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华尔街电影概述--英文版.txt心若无尘,一花一世界,一鸟一天堂。我曾经喜欢过你,现在我依然爱你希望月亮照得到的地方都可以留下你的笑容那些飘满雪的冬天,那个不带伞的少年,那句被门挡住的誓言,那串被雪覆盖的再见Paull Bud是纽约大学的毕业生,华尔街的失意经济人。在一次和大老板Gekko的面谈之后,改变了自己的生活。他为Gekko寻找内幕消息,成功获知了另一位投资人Lerry要收购ANC Steel的信息,帮助Gekko赚了一大笔钱。并成为了他的合伙人之一。Bud从Gekko那里学了很多,包括操纵股市和孙子兵法。最后在收购他父亲工作了一辈子的Blue Star Airline一案中,Bud和Gekko产生了“兴趣上的严重冲突”。以其人之道还其人之身,Bud用Gekko教的反击了Gekko,并挽救了Blue Star。但也因为操纵股市而入狱??

Paull Bud graduate from the New York University ,a frustrated economic man of Wall Street . Ofter interview with the big boss Gekko,his life changed.He is searching inside information for Gekko,successfully learned of the information that another investors Larry to be acquired ANC Steel ,which have helped Gekko made ??a lot of money. And became one of his partners. Bud learned a lot from Gekko, including manipulating the stock market and the Art of War. Finally,in the case of Blue Star Airline where his father worked his lifetime in , Bud and Gekko had a serious conflict .Eye for an eye a man as body, Bud taughtGekko, To save the Blue Star,Bud use the same way fighting back with Gekko,and successed.But also because of stock market manipulation,he is sent to prison .


20 years after the end of the first episode, Gordoncame out from the prison, and he is ready to re-join the business war to Wall Street.

But he soon found himself has been behind the time , and now Wall Street is more greed and dangerous.

He warned the crisis may come at any time, but no one take him seriously.

So Gordon turned to his own family, trying to repair the burst relations with his daughter .

Gordon's daughter and a young Wall Street stock traders jack Moore engaged, and Moore hope Gordon can help him against a manipulate global stock markets who is the investment banking boss - Josh ? Blorraine, because this man led to his mentor frank orchid suicide['sjuisaid] , and indirect ruined his career.

Gordon and the young man made a deal, he helped Jack revenge[ri'vendz] , Jack will help him and his daughter reconciled['reconsaild].

Though once he and Gordon's daughter get into emotions crisis, but finally he is succeed.

篇二:华尔街之狼 观后感 英文

Wolf of Wall Street Cinematography

The wolf of Wall Street movie is a controversial motion picture based on a bestselling novel about the rise of a Wall Street trader Jordan Belfort. Leonardo Di Caprio, who delves into the life of drugs, women, money laundering and securities fraud plays the main character. Together with his friends, they are able to build a multi-million company that defrauds people by selling them penny stocks.

Wolf of Wall Street movie may be classified as a narrative type of movie and is directed by Martin Scorsese. The cinematographer shot the interesting movie in film mode. Scorsese chose this approach as he saw the images shot by his cinematographer having richer skin tones and possessing more color nuance as compared to digital shots during preproduction testing runs. Most parts of the movie were therefore shot on film, and for night scenes, Alexa was used as well as green screen visual effects.

A major challenge on the film’s director was on deciding how to depict the various phases of the main character’s (Belfort) life. In conjunction with the films cinematographer, Scorsese decided to differentiate scenes of Jordan’s life where he seemed lost or uncertain from the scenes he would appear to have found clarity in his life and some sense of right course. This was successfully achieve from the use of diverse optics, color schemes, and lighting styles. Being guided by Belfort’s mental state and thoughts, the cinematographer alternated between various lenses for example v-lite, Hawk V, V-plus lenses, among others to get various degrees of depth, clarity, and perspective (Barsam & Dave p.238). Moreover, to enhance the contrast, in the different mental states, the director mixed in several diffusion filters, with ambient smoke being used sometimes and pushing the negative. As Rodrigo Prieto, the movies cinematographer explains, at the start of the film, it has a softer and slightly murky look, as Jordan has not yet

found himself. He seems confused and somehow awestruck by the busy Wall Street. During this phase of Belfort’s career, the director used a more narrow depth of field together with some slight alteration of anamorphic lenses (Barsam & Dave p. 240).

