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Real estate in Thailand

In Thailand it is possible for a foreigner to own a condominium freehold provided ownership does not exceed 49% of the total building; it is not easily possible for a foreigner to own land but normal practice is that investment property can be purchased then Land acquired under a 30 year lease option; Until recently it was considered by most legal advisors that the ownership of land by a foreigner through a Thai Limited Company was acceptable, although the Law clearly states that

foreigners cannot own land in Thailand. The Government has now made clear that such ownership may be illegal. The legitimacy of such ownership depends on the status of the Thai Shareholders who must be shown to be active and financially participating shareholders.


Asia, making it a natural gateway to Indochina, Myanmar and Southern China. Its shape and geography divide into four natural regions : the mountains and forests of the North; the vast rice fields of the Central Plains; the semi-arid farm lands of the Northeast plateau; and the tropical islands and long coastline of the peninsula South. The country comprises 76 provinces that are further divided into districts, sub-districts and villages. Bangkok is the capital city and centre of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. It is also the seat of Thailand's revered Royal Family, with His Majesty the King recognized as Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces, Upholder of the Buddhist religion and Upholder of all religions. Thailand is a constitutional monarchy with His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, or King Rama IX, the ninth king of the Chakri Dynasty, the present king. The King has reigned for more than half a century, making him the longest reigning Thai monarch. Thailand embraces a rich diversity of cultures and traditions. With its proud history, tropical climate and renowned hospitality, the Kingdom is a never-ending source of fascination and pleasure for international visitors.

The kingdom of Thailand lies in the heart of Southeast Neighboring countries: Myanmar - west and north

Lao P.D.R. - north and northeast

Cambodia - southeast and

Malaysia - south


Thailand can best be described as tropical and humid for the majority of the country during most of the year. The area of Thailand north of Bangkok has a climate determined by three seasons whilst the southern peninsular region of Thailand has only two.

In northern Thailand the seasons are clearly defined. Between November and May the weather is mostly dry, however this is broken up into the periods November to February and March to May. The later of these two periods has the higher relative temperatures as although the northeast monsoon does not directly effect the northern area of Thailand, it does cause cooling breezes from November to February. The other northern season is from May to November and is dominated by the southwest monsoon, during which time rainfall in the north is at its heaviest. The southern region of Thailand really has only two seasons -- the wet and the dry. These seasons do not run at the same time on both the east and west side of the peninsular. On the west coast the southwest monsoon brings rain and often heavy storms from April through to October, whilst on the east coast the most rain falls between September and December.

Overall the southern parts of Thailand get by far the most rain with around 2,400 millimeters every year, compared with the central and northern regions of Thailand, both of which get around 1,400 millimeters. Language

Spoken and written Thai remain largely incomprehensible to the casual visitor.

However, English is widely understood, particularly in Bangkok where it is almost the major commercial language. English and other European languages are spoken in most hotels, shops and restaurants, in major tourist destinations, and Thai-English road and street signs are found nation-wide.


Thailand is one of the most strongly Buddhist countries in the world. The national religion is Theravada Buddhism, a branch of Hinayana Buddhism, practiced by more than 90 % of all Thais.

The remainder of the population adheres to lslam, Christianity, Hinduism and other faiths all of which are allowed full freedom of expression. Buddhism continues to cast strong influence on daily life. Senior monks are highly revered. Thus, in towns and villages, the temple (wat) is the heart of social and religious life. Meditation, one of the most popular aspects of Buddhism, is practiced regularly by numerous Thai as a means of promoting inner peace and happiness. Visitors, too, can learn the fundamentals of this practice at several centres in Bangkok and elsewhere in the country.


Throughout its 800-year history, Thailand can boast the distinction of being the only country in Southeast Asia never to have been colonized. Its history is divided into five major periods.

Nanchao Period (650-1250 A.D.)

The Thai people founded their kingdom in the southern part of China, which is

Yunnan, Kwangsi and Canton today. A great number of people migrated south as far as the Chao Phraya Basin and settled down over the Central Plain under the

sovereignty of the Khmer Empire, whose culture they probably accepted. The Thai people founded their independent state of Sukhothai around 1238 A.D., which marks the beginning of the Sukhothai Perio. Sukhothai Period (1238-1378 A.D.)

