作业帮 > 高中作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 17:17:56 高中作文









I HAVE A DREAM,我有一个梦想,我希望有一天在你怀里学会放飞。I HAVE A DREAM,我有一个梦想,我希望有一天你能看见我的改变。I HAVE A DREAM,我还有一个梦想,希望有一天你能为我——鼓掌。

09届计算机专业 青岛大学华文学院 2012-11-10

篇二:牛津译林版7B Unit1单元综合测试卷含答案

牛津译林版7B Unit1单元综合测试卷



( )1. Where are they talking?

A. In a bookshop. B. In the classroom. C. In a clothes shop.

( )2. What's Miss Chen's telephone number?

A. 6580018. B.6580081. C.5680018.

( )3. How many living rooms are there in Sandy's new home?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

( )4. How many boys are there in Andy's class?

A. Thirty. B. Twenty-five. C. Fifty-five.

( )5. When is the girl's birthday?

A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.


( )6. Who does Andy live with?

A. His grandparents. B. His parents. C. His sisters.

( )7. How many floors does the building have?

A.5. B.12. C.20.

( )8. How far is 'Andy's home from the centre of the city?

A. Five miles. B. Twelve miles. C. Twenty-four miles.

( )9. How many rooms does Andy's flat have?

A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.

( )10. Where do they often stay in summer?

A. In the living room. B. Outside the building. C. On the balcony.


1. Who would you like to_______(呆)with?

2. Tomorrow is my mother's_______(四千)birthday.

3. Can you tell me how to start the new_______(机器)?

4. I'd like to have a_______(淋浴)in my bathroom every day in summer.

5. Our village is twenty_______(英里)from the town.

6. My new house is about 150_______ (平方)metres.

7. Usually, I do my homework in the_______(书房)and sometimes I play computer games in it, too.

8. -The White Snow princess(公主)lives in the_______ with her father happily.

-That's true. But she runs away because her step mother(继母)wants to kill(杀)her.

9. -Do you have your _______computer?

- No, but my father will buy one for me next year.

10. -I don't know how to use the knife and the_______ for a meal.

-But there's no need to use them in China.


1. _______ (woman) Day is coming. Let's have a party to celebrate it.

2. In_______ (many) homes, people like to watch TV in bed in the evening.

3. I _______ (real) don't know how to read it.

4. Do the_______ (beach) look beautiful on sunny days?

5. These_______ (country) capitals are all great and beautiful.


( ) 1. Which of the following(下面的) places is NOT a capital city?

A. Tokyo B. London C. Sydney D. Paris

( ) 2. Kitty was born in_______ USA. Her birthday is on_______ fifth of April.

A. the;/ B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /

( ) 3. This is the best room we have. You can_____ the sea if you_____ out of the window.

A. look; look B. look; see C. see; look D. see; see

( ) 4. The building has_______ floors and I live on the_______ floor.

A. twentieth; ninth B. twenty; nine

C. twentieth; nine D. twenty; ninth

( ) 5. Mr James bought (买) a new_______ in the tall building.

A. house B. flat C. room D. family

( ) 6. There are 2,210 students and teachers in your school. How do you read the number?

A. Two thousands two hundreds and ten

B. Two thousands two hundred and ten

C. Two thousand two hundred and ten

D. Two thousand two hundreds and ten

( ) 7. -Would you like to go shopping with me? -_______3

A. Sure, that seems great B. No, I wouldn't

C. Yes, I would D. I don't want do go with you

( ) 8. Jim likes to sit in the park _______ his friends.

A. chatting B. to chat with C. chatting at D. chat with

( ) 9. My telephone number_______ 3001235.

A. be B. am C. are D. is

( )10. There is a big tree_______ my house.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. on D. in

( )11. I have a new computer in my_______. I can see some films in bed.

A. bathroom B. garden C. bedroom D. kitchen

( )12. Nanjing is a big city. More than seven_______ people live a happy life there.

A. hundred B. thousands C. million D. millions

( )13. "Sam sits_______ Kitty." Which is wrong(错误的)?

A. behind B. between C. next to D. in front of

( )14. Millie is_______.

A. 1.53 metres long B. 1.53 metres tall

C. long l. 53 metres D. tall 1.53 metres

( )15. I am_______ my sister. I love dancing but she likes singing.

