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篇一:2012中考英语总复习讲义考点跟踪训练42 词汇运用

考点跟踪训练42 词汇运用


2. It’s not easy for Linda to3. Jim failed in the test because he was

答案:1.attention 2.fall asleep 3.stressed out 4.traditional 5.happily


1. Everyone in our class is busy the coming exam.

3. I’ve the Great Wall a lot, but I’ve never been there.

4. It’s a pity that he won’t come to your birthday party next Saturday.


答案:1. getting ready for 2.right away 3.heard of 4.be able to 5.in surprise


TV brings the outside world closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world isthan before because of TV.

What’s going on incountries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s living in the deepest(最深的the TV. You can and watch, too.

TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps us to open our minds(思维 new ideas. On TV.

答案:1. activities 2. smaller 3. other 4. of 5. to answer

6. on 7. listening 8. hear 9. us 10. learned/learnt



“Thank you” is widely in a modern society. It is a very good manner. You should say “Thank you” others help you or say something kind to you. For example: when

the door for you, when someone says you have done your work well, when very beautiful, you should say “Thank you”. “Thank you” is used not only between frienbetween parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.

“Excuse me” is short polite usage. We use it as the same as “Thank you”. When you hear someone say so behind you, you’d got to know that somebody wants to walk past you you. It is not polite to interrupt (打断want to have a word with one of them, please say “Excuse me” ,_and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others. Let’s say “Thank you” and “Excuse me” on the right occasion.

答案:1. used 2.whenever 3.opens 4.bought 5.is

6.but also 7.another 8.touching 9.talking 10. first


Once there was a teacher who took all his students for sea. What made t cups.

The teacher said: “Do you notice your are all looking at each other’s tea 羡慕s. “Then he went on: “I tea. You all have the same thing in your cups—tea. And yet you can’t enjoy it in your envy of another’s cup. You forget

own life when you envy someone else’s life. So now, taste your tea! Does it matter from which cup it comes from?”

答案:1. surprised 2. different 3. drinking 4. others’ 5. behavior

6. some 7. finer 8. this 9. really 10. to enjoy



Proving Them Wrong!

I’ m John Wood, a doctor at a famous Boston hospital. During the first two years of high . My report cards always said things like “must study

harder” or “John shouldn’t choose science .” It was really terrible for who had working at a supermarket.

One evening I saw a documentary about Albert Einstein. According to the documentary,

may have a chance, too. I didn’t want to leave my job, I decided to go to night school to

I’ve often thought I should contact the him. As for the biology teacher, I might contact her, too, one day—but not to thank her!


1. difficult 根据下文“成绩单总是写着’应努力学习’”可生物对作者来说很难。

2. classes 句意为“不应选择理科”。

3. someone 对梦想成为医生的人来说很糟糕。

4. started 离开学校开始在超市上班。

5. badly 根据文献爱因斯坦在学校曾经学的很糟。

6. succeed 爱因斯坦能成功,我可能还有机会。

7. so考查连词。“由于我不想丢掉工作,因此我决定上夜校。”

8. medical 根据上文梦想成为医生,所以应为“上医学院”。

9. reporter 我应联系爱因斯坦文献的记者。

10. thank我应联系爱因斯坦文献的记者并谢谢他。


幸运地),nobody was 2. (受伤).

Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

“Before I came out,” said one, “I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don’t think of money when they’re 害怕的).任何人) leaves 能够)find. No one (因为) I took them.”

“You don’t know my work, ” said the 另一个).

“What is your work?”

“I’m a policeman.”

“Oh!” cried the (第一迅速地)and said, “And do you know my work?”

“No,” said the policeman.

“I’m a writer. I’m always telling 故事)about things that never happened.”

答案:1. luckily 2. hurt 3. afraid/frightened 4. anybody/anyone 5. could

6. because 7. other 8. first 9. quickly 10. stories


城市). It is the world’s 最好的(来自) abroad (年). So it makes a lot of money and many friends!

(艰难的(相信(工人(错的) to speak English while 喜欢(返回) with their friends. Now it is even more popular than the Eiffel Tower.

答案:1. city 2. best 3. from 4. year 5. hard/difficult

6. believed 7. workers 8. worng 9. like / love / enjoy 10. return


(故事) of doing business.

Mr Zhu: Thank you, I’d like to say something that happened thirty years ago.

Chen Huan: At that time, you didn’t have (足够的) food to eat.

去) out to do business to make money by exchanging sweets 早) every morning and 脚).

Chen Huan: It must be a special experience for you.

(没有) anything to eat, 寒冷的) winter nights ... But now everything is better. I own a big (工人(卖) my products to the world in a modern market. I’m sure my business will be better and better in the future.

Chen Huan: How moving! Hard work makes a successful businessman. You’re really a great 年轻的) people in Yiwu.

答案:1. stories 2. enough 3. went 4. early 5. foot

6. without 7. cold 8. workers 9. sell 10. young


1. —小刀 ) do you want, sir?


2. Mum, is dinner ready? I’m so 饥饿的).

3. 吃)too much sugar is bad for your health.

