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The bystander effect or Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation to the victim when other people are present. The probability of help has in the past been thought to be inversely related to the number of bystanders; in other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. The mere presence of other bystanders greatly decreases intervention.


This happens because as the number of bystanders increases, any given bystander is less likely to notice the incident, less likely to interpret the incident as a problem, and less likely to assume responsibility for taking action.


The case of Kitty Genovese is often cited as an example of the "bystander effect". It is also the case that originally stimulated social

psychological research in this area. 28 year-old Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death on March 13, 1964 by a serial rapist and murderer on her way back to her Queens, New York apartment from work at 3am. According to newspaper accounts, the attack lasted for at least a half an hour during which time Genovese screamed and pleaded for help. The murderer attacked Genovese and stabbed her, then fled the scene after attracting the attention of a neighbor. The killer then returned ten minutes later and finished the assault. Newspaper reports after Genovese's death claimed that 38 witnesses watched the stabbings and failed to intervene or even contact the police until after the attacker fled and Genovese had died. This led to widespread public attention, and many editorials.

Kitty Genovese案例一直被视为“旁观者效应”的经典案例。Genovese小姐于1964年被一个连环强奸杀人犯用刀捅死。根据报纸报道,这个过程长达30分钟。在引起一位邻居的注意后,杀人犯逃离现场,十分钟后重回现场并继续捅




The bystander effect or Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation to the victim when other people are present. The probability of help has in the past been thought to be inversely related to the number of bystanders; in other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. The mere presence of other bystanders greatly decreases intervention.


This happens because as the number of bystanders increases, any given bystander is less likely to notice the incident, less likely to interpret the incident as a problem, and less likely to assume responsibility for taking action.


The case of Kitty Genovese is often cited as an example of the "bystander effect". It is also the case that originally stimulated social

psychological research in this area. 28 year-old Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death on March 13, 1964 by a serial rapist and murderer on her way back to her Queens, New York apartment from work at 3am. According to newspaper accounts, the attack lasted for at least a half an hour during which time Genovese screamed and pleaded for help. The murderer attacked Genovese and stabbed her, then fled the scene after attracting the attention of a neighbor. The killer then returned ten minutes later and finished the assault. Newspaper reports after Genovese's death claimed that 38 witnesses watched the stabbings and failed to intervene or even contact the police until after the attacker fled and Genovese had died. This led to widespread public attention, and many editorials.

Kitty Genovese案例一直被视为“旁观者效应”的经典案例。Genovese小姐于1964年被一个连环强奸杀人犯用刀捅死。根据报纸报道,这个过程长达30分钟。在引起一位邻居的注意后,杀人犯逃离现场,十分钟后重回现场并继续捅


篇三:running the road the Chinese way

Running the red the Chinese way

1.现象 网上流行一个词,叫做“中国式过马路”,称“中国式过马路,就是凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关”。




从众心理从众心理(conformist mentality

bystander effect

旁观者效应的原因 Explanations for the Bystander Effect

There are two major factors that contribute to the bystander effect. First, the presence of other people creates a . Because there are other observers, individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action, since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present. The second reason is the need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways. When other observers fail to react, individuals often take this as a signal that a

response is not needed or not appropriate. Other researchers have found that

onlookers are less likely to intervene if the situation is ambiguous(2).


Some accused Chinese people of lacking a rule-abiding spirit, especially the deep-rooted belief that the law will not punish numerous offenders.

"An individual will feel emboldened when being one of a group of offenders," said microblogger "qqmac321", "They would even shrug off punishment."

在紧急事件现场的人越多,出手帮助的可能性就越低,有两个原因:pluralistic ignorance(多数无知),错误地以为没有人帮助,就表示肯定是不需要帮助;diffusion of responsibility(责任分散),指发生在超过某一临界规模的人群中,没有明确的责任分配的趋向。这种心态可见于短语“没有一个雨滴认为是自己造成的水灾。” Diffusion of responsibility还体现为groupthink(团体迷思),即团体在决策过程中,由于成员倾向让自己的观点与团体一致,因而令整个团体缺乏不同的思考角度,不能进行客观分析。






Jaywalkers indeed deserve some reflection, but we should bring traffic authorities in if we want to solve the problem. Have they considered the time span of a red light or do they

notice the imperfection in road infrastructures?" said one netizen called "xiyulanyangyang".

