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篇一:At the beach


4B Module 3 Unit 1 Colours and places

Teaching plan for Moudle 3 Unit 1

Oxford English 4B

Topic: The Tan family at the beach Teacher: Tanghui

Focus: 1. Learning ‘spend, sail, and surf’ and applying in certain situations.

2. Using the present continuous tense to describle an action.

3. Connecting listening with reading closely to improve Ss’ reading skills. 4. Sharing our tourism style with foreigners.

Difficulty: Dealing with the relationship between listening and reading training. Purpose: To make Ss know some basic information of traveling at the beach. Key Words& Sentences: spend, sail, surf

spend … doing…

Teaching aids: PPT, black board Procedure:

《牛津英语》4B教材的一个重点内容是现在进行时态的学习,在前面的Module 1 Module 2中已经涉及,在这节课中,除了现在进行时态的继续学习之外,又加上I spend… doing…这一句型。同时,本课将要学习3个新单词spend, sail, surf, 其中spend, surf为课外拓展的单词,在要求理解词义的基础上,通过语境的设计,提升学生的语用能力。



为了给学生更多的说话的机会、练习语言的机会,本课所选取的内容和教学方式力图贴近学生的生活,以他们的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,在课堂中注重学生发散性思维的培养,引导学生从不同需求设计不同的度假方案。帮助外国小朋友Danny提供了两条旅游线路:海南的沙滩和庐山。教师也为每一个情景的过渡,都做了一定的铺垫,使之显得不突然。每一个环节的设计都包含着一个task, 如What can we do at the beach? 不仅是为The Tan family 服务,也是为教授新单词


篇三:Unit 10 On the beach

Join in 学生用书 3 Unit 10 On the beach

Part 5 Children from the USA, Canada, Northern Ireland and Australia are talking about their favourite beaches.


Join in 教材Book III中Unit 10 第五部分内容是几个来自英语国家的孩子介绍自己喜欢的海滩,教学内容繁杂,其中涉及到的地名,尤其是海滩对于教师和学生来说都很陌生,如果按传统方式教学,教学时间显得非常局促,课堂容量也难以拓展,所以,我从教学实际出发,运用学生自主学习,小组合作学习等方式,采用多任务的教学活动,进行了阅读,理解,培养学生的阅读技巧并有选择的运用语言。





1.认识世界上一些国家:the USA, Canada, Northern Ireland, Australia; 海滩:Queen Charlotte Islands, Daytona, Northern Ireland.


I’m (Cindy).

I live in (Canada).

My favourite beach is on (Daytona, Florida).

I like (swimming in the warm water).



2. 简单介绍自己最喜欢的海滩。



教 学 过 程

Step 1、Warm up

1. Listen to the music. 媒体演示

T ask: Where is it? Is it at school? Is it in a shopping mall? Is it at a train station?

Ss: It is on the beach.

2. T: Here are some photos of scenery on the beach. Let’s have a look.

T: Are they beautiful? Do you want to go to the beach?

幻灯片演示海滩景色同时呈现新词。(island, islands, starfish, shells, jet-ski, snorkelling, swimming, riding horse, )

Step 2、Pre-reading

1. T: If you have a holiday on the beach, what do you like doing?

Ss: I like swimming / snorkeling / riding a horse/ riding a jet-ski….

T: I think collecting shells on the beach is interesting. What about you?

Ss: I think _____ on the beach is _________.

2. T: I have some friends in different countries Like: Canada; England; America. They want to know about my holiday. Here is a photo taken on the beach. It is on the Hainan Island. This is about my holiday. I send it to my friends. Let’s have a look.


Hi, I’m Shirly . I live in China. My favourite beach is on Hainan Island. I like swimming in the warm water. There are lots of beautiful shells there. I think collecting shells on the beach is interesting.

Let Ss read together.


T:My friends from other countries also send me some photos. They are talking about their favorite beaches. Do you want to know about them?

Activity 1, Listen to the tape and find out the answers. Fill in the form.

Q1: How many friends in the text?

Q2: Who are they?

Q3: Where are they from?

Q4: What is their favorite beach?

