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篇一:Take it easy的口语用法

Take it easy的口语用法

1. 用来提醒对方注意或小心,意为:注意;小心点! 如:Take it easy; the road is icy. 小心点,路上有冰。"Take it easy",said Jim to the other boys carrying the table down the stairs. 吉姆对抬桌子下楼的其 他男孩们说“小心点”。

2. 用来规劝对方要有耐心、不要操之过急,意为:别急;慢慢来。如:Take it easy; we’ve got plenty of time. 别急,我们有的是时间。Take it easy on John and don’t scold him too much. 对约翰不要操之过急,别过分责骂他。

3. 用来劝告对方保持平静,不要慌张,意为:别慌;别紧张。如:Take it easy when you are on the stage. 上台不要紧张。Just take it easy and tell us exactly what happened. 别慌,告诉我们到底发生了什么事!

4. 表示轻松舒服地过日子,不太劳累或太辛苦,意为:轻松轻松;休息休息;别太劳累;过悠闲舒服的生活。如:Your blood pressure is still not normal. You’ll have to take things easy for a while. 你的血压还不正常,一段时间内不能太劳累。I have an afternoon off today. I think I shall sit in the garden and take it easy. 我今天下午歇班,想到花园里坐坐,休息休息。Grandfather will retire from his job next year and take it easy. 祖父明年就要退休过悠闲的生活了。

5. 表示:松劲;懒散。如:We must not take it easy, though we have had good harvest several years running. 虽然连续几年丰收,可是我们决不能松劲。6. 用于告别,表示:再见;慢走;保重。如:注意:take it [things] easy 是习语,其中的easy 用作副词,注意不要用 easily 代替 easy。


Unit 2 Poems

一. 重点词汇

1. aspect n.方面;样子;外表

[例]1) You are looking at only one aspect of the problem你只看到问题的一个方面。

2) They considered the plan in all its aspects.他们考虑了计划的各个方面。

[练习] (1)You are right ___ in this aspect __(在这个方面).

(2)I am interested in___ all aspects of science_____(自然科学的各个方面).

2. convey v.传达;运送

[例]1) The workers are busy in conveying the supplies to the warehouse


2) I can't convey my feelings in words. 我的情感难以言表。

【考例分析】A good teacher must know how to __________his ideas.

A. convey B. display C. consult D. confront

[解析] Display显示,显露,consult 咨询,请教,confront处理,解决。[答案] A 翻译:有时我们很难清晰地表达自己的意愿。

Keys: Sometimes we found it hard to convey our own will.

3. concrete adj.具体的 n.混凝土;凝结物

[例]1) You need to offer concrete evidences to support your idea.


2) Concrete is very strong and is used in many modern buildings.


[练习] 1) 书和黑板都是具体的东西。

2) 城市中大多建筑物是用混凝土和钢筋建成的。

Keys: 1) Books and blackboards are concrete objects.

2) Most of the buildings in city are made of concrete and steel.

4. tease v.取笑;招惹;戏弄

[例]1) It’s not polite to tease the disabled.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。

2) Nobody likes to be teased about any shortcoming.没有人会喜欢被别人嘲笑自己的缺点。

[同义短语] laugh at /make fun of /play jokes on/play trick on

[练习] 1) 别招惹这只小狗,否则它会咬你的。 2) 戏弄别人是很不礼貌的。 Keys: 1)Don’t tease the dog, or it will bite you. 2)Teasing others is not good manners.

5. pattern n.模式;式样;图案

[例]1) A good tailor can make a dress without a pattern. 纸样

2) She is a pattern of all the classmates.她是所有同学的典范。

[练习] 1) 花图案在乡村是非常受欢迎的。

Keys: 1)The flower pattern is very popular in villages.

6. underline v.在下面画线;强调

[例]1) While reading the article, you should underline some sentences puzzling you. 阅读时,你应该将让你感到疑惑的句子划下来。

2) Pay attention to the underlined parts.注意划线的部分。

3) The teacher underlined the discipline the first day we went to school. 开学第一天,老师就给我们强调了纪律。

[练习] 1) 父母强调了当他们外出时,孩子应该注意的事情。

2) 秘书为老板划出了今天最急于解决的事务。

Keys: 1) The parents underlined some points that should be paid attention to for the child when they were absent.

2) The secretary underlined the most urgent affairs today for her boss.