Their study listed Chinese people as "very patient" as they can wait upto 90 seconds, compared with 45 seconds for Britons and 60 seconds for Germans. However, many red lights' time span extended over 90 seconds. Ni said the design of traffic lights in China was more friendly to automobiles, thus giving rise to pedestrians breaking rules.

In general, road designs in China aim to maximize traffic flow. They make little consideration for pedestrians. A major reason for this is the large number of cars on China's roads - a number that keeps growing. On average, 20 million new cars are added to China's roads each year. As a result, roads are widened and waiting times for pedestrians become too long to bear. A major problem facing pedestrians is a rule which allows traffic to turn left or right when the green signal permitting pedestrians to cross a road begins. As a result, cars get in the way of pedestrians as they try to cross the road. According to a survey by Tongji University, 30 percent of pedestrians at major intersections in Hangzhou have been blocked by right-turning vehicles, leaving them no choice but to cross a road during a red signal.

Moreover, pedestrians in China also have to endure long waiting times at major intersections. The Tongji University survey found the average Chinese pedestrian can wait up to 70 to 90 seconds for a signal permitting them to cross a road. At major intersections in Hangzhou, pedestrians can wait more than 100 seconds for the signal.

Such designs can hardly be seen as pedestrian friendly. It’s easy to understand why pedestrians, when not offered sufficient time and protection to cross a road in accordance with the rules, cross the road in an unsafe manner.


3.与其他国家对比,我们能做什么 Although such behavior isn't unique to China, traffic conditions and intersection designs in China have made the behavior more rampant here than in many other countries around the world.

常听人说,外国人素质比中国人的高,我倒不这么认为,就拿闯红灯这件事说吧,有些国家的人的确更加遵守规则 ,但这种约束力的形成 ,与他们对闯红灯这种行为更加严厉的处罚,以及更加坚决的执行力度是密不可分的。 比如说: 在新加坡,行人第一次闯红灯,罚款

200新元(约相当于人民币1000元);第二次、第三次再闯,最重可以判半年到一年的监禁。 美国各州对乱穿马路者罚款2到50美元不等,虽然数额相对不大,但处罚记录将会记入个人信用记录中,终身不能抹去。 在德国贸然闯红灯就意味着以后,别人可以分期付款、延期支付,而闯红灯者却必须立即支付。别人可以向银行拿到比较长时间的贷款,而闯红灯者却不可以。并且银行给闯红灯者的贷款利率要远比其他人高。 反观中国,乱闯红灯一般是无人管理的,即便偶尔有交警部门查处乱闯红灯的现象,最多也是口头教育外加5块钱的罚款,正是由于有关部门这种睁一只眼闭一只眼的态度以及相当低廉的违规代价,最终导致人们对规则的逐渐漠视。




In addition to penalizing pedestrians, the Chinese government should assist them. To begin with, the government could install countdown clocks - found in Hong Kong and many other parts of the world - at all traffic lights, so that pedestrians can make better judgments.罚款管教并重


Some people have suggested increasing the penalty on pedestrians for running a red light, but how severe can the penalty be for running a red light? Furthermore, for penalties there must be law enforcement officers, and the country just cannot afford to manage every corner of society.

The best way to kick the above bad habits is to establish correct values and enhance regulation awareness.






Since May 23, pedestrians in Shenzhen who jaywalk can either be issued a fine of up to 100 yuan, or become a volunteer at an intersection for up to 60 minutes. The penalty given in each circumstance depends upon the nature of the offence. Those who refuse to cooperate can be detained by police.第一次罚款

While the new rules appear harsh, their desired effect has not been forthcoming. One week on, the “Chinese style of crossing the road” can still be seen at major intersections

throughout the city.

Shenzhen is not the first city in China to introduce rules in order to discourage such behavior. Municipalities and provinces all over China - including Beijing municipality and Hebei, Henan, Inner Mongolia and Hainan provinces - have introduced similar regulations in previous months in an attempt to discourage the "Chinese style of crossing the road."