A. the same as B. different to C. same as D. different from

( )16. -Which floor do you live_______?

-The first floor. I live_______ Room 112.

A. in; on B. on; on C. on; in D. in; in

( )17. After reading for an hour, you'd better_______ the green trees for a minute or two.

A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at

( )18. -You look cool today! -_______.

A. Oh, no B. Yes, I am C. Not at all D. Thanks a lot

( )19. The_______ student comes from Canada.

A. 32th B. thirty-two C. thirty-second D. thirtieth-three

( )20. -_______ your friend like tomatoes? -Yes, very much.

A. s B. Are C. Do D. Does

五、动词填空 (10%)

1. Joan with her family_______ (live) in a small town in London.

2._______ Jenny_______ (share) a bedroom with her sister?

3. Don't talk. The teachers_______ (have) a meeting in the next room now.

4. I'd like_______ (do) some shopping this Saturday.

5. Lucy's brother enjoys_______ (chat) with friends on the Internet.

6. Who always________ (cook) dinner in your family?

7. Spring is the best time_______ (plant) trees.

8. The policeman asks us_______ (answer) his questions.

9. Thanks for_______ (tell) me the way to the hospital.

10. Your bedroom_______ (look) beautiful and clean.


(山顶)of a hill. There is a Flowers and vegetables grow(生长) field. He can play football with his friends there, too.

is on the first floor. There are ten tables in it and each table is big enough for 10 people. That meansfloor there are eight bedrooms. Each two beds, a balcony and a TV. If some friends visit his home, they can all live in his house.

( )1. A. with B. in C. on D. over

( )2. A. cool B. cold C. warm D. hot

( )3.A. play B. swim C. run D. sit

( )4. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

( )5. A. my B. your C. his D. her

( )6. A. badminton B. football C. basketball D. volleyball

( )7. A. garden B. dining room C. sitting room D. table

( )8. A. ten B. twenty

C. one hundred D. one hundred and twenty

( )9. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

( )10. A. shares B. has C. have D. makes



Tom is three years old. He likes to watch TV with his parents after dinner, but his parents never let him stay long. Mother will say, "It's eight o'clock now. It's time for you to

go to bed, Tom.”

“But why don't you go to bed, too?" Tom always asks.

"We are adults(大人,"mother will say, "And adults go to bed late."

One evening Tom asks his mother for an apple.

"But it's too late," his mother doesn't want to give him anything to eat at bedtime. "The apples are already asleep(已睡着)."

"But not all of them, mom." Tom says, "The baby apples are sleeping, but their parents are not."

( )1. Tom likes to watch TV with _______after dinner.

A. his father and mother B. his sister

C. his grandparents D. his brother

( )2. His parents_______ let him stay long.

A. never B. sometimes C. often D. usually

( )3. One evening Tom asks his mother for_______.

A. an egg B. an apple C. an orange D. a pear

( )4. His mother doesn't want to give anything to him to eat_______.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon

C.at bedtime D.at noon

( )5. From the story we know_______.

A. Tom is a quiet(安静的)boy B.Tom is a bad boy

C. Tom is a lazy boy D. Tom is a clever boy


Mike wants to fly like a bird. His father tells him, "You can't fly like a bird because you are too big." "Why can't I? Some birds are big, but they can fly!" The boy doesn't understand(明白). Bill is crippled. He wants to walk and run like other kids. "Why can't l walk or run like other kids?" Bill thinks.

One day, the two boys meet m a park. "Do you want to fly like a bird?" Mike asks Bill. "No," Bill says. "I only want to walk and run like you."

Then Mike walks to Bill's father. He says something to him. "That's OK," says the father. Mike goes to Bill and says, "Get on to my back(爬到我背上).Let's run." Then Mike runs with Bill on his back. Bill is very happy and says, "We can fly, Mike! We can fly!"

( )6. Why does Mike's father think he can't fly?

A. Because he is too young. B. Because he is too big.

C. Because he is too short. D. Because he is too sad.

( )7. What is the Chinese meaning of the word "crippled"?

A.跛的 B.哑的 C.聋的 D.秃的

( )8. Where do they meet one day?

A. In the street. B. In the park. C. At school. D. At home.

( )9. What do you think Mike says to Bill's father?

