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篇一:地道美语:回答thank you的几种方式

地道美语:回答thank you的几种方式

1. You're welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。

Thank you for everything. 感谢您做的一切。

You're welcome./ Not at all.不客气。


2. It's my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。

You've been a big help. 你帮我大忙了。

It's my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。


3. That's all right. 不用谢。

Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。

That's all right.不客气。


4. No problem. No worries.

“不要紧,没什么,不用谢”,很像汉语里面大家常说的“没事儿,小事儿一桩,不必言谢。”公司的美国外教很喜欢用No problem,听起来很随意,亲切。

Thank you so much. 太感谢了。

No problem. 没什么。

5. Don't be silly./ Don't be daft. 别犯傻了,算不了什么。 You're a genius Bob, thanks. 你真是个天才啊,Bob,太感谢你了。 Don't be daft./ Don't be silly.


篇二:Thank you 的回答方式知多少

Thank you 的回答方式知多少?

2008-11-3 16:24

提问者: dodo7934



You are welcome. 你是受欢迎的(我愿你帮助你)

It's my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸(为你效劳)

Don't mention it. 别提它了(别客气)

Never mind. 别在意(别客气)

Not at all.不用谢。


My pleasure

才是正确的。 这个是以前的2003年考试题目。

NMET 的命题原则

1 语言必须放在实际的并尽可能不同的情景中运用。

2 语言必须适合于具体的交际行为:语言适宜性。

3 考核的焦点在于是否达到交际目的。

4 语言的交际行为除了需要语言能力外,还需要一些其他的交际能力。


1. 日常交际用语的分类如:见面打招呼,介绍告别与应答;祝愿:道歉、遗憾,提供帮助和应答;同意和不同意;判断和意见,职责、能力、偏爱、责备和抱怨,预见、猜测和建议。(见大纲交际用法第1-30)

2. 情景对话:


三、Analysis of NMET

1.Agreement and Disagreement

2.Thanks and apology


(一)Agreement and Disagreement 英美人表示自己的意见是同意还是不同意,口气很婉转,设问的形式,虚拟语气的使用,都能体现出英语委婉的特点。

1.NMET 1997---15---I?d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Mr.Smith. ---____.

A.Oh,no, let?s not B.I?d rather stay at home. C. I?m very sorry, but I have other plans

D. Oh, no, That?ll be too much trouble答案:C解析:该题考察被邀请时应答的用语。对客气的邀请要礼貌地回答。答应要表示感谢,回绝要表示歉意并申述理由。当然也可以表示谢意。 | 浏览次数:13456次


Yes,I?d love to.

Yes, it?s very kind/nice of you;

Yes, with pleasure.


I?d like to, but I?m too busy.

I wish I could accept your invitation, but I?m afraid I don?t have time to go.

I really enjoy it, but I?ve got to go now.

Thank you for your kindness, but I?ve got an appointment at that time.


2.NMET 1998—15

---Can I get you a cup of tea?


A. That?s very nice of you

B. With pleasure

C. You can, please

D. Thank you for the tea

答案:A解析:本题考察提供建议与应答。回答别人建议时,无论赞同或拒绝都是Thank you或Thanks,为明确最好用Yes, thanks/thank you或No,thanks/thank you.该题之所以不选

D 是因为Thank you 之后多了for the tea三个词,Thank you for the tea 是在喝完茶后为了对别人感谢而说的。故选A表示感谢。

3. NMET 2000---6

---What about having a drink?


A. Good idea B. Help yourself

C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too

答案:A解析:本题考察另一种与建议有关的特殊句型What about/How about…? Why don?t you…? Why not…?的应答。对这类句型的回答因为要表达对别人建议的看法,所以常见答语为Good idea./That`s great./ Maybe I should 等。

4. NMET 2000---9



---I can?t eat this. It?s too salty.

A.Yes, sir? B.What?

C.All right. D.Pardon?

答案:A 解析:该题答案为A。是Waiter 对客人的应承语,而且其中包含着“您有事吗?” “您有什么事?” 一类意思。what是对具体内容的上下文作提问。

5. NMET 1999---6

---I had a really good weekend at my uncle?s.


A. Oh,that very nice of you

B. Congratulations

C.It?s a pleasure

D.Oh,I?m glad to hear that



---I have succeeded in the English test.

---We are glad to hear that.

若表示“附和” 别人所说的不愉快的事,可用I?m sorry to hear that 等。答案A为对别人盛情等的答谢用语。再如:

---Come to our party, please.

---It?s very nice of you to invite us to it.

答案B则为祝贺用语。(常用于对别人的成功,胜利等的祝贺) 答案C为接受别人道谢或被别人介绍时的应答语。

(二)Thanks and Apology


1.1997 Shanghai

---Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.

