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篇一:On my way home

On my way home

It was a day as usual. I went home by bus. After a long time, the crowded bus came to the bus stop slowly. But when I got on the bus, I realized that I didn’t take my wallet out of home. The bus driver became very impatient. As soon as I wanted to get off the bus, two coins came into my sight.A little girl gave me two coins and I said thanks to her. The girl’s big smile drove away my darkness like the sunshine. I will bear her smile in my mind and when others run into trouble, I will also give them a helping hand.

篇二:2013高考英语易错题查漏补缺 完形填空精选练习(29-32)


From time to time I received PC magazines from well-meaning editors. Reading them, I recognized the characters, but the whole thing is Greek to me. When faced with such publications, I think to myself. “They might send newspapers or magazines to a blind?” I to say it, but I have to admit I don’t know how to type, much how to enjoy the internet. Several times I’ve tried to learn to use a computer and each time I gave up , afraid of the keyboard and the jumping mouse. I was content with the that my classmate, Bai Yansong, another prime time host, also wrote his articles by of the pen the surface of the paper gave him a kind of . I had the feeling and found it a good excuse not to use a computer. By 1999, however, I felt this attitude was right. One day I went to my supervisor’s (导师) home to an article that was hand-written and a little muddily done. Hearing my , the wife of my supervisor said, “It doesn’t matter. I can type it out on my computer.”

“You can use a computer?”

“Sure, I learned to use it when I was 70.”

I was so that I wasn’t able to cry out a single word. out of their flat, I made up my mind for the one-hundredth time to start learning to use a computer. I still had Bai Yansong to me company, but once he started learning to use the computer, he would very fast and then I would be really alone, wouldn’t I?

1. A. separate 2. A. too 3. A. have 4. A. still 5. A. more

B. divided B. also B. like B. yet

C. independent C. either C. hate C. even C. slowly

D. lonely D. as well D. used D. already D. less

D. sooner or later D. tools D. advice

B. faster B. at once B. devices B. fact

6. A. immediately 7. A. computers 8. A. truth

C. in the end C. TV sets C. news

9. A. hand

B. pen

C. computer C. mouth C. touching C. pleasure C. happy

D. the way D. tongue D. flying D. regret D. same D. no longer D. look for D. apology D. surprising D. Until D. help D. carry it up

10. A. point 11. A. walking 12. A. sense 13. A. different 14. A. never 15. A. pass on 16. A. words 17. A. glad

B. head B. moving B. sadness B. exciting B. always B. let out B. voice

C. even more C. hand in C. excuse C. sorry C. After C. become

B. surprised B. Once B. make

18. A. When 19. A. keep

20. A. send it up

B. take it up C. pick it up


When I came out of my office, it was dark. In order to get home as soon as possible, I hired a taxi. The car was along the road, now well-lit, now sank in darkness. I broke the on purpose, that the driver might be too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?” “9 o’clock. I’ll go after this trip.”

“Then when do you come out in the morning?” I another question.

“9 o’clock, too. And I go home for lunch and dinner, just as if I worked at an office.” His easiness surprised me, because every time I ride in a taxi, what I hear from the are only complaints (抱怨). They complain that they work to earn money, that they are bullied (欺侮) by the policeman, or that the corporation leaders are seated and enjoy the of others’ work. It seems that they have a grievance (不满意) against everything. But this driver told me, “I find it to be a section chief as I was before. I don’t like management work. I like driving, just for . It’s that I drive without a passenger. So I can earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease. Any ? Yes, I never follow an empty taxi. If it goes street. In this way I always get customers.

His words showed his satisfaction with his life and the pride he in his job. Such feelings are so among people nowadays as oxygen in high mountains. As an ancient saying , “Neither joy in material gains nor grieve over personal setbacks (挫折).” How many people nowadays can show high ideals by

simple living and go far with a calm mind? I couldn’t help feeling curious when I found such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold winter night.

