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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:18:08 字数作文

篇一:英语作文 成功的人生

Success in Life

Success means different things for different people. Some may equate it with money, some with work and still some with ohter. For me, it means fulfilling one's dreams. Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it. Dreams bring you hope and happiness. May be you cry, sweat, complain or even curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains and troubles you have gone through. So an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal.There are several keys to success. First, your goal must be practical and practicable. If you set your goal too high, maybe that you will never attain it. Next, you have to make a plan of doing it. Since the dream is quite tough, you need to be hard, Even if you meet with some difficulties, just take them in your stride. You can always tell yourself that there is nothing about. With this will and determination, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!



What is critical period? Give some specific examples to illustrate it.

In psychology and biology, a critical period is an important stage in the life span as it acquires a part


icular developmental skill that is indispensable in their lives .We can see the significance of critical period from this definition.While in one’s life,critical period is the time when one is suffering from some depressing situations or confronted with many different choices.

Let me take Steve Jobs for example.We all know that he is the American former Apple CEO and also founder, creating the Mac computer,ipad,ipod and many other digital products.And maybe you don’t know the difficult situations he had ever confronted with.After making a fortune from Apple’s initial success in 1984,Jobs expected to sell “zillions” of his new machines.But the Mac was not the mass-market success that he had hoped for,and what was worse,he was ousted from Apple by its board as he was diagnosed with cancer. It was really a hard hit for him.And it was a critical period in his life. And he did not choose to beg for the company to let him stay or gave up his dream.He realized the situation and left without hesitation and co-founded a new firm specialized in computer graphics,which gave him many inspirations in core principal.

From what we have mentioned above,it is the the appropriate grasp of the critical period that makes him succeed.If he did not recognize the critical period , maybe he would get nothing later ,and there wouldn’t have had the popular apple products.Just as what he said later,change the world alive!When he was alive,he had changed the world through take deep considerations into the critical period and made the appropriate choices.And he did it!

So,I would like to tell all of you that whenever you meet difficulties or awkward choices,don’t feel depressed any more,because it indicates that your chance has come .And just keep up your courage and seize critical period.


众所周知,考研英语作文分为小作文与大作文,而大作文(通常为图画作文或图表作文)在考研英语试卷中占据近五分之一的分值比例,其重要性不言而喻;而要写好英文作文,尤其是写出一篇精彩的考研英语作文绝非一朝一夕之事。下面是专门为广大考生梳理的考研英语大作文历年真题的主题与题材,希望为同学们在春季基础阶段的英语作文复习提供些许裨益。 时 间 主 题 题 材



城镇化或城乡人口对比(英语二) 社会伦理 社会生活



大学生兼职(英语二) 人生哲理 教育问题

乐观 (英语一)


工作满意度(英语二) 人生哲理 社会生活



国内轿车市场品牌份额(英语二) 环境保护 社会生活

文化“火锅” (文化融合)(英语一)


手机入网(英语二) 文化交流 社会生活

2009年 网络的“近”与“远” 社会生活 2008年 合作(的重要性) 人生哲理 2007年 乐观心态(是成功的关键) 人生哲理 2006年 偶像崇拜 社会生活 2005年 (年轻人应该)赡养父母 社会伦理 2004年 终点又是新的起点 人生哲理 2003年 温室里的花朵经不起风雨 教育问题 2002年 美国女孩穿着中国传统服饰(中国与世界的文化交流) 文化交流 2001年 (困难的时候,人人都应该献)爱心 社会伦理 2000年 全球商业捕鱼(自然生态平衡遭破坏) 环境保护

















Penalty Kick

Since I can remember, there are many things have been gradually forgotten, but there is one thing that I will always remember.

I was in junior high school; my brother was a player of the school football team, so in extracurricular time I also often play football with my brother. But I have never played football game, because I never believe in my strength. Once the football team of our school and other schools plan to a game, but there is one player didn't come. My brother see me sitting near the stadium, my brother pulled me into the stadium, I was very nervous in the face of the game. After the match began, I made many mistakes, we were given a penalty kick at the end of the half-court, I just want to go outside to find water to drink, I become stupefied when my brother let me penalty kick, but a lot of players were very confident to me, I couldn't believe my eyes, The football rolled into the goal. I feel very excited for the goal, my scoring let me find the confidence.

Although we lost the game, but later I completely in love with the football, the penalty kick let me find the confidence, thank you for the penalty kick, thank you for my brother.
