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篇一:No way to run a country-美政府关闭-医改的替罪羊

America's government shutdown

No way to run a country

The Land of the Free is starting to look ungovernable. Enough is enough Oct 5th 2013 |From the print edition

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AS MIDNIGHT on September 30th approached, everybody on Capitol Hill

blamed everybody else for the imminent shutdown of America’s government. To a wondering world, the recriminations missed the point. When you are brawling on the edge of a cliff, the big question is not “Who is right?”, but “What the hell are you doing on the edge of a cliff?”

The shutdown itself is tiresome but bearable. The security services will remain on duty, pensioners will still receive their cheques and the astronauts on the International Space Station will still be able to breathe. Some 800,000

non-essential staff at federal agencies (out of 2.8m) are being sent home, while tasks will be shelved until a deal is reached and the money starts to flow again. If that happens quickly, the economic damage will be modest: perhaps

0.1-0.2% off the fourth-quarter growth rate for every week the government is closed. The trouble is, the shutdown is a symptom of a deeper problem: the federal lawmaking process is so polarised that it has become paralysed. And if the two parties cannot bridge their differences by around October 17th, disaster looms.

In this section

? No way to run a country

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? ? ? ? ? Battles over spending are nothing unusual—indeed, Congress has not passed a proper budget on time since 1997. But this battle represents something new. House Republicans are blocking the budget not because they object to its

contents, but because they object to something else entirely: Barack Obama’s Their original demand was to strip all funding from Obamacare. In other words, they wanted Democrats to agree to kill their own president’s biggest

achievement. That was never going to happen. As the deadline for a budget deal approached, Republicans scaled back their demands. Instead of defunding Obamacare, they said that its mandate for individuals to buy health insurance (or pay a fine) should be delayed for a year.

The bane of budgetary brinkmanship

That may sound more reasonable, but it is not so, for two reasons. First, delaying the mandate could wreck the whole reform. Obamacare sits on two pillars. Everyone is obliged to have insurance, and insurance firms are barred from charging people more because they are already ill. If only the second rule applies, the sick will rush to buy insurance but the healthy will wait until they fall ill before doing so. Insurers will have to raise premiums or go bust, making coverage unaffordable without vast subsidies. Obamacare will enter a death spiral and possibly collapse. For some Republicans, that is the goal.

The second reason is that Republicans are setting a precedent which, if followed, would make America ungovernable. Voters have seen fit to give their party control of one arm of government—the House of Representatives—while

handing the Democrats the White House and the Senate. If a party with such a modest electoral mandate threatens to shut down government unless the other side repeals a law it does not like, apparently settled legislation will always be vulnerable to repeal by the minority. Washington will be permanently paralysed and America condemned to chronic uncertainty.

It gets worse. Later this month the federal government will reach its legal

borrowing limit, known as the “debt ceiling”. Unless Congress raises that ceiling, Uncle Sam will soon be unable to pay all his bills. In other words, unless the two parties can work together, America will have to choose which of its obligations not to honour. It could slash spending so deeply that it causes a recession. Or it could default on its debts, which would be even worse, and unimaginably more harmful than a mere government shutdown. No one in Washington is that crazy, surely?

Step back from the edge

America enjoys the “exorbitant privilege” of printing the world’s reserve

currency. Its government debt is considered a safe haven, which is why Uncle Sam can borrow so much, so cheaply. America will not lose these advantages overnight. But anything that undermines its creditworthiness—as the farce in Washington surely does—risks causing untold damage in the future. It is not just that America would have to pay more to borrow. The repercussions of an American default would be both global and unpredictable.

It would threaten financial markets. Since American Treasuries are very liquid and safe, they are widely used as collateral. They are more than 30% of the collateral that financial institutions such as investment banks use to borrow in the $2 trillion “tri-party repo” market, a source of overnight funding. A default could trigger demands by lenders for more or different collateral; that might cause a financial heart attack like the one prompted by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. In short, even if Obamacare were as bad as tea-party types bargaining chip to repeal it, as some Republicans suggest.

What can be done? In the short term, House Republicans need to get their priorities straight. They should pass a clean budget resolution without trying to refight old battles over Obamacare. They should also vote to raise the debt ceiling (or better yet, abolish it). If Obamacare really does turn out to be a flop and Republicans win the presidency and the Senate in 2016, they can repeal it through the normal legislative process.