Thais began to emerge as a dominant force in the region in the13th century, gradually asserting independence from existing Khmer and Mon kingdoms. Called by its rulers "the dawn of happiness", this is often considered the golden era of Thai history, an ideal Thai state in a land of plenty governed by paternal and benevolent kings, the most famous of whom was King Ramkhamhaeng the Great. However in 1350, the mightier state of Ayutthaya exerted its influence over Sukhothai. Ayutthaya Period (1350-1767)

The Ayutthaya kings adopted Khmer cultural influences from the very beginning. No longer the paternal and accessible rulers that the kings of Sukhothai had been, Ayutthaya's sovereigns were absolute monarchs and assumed the title devaraja (god-king). The early part of this period saw Ayutthaya extend its sovereignty over neighboring Thai principalities and come into conflict with its neighbours, During the 17th century, Siam started diplomatic and commercial relations with western

countries. In 1767, a Burmese invasion succeeded in capturing Ayutthaya. Despite their overwhelming victory, the Burmese did not retain control of Siam for long. A young general named Phya Taksin and his followers broke through the Burmese and escaped to Chantaburi. Seven months after the fall of Ayutthaya, he and his forces sailed back to the capital and expelled the Burmese occupation garrison.

Thon Buri Period (1767-1772)

General Taksin, as he is popularly known, decided to transfer the capital from

Ayutthaya to a site nearer to the sea which would facilitate foreign trade, ensure the procurement of arms, and make defense and withdrawal easier in case of a renewed Burmese attack. He established his new capital at Thon Buri on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River. The rule of Taksin was not an easy one. The lack of central authority since the fall of Ayutthaya led to the rapid disintegration of the kingdom, and Taksin's reign was spent reuniting the provinces.

Rattanakosin Period (1782 - the Present)

After Taksin's death, General Chakri became the first king of the Chakri Dynasty, Rama I, ruling from 1782 to 1809. His first action as king was to transfer the royal capital across the river from Thon Buri to Bangkok and build the Grand Palace. Rama II (1809-1824) continued the restoration begun by his predecessor. King Nang Klao, Rama III (1824-1851) reopened relations with Western nations and developed trade with China. King Mongkut, Rama IV, (1851-1868) of "The King and I" concluded treaties with European countries, avoided colonialization and established modern Thailand. He made many social and economic reforms during his reign.

King Chulalongkorn, Rama V (1869-1910) continued his father's tradition of reform, abolishing slavery and improving the public welfare and administrative system. Compulsory education and other educational reforms were introduced by King Vajiravudh, Rama VI (1910-1925). During the reign of King Prajadhipok,

(1925-1935), Thailand changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. The king abdicated in 1933 and was succeeded by his nephew, King Ananda Mahidol (1935-1946). The country's name was changed from Siam to

Thailand with the advent of a democratic government in 1939. Our present monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, is King Rama IX of the Chakri Dynasty. People

Throughout her long history, Thailand has gently absorbed immigrants. Many were skilled as writers, painters, sculptors, dancers, musicians and architects, and helped enrich indigenous culture. People inhabiting Thailand today share rich ethnic diversity - mainly Thai, Mon, Khmer, Laotian, Chinese, Malay, Persian and Indian stock - with the result that there is no typically Thai physiognomy or physique. There are petite Thais, statuesque Thais, round-faced Thais, dark-skinned Thais and light-skinned Thais. Some 80% of all Thais are connected in some way with agriculture which, in varying degrees, influences and is influenced by the religious ceremonies and festivals that help make Thailand such a distinctive country.


Time in Thailand is 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+ 7).







电话:(662)2477554(办公室);2457032,2457036-7(领事部);2457038(商务处) 传真:(662)2468247





























泰王国(Kingdom of Thailand),简称泰国(Thailand,Thai)是东南亚的一个国家,东临老挝〔寮国〕和柬埔寨,南面是暹罗湾和马来西亚,西接缅甸和安达曼海。在1949年5月11日以前,泰国的名称是暹罗 (xiānluó 英语:Siam)。泰国是亚洲重要的旅游国家之一,迷人的热带风情以及独具特色的佛教文化是吸引游客的重要因素。泰国是一个历史悠久的佛教国家,这个被称为―白象王国‖的美丽国度,拥有独特的文化传统和民族风俗,如丰富多彩的各种节日,



总人口:65,444,371(世界第19名) 国际电话区号 66



泰国气候 (什么时候适合去泰国旅游?)


