
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:47:36
为什么一个三角形中至少有2个锐角 如果三角形有一个外角是锐角,那么这个三角形为( ). 2011年6月的六级 百分制估分大概在55左右 能过不.不想再考了啊.听力前面选择12个 听写单词对4个 句1.5个 快速阅读 7个 填词阅读2个 精读5个 完型 14个 翻译2个 写作中上水平吧 2008年6月的英语六级,按照原始分百分制我得了55分,那最终成绩能过425吗? 我CET6考了445分,相当于百分制的多少分? 某100mL混合液中.硝酸硫酸物质量浓度分别是0.4,0.1,加入1.92g铜分加热充分反应所得Cu 2的物质的量浓度是? 谁有小学英语的小知识呀!越多越好! 小学英语教学的好方法 小学英语教学的方法? 请教小学英语有趣味性的导入方法 小学英语课堂导入的方法有哪些 一个三角形的内角中,至少有A一个锐角B两个锐角C一个钝角D一个直角 一个三角形的三个内角中,至少有( ) A一个锐角 B两个锐角 C一个钝角 D一个直角 1.It is one to one .What time will it be two mimutes later? 请问谁有小学英语趣味知识竞赛题可以提供给我的吗? 海底还有什么生命存在?请用英语列举 columbus was born in( )A、China B、America C、Italy 海洋为生命的存在提供了哪些有利条件? 海洋说生命是? 1.What word is usually pronouneed(发音) wrong ,euen by the best of scholars?2.Why is a river rich?3.What is the worst weather for rats and mice?4.What room can no one enter?5.What belongs to you and yet is used more by others than yourself?6.Whic 几道英语虚拟语气题目1.Without you,I ____ (know) him.2.But for your cooperation,we ____ (do) the work so well.3.But that she was afraid,she ____ (say) no. 几道英语虚拟语气的习题Calileo insist that the earth——round the sunA should moveB moveC movesD A or BThe idea is that the nation——an unmatched to explore the planet firstA sentB sendsC sendD must sendIt is imperative that you___ther 小学英语智力题*1Kelly was going to give a party,so she wanted to buy some cakes from the shop.She asked the shop assistant for half a dozen cakes.The shop assistant said,"Certainly!That's the same as six dozen."He gave the cakes to Kelly.Is th 在世界上,白鳍豚这种海洋生物还存在吗?到底还有几只阿?难道…都死了? 英语虚拟语气题57.如果时间能够倒流几十年,我真希望和你们一样成为这所名校的学生.(go back)57.If time could go back several decades,I would really like to be a student of this world-famous university just like you. 英语虚拟语气 If we ____(not win) that contract we tendered for last month,we ____(probably be) out of job now. 这道题怎么做如果知道请回答我一定给你好评. 几道考查虚拟语气的英语题1.you ___ten minutes ago,but you didn't.A.Come B.should come C.would have come D.should have come 2.I would go to the concert but I ___ no time .A.had B.had had C.have .D.have had 3.I wish my husband ___ as well as 轨道离太阳最近的行星是什么?有漂亮而复杂的光环的行星是什么?天空中最明亮的一颗星是什么?以古罗马神话中统治水晶宫的海王奈普吞得名的行星是那颗行星?古称荧惑星的行星是那颗行星 几道英语虚拟语气的改写题,..demand insist propose request suggest用上面的单词 将下面的语气改写为虚拟语气!1."The government must do something!"said the professor2."The site must be repaired -- this is very serious!"said U 八大行星中,天空中最明亮的一颗星? 1.The boy acted ____ he had never lived in Canada before.A.as though B.even if C.as D.since 2.The secretary suggested that they ____ the men in at once.A.had brought B.should have brought C.brought D.bring 3.I wish I ____ able to tell him all about i