7. exchange v.交换,交流 n.交换, 交流, 交易

[例]1) exchange Christmas gifts交换圣诞节礼物 2) exchange experience交流经验

3) exchange greetings互相问候 4) exchange seats with sb. 与某人调换一个座位

5) an exchange of views交换意见 6) exchange professor交流讲学教授

7) exchange student(两国间)交换的留学生

[重点用法] exchange sth. for sth.把…换成… exchange sth. with sb.和某人互换

[练习] 1) 我下周要出国旅游了,所以得去银行把人民币兑换成美金。

2) 这两个队伍公开交流意见。

Keys: 1) I am going to travel abroad, so I go to exchange some RMB for dollars in bank.

2)There is an open exchange of ideas between two teams.

8. sponsor n.赞助人;主办者 vt.发起,举办,倡议

[例]1) The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 这展览会是由文化学会主办的。

2) Have you found out the sponsor of our basketball match.你找到我们篮球比赛的赞助商了吗?

[练习] 1) 在主办方的帮助下,我们成功地举办了这次派对。

2) 志愿者发起了一项保护野生动物的活动。

Keys: 1) With the help of sponsor, we managed to hold a Party.

2) The volunteers sponsored an activity to protect wildlife.

二. 重点词组

1. take it easy从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松

[例] 1) There is enough time. Take it easy.别紧张,还有足够的时间。

2) I want to take it easy when I am on holiday.假期我想好好放松下。

[短语归纳] take things easy不紧张;轻松轻松从容不迫地进行工作 I'm easy. 我随便[好办]。

[练习] 1)慢慢走。路面都结冰了。

Keys: 1) Take it easy. The roads are icy.

2. make up of(多用于被动)构成

[例]1) The committee is made up of 12 members.这个委员会由12名成员构成。

2) Our class is made up of 45 students and 7 teachers.

[短语归纳] consist of 由……组成(不能用于被动)

This team should consist of 4-5 people

be made of用……材料制成(可见材料)

be made from用……材料制成(看不见材料) make…into..把…作成…

[练习] 1) 他很快地就把这些木材造出一条船.

He made the wood into a boat quickly.

2) 长城是由石头和砖头砌成的.

The Great Wall is made of stones and bricks.

3) 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。Substances consist of small particles called molecules.

3. try out 试验, 考验,

[例] 1) The government are trying out a new method to solve the economy crisis.

2) Let’s try out the new typewriter.

[短语归纳] try on试穿 carry out实施

[练习]1) 新政策上周已经实行 The new policy has been carried out since last week.

2) 在发射神州七号前,科学家们十分认真地对其进行了测试。

3) The scientists tried out the Shenzhou VII very carefully before it was sent to space.

4. let out发出, 泄露

[例]1) She let out a cry of surprise.她发出惊讶的声音。

2) She promised that she would not let out the plan to the press.


[短语归纳] leave out省去, 遗漏, 不考虑 bring out使显示, 出版, make out理解, 辨认出

[练习] 1) 毒气泄露并引发了极大的惊慌。

2) 老师再次强调同学们在听讲座时不能漏掉重点。

3) 这个笔迹有点模糊但我还是可以辨认出来。

Keys: 1) The poisonous gas let out and caused a great panic.

2) The teacher stressed again that the students should not leave out any important details when in the lecture.

3) The handwriting is a little vague but I can still make it out.

三 重点句子 有的诗歌以一种令读者印象深刻的方式讲述故事或描述事情。而有些诗歌是为了传递某些情感。 [解释] some…others…一些……而另一些…

[典例]In the summer camp, some members are from Africa. Others are from Asia. 夏令营活动中,有些营员来自非洲,有些来自亚洲。

[练习] 1)讨论过程中。有些人同意这个计划,有些人反对。

Keys: In the discussion, some people agreed with the plan, while others were against.


[解释]though strange是省略句,在句中充当让步状语。相当于though they were strange。


[例]1) Whenever in difficulty(=whenever you are in difficulty), don’t hesitate to ask me for help.

2) If necessary, I will leave for Guangzhou to help you.如果有必要,我回去广州帮你。

[练习] 1)他在困难中遇上了许多好心人。


Keys: 1)When in difficulty, he met many kind persons.

2) Though cheated many times, she is still easy to believe strangers.

篇三:Take it easy

1. Take it easy别着急。

2. Please bear with me while I tell you the story.请耐心等我把这个故事说完。

3. Don't get depressed when facing difficulty. Just take things as they come.


4. Rome wasn't built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。

5. I think it is necessary to look before you leap.我觉得你应该想好了再行动。

6. Don't get ahead of yourself.别做你力所不能及的事。

7. Don't jump the gun by making a statement about what caused the explosion before the investigation is completed.


8. Don't cross that bridge till you come to it.没到河边,先别操心怎么过桥。

9. All in good time. 别急,还有时间。

10. There's a time for everything. 事情要一件一件地做。

11. Control your emotions and everything will fall into place.


12. I want you to be on your guard and watch your step from now on.


13. Be prepared and leave nothing to chance.好好准备,别留任何纰漏。

1. Don't take it to heart.别往心里去!

2. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招!

