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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 04:35:56 体裁作文



一到四五月,龙眼树上张开了淡黄色的笑脸。哦!那就是龙眼花啊!它的香味淡淡的,连小蝴蝶也很喜欢。细雨如丝,一颗颗龙眼树贪婪着吮吸着甘露。几个月后,龙眼熟了。刚出生的龙眼只有米粒般大,过了几天,他的皮灰褐色的,肉是褐色的,籽是黑色的,它的肉变得越来越饱满,圆鼓鼓的,就像娃娃脸,它的肉晶莹剔透,吃起来更是回味无穷。 龙眼不仅好吃,还有很多用处,比如:可以做成酒,还可以做成龙眼干……你说,龙眼这么好吃,又这么多用处,我能不喜欢吗?!


漳浦县是福建省漳州市南部沿海县,建县于唐垂拱二年(686),明以后素有“金漳浦”美誉。介于北纬23°43′—24°21′,东经117°24′—118°02′之间,东接厦门,南临汕头,与台湾一衣带水。[1] 与台湾源远流长,是著名侨乡和台胞祖籍地,全县去台人员1.2万人,台属


漳浦县是一个千年古县、全国文化先进县、人口大县、农业大县、海洋大县 、资源大县、新兴临港工业县。境内打造台湾古雷石化产业基地(千亿产业群)是一个台商投资密集地,改革开放后成为全国首批沿海对外开放县、现代农业示范区和国家级海峡两岸(福建)农业合作实验区的重要组成部分[1]。




Zhangpu County














面 积


人 口


方 言
















963年,清源军(下辖泉州、莆田、漳州)为平海军,陈洪进为节度使,漳州属平海军。 978年(北宋太平兴国三年),陈洪进纳土于宋,漳州始随平海军纳入宋土。宋代属于福建路、元代属于漳州路。



























1987年8月,从佛昙镇划出马圩、后康、仙都、文安、京野、林埭6个村重设马坪乡。 1988年5月,撤销城关乡建制,将原城关乡的行政区划并入绥安镇,同时将杜浔乡和赤湖乡分别改为杜浔镇和赤湖镇。






自然地理编辑 地理位置

漳浦县地处闽南金三角的南部,东临台湾海峡,南望东山、汕头,北接漳州、厦门。漳浦县位于福建东南沿海南端,在北纬24°6'-23°32'、东经117°35 '-117°58 '之间。东临台湾海峡与台湾隔海相望,南隔东山湾与东山县对峙,西南与云霄县相连,西及西北与平和县、龙海市毗邻,北及东北与龙海市接壤。从县城绥安镇北往漳州56公里、往福州373公里,东北往厦门125公里,南下汕头176公里。旧镇码头东到台湾高雄143海里,北上厦门66海里,南下香港278海里。[3]










篇三:莆田 英文材料2

The city lies in the middle of the coastal line of Fujian Province, facing Taiwan across the Straits. It borders on Quanzhou City in the west and south, and neighbours Fuzhou City in the north. Its total area amounts to 3,781 square kilometers and it has a population of 3.23 million, with Han as its main nationality. Putian is one of the important hometowns inhabited by 170,000 relatives of overseas Chinese, and there are another 100,000 overseas Chinese of Putian's natives living in the southeast of Asia and the countries in South and North Americas. The city now governs two districts, Chengxiang and Hanjiang, as well as Putian and Xianyou Counties. Because of the sub-tropical marine monsoon climate, it has short winter, with yearly average air temperature of celsius 18---21. The best tourist season is from April to December every year. Putian was called "Pukou" in the ancient times. The first county of Putian was officially set up in 568 A.D. and won a name of "Lychee County" because of abounding in lychee. The original name of Xianyou County was Qingyuan County, which was set up in 699 AD. It was said that there were nine brothers of He Family who became immortals and rode carps to Heaven from this place, so the county got such a name of "Xianyou", with another name of "Li Cheng" (Carp County). Form Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, Putian and Xianyou Counties were under the jurisdiction of different prefectures, including Xinghua Region, Xing'an Prefecture, Xinghua Road and Xinghua Prefecture. Today they are still called Xinghua. After liberation, Putian Prefecture once government seven counties, taking Putian County as its center. In 1983, Putian City was set up, combining Putian and Xianyou Counties.

