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篇一:Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 27th

The Mid-Autumn Festival

mid-autumn festival

A bright moon hung in the sky made a splendid night! Just as the poem said,”My heart grows fonder of faraway loved ones on lonely festive days .”I missed my family more tonight, a night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Unlike many of my friends, I come from Countryside, a place that is less prosperous but full of human kindness.

According to the traditional custom, my family will get together and have a reunion dinner. The round moon stands for “Tuanyuan” in Chinese, for the Chinese character”Yuan” means circle; that is reunion. Children can enjoy themselves playing fireworks. Kongming lanterns, written with wishes and hopes on the cover, are usually flied in the sky. It seems there are many fake moon floating in the dark night. The most important thing during the day is to worship the moon when we can eat escargot, crackers, grapefruit, and, of course, moon cakes, the essential traditional food. Although the moon cake is speculated now and gradually loses its original meaning, it can not replaced especially in countryside. People here do not care how expensive moon cakes are, how luxurious the packages are but how delicious they really are. When I was a kid, I like moon cake with a yolk. It there are double yolks, it can not be more preferable. when I grow elder, I started to enjoy five-jen moon cakes, which were regarded as the old’ favor. No dish suits all tastes. Just taste what you want. I used to prefer the bigger moon cakes for it can be shared, but now I favor small ones. One of the reason is that fewer and fewer friends I can share with. Another is that moon cakes are too greasy to digest. All will have fun appreciating the beautiful scenery regardless of adults or kids.

By comparison, the Mid-Autumn Festival in the city is deserted. No one really cares whether to have reunion dinner; no one cares whether to admire the moon; even no one cares whether to eat moon cakes. Sometimes I think, traditional festivals to some citizens is just a synonymous word of holiday. China should take measures to rebuild its original traditional image.

篇二:Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival 1. Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Chinese

Moon Festival

2. It takes place on the 15th day of the lunar August

3. The reason for celebrating the festival during that time is

that it is the time when the moon is at its fullest and


4. It is a time for families to be together, so people far from

home will gaze longingly at the moon and think about

their families.

5. The traditional food for mid-autumn festival is the moon

cake which is round and symbolizes reunion.

Legends of Mid-Autumn Festival

I. Chang'e Flying to the Moon

It is said that long ago there used to be 10 suns in the sky.

Each day, one of the suns would travel around the sky on a carriage driven by Xihe, the mother of the suns.

One day, unexpectedly, all 10 suns appeared at the same

time in the sky, which dried the crops and caused disaster to the

people on earth.

Hou Yi, a local archer, had great sympathy for people's

sufferings from the worse weather and decided to help them out. Houyi climbed up to the summit of Kunlun Mountains and shot down the suns leaving only one to serve people. After he shot down the sun, Hou Yi became a hero who was respected by local people.

Later, Hou Yi married a beautiful girl—Chang'e. The young couple lived a happy and sweet life.

Hou Yi was so famous for his perfect archery skills that he had a lot of apprentices, including the unrighteous Peng Meng. One day when Hou Yi was on the way to visit his friend, the

Queen Mother of the West gave him a elixir of immortality as a reward for his heroic undertaking. Hou Yi gave the elixir to Chang'e for safekeeping and she took it as a treasure and hid it in her jewelry box.

Unfortunately, Peng Meng found this secret and made a

plan to steal it. Several days later, when Hou Yi and other

apprentices went out for hunting, Peng pretended to fall ill and stayed at home. After they left, Peng forced Chang'e to give him the elixir. Chang'e swallowed the elixir herself, and immediately she felt herself floating up and flied to the sky. With deep love

to her husband, Chang'e chose to be an immortal on the moon, closest to the earth; then she could see her husband every day.

In late afternoon, Hou Yi came back and was told what had happened. Heart-stricken, Hou Yi went to the back garden and called his wife's name. Surprisingly, he found that the moon was extremely clean and bright that night; and that there was a

moving figure like Chang'e in the moon. Hou Yi then asked servants to set a table in his back garden and with his wife's

favorite snacks and fruits on it. In a short time, more and more people heard about the news that Chang'e had become an

immortal, and they also put tables under the moon to pray to Chang'e for good fortune and safety. From then on, the custom of worshipping the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival began to spread in China.