A. Can I fly with Bill? B. Why can't Bill run?

C. Why do you run with Bill? D. Can I run with Bill on my back?

( )10. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Mike wants to fly like a bird. B. Bill can't run like Mike.

C. Bill can walk like other kids at last(最后). D. Bill is very happy that day.






















1. M: What can I do for you?

W: I'd like a red coat,

2. W: Do you know our teacher Miss Chen's telephone number?

M: Yes, It's 6580018.

3. M: Hello, Sandy. This is your new home, What's it like?

W: It's big. There are three bedrooms, a big living room, a dining room, a kitchen and two


4. M: How many students are there in your class, Andy?

W: Fifty-five. Thirty of them are girls.

5. M: What day is it today?

W: It's Thursday. Oh, tomorrow is my birthday.

(1-5 CAABC)


My name is Andy. I live with my grandparents in a flat. The flat is on the 12th floor in a tall building. The building has 20 floors. Our flat is not in the centre of the city. It's about five miles away from there. Our flat has two bedrooms. One is for my grandparents and the other is for me. We also have a study. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom in our flat. We have a small but lovely balcony. There are some plants there. In summer, we often sit on the balcony because it is cool there.

(6-10) ACABC)

二. 1. stay 2. fortieth 3. machine 4. shower 5. miles

6. square 7. study 8. palace 9. own 10. fork

三. 1. Women's 2. most 3. really 4. beaches 5. countries'













1人们常说“少年不识愁滋味”, ○然而16岁的我,心中总有挥之不去的忧愁。由于长期疏于学业,我的成绩一直在低处徘徊。尽管在众人面前我总是故作坦然,但心里却有难言的苦涩。我想,我不像其他同学那样聪明!

2然而,那一堂极其普通的美术课,却无意中颠覆了我对自己的认识。 ○

3那堂美术欣赏课, ○讲的是法国印象派画家莫奈。周五,又是下午第一节。很多同学都埋着头,用美术课本遮掩因犯困而迷糊的眼神。夏日的午热混杂着少年的汗味弥漫在教室里;窗外的老柳树似乎懒得再摇曳,蝉儿却很高调地重复着昨天的老歌;远处传来繁忙的市音,隐隐约约,嘈嘈杂杂……

4也许只是为了打破昏昏欲睡的沉闷,年轻的美术老师说:“我请一位同 ○


5我的心,因为那些轻蔑的话语而猛烈地跳动,手不自觉地攥紧了。我真 ○


6我当时的样子, ○一定很窘迫、很无助。美术老师轻轻地走到我旁边:“姚远同学,是不是不舒服?”老师侧着脸,关切地看着我。我摇摇头,双手很奇怪地卷着书角,然后展开,再卷起,好像一点点铺排着内心的局促、不安……

7老师帮我把书角展平,指着那幅画说:“你好好看看,感觉到了什么?” ○


8只是几个字而已,美术老师却很欣赏地说:“说得好!莫奈的画,总是 ○



9接下来欣赏的是莫奈的《干草垛》 ○。我凝视着这幅画,用心感受着画意。我敢说,我从未这么专心地上过课!老师先请后排一位同学谈观感,那同学只说画面太单调了。老师微笑地点评:“莫奈画的虽只是干草垛,却巧妙地描绘了光与色带给人的视觉印象。斜射的阳光下,淡橙的天空,橙紫的远山,橙绿的树林,橙黄的干草垛……阳光在跃动,色彩在变幻。画面虽简单,却有一种不同寻常的生命力。”我聚精会神地听着,默默地将老师的讲析与自己的观画印象一一对照。我发现,自己的观画印象竟然与老师的讲析大致吻合,只是我的感受稍显稚嫩。这一发现,让我惊喜万分!

10那个周末,烈日流火。我兴冲冲地跑到艺术品商店,买了一幅带画框的 ○


11我告诉父亲, ○这是美术学科的参考资料。C父亲意味深长地看了我一眼,点点头,什么也没说,只是爬到椅子上,郑重其事地帮着把画挂在我的房间里。

12我开始了一个人的战争,和自卑作战,和惰怠作战。我还一遍遍地为自 ○


13终于,我鼓起梦想的翅膀,飞向远方…… ○

14大学时,我主修国际金融,但我对莫奈的画却始终有一种难以名状的亲 ○


15再回故乡时,我想找到那位美术老师,告诉她,法国的奥赛博物馆我已 ○




















篇五:7B Unit1单元综合测试卷(B)含答案

7B Unit1单元综合测试卷(B)



( )1. Where are they talking?