3. That's something.太好了,太棒了。

4. I am behind you.我支持你!

5. I'm broke.我身无分文。

6. It's Greek to me.我完全不懂!

7. You can count on it.尽管放心。

8. It's a deal. 一言为定!

9. Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?

10. Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。

11. That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。

12. I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。

13. Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。

14. Give me a break! 饶了我吧!

15. Don't fall for it! 别上当!

16. You never know. 世事难料。

17. Come on, be reasonable. 别这样,讲讲理行吗?

18. It kills my eyes! 太好看了!

1. I'd like a hard sleeper from Beijing to Wuxi. 我要一张从北京到无锡的硬卧。

2. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 today.很抱歉今天的802号航班已经订满了。

3. Is it a direct flight? 它是直航吗?

4. I won't check this baggage. 这件行李我不托运。

5. She wants to book a round trip ticket. 她想订往返票。

6. Beware of the scalpers! You may get a fake ticket. 小心票贩子!你可能会买到假票。

7. I only got a ticket for standing room for a temporary train, but it's better than nothing.我只买到了一张临时列车的站票,但总比什么都没买到好。

8. The trip is about 40 hours. I have to take a long rest at home to recover from the fatigue.我要坐40个小时车,回家后我得休息好长时间才能缓过来。

9. Would you please put the luggage on the scales?你能把行李过一下秤吗?

1. What's your sign? 你是什么星座的?

2. I don't think astrology is blind faith. It holds water in many instances.


3. I'm not superstitious. The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate.


4. He's a typical Taurus.他是个典型的金牛座。

5. A Scorpio girl and a Pisces guy have the potential to become good friends.


6. A Sagittarius person is stereotyped as energetic, adventurous, and with a good sense of humor.射手座给人的一般印象是活力四射,爱冒险而又不失幽默感。

7.As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life.我是巨蟹座的,天生恋家,希望稳稳当当过日子。

8. It's too narrow-minded to judge people by using astrology. It's all steoreotypes. 用星座理论来判断人未免也太绝对化、片面化了吧。

9. Pisces is a Water element. It is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.双鱼座是水相星座。双鱼非常善于接纳、富有同情心、但缺乏自主性。

10. The fire element of Arise brings assertive "I" energy.


11. The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.


12. Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.


13. Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.


14. Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.


15. Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. It is one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.


16. Aquarius has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.


1. I felt awful yesterday, but today I feel as right as rain.


2. She was off work for a while, but now she's back on her feet.


3. If you want to climb three mountains in 24 hours, you have to be as fit as a fiddle. 如果你想在24小时内爬三座山,那你身体得特别好。

4. The old man is bursting with health那个老人极其健康。

5. She was in fine fettle when she came back from her trip to the States.


6. It's been a long drive but give me a cup of tea and I'll soon feel fresh as a daisy. 我开了很长时间的车,但是只要喝杯茶,我就立刻又精神抖擞了。

7. Bill is in the best of health. He eats well and exercises.


8. The doctor says I am the picture of good health.医生说我的身体状况非常好。

9. She was lively and active and in the pink of condition.


1. I'm too excited to go to sleep./I'm too excited to say one word.


2. I'm wild with joy. 我欣喜若狂。

3. I was excited like I won the jackpot.我就像中了头奖一样兴奋。

4. Nothing would please me more.没有比这更让我高兴的了。

5. I was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.


6. I'm in seventh heaven.我沉浸于极大的快乐之中。

7. I'm happy as a clam.我很快乐。

8. I'm as happy as I can be. 我感到快乐无比。

9. I'm walking on air.我高兴得要飘起来了。

10. I'm as happy as Larry./I'm as happy as a sand boy.我非常快乐。

11. I'm in a great mood today.我今天心情很好。

12. I lucked out today. / I'm in luck today.今天的运气真好。

13. I'm on top of the world.我太高兴了。

14. The two of them are in high spirits when they think about the future. 他们两个兴致勃勃地畅想未来。

15. He was over the moon at the good news.听到那个好消息他高兴极了。

篇四:Book 6 Unit 2

Guided Learning Plan Book 6 Unit 2 Poems Period 1. Warming-up, Pre-reading and Reading

学习目标:1. 了解不同的诗歌类型;

2. 读懂文章内容,知道文章细节;

3. 运用关键词概括文章大意。 A.自主探究

Step 1. Warming up

I. Link column A with column B:

A B 1. 李白 a. 宋朝 2. 杜甫 b. 唐朝 3. 范仲淹 c. 唐朝 4. 孟浩然 d. 现代 5. 郭沫若 e. 唐朝 6. 拜伦 f. 美国 7. 雪莱 g. 英国 8. 爱默生 h. 英国 9. 歌德 i. 德国 II. Why do people write poems?

