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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 23:35:46 高中作文



According to the picture, an employer turns down a job applicant, for his

degree is less advanced than the other applicants, even though he has a good resume. Actually, what’s behind the cartoon is the tendency that employers focus on academic performance when hiring.

No one disputes that a college or higher degree opens doors. Despite that, as far as I’m concerned, academic degree should not be the primary criteria in selecting talents. First of all, academic degrees only represent the applicants’ proficiency in their school work, and cannot demonstrate their personality or other abilities. For instance, the responsibility of a human resources manager is to deal with people, and thus it requires advanced people skill which is by no means shown in the diploma. Second, emphasis on degrees may stall the development of the company. They will lose real talents if they judge people only by their educational background, while it is often the case that college drop-outs like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs


, etc., run wildly successful enterprises.

Therefore, instead of running after applicants with higher degrees, companies shouldbecome more concerned about what it takes to do the job and what a college education actually provides.

篇二:大学英语作文范文大学生应聘中的性别歧视Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates

Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists. I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage.

It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are

confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social discrimination.There is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women have to give birth to babies one day they get married, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.

As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treated

unequally. The government can take measures to improve this

situation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equal opportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society will be bound to be better.


Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates

Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global

problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movement have never stopped.

Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In the

subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the

college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons.

In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises .

At present-day society, the ability of women don’t seem to be smaller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!







Women are not equal with men?

After women have made great strides for their rights,leaders gradually realized the necessity to achieve the equality of men and women and as well increasingly countries has put the principle of equality into practice.women are no longer being oppressed at the the bottom of society and even have equal opportunity to rise to leadership positions.however,gender discrimination still exist in insidious form today.

Women and men may not dealt with in many field especially in the job market with female graduates affected the most.The figure indicates that more than 90 percent of female students experience gender discrimination in the force labour,while more than 40 percent of believe it is harder for women to get an offer than men. “men only”signs appeared frequently on recruit company,women are are refused by their image of delicate and lack of independent as people considered.So that women always lose many chances in choosing favorable job. Additionally , for same work,women receive lower payment at their job than men. Another statistic shows that women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a third of that number which can not but arouse our thinking why do we have so few women leader?That’s recessive gender discrimination.In the absence of gender discrimination stress patriarchal society,in order to realize their own value,women must pay double or even several times effort than men.

Finally,the ideas that son preference and discrimination against girls took strong root since ancient time,every family continues to have children until they have a boy,if they have a girl,they would like to have another child.Killed,aborted or neglected,at least 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. As we can see from above analysis,women still encounter discrimination or unfair treatment in many aspects.To achieve the “equality of men and women”We still have a long way to go.



Employment discrimination is a common experience for many people in China. For years, rigorous requirements for age, gender, nationality or physical appearance have existed to screen job applicants. Conventional beliefs hold that it is the enterprises' freedom to choose their employees; however, victims of employment discrimination should fight for their rights in order to create a fair job market.

When confronted with employment discrimination against the physical appearance, we job seekers firstly should make efforts to convince the employers that our capabilities far overweigh the characteristics of our appearance. Those who are younger or better looking should in no way be considered more privileged by employers, because it is an individual's professional abilities that really count in terms of the enterprise's profits. Therefore, our competence and achievements should be the deciding factor in landing a job.

When such efforts fail, we will need some legislative help and, if necessary, we will sue the employers who practice discrimination against our appearance. People are born equal, but the discrimination is an unbelievably strong violation against human rights, As a consequence, we have no choice but to ask for laws that can truly protect people's equal rights in employment. Effective employment laws will definitely contribute to the promotion of social well-being.

What we are expecting obviously is not to see Chinese employers in count. What we are actually looking for is a friendly employment environment. To fulfill this hope, governments at all levels should create a climate for fair employment and root out discrimination against job seekers.