1. A. driving 2. A. calmness 3. A. for fear 4. A. gave out 5. A. taxi

6. A. have to

B. flying

C. running C. stillness C. in order C. let off C. need

D. rushing D. silence D. in case D. set off D. driver D. should

B. quietness B. on condition B. threw out B. radio B. must

C. passenger

7. A. from night till morning 8. A. hard 9. A. busy 11. A. tired

B. from morning till night D. from dawn till dark C. possible C. lazy C. gains C. excited C. likely C. hardly C. skill C. eastward C. lonely C. kept C. much C. goes

D. impossible D. lazily D. fruits D. exciting

D. interest D. wise D. seldom D. method D. westward D. empty D. took D. little D. talks

C. from morning till afternoon

B. easy B. busily B. tiring

10. A. results 12. A. pleasure 14. A. often 15. A. trick 17. A. wide 18. A. had 20. A. says

B. achievements

B. money

C. work

13. A. unfortunate B. fortunate B. usually B. secret B. narrow B. made B. rare

B. suggests

16. A. southward B. northward

19. A. common


One summer night, on my way home from work, I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t face my apartment.

Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the angle (角度) she leaned over to talk to him, he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans express such feelings in a place?

I thought the movie would be good for my English, but it turned out, it was an movie. After about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and my popcorn. I’ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, .

After a while I heard more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the of the popcorn crunching (嘎扎的响声) between my teeth. My thought started to I remembered when I was in South Korea, I to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me, I saw him again in New York speaking English instead of perfect Korean. He didn’t even have a Korean accent and I like I had been cheated. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English. we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, that to speaking the difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English, but it out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We have been speaking Korean at home ever since.

1. A. warm 2. A. hole

B. hot

C. heated C. break

D. cool D. space D. every time D. and D. open D. as D. American D. taste D. certain D. few D. noise D. leave D. used D. therefore D. practical

D. appeared

B. blank

3. A. any time 4. A. while

B. the moment B. whenever B. public B. when B. Italian B. eat B. still B. any

C. some time C. or

5. A. private 6. A. since

C. theatrical C. what C. Korean

7. A. English 8. A. exchange 9. A. too

C. threw away C. though C. no

10. A. much 11. A. voice 12. A. wonder 13. A. enjoyed 14. A. until

B. sound B. wander

C. signal C. imagine C. turned C. then C. perfect

B. happened B. because B. informal

15. A. formal 16. A. felt

B. looked

C. seemed

17. A. While 18. A. empty

B. If C. Before C. still

D. Once D. calm D. preferring

B. quiet B. stopping

19. A. connecting C. referring

20. A. worked


What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against of 100, scored 160.

I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not have scored more than 80. —and he always it.

Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I’d prove myself a . In a world where I have to work with my

Consider my auto-repair man “Doc, a deaf-and-dumb (聋哑) man some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors. do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his and asked for them. I’ve been that on all my customers today, but I knew I’d catch you.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldn’t be very

And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.

1. A. failed

B. wrote B. a total B. possibly B. Thus B. checked B. doctor B. effort B. as usual B. jokes B. tested B. raised

C. received C. an exam C. certainly C. drove C. designed C. winner C. hands C. too

C. news C. found C. waving C. shook

D. chose D. a number D. frequently D. yet D. changed D. tried D. fool D. attention D. as well D. tales D. needed D. circling D. turned

2. A. an average 3. A. always 4. A. Then 5. A. fixed

B. got

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:on,my,way,home)

C. came

D. made

C. Therefore

6. A. answered 7. A. teacher 8. A. brains 9. A. again 10. A. lies

B. practiced

11. A. bought 12. A. cutting 13. A. nodded

B. hammering

篇三:On my way home diana

On my way home

It was raining cats and dogs when i hurried to my home because of my mother's birthday. Then i saw a girl, selling flowers beside the streets. I rushed towards her and asked for a buch of flowers. Then i found that her clothes full of patches was untidy. She gave me the changes and i left. Suddenly, i heard someone shouting behind me. " Wait!" I turned around and saw her. "You didn't get all the changes. These are the rest." The rain fell down from her cheeks. The wet coins in her hands had the smell of flowers. That moment, i was shocked by her . Maybe she was poor or dirty, but i believed that her heart was more beautiful than flowers.

Staring at the flowers i bought, i thought i got something and all bad things were fade away.