幻灯片呈现国家,海滩图片,并配以简单的介绍。解释“ in Daytona, Florida ; on Queen Charlotte Islands”



Favorite beach

Why/ What else

Activity 2. T: Look at the text about Margaret and Chris. Choose one as your friend and get to know more about them. Please read silently and see how much you know about your friend.

Activity 3. T: Look at the pictures on the book. What do you want to know about the last two kids: Cindy and Jeff? You can ask some questions. Like: Who is the boy? Whose car is it? Read and discuss in groups. Finish the exercises.


1. Cindy’s favorite beach is _ Daytona, Florida. A: in B: on

2. Cindy likes swimming in the _ water. A: warm B: cold

3. Who thinks driving on the beach is cool?

A: Cindy B: Cindy’ brother

4. How is Cindy’s idea about driving on the beach?

A: cool B: stupid


1. Jeff is from Northern Island. ( )

2. Jeff often rides a bike on the beach. ( )


1. Isn’t he stupid? A: He is stupid. B: He is not stupid.

2. only an hour’s drive : 仅一小时的车程。 Yes or No

Check their exercises, fill in the form.

Step4. Post –reading

Activity 1. Retell the text according to the blackboard design.

Activity 2. Choose one kid as your friend. Write an email to talk about your favorite beach. 提供书写句式,不同学习水平学生可有不同的要求。

Hi, I’m ____.

I live in____.

My favourite beach is on____.

I like ______. There are lots of beautiful ____ there.

I think ______ on the beach is interesting.

Step5. Ending and homework

1. Finish the text about “My favorite beach”.

2. Collect the pictures and information(信息) about some beaches.

Choose your favorite one and tell us why?

篇四:Unit10 On The Beach 在海滩

Unit10 On The Beach 在海滩

Words: beach 沙滩,海滩 sand 沙 sands沙滩snorkel潜游weather天气late 迟的,晚的

clear 晴朗的,清澈的,清晰地 people 人 sun 太阳 someone某人 fish鱼 kite 风筝

island 岛,岛屿 starfish 海星 Florida 福罗里达州 New York纽约 Australia澳大利亚

Ireland爱尔兰 Canada 加拿大 jet-ski 快艇 mask面具flipper潜水橡皮,潜水掌seal 海豹 closer靠近的,接近的 blood 血 rock岩石 hurt伤害的 badly严重地 woman女人everybody

每人,人人 boat 船 warm 温暖的cold 寒冷的 water 水 think 认为 live 居住,生活often

经常holiday假期children 孩子 shell贝壳 collect 收集 Chinese中国的 China中国


on the beach 在沙滩上 play with 和谁一起玩in the sun在阳光下ride a bike \horse

骑车\马 buy a drink 买饮料 make a phone call打电话 listen to music听音乐

watch TV 看电视 read a book 看书 fly a kite 放风筝 eat ice cream 吃冰激淋

go snorkeling 去潜游 in the water 在水里 on the rock 在岩石上 go back返回去

an hour’s drive 一小时的车程 ride a jet-ski 骑喷气式水橇 take off 脱下 do homework 做作业 come along to 赶快 have fun 玩得开心 play games 做游戏 play lots of games做游戏play football踢足球 over there 那边two months later二月后