--- ___.

A.No, thanks B.I?m glad you like it

C.Please,don?t say so D.No,it?s not so good


(2003AIHEI.S)—Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food.


A. No thanks B. Never mind C. All right. D. My pleasure.

答案:D解析: 该题考察有关“感谢与应答”的方法: You ?re welcome/That?s all right /it is a pleasure/my pleasure./Don?t mention it.

(2002BEIJING .35) ---It?s been a wonderful evening .Thank you very much.

--- A. My pleasure B. I?m glad to hear that. C. No thanks. D. It?s OK.


2.NMET 1996---9---I am sorry I broke your mirror.

---Oh,really? ____.

A.It?s OK with me B.It doesn?t matter

C.Don?t be sorry D.I don?t care


That`s all right. It doesn?t matter.

Never mind. That?s nothing. That?s OK

3.(2003BEIJING.S.23)--- I?m sorry I?m calling you so late.


A. This is B. You are That?s D. I?m



1.NMET 1998---7---You haven?t been to Beijing,have you?

---___.How I wish to go there !

A. Yes,I have B.Yes, I haven?t

C. No, I have D. No,I haven?t

答案:D解析:本题答语中既然出现 How I wish to go there, 则表明答话者没去过北京。当回答“前否定、后肯定”式的反意问句时,答语中的Yes和No,与汉语的意义相反。英语语言的答语中Yes和No,与其后面省略的 答语形式必须保持一致。

2.NMET 1994---13---Do you think it?s going to rain over the weekend ?


A.I don?t believe B. I don?t believe it

C.I believe not so D. I believe not答案:D解析:口语中,在上下文明确时,常用省略句。believe 一词肯定形式为 I believe so,so替代上文 It?s going to rain over the weekend.一句话。其否定式为:I believe not. 或 I don?t believe so。类似的词还有:

suppose,think,fear ,expect, imagine等,皆有此用法。另外:hear,hope,be afraid 否定形式只有:I fear not. I hope not. I?m afraid not. 没有: I don?t hope so.


1.---How did you find the lecture given by the professor from Wuhan University this afternoon ?

--- ____.

A. It was about computer science B. It was a bit boring

C. I found nothing in it D. It?s a pleasure

2. ---I wonder if I could use your bicycle for an hour. 4.---I just heard that the ---_____.

A. Yes, you could B. I?m afraid you mustn?t

C.Why not? Do it for yourself. D. Of course. Go ahead

3.____.I?m in no hurry.

A.Come to your time B. Don?t be nervous

C.Take it easy D.Why don?t you do it earlier

4.---I just heard that the tickets for tonight?s show have been sold out.

thank you的回答

---Oh, no! _____.

A. I was looking forward to that B. It doesn?t matter

C. I know it already D. It?s not at all interesting5.---I believe we?ve met somewhere before. ---No,_____.

A.It isn?t the same B.it can?t be the truth

C. I don?t think so D. I?d rather not

6.---I didn?t know this was a one-way street, officer.


A. That?s all right B. I don?t believe you

C. How dare you say that D. sorry. but that?s no excuse

7.--- Do you mind if I keep pets in this building ?


A. I?d rather you didn?t, actually

B. Of course not, It?s not allowed here

C. Great! I love pets D. No, you can?t

8.---I don?t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me ?


A.That?s fine B. Nothing serious

C. Never mind D. No problem9.---Shall I help you with that suit case ?


A. It?s all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead, please

C. I don?t want to trouble you too much

D. No, please don?t do it

10. ---You?ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.


A. Oh, I?m afraid I didn?t cook very well

B. I?m glad you enjoy it

C. Come again when you are free

D. It?s not necessary for you to say so

11. ---You?ve won the football game. Congratulations !


A. It?s nice of you to say so B. We are really lucky C. No one else could do it D. Oh, not really

12. --- I?ll meet you outside the cinema in an hour, OK ?


A. No, 2 hours later B. Yes, that?s a good idea

C. Ok, but I can manage D. No, I don?t think so

13. ---You tie goes very well with your shirt.


A.Oh, I got it on sale . B. I bought it at half price.

C. Does it really look OK ? D. No, not so nice.

14.---I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow ?

--- _____

A. I don?t like the weather at this time of year.

B. I don?t mind if it is going to rain tomorrow.

C. Why don?t you read the newspaper yourself ?

D. Let?s listen to the weather report on the radio at ten.

16. ---Excuse me, you left this bag in the shop.


A. It?s not my fault B. Oh, thank you

C. I am sorry, I?m busy D. It?s mine !

17. ---Have you any oranges and apple ?