4. Autumn is my favourite 季节).

5. Computers are widely used in the (现代的)world. 答案:1. knives 2. hungry 3.Eating 4.season 5.modern


1. It’s reported that a(n) 飞机场) will be built in Shiyan soon. 2. If you try your best now, you are sure to have a chance of 实现) your dream.

3. He was glad to have an excuse 推迟) telling her the news.

4. It’s raining heavily and you should drive 更加小心), or it may be dangerous.

5. In the past two years, the bad living environment they were used to (改善)a lot. They have bigger and brighter houses.

答案:1. airport 2.achieving 3.to put off 4.more carefully

5.has (been) improved / has got (become) better



1. We should pay attention to our behavior and try to be good .(公民)

2. The old woman walked the road carefully. (穿过)

3. Kathy always makes mistakes than the other students in her class. (少)

4. For some reason, Sam moved to Japan. (未知的)

5. One of the secrets of our success is to believe in .(我们)

6. Even a child knows September is the month of a year. (nine)

7. Our notebook computer 5 pounds and costs about £2,000.(weigh)

8. Yesterday I a new dress at the Mary’s for my mum. (buy)

9. I didn’t want to be treated from anyone else. (different)

10. She was in the kitchen when the light went out.(serve)

答案:1.citizens 2.across 3.fewer 4.unknown 5.ourselves

6.ninth 7.weighs 8.bought 9.differently 10.serving




good ending.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

2.— I like reading.

—A. homework B. numbers C. movies D. books

3. Ann often helps me A. for B. with C. on D. by

4. —I’ll have a tennis game tomorrow. I’m a little bit nervous.

A. herself B. myself C. yourself D. himself

5. It’s A. dangerous B. scary C. relaxing D. difficult

6. Sam opened the door and A. finds B. found C. has found D. will find

7. —.

—Yes. They have so many fun things to share.

A. easily B. angrily C. sadly D. happily

8. Andrea Bocelli never , which makes him a successful singer.

A. takes away B. gives away C. gets up D. gives up

9. —It’s Father’s Day, ?

—Yes. Let’s buy a gift for Dad.

A. isn’t it B. doesn’t it C. isn’t he D. doesn’t he

10. —Wish you good luck in this English exam.

A. That’s OK. B. Thank you. C. Congratulations! D. You’re welcome.



I walked into the Huddle House Restaurant in Brunswick, Georgia and sat down at the table. I picked up the menu and was to order something for breakfast.

“Excuse me,”

“Is your name Roger?”asked.

“Yes, ” I answered, feeling rather confused as I had never seen her before.

“My name’s Barbara and my is Tony,”she he said, pointing to a middle-aged man sitting alone at the table by the window. He was “Tony White, from Landon School in Jacksonville, Florida?” She added.

I didn’t recognize him.

“I’m really sorry. The name doesn’t ring the bell, ”I said.

She walked back, began with her husband and once in a while I saw her turn around and look directly at me.

I ordered breakfast and a cup of , sitting there, trying to remember who this Tony was. “I know him, ” I thought to myself. “He recognizes me for some reason.” I picked up the coffee cup. All of a sudden it came to me like a flash of lightning.

“Tony, the bully, the bad boy!” I couldbelieve my eyes. “Jesus! He’s so thin now. Not the big boy that I

Everything came up to my mind. The time this

boy had made fun of my big ears in front of the

girls in my class, and the time this big bully had pushed me against the walls in the hallway just to make himself a big man to all other students.

“I am sorry, Roger, ” Tony rolled by me in the wheelchair, being pushed by his wife, raising his thin trembling hand. “I am so sorry for

“I’m…I’m er…” I didn’t know to say to him.

After a few months later, I received a letter from Barbara. Tony was and had been seriously wounded in a task.

How I regretted for not saying something to him but I no longer had the chance!

11. A. heard B. saw C. felt D. told

12. A. you B. we C. he D. she

13. A. husband B. father C. brother D. son

14. A. fat B. thin C. strong D. young

15. A. but B. and C. or D. so

16. A. listening B. writing C. talking D. playing

17. A. tea B. juice C. coffee D. milk

18. A. needn’t B. need C. mustn’t D. must

19. A. hardly B. really C. almost D. always

20. A. protect B. remember C. love D. miss

21. A. clever B. shy C. bad D. friendly

22. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look like[

23. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

24. A. when B. why C. what D. where

25. A. healthy B. dead C. famous D. blind




Do you like visiting parks? The following three might be the ones that you are interested in.

Hyde Park, the biggest royal park of the UK, lies in the center of London, next to Green Park. It was built to be a royal park in 1536. About one hundred years later, the park was open to public. Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park is famous all over the world. Anyone can make a speech there on Sunday afternoon.

Central Park is a man-made park in the center of Manhattan, New York. It took about 15 years to build the park and in 1873 it was open to the public. With 21 playgrounds and 2 zoos, Central Park is a wonderful place for children to have fun.

Banff National Park, the largest park in Alberta, Canada, was open in 1885. the park is as large as 6,641 Km. Whether by car, boat, bus, bike or on foot, you can enjoy the beautiful mountains and lakes, as well as the plants and wild animals. There’re 3 famous ski areas in the park, which attracts millions of people to come every winter.