In the longer term, America needs to tackle polarisation. The problem is

especially acute in the House, because many states let politicians draw their own electoral maps. Unsurprisingly, they tend to draw ultra-safe districts for themselves. This means that a typical congressman has no fear of losing a general election but is terrified of a primary challenge. Many therefore pander to extremists on their own side rather than forging sensible centrist deals with the other. This is no way to run a country. Electoral reforms, such as letting

independent commissions draw district boundaries, would not suddenly make

America governable, but they would help. It is time for less cliff-hanging, and more common sense.

From the print edition: Leaders

篇二:2013高考英语易错题查漏补缺 完形填空精选练习(61-64)


I do not know the city at all and , I could not speak a word of the language. After having

spent my first day seeing in the town centre, I decided to lose my deliberately (故意地) on my second day, since I that this was the best way to get to know my way . I got on the first bus that passed, and some thirty minutes later came to must have been a suburb (郊区). The first two hours passed enough. I discovered mysterious little bookshops in back streets and arrived at a market-place where I stopped and had a coffee in an open-air cafe. Then I decided to back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I made up my mind to ask knew of the language was the of the street in which I lived and that I pronounced badly. The policeman me, smiled and gently me by the arm. There was a look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking the direction he told me. About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting and green fields were appearing on either side of me. I had come all the way into the country. The only thing for me to do was to find the railway station.

1. A. more or less 2. A. sights 3. A. wallet 4. A. knew 5. A. here 6. A. that

B. what's more B. boob B. way

C. on the whole C. everything C. hotel

D. above all D. anything D. meals D. believed D. around D. it D. difficultly D. sadly D. get D. carelessly D. people

B. found out B. there B. what B. stupidly B. carefully B. come

C. came to see C. over C. with

7. A. unhappily 8. A. at once 9. A. return

C. pleasantly C. finally C. run

10. A. happily 11. A. the way

B. aimlessly B. a meal

C. correctly C. the name

12. A. name 13. A. even

B. place B. still

C. shop C. yet

D. people D. so D. nodded to D. touched D. distant D. at D. more

D. right

14. A. stared at 15. A. caught

B. came to B. took B. good B. in

C. listened to C. seized C. foolish C. for

16. A. mysterious 17. A. to

18. A. larger 19. A. left 20. A. best

B. better

C. fewer

C. that

B. given

B. smallest C. nearest D. biggest


It was just getting dark; there was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. But I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I to Salisbury.

I was going along at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a woman’s !" I looked round, but the only of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just a bend in the road about a hundred yards the cry had come from. I speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, he did the same and began to draw away from me. As I drew near, the girl's voice came again, a lovely voice but with fear. "Let me go, fool; you're hurting me. Oh! Oh!"

I felt my blood the car had no noticed this. Again came a cry. "Drop the knife, fool. Oh!" Then a cry and a groan.

If I was to save her, it was now or would try to bring the murderer to the police station. The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and crashed into the ditch on the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out, mad with anger.

"Fool!" he shouted he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was quicker than he. I put all I knew into that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It caught him right on the ground without a open the door and peered inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.

“You have been listening to a radio play. Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately.”

1. A. reached B. arrived 2. A. strangely B. quietly 3. A. Save

B. Come 4. A. person B. sign 5. A. turning B. coming 6. A. off B. apart 7. A. how

B. when 8. A. put aside B. put up 9. A. and

B. for

10. A. filling B. nodding 11. A. you B. your 12. A. boil B. run

13. A. sign B. effort 14. A. late

B. then 15. A. at most B. at least 16. A. path

B. direction 17. A. before B. after 18. A. an anger B. a beat 19. A. word B. voice 20. A. pulled

B. pushed

C. got

D. led C. quite D. quickly C. Aid

D. Help C. figure D. form C. hurrying D. dropping C. away D. far C. what

D. where C. put down D. put on C. when

D. as C. trembling D. covering C. yours D. you’re C .come D. freeze C. doubt D. troubles C. ever D. never C. at last D. at first C. behind D. trail C. as

D. while C. a fist D. a blow C. noise D. sound

C. hit

D. broke


It was a freezing day, when I picked up a wallet in the street. There was nothing but a letter that was Hellen. On the torn I found the return address, so I called information. The operator asked me to on, and she came back on the soon, she told me that Hellenes family had their house years ago. Hellen had to her mother in a nursing home.

I called and found out that Hellenes mother had that Hellen herself was living here.