Putian is a beautiful city with a long history and is endowed with many historical and cultural sites and natural landscapes. Among the main scenic attractions are Nine-carp Lake, Maixie Crag, Caixi-rock Mountain, Sound of Tides in Meizhou Island, Rocks Hidden in the Mist in Shishi Crag, Sunrise in Dongyan Mountain, Queer Rocks in Zixiao Mountain, Autumn Moon Mirrored in White Pond, Guanghua Temple, Sanqing Temple, Hulan (Lily Magnolia) Dam, Ninghai Bridge, Ancient Watchtower, Jiaji Cottage, Stone Archway in the Eastern Gate of Xianyou County, Wen Temple, and so on. All these wonderful sceneries of southern flavour make both banks of Mulan Stream be overflowing with vigour.

Putian lies in the open and wide Xinghua Plains and has convenient land and water communications because of their advanced traffic networks. There are small steamboats running between Chengxiang and Hanjiang Districts. The Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway passing through the city from north to south has joined it to such cities as Fuzhou, Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, and Sanming. The Xiuyu Port in Meizhou Gulf being built will be a large one in the south of China and will serve as an important window in the economic communication with other countries.

Putian has won a good name of "an Emerging City of Shoes Manufacture", who has developed rapidly depending on "a pair of shoes". Now Putian has been an important base of manufacturing shoes for export in Fujian Province. In addition, freshwater acquiculture is thriving in Putian and 40% of live eels for export in Fujian Province come from here.

Putian is also a famous area of growing grain and fruits. Lychee, longan, loquat and the canned fruits of these three are all well-known both at home and abroad. With a good name of "Land of Sugarcane", it is an important region of producing sugar in China. The noted Xinghua rice noodle in the southeast of Asia, Europe and America.

Putian City is noted for its long-standing tradition of paying great attention to culture and education and has cultivated a large number of talented personalities, which bring to it a title "City of Literature". Putian Opera, named as the "Live Fossil of Local Operas", is an important type of local operas in China. With hosts of sports stars originating from here, Putian acquires the title of "Land of Athletics".

As the hometown of Mazu, the Goddess of the Straits, Putian has been a sacret place worshiped and visited by our Taiwan compatriots and other devotees all over the world.With the policy of opening to the utside world, the old Xinghua is developing rapidly ...

South shaolin

After burned in the early 1900's, the exact position of South shaolin temple was kept unknown until the remainders of the temple were accidentally found in early 1990's at a place called "XiTianWei", which means the end of the Western Heaven. It is about one dozen miles from the center of PuTian City.

The most famous of Fujian Shaolin may be the Nan Ch'uan and the Yongchun Crane (He4 Quan2), also known as

Wing Chun, Bak Mei, Hung Gar, and other Kung Fu systems all refer to the burning of the Shaolin Temple in their lore. Most of these legends do not make a distinction between a Southern Shaolin Temple and a Northern Shaolin Temple. Consequently, some experts of today suggest that there was no Southern Shaolin Temple, leaving practitioners in a state of confusion between the legends and current historical findings. This article highlights the evidence of the Southern Temple's existence, destruction, and present day reconstruction in the southern Province of Fujian, China.