26. Hyde park is in_____

A.Banff B.London C.New york D.Alberta

27.There are ____ playgrounds in Central Park.

A.2 B.3 C.15 D.21

28.____was open to the public in 1885.

A.Green Park B.Hyde Park C.Central Park D.Banff National Park


It has been more than two thousand years we began to use an umbrella on rainy

days. However, people often felt it not convenient to hold an umbrella while working.

Then the rubber raincoat was invented by an Englishman named Macintosh in 1823.

In 1492, Columbus, a well-known Italian voyager, discovered the


World—the American. He brought a lot of things to Europe from South America Rubber was one of them, but people didn’t know the use of rubber at that time. In1770, people found that the rubber could be used as erasers. Macintosh was a worker in an eraser factory in Scotland. One day be spilled the rubber liquid over his clothes carelessly when making erasers. He was too busy to clean it and wend back home wearing the dirty clothes. On the way home, it rained heavily. Having go umbrella, Macintosh had to run home quickly. When be got home, he took off the wet clothes. To his surprise, the area of the clothes with rubber wasn’t wet. “Why not make a rubber raincoat?” Macintosh thought. The next day he brushed the rubber liquid all over a coat. He wore the “rubber coat” on rainy days and took a walk in the field to test if it could really keep off the rain. Surprisingly, the clothes inside the “rubber coat” weren’t wet at all. The rubber raincoat was created in this way by chance.

The rubber raincoats soon appeared on the market. However, they were sticky in summer and hardened in winter. Year after year, people kept on improving the raincoats. Today raincoats are widely used in our daily life.

29.The rubber raincoat was invented by ______

A, a Chinese B. an Italian C, an Englishman D. an American

30.What did Columbus bring to Europe in 1492?

A. rubber B. umbrellas C. erasers D. raincoats

31.Why did Macintosh wear the “rubber coat” on rainy days?

A.To show his nice “rubber coat” B.To sell it to a rarmer

C.To test if it could keep off the rain D.To go to work in the field

32. Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Macintosh worked in a market in Scotland

B.The rubber mincoat was created by chance

C.The first rubber raincoat was sicky in winter

D.The umbrella was invented after the rubber raincoat


It was a cold winter afternoon before Christmas. My parents and I sat on the bench in Washingto. D. C’s Union Station, waiting for the train. Inside the waiting hall were many people.

A boy sat nearby. His worn jacket, pale face, dirty hands all seemed to tell me that he was homeless.

“ He must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should help him,” I said to myself.

Just at that moment, a well-dressed young couple walked towards him.

“ Excuse me,” the man bent down. “My wife and I bought two meal boxed but one was enough for us. We hate to waste good food. Can you help us out and put this to use?” He handed the boy a meal box.

The boy thanked them and opened the box with joy and care. Suddenly he stopped. In the direction to which he looked, I saw an old man in rages—in a worn sweater, worn trousers and open shoes, entering the hall.

Putting the meal box aside, the boy stood up and helped the old man to his seat. He took off his jacket and covered it over the old man’s shoulders, saying. “ A gentleman brought me this warm meal but I just finished eating. I hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?” He placed the still-warm meal box in the old man’s hands without waiting for an answer.

“ Sure, son, but if only you share that sandwich with me. It’s too much for a man at my age.”

We were all touched. Dad went away and soon returned with cups of hot chocolate and a big pizza. Mum and Dad went up to those in rages, “Excuse me…”

I rushed into a KFC and took out my pocket money.

It was so cold that afternoon but I felt much warmer than I had ever thought possible.

33.Who gave the boy a meal box?

A. The young man. B. The old man C. The young woman D. Mum and Dad

34.Why didn’t the boy have the meal?

A. He was not hungry. B. He wanted to help the old man.

C. He didn’t like the food. D. He saw a sandwich in the meal box.

35.What did the writer most probably do at the end of the story?

A. He bought some food for the homeless.

B. He told his story to the people in the KFC.

C. He gave his pocket money to the homeless.

D. He asked the other passengers to help the homeless.

36.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. A Poor Boy B. A Worn Jacket C. A Big Pizza D. A Warm Meal Box


It is widely agreed that the over-use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil has caused serious environmental problems. Scientists are trying to find new clean energies that do not pollute the air, the water or the ground. Solar power is one of them.

Solar power is a kind of electricity which is produced by taking energy from the sun, using solar panels. The solar panels are usually fixed on the roofs of houses and buildings. It is the family solar power system. Some countries are even beginning to build solar power plants by setting thousands of solar panels in the places where there is enough sunshine. Solar power has many advantages. The power is easy to get and will never be used up. Whenever it is sunny, there is the power. The power is clean and renewable. It helps to waste and pollution, which is great for the environment. In the areas that are too far away to send electricity to or not easy to build electric power plants, solar power is especially necessary. It enables the people there to use lights, TVs, computers, washing machines, fridges and many other things.

Therefore, more and more countries, such as China, the USA, Japan and India, encourage scientists to develop practical technology to put solar power to use. However, the power is not as widely used as expected.