Jordan at first works at the firm LF Rothschild before starting his own business. The set at the investment firm is dominated by a color scheme of green and gold light that imply an old vintage look. The director claimed a photo he had seen of a brokerage firm in the 1980’s inspired this idea. In making wide shots, the cinematographer captured the office space using short range V-lite lenses that were able to curve the frames ends a bit, creating a sense of uncertainty. The picture of LF Rothschild is not as crisp clear as the outlook of Jordan’s subsequent firm, which had more of the color white. This helps show a different ambience and timeline of the two firms.

After the crash of 1987, LF Rothschild falls and is shut down. Belfort loses his job and desperately searches for anywhere he can find employment. Eventually, he starts to work as a regular employee at an investment center, an occupation he dislikes. This set was only lit through big windows from one side bringing out a feeling of sort of being in a cave. This part of his life the idea was to show the decline of Belfort’s life and he falls into darkness. After some time Jordan establishes his own brokerage firm and gains massive success. When he knows how to make a lot of money, and is successful, the film has a crisper, pristine look. The cinematographer changed to spherical Master Primes and did not use diffusion for this part.

When he is under investigation, the director, and cinematographer create a sort of paranoia look. They changed back to Hawk anamorphic, with lengthier focal lengths to depict a feeling of being investigated. In some scenes, they also added some smoke to make the background faintly milky and have a shallow depth of field. The cinematographer did also push the film stock for the scenes and stop to improve grain and contrast.

Prieto used an approach aimed at visually differentiating the three reiterations of Belfort’s firm as it grew. It started out in a renovated auto shop then relocated to a suitable office, and later finally moved into a bigger, elaborate office space. To differentiate the sets Rodrigo used a variety of color temperature combinations, applying different filters and diffusion. In the initial location, the auto shop is dimmer and realistic than the later evolved offices. Subsequently, the film brings out a look of power from Belfort and his offices become more luxurious. This is depicted in a crisper look with widely focused shots, white light, clear distinction, and fast camera shifts.

The final version of Jordan’s investment firm is a huge office space full of big windows and offices with glass walls. The location selected for this section was a third floor office building at Westchester in New York. Moreover, the height of the building made it hard to control the amount of sunlight on set and recreating it after sunset. In the evenings to maintain a look of daylight, the film crew had to improvise with light boxes in all sides of the set and vertical blinds to show an effect of a plain whiteout. On another side, Jordan’s lavish office was situated where there lay a window with a vast outward view. The crew also improvised with lamps lighting the backing, and others lighting the set to ensure the film would maintain daylight brightness regardless of the type of weather.

Moreover, the director of the film also created certain images to display characters mental states and emotions. For example, during the many drug escapades of Belfort there were up close shots with the fraudster, as he delivered slow slurred words in his dialogue and feel dizzy or high. The images would bring to mind a feeling of blur but at the same time flowed delivering a sensation of being loose. In one of the scenes where Jordan was high on Quaaludes in a nightclub,

the cinematographer used 20mm lens and brought out very close shots of Leonardo’s mouth and eye as he tried to talk.

The movie may be categorized as a narrative type of movie. There are narrations or commentaries given by the main character, which shape our itinerary in the movie. They are a sequence of cues that guide the viewers in the progression of the movie (Barsam p.159). At the initial scene of the movie, we see busy stockbrokers leapt over their desks in a vast work place where there is a lion lurking the pathways. We are also shown a contrasting view at another angle of the office where there are exhilarated staff who are having fun about to throw a little man towards a Velcro bull's eye. The small man is thrown and a freeze frame appears stopping the man in mid-air. One of the men who have thrown the man approaches the camera and introduces himself as Jordan Belfort. He continues to explain to us with motion pictures and scenes how he lives motivated by drugs, sex, living large and the debauchery he engages in. the scenes are brief and vulgar and does not show the escapade of Belfort implicitly but directly and swiftly.

