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篇二:Lecture in the evening(中英文对照)

Lecture in the evening

As you lie down in your bed, close your eyes and relax. Take a deep breath and hold it for a count of 3 (1,2,3), then slowly exhale. Your body is in a comfortable position and your eyes are closed. Take another deep breath, even deeper than before, and hold the air for a count of 5 (1,2,3,4,5). Again, slowly let your breath out. Notice how relaxed and loose your body feels. Now inhale again, from the center of your body, and hold your breath for a count of 8 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8).

Picture yourself standing in an observation elevator. Through the glasses, you can see the doors to all the buildings and the children playing on the ground between the buildings and the elevator. Slowly you begin to sense the elevator is moving, it’s going up. As it goes up, you begin to notice the windows and the people behind the windows. The buildings are tall, and it takes a little while to get to the top. Just as the elevator reaches over the buildings, a beautiful lake emerges in your sight, the water is clear and peaceful, ducks are playing on the lake and ripples are spreading. Beyond the lake is a grass covered mountain slope with sheep easily enjoying their meal, The elevator keeps going up, when it reaches over the top of the mountain, a beautiful harbor appears on the horizon. In the harbor sailboats are easily cruising on the blue and peaceful water. Around the harbor, large areas of trees and flowers and magnificent

houses spread themselves regularly along the coast. You are struck by the beauty of the environment and the harmony between nature and design. You begin to imagine yourself living in that harbor, having all the things you ever desire, enjoying all the friendships you ever dream, and achieving all the accomplishments you ever aspire.

You know all these beautiful things will be yours to keep, to cherish and to enjoy, because you have found a clear purpose for your life, you have developed a sound strategy, and you have taken all the actions necessary: You got up as promised everyday; you listened to the recordings and practiced as planned you thought often and critically; you always wrote down your thoughts and inspirations; you pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone when it comes to making new friends and seizing every learning opportunity.

Now, with 100% certainty you are moving in the right direction and at the right pace, you can be at ease going into sleep. Let your eyes relax, then your head, your neck, your shoulder, your chest, your waist, your thighs, your knees, your feet, your toes and your whole body. Go, slowly, go, sleep! Have a sweet dream!









1. Once, three fishes lived in a pond. One evening, some ___1___ passed by the pond and saw the fishes. “This pond is full of fish”, they told each other . “We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow and catch these fish!” So saying, the fishermen left. the other fishes together and said, “Did you hear We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!”

The second of the three fishes agreed. “You are right”, he said. “We must leave the pond.”

fish laughed. “You are worrying without reason”, he said. “We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come keep me safe.”

morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then.

fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed. (232字)


A. fishersman B. fisherman C. fishermans D. fishermen 学生答


案: b.

A. excitedly B. excited C. excite




D. exciting 学生答

案: A;


A. webs B. caps C. nets D. coats 学生答

案: C;


A. saw B. heard C. felt D. reached 学生答

案: B;


A. that B. what C. which D. when 学生答

案: B;


A. eldest B. second C. youngest D. little 学生答

案: C;


A. anywhere B. somewhere




案: 标准答

案: 标准答

案: 标准答

案: A





C. nowhere D. where 学生答


案: h.

A. one B. very C. just D. an 学生答


案: i.

A. come B. came C. coming D. comes 学生答


案: j.

A. reached B. got to C. arrived at D. arrived 学生答




得分:[5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]





案: 标准答


案: 标准答


案: 标准答






[5]B.考查宾语从句的引导词。主要辨别“that”和“what”在引导宾语从句时有什么区别。请参考Cloze 9的第一题。此处选择“what”。 [6]C.考查上下文理解。上文可以看出三条鱼里的老大和老二都很担心,这里哈哈大笑的只可能是最年轻的那条鱼了。所以,选择“youngest”。 [7]A.考查副词辨析。本句大意是“我哪里都不去――我的运气会保佑我的。”这是个否定句,所以选择“anywhere”。“somewhere”一般用在肯定句中。由于本句前面已经有了否定词“not”,所以也不能再选择“nowhere”(到处都无)这样的否定意义的词汇了。


That′s the very thing I′ve been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。



sb. do”和“see sb. doing”这两种结构。第一个结构中的“do”是个不带“to”的不定式,这个词组意思是“看到某人做了某事”。而后一个词组的意思是“看到某人正在做某事”。本句大意是“第二天一早,鱼老二远远的就看见渔夫们正在向池塘走来,于是立刻领着家人离开了池塘。”据此,这里选择“coming”。 [10]D.考查动词辨析。这四个选项意思都是“到达”,但是前三个后面都得跟上宾语才行。


1. (错误)

Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin __________ under his chin.