1. 中国人从内心至今对法治观念淡薄。一人不敢行事,人多了就天生有一种从众心理,即便违法也心怀侥幸,别人不遭自己也不会遭。法治伦理未融入自己内心,缺乏国民素质的基本认识和认同,只希望别人做到对自己则网开一面。

2. 绝大多数的中国人是心里觉得别人都走了,自己再等的话就一傻帽,就这样每个人抱着这同一想法就造成了红绿灯虚设的情景。很多中国人本来就喜欢从众,而难以坚守自己的道德底线,中国人的公民素质亟需提高。

3. 小则看是国民素质太低,大则看是国家法制没有落实,也很难落实所造成.长此以往人民不相信法制,自然心中就没有法制。

4. 我不认为“中国式过马路”的观点,这只是少部分人或地区的观点和存在现象,我们应该看到现代的中国人素质正在逐步提高,我们不能以偏概全。

5. 人走得慢,车走得快,红绿灯给车通过的时间有两三分钟,你得站在旁边吃灰尘和尾气;而给人过街的时间只有十二三秒,你得小跑步才得过去(年岁大的人是很难的)。况且,过街横道线要三四百米远才能有,天桥或地道有长长的上下梯步。这是公共交通资源上,强势、弱势的分配不公。

6. 是一种交通意识的缺乏。可以在红灯人行道口增添“语音提示”行人,既提示、又做到了警告行人的用。



I. Translate the Following English Phrases into Chinese

1. Research Methods 研究方法

2. Psychophysics 心理物理学

3. Theories of Learning 学习理论

4. Social Cognition 社会认知

5. Personality Test 人格测试

6. Extraneous Variable 无关变量

7. Longitudinal Study 纵向研究

8. Crystallized Intelligence 晶体智力

9. Motor control 运动控制

10. Corpus Callosum 胼胝体

11. Group Thinking 群体思维

12. Social Loafing 社会懈怠

13. Social Exchange 社会交换

14. Social Approval 社会赞许

15. Diffusion of Responsibility 责任分散

16. Recency Effec 近因效应

17. Trace Decay 痕迹消退

18. Retrograde Amnesia 倒摄遗忘

19. Social Support 社会支持

20. Self-efficacy 自我效能

21. Case Study 个案研究

II. Translate the Following Chinese Word Groups into English

1. 机能主义 functionalism

2. 自我实现 self—actualization

3. 一般规律研究法 nomothetic method

4. 分层抽样 stratified sampling

5. 外在信度 external reliability

6. 选择性注意 selective attention

7. 知觉恒常性 perceptual constancy

8. 自我概念 self concept

9. 液体智力 fluid intelligence

10. 安全型依恋 secure attachment

11. 性别图示 gender schema


12. 亲社会行为pro social behavior

13. 从众实验 conformity experiment

14. 头脑风暴 brain storming

15. 社会助长 social facilitation

16. 旁观者效应bystander effect

17. 标准差 standard deviation

18. 柱状图 bar chart

19. 正态分布 normal distribution

20. 临界值 critical value

21. 知觉适应 perceptual adaptation

III. Multiple Choices

1. Like Carl Rogers, I believe people choose to live more creative and meaningful lives. My name is

a. Wertheimer.

b. Washburn.

c. Skinner.

d. Maslow.

2. The goals of psychology are to

a. develop effective methods of psychotherapy.

b. describe, predict, understand, and control behavior.

c. explain the functioning of the human mind.

d. compare, analyze, and control human behavior.

3. The "father" of psychology and founder of the first psychological laboratory was

a. Wilhelm Wundt.

b. Sigmund Freud.

c. John B. Watson.

d. B. F. Skinner.

4. You see a psychologist and tell her that you are feeling depressed. She talks to you about the goals you have for yourself, about your image of yourself, and about the choices that you make in your life and that you could make in your life. This psychologist would probably belong to the __________ school of psychology.

a. humanistic

b. psychodynamic

c. behavioristic

d. Gestalt

5. Biopsychologists

a. limit the scope of their study to animals.

b. are concerned with self-actualization and free will.

c. stress the unconscious aspect of behavior.

d. attempt to explain behavior in terms of biological or physical mechanisms.

6. In a study of effects of alcohol on driving ability, the control group should be given

a. a high dosage of alcohol.

b. one-half the dosage given the experimental group.

c. a driving test before and after drinking alcohol.

d. no alcohol at all.

