient for us to buy things on the Internet . The Internet provides us with varieties of goods , such as clothes ,foods and almost everything you can think about . So we can place orders from websites instesd of going out . Just through the net , we can chat with our friends wherever they are . Moreover , we can work at home , to be a SOHO ,who communicates with colleagues via e-mails , or other Internet mailing lists . In such a virtual space , we are immersed in our own worlds ,escaping others' disturbance.

However, the Internet brings not just benefits but cocerns about possible harmful side effects . Many people are addicted to surf the Internet , so that they reduce the times going out , merely facing the computer screen all days . These behaviours do serious harms to their health . In addition , they start to feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing . And they become insensitive gradually. On the Internet , we can't tell the truth from the false, thus we will be cheated easily .

Confronting with the virtual life ,we ought to have a clear mind and take better advantages of the Internet .



Dear John,

How is everything?I'm writing to let you know about an English Evening and invite you to join us.The English Evening will start at 7:30pm on April 15~ and will be held in the English club.We have quite a few activities planned such as chatting with each other in English and watching some performances by students from different classes.What is more, we are encouraging participants to exchange small gifts with each other and make friends as well.We will be providing some fruit and drinks for the evening, but we suggest you bring some food with you if you like.I believe everyone will have a wonderful time at the English Evening. I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Ping




Nowadays surfing the Internet has become very popular on campus. I am impressed most that many college students spend too much time playing games and chatting on the Internet.

As is well known, chatting and playing and can do much harm to us if we spend too much time on the virtual world. Firstly, it is an enormous waste of time and we will have little time for our study. Secondly, those who play games or chat day and night will be harmed physically for lack of rest and sleep. Thirdly, our social ties will suffer as a result of the immersion in the virtual world. The last but not the least, it will cost us much money.

In my opinion, we should deal with the Internet carefully. On the one hand, we can get some pleasure and knowledge from the Internet. On the other hand, we shouldnt spend too much time, energy and money on the Internet because study is our priority. In conclusion, we should make good and proper use of the Internet.

如今上网已成为非常受欢迎的校园。我印象最许多大学生花太多的时间玩游戏和上网聊天。 众所周知,聊天和玩,可以做很多伤害我们,如果我们花太多的时间在虚拟的世界。首先,这是一个巨大的浪费时间,我们将为我们的研究没有时间。其次,那些日夜玩游戏或聊天会伤害身体缺乏休息和睡眠。第三,我们的社会关系会因此沉浸在虚拟的世界。最后但不是最少,它将花费我们很多钱。



Dear Catherine,

I am so excited that you'll come to China and stay with me for a week during the summer vacation.

I will be free from July 10th after the final examination and have plenty of time to be with you. When you come, please fly straight to Qingdao. I’ll meet you at the airport and then we’ll go to the hotel by bus. The weather at Qingdao in summer is fairly hot, so thick clothes, like jackets, are not needed.. During your stay here, I’ll show you some places of interest here around, like the wonderful coastline and beaches. I’m sure a very good time will surely be expected when we meet and stay for the first time together.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Sincerely, Li Hua 亲爱的凯瑟琳,


我将在期末考试后有空,从7月10日和有足够的时间来与你同在。你来的时候,请直接飞到青岛。我会机场接你,然后我们乘公共汽车去饭店。在青岛的天气在夏天很热,所以厚衣服,夹克,不需要. .在你留在这里,我将向您展示一些有趣的地方,像美妙的海岸线和海滩。我相信肯定是一个很好的时间预计第一次我们见面时,保持在一起。






Smartphone Addiction

As the development of modern technology, Smart phones has become quite popular all over the world with its outstanding functions. People can use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal micro blog, and upload their latest pictures at any place, anytime. It seems that smart phones have already become an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. However, some people are indulging in smart phones, which already have side-effect on their normal life.

