作业帮 > 高中作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:25:38 高中作文



一、“世界无烟日World No Tobacco Day”那天,你们对你们学校学生吸烟情况进行了一次调查,结果如图所示。请就此话题用英语写一片短文。


提示词语:do a survey about?做一个有关?的调查 3% of the students 百分子三的学生 On World No Tobacco Day, we did a survey about how many students smoke. Here are the results: 3% of the students often smoke. 7% of the students smoke sometimes. Luckily, 90% of the students never smoke. The students who smoke say they smoke for fun and they think they look cool while they are smoking. We all know smoking is bad for our health. As students, we shouldn’t smoke. And if our family members smoke, we should stop them. Let’s tell more people the danger of smoking and help smokers give up smoking.

二、生活在城市小区里的孩子们很郁闷,几乎不认识周围的邻居,没有兄弟姐妹的他们除了每天在家做作业看电视就是玩电脑,没有玩伴。 社区(community)负责人李叔叔注意到了这个问题,请你写封邮件给他提出自己的建设性意见。约100词,已给开头和结尾不计入词数。如:①:组织社区里面的孩子们参加清洁本小区的公益劳动;②提供一个地方给社区的孩子们学习交流;③组织一些社区的活动,吸引社区的孩子参加。 Dear Uncle Li, Thank you for reading my e-mail.

I am living in this community. I also have no friend here. Luckily, you want to help us. Here are my suggestions: First, we can clear up our neighbourhoods with the other children in this community, we can know each other and make new friends. Second, I hope you can offer a room for us to do homework, and then we can help each other and learn from each other. Third, I think we can build an after-school club. We can do sports, play games, and even have a picnic in the community. Our life must be very fun and colourful. Best wishes, Xu Jun

三、Tony去年来到Ling Ling所在的学校学习。在学习期间,他对学习提倡的“创建和谐校园”活动感触颇深。他发现该校的学生学习认真,兴趣广泛,友爱互助,师生之间关系融洽,人于环境和谐相处。(如:保持环境卫生,爱护花草树木,不随地乱扔废弃物等)。请你 以Tony的名义,给远在英国的父母写一封信,介绍学校的现状并谈谈你自己的感受。


以下词汇供参考:build up建立,创建 a harmonious campus和谐校园 impress vt. 给某人留下印象 Dear Mom and Dad,

Time flies! I’ve been here for nearly a year. I’m very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our class work hard. They take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and health. They are

friendly to each other and help each other.

The teachers here enjoy their work. They work hard and help their students. The teachers and students get on well with each other. The students try their best to keep the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste or pick the flowers. In a word, I am deeply impressed be the harmonious atmosphere here. I love my new school.



四、假如你叫Li Ping,最近你就使用电子词典的问题调查了各方面的意见(见下表)。现在请你根据表格中的信息用英语给某报社编辑写一封信。


Recently, I made a survey about the use of the electronic dictionary. My classmates think that the electronic dictionary is useful, convenient and it can help to save time looking up the words. The parents also think the electronic dictionary is easy to carry and most families can afford it. But my English teacher doesn’t think we should use it, because she/he thinks its explanations for the words are too simple. I suppose the electronic dictionary will make us lazy and we shouldn’t use it.


Li Ping

五、现在越来越多的中学生拥有了自己的手机(mobile phone)。作为一名中学生,你对中学生持有手机有什么看法?写一篇80词左右的短文。下面提供的单词或词组供选用。

提示词语:more and more, after a lot of convenience (方便) send short messages some troubles

Today, more and more middle school students have their own mobile phones. As a student, I think it’s good to have a mobile phone, because mobile phones can offer a lot of convenience. And students can send short messages to their parents when they are in trouble or not at home. In fact, if students use mobile phones in right ways, mobile phones will help us, such as we can use mobile phones to look up new words. But it can also bring some trouble. For example, many students use their mobiles to listen to music in class. They don’t listen to the teachers carefully. And many students send messages in class. In my opinion, it’s not right to use mobile phones in school. We should try our best to use mobile phones in right ways.

