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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 02:28:48 字数作文


Once upon a time, there lived a kind and beautiful girl named Cinderella. Cinderella had a wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. The wicked stepmother and stepsisters made Cinderella do all the hard work and they treated her cruelly.

Then one day, the prince at the palace sent invitations to attend a magnificent ball.

“mother, mother, the prince is holding a party, isn’t he?”

“he’s going to choose his bride at this ball. Can we go, please?”

“well, of course my beautiful daughters must attend, hahaha.”

“Cinderella, while we’re away at the ball, don’t be lazy. Finish up the cleaning, do you hear me?” “yes, mother. Have a good time.”

The stepmother and stepsisters gave Cinderella a lot of work to do. Then they got dresses in pretty clothes and left for the ball.


“Cinderella. Why are you crying?”

“what? who…who are you?”

“I’m from the heavens. Why are you crying so sadly?”

“oh, fairy godmother! Oh, boo-boo! I want to go to the ball like my sisters, boo-boo.”

“there is still time to go now.”

“bu…but I have to work. I have so much to do. Boo-boo.”

“work? Wait one moment.”

The fairy godmother waved her wand and the whole house was suddenly clean and tidy. “wow.”

The fairy godmother waved her wand once again and this time another miracle occurred. “oh, mu. Wow.”

“let’s see. All we need now is a dress for you.”

The fairy godmother magically dressed Cinderella in a beautiful gown.

“hmm, we’re almost ready.”

“be off to the ball now before it’s too late. But remember one thing. You must return home before twelve o’ clock tonight.”

“thank you, thank you so much, fairy godmother. Don’t worry. I’ll be home before twelve o’clock.” “the magic disappears at twelve. Don’t forget. Now, be off and have a wonderful time.”

“oh, she certainly is beautiful.”

“she is. And look at her beautiful dress.”

Everyone at the palace was taken in by Cinderella’s beauty when she stepped into the ballroom. Even her stepsisters did not recognize her.

“may I have this dance?”


Cinderella danced happily with the prince. They were enjoying themselves so much that neither the prince nor Cinderella realized that time was passing quickly. While she was dancing, Cinderella suddenly remembered her fairy godmothers words. The magic spell would end at twelve o’clock.

“I must go now. it’s so late.”

“no, wait, miss.”

Cinderella began to run out of the palace.

“oh, no.”

“please wait. Tell me your name. miss. Oh.”

篇二:壕剧组 灰姑娘的蓝长裙和水晶鞋都是真的!

What comes to mind when you think about the fairy tale story of Cinderella? Is it her glass slippers? That pumpkin carriage? For the style-obsessed, it’s that bibbidi-bobbidi-boo moment when she transforms from rags to riches: the memorably shimmery blue ballgown.


For Cinderella costume designer Sandy Powell, the dress was certainly on the forefront of her mind as well. The big challenge? How to put her own magical touches on an iconic gown that’s been represented on film for more than a century. 对于电影《灰姑娘》的服装设计师珊廸·鲍华来说,这件裙子必然也是她脑海中最先考虑的。她要如何施展自己的魔法还原这一个多世纪以来电影标志性的裙子?


When it came down to it, the British designer knew it would be key to focus on the scale of the gown. “It needed to be big, but it needed to look like it was made of air


— or nothing,” she said.


Once she scaled the dress to perfection, using a wire cage to keep the tent-like shape, she had to customize the perfect palette to give it an eye-popping color. And she incorporated multiple shades of blue for James’s big moment. “I wanted it to look like a moving watercolor,” Powell said, who sketched with greens, blues, lavenders and lilacs to give the gown its elegant effect.


One update that fans have noticed to Cinderella’s gown is the addition of beautiful butterfly detailing. “it would be good if it was something to do with nature and then it would be really nice if the butterflies actually come and land on her and make that the decoration,” Powell said.

粉丝注意到灰姑娘裙子的另一个升级,就是细节上增添的那些美丽的蝴蝶。“如果表现的非常自然是最好的,随后(我想到)如果蝴蝶飞来并停在她身上变成装饰真的会很美,” 鲍华说道。

The glass slippers are probably the most recognizable iconography to the story of Cinderella. “It’s got to absolutely light up on its own. At which point, the only place to go for crystal is Swarovski.” said Powell.

水晶鞋也许是《灰姑娘》故事里最易辨认的标志了。”它自身就必须光华闪耀。说道这一点,唯一能寻到(合适)水晶的地方就是施华洛世奇了。” 鲍华说道。

With Swarovski on board, the company was able to create crystal glass slippers that could be used in the film. In the movie the Fairy Godmother tells Ella that she’ll find the glass slippers really comfortable, but Lily James told us the truth. “(The glass slippers) were not comfortable, because they didn’t fit my foot, which is totally breaking the illusion. But the good thing is that they fit no foot, so it’s not just like they got the wrong Cinderella,” James laughed.



The glass slippers weren’t the only sparkle in the film. Swarovski provided all the crystals for the film, that can be seen on all the costumes and even in Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother’s hair. There are more than 10,000 crystals on Cinderella’s ball gown alone.