随着当代科技的迅速发展,智能手机以其卓越的功能风靡全球。人们可以在任何时间、任何地点用它来上网,更新个人微博,上传自己的最新照片。看起来智能手机已经成为人们生活中不可缺的一部分了。然而,有些人过渡沉迷于智能手机,以至于影响了正常生活。 Some people, especially teenagers, are easily fall for Smartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under great pressure, while cell phone provides a platform for people to relax themselves. By playing mini-games, vocal chatting with friends, watching movies and listening to music, people can easily forget their problems

temporary. Second, there are always something new on the phone. It is can be interesting, mysterious and various. So people are eager to turn on their phones, want to know what is happening around them. When people spend too much time on the phones, they don’t have enough chance to communicate with their friends or parents. Their

attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lack of good self-control, they are fragile to the smart phone addiction, while they supposed to focus on their study and work.

一些人,特别是青少年,极容易被智能手机吸引。原因有这些:首先,当今社会人们压力很大,智能手机提供了一个给人们放松的平台。通过玩小游戏,与朋友语音聊天,看电影听音乐,人们很容易暂时忘记他们的烦恼。其二,手机上总有新鲜事。有趣的、神秘的、种类繁多的信息吸引着大家打开手机,去了解周围到底发生了什么。当人们花了太多的时间在手机上时,就没有足够的机会去与朋友父母聊天沟通。他们的注意力已被虚拟世界所吸引。缺乏好的自控能力,他们在手机成瘾面前弱不禁风。他们理应集中精力在学习和工作上的。 I think people should take smart phone addiction seriously. Quitting addiction needs time and patience. People should turn off their phones, go outside and communicate with others face to face. Do more exercise and form optimistic attitude towards life!




China's real problem is that it is caught between

the security of traditional familyrelationships and a modern welfare system


But our government and our society are taking measures to support the old.


It is sad to see none of them is willing to receive their father.


The notion/idea that adult children should care for their aged

parents is deeplyingrained in Chinese society.

Live in an electronic age, people have a mobile phone, computer, electronic equipment such as flat computer, their life in the virtual world of their respective, no intersection with anyone else in the world 生活在一个电子时代,人们拥有手机、电脑、平板电脑等电子设备,他们各自生活在各自的虚拟世界里,与别人的世界没有交集

The living environment changes caused human indifference 居住环境的改变造成了人性的冷漠

How can moral inheritance found belong to the Chinese nation, to reproduce a peaceful and prosperous time. Doors are unbolted at night. scene, also need our people of this generation are further explored and discussed

如何才能寻回属于中华民族的道德传承,重现路不拾遗 夜不闭户的景象,还需我们这一代人进行进一步的探索与讨论

中国的整体道德下滑已是不争的事实The whole moral Chinese decline is an indisputable fact文化精英们不知羞耻的抄袭他人的作品,还像狗一样对金钱权力摇尾乞怜,这是文化道德的堕落The cultural elite shamelessly copying the works of others, also like a dog wag the tail and flatter the power of money, this is the cultural moral depravity商人们身上流着肮脏的血液。于是,假冒伪劣商品充斥了中国的商场,也进入了老百姓的家,这是物质道德的堕落Businessmen carry the dirty blood. Thus, the fake and shoddy goods flooded the Chinese mall, also entered the old people's home, which is the material moral depravity长此下去,中华民族万劫不复矣!如果我们现在居安思危,理智思索,痛下决心,中华民族还有希望。否则中华民族很难立于世界之林!If this trend continues, the Chinese nation to be doomed eternally! If we are vigilant in peace time,

rational thinking, determined, and hope of the Chinese nation. Otherwise, the Chinese nation is difficult in the world! 盲目的金钱至上摧毁了人性Blind money first to destroy humanity

随着社会的发展和人们物质生活水平的提高,老年人在精神方面的需求也更加突出,需要构建多层次支持体系对老年人进行精神赡养,使老年人在物质和精神两个层面都能“老有所养”With the development of society and people's material living standards improve, the demand of the elderly in spirit are also more serious, need to build a multi-level support system for the elderly spiritual support, so that the elderly in the two aspects of material and spirit can "sense of security"


