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篇一:2014年七年级英语下Unit 12 What did you do last weekend测试题

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?


1. ---Does he often go to Beijing by plane?

---- Yes, he often f___________ to Beijing. He f_________ to Beijing yesterday.

2. The girl c__________ back from Shanghai yesterday, and now he is very t_______________.

3. There are many wild a___________________ in the f_________________.

4. These v_____________ v___________ our school yesterday. They said our school was very


5. The young woman h________________ two twin b__________ last week.

6. That old man feeds many_______________(小鸡) and _________________(绵羊) at home.

7. ---Did your family go to the _____ (海滩) last Sunday ? --- No, we __________(去了)the park.

8. My mother visited the _____ (自然的) History Museum and a ____________(语言) school

last month .

9. They are on ___________________(假期) in ____________________(加拿大).

10. He _________ up late(熬夜) last night, don’t ________ him up (弄醒).


1 ---Did he go ______ (camp) last summer vacation ? --- Yes, he _________(do) that every year. 2 There were so many ______ (mouse) and _________(butterfly) in that old room.

3 Tina ______ (sing) two Chinese __________(sing) at the party last night.

4 Li Lei _______ (leave) school two years ago and now he ________(be) a teacher.

5 I ___________ ( start) _________(learn) English five years ago .

6. Snakes _____________(not have) ears but they can feel things _____________(move).

7. I got out of the room and ___________(see) the boys ______________(play).

8. Last weekend_________(be) a good one, my parents _________(take) me to the park.

9. It is important for us _____________(do) that well.

10. That is a very ______________(use) lesson.

三、 根据汉语提示,用英语词组完成句子。(10分)

1. My teacher _____________________________(对---大声喊叫) me just now.

2. When he saw us, he ______________________________(跑开了).

3. My friend, Xiao Wang often______________________________(打羽毛球).

4. They_______________(走进)the room , but nobody was in.

5. ________________(在第一天夜里),I couldn’t sleep.

四、单项选择:(每小题1分, 共30分)

( ) 1 –Do you like playing ____badminton? ---No, I like playing _____ guitar.

A the;/ B the; the C a ; a D / ; the

( ) 2 Jim usually gets up at 6:30 ____ the morning on weekdays, but ___ Saturday morning he

gets up at 9:00.

A in ; on B in ; in C on ; in D on ; on

( ) 3 --_____you busy last weekend?

--Yes, I helped my mother clean the house and the garden.

A Were B Was C Did D Are

( ) 4 – What did they do last weekend? -- They _______in the park.

A went a boat B went to a boat C went boating D took boating

( ) 5 How many ____did you see on the farm?

A sheeps B sheep C cow D chicken

( ) 6 –Did you have a good weekend?---Yes ,it was good. But I was kind of ______.

A interested B happy C tired D excited

( ) 7 Mary _____very late last night .

A stayed up B sat down C woke up D put down

( ) 8 Mike _____ in the swimming pool yesterday.

A swimed B swimmed C swam D swims

( ) 9 There isn’t ________ in the restaurant .

A something delicious B anything delicious C everything expensive D nothing expensive

( ) 10 The movie was ______ but ______.

A interested ; scared B interested ; scary C interesting ; scared D interesting ; scary

( ) 11 Did you see the boy _____ soccer on the playground just now ?

A played B plays C playing D to play

( ) 12 My uncle went to Nanjing____.

A a week before B a week ago C before a week D ago a week

( ) 13 They _____ a tent and made a fire to keep them warm .

A put up B put on C put down D put off

( ) 14 _______ the second night , it rained hard .

A In B At C For D On

( ) 15 Don’t ______. He is too tired .

A wake him up B wake her up C wake up him D wake up her

( ) 16 Last weekend I didn’t ______ my aunt .

A visited B saw C visit D look

( ) 17 Jenny often ____ to school early , but this morning she ______ to school late .

A go ; went B went ; goes C goes ; went D goes ; goes

( ) 18 My father _____ to America last week .