1. What is Eve doing? She is riding a horse. Eve 正在做什么? 她在骑马。

2. What is Jack doing? He is buying a drink. Jack 正在做什么他在买饮品。

3. Someone is making a phone call. Mark 正在打电话。

4. Hans is watching TV. Hans 正在看电视。8. Penny is reading a book.Penny正在看书。

5.My brother is doing his homework. 我哥哥正在做作业。

6.Sandy is putting on her dress. Sandy 正在穿裙子。

7.Ken is taking off his shoes. Ken 正在脱鞋。

8. Six children are swimming. 9. Two boys are playing football.两个男孩正在踢足球。

10. Two girls are riding horses. 两个女孩正在骑马。

11. A boy and a girl are collecting shells. 一个男孩和一个女孩正在收集贝壳。

12. Come along to the beach. 来到沙滩上。13. Let’s play in the sand. 在沙地里玩。

14. Let’s play with the fish. 让我们跟鱼儿一块玩耍吧。

15. Let’s go snorkelling.让我们一起去潜水吧。16. Let’s get help.我们去找人帮忙。

17. On the beach we’ll have fun. 在沙滩上我们会很快活。

18. I’ll get my mask and flippers. 我去带上潜水面罩和潜水掌。

19. He knows a lot about seals. He can help.他对海豹很熟悉。他能够帮忙。

20. It’s badly hurt. I’ll take it with me. 它伤得很严重。 我要带着它。

21. Where are you from? I am from America. 你来自哪里我来自美国。

22.What’s that in the water? I think it’s blood. 水里有什么 我想可能是血

23. What’s that on the beach? It’s a beautiful shell.

24. What’s your favourite beach? It’s on the Queen Charlotte Islands.

25. You cannot swim there very often because the water is too cold.你不能在经常在

那里游泳因为水太冷了。 26. I am Cindy from New York. 我是来自纽约的Cindy。

27. I like swimming in the warm water. 我喜欢在温暖的水里游泳。

28. My brother thinks driving on the beach is cool. 我哥哥认为在沙滩上开车好棒。

29. My favourite beach is only an hour’s drive from our home.我最喜欢的沙滩离我的

家仅有一个小时的车程。 30. We often go there for our holiday.我们经常去那里度假。


篇五:Unit 10 On the beach Part 2

Unit10 On the beach

北关示范小学 田芳



1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下现在分词短语:riding a bike\ buying a drink\making a phone call\listening to music\ watching TV\ fishing\ swimming\reading a book\flying a kite\eating ice cream.








1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写如下现在分词短语:riding a bike\ buying a drink\making a phone call\listening to music\ watching TV\ fishing\ swimming\reading a book\flying a kite\eating ice cream.

2)通过简单的对话What is he /she doing? He /she is??进一步巩固所学的现在分词短语。







Step 1: Greetings and Warming up:

1、Greetings (略)

2、Warming up:

1)Free talk:

T:Look,What’s this?

S:It’s beach.

T:Yes. It’s a beach. I like beach very much. Do you like beach? S1S2......Yes\no.

T: It doesn’t matter. Let’s look at some pictures about beach.(看完图片后,揭示主题)So,Today we’ll learn Unit10 on the beach.

2) sing a song

At first ,Let’s listen and sing the song “come along to the beach”

(设计意图:通过师生间的Free talk迅速营造温馨、愉悦的教学氛围,通过歌曲热身使师生均能以良好的精神状态进入课堂的教与学。 Step 2: Presentation

1、紧接着歌曲播放完后,教师说:“In this song. They can play with fish.They can play lots of games. So, They have fun on the beach. Do you think so? What else do on the beach? Please look at pictures

and guess.”教师用课件一一呈现图片,让学生猜图中的人物在干什么,同时引出句子Eve is riding a bike.\Jack is buying a drink.\Mark is making a phone call.\Hannah is listening to music.\ Hans is watching TV.\Bob is fishing.\John is swimming.\Penny is reading a book.\ Lily is flying a kite.\Alan is eating ice cream.

2、Let’s read the sentences.

3、Acorrding to reading sentences. What do you know?然后总结出现在进行时句型结构和现在分词规律小结。


Step 3: Practice

1、Make some new sentences in groups.Four students is a

group.Let’s do and say sentences in am/is/are.(例如:一个学生边跳边说I’m jumping,一个学生做弹钢琴的动作,另一个学生指着说She is playing the piano.两三个学生一起做踢足球的动作,另一个学生指着说They are playing football.)


2、Listen and guess.


3、Look at pictures and say “ What are they doing ?”


Step 4:consolidation:

Play a game.(Act and guess)游戏规则:本游戏一共有三组题,分别是Boy、Girl、Animal,活动小组任意选其中的一组进行,每组派出两名学生进行表演,一人做动作比划,另一人根据动作说完整的句子(例如:选Boy组就说He is......)在30秒内说对几个加几分。


Step 5:Emotion filtration(情感渗透)&Homework

T:Are yo

at the beach的ppt

u happy in this class?”


T: If you happy please clap your hands. (学生拍手表示高兴) T:Happy is very important. Please remember “ Happy class,Happy learning,Happy growth.”

Homework: Look at pictures and write“What are they doing” 板书设计:

Unit10 On the beach



