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篇一:Train火车乐队《Save Me San Francisco 拯救我旧金山》


Save Me San Francisco 拯救我旧金山》

推荐理由:风格相当平易近人,运用口琴、曼陀林、萨克斯风、颤片琴、喇叭、打击乐器等。 《火车乐队:拯救我,旧金山》赢得格莱美加冕的美式清新摇滚乐队Train,风格相当平易近人,运用口琴、曼陀林、萨克斯风、颤片琴、喇叭、打击乐器等多元细腻编曲铺陈,解构最舒适聆听的音符。灵魂核心Pat Monahan,有着一副迷人好嗓,唱出一首首动人旋律,无时无刻不透着丝丝暖意,留下难以忘怀的声音轨迹。他们正式出道已11年,累积全球超过5百万张的唱片销量,缔造8首成 人抒情榜Top20单曲。。



成军于旧金山的Train,1998年发行首张同名专辑《Train》,靠着单曲《Meet Virginia》打入成 人抒情榜亚军+流行单曲榜Top15,瞬时声名大噪。如今他们推出了筹备三年多的新作《Save Me,San Francisco》,请到炙手可热的当红制作人Martin Terefe(Jason Mraz、K.T Tunstall、Craig David)全权操盘。


《Save Me San Francisco》,踩着明亮快意的民谣律动,豪爽的演绎风格牵引内心激昂情绪,后段福音式的伴唱,更是将最High的气氛拉升至顶端;第一波攻势 《Hey, Soul Sister》,协同曾撰写碧昂丝十周冠军单曲《Irreplaceable》、克里斯小子六周亚军曲《With You》的幕后挪威双人组Espionage(Espen Lind+ Amund Bjorklund)共同效力,流露阵阵黑人灵韵。

Pat漂亮的真假转音甚是迷人,已攀入成 人抒情榜Top14,

《Brick By Brick》也是出自他们之手的推荐佳曲;飘散浓浓跃动式放克味觉的《I Got You》,取样走红70年代的The Doobie Brothers首支冠军曲《Black Water》;流畅的旋律加上顺口歌词,《Parachute》绝不输现正当红的Post-Grunge之作;交互钢琴和弦乐温柔互鸣的《This Ain‘t Goodbye》,提供一支感人至深的都会抒情小品;以Acoustic的简单诠释《Marry Me》,洋溢万分感动的浓情蜜意,提供全新的婚礼主打歌谣。


热爱生活,乐于分享的各类达人聚在这里, 分享消费攻略,激发生活灵感,发现城市最IN的角落。 在这里,有爱,有乐,有生活。

【更多精彩内容尽在爱乐活】 文章来源:http://i.leho.com/post/594046f4e6902f6355c5a468?from=wenku/?from=wenku

篇二:Save me

篇三:save me

这首“Sver Me”选自Aimee Allen的专辑《A Little Happiness》。Aimee Allen,一个来自加州洛杉矶的创作型歌手,在推出了几张单曲之后,Aimee终于发行了首张专辑——《A Little Happiness》,Pop rock曲风,清新的小调,直率的声音,小女生的声音清新,富有感染力。


Had a bad day, don’t talk to me

Gonna ride this out

My little black heart breaks apart

With your big mouth

And I’m sick of my sickness

Don’t touch me, you’ll get this

I’m useless, lazy

Perverted and you hate me

You can’t save me

You can’t change me

Well, I’m waiting here for my wake up call

And everything, everything is my fault

Went to the doctor, and I asked her

To make this stop

Got medication, a new addiction

F**k, Thanks a lot

Had a relapse, I’m bad at rehabs

Ruins everything

So point your finger at the singer

He’s in the pharmacy

You can’t save me

You can’t change me

Well, I’m waiting here for my wake up call

And everything, everything is my fault

You can’t save me

You can’t change me

Well, I’m waiting here to take the fall

And everything, everything is my fault

And I’m a death treat, haven’t slept yet

Baby, why the wake up call?

I’m the bad boy, tell the tabloids

Everything’s my fault

Yeah, write it, write it

Everything’s my fault

Everything’s my fault

I went to Heaven but couldn’t get in

For what I have done

I said, ‘Please take me’, they said ‘You’re crazy’ You had too much fun

You can’t save me

You can’t change me

Well, I’m waiting here for my wake up call

And everything, everything is my fault

You can’t save me

You can’t change me

Well, I’m waiting here to take the fall

And everything, everything is my fault

篇四:GOD will save me

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:save,me)

God will save me

There was a man whose farm was on the banks of a river. As the water rose, a neighbor drove up in a Jeep, urging him to leave before the farm was flooded.

"Oh, no," said the man confidently, "God will save me."

The water rose higher, and the man moved into the second story of the farmhouse. A police boat soon came, and the officers called for the man to hurry and get into their boat.

"Oh, no, that won't be necessary," the man insisted. "God will save me."

Finally the house was completely in water, and the man, now stayed on the roof."God will save me." Just then, a huge wave of water swept over the house, and the man drowned.

When he got to heaven, he asking why God let him die

"What do you mean?" asked the heavenly Father. "I sent a Jeep, a boat, and ... and you wouldn't budge!"

篇五:小学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿Save the river, save me

Save the river, save me

Hello everyone! I’m so glad to make a speech here. My name is ____. I’m from ____ primary school. Today my topic is “Save the river, save me”.

I am a little fish. I live in a clean river. I have many friends. We play in the river everyday. We are so happy! But now, the river is so dirty. It’s black and green, In the morning, I put on a white coat. But in the afternoon, my white coat becomes black and dirty. There is lots of rubbish in the river. My friends and I want to go to a better place. But where can we go? We can’t live without water. At last, we swim to Li river, but Li river is dirty too. Some of my friends are dead.

We are in danger. Please protect our mother river. Don’t throw rubbish into the river. Please save the river, for us, for you, for the beautiful world! Let’s work hard to make the world more beautiful! Thank you.