泰国的常年气温在19~38之间,平均气温约28 ℃;湿度变化为66%~82.8% 。一年分三季:凉季(十一月至二月)、夏季(三月至五月)、雨季(六月至十月)。曼谷最凉爽的气温平均为17度;最热为4月份,约38度。高原上的清迈和北部的山区气候较凉爽,最宜旅行。每年凉季是最适合去泰国旅游的季节。 泰国各城市最新天气预报(每天更新)





泰语是五声音阶语言,属于'加泰'(Ka-Tai)语言组合。这组合包括了缅甸的'善'(Shan)和'昆'(Khun)以及越南的'托'(Tho) 。泰国有五种主要方言。而中部方言,除了被应用在书写文学之外;在曼谷,还被广泛通用在日常交谈. 100句旅行用得到的泰语(附汉语发音) 出国旅行常用简单英文单词,常用句 120句机场实用英语单词


生性宽厚,温和有礼的泰国人在见面时不是握手说哈罗,而是合掌说声"沙娃滴卡" 。这种合掌问候方式在泰语称为"威"(Wai) 。做法是把双手提到胸前,双掌合并但不贴合,犹如在掌心握着一片棉花。这时您的双手的形状就有如一朵含苞待放的莲花。

在不同的场合,面对不同的人或事时, "威"的做法便会有所不同。比如说在向同辈问好时,合掌后指尖不高过下巴。在对长辈行"威"礼时,则须低头让指尖轻触鼻尖。对尊贵的物件如德高望重的长辈表示尊敬时,则把双掌抬高至额头。泰国人遇到僧侣或象征佛陀的佛像,都会下跪,合掌,并以额头触地膜拜。

一般上遇到同辈向他们"威"时,泰国人都会以"威"礼回报。但若是晚辈向长辈"威"时,长辈是不须回"威"的,有些只以点头或微笑回应。此外,僧侣、皇亲贵族也不会在您向他们"威"后向您回"威"礼。 "威"不只是泰国人打招呼的方式,也是表示尊敬的举止。来到泰国学了这一招担保您一路上风行无阻!



泰国自由行 自助游全攻略,手把手教你玩转泰国!泰国约伴,最新游记,常见问答。


· 泰国自由行攻略——泰国签证及泰国落地签证 · 东南亚跨国旅行【签证】相关讨论


泰国曼谷廊曼国际机场 DMK 介绍/交通/亚航 泰国交通指南

图解网上预订泰国火车票 (这些番友们在泰国乘坐了泰国火车)

曼谷素旺那普机场(suvarnabhumiairp BKK)交通攻略(的士、机场快线、公交车、巴士) 泰国NCA大巴乘车指南


曼谷昭披耶河(Chao Phraya) 水上交通攻略

乘坐公交车来往曼谷机场Suvarnabhumi airport 如何从曼谷飞往苏梅岛Koh Samui

如何从泰国曼谷到柬埔寨暹粒Siem Reap–陆路交通

如何从曼谷到达苏梅岛Koh Samui、潘安岛Koh Phangan、涛岛Koh Tao–水陆篇 2014 曼谷华兰蓬Hualampong火车站攻略 如何到达曼谷三个长途汽车总站

泰国曼谷考山路(Khao San Road)巴士路线图(自制) 曼谷嘟嘟车的基本价格

考山路Khao San Road附近交通路线 如何乘坐巴士从曼谷前往甲米Krabi

曼谷机场快线The Suvarnabhumi Airport Link(SARL) 简易查询曼谷地铁BTS车费及车程时间 曼谷清迈来往长途巴士运行时刻表及票价 曼谷清迈之间的航空时刻表

曼谷轨道交通简介(含轻轨BTS和地铁MRT) 曼谷BTS轻轨一日票(BTS One-Day Pass)



1) 普吉岛自助游攻略

泰国最大的岛屿、安达曼海的―珍珠‖普吉岛是东南亚具有代表性的旅游度假胜地。它的魅力首先在于它那美丽的大海,岛屿的西海岸正对安达曼海,那里遍布原始幼白的沙滩,每个沙滩都有各自的优点和魅力,阳光普照之下,大大小小的海滩闪烁着安达曼海拍岸的浪花。令人神往的海滩和一幢幢饭店旅馆恭候着来自世界各地的游客。 这里的海滩类型丰富,有清静悠闲的海滩,有感觉豪华的、像是私人度假的海滩。 泰国普吉岛旅游攻略_普吉岛攻略 Phuket (2014) 普吉岛景点及海滩介绍,高清地图,游玩攻略

2014普吉岛交通攻略(曼谷到普吉、普吉岛到曼谷/普吉岛往返清迈/普吉机场到海滩) 【普吉岛酒店推荐】番友们的普吉岛酒店住宿感受分享

泰国普吉岛美食攻略(含热门美食,甜品,普吉夜市,景点美食) 普吉岛购物,退税,换钱

2) 曼谷自助游攻略

泰国曼谷最近三十年被发展成世界旅游的好城市,每年吸引大量东、西方游客。观光业是占泰国国民总收入百分之十二的重要外汇来源。这个城市有四百多座佛教寺庙,其中最有名的是大皇宫内的玉佛寺和在其河斜对面的黎明寺。其他景点有沙法里野生动物园等,另外曼谷亦是购的好地方之一,价廉物美且购物设施充足,所以购物亦是重点活动之一。 2014 泰国曼谷旅游攻略(交通,行程设计,曼谷美食,酒店推荐)