篇三:英语thank you和 i am sorry有几种回答方式

英语thank you和 i am sorry有几种回答方式

thank you 和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高,它们的答语有些是相同的,有些却只能用于其中的一种情况。现简述如下:


(1)Not at all. 不用谢。/没关系。

(2)That's all right. 不用谢。/没关系。

(3)That's OK. 不用谢。/没关系。

(4)It's nothing. 没什么。/没关系。

(5)Don't mention it. 不要客气。

(6)Forget it. 忘掉它。

(7)、No problem. 没问题。

2)、只能用于thank you 的答语:

(1)It's a pleasure. 不用谢。

(2)You are welcome. 别客气。

(3)My pleasure. 我很乐意。


(1)It doesn't matter. 没关系。如:

— I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。

— It doesn't matter. 没关系。

(2)Never mind. 没关系。如:

—I'm sorry I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮你了。

— Never mind. 没关系。

篇四:thank you的回答方法

毫无疑问,道谢是种好习惯。可问题来了,别人向你道谢时,你该说什么? 教科书上教的“Not at all”和“Don't mention it”,在现实生活中,其实少有人用。

许多人,尤其是美国人,听到对方说thank you后,常会答一句you're welcome(不谢),很多人似乎觉得这就是标准答案。

但如今,对年轻人来说,you're welcome一语多少带点讽刺意味。而且,不止年轻人这么认为,在其他一些国家,you're welcome听上去并不礼貌。

比如,英国人就觉得,you're welcome带着屈尊俯就的态度(condescension),听来有些刺耳(grating)。

You're welcome,就像你试图不顾道谢者的礼节,强行凸显你的善意一样,虽然你可能不曾意识到这点。但在有些人听来,你就像在说“瞧,我不帮你了嘛,你理应要谢谢我”。所谓言者无心,怕就怕听者有意。

另外,no problem(没问题)以及澳洲人爱用的no worries(别担心)同样值得斟酌。

嘴上说着no problem,加上无谓地耸耸肩,大概是说帮忙不是什么麻烦事。不过,对很多人而言,no problem似乎暗示了帮忙有时候真是件麻烦事,若情况真的无比棘手,你绝不会挺身而出的。

当你道谢时,年轻人通常会回一句no problem。这在老年人看来,实在太不礼貌了。所以,这算个代沟问题,没错。当然,这也是语言学的问题。

You're welcome和no problem都是客套用语,仅仅用作应酬。我们时常都会说这样的客套话,比如有人向你问好how are you?(你好吗?),你就会说good, you?(我很好,你呢?)。有人和你打招呼what's up?(嘿呦!),你便回答what's up(嘿呦!)

我们常用客套话,是因为我们不知道说什么。比如,即便我们真有事,嘴上还是会说I’m OK(我没事)。大多数时候,问好就是个口头套话而已,于是我们也就用套话回答了。

然而,thank you往往带着真情实意,相比之下,再用套话回答就显得虚伪了。或许,正是这种虚伪,让人们觉得no problem或you're welcome听上去多少带些轻蔑(dismissive)。


Thankfully, no. (谢天谢地,并没有。)

英国人早就知道,别人说thank you(谢谢)时,正确的回答也是thank you(谢谢),类似于英国人说cheers(谢谢),你也跟着说cheers(谢谢)就行。此番回答听上去依旧客套,但没了讽刺味道,也不会引起歧义。

事实上,回答thank you,你是在感谢对方的感谢行为。这就是所谓的双赢嘛!另外,双方也没有必要无休无止地感谢下去,说上一轮就够了。

此外,my pleasure也是个不错的选择。

最后,Thank you for reading this article. (谢谢您阅读本文。)


篇五:How are you怎么回答?再说Fine你就out了

关于How are you的回答


很多人都把 I'm fine thank you and you 的回答来嘲笑国内的英语教育. 可是在英国很多本土英国人就是这样回答的。

但是国外很少有人问你How are you。一般都是How are you doing,澳洲还有How are you going。据在澳洲生活的人的经验,当老外问How are u时,老外的回答是Good thank you。

美国人说 Good, I'm fine, I'm good, I'm doing good, I'm doing well, 再加 Thank you! 或者 and you?





I am well.

I am good.

I am fine.

not bad.

very good.

not too bad.

not really good.

just so-so.





Couldn't be better/worse!

Good,I'm on the top of the world!

Can't complain, I'm still alive.



1). Just fine. Thanks.


2). All right,and you?


3). Can’t complain./ OK.


4). Same as ever./ Oh,the usual round.


5). So-so,thanks.



1). Pretty good,thank you.


2). Very well. How about you?


3). I’m extremely well,thank you.


4). I’m very well indeed/Great! Fantastic! thank you.



1).Pretty bad!




如果回答bad,一般人家会问你what happened?

你就不得不回答一大堆,所以为了节省大家的时间,礼貌性的回答一下即可,别忘了说thank you!