A. tighten B. slip C. issued D. tucked



D 5.0


[A;] 标准答案:


得分: [0] 试题分值:

解析:该题选D,题目大意是“泰勒先生过去吃饭时,总是在下巴处曳上一块餐巾”。 tuckvt. 塞(进,在) 1. She tucked

her shirt into her skirt.她把自己的衬衫塞进裙子里。

2. He tried to


tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers.他设法把飘起的衬衫塞到裤子里。 3. She found a

rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning.


2. When she learned that her son was killed in battle, the Mexican

woman ___________ her tears with much difficulty.

A. held back B. held up C. held out D. take back 知识点:


A 5.0


[A;] 标准答案:


得分: [5] 试题分值:



hold back:control or restrain sb./sth. 抑制住,忍住(眼泪、笑声等) 1. She kept


12-13学年牛津高一上学期模块一Unit 1测试Ⅰ

Class: Name: 满分(100)


1. — I can’t get along well with my classmates.

— _____ But what’s the reason? A. Don’t mention it. C. Sorry to hear that. A. develop B. Never give up! D. How about that? B. discover

D. experience

D. unpopular

D. waste

D. of; for 2. When some foreigners visit China, they would like to _____ its high-speed train. C. introduce 3. It is _____ for many patients to listen to music during their treatment because it can make them feel relaxed. A. enjoyable B. honorable C. unpleasant A. earn A. of; by B. spend C. devote B. at; by C. with; for 4. Your plan is far from satisfaction, so you must _____ more time and energy to it. 5. Visitors are very fond _____ the plan that all national art museums will open to the public _____ free.

6. The nuclear crisis (核危机) is still ongoing, and people and industries in Japan are _____.

A. celebrating B. struggling

D. disappearing C. competing

7. When I _______ my achievements, I couldn’t help feeling excited. A. looked back on B. cut back on C. went back to D. dated back to A. who B. whom C. that D. / 8. The government should work out solutions to the housing problems _____ are troubling low-income families.

9. More online shopping means that more energy and more packing are needed. This will be a(n) _____ to the environment.

A. pleasure B. excitement C. surprise — But there _____ a lot of trees and grass. A. used to be B. is used to be C. used to being D. is used to being D. challenge 10. — What a pity that the area has turned into a desert!

11. Chinese people _____ go abroad will be surprised to find that some China-made goods sell cheaper there than at home.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 12. She made a great discovery in her research, which _____ her a good reputation in the world. A. earned B. supported C. achieved D. drew A. change B. exchange C. challenge D. expression 13. Never will I forget the experience of being a (n) _____ student in Australia for a year.

14. Father promised to spend as much time as he could _____ with us after he returned.

A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. having stayed A. until B. unless C. though D. as 15. My English has greatly improved, _____ I practice using it every day.

二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

My daughter was three years old. She was going to a playschool, which had day boarding facilities (寄宿设施). After , the kids used to sleep for 2 to 3 hours. So she was very and active in the evening and always wanted to till mid-night. By that time, I was totally after a whole day’s work in the office and at home.

One day, as usual she was not to go to bed. She was crying aloud, ―I want to play more. No time now.‖ I hold her in my arms and wiped her tears. She had stopped crying. I told her, ―you sleep happily without crying, a beautiful will come to you in your sleep.‖ While I was the beauty of the angel, she lowered her to my shoulder and she was asleep in a few minutes.

Many days passed. She used to sleep late, but cried again while going to sleep.

One day, when coming back in the evening, I she was feeling sleepy. Soon I cooked something for her and made her . That day, she slept early.

I went to the and prepared the dinner. Then, we also thoug

in the evening

ht of going to bed early. Suddenly I saw a smile on her face. Soon, she started

quietly. That was very she was deep in sleep.

The next morning she early. Sitting in the bed she called me, ―Mama, an angel had come to me yesterday. She me on my forehead and her face was just like yours.‖

16. A. school

17. A. small

18. A. play

19. A. pleased

20. A. patient

21. A. watching

22. A. If

23. A. flower

24. A. sharing

25. A. hand

26. A. never

27. A. heard

28. A. run

29. A. window

30. A. sweet

31. A. thinking

32. A. important

33. A. seconds

34. A. set out

B. class B. fresh B. read B. worried B. full B. sleeping B. Because B. bird B. checking B. head B. sometimes B. noticed B. study B. bed B. sad B. watching B. special B. hours B. came back C. games C. clever C. rest C. tired C. sure C. drinking C. Unless C. angel C. enjoying C. foot C. always C. forgot C. eat C. bathroom C. shy C. laughing C. lucky C. days C. got up D. lunch D. strong D. walk D. concerned D. ready D. writing D. Before D. girl D. describing D. leg D. often D. hoped D. stand D. kitchen D. polite D. moving D. difficult D. weeks D. sat down

35. A. carried B. held C. hit D. kissed




One day in the evening, a sheep was enjoying himself at the mountainside, when a wolf came out all of a sudden and intended to eat him. The sheep jumped away immediately and used his horns to knock back the wolf, crying out loudly to his friends for help.