六、汶川地震牵动亿万人民的心,海内外各界人士纷纷伸出援助之手,帮助灾区重建家园,真所谓“天灾无情人有情”。灾区也有像你一样参加中考的学生,为了使他们鼓起更大的学习于生活的勇气,请你用英语给他们写一封60词左右的信,鼓励他们发奋图强。 My dear friends,

I’m very sorry to know the big earthquake took place in your hometown. Maybe many people around you lost their lives in the earthquake. But please don’t be afraid. You are not lonely. We’ll be with you forever. Let’s cheer up! To be brave to face all kinds of difficulties. Learn to forget these sad things. Study hard from now on and try your best to make much progress in your study life. And we are sure that our future will be more beautiful.

七、众所周知,嘉兴作为一个国际旅游城市吸引了国内外的旅客前来参观,购物。嘉兴市将进一步改善环境。提高市民的素质也势在必行,因为文明的举止在国际交往中非常重要。作为年轻人,我们自身也存在着一些不文明的行为。请你列举你所观察到 的不文明行为(三种以上),并就此作出评论或提出建议。80词左右。

It is known to all that Jia Xing is an international and travelling city. It attracts more and more people to come and do business. In order to make the city more beautiful and stronger, we will improve the environment of Jia Xing. At the same time, it is necessary for us to improve the quality and culture of the people. We often notice that some people don’t behave properly in our daily life. For example, spitting in public places can be seen somewhere. The flowers in public gardens are picked. What’s more, rubbish and plastic bags are thrown on the ground in the streets. In my opinion, these bad behavious will make bad impressions and make a difference to Jia Xing. So every one of us should form (养成) good habits from now on.


1.Don’t eat junk food.

2. Don’t be a couch potato!

3. Watch your diet.

4. Rest up while you can.

5. Don’t worry. Be happy!

6. Say no to smoking and drugs.

7. take plenty of exercise.

②良好的 生活习惯对我们的成长是 非常重要的,你认为,良好的生活习惯应当是怎样的呢?请根据下面的要点提示,写一篇80词左右的短文。

1. 吃得好,才能有健康的身体;

2. 必须吃早餐,为身体提供能量;

3. 饮食要健康,多吃水果、蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品;

4. 要早睡早起,熬夜对身体有害;

5. 饭前要洗手

6. 要参加体育锻炼,强身健体

It’s very important for us to have better life habits. First, we must eat well

so that we can have a healthy body. We must have breakfast. It can provide energy for the body. Second, we must have a healthy diet. We must eat more fruit and vegetables and less junk food. Third, we’d better wash our hands before meals. Fourth, we must go to bed early and get up early. Staying out is bad for our health. Above all, we must do some sports to keep healthy. If we can do so, we will be healthier.


1. Don’t spit.

2. No running or shouting in the classroom.

3. Please wear your school clothes every day.

4. Don’t step onto the grass.

5. Please save the water.

6. Please protect everything in the school.

7. Try to use more polite words.

8. Listen to the teacher carefully.

9. Don’t fight with others.

10. Don’t be late for school.

十、①结合初三上:module 6 11从自己的切身感受出发,写写人口增长引发的问题

Nowadays, the population of the world is becoming larger and larger. With the increasing of the population of the world, there are more and more problems. First, there is less and less food for everyone to eat. So some people in poor areas are struggle with hunger. Some people in Africa even die of starving. Second, there is much more pollution. The cities become bigger and bigger, and more and more people have their own cars. This causes much more air pollution and noise pollution. Third, there is less and less resource for people to use. So we should try our best to control the increasing of the population. Then we will have a happier life.

②写一篇“Save our world”为主题的短文。80词左右

Save the world

How to protect the environment becomes one of the biggest problems in the world. We can find that rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also does harms to people’s health. So we should not throw rubbish onto the ground. Some factories are pouring waste water into the rivers, the lakes and the fields. It can make a difference to the environment. It can pollute plant. Sometimes it can kill lots of fish.