A flew B flyed C flied D flies

( ) 19 Do you have ______ to say ?

A something important B important something

C important anything D anything important

( ) 20 --______? --- She played the piano .

A What does Betty do B What did Betty do

C What is Betty doing D Where was Betty

( ) 21—Who cleaned the room ?--- Li Lei ________.

A was B did C is D had

( ) 22Li Lei _____ the book ____ the library last week .

A gave ; back B gives ; back C gave ; back to D gives ; back to

( ) 23 The mouse ______ when I came in .

A ran away B in running C run away D runs away

( ) 24 Tony was very angry with his sister , so he _____ her .

A shouted B shouted to C shouted with D shouted at

( ) 25 How many languages can Sally ______ ?

A talk B say C speak D tell

( ) 26 Tom played _____ badminton with his friends yesterday afternoon.

A a B the C at D /

( ) 27 I often do my homework and read books _____ Saturday morning.

A on B in C at D by

( ) 28 How do you study ______ your test ?

A at B with C in D for

( ) 29 Could you tell me something about your ____ ?

A live habit B living habits C life habit D life habits

( ) 30 Linda ______ very late to learn Chinese last year .

A. stay up B. stayed up C. stays up D. staied up


was hot. ―Let’s go to the beach!‖ Dad said to Polly. Polly When they saw many people on the beach. Some people swam in the

Polly and Dad were 口渴的) after swimming. They drank some water and had a rest. Mom bought them some ice?cream. ―It is ! Thank you, Mom,‖ said Polly. Then beautiful shells (贝壳) on the beach. When it became dark, Polly ―Today is great!‖ said Polly.

( )1. A. dish B. food C. weather D. soup

( )2. A. sing B. draw C. dance D. swim

( )3. A. with B. to C. for D. of

( )4. A. got B. lived C. left D. started

( )5. A. or B. if C. and D. so

( )6. A. scared B. tired C. lucky D. special

( )7. A. terrible B. cheap C. delicious D. natural

( )8. A. picked B. bought C. grew D. killed

( )9. A. his B. their C. my D. her

( )10. A. bank B. restaurant C. library D. museum

六 阅读理解(10分)

Dear Grandma,

How are you?

Last Saturday I went to Long Bay with my parents. We got up at 6:00 a.m. We ate breakfast at 6:30 a.m. and after half an hour we left for Long Bay. My father is a good driver and he drove very fast. But I have to say, the trip was a bit long. When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay, it was already (已经) ten o’clock!

First we swam in the water for an hour. Then we played cricket (板球) for an hour. It was time to have lunch. We ate a big lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. My father went fishing. He didn’t get any fish, but it was very relaxing. Soon it was time to go home. My parents and I left Long Bay. We had a great day last Saturday. My parents and I will go to see you this weekend. I miss you very much.


( )1. When did Kate leave home?

A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At 6:30 a.m. C. At 7:00 a.m. D. At 7:30 a.m.

( )2. How did Kate go to Long Bay?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train. D. By plane.

( )3. How long did it take Kate to get to Long Bay?

A. Half an hour. B. An hour. C. Two hours. D. Three hours.

( )4. What did Kate’s father do in the afternoon?

A. He went swimming. B. He went fishing.

C. He played cricket. D. He enjoyed the sunshine.

( )5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Kate didn’t swim in the water. B. Kate’s father didn’t have lunch.

C. Kate’s mother was good at driving. D. Kate will see her grandma this weekend.


A) 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。

1. 街道如此吵闹以至于我没有听见你。

The street was ________ noisy ________ I didn’t hear you.

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:what,did,he,do)

2. 我们正在搭帐篷。

We are ________ ________ the tent.

3. 你们必须互相帮助才能完成这项工作。

You have to help ________ ________ to finish the work.

4. 不要把我弄醒,我想多睡一会儿。

Don’t ________ me ________. I want to sleep a lot.

5. 他们上周去野营了吗?