The horse looked down and saw the wolf, and then he ran away quickly.

The donkey stopped and found the wolf, and then slipped away quietly.

The pig passed by and saw the wolf, and then rushed down the mountain right away.

The dog heard the cries and hurried to the mountainside. He jumped out of the bushes and bit the wolf’s neck. The wolf felt so painful that he shouted angrily and escaped quickly.

After the sheep came back home, all his friends came up to visit him.

The horse said, ―Why not tell me you were in danger? My strong feet could break the wolf’s head.‖

The donkey said, ―Why not tell me you were in danger? I could shout the wolf away with my horrible voice!‖ The pig said, ―Why not tell me you were in danger? I could use my big mouth to press the wolf down the mountain.‖

Among all of them, only the dog did not say anything.

The real friendship does not lie in great words but in the hand that could help you out of troubles when needed. Those who often surround you and make you do you a favor when you are in trouble are.

36. What happened when the sheep was enjoying himself one day?

A. The sheep jumped towards a wolf and used his horns to knock him. B. A wolf came out all of a sudden and intended to make friends with him. C. He was in great danger of losing his life. D. The sheep had nothing to do but played a game with the wolf. A. The horse. B. The donkey. C. The pig. D. The dog. 37. Which animal stood in a higher place than the place where the sheep cried for help?

38. Who does the word ―those‖ in the last paragraph refer to in the story?

A. The wolves. B. The dogs. C. The sheep. D. The horses, the pigs and the donkeys.


India has many festivals, with some celebrations that last for weeks. However, none of them come even close to Holi, India’s most colorful and fun festival. Celebrated on the day following the full moon, this year’s festival happens to be on March 19th.

As with most India festivals, this one also has many different folk stories. Most of them center around the success of good over evil. The most popular one is about a king, who hates his son Prahlada for loving the creator of the Universe — Lord Vishnu. When every attempt to stop him fails, his sister, Holika believed to be immune to (免于) fire, joins in the effort by inviting the young boy to sit with her inside a huge fire. Helped by the power of

Lord Vishnu, Prahlada escapes safely, while the evil Holika is burned to death. To remember this event, huge outdoor fires are lit in the night before Holi in order to clean the air of evil spirits and to celebrate the death of the evil.

So what’s so great about this day? While there are some fun parades (游行) and folk songs and dance performances, the most fun of all is walking to the streets and splashing (泼洒) people with water guns and dry

At about midday, the splashing comes to an end and people living close to oceans or rivers usually take a bath in the water to clean themselves before going home to a delicious home-made big dinner and a well-deserved short sleep, following this full day of fun and activities.

39. The text mainly talks about .

A. different kinds of Indian festivals B. Holi – the Indian festival of colors C. why India has so many festivals D. when to celebrate the Indian festival – Holi A. Because Prahlada doesn’t love him. B. Because Prahlada is rude to Holika. C. Because Prahlada believes in Lord Vishnu. D. Because Prahlada concentrates on his own success. A. with the help of Lord Vishnu C. by beating his aunt Holika B. because of his good luck D. using his amazing talent 40. Why does the king dislike his son Prahlada? 41. Prahlada gets out of danger . 42. After the fun activities, people have to take a bath because A. they have got dirty with dry colors and colored water B. going home with colored water means bad luck C. they believe clean water will bring good luck D. taking a bath shows their true love for Lord Vishnu


For sixty years Barbara Cooney created children’s books. And she provided pictures for her own books and for books written by others. Her name appeared on one hundred and ten books in all.

Barbara Cooney was born in New York City in 1917. She graduated from Smith College in Massachusetts in 1938 with a major in art history. During World War Two Barbara joined the army. Her first marriage did not last long. Then she married a doctor, Charles Porter. They were married until her death. She had four children.