We must keep our environment clean and tidy. We have only one earth. We must try our best to protect her, and keep our home more beautiful and greener.


I’m a middle school student in China now. Sometimes I don’t very happy to be a student, because we have so long time to stay at school. We have to go to school very early and come back home very late every day. We have no time to do something which we are interested in. So it will be really nice if school can give more time

back to us. I like reading, then I can read some wonderful novels. I like sports, then I can join in the community to do some volunteer work. I have a lot of dreams, if I have more


time, I want them to be realized. I want to be happier to be a middle school student.

十二、作为中学生,你觉得应该为节约资源,保护学校环境,城市环境做些什么贡献(你可以参考以下几个方面:1. 纸,玻璃等的再利用;2. 垃圾分类;3.关掉电灯,水龙头;

4.不践踏草坪;5. 不采摘花果;6。不烧无用的东西;7.尽量骑车走路上学;8.每年植树;


As middle school students we should save recourses and protect environment of the school and the city. We should reuse the reusable things, such as paper and glass. We should sort the rubbish. When we leave the place, we should turn off the lights and after using the tap, turn it off. We shouldn’t step onto the grass, and we shouldn’t pick the flowers. We can’t burn the useless things. Try to go to school by bike or on foot. Don’t use paper cups. Every year we can plant many trees. If we all try our best, the environment will be better and better.


参考词汇:be strict with, take care of, encourage, talk with,

They often wash clothes for me.

A. They are strict with me.

B. They take good care of me.

C. They encourage me to study hard.

D. They often talk with about my study and life.

E. They often buy some healthy food for me.

根据上面的内容选择一点或几点写一篇短文, 谈谈你的家人给予你的关心、帮助或建议以及你的想法。


Mum is very kind and helpful to me.

Every day she gets up early to cook breakfast for me. She never forgets to put an apple in my schoolbag so that I can keep the doctor away. In the evening she often asks me about what I have done at school and gives me her advice which is really helpful to me. She is very strict with me. She often tells me to study hard and try to read more books, but she never allows me to do my homework late at night. On weekends, she usually sends me to go to extra classes. However, I hate going to extra classes. I really want to tell my mother that I need my free time and I want to arrange my own study.


中考作文特点: ▲ 时间地点的限制性:构思要迅捷,书写要麻利。






▲ 写作范围的限制性:要审清题意再进行作文,要善于将大的、空泛的题目化为小的、能表现自己熟知生活的题目。 ▲ 文章篇幅的限制性:语言要言简意赅,力求用最经济的文字表达最丰富的内涵。 ▲ 文章题材的限制性:要熟知各种文体特点,选择好文体后,在写作中不可随意更改。 ▲ 拥有材料的限制性:平时要博闻多识,扩大感知范围,要广泛收集材料,并尽可能准确记忆。 ※ 卷面书写的美观性:首先要把字写清楚,其次,要尽量整洁、美观。 ※ 审题立意的准确性:审题要清,立意要明,要健康,要给人以积极的启示。 ※ 选用材料的新颖性:选材要新颖,如果无法避开众人常用的材料,也要找到新颖的角度,使“老枝”发出“新芽”来。 ※ 表现生活的真实性:要尽力表现自己对生活的感受和体验,抒写真情实感。 ※ 谋篇布局的合理性:要注意谋篇布局,用好你手上的每一颗棋子,要用的恰如其分,不露痕迹。 ※ 细节描写的生动性:要学会用细节构筑情节,让自己的笔底波澜多一些,生活的味道浓一些。 ※ 语言品质的表现性:语言既要富有张力,又要干净利落。 ☆ 命题作文 ☆ 半命题作文 ☆ 话题作文 ☆ 材料作文 ●记叙文: ○并列式、小标题式结构 ○题记、后记式结构 ○序数式结构 ○日记式结构 ●议论文: ○纵式结构: □层层深入 □起承转合 ○横式结构: □总论-分论-总论 □总论-分论 □分论-总论 ◇ 开门见山,直接入题 ◇ 写景状物,渲染气氛 ◇ 巧妙引用,突出主题 ◇ 妙用修辞,展示文采 ◇ 巧设悬念,强磁吸引 ¤呼应式结尾 ¤抒情式结尾 ¤引用式结尾 ¤反诘式结尾 ¤延思式结尾




