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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:26:40 字数作文


1.None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we've got. Because love's the best thing we do.(没有人可以发誓做到完美,最后我们能保证的只有深爱彼此,倾尽所有。因为爱是最美好的事。)

2.Whatever you do in this life, it's not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.(无论你今生做什么,没有朋友在你身旁见证,就算不上是传奇。)

3.Life is short, and if you ever come across a beautiful, exciting, crazy moment in it, you gotta seize it while you can before that moment's gone.(人生苦短,如果有机会碰到美丽、激动、疯狂的时刻,就得在那一刻消失之前紧紧把握住。)

4.You can't cling to the past, because no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone.(你不能对过去念念不忘,因为无论你把回忆抓得多紧,它早已悄无声息地消失。)

5.If you love something, you can never let it go, not even for a second, or it's gone forever.(如果你爱一样东西,你就永远都不能放手,一秒都不能放,否则你将会永远失去它。)

6.Kids, life is a dark road. You never really know what's up ahead.(孩子们,人生就象一条黑暗的道路。你永远也不知道前方会发生什么。)

7.Early in any relationship, there's a phase where you don't say no to anything.(在每段感情的初期,大家都会经历一个"不对任何事说不"的阶段。)


1、 That's the funny thing about destiny. It happens whether you plan it or not. I mean I never thought I'd

see that girl again. But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal. 这就是命运最耐人寻味的地方,无论你是否有意得想去做什么。我是指,我从来没想过我还可以见到这个女人。但原来,我只是离拼图太近了而没有看到整副画的全貌。

(翻译摘自百度百科)1、That's the funny thing about destiny. It happens whether you plan it or not. I mean I never thought I'd see that girl again. But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal.



背景:S01E01,ted对robin一见钟情,最后冲动下说了句I love you而把当时浪漫的约会搞黄了。后来robin给了他暗示可以吻她,但ted没有领略到。本集结尾处说出这段话。他只是离拼图太近而看不清全貌。想不到最后居然和robin做了恋人,再变回朋友。人生的事,真的充满无限可能!

2、 2、And that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney,I never got where I wanted to go,but I

always got a great story.

我终于知道为什么我会和巴尼玩在一起了,我去的地方从来都不是原先讲好的地方,但我总能从中获得不同寻常的经历。背景:S01E03,barney建议ted不要老在同一个酒吧和同一群人来往,生活应该充满挑战,所以 要去舔自由钟。最后ted终于和他一起去舔了,虽然自由钟和硬币的口感差不多,但他却得到新的体会。我们的人生是充满未知数的,有挑战才有激情。

3、Kids,when you are single, all you're looking for is happily ever after。 But only one of your stories can end that way the rest ended with somebody get hurt.




4、Life is full of changes. One day you have an apartment, the next day it's a house of dumplings. But the important stuff doesn't change. To the important stuff.





6、The best part of ang first kiss is the lead up to it.The moment right before the lips touch.It's like a big durm roll.So,how about we just stick withe the drum roll?



4、 7、When you're single, and your friends start to get married, every wedding invitation presents a

strange moment of self-evaluation: "Will you be bringing a guest, or will you be attending alone?" What it's really asking is, "where do you see yourself in three months?"Sitting next to your girlfriend, or hitting on a bridesmaid?"

你还单身的时候,你周围的朋友开始步入婚姻的殿堂。每个婚礼邀请贴都会引发让人心酸的自我估价:您是独自赴约还是偕伴前来? 而它实际在问的是:你估计你未来三个月会有什么进展?是坐在女朋友的边上,还是准备泡上一个伴娘?


5、 8、You know why? Because deep down, you didn't want to show up at this thing with a date. See, for

all your big talk about being ready for a relationship, deep down, you're single. It's your default setting.



9、And just like that,we were having the perfect new year's Eve.Funny thing is,all night long I'd been trying to chase something down that was right there in that limo.