A. In a bookshop. B. In the classroom. C. In a clothes shop.

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:希望有一天你能明白我)

( )2. What's Miss Chen's telephone number?

A. 6580018. B.6580081. C.5680018.

( )3. How many living rooms are there in Sandy's new home?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

( )4. How many boys are there in Andy's class?

A. Thirty. B. Twenty-five. C. Fifty-five.

( )5. When is the girl's birthday?

A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.


( )6. Who does Andy live with?

A. His grandparents. B. His parents. C. His sisters.

( )7. How many floors does the building have?

A.5. B.12. C.20.

( )8. How far is 'Andy's home from the centre of the city?

A. Five miles. B. Twelve miles. C. Twenty-four miles.

( )9. How many rooms does Andy's flat have?

A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.

( )10. Where do they often stay in summer?

A. In the living room. B. Outside the building. C. On the balcony.


1. Who would you like to_______(呆)with?

2. Tomorrow is my mother's_______(四千)birthday.

3. Can you tell me how to start the new_______(机器)?

4. I'd like to have a_______(淋浴)in my bathroom every day in summer.

5. Our village is twenty_______(英里)from the town.

6. My new house is about 150_______ (平方)metres.

7. Usually, I do my homework in the_______(书房)and sometimes I play computer games in it, too.

8. -The White Snow princess(公主)lives in the_______ with her father happily.

-That's true. But she runs away because her step mother(继母)wants to kill(杀)her.

9. -Do you have your _______computer?

- No, but my father will buy one for me next year.

10. -I don't know how to use the knife and the_______ for a meal.

-But there's no need to use them in China.


1. _______ (woman) Day is coming. Let's have a party to celebrate it.

2. In_______ (many) homes, people like to watch TV in bed in the evening.

3. I _______ (real) don't know how to read it.

4. Do the_______ (beach) look beautiful on sunny days?

5. These_______ (country) capitals are all great and beautiful.


( ) 1. Which of the following(下面的) places is NOT a capital city?

A. Tokyo B. London C. Sydney D. Paris

( ) 2. Kitty was born in_______ USA. Her birthday is on_______ fifth of April.

A. the;/ B. /; the C. the; the D. /; /

( ) 3. This is the best room we have. You can_____ the sea if you_____ out of the window.

A. look; look B. look; see C. see; look D. see; see

( ) 4. The building has_______ floors and I live on the_______ floor.

A. twentieth; ninth B. twenty; nine

C. twentieth; nine D. twenty; ninth

( ) 5. Mr James bought (买) a new_______ in the tall building.

A. house B. flat C. room D. family

( ) 6. There are 2,210 students and teachers in your school. How do you read the number?

A. Two thousands two hundreds and ten

B. Two thousands two hundred and ten

C. Two thousand two hundred and ten

D. Two thousand two hundreds and ten

( ) 7. -Would you like to go shopping with me? -_______3

A. Sure, that seems great B. No, I wouldn't

C. Yes, I would D. I don't want do go with you

( ) 8. Jim likes to sit in the park _______ his friends.

A. chatting B. to chat with C. chatting at D. chat with

( ) 9. My telephone number_______ 3001235.

A. be B. am C. are D. is

( )10. There is a big tree_______ my house.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. on D. in

( )11. I have a new computer in my_______. I can see some films in bed.

A. bathroom B. garden C. bedroom D. kitchen

( )12. Nanjing is a big city. More than seven_______ people live a happy life there.

A. hundred B. thousands C. million D. millions

( )13. "Sam sits_______ Kitty." Which is wrong(错误的)?

A. behind B. between C. next to D. in front of

( )14. Millie is_______.

A. 1.53 metres long B. 1.53 metres tall

C. long l. 53 metres D. tall 1.53 metres

( )15. I am_______ my sister. I love dancing but she likes singing.

A. the same as B. different to C. same as D. different from

( )16. -Which floor do you live_______?

-The first floor. I live_______ Room 112.

A. in; on B. on; on C. on; in D. in; in

( )17. After reading for an hour, you'd better_______ the green trees for a minute or two.

