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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 05:23:37 初中作文




If I was given 3 wishes and all of the wishes would come true.

First of all, I wished that I could finish high school at once, because if people stayed in a same place for a long time, everything maybe would be boring for a person.

Besides, if I could finish high school at once or earlier, I would be able to save a lot of money and I also could use the money to do any other valuable things.

Secondly, I wished that I could go to the university, whatever which university was, because I wanted to find a job which I liked easier. In particularly, I could get a high salary every week form working.

Thirdly, I wished that I could be a businessman, because my parent both are bosses, they have their own company, this has impacted on me for a long time, since I was a child of 5years old. Also, as a businessman, I would be able to be a boss and I could control my company and I would feel freer than work for other people.

These were my 3 wishes.




If I was given 3 wishes and all of the wishes would come true.

First of all, I wished that I could finish high school at once, because if people stayed in a same place for a long time, everything maybe would be boring for a person.

Besides, if I could finish high school at once or earlier, I would be able to save a lot of money and I also could use the money to do any other valuable things.

Secondly, I wished that I could go to the university, whatever which university was, because I wanted to find a job which I liked easier. In particularly, I could get a high salary every week form working.

Thirdly, I wished that I could be a businessman, because my parent both are bosses, they have their own company, this has impacted on me for a long time, since I was a child of 5years old. Also, as a businessman, I would be able to be a boss and I could control my company and I would feel freer than work for other people.

These were my 3 wishes.




1、写给机构:Dear Sir or Madam, (06、07)

写给个人:(05)Dear Mr. Wang, (08)Dear Bob, (09)Dear Editors,

1、第一段:2句左右 1)自我介绍(私人书信除外):


I am a staff member from your company/corporation.

I am a staff member from Motorola(China)Electronics Ltd.

(2)学生:I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing University.


I am writing the letter for purpose of resigning from my current post/position.

I am writing to inform you that I wish to request if you could help me find a potential beneficiary of Project Hope.


1)主题句:1句 2)分论点一:1句

3)分论点二:1句 3、第三段:2句左右,改写提纲三


(1)My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.

(2)Words fail me when I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you.

(3)I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you render me.


(1)I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

(2)I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

(3)Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.


1)结尾客套:Yours sincerely,

2)签名:Li Ming

写作“三步走”: 自我介绍,说明求职目的—>展示个人能力、经历及求职动机—>希望面试机会、表示感


1、I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in?? 我想申请??招聘广告中的秘书一职。

2、I am writing in response to your advertisement in?of April 6.


3、The requirement outlined in your ad in?for a general manager assistant appear to mesh almost exactly with my own. 我本人的条件与你们刊登在??上的招聘广告中的所


4、I think I am the right person for the job you advertised. 相信我是你们招聘的职位的最佳人选。

5、The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include?我能胜任此职位的实力包括??

6、I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of? 我认为我是??工作的合格人选,所以我写信自荐。

7、Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.


8、Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to your reply.


9、I have enclosed my resume. 简历附上。

10、I can be reached by telephone? 可以通过??这个电话联系我。

11、If you need to know any more about me, please contact me at?



祝贺信是由于某种原因向收信人道贺的信件,一般包含三个部分:1. 点明要祝贺的事情,并向对方道贺;2. 详述祝贺的事情;3. 再次祝贺。 祝贺信除了向对方道贺以外,还可表达祝福、期望等。语言应热情洋溢,满怀喜悦。

写作“三步走”: 说明事由并表达自己忠心的祝贺(首段)—>展开事件评论,赞扬收信人(主体段落)—>再次表达良好祝愿(结尾段)



1.Heartfelt congratulations on? 真心祝贺??

2.Congratulations, all of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements!


3.I am so happy to hear that? 听到??我真的非常高兴。

4.I write to congratulate you upon? 我写信来祝贺你??

5.I offer you my warmest congratulations on your? 对于你的??我表示热烈的祝贺。

6.I wish you still further success! 预祝你取得更大的成功!

7.We look forward to bragging about you in the years ahead.我们希望在未来的岁月中能骄傲地谈起你。

8.Please accept our sincerest congratulations and very best wishes for all the good future.


9.Congratulations to you on being awarded the prize/getting the scholarship. 祝贺你荣获此奖项、获得奖学金。

10.May lasting happiness and joy be yours/with you forever.


11.I take pride in your achievements and would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my best wishes for your success. 对你取得的成就我深感自豪,我愿借此机会对你的成功表示由衷的祝贺。


1、I beg to apply for? 特此申请??