Did they ________ ________ last week?


6. They went to the supermarket yesterday afternoon. (改为否定句)

They ________ ________ to the supermarket yesterday afternoon.

7. It made them feel happy. (改为一般疑问句)

________ it ________ them feel happy?

8. Does your mother watch TV every evening? (用last night替换every evening改写句子) ________ your mother ________ TV last night?

9. Jim went to the movies with his cousin. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Jim go to the movies with?

10. He played the drums last Saturday. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ he play the drums?


前天是星期天,Sandra上午做作业、打扫屋子;中午因爸妈不在家,自己做了一大碗西 红柿面吃;下午去看了奶奶,并帮奶奶洗了衣服;晚上陪奶奶一起看电视。Sandra度过了忙 碌的一天,感到有点累。假如你是Sandra,请给你的好朋友Sally写一封信,告诉她你是如 何度过周日的。


Dear Sally,

How’s it going? I had a busy Sunday. ________________________________________________











篇二:Unit12 What did you do last weekend知识点、一般过去时解析,单元测试及答案

Unit12 What did you do last weekend?


1.beach 复数:beaches 2.sheep 复数:sheep

3.nature 形容词:natural 4.butterfly 复数:butterflies

5.visit 名词:visitor 6.mouse 复数:mice

7.baby 复数:babies 8.fly过去式:flew

9.sing 过去式:sang 10.swim 过去式:swam

11.surprise 形容词:surprised,surprising 12.wake过去式:woke

13.put 过去式:put 14.tell 过去式:told 15.leave 过去式:left


1.do my homework 做作业 2.go to the cinema 去看电影

3.go boating 去划船 4.by the lake 在湖边

5.go to the beach 去海滩 6.play badminton 打羽毛球

7.visit my grandma 看望我奶奶 8.study for the English test 为英语测验而


9.the Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆 10.kind of 有点儿

11.stay up 深夜不睡,熬夜 12.give back 归还

13.be afraid 害怕 14.play the guitar 弹吉他

15.go to the library 去图书馆 16.in a swimming pool 在游泳池里

17. shout at… 冲……大声叫嚷 18.high school 高中,中学

19.fly kites 放风筝、 20.go camping 去野营

21.put up 搭建 22.make a fire 生火

23.tell stories 讲故事 24.each other 互相

25.go to sleep 入睡 26.get a surprise 吃惊

27.shout to… 呼喊……喊叫…… 28.up and down 来来回回;上上下下

29.wake…up 把……弄醒 31.on Saturday morning 在星期六早

32.have a good weekend 周末过得愉快 33.the next morning 第二天早上

34.work as 以……身份而工作 35.run away 跑开 36.move into … 移


1. 表示―发生在过去的动作‖,要用一般过去时,句中常含表示―过去‖的时间。



练:(1) He _________ (go) to school on foot yesterday.

(2) – What did Jim do? -- He _________ (go) to the movies.

2. –你上个周末做了什么? (did引导,




/ last Sunday morning (前不用冠词


3. –Tina的周末怎么样? was Tina’s weekend?

--它很棒:It was great. It

was not bad. –它很糟糕:It was terrible.

4. 该是回家的时候了:

5. He spent half an hour _________ (play) computer games last night.






What about sb/sth?

如:你怎么样?7. 常用do, does, did, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t代替前文提到的动词。

(1) – Who cleaned the room? -- Mike ________.

A. was B. does C. is D. did

(2) I don’t think he is so great, but my mother _______.

(3) Peter visited his English teacher this morning, but Tony _______.

A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t

(4) I like Sports News very much. – _______.