The Southern Shaolin Temple was ultimately the result of Northern Temple monk warriors responding to a request for martial assistance from a young Tang Dynasty. Pirate incursions in Fujian Province threatened stability and prosperity in Southern China and the new dynasty needed help. At the Emperor's request, three of the legendary Shaolin Thirteen Cudgel fighting monks, Dao Guang, Seng Man and Seng Feng, led approximately 500 warrior monks south in the early 7th Century

A.D. to engage in battle against the pirates. They helped the Tang soldiers turn back the tide, so to speak, and the coastal war was won. According to research performed over the last decade by three independent Chinese Government

historical organizations (the Fujian Province Archeologist's Association, the Fujian Museum, and the Putian Southern Shaolin Temple Investigatory Association) many warrior monks fell in the ensuing battles. To commemorate their fallen

comrades, some of the Shaolin monks stayed behind in the Southern provinces. They were welcomed and followed by local monks seeking to become Shaolin disciples. Dao Guang initially returned to Song San Shaolin Temple and visited Tan Zong, the grandmaster. Tan Zong wrote a poem for him and asked him to select a site resembling the Song San "Jiu Lian" Mountain and then build a Southern Shaolin Temple to commemorate their fallen brothers. The grandmaster asked him to remember their ancestors and to spread the Chan Buddhist philosophy native to the Song San Temple (also called "Zen" in today's Japanese culture). The literal meaning of the poem is: "Days and months fighting roving bandits, wishing a temple to stay at the foot of Jiu Lian Mountain; Southern and Northern Shaolin originates from the same temple with Chan Buddhism engraved in the heart forever".

Dao Guang returned to Fujian and selected Putian Linshan Mountain (which resembled "Jiu Lian" mountain in topography) as the site of the Southern Shaolin Temple. Evidence amassed by the three above referenced historical and

archeological organizations establishes that the Tang Emperor, Lee Shimin (600-649 AD), approved the proposed site and the construction of a Southern Shaolin Temple. He was particularly appreciative, as the warrior monks had earlier saved his life in a conflict with a rogue General who challenged his ascendancy to the throne. Lee Shimin (Imperial title - Tai-Tsung) reigned from 626-649 AD. He brought Taoism and Buddhism together with Confucian policy to rule the country. The Chan tradition of the Southern Shaolin was also created at this time, together with that temple's practice of martial arts.

Centuries later, events during the Ming / Qing transition produced a political climate that precipitated an increased need for martial arts development in the south. During that time, Ming supporters and Southern Shaolin warriors formed a secret society called the Hung Fa Wui. Additional society members included high-level ex-Ming military officers and members of the Ming royal family. The actual meeting hall of the Hung Fa Wui, called the Hung Fa Ting, was the only original building left standing when the temple was excavated. The Government of China dates the creation of the Hung Fa Ting and the Hung Fa Wui to 1646 A.D. - two years following the collapse of the Ming Dynasty in Northern China. The martial experts of the Hung Fa Wui pooled their knowledge to create a combat system that would be quick to learn and effective against all styles via the mapping of spatial, temporal, and energetics characteristics of the battlefield to human physiological structure. The highly scientific paradigm shift of this fighting system occurred in the Southern Shaolin Temple through the combined efforts of Shaolin monks and the Hung Fa Wui secret society - specifically in a place called the "Weng Chun Tong".

The fighting effectiveness and revolutionary activities of the Southern Shaolin systems astounded the Qing Emperor at that time. In response, the Qing ordered the destruction of the Southern Shaolin Temple through the use of overwhelming

odds. Surviving members scattered throughout the Southern Provinces. Supported by other secret societies, these revolutionaries continued to spread their activities and fighting style. Many of today's Southern kung fu systems trace their roots to the Weng Chun Tong, such as Chi Sim Weng Chun and Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun.

The National Culture Bureau discovered the ruins of the center temple, "Lin Quan Yuan," in 1986 - more than 300 years after its destruction. The ruins are located at Jiu Lian Mountain (above sea level 500 meters) and are surrounded by mountains North, South, and East. The Temple's western side was opposite the Supine Buddha Mountain (above sea level 570 meters) with a river in between. The ruins are 200 meters long from west to east with a total area of about 30,000 square meters. The terrain and its features bear a strong resemblance to Song San Shaolin Temple. The topography of the Southern Shaolin Temple is strategically located and quite difficult to access. From a military perspective, it was easy to defend and difficult to challenge. In essence, it was an ideal place for executing