Can you remember any poems you read in school, either in Chinese or in English?

Step 2. Reading

一、 一轮阅读做题目

1. This text is written mainly to ________.

A. introduce to us the history of some English poems. B. introduce to us the reasons why people write poems.

C. introduce to us briefly a few simple forms of English poems. D. tell us how to understand some English poems.

二、二轮阅读找难点 I. 重点单词和短语

1._______________vt 传达;运送 无穷的;无止境的 3._______________adj引起矛盾的;反驳的 最后;终于 5.____________________n 砖石;菱形 灵活的;可弯曲的 7. ____________________adj.具体的

转化; 改造

9.____________________vt取笑;招惹;戏弄 翻译;译文 11._______________n最低限度最少量;最小数 悲伤;悲痛 13._________________ 别紧张;从容 ________ 尤其;特别 15._____________________ 表达某种感情 有意义;讲得通 17._____________________用完 组成;编造;化妆 19._____________________很受欢迎 逐日,日渐;一天天

II. 重点句式

want to write poems of their own.


I. Choose the best answers:

1. All the following make small children like nursery rhymes EXCEPT . A. rhyming

B. strong rhythm

C. much meaning

D. a lot of repetition

2. Children who learn and recite nursery rhymes can easily . A. form the ability of writing poems C. make progress in studies

B. learn about their language D. produce love to their parents

3. Which of the following are English speakers interested in copying? A. Chinese and Japanese poems C. Japanese and American poems

B. Chinese and French poems D. Japanese and Russian poems

4. What kinds of poems can be written by the students themselves easily? A. List poems and cinquain. C. Haiku and nursery rhymes.

B. Tang poems and cinquain. D. Cinquain and nursery rhymes.


I. Retell the text by filling the blanks.

There are various reasons people write poetry. Some give the reader a strong impression. Others try to certain emotions. In the text, some simple forms of English poems are introduced. Such nursery rhymes, which may seem , but they are easy to learn and recite. List poems have a up of five lines. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables. English speakers also Tang poems into English. so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may want to write poems of their own.

II. 同义句替换(从课文中选出可以和下列句子表达相同意义的句子) 1. The reason why people write poetry is various.

2. We hadn't trained harder so we lost.

3. It is not so difficult as you imagined and of course it is good for you if you want to have a try.


诗歌的美体现在节奏和韵律上, 本文介绍了诗歌的韵律分类。

If you‘re going to write poetry, there are some things you should know about the mechanics(方法). Poetry is a creative process of expression but knowing the mechanics will make sure you can convey your message properly. There is more that can be covered in one article but here is a start on the basics.

Now, as for the rhythm itself, what is it and how is it recognized and achieved? Remember it is the emphasizing that makes the rhythm. The syllables, themselves, are then grouped into two or three unites called ??feet‘‘. Rhythm, deemphasized syllables which make up feet. Each line or verse of a poem is made up of one or more feet.

You can break this down even further by covering the different types of feet. For example, an iamb(抑扬格) is when there are two syllables each with the second syllable emphasized. A trochee(长短格) is when there are two syllables and the first syllable is always emphasized.

Dactyls(扬抑抑格) are feet composed of three syllables and the first syllable is emphasized. Anapests(抑抑扬格) are when there are three syllables and the third is emphasized. The way the syllables and feet emphasized is what creates the rhythm of the poem.

So you need to learn to be able to recognize iambs, trochees, spondees, dactyls and more when you read a poem or even in the poems that you write yourself.

Guided Learning Plan Book 6 Unit 2 Poems

Period 2. Learning about language


1. Grasp the important words, phrases and sentence structures in this period. 2. Be able to use them flexibly in real life by self-directed study and cooperation.

篇五:Book6 Unit2导学案

Book 6 Unit 2 Poems

Period one



1. convey v.传达;运送


1) The workers are busy in conveying the supplies to the warehouse


2) I can't convey my feelings in words. 我的情感难以言表。

3) The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.



A good teacher must know how to __________his ideas.