Chinese people over the age of 60 has reached 140billion,accounting for 10% of the total

population or more than. To properly resolve the elderly maintenance problems, and constantly improve the quality of maintenance, helping people to simultaneously into a well-off society, be imperative. 我们的政府需要制订更多合理的政策来鼓励年轻人赡养老人

Our government needs to develop more rational policies toencourage young people to support the elderly 注重对中国新一代年轻人的教育,发扬中国尊老爱幼的

Pay attention to the new generation of young people's education, carry forward the fine tradition of China respect

为了适应当前残酷的社会环境,为祖国的现代化建设出力 In order to meet the cruel social environment, the output for the motherland's modernization


In this materialistic age, people chasing luxury lifestyle has become their helpless choice to avoid being obsolete

当今世界是开放的世界,在经济全球化的趋势下,各个国家、各个民族之间的联系日趋紧密,这要求我们树立世界眼光,顺应世界潮流,努力发展自己In today's world is an open world, under the trend of economic globalization, each country, each nation between the

increasingly close relationship, which requires us to establish a world perspective, follow the trend of the world, and strive to develop their own

勇敢产生于斗争中,勇气是在每天每天对困难的顽强抵抗中产生的,我们青年人的箴言就是勇敢、顽强、坚定,就是排除一切障碍Brave produced in the struggle, courage is produced in the daily difficulties of stubborn resistance, the young people's motto is brave, tenacious, firm, is to eliminate all obstacles

人与人之间亲切的交流和流畅的互动正在逐渐消失Friendly exchanges between the people and the smooth interaction are disappearing


过年习俗 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .




Middle school students love not stingy praise now we work very busy, this time all the rest is occupied to learn, a pile of homework under our breath, but if you really asked us: "what you want most?" Most of our students will tell you frankly -- praise, not freedom. Yes, we are learning and why? But to praise teachers, elders, classmates. Serious homework, test first, good schools, for what? In order to praise...... Recognition of our recognition, praise and encouragement, is a spiritual necessities, with praise, is our continuous efforts, we have brilliant achievements



90% of the students think there should be 66.72% of the students like reading, reading, 70% of the students think that reading is helpful for learning, and can truly identify the purpose of reading only 10% of students. In general, they read the book at random, reading to a large extent is a kind of blind obedience to fashion. Some "to see what, see what, and independent learning." Some say "tired of books, for books swap."

3 reading strategies is not science. In the method of reading, many students have no strategy. In reading can not be rational and effective use of intensive reading, extensive reading, fast reading, slow reading method, do not write, do

not take notes, not a conscious collection, collation, digestion, read hastily and without thinking, read without thorough understanding.




Battery waste in landfill treatment within one month, the metal shell will be corrosion perforation, waste batteries of harmful substances will enter the soil, water, environmental pollution. According to environmental experts test, if the 6 tons of garbage mixed with a mercury containing batteries, when the garbage landfill, the concentration of mercury in the soil will exceed safety standards; if the battery waste mixed with garbage into the incinerator, the mercury, cadmium and other metal will be in the high temperature gasification is discharged into the atmosphere, the atmospheric environment pollution, affecting the health of human body

废电池的垃圾填埋场处理,一个月内,金属外壳将被腐蚀穿孔,有害物质将废电池进入土壤,水,环境污染。据环保专家测试,如果6吨垃圾混有含汞电池,当垃圾填埋场,土壤中的汞浓度超过安全标准;如果废电池混入生活垃圾进入焚烧炉,汞,镉等金属将在高温下气化排入大气中,大气环境的污染,影响人体健康 零用钱的是与调查

A survey about the use of middle school students' pocket money indicated that 55 percent of it is used to buy books and study materials,and the cost of diet takes up 27 percent.And the left is used in entertainment.Generally speaking,,we can use our pocket money to buy study tools,or we save it to help people in need as well.I think students should use their pocket money properly.Thus,it will be a great help to our studies



In recent years, with the successful general higher education into the development of the fast lane, the school to work all has made a great progress. But there are also many should not ignore the difficulties and problems, such as school construction debt is heavy, all kinds of the teaching cost increases, the resources use efficiency is low, the waste phenomenon still exist, such as are restricting the further development of the school.