revolutionary command and control of military strategy and tactics. There are more than 10 fortified mountain villages around it. Today the ruins of these villages still exist. The four stone inscriptions of Zhang Jiang Village confirm that it was built at the end of Ming Dynasty (1645 A.D) when Cibo Huang fought against Qing soldiers. There are also place names related to the Shaolin Temple at Lin Shan Village, such as Yuan Qian, Yuan Hou, Yuan Ke, Ta Li, Ta Xi, Fangseng Chi, Liangong Tan, etc. Likewise, there are some camp names related to martial arts practice as well, and a stone trough for the monk soldiers to treat wounded and ill casualties. The stone trough is 226 cm long and 100 cm wide with the inscription "Bathing and boiling herb medicine for monks." Overall, these ruins suggest a significant level of prosperity for the participants in warfare during the Ming/Qing struggle.

Due to existing material objects, folk legend and historical literature all pointing to the existence of a Southern Shaolin Temple, the Putian Southern Shaolin Research Association was the first to apply for Government permission to engage in formal archaeological studies for the Southern Shaolin Temple. From Dec. 1, 1990 to May 25, 1991, approved by National Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Fujian Provincial Archeology Team also set out to do the same by excavating 1325 square meters of a total 30,000 square meters of Lin Quan Yuan. This represented the first phase of the recovery of the Southern Shaolin Temple. The initial dig unearthed many precious historical relics of dynasties ranging from the Tang to the Qing.

In June, 1991, the Northern Shaolin Temple sent their Martial Monks to teach martial arts at Putian. Hand in hand with the Putian Southern Shaolin Research Association, they started to rebuild the "Southern Boxing and Northern Kicking" magnificent martial arts era. The Putian Southern Shaolin Research Institute was further invited to make a horizontal inscribed board with the words on it

saying "World's No. 1 Temple" on August 21st, 1991. The board has been hung at the top of the gate of Tian Wang Dian of Song San Shaolin Temple signifying the unity of the two temples as one Shaolin identity. The reconstructed Southern Shaolin Temple has been a very effective driving force for propagating and developing Chinese traditional martial arts, while simultaneously strengthening relations with the Chan Grandmaster of the Northern Shaolin Temple.

On Sept. 14, 1991, the Chinese Martial Arts Association, the Fujian Sport Committee, and the Fujian Martial Arts Association co-organized a conference to expound and prove the existence of the Southern Shaolin Temple. More than 30 experts in martial arts, history, religion and archeology firmly asserted that the central temple Lin Quan Yuan of Southern Shaolin Temple was built around 557 A.D during the Nan (South) Dynasty. This is only 61 years later than the Song San Shaolin Temple and even one year earlier than the most famous Guan Hua Temple at Putian. Therefore it is the earliest temple built in Fujian. According to the above referenced research teams, it was ultimately ordered burned by Kang Xi of the Qing Dyna(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:莆田家乡介绍ppt)sty because of its participation and leadership in

revolutionary activities. The Chinese Buddhism Association council member, De Chan, who is also the 29th grandmaster of Song San Shaolin Temple, confirmed these facts via historical literature maintained in the Northern Temple. In recognition, he granted an inscription for the reconstructed Southern Shaolin Temple. The meaning of the inscription is, "At the foot of "Jiu Lian Mountain", there exists a Southern Shaolin Temple".

On April 25th, 1992, the Southern Shaolin Temple confirmation conference was held in the Beijing People's Conference Hall. The conference officially approved the reconstruction of the Southern Shaolin Temple. After the press conference, the Xin Hua News Agency distributed press releases to the world announcing that the Southern Shaolin Temple was to be rebuilt at Fujian Putian. The Central News Agency also carried an article on April 26th stating, "Experts revealed the historically secret Southern Shaolin Temple to be rebuilt at Fujian". The article asserted that the controversy over the location of the ruins of the Southern Shaolin Temple had been resolved.