This type of movie is able to limit our knowledge of certain events and is successful in manipulating the films emotional level arbitrarily. At one time, Belfort angrily slaps Naomi, his Wife. However, the event is shown to the audience through a far camera shot where only a glimpse is seen of what really transpires. The act is seen through a doorway where the impact of the aggression by Belfort is minimized. Here we gain significant information in the story but not as openly as the nearby sexual exploits and drug abuse escapades we get from other sections. This may be explained that a near shot of the violence would have altered the audience’s perception of Jordan’s bad boy pranks as merely entertainment. It would have led viewers to acquire a negative attitude towards the main character.

The director also utilizes suspense in the film to capture the attention of the audience. This is the intensified sense of impatience or anxiousness of what might happen next. For instance, in one scene, Jordan is too high on their special drugs they call Quaaludes to help his colleague Donnie from chocking. This scene makes us anticipate what might happen next due to the tense situation.

The film characters performances especially Dicaprio’s confidence contribute significantly to the mood of the movie. The movie has a stylistically textured soundtrack that is beneficial to the movies nature. The music and sound effects together with Jordan’s Commentary bring out a stimulating and lively experience. The movie is also successful in demonstrating surprising and fascinating attributes of Jordan and his degenerate lifestyle.

Scorsese was also careful in the shot angles he chose for various scenes in the motion picture. When Dunham, the FBI Agent, is interviewing Jordan, the long edgy scene at one instance may lead viewers to consider that the Agent may accept to be paid off by the degenerate Jordan. He makes facial expressions and asks questions implying he may be interested in Belfort’s offer. This conversation is filmed in constricted angles only showing certain parts of the setting. However, when the agent tells Jordan to repeat his proposal we see a shot where the FBI’s colleague in the off screen draws in closer to listen in. This approach helps hide some information and surprise the audience with a different result than they expected.

The film does contain clear depictions of the characters emotions and mental states. There is the use of vivid pictures of the themes contained in the movie. The colors have been expertly selected and used to bring out the season timing and mood as intended by the director.



华尔街英语专家介绍:英语写作是语言应用的一个重要方面,也是语言能力测定的重要手段,衡量写作水平的标准便是看其是否能用学过的语言材料,语法知识等用文字的形式来表达描述。 书面语言表达一般分为三个过程:思维、组织、表达。先是思维,把要写的东西在脑中思考,这往往是个别的,孤立的一些素材,很凌乱琐碎;因此要对此进行组织,把这些思维作出整理,使其条理、系统化,但这还是较粗糙的,可能还有一些用词不当或语言错误;最后才是表达,把组织过的材料仔细推敲,确无问题了再落笔成文。





首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练








Must-Have Job Skills in 2013(2012-11-26)

Even as employers remain cautious next year about every dollar spent on employees, they'll also want workers to show greater skills and results.For employees who want to get competency['kɑmp?t?nsi]n. 能力(等于competence);资格 land a job找到工作 articulate [ɑ:'tikjul?t, ɑ:'tikjuleit]

vt. 清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯 vi. [语]发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来 adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的 PricewaterhouseCoopersn. 普华永道(全球四大会计事务所之一)

accounting [?'kaunti?] n. 会计,会计学;帐单v. 解释(account的ing形式);叙述 consulting [k?n's?lti?]

adj. 咨询的,商议的;顾问的,任专职顾问的v. 咨询,请教;商议(consult的现在分词形式

1. Clear communications connection through communication," says Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at style to employers. "

As office conversations increasingly move online, some workers are losing or never snapshot ['sn?p??t] n. 快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象vt. 给…拍快照vi. 拍快照 coherently [k?u'hi?r?ntli] adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地

scour ['skau?] vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂;(畜类等的)腹泻

haunt [h?:nt] vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…vi. 出没;作祟n. 栖息地;常去的地方

2. Personal branding

attractive and reflects well on employers. "More and more employers are looking for There are dozes of other apps to help users Tweet on the go, so that could account for its lower ranking.


So how do you produce the perfect film or write the perfect book – or compose the perfect tweeton Twitter – in a way that will maximise the chances of catching on?


3. Flexibility

The ability to quickly respond to an employer's changing needs will be important next year The ability to learn new skills is of top importance, says George Boué"We want to know that if we roll out a new program or new tools that the folks we have on board are going to be open to learning," he says.