One of the challenges is that a solar power needs sunshine. Countries or areas with a lot of rain, like the UK, are not suitable to develop such power systems. Secondly, a solar power plant requires a very large site to fix enough solar panels to collect sunlight and change it into electricity. Maybe an area in the desert would be one of the perfect places for such a plant to build. What’s more, solar panels are expensive at present though the energy itself doesn’t cost anything.

Today scientists are working hard to develop more practical and cheaper solar power systems. Maybe one day solar power will be one of the most important clean energies in our life.

37.Solar power is a kind of energy taken from ____

A. the air B. the sun C. the water D. the ground

38. The underlined word reduce probably means _____

A. to make something less B. to make something better

C. to make something more D. to make something cleaner

39.What is the fourth paragraph of the passage mainly about?

A. the ways to use solar power

B. the advantages of solar power

C. the

thank you is widely

places to build the solar power plants

D. the difficulties of putting solar power to use widely

40.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Solar energy itself is expensive.

B. Solar power will be used up very soon.

C. Solar power is a kind of clean and useful energy

D. Solar power is much better than the other energies.

in class.

42. It is important to make a for your future.

43. You will never know what you can do you try.

45. At the end of the party all the students sang .

B. 根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

I am studying at Sydney Russel School, a but very famous school in Australia. All the lessons there are taught in English. I have (五)subjects this term. What a big challenge!

Last asked us to do a project on trees. Ming and I were in the same group. 在)the library every day, reading and surfing the Internet. We even planted two trees in the school garden and of them.

The most part was the presentation. We introduced many things about trees, for example, the (最高的)and oldest tree in the school. Everyone enjoyed the presentation. Learning by doing helps me a lot. I’m sure everything will better.





61. 初中的生活即将结束,一项调查结果显示很多同学想在考试后去旅游,但是也有同学不喜欢旅游。请以“Traveling is ”为题写一篇约100词左右的短文谈谈你的看法。



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I never thought that a little help would turn out to be the most satisfying thing in my life. I once met a young man 1._______ seemed tired and in pain on my way home. With a smile, he asked 2._______ I could lend him some money. He was paralyzed(瘫痪的) in both legs and was raising money for a(n)3._______(operate). Actually, I was full 4._______ doubts as every day many people play such tricks

5._______ (get) money. I even asked him to show me his legs. Then I gave him some money and left.

After a few days, he again arrived at my doorstep asking for more money. This time I was 6._______(entirely) convinced he was cheating me. I still gave him money and said it was all I had.

Years later, one day I got 7._______ call from an unknown number. The man told me his mane but I didn?t recognize him. He said,” It is because of your help 8.______ I?m now able to stand on my legs and have a good job.” What he said next made me

9.______(surprise). He said he wanted to return my money 10.______ I wouldn?t feel cheated and would continue to help people in need in the future.

Googling something has become a way of life. If anyone thinks about

1.______(look) something up on the Internet, he or she will probably want to “Google it.” The person 2._______ brought this new way of looking things up to people is Larry Page.

Born on March 26, 1973, Larry Page is a computer programmer, and founded Google with his partner, Sergey Brin. He devoted himself 3._______ the development of search engine. Page came from a computer science family. His father was a professor at Michigan University 4._______ Larry Page graduated with honors.

From 5._______ early age Larry Page had been interested in finding out

6._______ mechanical things worked, but it was invention 7._______ interested Page most. Larry Page 8.______(begin) his first Google page while still a student at Stanford. He developed a new algorithm(计算程序) that was 9._______ (good) than every search engine in use in 1996. Then Google was founded in 1998. Since then, Google 10._______(consider) as the NO.1 search engine in the world.

“Thank you.” This short but important English 1._______(express) shows thanks for kind words or actions. But sometimes, those two words are not enough. As _______matter of fact, when it comes to thanking people, you can be creative.

3._______ (thank) people, you can send a letter. Letter writing is becoming a lost art form. When you put pen to paper, people will be happy you spent time

4._______(write). Don?t worry 5._______ the letter?s length. Just express how thankful you are.

You can take your thankfulness one step further and make a video. A visual(看得见的) thank-you can be 6._______(interest). Film yourself opening a friend?s gift. Perform a play or song to show your thanks to people 7._______ have helped you.

You can also put together a simple gift bag. Little gifts show people 8.______ you think they?re important. They can also 9._______ (real) make someone happy.

Do something special. You can take them to dinner 10.______ cook for them. Buy them the book they?ve been wanting. Any of these actions lets them know how much you appreciate them.

Billy, a Chinese boy, is enjoying a holiday in England. He pays a visit to his British friend Jennifer.

Jennifer: Hey, Billy! Come in, please! We haven?t seen each other since I

1._______(come) back from Beijing last year. How is everything going with you?

Billy:I?m fine, but I missed you very much!

Jennifer: I missed you, too. Would you like 2._____(have) a cup of tea?

Billy: Yes, please. I?ve heard a lot about English tea, and I 3.______(real) want it


Jennifer: It?s black tea. I?m sure you?ll like it.

Billy: Oh, it 4.______(smell) good. Can I taste it now?

Jennifer: Just wait a second so that I can add some milk.

Billy: It?s so different 5._______ Chinese tea. We never add milk. I?ll try it. Billy drinks the tea made by Jennifer.