篇四:Few years ago when I was on my way home for dinner

Few years ago when I was on my way home for dinner, I saw a boy waiting at a bus stop whose figure seemed quite familiar to me. Although I saw him for a long time, I patted him on the shoulder and shouted at him at the same time. He turned round, completely puzzled. Unfortunately, he was not my friend but a complete stranger. I was terribly embarrassed as I didn’t know how to explain to him. The only words I could say were I’m so sorry. After that I walked away as quickly as possible. Whereas another thing happened more often, sometime I walked on the street and found someone smiling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn't recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to smile as brightly as possible.

One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying

good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she

had mistaken me for my elder sister. What embarrassing experiences there are!

篇五:广东省广州市2014-2015学年高二下学期期末五校联考英语试卷 (Word版


五校联考高二年级英语科试题 2015年7月



注意事项:请考生仔细阅读题目, 并按照题目要求在相应的答题卡上填涂或答卷上填写答案。





1. What did the woman see last night?

A. A film on Channel 1.

B. A TV play on Channel 1.

C. A film on Channel 6.

2. What does the girl in the film want to be?

A. A detective. B. A dancer.


3. What does the man think of the meal?

A. Just so-so. B. Quite satisfactory.

4. What is the 15% in the bill paid for?

A. The food. B. The drinks.


5. How long haven’t the speakers seen each other?

A. For about 2 years. B. For about 3 years.

6. Where does the woman come from?

A. China. B. Britain.


7. Why does the man look tired?

A. He is under much pressure.

B. He has got a physical problem.

C. He has just fixed up the house.

8. What exercise did the man usually do before?

A. Jogging. B. Walking.

9. What will the man do this Friday?

A. Call the gym. B. Visit a friend.

听第五段对话,回答第10—12题。 C. A film-maker. C. A bit disappointing. C. The service charge. C. For about 4 years. C. Canada. C. Riding. C. Go to the cinema.

10. Where are probably the speakers?

A. At a hotel. B. On a street. C. In a theatre.

11. When does the play start?

A. At 3 pm. B. At 6 pm. C. At 7 pm.

12. What does the man remind the woman to consider?

A. Their money. B. Their health. C. Their safety.


13. What does the woman do?

A. She is a car park attendant.

B. She is a policewoman.

C. She is a taxi driver.

14. What suggestion does the woman give the man?

A. To hand in his driving license.

B. To get a parking ticket.

C. To park his car in a car park.

15. What will the man probably do next?

A. He will drive away.

B. He will get to the police station.

C. He will show the woman his license.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Once upon a time, there was a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she

was walking in the woods, she two starving birds. She took them home and put them in a small . She cared for them with and the birds grew strong. Every morning they her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds.

One day the girl left the door to the cage flew from the cage. The girl was so that he would fly away. As he flew close, she him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her in catching him. Suddenly she felt the bird go at the dead bird. Her desperate love had killed him.

She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the of the cage. She could feel his great need for and threw him into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times.

The girl watched at the bird’s enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest music that she had ever heard.

The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tight. The best way to keep love is to give it

21. A. covered B. caught C. found D. fed

22. A. cage B. basket C. tree D. box

23. A. excitement B. pleasure C. sympathy D. love

24. A. greeted B. disturbed C. shared D. filled

25. A. unnoticed B. closed C. locked D. unlocked

26. A. satisfied B. surprised C. frightened D. troubled

27. A. hugged B. grasped C. beat D. treated

28. A. chance B. way C. skill D. success

29. A. angry B. weak C. noisy D. crazy

30. A. loneliness B. silence C. curiosity D. horror

31. A. bottom B. top C. edge D. wall

32. A. freedom B. food C. company D. water

33. A. slowly B. softly C. easily D. hopelessly

34. A. puzzledly B. anxiously C. delightedly D. carefully

35. A. wings B. happiness C. air D. looseness

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Over the summer, a Chinese company, Xiaomi, took the No. 1 position in China’s competitive market. title is now the world’s third largest phone maker.

Xiaomi (found) in 2010 as a company to sell smartly designed phones at cheap prices over Internet. A clever social media strategy and a business plan emphasized customers’ satisfaction after sales helped the company build huge support from young and trendy Chinese people. With people in China (expect) to buy 500 million smartphones in 2015, Xiaomi plans to strengthen it has achieved.