7. The phrase "a theory must also be falsifiable" means

a. researchers misrepresent their data.

b. a theory must be defined so it can be disconfirmed.

c. theories are a rich array of observations regarding behavior but with few facts to support them. d. nothing.

8. A common method for selecting representative samples is to select them

a. randomly from the larger population.

b. strictly from volunteers.

c. by threatening or coercing institutionalized populations.

d. from confidential lists of mail order firms.

9. The chief function of the control group in an experiment is that it

a. allows mathematical relationships to be established.

b. provides a point of reference against which the behavior of the experimental group can be compared.

c. balances the experiment to eliminate all extraneous variables.

d. is not really necessary.

10. Which of the following best describes a double-blind experimental procedure?

a. All subjects get the experimental procedure.

b. Half the subjects get the experimental procedure, half the placebo; which they receive is known only to the experimenter.

c. Half the subjects get the experimental procedure, half the placebo; which they receive is not known to subjects or experimenters.

d. All subjects get the control procedure.

11. A simple experiment has two groups of subjects called

a. the dependent group and the independent group.

b. the extraneous group and the independent group.

c. the before group and the after group.

d. the control group and the experimental group.

12. One of the limitations of the survey method is

a. observer bias.

b. that it sets up an artificial situation.

c. that replies may not be accurate.

d. the self-fulfilling prophecy.

13. To replicate an experiment means to

a. use control groups and experimental groups.

b. use statistics to determine the effect of chance.

c. control for the effects of extraneous variables.

d. repeat the experiment using either identical or improved research methods.

14. Information picked up by the body's receptor cells is termed

a. cognition

b. perception.

c. adaptation.

d. sensation.

15. The incoming flow of information from our sensory systems is referred to as

a. sensation.

b. perception.

c. adaptation.

d. cognition.

16. A researcher presents two lights of varying brightness to a subject who is asked to respond "same" or "different" by comparing their intensities. The researcher is seeking the

a. just noticeable difference.

b. absolute threshold.

c. subliminal threshold.

d. minimal threshold.

17. Film is to camera as __________ is to eye.

a. retina

b. iris

c. lens

d. pupil

18. Black and white vision with greatest sensitivity under low levels of illumination describes the function of

a. the cones.

b. the visual pigments.

c. the rods.

d. the phosphenes.

19. Unpleasant stimuli may raise the threshold for recognition. This phenomenon is called a. aversive stimulation.

b. absolute threshold.

c. perceptual defense.

d. unconscious guard.

20. When infants are placed in the middle of a visual cliff, they usually

a. remain still.

b. move to the shallow side of the apparatus.

c. move to the deep side of the apparatus.

d. approach their mothers when called, whether that requires moving to the shallow or deep side.

21.The fact that objects that are near each other tend to be grouped together is known as a. closure.

b. continuation.

c. similarity.

d. nearness.

22. An ability to "read" another person's mind is termed

a. clairvoyance.

b. telepathy.

c. precognition.

d. psychokinesis.

23. The fact that infants will often crawl off tables or beds shows that

a. depth perception is completely learned.

b. human depth perception emerges at about 4 months of age.

c. integration of depth perception with motor skills has not yet been accomplished.

d. depth perception is completely innate.

24. Sensations are organized into meaningful perceptions by

a. perceptual constancies.

b. localization of meaning.

c. perceptual grouping (Gestalt) principles.

d. sensory adaptation.

25. The analysis of information starting with features and building into a complete perception is known as

a. perceptual expectancy.

b. top-down processing.

c. bottom-up processing.

d. Gregory's phenomenon.

26. One recommended way for parents to handle problems of occasional bed wetting in children is to

a. limit the amount of water they drink in the evening.

b. punish them for "wet" nights.

c. wake them up during the night to use the toilet.

d. consider medication or psychotherapy.

27. Teachers, peers, and adults outside the home become important in shaping attitudes toward oneself in Erikson's stage of

a. trust versus mistrust.

b. initiative versus guilt.

c. industry versus inferiority.

d. integrity versus despair.