Jennifer: 6._______ do you find it?

Billy: Very nice.

Jennifer: I?m glad you like it. You can add a little sugar to make it taste


Billy: OK. I heard 8._______ you British people have afternoon tea everyday. Is that


Jennifer: Well, it used to be 9.______ daily event. However, changes in our modern

life style have made it go out of fashion for most British people. Afternoon tea

10._______ is popular among tourists is only enjoyed by most British people on special occasions.

Billy: Oh, I see.

John: You look 1._______(real) tired today. Did you not sleep well last night? Carl: No. I worked until two in the morning and slept a little.

John: Are you that busy at work?

Carl: Yeah, we are extremely busy. Our group just got a project 2._______ is very

important for the company, so we?ve been spending the last few days

3._______(look) for the best plan.

John: 4._______ doesn?t matter how busy you are. You should take care of yourself. Carl: I want to rest too, but I just don?t have time. I?m often so busy 5._______ I don?t

even have time to eat. Most mornings I want to sleep a little more so I don?t have time to eat breakfast. I just have fast food for lunch 6.______(save) time.

John: Oh my gosh! I think you diet is too 7._______(health). As we all know,

breakfast is the 8.______ (important) meal of the day, but you don?t actually eat breakfast; lunch plays 9._______ important part, too.

Carl: I would love to have a healthy lifestyle, but right now I have to throw myself

into work.

John: Oh, you make me so concerned 10._______ your health.

Reggie was a normal boy, but he had been born deaf. He was well known to everyone in town, and they were all very fond 1.______ him. Unfortunately, he always seemed to be treated 2.______(different) from everyone else.

Reggie didn?t like this very much, But the person 3.______ disliked this most was his friend Michael. Michael decided that things had to change. So he managed to persuade other people in town 4.______(choose) one day of the festival for deaf people this year. During that whole day everyone in town would have to wear earplugs(耳塞). The day 5.______(call) The Day of Silence, and when it arrived everyone stuck plugs in their ears. As the hours passed, people began to realize

6.______ difficult life was for the deaf. Soon no one was thinking of Reggie as

7.______ deaf person. Using his usual gestures, Reggie was the one who could communicate best with everyone. They were 8.______(surprise) at his ability to find solutions to almost any problem. They realized all Reggie needed was a little

9.______(much) time than others to communicate. That was the only difference.

It was on this day 10.______ everyone realized they had to give people a chance to show how useful they are.

Edward: There are so many places to go on our trip that it?s hard to choose where to

go first.

Frank: Let?s first think about 1._____ we will do before breakfast.

Edward: I heard the local beach is a place 2.______ can?t be missed.

Frank: That would be 3._____ exciting way to begin our morning. It would be good to

get out in the sun.

Edward: Yes, I heard that the Culture Museum is pretty close 4.______ the beach. So

it is a perfect for those who are interested in culture relics.

Frank: This is just what I 5._____(hear) before we came here. We might as well go

there since we are just down the street. What we will see in the museum is supposed to be 6.______(amaze).

Edward: Where shall we go in the afternoon? Do you have any 7.______(suggest)? Frank: I think the amusement park is well worth 8._____(visit).

Edward: Yes. And we can go to the restaurant on the edge of the park, 9.______ we

can watch the sun go down.

Frank: That would really be a great end to the day!

Edward: Yes. I feel that this trip will be 10._____(extreme) valuable in my life.

What do the five Olympic signs on the flag represent? 1.______ is widely believed that the five-ring Olympic symbol was created by Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. As the founder of the modern Olympic Games, he wanted

2.______(celebrate) the 20th anniversary(周年纪念) of the Games and chose a design of five rings, 3.______ represented the five continents(洲) taking part in the Games. The rings 4.______(become) the official Olympic symbol at the 1920 Games in Belgium.

Pierre de Coubertin thought 5.______ the five interlocking rings meant the five continents competing in the Games and the meeting of their athletes at the Olympic Games. 6.______(actual) every part of the modern Olympic symbol and flag shows the main purpose of the Games in a particular way. The Olympic flag, with its familiar rings, is used as 7.______ international symbol of peace, unity and 8.______(agree). The white background of the flag stands 9.______ peace and truth.

At the end of each Olympic Games, the mayor of the hosting city passes the Olympic flag to the major of the city where the next Olympic 10.______(hold) for years later. The flag remains there until the next Olympics.

You have 1.______(possible) heard of the DuPont Company, which was founded by a family of the same name. But do you know about the museum that one of the family members began?

Henry Francis du Pont received Delaware?s DuPont Company fortune. He was one of the first serious 2.______(collect) of American decorative art objects--- furniture, paintings, and other objects 3.______(make) in the United States between 1640 and 1840. American furniture and household objects has been considered not as good 4.______ those from Europe. But du Pont helped develop a new appreciation

5.______ American decorative arts. He created a showplace for these objects. In 1951 it was opened to 6.______ public as the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum.

Du Pont divided objects from his collection into 175 “period rooms”, 7.______ with examples of American antiques and decorative arts that followed a certain theme or period in early American history. For example, the du Pont Dining Room has furniture 8.______(date) from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. And, because this was the time 9.______ the United States became a new nation, there is a patriotic(爱国的) theme in the room. Another example is the Chinese parlor, which 10. ______(have) furnishings that reflect American?s fascination with Asian culture during the 18th century.