Xiaomi makes some money on phone sales, the company is not content and has the ambition (increase) profitability by selling (serve) like entertainment and apps through the phone. Besides, the company has started to sell other devices, a smart television, a tablet and a fitness band.

第三部分: 阅读 (满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



I was on my way home by train. The train’s gentle rocking made me feel sleepy, despite the fact that I was standing with what felt like a building in the bag on my back. I turned slightly to reduce some of the pain in my shoulder and saw the door at the end of the car.

An obviously homeless man walked through the door. He was dressed in a dirty heavy coat. He dragged a bag that looked thirty times as heavy as mine. He asked people for spare change in the polite, experienced voice of a person who had done this before. I glanced down as I did a quick check of my pockets, hoping for spare change to give him that wouldn’t leave me short for the rest of the week. I came up empty and lifted my head just as his path crossed mine. Shrugging apologetically, I told him I had no change, expecting him to move through the door next to me and continue going to the next cars.

However, he stood and stared at me, saying something quietly. Then I realized he was asking me to take him home. Suddenly money didn’t matter that much to this man who lived in poverty without even enough money to purchase socks to the chill. Not food, not clothes, not even a blanket. Just affection.

I felt worse than I had done about not finding any spare change. My heart sank and I couldn’t even think of the proper words to say besides “I can’t, I’m sorry.” He asked me, “What’s wrong with my request?” The answer was on my lips before I knew it. I told him that I was not good enough for him.

It was after the man had left that I thought about the answer I had given him and wondered why it felt so right to say so. I realized that I should have requested love over money or food. The fact that he could appreciate something so simple and invisible is more than I could ever have expected of myself.

46. When the author was sleepy and tired, he saw a homeless man on the train __________.

A. looking for his long-lost friend

B. asking people for spare clothes

C. begging passengers for some money

D. talking about his painful experience

47. Which of the following can best describe the author according to Paragraph 2?

A. Self-centered. B. Hard-working.

C. Kind-hearted. D. Easy-going.

48. To his surprise, the author found that the homeless man wanted __________.

A. neither food nor money B. not money but love

C. neither money nor love D. both shelter and protection

49. The underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. prevent B. control

C. help D. attract

50. What did the author learn from the man?

A. No place is more comfortable than home.

B. Friendship can bring two strangers closer.

C. People should bravely follow their dreams.

D. Love is more precious than money or food.


The USA is a land of immigrants. Between 1815 and 1914, the world witnessed the greatest peaceful migration in its history: 35 million people, mostly Europeans, left their homelands to start new lives in America. Why did these people risk everything by leaving their homes and families?

First, what forced emigrants to make the decision to leave? One major cause for European farmers to leave was the rise in population which in turn led to land hunger. Another was politics. There was an increased taxation(税收)and the growth of armies, and many young men fled eastern Europe to avoid being forced to join the army.

Physical hunger provided another pressing reason. Following the collapse(衰退)of the economy of southern Italy in the 1860s, hundreds of thousands decided to start a new life in America. Religion also encouraged millions to leave the Old World.

In short, people chose to leave their homes for social, economic and religious reasons. As a result, by 1890 among a total population of 63 million, there were more than nine million foreign-born Americans.

But what were the attractions? First of all, there was the promise of land which was so scarce in Europe. Next, factories were calling for workers, and pay conditions were much better than back home. Men were needed to open up the West and build the long railroads, and new towns needed settlers to live in and to develop business. There was the space for religious people to practice their faith in peace.

This immigration meant that by around the 1850s Americans of non-English had started to be more than those of English. As we know, there were losers. To start with, there were those unwilling immigrants, the slaves who had been used as a source of cheap labor. Nor should we forget the equally unlucky American Indians. By 1860 there were 27 million free whites, four million slaves and a mere 488,000 free blacks.

Nowadays, the USA is still seen by millions as the Promised Land. As always, it remains an attractive place to those who think it will offer them a second chance.

51. What is NOT the cause for people to leave their homeland?

A. The search for religious freedom. B. The search for adventure.

C. Unwillingness to join the army. D. Economy.

52. Why was the life of the European farmers in the 19th Century difficult?

A. There was no land. B. There was no peace.

C. The population had gone down. D. There were too many of them.

53. Which of the following was NOT an attraction of the USA?
