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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 05:21:43 字数作文

篇一:what's your life 无论你的生活如何卑微

What’s your life

However mean your life is,meet it and live it;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hours,even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town, but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means.Which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,turn the old,return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.


<无论你的生活如何卑微>亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862),美国作家、哲学家


Sky-Paradise / Zhuojian Lao


关键词:景观 公共 场所 场地 住宅区 娱乐 休憩 架空 广州 Zhuojian Lao 劳卓健



Appreciation towards Zhuojian Lao for providing the following description:

The project locates in the Xigang of Guangzhou. In order to improve people's living

environment and increase the quality of life and enrich lives. I want to establish a solid

ecosystem become the main purpose in the project.

Also, the project should be avoid monotonous method and seek to incorporate different types

of functionality into this area to create more opportunities in multiple. So, I organize the

status of traffic and parking chaos and lack of public space. The project not only gives a

public space for residents ' daily activities, and also gives this area a space that can

accommodate a variety of urban activities and a city square.

The main activities of space arrangement in the air, to transfer the activities from the

ground to the air. The corridor connects the squares in the sky, residents can easily reach

each destination.

Total construction area: 1768m2

Building area:


Architect:Zhuojian Lao

Design team: WUER

项目位于广州细岗旧城区,为了改善人们的居住环境,提高生活质量和丰富生活层次,建立一个立体的生 态的,成为主要的目的。

回避单一的方式,而力图将不同功能类型纳入到这个区域使其在多元中创造更多的机遇。针对基地现状交 通和停车方式混乱及公共空间开发不足,而进行整理和优化。在这里提供的不仅仅是一个满足居民日常活 动的场所。而是提供给这片区域一个能容纳各种城市活动开发的空间,一个城市广场。

设计上通过将主要的活动空间安排在空中,将人们的活动重要区域由地面转移到空中,悬浮在空中的广场 通过廊道串连起来,使用居民可以便捷的到达每个活动场所。






篇三:A Paradise of the Birds

A Paradise of the Birds

Ba Jin

After we finished dinner at Chen?s little school, the heat of the day had already diminished. The sun retreated behind the hills, leaving brightly colored clouds hanging in the sky, over the hills and trees.

“Let?s go boating!” Chen proposed, as we watched the mountain view by the pond in front of the school gate.

“Great,” the rest of the group answered enthusiastically.

We walked through a gravel path, and before long we reached the bank, where a pavilion stood made of straw. Filing through the pavilion, we found several small boats anchored under two big trees along the bank.

One after another, we hopped into one of the boats. One friend loosened the rope, pushed the bamboo pole against the bank, which moved the boat to the center of the river.

Three friends were rowing; Ye and I were sitting in the middle, enjoying ourselves in the scenery surrounding us.

In the distance a pagoda was erected on the top of a hill, surrounded by many green trees. It was rare to see such a pagoda, and over there it was the hometown of my friend Ye.

The river was wide, the water glistening without a ripple. The boat was steadily floating on the water, the three oars pulling in rhythm.

Then the river narrowed at a certain point. Clusters of leaves stretched out touching the water?s surface. The leaves were in a lovely green color. There seemed to be many lush banyan trees, but I couldn?t make out where the main trunks of the trees were.

My friends immediately corrected me as I referred to them as being many banyan trees. One of them said it was only one banyan, and another said there were two. I had seen many enormous banyans before, but it was the first time I saw such a gigantic one.

As the boat drew nearer to the banyan, I finally got a good look at it. This was a huge tree, with countless branches, on which grew aerial prop roots.

Many of the roots were dangling to the ground, some all the way into the soil. There were branches hanging above the water. Seen from a distance, the tree seemed to be reposed on the water.

It was in the lush season (the tree bearing little fruits, many of which had fallen.) The banyan seemed to showcase its vibrant life energy to us. There were many leaves, clusters over clusters, with not even a tiny hole existing. The emerald green shining brightly in front of our eyes, it was like on each leaf there was a new life dancing. What a tree it is growing in the beautiful southern part of China!

The boat was moored under the tree for a moment, but we didn?t get onto the bank because it was so wet. A friend said it was known as the ?paradise of the birds? here. The local peasants forbade anyone to catch these birds. I thought I had heard some sounds of flapping wings, but by the time I shifted my eyes to that direction, I didn?t see any birds. There were many roots sticking out on the ground, looking like stakes. The soil was wet, perhaps for the tides frequently washed onto the shore. There were no birds in the “paradise of the birds,” I thought. The boat moved again, as a friend pushed the boat, and it drifted to the center of the river.