4. Productivity improvement years," says Ben Dattner, an organizational psychologist in New York. "As the economy nimbly ['nimbli] adv. 敏捷地;机敏地

trimmed [trimd] adj. 平衡的;切边;纵倾的;修整过的

Making Every Penny Count—Twice(2012-11-27) Ever wish you could make every penny count twice—especially around the holidays? Here are ways consumers can do what they already do, but also make those actions charitable ['t??r?t?bl] adj. 慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的

advertiser ['?dv?,taiz?] n. 广告客户;刊登广告的人

designate ['deziɡneit, 'deziɡnit, -neit] vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为adj. 指定的;选定的

1. Free money for the charity of your choice

Use GoodSearch.com, powered by Yahoo,for regular online searches, and the site will

groceriesn. 杂货;食品;生活用品 alleviate [?'li:vieit] vt. 减轻,缓和

couponsn. 优惠券;息票;[冶金]取样片(coupon的复数)

translate [tr?ns'le?t; trɑ?ns-; -nz-] vt. 翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动vi. 翻译 makes it possible to save money and give back. Visit their site and 3. Volunteer at a food bank Feeding America's network of food banks.

distributed [di'stribjutid] adj. 分布式的,分散式的

distribute [di'stribju:t; 'dis-]

vt.1. 分发;分送;分配,配给:They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.他们在大厅里散发政治小册子。

The relief agency will distribute the food among several countries.救援机构将给几个国家发放食物。

2. 撒,撒播于…上;散布在…上,分散;使分布,分布(在空间或区域内);扩散开:to distribute seeds


The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.那新机器播种又快又匀。

3. [常用被动语态]把…分成(几组或几部分),分,分开(into):

4. The students were distributed into four ranks.学生们被分成四列横队。

Today's work is distributed for speedier handing.今天的工作被分成几部分以便更快地处理。

4. [常用被动语态]将…分类(into):Those plants are distributed into 15 classes.那些植物分成15个纲。

5. 【商业】将(商品)推销到特定市场;将(货物)分售、运送、分送或发送给(特定地方的)顾客:Jack distributes computers for the computer rental service in that region.杰克把电脑运送给那个地区的电脑出租公司。

6. 【印刷】拆(版)还字;调墨

7. 【法律】将(不能根据遗嘱处理的财产)分配(给有资格获得者)8. 【逻辑学】周延

9. 【数学】对…运用分配运算10. 【电工学】配(电)11. [废语]执(法),执行,施行,实施(法律)

trash [tr??] n. 垃圾;废物vt. 丢弃;修剪树枝

Clean out your garage and turn your trash into an organization's treasure.It's easier to final-value fees for the percentage you give back.Help others dress to impress when you donate your professional

clutter ['kl?t?] n. 杂乱,混乱vt. 使凌乱;胡乱地填满

cause [k?:z] n. 原因;事业;目标vt. 引起;使遭受

landfill ['l?n(d)f?l]

n. 垃圾(或废渣)填埋地,垃圾填平的地面[亦称作sanitary landfill];垃圾填埋法(=landfill site)

vt. 把…埋在垃圾填筑地,用土埋方式处理垃圾;用垃圾填,土埋垃圾废气

insertion [in's?:??n] n. 插入;嵌入;插入物

Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.


alliance [?'lai?ns] n. 联盟,联合;联姻

5. Products that do double duty cents will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.residential facility for abused, abandoned and neglected children. They will turn them into new cards and sell them to support their program.

Yoplait: 商优诺 ;优诺酸奶 ;优诺公司

redeemed [ri'di:md] n. 债券收徊溢价v. 救赎;赎回;弥补(redeem的过去式) —code [k?ud] n. 代码,密码;编码;法典vt. 编码;制成法典vi. 指定遗传密码

religious [ri'lid??s] adj. 宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的n. 修道士;尼姑

rigid ['rid?id] adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的

puritanical [pj??r?'t?n?k(?)l] adj. 清教徒的;极端拘谨的

escapist [i'skeipist] n. 逃避现实者adj. 逃避现实的 morality [m?'r?l?ti, m?:-] n. 道德;品行,美德

titillation [tit?'lei??n] n. 搔痒;愉快

insalubrious [,?ns?'lu?br??s] adj. 不健康的;不卫生的,对身体有害的

zealot ['zel?t]n. 狂热者;犹太教狂热信徒

languishedv. 失去活力(languish的过去分词形式)

revival [ri'vaiv?l] n. 复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效

viable ['vai?bl] adj. (胎儿离开母体后)能存活的;(幼儿、种子、植物等)能活的;能生长发育的 featuring Ann Dvorak as a rich woman virtually embracing dissolution and substance directed by William Wellman.