A. I like, too B. I do, too C. I don’t like, either

D. I don’t, either

8. 去爬山:


去购物:go shopping

去看电影:go to the movies

去散步:go for a walk

散步:去图书馆: 去城市图书馆:go to the city library

9. 待在家里:


11. 举行派对:

12. 阅读:13. 去海滩:go to the beach (beach变复数+es)

14. 练习英语:practice English

15. 过了一个繁忙的某末:have a busy weekend (此处的have翻译为―度过‖)



= on)


18. 乘车去某地:




19. (1) last

(2) last 上一个;上个星期:

last month 去年:last year

20. (1) spend 度过; 如:

(2) spend 花费; 如:

21. (1) for


(2) for 为,给; 一般过去时态精讲

1. 用法: ①过去某个时间发生的动作 例: ②过去某个时间存在的状态 例: ③过去经常或反复发生的动作 例:

2. 与一般过去时连用的时间状语常见的有:

Yesterday, last night, in 1990, once, two days ago, the day before yesterday , the other day 几天前

4. 动词的过去式和过去分词 的规则变化

①一般在动词词尾加ed 例: want →wanted

②以e结尾的动词,只加d 例: live →lived

③以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为i,再加ed 例: study →studied


例: stop →stopped


am,is--was, are--were, do--did, see--saw, say-said, give-gave,

get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, fly-flew,

make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat


一. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子:

1. ---Does he often go to Beijing by plane? ---- Yes, he often f___________ to Beijing. He

f_________ to Beijing yesterday.

2. The girl c__________ back from Shanghai yesterday, and now he is very t_______________.

3. There are many wild a___________________ in the f_________________.

4. These v_____________ v___________ our school yesterday. They said our school was very


5. The young woman h________________ two twin b__________ last week.

6. That old man feeds many_______________(小鸡) and _________________(绵羊) at home.

7. ---Did your family go to the _____ (海滩) last Sunday ? --- No, we __________(去了)the park.

8. My mother visited the _____ (自然的) History Museum and a ____________(语言) school last month .

9. They are on ___________________(假期) in ____________________(加拿大).

10. He _________ up late(熬夜) last night, don’t ________ him up (弄醒).


( ) 1 –Do you like playing ____badminton? ---No, I like playing _____ guitar.

A the;/ B the; the C a ; a D / ; the

( ) 2 Jim usually gets up at 6:30 ____ the morning on weekdays, but ___ Saturday morning he gets up at 9:00.

A in ; on B in ; in C on ; in D on ; on

( ) 3 --_____you busy last weekend? --Yes, I helped my mother clean the house and the garden.

A Were B Was C Did D Are

( ) 4 – What did they do last weekend? -- They _______in the park.

A went a boat B went to a boat C went boating D took boating

( ) 5 How many ____did you see on the farm?

A sheeps B sheep C cow D chicken

( ) 6 –Did you have a good weekend?---Yes ,it was good. But I was kind of ______.

A interested B happy C tired D excited

( ) 7 Mary _____very late last night .

A stayed up B sat down C woke up D put down

( ) 8 Mike _____ in the swimming pool yesterday.

A swimed B swimmed C swam D swims

( ) 9 There isn’t ________ in the restaurant .

A something delicious B anything delicious C everything expensive D nothing expensive

( ) 10 The movie was ______ but ______.

A interested ; scared B interested ; scary C interesting ; scared D interesting ; scary

( ) 11 Did you see the boy _____ soccer on the playground just now ?

A played B plays C playing D to play

( ) 12 My uncle went to Nanjing____.

A a week before B a week ago C before a week D ago a week

( ) 13 They _____ a tent and made a fire to keep them warm .

A put up B put on C put down D put off

( ) 14 _______ the second night , it rained hard .

A In B At C For D On

( ) 15 Don’t ______. He is too tired .

A wake him up B wake her up C wake up him D wake up her

( ) 16 Last weekend I didn’t ______ my aunt .

A visited B saw C visit D look

( ) 17 Jenny often ____ to school early , but this morning she ______ to school late .

A go ; went B went ; goes C goes ; went D goes ; goes

( ) 18 My father _____ to America last week .

A flew B flyed C flied D flies

( ) 19 Do you have ______ to say ?

A something important B important something C important anything D anything important

( ) 20 --______? --- She played the piano .