The director waited for me at the of the nursing home. I went up to the third floor. Hellen was an old woman with a warm smile and eyes. I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. She took a deep “Young man,” she said, “this was the letter I had written to Mike 60 years ago. I loved him very much. I guess no one ever up to him. I still think of him…”

I thanked Hellen and came back to the director. His secretary looked at the wallet and said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s. He’s always losing it. He’s here on the 8th floor. That’s his wallet, for

We hurried to him and asked he had lost his wallet. Mike felt his back pocket and then said. “Goodness, it’s missing.”

When I returned him the wallet and told him where Hellen was, he grew He said, “my life ended. I never married.”

We took him to Helen’s room. They stood, looked at each other for a minute and embraced (拥抱). 1. A. on

B. here

C. inside C. given C. wallet

C. put

D. outside D. signed D. back

D. go

2. A. sent for 3. A. letter 4. A. hold 5. A. way

B. written to B. envelope

B. keep

B. floor B. sold B. place B. returned B. thought B. still

C. line D. car D. built D. bury D. died D. considered D. then D. wall

6. A. bought 7. A. carry 8. A. left

C. moved C. drive C. stayed

9. A. explained 10. A. again 11. A. door

C. discovered C. now C. office

B. house

12. A. bursting 13. A. dive

B. freezing

C. friendly

D. lively

B. sight B. oldest B. matched B. clearly B. over B. pleasure B. if

C. how C. first C. caught C. closely C. right C. help C. where C. pale

D. breath D. last D. measured D. exactly D. still D. interest D. when D. anxious

14. A. important 15. A. went

16. A. immediately 17. A. also 18. A. sure 19. A. that

20. A. nervous

B. silent


Dad taught me a lot about life, especially its hard times. I remembered one of his one night when I was ready to quit (退出) a political campaign (运动) I was losing, and wrote about it in my diary.

Tired, feeling the many months of , I went up to my study to make some notes. I was looking for a pencil in the back of my desk drawer when I up one of Dad’s old business cards that he was so proud of: Andrea Cuomo, Italian American Groceries Fine Imported Products. Then I thought about how he with difficult situations. A lot of pictures appeared into my to Holliswood, New York. We had our own house for the first time; it had some land around it, even . One, in particular, was a great blue spruce (云杉) that must have been 40 feet tall.

Less than a week after we moved in, there was a terrible . We came home from the store that night to find the spruce almost totally from the ground and thrown onto the street. When my brother Frankie and I saw the spruce, our hearts

The rain was . Then he announced, “OK, we’re going to push him up!” “What are you talking about, Dad? The roots are out of the ground!” “Shut up, we’re going to push him up, he’s going to again.” We couldn’t say to him. So we followed him into the house and we got what rope there was and we the rope around the top of the tree that on the street, and he stood up by the house, with me on the rope and Frankie in the street in the rain, helping to up the great blue spruce. In no time at all, we had

篇三:chicken run部分台词(可用于英语对话练习)

Chicken run

G 那只母鸡 R 公鸡 T 农场女主人F ,一只老公鸡 GU 农场男主人

T: 22 and nine. 14 shillings and 3 pence. 7 and 6 pence times 3. 2 and 9. 4 Pence

halfpenny. D-oh! Stupid, worthless creatures! I’m sick and tired of making

minuscule profits(蝇头小利).

GU: Oh, yes. Those chickens are up to something.

T: Quiet. I’m onto something.

GU: They’re organized. I know it.

T: I said, quiet.

GU: That ginger one(黄母鸡). I reckon she’s their leader.

T: Mr. Tweedy! I may finally have found a way to make us Some real money around here and what are you on about? Ridiculous notions(荒唐的想法) of escaping chickens.

GU But…but…

T: It’s all in you head, Mr. Tweedy. Say it!

GU It’s all in me head. It’s all in me head.

T Now, you keep telling yourself that, because I don’t want to hear another word about it. Is that clear?

GU Yes, love. But you know that ginger one…

T They’re chickens, you dolt(呆子)! Apart from you, they’re the most stupid creatures on this planet(星球). They don’t plot(策划), they don’t scheme(搞阴谋), and they are not organized!

G Order! Order! Quiet everyone. Settle down 。Now, I know our last escape attempt(尝试)was a bit of a fiasco(惨败), but Mac and I have come up with a brand-new plan. We tried going under the wireabcand that didn't work。So, the plan is...we go over it. Think, everyone, think. What haven’t we tried yet?