Barbara said three of her books were close to her life. One is Miss Rumphius, published in 1982. The second book is called Island Boy. The boy is named Matthias, who is the youngest of twelve children in a family on Tibbetts Island, Maine. Matthias grows up to sail around the world. The third book is called Hattie and the Wild Waves. It is based on the childhood of her mother. The girl Hattie lives in a wealthy family in New York and she wants to be a painter when she grows up. The last book of hers was published six months before her death. It is called Basket Moon, which is about the story of a young boy, living in the hills outside of Hudson.

Of all of Barbara’s books, the one that seems to affect people the most is Miss Rumphius. It won the American Book Award. Many of her later books were written in the small northeastern state of Maine. She spent summers there when she was a child, then moved to Maine in her later years. She loved Maine. She gave the local library in Maine almost a million dollars. The state also showed its love for her. In 1996, the governor of Maine declared Barbara Cooney a ―State Treasure‖. She died in March, 2000 at the age of 83.

43. What can we learn about Barbara Cooney?

A. In the college she studied world history. B. She was not only a writer but also an artist. C. She experienced several marriages in her life. D. The books she wrote are about wars and army. A. Miss Rumphius. D. Basket Moon. A. is very clever and brave B. comes from a poor family C. is created based on her mother D. likes art and music very much A. Tibbetts Island, Maine. B. The City of New York. C. The northeastern state of Maine. D. Outside of Hudson.


Winter Park Resort offers plenty of fun. If you are short on spring vacation ideas for families, give Winter Park a second look.

Introducing Winter Park

Only 67 miles from Denver, Colo., Winter Park Resort is just off Highway 40. It offers a rise of 3,060 feet and has 143 trails, and the majority is for expert skiers. 25 lifts cut down on (削减) wait times during the busy winter months. If you head for the Village Parking Garage, go there after 3 p.m., when parking is free of charge. Spring Skiing in April

If you are bringing the children along, there will be a parents’ Night Out and also the Golden Bunny Classic Candy Hunt for the children under 10. To go spring skiing, it pays to be keeping an eye on the weather. The weather in Colorado is bad for its quick changes. Even though April marks the end of the winter skiing season, snowfalls and late-season storms are common. The skiers reported on April 14 last year that there fell 11 inches of fresh powder just the night before. There is a good chance that history will repeat itself this year.

Eats at the Cheeky Monk

The Cheeky Monk is a good place when it comes to good eats. Sure, the park offers plenty of eateries (饮食店) that serve pizza and beer, but if you want a beer experience, only the Cheeky Monk meets your needs. Make 44. Which book of hers brought Barbara Cooney a great honor? B. Island Boy. C. Hattie and the Wild Waves. 45. According to Barbara Cooney, the girl Hattie in her book ______. 46. Which of the following is Barbara Cooney’s home town?


Summary Writing of The Evening Sun

Quentin retold the story in the turn of the century, presumably at age twenty-four, telling of events that took place fifteen years ago.

Nancy is an African-American washerwoman working for Quentin's family since their regular cook, Dilsey, got sick. At first, children would have to go down the lane to Nancy’s cabin and tell her to came on and cook breakfast. But one day children found that Nancy was arrested again. On the way they passed the street, they met Mr. Stovall, the cashier in the bank and a deacon in the Baptist church. Nancy kept saying “When you going to pay me, white man?” for there’s three times he didn’t give her money. Nancy was singing and yelling until almost day-light, when the jailer began to hear a bumping and scraping upstairs, he found that Nancy was hung from the window bar, stark naked, with her belly swelling out like a little balloon. Therefore, Jesus, Nancy's common-law husband, suspects that Nancy is pregnant with a white man's child and leaves her. At first Nancy is worried about going home at night and running into Jesus, but soon she is paralyzed with the fear that he will kill her, and having delusions of him being hidden in a ditch outside her house.

Quentin and his siblings witness all of this, given that they were present for every major conversation between their father and Nancy. Mr. Compson tried to help her up to a certain extent, first by taking her home at night despite the fact that Mrs. Compson mother felt jealous and insecure that her husband was more worried about protecting some "Negro woman" than herself. He put her up one night at Quentin and Caddy's room when she was too afraid to stay alone in the kitchen. The kids, however, had no idea of what's going on, and could not understand Nancy's fear.

As the narrative progressed, Nancy became crippled by her fear. One night she felt so impotent that she told the children into going home with her. There, she was not able to attend to them, told them proper stories or even made them some popcorn. However, Jason, the youngest, started to cry, and he refused to still stay here.

Their father arrived and tried to talk some sense into Nancy, who feared Jesus would come out of the darkness of the ditch outside as soon as they went away. The story ended as the father walked the children back—not the least bit affected by Nancy's situation, the kids still teasing each other and the father scolding them.