Along the path in the crop fields on the shore there were some litchi trees,

with clusters of the red weighty fruits hiding among the leaves. Our boat was heading towards there. A friend pulled the boat into a ditch with an oar. We moored the boat at the path, and jumped onto the bank.

Two friends swiftly climbed up the trees, throwing down several clusters of litchis with leaves. Chen, Ye and I were down below catching them. After they came down, we ate the litchis as we headed back to the boat.

On the following day, we boated to Ye?s hometown, the place we had seen the hills and the pagoda. Setting off from Chen?s little school, we passed the ?paradise of the birds? again.

This time it was morning, and the sun was pouring over the water, as well as the branches. Everything was extremely bright. We stopped under the tree for a moment.

It was very quiet at first, but then a burst of chirps broke the silence. Chen clapped his hands, and we saw a big bird flying over, then a second, and a third. We continued to clap, and soon the woods became very boisterous. Bird chirps were all over the place, and so were the birds, the big ones, small ones, variegated ones and black ones. Some perched on the branches, chirping; some were flying up; some were flapping their wings.

I busied myself by watching them. Just as I saw this one clearly, I already missed the other one, and when I turned my eyes to the second one, the third one had flown off. A thrush flew out, but was startled by our clapping and then turned back into the woods. It stopped at a thin branch, and started to sing enthusiastically. The sounds were so beautiful.

“Let?s go.” Ye rushed me to leave.

As the boat was floating to the village under the pagoda, I kept turning back to look at the lush banyan left behind. I felt a little melancholy to leave this place. Yesterday, I was cheated by my eyes. The “paradise of the birds” is a real paradise for the birds!

June, 1933 in Guangzhou.



1. Life is a leaf of white paper, each of us may write his one word or two.

2. Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold.

3. Life is like a cup of coffee giving us a taste of both its bitterness and its sweetness.

4. If one enjoys happiness of work, life is paradise. If work is a duty, life is hell.

5. When you set a goal for yourself, make it realistic.

6. Reach for the high apples first; you can get the low ones anytime.

7. We cannot help getting old, but we do not have to get old in heart.

8. No man is rich enough to buy back his past.

9. Time is like the water in the sponge. It can still be squeezed out if you like to.

10. We don’t remember days we remember moments.


(一) 商务:

Excuse me, are you Mr. Wallace from the US?

I’m Wangling, the secretary of the New oriental Education & Technology Group.


m here to meet you. Very glad to meet you.

And I’

ll be very happy if I can help you with anything.

May I help you with your baggage?

How was your journey?

Is that your general manager over there?

Our manager --- Mr. Wang has come to meet you. My I introduce him to you?


s my calling card.

Do you have a calling card?

Where shall I be staying?


ll be staying at the Shangri La Hotel.

I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.

How do you like our schedule?

If you are free, how about lunch?

I hear Chinese restaurants serve very delicious food.

China is a country with a splendid ca

life is paradise

tering culture.

Would you like to try some Chinese drinks?

Shandong cuisine is not too spicy, and has a lot of seafood.


d like to discuss a few details over lunch.

Would you like to go through our factory sometime?

I can set up a tour next week.


d appreciate it if you could arrange for me to visit your manufactures.

On behalf of all our workers, I welcome you to our plant.


ll show you a video introducing our plant.

The assembly is done here.


s your present production rate?

In this plant, we produce about 50,000 units per year.

We always pay attention to improving our quality.

Two percent of total sales are spent on R&D.


All orders, including yours, will be made up before the end of this month.

What did you think of our plant? I’

m impressed with it. Our corporation specializes in the export of textiles.

We can provide first class bank reference.

We export our goods mainly to the European market.

We are a Sino-US joint venture with registered capital of RMB 5,000,000.

Our net profits were over 1 million Yuan last year, you know.

About how long have you been in the business?

The company was established in 1999, and we have about 800 employees now.

Apart from home appliance, we also deal in all kinds of furniture.

We now command 20% of the market in home appliance.

We have now developed a new product.

Please look at our display products.

Do you have a proto type of new product?

There is the catalog you asked for.

Let me send you our catalog.

Would it be possible for me to take a sample back with me?

We strongly recommend this product.

The goods are much in demand.


s been a big rush for it lately.


s no more demand for this product.

Here’s a list of our requirements.