1 We haven’t tried not trying to escape. Hmm. That might work.

G What about Edwina? How many more empty nests(巢)will it take?

1 Perhaps it wouldn’t be empty if she’d spent more time laying and less time escaping”.

G So laying eggs all your life…and then getting plucked(拔毛), stuffed(塞)and roasted (烤)is good enough for you,is it?

Babs It’s a living.

G You know what the problem is? The fences aren’t just round the farm. They’re up here in your heads. There’s a better place out there somewhere beyond that hill and it has wide-open spaces and lots of trees…and grass. Can you imagine that? Cool, green grass.

Babs Who feeds us?

G We feed ourselves.

Babs Well, where’s the farm?

G There is no farm.

Babs Then where does the farmer live?

G There is no farmer, Babs.

Babs Is he on holiday?

G He isn’t anywhere. Don’t you get it? There’s no morning head count, no farmers, no dogs and coops and keys…and no fences.

1 In all my life I’ve never heard such a fantastic…--------Load of tripe(英国俚语:废话!)oh, face the facts, ducks. The chances of us getting’ out of here are a million to one.

G Then there’s still a chance. O, no, oh, no, oh, no. what am I doing? Who are you trying to fool? You can’t lead this bunch of…Oh, heaven help us.

G That’s it. This is our way out of here.We’ll fly out!

GU what….what…What's all this, then?

T This is our future, Mr. Tweedy. No more wasting time with petty egg collection and minuscule profits

GU No more eggs?But we've always been egg farmers. Me father and his father and all their fathers. They was always…

T Poor! Worthless. Nothings. But all that's about to change. This will take Tweedy's farm out of the dark ages... and into full-scale automated production.

GU Melisha Tweedy will be poor no longer. I'll put it together, then, shall I? Ooh, that's champion, that is.What is it?

T It's a pie machine, you idiot. Chickens go in, pies come out

GU Ooh! What kind of pies?

T Apple.

GU Apple.- My favorite!

T Chicken pies, Imagine it。 In less than a fortnight,every grocers' in the county... will be stocked with box upon box... of Mrs. Tweedy's Homemade Chicken Pies。

GU Just Missus?

T Woman's touch. Makes the public feel more comfortable

GU Oh, right. How does it work?

T Get me a chicken and I'll show you

GU I know just the one

Babs Blooming heck! They've got Ginger!

F We mustn't panic. We mustn't panic! Quiet, I say! Let's have some discipline.

R What's going on? What's happening?

Babs They got Ginger, Mr. Rhodes.They're taking her to the chops

F Well, what are you waiting for,laddie? Fly over there. Save her!

R Of course… no! No, that's just what they'd expect。But I say we give them the old element of surprise。And catch Jerry with his trousers down(打他们个措手不及)

F I like the sound of that.What's the plan?

R The plan… The plan。The plan… Uh.

R/F/1 Chicken pies?- Ohh! I don't want to be a pie!

G Ladies, please.Let's not lose our heads.

R/F/1 Lose our heads?

GU What I meant was, Rocky sabotaged the machine and bought us time R/F/1 oh!

G And better still,he's going to fly for us tomorrow. And once we've seen

how it's done, we'll get it! So don't worry. because tomorrow everything's going to go much, much smoother

R All right, Pops, what did I do now?

F A very brave and honorable deed, sir. In the light of your action this

evening. I dutifully admit that I have misjudged your character. So I present you with this medal for bravery. And... I salute you. uh, I await tomorrow's flying demonstration... with great anticipation

R You and me both, Pops

G Today's the day, girls.We're going to fly! I can feel it! I'll go and get him Rocky. Knock-knock. Everyone's waiting…R-Rocky?

F I knew he was fake all along.

Babs So, what's the next plan?

1 Let's face it. The only way out of here is wrapped in pastry.

G Fowler? what's the "old crate"?

F Ahh! There she is(一张图片)

G You mean, you flew in one of these?

F Yes. Of course.

G We might actually be able to pull this off. We're still going to fly! We'll make... a crate

Babs Oh, no. He's fixed it

T Get the chickens

GU Which ones?

T All of them.

1 What's the plan?

G We're escaping

Babs What, now?- Now! But, Ginger, she's(飞机) not ready. G Listen, We'll either die free chickens or die trying Babs Are those the only choices? Let's do it! Scramble!