juicy ['d?u:si] adj. 多汁的;利润多的;生动的 plucky ['pl?ki] adj. 有勇气的,大胆的 subsequent ['s?bsikw?nt] adj. 后来的,随后的

foray ['f?re?] n. 突袭;侵略;攻击vi. 袭击vt. 劫掠talkie ['t?:ki] n. 有声电影 snappy ['sn?pi] adj. 厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的

melodrama ['mel?,drɑ:m?, -dr?m?] n. 情节剧;音乐剧;耸人听闻的事件,闹剧 Sony, which controls the Columbia Pictures libraryin which the young man's mother tearfully persuades a natural and affecting Stanwyck to give him up.

evangelist [i'v?nd??list] n. 福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者

dubious ['dju:bj?s] adj. 可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的

ventriloquist [ven'tr?l?kw?st] n. 腹语术者;口技艺人innately ['i'neitli] adv. 天赋地;与生俱来的

vile [va?l] adj. 恶劣的,极坏的;卑鄙的;堕落的;卑贱的 —



更新时间:2014-4-8 11:52:43 来源:华尔街日报中文网 作者:佚名

Pentagon Chief Tours Chinese Aircraft Carrier


China's military opened its doors on Monday to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, offering America's top defense official a rare look at its new aircraft carrier.

中国军方周一打开大门接待美国国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel),为这位美国最高防务官员提供了一次难得的参观中国新航空母舰的机会。

The two-hour visit was the first China has granted to a foreign official seeking a close view of the Liaoning, a refurbished Ukrainian ship that is the centerpiece of the county's naval ambitions.


The U.S. ambassador to China, former Sen. Max Baucus, and top Pentagon officials joined Mr. Hagel on the tour during the defense secretary's first visit to China since taking command at the Pentagon a year ago.

美国驻华大使、前参议员鲍卡斯(Max Baucus)和数名五角大楼高级官员与哈格尔一道参观了辽宁舰。这是哈格尔一年前就任美国国防部长以来第一次访华。

The visit provided American officials with a rare opportunity to assess the capabilities of the Liaoning and Chinese military development. Chinese officials compared their carrier development to the beginning of the American carrier fleet in the early 1900s, U.S. officials said.


'They know they have a long way to go in naval aviation,' said one defense official traveling with Mr. Hagel.


The official praised China for allowing Mr. Hagel to visit the ship as a milestone in military openness. 该官员称赞中国允许哈格尔登舰的做法是军事开放的里程碑。

The Liaoning, named a(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:介绍华尔街的英语作文)fter the northeastern Chinese province where it is based, isn't yet considered operationally effective. Pilots are still learning how to take off from and land on the aircraft carrier, and it lacks the full complement of technologically sophisticated support ships that characterize U.S. carrier groups.


Still, the Liaoning serves as a symbol of China's regional ambitions and growing military might. 但辽宁舰是中国的地区雄心和军事实力增强的象征。

A Chinese company purchased the carrier's empty hull from Ukraine in 1998, and the refurbished carrier made its first sea trial under Chinese control in August 2011.




更新时间:2014-4-8 11:33:27 来源:华尔街日报中文网 作者:佚名

Tomb Sweeping Gets Reborn Online


In China, grave sweeping--that ancient Confucian tradition--has gone virtual.

Over the Qing Ming holiday weekend, millions of people flocked to the nation's cemeteries to burn paper money, arrange dishes of food and deliver trinkets ranging from faux iPhones to plastic flower boas as a way to express their devotion to the departed.

But increasingly, as the nation makes a push for more 'environmentally friendly' ways to revere the dead, many mourners are going online instead.

At Waheaven.com, for example, users can build elaborate web shrines decked out with flickering bytes of candles, images of bouquets and pots of incense. This year, some draped portraits of their loved ones in black cloth, while others outlined them with red fabric.

For Qing Ming, users flooded the site with tens of thousands of virtual tributes, spanning everything from GIFs of animated white lotuses to drummers dressed in white or pictures of departed ones' favorite foods. The company says it currently has more than 3.4 million users.