1. Introspection is a mirror. It can reflect clearly our errors so that we will have the chance to

correct them.

2. Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man.

3. Neither an egg nor an ego is any good until you break it.

4. Be who you want to be, not what other people want you to be.

5. I can. I will. I am determined. I believe.

6. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

7. Flatter me, and I may not like you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you.

8. An insult lasts longer than an injury.

9. Your words can either make you or break you.

10. Once you say something, it is out of your control.

(二) 商务(续上):

Would you give me an offer for Item No.8?

We can quote you a price of US $60 per piece.

We will keep our offer open three days.

We expect the supply to come in early October.


s the quantity?

We want to find out if Article No.15 is available.


We have this item in three price levels.

We need the best possible quality.

This is the best material we have to offer.

Our products are all quality goods.

We guarantee its quality.

We handle one the best brand.

This brand is well known.

We’re confident about the quality of our products.

How is your product better than the competition?

The quality must be exactly the same as that of the enclosed samples.

But even for such products we have minimum quality requirement that must be met.

Our quality is far beyond comparison.

We usually don’

t grant any discount for small quantities.

Market is advancing/steady/falling.

The best I can do is to give you a 2% commission.

This is our rock bottom price. We can’

t lower it any further.

This price is quite a bit higher than it was last time.


s about the best we can do on that.


t you make it cheaper?

We can bring the price down to $550 per unit.

We need this order packed in a special way.

Have you seen our new packing specification?

The packing must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand rough handling.

Bullpens are packed in paper boxes, 12 piece to on box.

Each package should be marked “Fragile”


Your packing must be improved.

No name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside containers.

The goods are to be packed in wooden cases containing 24 dozens each.

Our past order arrived damaged because of the packaging.

Not to be stowed below other cargo.

This side up.

Keep cool.

When is the earliest shipment we can expect?

We usually ship goods by regular liners.

Can you dispatch the goods by air instead of by sea?

How much do you charge for the transportation of the goods?

The buyers should cover insurance themselves.

We will arrange insurance on your behalf.

All we have to do is sign the contract.

Will you please check up the particulars and see if everything is in order?

We need to make some changes in this contract.


m glad we have concluded a successful transaction through our negotiation.

Are you ready to sign?

Just sign there on the bottom.


We didn’

t receive that we ordered.

We checked and found a shortage.

About ten-percent was damaged on arrival.

Your account is long overdue.


1. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty.

2. Who keeps the company with the wolf will learn how to howl.

3. Try looking into someone’s eyes when you’re talking to them. It’s the gateway to the soul.

4. Praise loudly. Blame softly.

5. To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.

6. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become


7. When a blind man carries a lame man, both go forward.

8. The easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want.

9. Children need both storm and sun to grow strong.

10. You can always rely on dad cabs --- 24 hour call-out, and no meter.

(三) 公关:

? Excuse me, you must be Mr. Brown from the US Electronics Ltd.

? Welcome to Beijing, Mr. Clerk our president has asked me to come and meet you. ?



? It’s very kind of you to come all the way to meet me. I’m looking forward to cooperating with you. I have been looking forward to this trip. It was very kind of you to invite. I think it would be a good idea to meet again early next month to keep the project


? I’m afraid I’m fully booked up this week.

? We are sorry that you have got to go so soon.

? We’re sorry that you couldn’t stay longer.

? I really appreciate your spending so much time showing me sights.

? We would like to invite you to a cocktail party in your honor.

? We are so happy you could make it.

? On behalf of our company, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

? Please bring our wife to the party.

? What would you like to have, Japanese, Chinese or some other cuisine?

? Let’s drink to our cooperation.

? All good things must come to an end, they say so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be leaving.

? I hope to have a chance to repay your hospitality some day. Thanks again for an enjoyable


? Thank you all for coming.

? We would like to invite you to a family dancing party. Will you be able to attend?

? Come in and make yourself comfortable.

? Could I get you something to drink?

? I’m sorry I’m a poor dancer. But it’s a good chance for me to learn from you.


? Can you oblige me with a dance?




? May I have the pleasure of a waltz or a tango? There is no room for improvement, Miss Mary. I should think you dance often. I’m sorry I’m engaged for the next social dance. Don’t fail me, will you?

? It’s about the fashion show that our company will hold on the coming Saturday.

? I have a press release for you.

? I will be in charge of coordinating the media for this public relations activity.

? What about news journalists? Invite them or not?