28. With aging there is a decline of __________ intelligence, but not of __________ intelligence. a. fluid; fixed

b. fixed; fluid

c. fluid; crystallized

d. crystallized; fluid

29. The single most important thing you might do for a dying person is to

a. avoid disturbing that person by not mentioning death.

b. allow that person to talk about death with you.

c. tell that person about the stages of dying.

d. keep your visits short and infrequent in order to avoid tiring that person.

30. The five-factor model of personality includes

a. social interactionism.

b. neuroticism.

c. agreeableness.

篇五:英语选修六Unit 16 Section Ⅲ 课时跟踪检测

Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop


1.The film caused him to think of what he had seen in the world.

The film what he had seen in the world.

答案:reminded him of

2.The day started to go wrong as soon as I left home.

The day started to go wrong I left home.

答案:the instant

3.They didn't go there on foot; instead they went there by bike .

They went there by bike 答案:instead of walking

4.The more you do exercise, the better your health will be.

The less you do exercise, your health will be.

答案:the worse


1.Mr.Smith who is ________ of the ________ speech started to read a novel.

A.tired; boring

C.tired; bored B.tiring; bored D.tiring; boring

解析:选A。be tired of sth.“厌倦某事”;boring“令人厌倦的”;bored “感到厌倦的”。句意:史密斯先生厌倦了演讲,开始读小说。

2.________ anxious and ________ relaxed the learners, ________ their language learning.

A.The less; much; the better

C.The more; less; the worse B.Less; more; better D.More; less; worse

解析:选C。考查句子结构及逻辑关系。由“the more ...the more ...”句型排除B、D两项;A项的第二空没有使用比较级,也应排除,只有C项符合语境“学习者越紧张又不放松,他们学习语言就越糟糕”。

3.I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice ________ I picked up the phone.


B.now that D.before C.the instant

解析:选C。句意:我对他是那样的熟悉,我一拿起电话就听出了他的声音。“I picked up the phone”是时间状语从句, 主句紧接着这个从句发生而发生,故用the instant 引导。while “当??时候”,要与延续性动词连用;now that “既然”;before “在??之前”。

4.I kept trying to________Jim's attention by speaking aloud.


C.devote B.pay D.attract

解析:选D。attract one's attention“吸引某人的注意力”,为固定结构。

5.The shy girl felt ________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher's questions.


C.tense B.curious D.amused


6.As we all know, Americans are often ________ with chopsticks.


C.aware B.awful D.automatic

解析:选A。awkward在此句中表示“动作难看的,笨拙的”。awful 表示“恶劣的,令人敬畏的”;aware 表示“意识到的”; automatic 表示“自动的”,都与句意不符。

Ⅲ.阅读理解 安徽、河南专用

Ma Sanli, a late crosstalk master, still inspires (激励) different generations. His works are considered classics to other crosstalk performers.

Ma Sanli was born in Beijing in 1914.Before 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, Ma Sanli gave performances at markets, shopping centers and theaters in Beijing and Tianjin. His name spread quickly because of his unique style. Later, he joined the Tianjin Opera Troupe in 1953.

In 1994, he was appointed a special researcher at the China Academy of Arts. Ma Sanli created more than 200 traditional crosstalk performances.

Ma Sanli's performances are full of the feelings of ordinary people. In both his crosstalk and solo (单口的) comic performances, his performing style uses mild but popular local language. Although he displays a style of cool-headed humour, he is very warm-hearted.He enjoys the reputation(名誉) of being an artist of the ordinary people.

The crosstalk artist was particularly good at solo comic dialogues. They are unique in that they always have a social meaning.

Nearly all solo comic dialogues performed by Ma Sanli underline profound meanings through small stories.

On December 8th,2001, Ma Sanli held his farewell performance in Tianjin. It attracted more than 4500 fans from all parts of China. At that time, he was 88 and had performed crosstalk for 80 years. When he entered the stadium, there was thundering applause.

The audience jumped to its feet to pay its respect and appreciation to the crosstalk performer. Ma Sanli waved back.

After the performance, the headquarters of Shanghai Guinness presented a certificate to him for being devoted the longest to crosstalk.

In addition to being an excellent crosstalker himself, Ma Sanli also trained lots of top-class crosstalkers in China. All are big names in China.

On February 11, 2003, this respectable crosstalk master passed away at the age of 90.It was a great loss to China.

But in his will, Ma Sanli wrote “I just want to leave smiles on people's faces.”