作文拟题方式: ☉化小为大




作文题记方式: ◤导入式:穿线引珠,贯穿全文




◤引用式:引用名言,力透纸背 ◤对比式:对照衬托,凸显主体 ◤抒情式:激情倾吐,感人肺腑 ▽句子过渡法 ▽设问过渡法 ▽小标题过渡法 €排比开篇,蓄势待发 €文中排比,气贯长虹 €排比收束,画龙点睛 €排比构段,脉络分明






























My school ID card.

My name is Tony.

Please call me at 123456. Thank you!


Is this your backpack?

My name is Jack.

Please call me at 654321.

Found :

A red coat

Please call the lost and found.

Tel :1234567


Dear Jack,

Can you bring these things to school? They are my hat, my shoes and my watch. I

need them. My hat is on my bed. My shoes are under the chair. My watch is in the

drawer. Thanks .

Li Dong

Musicians wanted

Are you a musician? canyou sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the

drums or the guitar? Can you be good with the kids? Then you can be in our music

club. Please call Liu Li at 666-6668

Note for leave

Dear Miss/Mr.

I’m sorry to tell you that I hadI days’\ week’s leave. I hope I’ll

get well and return to school soon.

Thank you!


Dear Miss\Mr.

I’m sorry to tell you that myis ill. He My parents\father\

mother aren’t\ isn’t at home now. They. My Thank you!



May 9th

Dear I would like to invite you to on Hope to see you then!


For Rent

Small apartment for students

¥850 a month

Call Ms. Zhang at 1234567

For Rent

House with three bedrooms

Call Mrs. Tong in the evening\at weekenks

Tel :1234567


House with furniture for a family of three

¥500 a month

Please call Mr. Li at1234567


Looking for a quiet double room

Under ¥300 per month

Call Bob at 1234567

Telephone massage

From : Tom

To : Jane

Message: Climbing a mountain

When: This weekend

Place :Mount Tai

Time : 6:00 in the morning

Meeting place: At the school gate

Accident Report Form

Time : 4:40p.m Date: May 9th,2011

Place : the gate of Sifang Supermarket

Accident : A motorcycle hit a student cyclist. The student’s right leg was badly hurt

and his bike was broken.










今年二月上旬,外婆因过于操劳,住进了医院。我和妈妈都忙各自的事情,无暇顾及。考虑再三,只好让外公亲自出马。可是我心里犯嘀咕了,外公平常粗心大意,这种细致活儿,他能行吗?为了消除心中的担忧,我放下了繁忙的功课,挤出了一点点时间,去探望外婆。 来到医院,我怕打搅外婆休息,悄悄推开病房,眼前的一幕让我呆住了,我立在门口,不忍心打搅这两位老人。





幸福的味道?? (2)我的亲人们和我《让爱永驻心中》




“玩累了吧?吃点水果??”外公说着就放了盘水果在电脑桌上。四年级的我对电脑的热爱胜过一切。见到水果,我只好停下,离开键盘,听着那极有吸引力的游戏音乐吃水果。狼吞虎咽地吃完水果,我便又开玩了。谁知外公好像对削苹果这事乐此不疲,没玩上几分钟,有一盘水果伴着一句“吃点水果”向我扑来。我既不情愿地离开了键盘,心里直抱怨:好烦,没完没了?外公看我不耐烦的眼神,悄悄走出了房间。惊人的是,自此,外公便不再说“吃点水果”了,只是静静地放在桌上,让我自己选择时间吃。当我终于静下心,放下电脑,吃外公默默送来的水果时,心中充溢着感动。咦,这里怎么会有咸味?啊,是泪溶进了里面。 水果盘里,盛满了微小到有些琐碎的理解与关心。