篇三:2013-2014学年人教版七年级英语下册单元测评:Unit12 What did you do last weekend(含答案)

英语人教七年级下Unit12 What did you do last weekend


(分数:100分 时间:90分钟)

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分)


1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______


6.A.It was fantastic. B.It was small. C.I went to New York City.

7.A.She went to the beach. B.He stayed at home. C.It was really cool.

8.A.It was terrible. B.It was not bad. C.They were very friendly.

9.A.How do you go there?

B.Thank you.

C.Really?Did you visit the Great Wall?

10.A.Yes, I did. B.Yes, I do. C.No, I wasn't.


11.Did he do his homework last night?

A.No, he didn't. B.Yes, he does. C.Yes, he did.

12.How was Bob's vacation?

A.It was boring. B.It was pretty good. C.It was hot.

13.Where did she go?

A.She went to the mountains.

B.She went to the beach.

C.She went to summer camp.

14.How was the weather in New York City last week?

A.It was warm and humid. B.It was cold but sunny. C.It was hot.

15.Where is Jack's uncle?

A.He's in Guangdong. B.He's in Fujian. C.He's in Guangxi.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(80分)


16.______ did you do last weekend?

A.How B.Where C.What D.When

17.Did you have great fun ______ English from Mr.Green?

A.learn B.learning C.learns D.learned

18.The boy ______ when he was in the mountain by himself.

A.lost B.loses C.is lost D.was lost

19.—You look very tired.

—I ______ too late to watch the basketball game last night.

A.stayed up B.put up C.woke up D.called up

20.The soup is very ______; I'd like some more.

A.delicious B.awful C.well D.cheap

21.—Who cleaned the classroom?

—Bob ______.

A.does B.did C.cleaned D.was

22.—______ was your weekend?

—It ______ really relaxing.

A.How;was B.What;were C.What;was D.How;were

23.We all know that snakes have no ______.

A.eyes B.mouths C.teeth D.ears

24.I saw a cat ______ with a ball in the living room.

A.play B.played C.plays D.playing

25.The weather was terrible,and it ______ me ______ sad.

A.make;feel B.made;feel C.made;felt D.makes;feel


Last Sunday we had a great trip.My father, my mother and I to summer camp.We went to a mountain.First we to the foot of the mountain bus.In the middle of the mountain there was a , and we liked it very much.After 26.A.go B.goes C.went D.going

27.A.get B.got C.got to D.arrived

28.A.by B.on C.in D.took

29.A.on B.with C.for D.into

30.A.is B.was C.were D.are

31.A.ugly B.beautiful C.awful D.delicious

32.A.friendly B.friends C.busy D.tired

33.A.nice B.terrible C.bad D.worse

34.A.happy B.unhappy C.friendly D.unpleasant

35.A.cold B.hot C.fun D.sad


A Most American families like to have vacation in summer.Summer is a good season for vacation.It is often hot in July and August.

Children do not go to school in those two months.Some like to stay at home, read books, stay with their families or watch TV.Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or near a nice lake.Some people have enough time and money to travel(旅行)to other countries like France, Japan and Australia.They usually fly to these countries.Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries.Their favorite cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Not everyone likes to go to busy cities.Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).

36.According to the passage,______ is a good season for vacation.

A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

37.Some children like to stay at home during their vacation.They don't ______.

A.read books B.stay with their families

C.watch TV D.go to school

38.Many families like to have their lunch ______ during their vacation.

A.in the office B.near a cinema

C.near a big factory D.near a nice lake

39.If you have ______, you can travel to other countries.

A.money and friends B.friends and time

C.money and time D.food

40.Which of the following is “芝加哥” ?

A.Chicago. B.New York. C.Miami. D.Los Angeles.


41.Each of the three had a good time.

42.Maria went to see her classmate in Guilin.

43.It was warmer in Max's hometown(家乡)than in Moscow.

44.John was very glad that his dream of going to the beach came true.