2、I would like to apply for admission to your college. 我想申请进入贵校。

3、I am very much interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree in the field of? 我对出国留学攻读??学位很感兴趣。

4、I shall be mush obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish.


5、I should be very much obliged if you could grant my application.如果能批准我的申请,我将万分感谢。

6、Thank you again for you time on this matter. 再次感谢您抽出时间处理这件事。

7、I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter. 多谢您在这件事上慷慨相助。

8、Please make the arrangement at your earliest convenience. 如果方便,请您尽快安排此事。

9、Thanks in advance for your prompt attention. 先行感谢您及时的关注。

10、Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to an early reply.





1、I am writing to invite you to? 我写信是为了邀请您??

2、I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in? 如果您参加??那就太好了。

3、I wonder if you can come? 我想知道您是否能来??

4、How would you like to join us in?? 您想不想来参加我们的???

5、Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to可以写信告诉我您能否来??吗?

6、My family and I would feel much honored if you could come. 如果您能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸。

7、I really hope you can make it. 我真心希望您能来。

8、We would be looking forward to your coming. 我们期待着您的到来。

9、I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.


10、We would be very glad to invite you as an expert to our university/college to? 很高兴邀请您作为专家到我们学校??

询问信是希望获取信息的信件,分为三个部分:1. 说明自己的计划或目的,也就是询问信息的原因;2. 征询具体信息;3. 期待回复并表示感谢。




为了让对方一目了然,也便于回答,在内容的安排上应该简明扼要,可以用数字列出具体问题,如first, second, third or 1、2、3。


1、I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerning? 如果能给我提供??方面的信息我将不胜感激。

2、I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding?


3、I wonder if you could tell me the information about? 我想知道您能否给我提供??的信息。

4、I am writing for the information about? 我写信是想知道关于??的信息。

5、I would like to know whether you could provide me with information regarding?


6、I wish to request materials for? 我想要关于??的资料。

7、Would you be so kind as to tell me? 您能告诉我???

8、I look forward to your immediate response. 期待您及时答复。

9、Your attention to this letter would be highly appreciated. 感谢您对此信的关注。

10、I am waiting for your quick reply. 望尽快回复。

写作“三步走”:指出写信人和被推荐人的关系,及推荐的原因→概述被荐人的品质、能力、性格等→.总结说明被推荐人值得被推荐(例如能胜任工作)。 注意:

推荐信要多写优点,充分肯定成绩,篇幅不宜过长,但也不能三言两语过于简单。 ◆常用句式:

1、It is with a great pleasure that I recommend to you? 很高兴向您推荐??

2、It affords me much pleasure to recommend ? to you. 很高兴向您推荐??

3、With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend ?

as an ideal candidate. 根据贵方的要求,我毫无保留地向您推荐??作为理


4、Therefore, without any hesitation I recommend ? as the right person for you consideration.


5、Therefore, I here recommend ? to you with all my heart. 因此,我在此衷心向您推荐??

6、Should you favor him with a position in your company, I am sure that his future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence. 如果您能给他在贵公司任职的机会,我保证他今后不会让您失望。

7、I believe his education and character undoubtedly qualify him to serve as an administrator in your company. 相信他的学识和人品一定会使他成为贵公司合格的管理人员。

8、I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation and kindly offer him/her?


9、I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possibly moment. 希望尽早收到您的回复。

10、If you have any further questions regarding his ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. 如果对他的能力或此推荐信还有什么疑问,请随时和我联系。




1、I am writing to apologize for ? /I am writing to say sorry for 我写这封信是因??向你致歉。

2、I would like to give you my apology for? 对于??我向你道歉。

3、Please accept my sincere apology for? 关于??请接受我真诚的道歉。

4、I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did, but believe I had no Intention to? 对于我说的话/做的事,我确实感到很抱歉。但请相信,我并非故意要??

5、Please forgive me for a stupid choice of words. 请原谅我说话欠妥。

6、I feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.


7、Please accept my apologies for my oversight. 请原谅我的疏忽。

8、Please allow me to say sorry again. 请允许我再次表示歉意。

9、I sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.