窗外的那对祖孙走远了,留下条依然温馨的小道。外公外婆对我的爱没有消失,我对外公外婆也一日日地感激起来。让这种跨越辈分的关心和理解延续下去吧!让那被爱浸透的甜味,在心中永驻。 二.朋友(同学)









薄暮冥冥。五点多才放学,我和你一前一后地骑车回家。你和我小学时就是好友,有难题我总会向成绩优异的你求教。这不,即使在汽笛嘈杂的现在,我仍在和你讨论着那道题。 路灯昏黄,照在马路上让人不禁联想起凿壁偷光之人。“XX,没你我真不知学成啥样了!”我朝前面那个小巧的女生感叹道。“嘻,感谢我吧!”你转过头来瞄我一眼,满脸自豪地扬着头。












不超过20秒,评分12以下。 即使有再华丽的辞藻也是徒劳。

2. 中考作文也不是你新句型的练兵场,是关乎你前途命运的一次大考。所以务必确保自己写上的每一句话都是正确的。不拿中考作生僻表达的试验田。

3. 不是语文作文,更不是演讲稿,不需要你自由发挥,感慨万千!







5. 细节问题:提示词不理解,没有全部用到





? 提示

? 提示作文也称之为提供材料,它要求根据汉语意思和英语提示词语,写出









要事件等角度考虑;写事(经历)要交代时间、地点、人物、事情发生的顺序等,提建议用建议句型 另外,注意应用文的格式,如信件E-mail等。




2. 选用自己熟练掌握的句子组织语言。设计好文章的开头和结尾,结构层次要清晰,可按题目的要点分段,并有适当的过渡。

1) 句型为王 句子是表达完整含义的最小单位。

? 自造句+ 模板句

? 考试中尽量使用见过/背过的句式和短语,注意中表达的差异,避免使用中式英


? 如:It is … for sb to do sth.

? It is necessary for us to make a plan for our study.

? It is a good habit for us to exercise every day because it can help us

? keep in good health.

个人观点:I hink…;I believe…;In my opinion,…I prefer to do sth rather than

do sth because…I等,我们可在原句型的基础上举一反三利用所



? Do well and have well

? Practice makes perfect

? 但求无过,用熟不用生



? 临场检查六注意

? 一篇优秀的应符合以下要求:

? 1.审题争取,要素齐全(不全,降档)

? 2.单词拼写错误,语法时态及句子结构错误是否影响了内容的准确性。

? 3.能否使用恰当的关联词或者复合句使文段内容完整,层次清楚。

? 4.运用丰富的词语和句子,增加句子的多样性

? 5.句子开头大写及句尾的标点符号。

? 6.卷面是否整洁。


? 小提示:

? 1.不会表达,另辟蹊径。如遇到个别要点表达不出来或难以表达,可采用变通的办


? 2.小词大用。汉语中有些语意看来很复杂很文雅,但在中常可用一些常用词来


? 3.注意使用复合句。




i. There are many things you can do to help you...

ii. I’m sorry to hear that. I would like to help you deal with your




? 1. In a word, nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

? 2. I hope to receive your good news.

? 3. I hope you can feel better soon.

? 4. Easier said than done. Let’s start from now.

? 5. I am sure you will…


1. You should/could + do---You shouldn’t/couldn’t +do

2. You’d better do… You’d better not do…

3. Why not do…? Why don’t you do…?

4. Why not consider doing …?

5. You are supposed to do…

6. Don’t do…

7. If I were you, I would do…

8. If possible, I would do

(1)学习 problem. There is nothing serious. I’d like to give you some advice. I know it isn’t easy to... But I have some ideas that may help.