The discovery of the Southern Shaolin Temple caused a great response both at home and overseas. Putian city has held five Shaolin Boxing Competitions since then. People from all over the world have been attracted to Putian to visit the temple for respect and Martial Arts practice in an endless stream. On August 8, 1992, the provincial government officially approved the request to start the reconstruction. On Dec. 24th, 1994, actual construction began. The city and county government and many compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao participated in the opening ceremony. The first phase of the project was completely designed by the Provincial Classical Architecture Institute. With an investment of over 80 million yuan, they completed the construction of the mountain highway, the large and small Pailou (Decorated archways), the Daxiong Treasure Hall, the Long










1.2010年5月,中央新疆工作会议在北京隆重召开。胡锦涛总书记代表党中央、国务院明确指出:到2015年新疆人均地区生产总值达到全国平均水平,城乡居民收入和人均基本公共服务能力达到西部地区平均水平.自我发展能力明显提高。这表明我国处理民族关系,坚持________的基本原则。( )

A.民族平等 B.民族团结 C.各民族共同繁荣 D.民族和谐

2.不同国家有不同的收入分配格局,在我国要逐步形成的收入分配格局是( )

A.橄榄型 B.哑铃型 C.金宇塔型 D.倒丁字型

3.2010年11月12日,第______届亚洲运动会在_______隆重开幕。这是继l990年北京举办第十一届亚运会后,亚运盛会20年后再次回到中国。( )

A. 14 上海 B. 15 广州 C. l6 广州 D. 17 北京

4.2010年12月10日至l2日.中央经济工作会议在北京召开。会议对2011年的经济工作提出了基调:一是实旋施“积极稳健、审慎灵活”的宏观经济政策:二是( )

A.致力推进改革 B.大力防止通货膨胀

C.进一步扩大开放 D.着力改善民生

5.2011年1月18日至21日。应美国总统奥巴马的邀请,国家主席胡锦涛对美国进行国事访同。期间中美双方签署了450亿美元的商业合同.发布了《中美联合声明》。提出中美致力于共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的( )

A.合作伙伴关系 B.战略互惠关系 C.战略伙伴关系 D.友好合作关系

6.2011年3月7日,为庆祝中国共产党成立90周年.营造文明和谐的社会环境,中宣部、中央文明办部署“讲文明树新风”志愿服务活动,该活动是_______的有效载体。( )

A.加强和创新社会管理 B.加强和创新文化管理

C.加强和创新经济管理 D.加强和创新政治管理

7.2010年底,在全球超级计算机500强排行中,“天河一号”运算速度居世界第一。“天河一号”超级计算机( )

①在自主创新方面取得了重大突破 ②将使我国彻底告别国外芯片,全部使用“中国芯” ③能在需要巨大运算量的核工业等领域发挥不可替代的作用 ④第—次使我国成为世界上少数几个拥有超级计算机的国家

A.①②③ B.①③ C.②④ D.①③④

8.清明期间,越来越多的人选择了网上祭扫。下列说法不能体现这一行为的是( )





9.诗句“梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香”启示我们要( )

①通过自已的外在体征认识自已 ②欣赏自已的优点 ③接受自已的不足 ④客观地评价自已

A.①②③④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.②③

10.要化解子女与父母之间“爱的冲突”,双方应该( )





11莆田市各中小学为了确保学生的安全,长期以来实行由行政领导干部与教师共目组成的“值班导护师制”。实行这一制度体现了对未成年人的( )

A家庭保护 B.社会保护 C.司法保护 D.学控保护

12下列属于善于交往的行为是( )





13.我国最新刑法修正案(八)规定:在道路上醉酒驾驶机动车的,处拘役,并处罚金。 其中拘役和罚金分别属于刑罚种类中的( )

A.主刑 主刑 B.附加刑 附加刑

C.附加刑主刑 D.主刑 附加型

14.对右边漫画认识错误的是( )

A. 不让妈妈担心,是“善意的谎言”




15“雷锋传人”郭明义,他坚持20多年做好事.无偿献血6万余毫升,资助l00多名特困生,捐款l2万余元。这说明他能( )