A. convey B. display C. consult D. confront

[解析] 本句译为:一个好的教师必须知道怎样传达他的思想。 convey传达(表达),转达,

Display显示,显露,consult 咨询,请教,confront处理,解决。

[答案] A

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal. 2) Sometimes we found it hard to convey our own will.

2. tease v.取笑;招惹;戏弄


1) It’s not polite to tease the disabled.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。

2) Nobody likes to be teased about any shortcoming.没有人会喜欢被别人嘲笑自己的缺点。


laugh at /make fun of /play jokes on/play trick on

[练习] 汉译英

1) 别招惹这只小狗,否则它会对你不客气。


2) 戏弄别人是很不礼貌的。


Keys: 1)Don’t tease the dog, or it will attack back to you. 2)Teasing others is not good manners.

3.pattern n.模式;式样;图案


1) A good tailor can make a dress without a pattern. 好的裁缝不用纸样就能做衣服。

2) She is a pattern of all the classmates.她是所有同学的典范。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 花图案在乡村是非常受欢迎的。


2) 她已经习惯了家庭生活的新方式。


Keys: 1)The flower pattern is very popular in villages. 2) She has got used to the new patterns of family life.

4.exchange v.交换,交流 n.交换, 交流, 交易


1) exchange Christmas gifts交换圣诞节礼物

2) exchange experience交流经验

3) exchange greetings互相问候


exchange sth. for sth.把…换成…

exchange sth. with sb.和某人互换

[练习] 汉译英

1) 我下周要出国旅游了,所以得去银行把人民币兑换成美金。


2) 这两个队伍公开交流意见。


Keys: 1) I am going to travel abroad, so I go to exchange some RMB for dollars in bank. 2)There is an open exchange of ideas between two teams.

二 重点词组

1. take it easy从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松


1) There is enough time. Take it easy.别紧张,还有足够的时间。

2) I want to take it easy when I am on holiday.假期我想好好放松下。


take things easy不紧张;轻松轻松从容不迫地进行工作

I'm easy. 我随便[好办]。

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) Take it easy. The roads are icy. 2) My grandfather will retire next year and can take things easy.

take things easy

2. make up of(多用于被动)构成


1) The committee is made up of 12 members.这个委员会由12名成员构成。

2) Our class is made up of 45 students and 7 teachers.我们班是由45名学生和7位老师构成的。


consist of 由……组成(不能用于被动)

be made of用……材料制成(可见材料)

be made from用……材料制成(看不见材料)


[练习] 汉译英

1) 他很快地就把这些木材造出一条船.


2) 长城是由石头和砖头砌成的.


Keys: 1) He made the wood into a boat quickly. 2) The Great Wall is made of stones and bricks.

3. try out 试验, 考验,


1) The government are trying out a new method to solve the economy crisis.

2) Let’s try out the new typewriter.


try on试穿

carry out实施

[练习] 汉译英

1) 新政策上周已经实行。


2) 在发射神州七号前,科学家们十分认真地对其进行了测试。


Keys: 1) The new policy has been carried out since last week. 2) The

scientists tried out the Shenzhou VII very carefully before it was sent to space.

4. let out发出, 泄露


1) She let out a cry of surprise.她发出惊讶的声音。

2) She promised that she would not let out the plan to the press.她答应不会向新闻方面泄露这个计划。


leave out省去, 遗漏, 不考虑

bring out使显示, 出版,

make out理解, 辨认出

[练习] 汉译英

1) 毒气泄露并引发了极大的惊慌。


2) 老师再次强调同学们在听讲座时不能漏掉重点。


3) 这个笔迹有点模糊但我还是可以辨认出来。


Keys: 1) The poisonous gas let out and caused a great panic. 2) The teacher stressed again that the students should not leave out any important details when in the lecture. 3) The handwriting is a little vague but I can still make it out.

Book 6 Unit 2 Poems Period two




There are various reasons people write poetry. Some (诗歌)give the reader a strong impression. Others try to (传达)certain emotions. In this text, some simple forms of English poems are introduced. Such nursery rhymes, which may seem (concretely), but they are easy to learn and recite. List poems have a (灵活的) line length and repeated phrases. Students can also write the cinquanin, a poem (make) up of five lines. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables. English speakers also (翻译) Tang poems into English. so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may (eventual) want to write poems of their own.

key:1. why 2.poems 3.convey 4.as 5.concrete

6.flexible 7.made 8.translate 9.With 10. eventually


1.【原句】By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言。

[模仿要点] 句子结构: by doing (作状语),+ 主句



key: By practicing a lot, you can improve your English pronunciation.



key: By making joint efforts, we can enjoy a warm relationship between