A. how to become a good learner

To be a good leaner, we should have good habits and ways in learning.

First, it's important to get ready for our lessons before class and listen carefully in class. After class, we’d better go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. Second, we need to help each other and study in groups. It can not only help us solve problems but also provide us the opportunities to learn to work with others.

Above all, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy. I hope all of us will become good learners.

B. how to study English well

? say something about how I study English.

? first of all, my listening is poor. I can hardly understand when people talk to me.

I think that doing lots of listening practice is because I can see the actors say the words

? Then I am afraid to speak in class. My English teacher gave me some advice that helped me a lot. She told me not to be afraid of making mistakes and encouraged me to speak a lot. There is an old saying, “Practice makes perfect.” now my speaking English has improved a lot.

? As for grammar, I sometimes make mistakes in grammar, the best way to study grammar is by taking notes carefully in class.

? in a word, as English is getting more and more important, I decide to learn it harder and better by reading English novels. Hope I’ll do better in learning English.


I can’t understand when people talk to me

I can’t spell some English words.

I read very slowly.

I make mistakes in grammar.

I am afraid to speak in class, because I think my classmates might laugh at me.

I could hardly understand the teacher when she talked in class.


first of all, My … is poor. /I can hardly do…

Later on, It’s difficult for me to…

Also, I don’t know how to …

Next, I make mistakes in doing…

/ I sometimes worry about making mistakes when I speak English out loud.

And, I find doing… is difficult for me.


listen to tapes ,watch English movies,join an English club,speak to friends in English

have conversations with friends,read the textbook,read English newspapers/magazines make flashcards, memorize words of pop songs, find a pen pal, work with friends

ask teacher for help, study with a group, study English by using it.


? Just as an old saying goes, ‘….’

? Nothing is impossible/difficult if you put your heart into it.

? Where there is a will, there is a way.

? Action speaks louder that words.

? Practice makes perfect.

? No pains, no gains.

? Little by little, one goes far

? The more you learn, the better you will be.

(2) 健康

A. 睡眠方面的建议

Please don’t worry. I’m sorry to hear that you have many problems. I would like to provide you with some suggestions that may help you. goes, “ Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” So that you’ll not only have a good rest but also sleep with a good quality.

a cup of milk before going to bed instead of drinking a cup of tea? In my opinion, it’s good for your health.

I hope you’ll sleep as sweetly as a baby. And I am looking forward to your great changes.!

B. 面对H1N1,我们可以做什么

Please don’t be afraid of H1N1. There are many things we can do to stay away from it. Here are a few. A healthy lifestyle can be very effective. Just as an old saying goes, “ Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” We should have enough sleep because it can give us more energy.

take exercise regularly to make our body strong. having a balanced/ healthy diet? I think we should eat more vegetables and fruits. Just as an old saying goes, ‘An apple a day keeps a doctor away.’ Also, stay away from food with too much sugar or salt! It can not only help us lose weight but also help us keep fit.

we should wash our hands more often and we shouldn’t touch our eyes and noses with our dirty hands. The last but the most important thing is to open the window as often as possible to let fresh air in.

Finally, if we catch a cold or have a fever, go to see a doctor in time and ask him for some useful advice. There is nothing serious. Preventing H1N1 is possible if we put your heart into it.


Just as an old saying goes, ‘….’

There is nothing more important than health.

The first wealth is health.

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.”

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。

(3) 环保

A. save water节水

The earth is so dry that not only the people but also the plants and animals are short of water. It’s very difficult for people to make a living and so it’s dangerous for their lives. Water is important in our life and everyone has the duty to save every drop of water

For example, First, We can take a shorter shower because it is not necessary for us to use so much water. Second,We can turn off the shower when we wash our hair.what’s more, We can collect enough used waste water to sweep the floor or water the flowers.

In a word, If we don’t save water now, the last drop of water in the earth will be our

tear!I’ll keep doing them and try my best to save more water. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.

B. save energy节能、低碳