2014 曼谷景点攻略(大皇宫、四面佛、水上市场、周末市场、人妖秀等)

2014 曼谷交通攻略(曼谷廊曼机场,索旺纳普机场,火车站长途汽车站,曼谷市内交通) 2014 曼谷酒店 曼谷住宿(siam商圈酒店/大皇宫、考山路附近酒店/BTS沿线酒店)

2014 曼谷美食攻略(建兴酒家 /曼谷安全套餐厅/MK火锅/水门鸡饭/ 曼谷高空景观餐厅等) 2014 曼谷购物攻略(Central World,siam商圈,MBK,Terminal 21,免税店等)




9天泰国倾心之旅 旅游介绍


? 国名 :正式名称是泰王国,Kingdom of Thailand,首都曼谷,意为“天使之城”、“伟大的城市”

? 地理位置:位于中南半岛的中心,国土面积51.4万平方公里

? 时差:和中国相差1小时,比中国晚1小时

? 气候:属于热带季风气候,5~10为雨季 11~2月为干季,10月底~11月低温大致在28~31°早晚有温差。室内空调很凉,建议带薄外套。

? 货币:Baht 泰铢 简称B ,1rmb=5B,国内兑换更合算。读音“巴”

B 日常生活

1. 礼仪 泰国生性宽厚,温和有礼的泰国人在见面时不是握手说哈罗,而是合掌说声"沙娃滴卡" 。这种合掌问候方式在泰语称为"威"(Wai) 。做法是把双手提到胸前,双掌合并但不贴合,犹如在掌心握着一片棉花。这时您的双手的形状就有如一朵含苞待放的莲花。

在不同的场合,面对不同的人或事时, "威"的做法便会有所不同。比如说在向同辈问好时,合掌后指尖不高过下巴。在对长辈行"威"礼时,则须低头让指尖轻触鼻尖。对尊贵的物件如德高望重的长辈表示尊敬时,则把双掌抬高至额头。泰国人遇到僧侣或象征佛陀的佛像,都会下跪,合掌,并以额头触地膜拜。

一般上遇到同辈向他们"威"时,泰国人都会以"威"礼回报。但若是晚辈向长辈"威"时,长辈是不须回"威"的,有些只以点头或微笑回应。此外,僧侣、皇亲贵族也不会在您向他们"威"后向您回"威"礼。 "威"不只是泰国人打招呼的方式,也是表示尊敬的举止。来到泰国学了这一招担保您一路上风行无阻!

2. 民风民俗:泰国人多为虔诚的佛教信徒,所以进入当地时有一些禁忌是一定要遵守的。

1. 进入寺庙要脱鞋、不要穿着短衫、短裤进入。

2. 女性避免碰触僧侣。即使是轻微触碰也不行,如有需要将东西转交僧侣,要先交给其他在场男性再由他转交给和尚。招呼时,双手合掌。另外每尊佛像无论大或小,损坏与否,都被视为是神圣的礼物。无论真假都是不许带出境的,除非得到有关部门的批准。

3. 头为神圣部位,不随便摸别人的头。

4. 禁赌,在饭店房间不能玩牌或打麻将。












3. 生活常识

? 泰国通讯:泰国评价最好的电信是Turemove 卡

拨打电话方式:00600 86 10+座机 , 00600 86 +手机号


拨打电话方式:009 86 10+座机 , 009 86 +手机号

以上卡在机场都可以买到,或市内7-11买并让店员帮忙充值选择语言。也可在国内购买。泰国旅游警察(24H 英文):1155 大使馆:6602 2477554/6602 2457044 ? 洗手间:泰式洗手间一般都必须自己用小桶盛水冲洗便池,且不提供卫生纸。不过


? 饮水:虽然泰国当局声称本国的自来水可以直接饮用,但当地的居民一直以来都是


? 电源、电压:泰国为220V 50Hz 但多位两空插座,用三孔插座的电源请自带转换器。 ? 兑换泰铢:泰国的银行下午3:30就关门了,而且周末还休息。推荐大家在国内兑

换好泰铢前往。中国银行兑换泰铢要提前预约,小面值的少。银联的卡在泰国当地可直接取现,有手续费。建议在泰国太华荣民银行的atm上取现,有中文操作界面。当地的兑换点super rich比较受游客欢迎 Central world 对面就有三家。