①遇事替别人着想.体谅别人的处境 ②为别人的幸福而付出,助人不求回报。 ③已所不欲,勿施于人 ④平等恃人,团结协作

A.①② B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③④

16.近年来,一些企业之间的恶性竞争愈演愈烈.最终都付出了惨痛的代价。这给我们的 警示主要是( )





17.2011年1月9日,我国卫生部发出通知:从今年5月1日起,在包括室内办公场所在内的所有公共场所全面禁烟。此举有助于降低“二手烟”带来的危害。这说明( )

①社会生活是一个按照制度和规则来管理、运行的系统 ②制度的正义在于它保障多 数社会成员的利益 ③有了合理的制度规则,社会合作才能顺利进行 ④制定公平合理的制度规则有利于建立一个人民共同幸福的社会

A.①③ B.①④ C.②④ D.①③④

18“你吹响你的芦笙,我弹起我的冬不拉,你拉起你的马头琴,我吹响我的唢呐 ??奏 一曲团结友爱的歌吧。”歌词表明我国已建立的新型民族关系是( )

A.平等、团结、互助、和谐 B.平等、团结、共同繁荣

C.民族区域自治 D.和平、互助、合怍

19.2011年中央财政用在与人民群众生活直接相关的教育、医疗卫生、社会保障和就业、 住房保障、文化方面的支出达10510亿元,比上年增长l8.1%。这一举措( )

①有利于推动和谐社会建设 ②是使人民生活总体上达到小康水平的必然要求 ③从根本上解决了我国社会的主要矛盾 ④有利于让人民分享改革开放的成果

A.①② B.①④ C.①②④ D.①③④

20.某班最近开展了一次别开生面的“品对联韵味,析国策战略”的主题班会活动。其中 有一副“科技繁荣千秋旺,教育发展百业兴’的对联,这副对联最合适的横批是 ( )

A.依法治国 B.科教兴国 C.改革开放 D.依法行政

21.利比亚局势动荡后,我国海、陆、空联动,发起了新中国成立以来最大规模的海外搬 侨行动.一共撤出并且安全接回中国公民35860人。对此认识正确的是( )

①说明了我国综合国力大大提升 ②说明了我国已成为世界最发达的国家 ③大大提高了我国的国际形象 ④体现了我国政府以人为本的执政理念

A.①②③ B.①③ C.①③④ D.②③



本完成.灾区面貌焕然一新。 他们之所能够取得这么大的成就主要

靠( )

A.艰苦奋斗 B.实践精神

C.改革创新 D.探索精种

23.为庆祝中周共产党成立90周年,莆田市委组织开展了以“历史的选择”为主题的第十八届青少年爱国主义读书教育活动。这表明莆田市委重视( )

A.物质文明建设 B.民主法制建设

C.教育科学文化建设 D.思想道德建设

24.“真正的爱国主义不应该表现在漂亮的话上,而应表现在为祖国谋利益,为人民谋福 利的行动上。”这句话告诉我们( )

A.要以振兴中华为己任 B.爱国需要无私的奉献精神

C.要从小立下爱国之志 D.爱国、报效祖国要有实际行动
















(1)观点聚集:材料一中参演人员的行为体现了高度的责任感,值得我们学习。说说 青少年应如何把自已培养成一个有责任感的人?(4分)






我国从去年至今发生了多起危害食品安全的事件:海南“毒豇豆”事件、“地沟油”再度现身、三聚氰胺超标奶粉卷土重来、“瘦肉精”事件??这在社会上造成了恶劣的影响。2011年3月24日,全国人大常委会食品安全法执法检查组启动食品安全执法检查。目前,最高人民检察院也?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路⑼ㄖ允称钒踩婧鲋笆亍⑹е颁轮暗模宦裳纤嗖榇Γ还孟ⅰ?/p>



(2)我国严厉打击危害食品安全的违法犯罪行为有何作用?(请运用九年级相关知识 生少从三个方面作答,3分)






(1)(版主引用):“十二五”规划纲要明确提出了未来五年我国各项工作的指导思想、主 题、主线、住务和目标等。