Elsewhere online, vendors on Taobao.com this weekend also offered to sweep tombs for those who couldn?t visit their relatives? cemeteries in person. For a modest fee—usually around 100RMB or up—they offered to place flowers, candles and other offerings, perform a set number of ritualistic bows, and send photos as part of the bargain.

On a sunny Monday, one family spanning three generations gathered to sweep tombs the traditional way in the outskirts of Beijing, carefully layering plastic flowers and paper money before a family grave.

Standing before the low mound of dirt and stone as his Bluetooth device idled in his ear, Mr. Wang, who only wanted to be identified by his surname, said he sympathized with people couldn't sweep tombs in person. 'What if they live overseas? Or outside Beijing and it's not convenient?' said Mr. Wang, a media worker in his 40s. When he passes away, he said, he wouldn't mind if his descendants didn't always pay their respects in person. 'If I'm not here, I won't have any feelings about the matter,' he said.

From his wheelchair across the way, though, Mr. Wang's father interjected with disdain.

'Tomb-sweeping is about the spirit. If you don't do it yourself in person, there is no spirit.'

For his part, Mr. Wang's young son said he planned to keep sweeping tombs all his life. Looking around at the quiet, sun-dappled cemetery at the flower-festooned tombs, popping open a soft drink, he told his father, 'I like doing it.'











。王先生40多岁,从事媒体行业,他不愿意透露全名。 王先生的父亲坐在轮椅上,很不屑地插话说,“扫墓是一种精神,不亲自来就没有这种精神了。”



更新时间:2014-4-7 12:12:11 来源:华尔街日报中文网 作者:佚名

China Tightens Restrictions on Imports of U.S. Hogs


China has imposed tougher restrictions for imports of live pigs from the U.S. amid concerns about a fatal swine virus, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and livestock-industry officials. 据美国农业部和畜牧业官员表示,中国对从美国进口的生猪实施了更加严格的限制,这主要是出于对一种致死性猪病毒的担心。

China, the world's largest consumer of pork, has asked the USDA to conduct testing and provide certification that live hogs come from herds that are free of porcine epidemic diarrhea, or PED, virus. The disease has expanded to nearly 30 U.S. states and killed millions of young pigs since it was first identified in the country last spring, according to industry estimates.


Live hogs represent a relatively small portion of pork-related U.S. exports to China. The Asian nation last year bought 14,000 hogs, valued at $20 million, according to the USDA. In contrast, exporters shipped $703.5 million worth of fresh pork to the country, according to the U.S. Meat Export Federation, a trade group.

生猪在美国出口至中国的猪肉相关产品中占比相对较小。根据美国农业部的数据,中国去年进口1.4万头美国生猪,价值2,000万美元。美国贸易组织美国肉类出口协会(U.S. Meat Export Federation)的数据显示,美国出口商去年向中国出口了价值7.035亿美元的新鲜猪肉。

A spokesman for the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said the agency 'is both capable and willing' to comply with China's new requirement for testing and certification. But, he said, the government also would 'continue to work with the Chinese' to try to eliminate the requirement. 美国农业部动植物卫生检验服务部门(Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)的一位发言人说,该部门有能力也愿意遵照中国对于检测和认证提出的新要求。但他表示,美国政府也将继续与中方协商,争取取消这些要求。

Some U.S. livestock exporters said Friday that China had denied permits for live-hog imports from the U.S. until the USDA implemented the testing and certification procedures.



A representative of the Chinese Embassy in Washington couldn't immediately be reached for comment on the country's policy.



更新时间:2014-4-7 12:09:35 来源:华尔街日报中文网 作者:佚名

US To Beef Up Defenses In Japan


The U.S. said it planned to bolster its missile-defense systems in Asia and counter North Korea by sending two more advanced destroyers to Japan by 2017.


After meeting with top Japanese officials, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Sunday that the U.S. would boost the number of Aegis ballistic-missile-defense destroyers based in Japan to seven. 在与日本高级官员会晤之后,美国国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)周日说,美国将把驻扎在日本的宙斯盾(Aegis)导弹驱逐舰数量提升到七艘。

He said the decision comes in response to 'Pyongyang's pattern of provocative and destabilizing actions' that have angered its neighbors, including recent tests of missiles capable of reaching Japan. 他说,这一决定是为了回应平壤“具有挑 性及令地区局面不稳定的一系列行动”。此类行动已经惹怒朝鲜的邻国。朝鲜不久前进行了导弹试射,所发射的导弹有能力攻击到日本。

The announcement came on the first full day of Mr. Hagel's visit to Asia, his fourth trip to the region since taking over at the Pentagon a year ago. On Monday, he heads to Beijing for his first trip to China as defense secretary.