? 小费:泰国本没有支付小费的习惯,但近些年因欧美游客的影响产生了一定的小费

文化。需要支付小费的有:行李工 20B 、房间清洁员20B、表演者20~40B、按摩师50-100B。支付习惯和欧美国家相同,纸币代表对所提供服务满意,所以请大家多准备些20B的纸币吧。

? 安全旅行:泰国在亚洲是个相对安全的国家,但因为泰国也是个集中了世界各国游


? 语言:泰国的英语普及率不高,出游的目的地除了用英文写好地址最好提前用泰语


? 泰国的出租车分为打表,和不打表两种。不打表的司机会漫天要价。上车前一定要

确认是“taxi meter”的出租车。上车前要问是否“by meter?”得到yes 才上车。时间紧张的话也可体验嘟嘟车。

步行需要10分钟? 嘟嘟车价格15-20泰铢,步行20分钟? 嘟嘟车价格20-25泰铢 步行需要30分钟? 嘟嘟车价格25-30泰铢,步行超过30分钟?价格在50-100泰铢




? 洗漱类

刮胡刀 、 洗漱套装、小棉签、卸妆棉、指甲油、指甲刀、防晒霜 、香水等、女士带好化妆品、头绳等饰品;

? 电器类

相机及充电器 、储存卡、 手机及充电器 、 游戏机及充电器 、刮胡刀充电器等 ;

? 衣物类(气温25°~31°)

长袖(东南亚市内空调很凉)、 长裤 、轻便的鞋、6天夏装换洗衣物(内衣、袜子、泳衣等)

? 其他

护照及复印件、2张护照照片、墨镜 、遮阳帽、 雨具 、 小背包 、 纸巾 、降压药 、 保健药品 、 常备药(腹泻、感冒、等常见病) 、笔记本 、水杯或一小瓶子水(吃药用) 、浮潜工具。



旅行 journey, trip

旅遊 tour

旅行推銷員 commercial traveller

(美作:traveling salesman)

旅遊者 tourist

旅行指南 itinerary

旅行路線 route

遊覽pleasure trip

商務旅行business trip

出境遊 outbound tourism;outbound travel

出境遊客 outbound tourist

背包旅行者 backpacker

自由行 free walker

環程旅行 circular tour

往返旅行 return journey; round trip

單程旅行 outward journey

套餐遊;包辦遊 package tour;inclusive tour

遠足 excursion; outing

探險 expedition

旅行支票 traveller's cheque

旅遊散客 independent traveler

旅遊團 tour group

度假區 holiday resort

票 ticket

票價 fare

單程票 single ticket

往返票 round-trip ticket;return ticket

半票 half-price ticket

乘飛機 Take the flight

護照 passport

簽證 visa

證件 papers

安全通行證 safe-conduct, pass

起飛 take off

落地 touch down

登記牌 boarding pass

辦理登機手續 check in

候機室 departure lounge

航班號 flight number

國際抵達處 international arrival

國內抵達處 domestic arrival

航站樓 terminal

行李 Luggage

推行李車 luggage barrow

私人用品 personal effects

團體行李 group baggage

行李票 claim tag

行李牌 handbag tag

行李標籤 label

行李房 luggage office

行李搬運車 baggage train

航運收據 airway bill

手提行李 hand luggage

住宿 Accommodation

旅館 hotel

汽車旅館 motel

提供一夜住宿和早餐的旅館 B&B

青年招待所 youth hostel

豪華飯店 luxury hotel

公寓旅館 residential hotel

寄宿公寓 boardinghouse

空房 vacant room

套房 suite

旅館大廳 lobby

旅館登記薄 hotel register

登記 check-in

結帳 check-out

預定房間 reservation

行李託管證 baggage check

接待 reception

登記表 registration form

單人房間 single room

雙人房間 double room

門房 porter

侍者 bellboy

清理房間的女服務員 chambermaid

餐廳領班 headwaiter

半膳 half board

全膳 full board

在一家旅館住宿 to put up at a hotel

訂房間 to book a room

折扣 discount


國際機場 international airport

國內機場 domestic airport

機場候機室 airport terminal

國際候機室 international terminal(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:thailand是什么意思)

國際航班出港 international departure

國內航班出港 domestic departure

入口 in

出口 exit; out; way out

進站(進港、到達) arrivals

不需報關 nothing to declare

海關 customs

登機口 gate; departure gate

候機室 departure lounge

航班號 FLT No (flight number)

前往...... departure to

起飛時間 departure time

延誤 delayed

登機 boarding

登機手續辦理 check-in

登機牌 boarding card







money exchange; currency exchange passport control immigration transfers transfer passengers goods to declare Taxipick-up point
