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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 17:21:17 作文素材




With the development of our harmonious society, 8 do’s and 8 don’t’s are becoming more and more important to people all over China, especially to us young people.

We all know it is important for the young to observe the rules and regulations. As students, we are being educated in order to bear a share of social responsibility in the future. Through observation, we can realize the importance of the law so that we can deal with problems properly in the future. Of course, we can also protect ourselves by using the law, which shows our quality of civilization.

On the other hand, if we neglect rules and regulations, our safety won’t be ensured. In fact, observing them has nothing to do with our degrees. For example, a woman post-graduate is reported to have broken the traffic rules and wanted to escape the punishment. At the news, we were very shocked. So we must take great notice of our behaviors in our daily life for the benefit of ourselves.

All in all, we students should not only be well educated, but also get into the habit of observing rules and regulations to do our bit for our country.


A few days ago, Chairman Hu delivered a speech. He appealed to us Chinese people to keep the 8 honors and 8 disgraces in mind, which plays an important part in the building of our country. But some uncivilized phenomena still exist in our society, such as a post-graduate crossing the road casually, ignoring the traffic rules.

In my opinion, as the new century students, we should keep the “8 honors and 8 disgraces” in our mind firmly. For example, when we are in school, we should observe the regulations. We can’t throw litters to the ground. Instead, we should put them into the litter bin. Furthermore, we should keep good manners. We should not have words with others but keep up friendship with people around us.. When we are in society, we should respect the old and treat the young in a kind way.

In brief, with the reform and open-door policy put into practice, we should spread the spirit of “8 honors and 8 disgraces” to make great contributions to our country.


Since the reform and the opening up policy were put into practice, we’re all pleased to see great changes have taken place in our country. But unfortunately, we are astonished to see an incident that a woman with a B.S. degree ignored the traffic rules and even didn’t want to pay a fine, which has left us a lot to think about.

This year Chairman Wu calls on us to practise: Eight honors and Eight disgraces. I think it’s high time for us to follow his words, so that we can turn our country into one with law and high civilization.

As we all know, it’s an honor to obey laws and a shame to break them. As an adult, he must obey laws to set a good example to children. As a businessman, he must obey the law to win more customers, as a leader, to gain more support from his people and a student ,to establish himself as a qualified member in the country.

So let’s keep Chairman’s words in mind and be a qualified member to meet the needs of the changing situation in order to do our bit in the building of a harmonious society.




There are many things that the younth shoud pay more attention on.

First of all, the youngth shoud study hard. Also, the youngth should eat all kinds of food. Next, they should build self-confidence and active life attitude .In addition, the younth should try not to use Internet too much because it's really harmful for their bodies and studies. Finally, They shouldn't be tempted by other bad enticements.

He or she will be a useful person as long as he or she can comply with the right rules.








李瑞环,热爱本职岗位,从一个普通的建筑工人成长为党和国家领导人。 焦裕禄,将灾难中的兰考人民紧紧团结起来,与风沙盐碱战斗到生命最后一刻。

孔子,早在2000多年前就教育他的弟子要诚实。在学习中,知道的就说知道,不知道的就说不知道。他认为这才是诚实守信对待学习的正确态度。 邱少云,为了大部队的行动,坚守纪律,强忍着烈火烧身直到牺牲。 雷锋,一双袜子补了又补,却寄钱救济战友的家人。





There are many things that the younth shoud pay more attention on.

First of all, the youngth shoud study hard. Also, the youngth should eat all kinds of food. Next, they should build self-confidence and active life attitude .In addition, the younth should try not to use Internet too much because it's really harmful for their bodies and studies. Finally, They shouldn't be tempted by other bad enticements.

He or she will be a useful person as long as he or she can comply with the right rules.




There are many things that the younth shoud pay more attention on.



irst of all, the youngth shoud study hard. Also, the youngth should eat all kinds of food. Next, they should build self-confidence and active life attitude .In addition, the younth should try not to use Internet too much because it's really harmful for their bodies and studies. Finally, They shouldn't be tempted by other bad enticements.

He or she will be a useful person as long as he or she can comply with the right rules.