A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at

( )18. -You look cool today! -_______.

A. Oh, no B. Yes, I am C. Not at all D. Thanks a lot

( )19. The_______ student comes from Canada.

A. 32th B. thirty-two C. thirty-second D. thirtieth-three

( )20. -_______ your friend like tomatoes? -Yes, very much.

A. s B. Are C. Do D. Does

五、动词填空 (10%)

1. Joan with her family_______ (live) in a small town in London.

2._______ Jenny_______ (share) a bedroom with her sister?

3. Don't talk. The teachers_______ (have) a meeting in the next room now.

4. I'd like_______ (do) some shopping this Saturday.

5. Lucy's brother enjoys_______ (chat) with friends on the Internet.

6. Who always________ (cook) dinner in your family?

7. Spring is the best time_______ (plant) trees.

8. The policeman asks us_______ (answer) his questions.

9. Thanks for_______ (tell) me the way to the hospital.

10. Your bedroom_______ (look) beautiful and clean.


(山顶)of a hill. There is a Flowers and vegetables grow(生长)friends and field. He can play football with his friends there, too.

His house has three floors. On the ground floor, there is a big bedroom for his parents. The There are ten tables in it and each table is big enough for 10 people. That meansfloor there are eight bedrooms. all live in his house.

( )1. A. with B. in C. on D. over

( )2. A. cool B. cold C. warm D. hot

( )3.A. play B. swim C. run D. sit

( )4. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

( )5. A. my B. your C. his D. her

( )6. A. badminton B. football C. basketball D. volleyball

( )7. A. garden B. dining room C. sitting room D. table

( )8. A. ten B. twenty

C. one hundred D. one hundred and twenty

( )9. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

( )10. A. shares B. has C. have D. makes



Tom is three years old. He likes to watch TV with his parents after dinner, but his parents never let him stay long. Mother will say, "It's eight o'clock now. It's time for you to

go to bed, Tom.”

“But why don't you go to bed, too?" Tom always asks.

"We are adults(大人,"mother will say, "And adults go to bed late."

One evening Tom asks his mother for an apple.

"But it's too late," his mother doesn't want to give him anything to eat at bedtime. "The apples are already asleep(已睡着)."

"But not all of them, mom." Tom says, "The baby apples are sleeping, but their parents are not."

( )1. Tom likes to watch TV with _______after dinner.

A. his father and mother B. his sister

C. his grandparents D. his brother

( )2. His parents_______ let him stay long.

A. never B. sometimes C. often D. usually

( )3. One evening Tom asks his mother for_______.

A. an egg B. an apple C. an orange D. a pear

( )4. His mother doesn't want to give anything to him to eat_______.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon

C.at bedtime D.at noon

( )5. From the story we know_______.

A. Tom is a quiet(安静的)boy B.Tom is a bad boy

C. Tom is a lazy boy D. Tom is a clever boy


Mike wants to fly like a bird. His father tells him, "You can't fly like a bird because you are too big." "Why can't I? Some birds are big, but they can fly!" The boy doesn't understand(明白).

Bill is crippled. He wants to walk and run like other kids. "Why can't l walk or run like other kids?" Bill thinks.

One day, the two boys meet m a park. "Do you want to fly like a bird?" Mike asks Bill. "No," Bill says. "I only want to walk and run like you."

Then Mike walks to Bill's father. He says something to him. "That's OK," says the father. Mike goes to Bill and says, "Get on to my back(爬到我背上).Let's run." Then Mike runs with Bill on his back. Bill is very happy and says, "We can fly, Mike! We can fly!"

( )6. Why does Mike's father think he can't fly?

A. Because he is too young. B. Because he is too big.

C. Because he is too short. D. Because he is too sad.

( )7. What is the Chinese meaning of the word "crippled"?

A.跛的 B.哑的 C.聋的 D.秃的

( )8. Where do they meet one day?

A. In the street. B. In the park. C. At school. D. At home.

( )9. What do you think Mike says to Bill's father?

A. Can I fly with Bill? B. Why can't Bill run?

C. Why do you run with Bill? D. Can I run with Bill on my back?

( )10. Which one of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Mike wants to fly like a bird. B. Bill can't run like Mike.

C. Bill can walk like other kids at last(最后). D. Bill is very happy that day.


