"You will meet a man in the theatre foyer," K. explained. "He will have left before the play ends and will be 1 for you. He'll be wearing a dark suit and carrying a theatre 2 upside down, although I doubt if you could miss him. There shouldn't be many people waiting in the foyer at that time of night. 3 he asks you to do, whatever instructions you’re given, co-operate. Understood?" I nodded. I knew of course that we were planning to have discussions with "the other side" and that we intended to 4 back one of our own men, but all this seemed a bit ridiculous. I had been told at the training school that I would be likely to get some simple but rather strange 5 to begin with. They had been 6 .

The curtain had 7 come down on the last act of the play when I was out of my 8 and walking from the dark of the theatre into the bright lights of the foyer. He was there. But the moment I saw him, I had the 9 that something unpleasant was about to happen. He seemed to be 10 at a spot on the floor, and looked as if he was just about to pick something up when 11 was a single gun shot and he was thrown 12 the wall. The warning signs had obviously got to me 13 I realized consciously what was going to happen, because I had 14 in a cold sweat on seeing the expression on his 15 . The moment the shot rang out, I automatically fell back on my training and threw myself to the 16 .

When no more shots followed, I looked 17 and was just in time to see two masked men 18 my "contact" out of the front door of the theatre. I didn't know 19 he was dead or badly injured, but I intended to find out. I got up slowly and carefully and 20 for the door.

1. A. looking B. waiting C. asking D. sending

2. A. post B. advertisement C. programme D. newspaper

3. A. Whatever B. Whoever C. However D. Whichever

4. A. give B. pay C. keep D. buy

5. A. assignments B. arrangements C. movements D. developments

6. A. wrong B. right C. foolish D. clever

7. A. just B. almost C. hardly D. nearly

8. A. room B. door C. box D. seat

9. A. idea B. feeling C. opinion D. thought

10. A. staring B. glaring C. knocking D. kicking

11. A. it B. there C. here D. this

12. A. around B. against C. on D. into

13. A. when B. until C. before D. after

14. A. given out B. burst out C. set out D. broken out

15. A. face B. eyes C. mind D. head

16. A. ground B. wall C. air D. corner

17. A. in B. round C. up D. down

18. A. bringing B. throwing C. dragging D. pushing

19. A. where B. if C. either D. whether

20. A. ran B. set C. walked D. made



11~15 BBCDA

6~10 BCDBA 16~20 ACCDD


Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without

Blue interrupted, "You only think about the but consider the sky and the sea.the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea.

Yellow chuckled (笑道)world."

Orange started next to blow her trumpet, "I am the color of health and strength. I may be

Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝). …

The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain (蜷缩) another for comfort. w*w*w*k*s*5*u*c*o*m

In the midst of the clamor (叫嚷)yourselves, each trying to dominate Don't you know that you were each made for a

Doing as they were told, the colors and joined hands. They formed a colorful



3.A.That is



6.A.usual B.leave B.moon B.I am B.nothing B.sadness B.normal C.go out C.star C.It is C.something C.depression C.common D.die D.sun D.This is D.everything D.anxiety D.scarce

7.A.at midnight B.at noon or at night C.at sunrise or sunset D.during the day


9.A.for more

10.A.turn to B.honor B.any more B.fight for C.thought C.very much C.struggle with D.respect D.no longer D.bend over



D.on purpose


D.the rest 11.A.superiority B.disadvantages C.inferiority 12.A.gently 13.A.with care 14.A.amongst 15.A.others B.quietly B.in fear B.by B.themselves C.violently C.by chance C.for C.the other

16.A.equal and simple B.ordinary and similar C.more or less D.unique and different

17.A.each other B.me C.one another


19.A.cleans B.separated B.washes C.united C.brightens

C.ignore D.them D.divided D.dampens D.praise 20.A.appreciate B.quarrel with



1.D 由上文代表“草、树、叶”推测可知:没有我,其它的动物就会死亡。

2.A 由下文的“天空和海洋”相对比,结合上文所谈及的“草、树、叶”可知,此处指“陆地”。

3.C 此处是强调句型,只能用it is。

4.B 此处与第一段的最后一句有异曲同工的作用,意为:没有我的润滑,你们全都没有(即:


