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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:15:01 字数作文

篇一:小学生优秀作文 My summer holiday

My summer holiday

I had a busy and happy summer holiday.

During the holiday, I kept on learning English at home. And I went to the park with my friends. Sometimes I went to visit my grandparents. I helped my grandmother do housework. and I played chess with my grandfather. I enjoyed watching TV and chanting with them. My parents and I took a trip to Long lung water park. There are many tourists and we had to wait in a long line. But I still had a good time there. Utill now I still think of the thrilling and exciting games. I wish I could try again. Besides my mother and I went to the countryside for a few days. I love the beautiful scenery there. I enjoy spending time with my family as well as seeing different sceneries.

This is my summer holiday. I am happy. I wish that the holiday could be a little longer.




篇二:The summer holiday (plan)英语作文 暑假计划

The summer holiday is coming. It is a great time to do something interesting.

In my class,

talking there are it. many Some classmates about

students are going to travel with their parents. Some are going to play ball game with their friends.

As for me, I want to read some books when the beginning of the holiday. I’ll go to the nearly library to borrow some interesting books like the Necklace of raindrops and the Lolita. In fact ,here are lots of surprise waiting for you. Of course,if you want to miss it. What fling time in the library!

I think it will be a perfect holiday.

篇三:小学英语作文my summer holiday

Summer Holiday

Our summer holiday is coming. How exciting! It will last for two months. What shall I do in my summer holiday? Let me tell you.

In the morning, I get up at 7:00, and read some books in the yard. Then I have breakfast with my family. After breakfast, I help my father with the farm work. I look after the cow when it eats grass in the fields. It’s very hot, but I’m happy.

In the afternoon, I do my homework at home. Sometimes I help my mother cook supper. After supper, I watch TV. I like to watch cartoons. It’s very interesting.

I go to bed early, because I’ll get up early the next day.


云 记


私 家 冬 日 出 版 社






学校里,静静的,大家好像因雪而陶醉在这个万般美好的白色世界。雪顽皮地落在了松树枝头,在树下,如果能和好友坐一会儿,紧紧地靠在一起,谈古论今。树伞外是一片迷蒙; 而树伞下是尽情挥洒的畅谈,推心置腹的交







和你在一起,我感到了光明,那是你黑夜中为我点的灯;我 感到了方向,那是你迷茫时为我指的路;我感到了温暖,那是你 从太阳中向我走来。


记忆中,一个胖乎乎的小女孩刚刚学会走路,时不时地摔跤, “宝贝儿,没摔着吧,来来,抱抱,抱抱不哭哩!”第一个奔向我 的人是你,第一个擦去脸颊上泪水的人是你。那时我认定和你在 一起,就没有痛苦。

上学了,一对朝天辫一蹦一跳,第一次穿的校服,你用手洗了 一次又一次。背上新书包,我走入校门,你千叮咛万嘱咐,比我 要紧张。那时我确定,和你在一起,就没有压力。

转眼间,六年已经过去。“嘭”我摔门,把门反锁,“知道了, 知道了,我不要你管,我自己就行了!烦不烦人啊!?”当话重重 地喷出口时,你只是愣着,呆呆地为我收拾摔过的东西:“怎么不 要我管,我怎么会不管……”喃喃的话语,迷蒙的双眼。那时我觉 得,和你在一起,真得很烦!

蓦然回首,我忽然収现:随着时间的流逝,年龄的增长,我 忽略了母亲,更忽略了她对我深深的爱……含着泪花的眼睛,月光 下,我清楚而又模糊地看到了母亲的脸:干皱的皮肤,夹杂着银 丝的稀疏头収……那是由岁月作证,那是爱的证明!霎时,往事 再浮现,我瞬间领悟,和你在一起,我最幸福……

我要和你在一起,不要虚伪的言语和华丽的外衣,只要你的 一个眼神肯定,一个拥抱安定。妈妈,你是那下雨天为我撑的 伞,你是风雪天为我披的衣,你是……




假如自己是一个酒杯,像装满它时,你会倒一杯辛辣无色的茅台,还是火红甘甜的葡萄酒,或是根据自己的口味随意调配吗? 每个人都是一个杯。幼小的我们心灵一片纯洁,就像初始状态的杯。我们渐渐长大,脑袋中被灌输着各种各样的思想,自己也有了些小主意,就像不断向杯中斟酒,甚至斟满溢出。




(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:summer,holiday作文)

篇五:学生作文(My summer holiday plan)

(学生作文) My Summer Holiday Plan

I used to spend my vacations doing homework or watching TV at home. This summer holiday, however, I’ll plan to do something different. Taking part in the World Expo is probably the most important part in my summer holiday plan. Since there are so many interesting places to visit and hundreds of attractive things to see, maybe I’ll go there over ten times. I’m so interested in the world Expo because I can experience the sights, smells and tastes of different cultures and customs there. On the other hand, it can also take me to have a look in the future. I believe my summer holiday will be full of fun because of the 2010 world Expo.

Time flies, the summer holiday is coming again. When I thought about my summer holiday plan, excitement filled my heart. My plan is to be a volunteer of Shanghai world Expo. I will feel a sense of achievement to help others. “Volunteer” is just another word for “responsibility”. During the coming holiday, I will learn a lot from being a volunteer. Everyone should help others as “helping others” means “helping ourselves”. This is my summer holiday plan. What about yours?

Since the city is too noisy and the air here is not so fresh, I plan to go to the country during the coming summer holiday. I think July is the right time to go to the country. Life there is like the gardenia and it has an aura of magic. What I plan to do is just to looking at the golden field and the blue sky. I can relax myself and enjoy the wonderful scenery. After leaving all my sadness behind, I will feel happy and energetic.

This coming summer holiday will be unusual. Since it will start after the final exam, I will have a lot of things to do. But the most important thing I plan to do is to visit my grandma. I will visit her as soon as the summer holiday begins. Why is it so important? First, I haven’t seen her for months since I was busy with my studies. I promised to visit her during the summer holiday by phone. Second, I miss her so much. I used to live with her when I was a child. She loves me very much. Third, since my grandpa has been dead for years. She has to live a lonely life. I want to go there to keep her company.

My summer holiday plan seems very simple, but it is really important to me.

The wonderful summer holiday is coming soon. It’s a great time for me to relax and have fun. The thing I’d like to do most is to visit the Expo park. First of all, since I’m a Shanghainese, it’s my responsibility to support the World Expo. I think visiting the Expo park is such a good way that I can show my love and passion to this grand event. In addition, it also provides me with a chance to take a look at beautiful views around the world and experience the unique culture and customs from different countries. What an exciting trip it will be! I am looking forward to my colourful summer holiday which will surely create a sweet memory in my mind.