Alice:Excuse me, I?m from Side by Side TV channel. Can I have a few minutes for

1.______ interview?

Tracy: Sure, with pleasure!

Alice: Congratulations! It was quite a(n) 2.______(achieve)! How do you feel about

3.______(win) this world-class dancing competition?

Tracy: Wow… unbelievable! I?m proud and 4.______(touch) at the same time.

Alice: When did you first become interested in dancing?

Tracy: When I was five years old, my mom 5.______(take) me to a live dance show.

And I started to love it.

Alice: Do you take special dancing courses or do you just do self-learning to sharpen

your talent?

Tracy: Well, I do 6.______ of them. I also learn from some famous dancers. Besides,

I?ve learned traditional musical instruments to support my skills.

Alice: You must have gone through many tough things. What was the 7.______(hard)

one in your career?

Tracy: It was 8.______ I had to convince parents about my career choice. You know,

they are traditional people and had expected me 9.______(become) a doctor. Alice: How do you see about dancing?

Tracy: Dancing is like my soul. I feel completely 10.______ ease while dancing. Alice: Thank you for your time.

Alice: Do you think I?m 1.______(fat) than before?

Bruce: Hmmm a little bit. Are you 2.______(annoy) about that?

Alice: Yes, of course. I don?t like being fat you know! I must go on 3.______ diet. Bruce: As long as you are healthy, I think it?s okay. You?re not too big 4.______ your


Alice: But I think I?m a little overweight. I want to lose some weight.

Bruce: So, what kinds of food you avoid 5.______(eat)?

Alice: That?s the problem. I love cooking with coconut milk(椰子汁) and also fried

food. As far as I know, coconut milk contains saturated(饱和的) fatty acid,

6.______ might increase my weight.

Bruce: Ha ha…yes! Cooking with coconut milk 7.______(give) a better taste, but it can be harmful if you consume too much of it. How about boiled or steamed food? Alice: Well, … I don?t 8.______(real) like them. It would be hard for me to eat food

cooked that way. But no pain, no gain. So I must try my best to control

9.______(I) from now on.

Bruce: You could also do more exercise 10.______(lose) weight as well.

Alice: That?s true.

Do you know who Benjamin Banneker was and what he did?

Benjamin Banneker was a self-educated scientist at a time 1.______ most African Americans were slaves. Born a free black man in the British Colony of Maryland in 1731, he received some formal 2.______(educate), but he mostly borrowed books and taught 3.______(he) science and mathematics. At 22, he borrowed a pocket watch, and without any training, found 4.______ how to carve a working wooden clock that struck each hour. Because of this clock, he became well known and people would visit him just 5.______(see) his creation.

Banneker ran his family farm for may years, but when he was 6.______ his late

篇四:初三 请用适当的词完成这篇短文

一、 请用适当的词完成这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

(一)(.too .study .Then .for .playing.chat .have .music .concerts.the)

with my friends, but I just don't have the time anymore.In the evening, I used to watch TV or , and my father used to take me to the concerts.These days, I hardly ever have time for

(二) (prefer lots week’s families popular vegetables cook both usually following )

Do you know the word brunch? In the west, many people like to have brunch—late breakfast or early lunch. People have brunch between 10.a.m and 2.p.m on Sunday because they to get up late after a want to enjoy brunch with their parents, children or friends. That is a relaxing and interesting way of eating for most Today brunch has become most in big hotels. One can either ask for or it himself. To make it look like breakfast and lunch. People choose to have of dishes. You can often see the the table:meat, eggs, fruit, 二. 根据课文内容,填写合适的单词,完成下面的表格。每空一词。

communicate,medical. Leaders,position ,How ,known)

(. circle ,calendar . receives . ideas ,

三. 根据课文内容,填写合适的单词,完成下面的句子,每空一词。

(against; hobbies; supported success train; achieved disagree ,choice enter; nothing )

1. Teenagers’ could get in the way of their schoolwork. It’s possible for parents to worry about their children’s at school.

2. Liu Yu, who is an excellent runner, won’t be allowed to much, although all his races have been by his parents.

3. The reason why Liu Yu is told to give up his dream isn’t that his parents are running. They think Liu Yu should think about what if this dream isn’t .

4. Liu Yu understands that it’s important to work hard and university, but he wants to do but keep running.

5. Liu Yu and his parents with each other. Liu’s parents don’t allow him to train at night while Liu wants to make the himself.

四.短文填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次) “Thank you” is widely 1.in a modern society. It is a very good manner. You should say “Thank you” 2. others help you or say something kind to you.For example, when someone-

3. the door for you, when someone says you have done your work well, when someone a nice shirt, or your city

5. very beautiful, you should say “Thank you”. “Thank you” is used not only between between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.

“Excuse me” is 7. short polite usage. We use it as the same as “Thank you”. When you hear someone say so behind you, you’d got to know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It is not polite to interrupt (打断)

others while they are If you want to have a word with one of them, please say “Excuse me” first, and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others. Let’s say “Thank you” and “Excuse me” on the right occasion.