5.A 此处所填单词,应与前面的laughter, fun是同类型的词,表示积极向上的词,而sadness,


6.D 桔黄色在平时不多见,结合下文只有在太阳升起或落下时出现,因此用scarce表示“稀


7.C 由常识可知,只有在太阳升起或落下时出现桔黄色。

8.C 此上文“我的美丽如此迷人”推断下文“当我出现时,没有人会想起你们的”。give thought


9.D 由下文shouted out可知,红色再也忍不住了,no longer表示“不再”。

10.B 由上文bravery可知,此处意义为:我愿意为真理而斗争。fight for“为……而战”。

11.A 由上文各种颜色的讲话内容及此句中的boasting(夸耀)可知,它们都在吹嘘自己的


12.C 由谓语动词“倾盆而下(pour down)”可知,副词用violently,来表示“猛烈、激烈”。

13.B 由谓语“蜷缩 (crouched down)”及下文“互相缩成一团”可知:它们处于“恐惧之中”。

14.A amongst常用于书面语中,其意义等于among。


想超出对方,因此用the rest,来表示除自己之处的所有的其它颜色。

16.D 由for a special purpose可知,各种颜色都有自己的特殊的用途,它们所具有的特点

都是其它颜色没有的,因此用unique and different来表示“独特的和与众不同的”。

17.C 此处表示三者以上的“互相”,用one another。意为:大家手拉手。

18.C 由下文joined hands可知,它们“团结一心”。





I do not know the city at all and 1 , I could not speak a word of the language. After having

spent my first day seeing 2 in the town centre, I decided to lose my 3 deliberately (故意地) on my second day, since I 4 that this was the best way to get to know my way 5 . I got on the first bus that passed, and some thirty minutes later came to 6 must have been a suburb (郊区). The first two hours passed 7 enough. I discovered mysterious little bookshops in back streets and 8 arrived at a market-place where I stopped and had a coffee in an open-air cafe. Then I decided to 9 back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about 10 for some time, I made up my mind to ask 11 . The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the 12 of the street in which I lived and 13 that I pronounced badly. The policeman 14 me, smiled and gently 15 me by the arm. There was a 16 look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking 17 the direction he told me. About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting 18 and green fields were appearing on either side of me. I had come all the way into the country. The only thing 19 for me to do was to find the 20 railway station.

1. A. more or less B. what's more C. on the whole D. above all

2. A. sights B. boob C. everything D. anything

3. A. wallet B. way C. hotel D. meals

4. A. knew B. found out C. came to see D. believed

5. A. here B. there C. over D. around

6. A. that B. what C. with D. it

7. A. unhappily B. stupidly C. pleasantly D. difficultly

8. A. at once B. carefully C. finally D. sadly

9. A. return B. come C. run D. get

10. A. happily B. aimlessly C. correctly D. carelessly

11. A. the way B. a meal C. the name D. people

12. A. name B. place C. shop D. people

13. A. even B. still C. yet D. so

14. A. stared at B. came to C. listened to D. nodded to

15. A. caught B. took C. seized D. touched

16. A. mysterious B. good C. foolish D. distant

17. A. to B. in C. for D. at

18. A. larger B. better C. fewer D. more

19. A. left B. given C. that D. right

20. A. best B. smallest C. nearest D. biggest


1~5 BABDD 6~10 BCCDB






16. Mary would like to buy the handbag, ______B____ is very beautiful but also rather expensive.

A. that

B. which

C. who

17.A: Could I see the manager now?

B: I’m sorry you can’t. He has __B_____ to Hong Kong.

A. been

B. gone

C. stayed

18. I will ___C___ go with you to the concert.

A. must

B. indeed

C. certainly

19. I saw him __C___ in his office when everyone was looking for him.

A. reads a book

B. to read a book

C. reading a book

20. It is very hard to book train tickets now. Why don’t you ask Xiao Wang ___C____ you .

A. help

B. helping

C. to help

21. John’s mother enjoys ___A___ while his father prefers to go skiing .

A. jogging

B. to jog

C. jog

22. If I ___A___ you , I would buy a house at the seaside.

A. were

B. was

C. am

23. The gifts he brought from Britain __B___ last week .

A. sent out

B. were sent out

C. have sent out

24. Her article is ___C__ in her class.

A. better

B. best

C. the best

25. A: Would you like to join us to go bowling?

B: I’d rather __A___at home.

A. stay

B. to stay

C. staying


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B 、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

David and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time. __A______(26) checking in at the BA (British Airways ) desk, they had their boarding passes ____A____(27) , put their bags ___B_____(28) the X—ray machine and went through the passport control ___B_____(29) their way to the departure lounge.