The teacher's day this year forum, the party secretary of YanWenQing explicitly pointed out that, "strict economy running, diligence and thrift, building the saving-type campus, has become a better than ever more urgent task in the front." So the economical campus from is it? How to construction is the characteristic of the economical on campus? Saving is a kind of quality

And a lot of colleges, schools as ?





First, the Internet can broaden our horizons, broaden the way of knowledge we obtain, for example, we remain within doors, can listen to teacher lectures, access to wealth of information, understanding of the events at home and abroad, swimming in the ocean of knowledge, so that the limited energy is

extended. And online learning can enable us to change from passive to active, fully play the main role in us, learning in school, be free to ask questions, until now, sometimes in some textbooks dull dull knowledge on the Internet

becomes interesting, so that the enthusiasm of learning greatly enhanced; on

the other hand the temptation to patronize illegal website, causing it to indulge in a virtual world inextricably bogged down in;



According to the survey, things seem better than before because of the policy of pressure reduction. But we still be noticed that there are about 60% junior students are busy at their study after school. Study is the not only important thing for students. They also should spend some time in playing to relax. By playing, students can build a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.



The current high school students gift money comes mainly from their relatives, from parents less, but there are some volatility on their students this year 73% years old pressure satisfaction, money, while 40% of the student's gift money is used to buy books, stationery, and 10% of the student's gift money save up to plan to do another 60% students were willing to take part of the money donated, 30% of the students said that did not think of, another 10% of the students are not willing to donate



In my opinion, how to dispose of rubbish is a very important thing. First, rubbish is a great pollution in city, and how to deal with them has been a big problem .There are many ways such as classify ,collect, sometimes we can buy the rubbish and don’ t forget to deal with the polluted water .Also, the ways of provide against the pollution is very important .We should make laws to stop people from throwing away the rubbish and make city more beautiful.




Visitors, you must have heard of "Guilin Scenery" this sentence! Now that you have arrived at Guilin. You see: the beauty of the mountains reflected in the clear water, like a mountain of water on the shore, there is a mountain as like as two peas. There are a lot of Zhuang people in the mountains, the children often singing in antiphonal style under the banyan tree. You see, this mountain is like a camel lying on the beach, so people call it the camel peak. You look at the mountain, like the elephants in the nose in the river water, so people call it the elephant trunk hill. You see that mountain, there's like a penholder, so people call it Beacon Hill...... You soon see! The fishermen with his beloved cormorant rowing the raft to fishing.

First of all, we enter the park trees, with people constantly, fun, laughter, along any path, look up, the tall trees, allow people to travel leisurely walk in the fresh air, from a distance, like a piece of scenery like picture show in front of the big house. Spring, Manshan green shoots, initiation; summer, mountains of cicadas, flowers in full bloom; autumn, Manshan leaves, fruits; winter,

Manshan Dongmei, resolutely. Tired of walking, we can also go to the boat ride, ride the ferris wheel, dodgems, and......

This is my beautiful hometown, I hope more and more people understand my hometown, to play my hometown

Qingdao, Shandong peninsula is located in the south-east, is a famous seashore tourist city in China

Qingdao has a pleasant climate is famous. Because it is located in warm temperate monsoon climate zone, and on the verge of the sea, by ocean climate regulation, when the southern summer time, Qingdao is cool as autumn. Plus the jinsha. Red green trees, is a rare summer resort. Here the average summer temperature of 23 degrees Celsius, the average August temperature of the heat is only 25.1 perturbation degree, therefore, the

summer in Qingdao is to attract foreign tourists most season. Of course, also put in the sitting here attract come

Everybody is good, I is a small guide this trip, I will lead you to the Beijing ancient the Imperial Palace to visit carefully. The Tiananmen, the the Imperial Palace of the Meridian Gate, walk along the Imperial Palace line, you will find that the axis of the road is paved with marble, the emperor's palace is located in the central axis line, symbolizes the emperor is the centre of the country. We continue to move forward along the central axis, is the front of the magnificent hall of Supreme Harmony, it is the largest building in the