Jianzhi is a traditional style of paper cutting in China. It’s been a of Chinese culture for hundreds of years. People started to Jianzhi in China in the 6th century. Jianzhi has a number of special uses in Chinese culture. Almost all of them are for peace. Red is used the most commonly all the colors. Since long ago, Chinese people have been in cutting paper into traditional Chinese characters to symbolize the Chinese zodiac (生肖) animals.

Paper cutting is popular around the world, only the Chinese paper cutting is listed in the UNESCO Intangible

Cultural Heritage Lists (世界非物质文化遗产名录). The Chinese paper cutting gets place because it has a history of more than 1,500 years and it

so much of Chinese history and culture.



四、选择填空(35分) ( )1.Song Zuying is famous a singer.

A.as B.for C.of D.to ( )2.He by the boss at the end of each month.

A.pays B.is paid C.was paid D.paid ( )3.Chairs are made wood.

A.in B.of C.from D.by ( )4.This pair of shoes is made hand.

A.in B.of C.by D.from ( )5.Pardon? I can hear you.

A.usually B.almost C.hardly D.nearly

( )6— Are the visitors all from ?

— No, there are only 5 A. Germany; Germany B. Germany; Germans

C. German; Germans D. German; Germany

( )7— The wall of our building is made of .

— That’s good. So the room will be bright.

A. glass B. steel C. wood D. paper

( )8. — Our English teacher always keeps his lessons .

— That’s why he is so popular among his students.

A. lively B. happily C. freely D. friendly

( )9. I’ll finish the job, how long it takes.

A. until B. unless C. no matter D. even though

( )10. — Are Jiangsu and Zhejiang famous for silk?

— I think so.

A. As long as B. As far as C. As many as D. As little as

( )11. — Kate’s allowed to chat on WeChat with her friends at home, she?

— Yes. Her parents think she is old enough.

A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. does D. is

( )12. — Mom, is it OK for me to watch TV for a while?

— Sorry. Why not watch TV after your homework A. completes B. completed C. has completed D. is completed

( )13. — An iPad is really a great thing.

— I agree. However, . Using iPads too much has a bad influence on us.

A. every dog has its day B. the grass is always greener on the other side

C. no pains, no gains D. every coin has two sides ( )14. what he said,we could know he was right.

A.Acording to B.Depend on C.No matter D.It seems that ( )15.During the Spring Festival,this kind paper is windows,doors and walls as symbols

of good wishes.

A.put up B.put off C.put on D.put away ( )18.He avoided to that girl.

A.speak B.to speak C.speaking D.spoke ( )19.English is widely used in many countries all over the world.

A.another B.others C.the others D.other

( )20.We won’t allow in the cinema. But you’re allowed in the restroom.

A.smoking, smoking B.to smoke, to smoke

C.smoking, to smoke D.smoke, smoke

( )21.—Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo?

—Yes,I do. And I also know that some of them are scary.

A.kinds of,kind of B.kinds of, kinds of

C.kind of, kinds of D.kind of, kind of

)22. — Is the ring made of silver?

23.Rice in the south of China.

A.grows B. grow C. is growing D.is grown

24a student, we must obey the school’s rules.

A. As B. to C. On D.With

25.The room day.You canlive in now.

A.cleans B.is cleaning C.is cleaned D.has cleaned

( ) 26. — How often the Youth Olympic Games ?

— A. does; hold B. is; held C. has; held D. is; holding

( ) 27. — Do you know anything about Chinese knots (中国结)?

— Yes. They are usually seen symbols of good luck.

A. for B. by D. as

( ) 28. — How the cartoon animals look!

— A. lively B. happily C. nicely D. beautifully

( ) 29. — paper cutting used during the Spring Festival?

— A. Why did B. Why is C. How is D. How did

( ) 30. — Chinese clay art, you should choose a very special kind of clay first.

— A. Making B. Make C. To making D. To make

( ) 31. — Excuse me, sir. Youto smoke here. Look at the sign “No smoking”.

— Sorry. I it.

A. aren’t allowed; wasn’t seen B. aren’t allowed; didn’t see

C. don’t allow; wasn’t seen D. don’t allow; didn’t see

( ) 32. — Have you heard of Weifang? — Yes, it kites.

A. is known for B. is used for C. is taken for D. is named for

( ) 33.---Look, what have you done?

---Sorry. If I ’ll do it better.

A. give B. will be given C. will give D. am given

( ) 34. — The house prices in the city a lot last year.

— That’s true. But houses don’t sell well this year.

A. rose B. are risen C. have risen D. would rise


( ) 35. Great changes place. Many new schools .

B.take, are open

C.are taken, open D.have been taken, are opened


阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 — Yes. It is made of best silver in our factory. A. a; the B. /; the C. a; / D. /; a

An ant is walking by the river. He looks at the river and says to himself, “ nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But when he is drinking, he into the river.

“Oh. Help! Help!” the ant cries.

A dove (鸽子) is sitting the tree. She hears him and offers him a leaf, “ up that leaf,” she says, “and you will get to the bank (河岸).”

The ant climbs up onto the leaf, and the wind blows (吹) the leaf to the bank.