II. Jade Rabbit Making Heavenly Medicine

This legend is considered to be an extension of Chang'e

Flying to the Moon. It tells about three sages who transformed themselves into pitiful old men. One day they met a fox, a

monkey and a rabbit, and they begged for food. The fox and the monkey shared their food with the old men; but the rabbit, with nothing to share, jumped into a blazing fire to offer his own

flesh instead. The sages were so touched by the rabbit's kindness that they sent it to live in the Moon Palace, where it became the Jade Rabbit. Chang'e, who lived alone after arriving in the moon, liked the Jade Rabbit at the first sight, and therefore kept it

company. As the time went by, Chang'e and Jade Rabbit became inseparable friends. Hearing about the story of Chang'e and Hou Yi, the Jade Rabbit felt sympathetic to them and decided to make a special heavenly medicine, which could help Chang'e return to Earth. Unfortunately, the Jade Rabbit has still not been able to make it even though he has worked hard for thousands of years. Observing the moon on the Mid-Autumn Day carefully, we can still see the Jade Rabbit making his heavenly medicine. III. Wu Gang Chopping the Cherry Bay

There is also another story about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many years ago, Wu Gang, an immortal in Heaven, was

punished to chop down the cherry bay in the moon for his

serious mistakes. The cherry bay in the moon was extremely

luxuriant and sturdy with a height of 5167 meters. It would also heal up as soon as it was chopped, which made Wu Gang's work last for thousands of years.

The mid-autumn festival has many traditions and activities in which people express how much their families mean to them, and how much they miss absent members.

篇三:1A Unit6 Mid-Autumn Festival

Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival

兴趣是最好的老师,对年龄较小的一年级学生来说更是如此。在本课教案的设计过程中老师始终注意激发学生学习英语的兴趣,保持他们的注意力,顺利地完成新句型的学习。在引入主题时,老师出示一幅中秋节一家人赏月吃月饼的图画,自然地进入本课所要学习的内容,也激发起学生的学习兴趣,他们想听听图中的人物会说什么。在学习句型时,老师拿出了一盒月饼,配合“中秋节”的主题,让大家兴致勃勃地参与学习。这时哪怕是平时不太喜欢吃月饼的学生看着这盒月饼,也会很快地学“I like to eat mooncakes.”。操练句型时,老师采用变换语调、传话等方法,让学生保持较高的学习积极性,同时也提高了课堂操练的密度。在语言输出阶段,老师设计了“调查活动”,让学生用所学的句型对班级同学喜欢吃什么进行调查。这样既将学生们带入一个真实的语言环境中,又给他们用英语进行交际创造了一个实践空间。安排回家作业目的是保持了学生继续学习的兴趣,为他们创造交流的机会,这样学生既操练了课堂所学的内容,又激发了他们的求知欲。

篇四:Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节介绍

About Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

August the 15th according to the lunar calendar (农历) is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival in China (In 2011, the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on Wednesday, September 12th). The

festival is the second most important festival to the Spring Festival to Chinese people. Every year, when the festival comes, people go home from every corner of the world to meet their family and have dinner with them.

Why is the Mid-Autumn Festival so important? It is related to the moon and Chinese people like the moon very much. In Chinese culture, the full moon is a symbol (象征) of peace and prosperity (繁荣) for the whole family. Its roundness symbolizes(象征) wholeness and togetherness. In the middle of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar the moon is full, and eight is also a popular number in Chinese culture, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. So people believe this day is very propitious(吉利的).

Celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of 2000 years. During these 2000 years lots of

Mid-Autumn traditions have been thought up by Chinese people. All the celebrations show the happiness and excitement of people.

The main celebrations during the Mid-Autumn Festival are appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes together and making Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival lanterns. These three

celebrations have been passed from generation to generation. Chinese people may think the Mid-Autumn Festival is not coming if they don’t do these three things.

In some places in China people celebrate the festival in different ways. In Chaozhou,

Guangdong Province, people eat taro (芋头) to celebrate the festival, because the taro harvest occurs at the same time as the festival. They eat taro and hope the harvest is good in the next year. In Nanjing, people cook duck with sweet-scented(芳香的) osmanthus (桂花), because Nanjing people think sweet-scented osmanthus is a symbol of peace. In some places people make fires inside a towers to celebrate the festival, because they think the fire is a symbol of good business.

About mooncakes

Mooncakes are the must-eat food for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Which kind of mooncake do you prefer?

Cantonese-style mooncakes

Cantonese-style mooncakes originate (起源于) from South China's Guangdong Province. The ingredients (原料) used in the fillings are various, which reflects (反应) the Guangdong people's adventurous nature(冒险的本性) in eating. The most used ingredients include lotus seed paste (莲蓉), ham, chicken, duck, roast pork, mushrooms, and egg yolks (蛋黄). Cantonese-style mooncakes taste sweet.

Suzhou-style mooncakes

Suzhou-style mooncakes are also called Su-style mooncakes for short. Su-style mooncakes appeared more than a thousand years ago. They are well known throughout China for their layers (层)of flaky dough(酥面团) and lots of sugar and lard(猪油). There are both sweet and savory (美味的)tastes among Suzhou-style mooncakes.

Answer the following questions to form a passage about Mid-autumn Day.

1. When do we celebrate Mid-autumn Day?

2. How do we celebrate it?

3. Why do we celebrate it?

4. What’s the tradition (传统) in your family for this festival?