? Are you interested in putting the advertising in your program?

? What is the best way to go about sending the copy of advertising to you?

? We are going to have a release about the charity fund raising on Sunday.

? I will schedule to attend the talk show.

? I believe it will work well, and make an excellent advertising effectiveness.

? What about your advertising budget?

? All the journalists are informed of the news conference.

? I think we are ready now.

? Please fax the press conference to the journals.

? I’ll call my contacts at the papers, magazines and TV station and inform them of the


? We should keep the details and leave some room for speculation.




? Everything is ready as your wish. I think we should take some latest products to the conference. Which product should be exposed first? This is our latest product, a product with high performance.

? We have an exciting new product to everyone.

? We put it on the market just two weeks ago.

? No other company can produce the same product so far.

? We are introducing our latest product to media on Friday.

? Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to attend the news conference. ? Please do not hesitate to ask any question you might want to ask.

? I’m afraid I can only answer one more question.

? But I think the time is not allowing me to have more questions.

? Would you please briefly explain the details about your latest product?

? Do you have any plans to sell it abroad?

? I’d like to be able to give you that information, but you may realize it is confidential.


1. Give without restriction. Care without reservation.

2. In prosperity, our friends know us. In adversity, we know our friends.

3. Marriage is like a dull meal, with the dessert at the beginning.

4. The proof of woman is gold; the proof of man is woman.

5. It is better to fell I love you than to say I love you.

6. No road of flowers leads to glory.


篇五:Urban life or rural life

Urban life or rural life

Life tends to be a dilemma,

devote more energy to career,yourejoice in less recreation;

invest more fortune to venture,you undertake a higher risk;

hunt more wealth for corporation,youshoulder more social welfare; To pursue peace and harmony,how can we make a tough resolution? -----ChineseInscription

A decade passed,there broadcasted a fashion TV Series As you like iton Singaporean Channel talking over desires

vsrealities;Contemporarilythere also released a idol TV Series Beijing youthson Beijing Channel(combined with another three channels)based on desires vsrealities,valleysvsmetropolitans,invisible burdens vs fascinating mountains.Therefore we can’t resist putting forward a

problem that in an era of extravagance whether we harbor the privileges to long for a self-sufficient country life.

It’s self-evident yes.

At the beginning of reform and opening up,China has accelerated its modernization and urbanization,in the meanwhile,large sums of peasants come flooding to the surrounding cities.For a period of time,there stood numerous skyscrapers and

landmarks,forinstance,Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower.Billions of

residents approve of the convenient public

facilities,transportation,purchasing, sightseeing,commercial activities associated with high-quality medical care and education.

Apparently,there is no denying that we have made considerable progress.However there exposed a certain inevitable problems. With recent frequent reports about the Golden Week of National Day,someare worth reflection.From the media,severe traffic jams and air pollution,lavish prices of restaurants and hotels(some unreasonable charges) followed by indifferent interaction.Admittedly,therestill exist a certain amount of issues which shouldn’t be neglected,such as inflation generated by unaffordable properties and unstable prices of petrol and gasoline.Higher pressure and exhaustion,exclusive medication and education,complicatedinterpersonal relationships make us puzzled and bored with the current environment.

So faced with the complex situation,we would rather create a paradise than flee from the realistic circumstances regardless of how much sacrifice we will encounter(Of course I don’t mean merely sinking into the virtual computer world).

Maybe I do maintain the view that I possess a tendency to the rural life.In addition to some inconveniences,I admire their lifestyle. They sow seeds,cultivateland,harvest vegetables and fruits;

They are determined,diligent,dedicated,living a self-satisfactory life;

They construct a hospitable atmosphere and provide enthusiastic accommodations.

They cherish the fresh air and hard-earned mortgage and deposit. They amuse themselves and barely ever commit crimes-a steady law and order.

As far as I’m concerned,my philosophy is to stick to Chinese Happy Medium,that is to say,I’d love be surrounded with a mountainous suberb,which sounds like a fancy tale to search for pure land in a splendid city.However,no one dares to recognize no.

As British dramatistWilliam Shakespeare put it,In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth's a stuff that will not endure .Without regrets,we have no alternative but to become persistent,perseverant and purposeful.

Stars twinkle,collide and flash,yet an idea occurs to me in a sundden: Stay sensible,stayspirited;

Share sunshine,share seclusion;

Spray swink;sprinkle sweat;

Swallow sarrow,shallow scorn.