1. 灰姑娘的裙子是由18个裁缝花了550个小时赶制出来了的。共有9个备用版本,每一件都用了270码的布料,并配上1万颗施华洛世奇水晶,而这种蓝色是由12层深浅不一的面料叠加出来的。

2. 灰姑娘的婚纱叫了16个裁缝定做,花了1个月时间,里里外外共20层!

3. 水晶鞋共有8双,都由施华洛世奇订做,每一双高13厘米。莉莉在首映式穿的其中一双就镶了7000颗水晶。



















壕剧组: 灰姑娘的蓝长裙和水晶鞋都是真的!

What comes to mind when you think about the fairy tale story of Cinderella? Is it her glass slippers? That pumpkin carriage? For the style-obsessed, it’s that bibbidi-bobbidi-boo moment when she transforms from rags to riches: the memorably shimmery blue ballgown.


For Cinderella costume designer Sandy Powell, the dress was certainly on the forefront of her mind as well. The big challenge? How to put her own magical touches on an iconic gown that’s been represented on film for more than a century.



When it came down to it, the British designer knew it would be key to focus on the scale of the gown. “It needed to be big, but it needed to look like it was made of air — or nothing,” she said.


Once she scaled the dress to perfection, using a wire cage to keep the tent-like shape, she had to customize the perfect palette to give it an eye-popping color. And she incorporated multiple shades of blue for James’s big moment. “I wanted it to look like a moving watercolor,” Powell said, who sketched with greens, blues, lavenders and lilacs to give the gown its elegant effect.


One update that fans have noticed to Cinderella’s gown is the addition of beautiful butterfly detailing. “it would be good if it was something to do with nature and then it would be really nice if the butterflies actually come and land on her and make that the decoration,” Powell said.

粉丝注意到灰姑娘裙子的另一个升级,就是细节上增添的那些美丽的蝴蝶。“如果表现的非常自然是最好的,随后(我想到)如果蝴蝶飞来并停在她身上变成装饰真的会很美,” 鲍华说道。

The glass slippers are probably the most recognizable iconography to the story of Cinderella. “It’s got to absolutely light up on its own. At which point, the only place to go for crystal is Swarovski.” said Powell.

水晶鞋也许是《灰姑娘》故事里最易辨认的标志了。”它自身就必须光华闪耀。说道这一点,唯一能寻到(合适)水晶的地方就是施华洛世奇了。” 鲍华说道。

With Swarovski on board, the company was able to create crystal glass

slippers that could be used in the film. In the movie the Fairy Godmother tells Ella that she’ll find the glass slippers really comfortable, but Lily James told us the truth. “(The glass slippers) were not comfortable, because they didn’t fit my foot, which is totally breaking the illusion. But the good thing is that they fit no foot, so it’s not just like they got the wrong Cinderella,” James laughed. 有了施华洛世奇的赞助,该公司能做一双电影里能穿的水晶鞋。电影里,魔法教母告诉灰姑娘水晶鞋穿着很舒服,但是莉莉·詹姆斯告诉了我们真相。“(水晶鞋)一点都不舒服,因为它们不合脚,完全打碎我们的幻想嘛。但是好事就是——谁也穿不上它们,所以他们就不会找错灰姑娘了,”詹姆斯笑道。


The glass slippers weren’t the only sparkle in the film. Swarovski provided all the crystals for the film, that can be seen on all the costumes and even in Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother’s hair. There are more than 10,000 crystals on Cinderella’s ball gown alone.



1. 灰姑娘的裙子是由18个裁缝花了550个小时赶制出来了的。共有9个备用版本,每一件都用了270码的布料,并配上1万颗施华洛世奇水晶,而这种蓝色是由12层深浅不一的面料叠加出来的。

2. 灰姑娘的婚纱叫了16个裁缝定做,花了1个月时间,里里外外共20层!

3. 水晶鞋共有8双,都由施华洛世奇订做,每一双高13厘米。莉莉在首映式穿的其中一双就镶了7000颗水晶。




1、 了解故事内容,知道故事中人物关系。

2、 知道故事中人物的特点。后母的自私和灰姑娘的善良、自强。

3、 感悟做任何事都不能放弃,要做一个爱自己的人。 教学过程:

一、 师讲述故事。

二、 师提出问题,学生讨论交流回答。

1、 你们喜欢故事里面的哪个人物?不喜欢谁?为什么? 2、 如果你是辛黛瑞拉的后妈,你会不会阻止辛黛瑞拉去参加王子的


3、 我们看到后妈对灰姑娘不够好,可她对自己孩子却很好,其实她


4、 如果辛黛瑞拉因为后妈不愿意她参加舞会就放弃了机会,她可能


5、 是谁改变了辛黛瑞拉的命运?

6、 虽然后妈不爱她,但她仍然很努力追求自己希望得到的东西。如


7、 没有人可以阻止辛黛瑞拉参加王子的舞会,没有人可以阻止辛黛


三、 归纳总结。

四、 这个故事有什么不合理的地方?