We will always remember this respected and beloved crosstalker, a true artist of the masses.


1.Before the year when New China was founded, Ma Sanli performed as ________.

A.a trade dealer

C.an unsuccessful painter B.a circus actor D.a folk artisan

解析:选D。细节查找题。folk artisan的意思是“民间艺人”,根据第二段内容可知。

2.Which detail is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A.Making up traditional crosstalk.

B.Bringing up a new generation of crosstalk.

C.A host of crosstalk programs on TV.

D.Putting on crosstalk performances.


3.From the passage we can infer that ________.

A.Ma Sanli was cool-hearted but loved to help others

B.no one else performed crosstalk for so many years except Ma Sanli

C.Ma Sanli was better at solo comic performances than crosstalk performances

D.the materials of Ma's solo comic dialogues came from affairs at home and abroad 解析:选B。综合判断题。根据第九段内容,即吉尼斯纪录上海总部颁发证书给马三立的情节可推断。

4.Ma Sanli's favourite title is ________.

A.a crosstalk master

B.a true artist of the masses

C.a special researcher

D.a traditional crosstalker

解析:选B。主旨归纳题。a true artist of the masses“一个真正的人民的艺术家”,根据第四段最后一个句子判断。 福建专用



When an emergency situation occurs, observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses.This phenomenon is referred to as the bystander effect.

The bystander effect is also called the Genovese effect, which is named after Catherine “Kitty” Genovese,a young woman who was cruelly murdered on March 13, 1964.Early in the morning, 28-year-old Genovese was returning home from work.As she approached her apartment entrance, she was attacked and stabbed (刺)by a man later identified as Winston Moseley.Despite Genovese's repeated cries for help, none of the people in the nearby apartment building who heard her cries called police for help.The attack first began at 3:20, but it was not until 3:50 that someone first contacted police.

Many psychologists were set thinking by the incident, as well as most Americans.As the conclusion, the bystander effect came out and later proved by a series of studies and experiments.

There are two major factors that contribute to the bystander effect.First, the presence of other people creates a division of responsibility.Because there are other observers, individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action, since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present.The second reason is the need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways.When other observers fail to react, individuals often take this as a signal that a response is not needed or not appropriate.

Other researchers have found that onlookers are less likely to take action if the situation is ambiguous.In the case of Kitty Genovese, many of the 38 witnesses reported that they believed that they were witnessing a “lovers' quarrel”, and did not realize that the young woman was actually being murdered.

5.The bystander effect is also called the Genovese effect because ________ a woman surnamed Genovese.

A.it somehow caused the murder of

B.its discovery resulted from the murder of

C.it was actually discovered by

D.it always makes people think of


6.Which could NOT be a possible reason for the neighbors NOT offering Genovese


A.They believed in the bystander effect.

B.They thought someone else might help her.

C.They didn't think they should help.

D.They didn't think she needed help.


7.Before deciding to offer help, observers may ________, according to the psychologists.

A.wait for a sort of signal

B.hesitate and estimate the risk of getting hurt

C.want to be sure it's appropriate to react

D.wonder if the victim is worth helping

解析:选C。细节理解题。从第四段可以看出,心理学家相信,旁观者在准备救助时会权衡利弊,第四段最后一句中的that a response is not needed or not appropriate 可以直接证明。

8.The article seems to suggest that, if there had been ________ observers, Genovese might not have been murdered.


B.fewer D.braver C.more


Ⅳ.选做题 任务型读写(安徽专用)

There are a number of languages spoken throughout the world.Every person knows at least one language, which he learns in his childhood and is routinely used for speaking and writing.However, many people are fond of learning two or more languages, so they try to be bilingual, which means that they try to have the knowledge of two or more languages.And being bilingual can bring a person a number of benefits in various aspects.For example:

A person can get cognitive (认知的) benefits from it.The bilingual people have two or more words for each idea and object.Therefore, a bilingual person can develop a creative thinking.The bilinguals are aware of which language should be spoken with which person in a particular situation.So they are more sensitive (敏感的) to the needs of the listener than the people who only use one language: Being bilingual also improves and enriches a person's mental development.

Being bilingual has a positive effect on a person's character.The bilinguals are able to