45.Max speaks a little Russian.


Bob's weekend

Are you often free on weekends? Bob had a busy weekend last week.(1His grandmother lives in a beautiful village.There Bob went to the mountains with his cousin.After dinner,he went shopping at Haorizi Supermarket.In the evening,he saw an interesting comedy.On Sunday morning,Bob wanted to play soccer,but(2),so he had to stay at home.He wanted to play the guitar,but he couldn't find his guitar.So he did some reading and watched TV.In the afternoon,(3)他帮助妈妈做家务,然后和爸爸下象棋。In the evening,he studied for the coming math test,(4)



On Saturday morning,______ ______ he ______ with his parents?

47.改正(2)处的错误。 ________________________________________________________________________

48.将(3)处译成英语。 ________________________________________________________________________




What did Bob do on Sunday morning?




51.We went to the museum and saw many ______(自然的)things on show.

52.What did you do on the ______(海滩)?

53.The best time to fly ______(风筝)is in spring.

54.Don't ______(喊叫)in the hallways.

55.Many kinds of animals live in the ______(森林).


56.Jim closed the window ______(keep)the wind out.

57.Mr.King ______(stay)at home and did nothing.

58.Where did you go ______(camp)last weekend?

59.I was very ______(surprise)to hear the news.

60.There are many ______(sheep)on the farm.

Ⅷ.根据表格内容, 补全对话(5分)


A:How long were you there?


A:How was the weather there?


篇四:What does he do教学案例


Unit5 What does he do? 教学案例



三、教学目标 :


What does he/she do?


I want to be a?because?



Step 1. Warming up

T: Hello, everyone! I’m very happy to see you! Who’s on duty? Can you give us a duty report?

S: Hello, everyone! My name is? I’m 12 years old?.

Step 2. Leading-in

Teacher point self and say I’m a teacher, What do you do? Ss can answer I’m a student. Then PPT show the picture of our head teacher and the teacher ask

T: Who is he? What does he do?( and the teacher write title on the Bb “Unit 5 What does he do?”)

Ss : He is a head teacher.( the teacher write on the Bb)

T:Do you want to be a head teacher? (The teacher ask and write) Step 3. Presentation


What does he do?

He is a head teacher.

(带读句型,然后展示不同图片,教以下单词): What does he do? He is a head teacher.

Then show different pictures, teach new words: head teacher, cleaner, writer, police officer, postman, doctor, reporter, businessman.


Step 4. Practice

1.First read the new words together, every word twice. Then teacher show phonetic alphabet word cards,student read and put it into

Chinese,and then teacher ask “What does he/she do? Do you want to be a/an??”


Step . Task 1

Look at the picture(on TV), and match words with the pictures. Check the answers.

T: If your answers are all right, please raise your hands.


Step 6 Task 2

T: All of you did a good job. Now, please listen to Let’s try and circle .Play the recording twice.Check the answers.


Step 7. Task 3

T: What do your family do? Work in pairs, make your own conversations. You can use any words you know.

A: What does your father/mother/? do?

(=What is your father’s/ mother’s/?job?

=What is your father/mother/??)

B: He/She is a/an?. He/She?

Ask some pairs to demonstrate their conversations.


Step 8 Task 4

T: Well done! I’m a teacher, but I want to be a doctor.

Play the recording of Let’s talk . Ss listen and circle right answers.

(1) What does Oliver’s father do?

A .TV reporter B.Businessman

(2) Will Oliver’s mother be here today?

A.Yes,she will. B.No,she won’t .

3.Play the recording ,Ss listen and repeat. then read the dialogue in roles in group( According to the actual situation). At last act it in class.

Anna’s mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a police officer. How about Tony’s father and Susan’s brother?Now let’

s listen and number the pictures.

Then play the recording again, ask them to listen and fill in the chart. Check the answers.


Step 9 Task 5

T: Now talk about your family members. What do they want to be? The students groups, within the group according to their own actual situation to practice ask and answer.