我儿子读国小二年级上学期末时,老师给了一项作业,要他们当小记者访问爸爸。共有六个问题,有一大半是资料性的:在哪里工作?负责哪一方面的事等等,其中的第五题是:「爸爸的梦想是什么?怎么实现?」 我说:「我有三个愿望」儿子用半注音半国字的方式写下这句话,然后抬头看着我。「第一个愿望是吃得下饭」。他楞了一下,认为我在开玩笑,很郑重地表示这项作业的分数,是其它作业成绩的三倍,所以不能随便。我说你是记者,人家怎么说你就怎么写,既然不相信就不要访问好了。他无奈地写下:「第一个愿望是吃得下饭」。


他急得跑去厨房向妈妈哭诉,她也同意说记者就是记录者,不能要求访问者如何回答。他擦干眼泪写完这句之后,抬起头失望地看着我。 「第三个愿望是笑得出来」,这下子他失去控制了:「别人的父母都是在帮助子女,只有你才会存心害自己的小孩」。








目前,我们很难过上一天没有看到一个名人代言人推广产品或一个社会运动在电视,网络或其他媒体。这是一个强烈的流行趋势,我们不能不注意到。 毫无疑问,明星代言人可以提高产品的销售。一个代言人的主机,然而,已经成为一些公司的营销工具,甚至是公司生产和销售假冒伪劣产品。这种行为产生了对消费者和整个社会,应该受到严厉批评和惩罚的负面影响。当然,正如众所周知,任何事物都有明亮和黑暗的方面。一些明星的社会活动和公共宣传提高公众意识认可,引起公众行为的改变。在这种情况下,他们成为广大市民的正面榜样。这些只是一个案例:普国泰,一个家庭的人物,作为中国艾滋病基金会名人的发言人,大大促进了预防艾滋病的事业,在中国治愈。

On the Celebrity Spokesperson

(celebrity 名人,名流;名声,著名;知名人士,社会名流。)

(spokesperson 代言人;(男/女)发言人。)

Currently, we could hardly live a single day without seeing a celebrity spokesperson promoting a product or a social campaign on TV, net or other media. This is an intensely popular trend that we cannot fail to notice.

There is no doubt that the celebrity spokespeople could boost the sale of a product. A host of celebrity spokespersons, however, have emerged as the marketing tool of some companies, even companies producing and selling fake and inferior items. This kind of behavior has produced negative impacts on consumers and whole society, which should be severely criticized and penalized. Of course, as is known to all, everything has both bright and dark sides. Some stars’ endorsement of social activities and public camp

aigns raises public awareness, giving rise to changes in public behavior. In this case, they serve as positive role models of the general public. To name only one case: Pu CX, a household figure, acting as the celebrity spokesman of the China AIDS Foundation, contributes greatly to the cause of AIDS prevention and cure in China.

currently 现在;一般;流畅地;目前现在;通称地,普遍地,当前;目前,眼前地。

campaign 战役;运动,活动;竞选运动;从事运动;竞选运动;作战,出征。

intensely 强烈地,极度;紧张地,认真地;热情地,热切地。

fail 不及格;失败;失灵,失去作用;(指健康)衰退,变弱,消失;破产,失去支付能力;缺乏,不足,(作物)歉收。

boost 一举,一抬,一推;推动,帮助,促进;提高,增加。

host 主人,东道主;旅馆老板;节目主持人;寄主,宿主;主机。一大群,许多。

emerge 浮现,出现;发生,显露,暴露;摆脱,露头,出头。

fake 伪造,捏造,冒充;假装;欺骗,迷惑;冒牌货,仿造品;冒充者,骗子。

inferior 低等的,下级的;次的,较差的;低于他人者,部下,属下;次品。

items 项目。

produce 生产,出产,制造,创作;生育;拿出,出示,提出;上演,上映,播放,出版;引起,产生,招致。

negative 否定的,否认的;片面的,消极的。 impact 冲击,撞击,碰撞;冲击力,撞击力;影响,作用。

severely 严格地,严厉地,严重地,严肃地;朴实无华地。

criticize 批评,批判;苛求,非难。

penalize 对...处刑,规定...应处刑;是不利,对...不公平;处罚。

endorsement 背书,签署;赞同,支持;背书保证,找明星代言。

household 一家人,家眷,家庭,户;普通的,为人所知的。


在过去几年里,各种节目的人才上出现了全国各地的电视频道,从超级女声到快乐男声等等。这种强烈的娱乐节目的类型是流行,尤其是年轻人当中,并制作了他们的学习和生活带来深刻影响。 有一些背后的潮流几个原因。首先,年轻的人需要学习的榜样。所以他们中的许多人在参与这些计划的选手疯狂。这引起了越来越多的这些节目,因为电视网络的出现,自然需要迎合年轻观众。另外,由于经济和政治改革所进行的政府来说,这一代青年作物有更多的自由和愿望,表达和展示自己。因此,越来