They didn’t have __C___(30) to eat because they would eat on the plane , but they had a coffee and then they looked ____B____(31) the shops . Xiaoyan bought something for Mary,

___B_____(32) David didn’t buy anything.

Then they went to the gate. They had about 20 minutes to wait before embarking. Suddenly David realized that he hadn’t got his camera with him. They went back and looked everywhere to see where he ___C_____(33) have lost it --- in the shops , in the café, at the X—ray machine, at the passport control and at the checking – in desk , but ____A____(34) had seen it .

―I must have left it in the café ,‖ said David , ― I should have put it in my bag. I suppose someone must have walked ____C___(35) with it!‖

26. A. After B. Before C. when

27.A. checked B. to check C. check

28.A. up B. through C. with

29. A. at B. on C. in

30. A. nothing B. something C. anything

31. A. in B. around C. at

32. A. so B. but C. although

33. A. should B. would C. could

34. A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody

35. A. back B. to C. off



36. cartoon(B) (A) A person who gets angry very fast.

37. fashionable(E) (B) A film with pictures, not actors, which is usually for

children but sometimes for adults too.

38. impatient(D) (C) Something which hangs in front of windows.

39. curtain(C) (D) A person who finds it difficult to wait for things to happen

and becomes annoyed easily.

40. cheerful(F) (E) The way of dressing is very popular.

(F) A person who feels very happy.

(G) A love story, which is also funny.




I live about 35 miles from London. We live in a pub which is run by my family. It’s a lovely old building. People sometimes ask me what it’s like to live and work with my family all the time, but I always say I like it. We have a big house next to the pub and so it never gets too crowded, even though there are quite a lot of us. My grandparents, Annie and Jack, bought the pub 60 years ago. They don’t work in it any more, but they still live next door. Everybody knows them , and people sometimes call the pub ― Annie and Jack’s ‖. They are very proud of what they’ve done. My Mum, Jean, is their daughter. She’s spent all her life living here. My Dad, Jon, comes from a farm nearby, and now they run the pub together. I wonder if anybody will ever call it ―Jean and Jon’s ‖?

As well as me, my parents and grandparents , there are five other people living at the pub; my sister, Sue, and her daughter Kate live with us. Kate’s 4 years old. She’s my first niece and my parents’ first grandchild, so she gets everything she wants! Margaret, James and Elizabeth live with us, too. Margaret is my mum’s sister, and she and James, her husband, help my mum and dad to run the pub. Elizabeth is their daughter. It’s a very popular pub and people come from a long way away for Sunday lunch.

41. Where does the writer live? B

A. In the center of London.

B. In a pub outside London.

C. In a village near London.

42. Who bought the pub? A

A. Annie and Jack.

B. Jean and Jon.

C. Margaret and James.

43. How many people are living at the pub? C

A. 5 B. 7 C. 10

44. Why does Kate get everything she wants? C

A. She is very lovely.

B. She can do some housework.

C. She is the first child of her generation in the family.

45. What do people come to the pub from far away on Sundays ? B

A. To have a chat.

B. To have lunch.

C. To see the writer’s grandparents.


The Weather in England

The weather in England can change very quickly. A sunny day will probably become rainy and cold.

One day last week, we went for a walk in the country. It’s about five miles from my home. When we started in the morning , the sky was blue and it was warm and sunny. There were no clouds at all. But in the middle of the day, a sudden rain came. There was a big wind, too. We didn’t bring our coats and umbrella. There were no houses nearby. We walked in the rain about half an hour. We all sneezed when we got home. I had a bad cold after that.

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:boob,out,on,run,way)

People sometimes say that in England you can have four seasons in one day.

46. In England, the weather sometimes changes very quickly. A

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

47. We went for a walk although it was cloudy. B

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

48. We enjoyed ourselves in the morning. C

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

49. I was ill after walking in the rain. A

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say

50. The last sentence means that, in England , the weather can be very different in one day. A

A. Right

B. Wrong

C. Doesn’t say



51. A: I found the film quite interesting.

B: So did I .(我也是)

52. A: Which do you prefer, Chinese food or western food?

B: Neither / Neither of them.(我哪种都不想吃)

53. A: Are you ready to order?

B: I’d like a cup of coffee, please / Give me a cup of coffee, please(请给我来杯咖啡)

54. You don’t have (need ) to come tomorrow .(明天你不必来)

55. Before I went to see my girlfriend, I had my hair cut.(理了发)






Dear Zhang Lan,

How is everything with you recently? I write to you …