哈格尔是在亚洲之行的第一个完整访问日宣布上述决定的,这是他自一年前担任美国国防部长以来第四次到访这一地区。周一,他将抵达北京,首?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我怨啦砍ど矸莘梦手泄?/p>

U.S. allies in the region have been watching with concern as the U.S. has taken a measured response to Russia's annexation of Crimea.


The U.S. declaration that it didn't see a military response to Russia's actions in Ukraine has raised questions for America's Asian allies about Washington's commitment to defending them. While Ukraine isn't a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, it is a longtime partner of the military alliance.


Mr. Hagel came to Tokyo to reassure America's longtime ally that the U.S. would honor its treaty commitments to defend Japan. He said the U.S. had a 'complete and absolute commitment to the security of Japan.'


On Sunday, he reaffirmed the point during a news conference with Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera. 'You cannot go around the world and redefine boundaries and violate territorial integrity and sovereignty of nations by force, coercion, and intimidation, whether it's in small islands in the Pacific or large nations in Europe,' Mr. Hagel said.


周日,在与日本防卫大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)举行新闻发布会时,他重新确认了这一点。哈格尔说:“你不能跑到全世界去重新划定边界,不能用武力、强制或威胁的方式侵犯他国领土和主权完整,不管是太平洋中的小岛,还是欧洲的大国。”

'Great powers have great responsibilities,' he added. 'And China is a great power.'



更新时间:2014-4-5 15:49:53 来源:华尔街日报中文网 作者:佚名

Japan to Make Obama State Guest


Japan will welcome U.S. President Barack Obama as a state guest with ceremonial flourishes later this month, Tokyo announced Friday, a victory for the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe following a brief period of diplomatic tensions.

Mr. Obama will spend at least two days in Japan on April 24 and 25, calling on Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on two occasions. He will also attend a summit meeting and a banquet hosted by Mr. Abe.

While the two leaders are expected to discuss a broad range of topics, from bilateral defense

cooperation to security in East Asia, a critical item on their agenda will be a regional trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, U.S. and Japanese officials say.

The TPP is a key element of Mr. Obama's much-publicized 'pivot' to Asia, as well as Mr. Abe's economic growth strategy dubbed Abenomics. Yet, the two sides still have disagreements over

access to Japan's agriculture market and the U.S. auto sector, holding back broader efforts to form a 12-nation free trade bloc.

Friday's announcement came after weeks of haggling between Tokyo and Washington over the length and classification of Mr. Obama's visit, part of an East Asia tour that will also include stops in South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines, U.S. and Japanese officials said.

Hoping to emphasize strong bilateral ties at a time of rising tensions in East Asia, Japanese officials had insisted on hosting Mr. Obama as a state guest, a formal procedure that normally includes three days of events. The U.S. had pushed back, citing scheduling constraints, including the need to balance the president's time among the nations on his itinerary.

Washington's reluctance stemmed from Mr. Abe's visit to a controversial Tokyo war shrine in

December, a move that angered China and South Korea, the two neighbors Japan has squabbled with in recent years. It prompted the U.S. to issue an unusual statement that it was 'disappointed' by the Japanese leader's action.

Since then, Mr. Abe has made efforts to get along better with his nation's neighbors, particularly South Korea, another close ally of the U.S. Last week, he held talks with South Korean President Park Geun-hye for the first time since the two leaders took office over a year ago, with Mr. Obama bringing them together in a trilateral summit in The Hague.

Signaling Tokyo's desire to have Mr. Obama experience the full gamut of official functions, the two countries are still negotiating the exact length of his visit. Tokyo said in a news release that Mr. Obama is expected to arrive 'on the early morning of April 24 at latest.'

While visits to Japan by a U.S. president aren't rare, Mr. Obama's is the first one to receive state guest treatment since Bill Clinton's trip in 1996.