“Thank you, Dove. You’re so . You have saved my life, and I wish I could do for you. Goodbye!” the ant says and runs home.

“Goodbye!” says the dove. “Be not to fall into the river again.”

After a few days, the dove is building her nest (巢).

And a man is raising his gun (枪) to shoot The ant sees this, and runs to bite (咬) the man’s leg. “Ouch! Ouch!” The man a terrible pain and drops his gun. The dove flies away quickly. So the man picks up his gun and leaves.

The dove comes to the ant and says, “Thank you, my little friend. You have saved my life.” The little ant is so glad, because he can help the dove.

( )1. A. Where B. What C. When D. How

( )2. A. falls B. drives C. looks D. runs

( )3. A. on B. in C. with D. down

( )4. A. Get B. Come C. Climb D. Put

( )5. A. quick B. kind C. patient D. worried

( )6. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something

( )7. A. careful B. happy C. easy D. dangerous

( )8. A. it B. her C. him D. them

( )9. A. slowly B. off C. fast D. upstairs

( )10. A. feels B. takes C. causes D. gives

An ant is walking by the river. He looks at the river and says to himself, “nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” But when he is drinking, he into the river.“Oh. Help! Help!” the ant cries.

A dove (鸽子) is sitting the tree. She hears him and offers him a leaf, “ up that leaf,” she says, “and you will get to the bank (河岸).”The ant climbs up onto the leaf, and the wind blows (吹) the leaf to the bank.

“Thank you, Dove. You’re so . You have saved my life, and I wish I could do for you. Goodbye!” the ant says and runs home.“Goodbye!” says the dove. “Be not to fall into the river again.”After a few days, the dove is building her nest (巢).And a man is raising his gun (枪) to shoot ant sees this, and runs to bite (咬) the man’s leg. “Ouch! Ouch!” The man a terrible pain and drops his gun. The dove flies away quickly. So the man picks up his gun and leaves. The dove comes to the ant and says, “Thank you, my little friend. You have saved my life.” The little ant is so glad, because he can help the dove.

( )16. A. Where

( )17. A. falls

( )18. A. on

( )20. A. quick B. What C. When D. How B. drives B. in B. kind C. looks D. runs C. with D. down C. Climb D. Put C. patient D. worried ( )19. A. Get B. Come

( )21. A. anything B. nothing

( )22. A. careful B. happy

( )23. A. it B. her C. everythingD. something C. easy D. dangerous C. him D. them

( )24. A. slowly B. off C. fast D. upstairs

( )25. A. feels B. takes C. causes D. gives


( )1. By scanning the QR code, you can get A. an e-mail from City Museum

B. more information about the Folk Art Show C. a ticket to the museum for free

D. a gift from the City Museum

( )2. Tommy is a 9-year-old boy. He wants to visit the City Flower Show with his parents. How much will they pay?

A.¥25. B.¥100. C.¥125. D.¥150.

( )3. If Jane wants to learn to make paper flowers, she should go to .

A. Century Road B. New Town Road

C. the Youth Center D. Sunshine Park

( )4. Phillip, 20 years old, is NOT allowed to go to A. the City Flower Show B. Camp of Folk Art

C. the Folk Art Show D. Pop Music Week

( )5.The underlined word “performances” means “ ” in Chinese.

A. 艺术 B. 表演 C. 乐器 D. 舞蹈


On the Loess Plateau (黄土高原), a donkey carries boxes of shadow play tools while five players walk with musical instruments on their backs. They travel through mountains and villages. When it becomes dark, they set up the light and paper screen and start their show.

This is a Daoqing shadow play (道情皮影戏). It is an art mixing Daoqing music and shadow play. The player holds the human characters behind the paper screen and plays a series of stories. The characters are usually made of cow skin.

The stage of the Daoqing shadow play is simple. It’s usually a table covered with a large piece of paper. The light was behind the paper screen. As the shadow player moves his fingers, the characters come to life and their looks, dress and movement can be clearly seen from the other side of the screen. The player is also the lead singer. All the characters are played and voiced by him. It’s not an easy job.

Shi Chenglin is an old shadow player. He says it takes a player ten to twenty years to be good at playing the characters well. He used to have students, but they gave up one by one.

To protect the traditional Chinese folk art, the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play has been built in Gansu, and many artists are trying to spread it to the stage of China, and of the world.

( )31. When is Daoqing shadow play usually played?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At any time. A. It needs a big screen. B. It tells a lot of stories. C. It brings food to poor people. D. The characters are made of silk. A. The characters are easy to control. ( )32. What can we learn about Daoqing shadow play? ( )33. Which of the following is TRUE? B. The characters’ looks can’t be seen from the screen. C. A shadow player is also a good Daoqing writer.

D. Many young men have given up learning Daoqing shadow play.

( )34.Who is Shi Chenglin?

A.the writer B. an old shadow player

C. a donkey D.a trader

( )35.What are the characters usually made of ?

A. cow skin B.paper C.bamboo D.silk

B. 每个人的一生中都有许多值得感谢的人,你最想感谢的人是谁呢?是父母一、老师、朋友,还是……?



1 .80个词左右。