6、 10、Not every night has a happy ending,but all of it's important,all of it was leading

somewhere.Because suddenly,it was 2006.And 2006 was a big one.


背景:S01E11,在新年即将到来的前2分钟,当ted觉得一切都十分美好的时候,忽然robin的男友derek再次赶到,与robin倒数。失落的ted下了车,但是robin追上来,给了他一个深深的新年之吻。 7、 11、Kids, in life there are a lot of big romantic moments. And they make life worth living, but here's

the problem: Moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality.



8、 12、I'm saying, I'm here, you're here, this is a big romantic wedding-- why don't we just dance and

have a great time, and then when it's over, never see each other again. No e-mails, no phone numbers, not even names. Tonight we will make a memory that will never be tarnished. And then... when we're old and gray, we'll look back on this night and it'll be perfect.



9、 13、Until our dying days,we'll remember everything about the night,it's perfect.Maybe we both need

that.I mean,so many things go wrong in life,but this is the one thing that never will.It will always,always be pure,unadulterated,awesome.



10、 14、We spend so much effort trying to keep parts of our lives hidden, even from our closest

friends. But those scare times when we do open up, it's amazing how minor those secrets all end up seeming.




15、If you knew that you were going to lose your leg tomorrow,would you sit on the coach and cry about it,0r would you run,and jump,and do some awesome air kicks while you still would?





16、I did have sense than that.But after 2am my good sense was sound asleep. 没错,我是有理智的。但我的理智在凌晨2点已经睡着。

背景:S01E18,爱上ted的robin在凌晨2点叫他到自己公寓一趟。当时的ted还处在与victoria的异地恋中,但女友不在身边的他忍不住对robin再起倾慕之情,于是禁不住想去robin公寓。 lily当时在电话中劝还有女友的他不要赴约,并相信他是有理智的人。但可惜ted的理智在凌晨2点后已经睡着,现在的他,一心只想着robin,靠感性说话了。

13、 17、I don't wanna be tied down.I want to live in France and Spain and Italy.And just soak up life

and put it on a canvas.even if it means being a waitress in crappy cafe for five years,I don't care.I'm going to be a painter.And I can't do any of with a boyfriend shackled around my neck.



14、 18、Kids,life is a dark road,you'll never know what's up ahead.One night,you're criusing

along,enjoying the ride,and all of a sudden,you're 28.



15、 19、I know it's a mistake.But there are centain things in life where you know it's a mistake,but

you don't really know it's a mistake,because the only way to really is a mistake is to make the mistake,and look backe and say,"yep,its'a mistake".

So really,the bigger mistake would be not to make the mistake.Because you get your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not.And damn it,I've made no mistakes!


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 Purple Giraffe

S01E03 Sweet Taste of Liberty

S01E04 Return of the Shirt

S01E05 Okay Awesome

S01E06 Slutty Pumpkin

S01E07 Matchmaker

S01E08 The Duel

S01E09 Belly Full of Turkey

S01E10 The Pineapple Incident

S01E11 The Limo

S01E12 The Wedding

S01E13 Drum roll, Please

S01E14 Zip, Zip, Zip

S01E15 Game Night

S01E16 Cupcake

S01E17 Life Among the Gorillas

S01E18 Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M. S01E19 Mary the Paralegal

S01E20 Best Prom Ever

S01E21 Milk

S01E22 Come On

S02E01 Where Were We?

S02E02 The Scorpion and the Toad S02E03 Brunch

S02E04 Ted Mosby: Architect

S02E05 World's Greatest Couple

S02E06 Aldrin Justice

S02E07 Swarley

S02E08 Atlantic City

S02E09 Slap Bet

S02E10 Single Stamina

S02E11 How Lily Stole Christmas S02E12 First Time in New York

S02E13 Columns

S02E14 Monday Night Football

S02E15 Lucky Penny

S02E16 Stuff

S02E17 Arrivederci, Fiero

S02E18 Moving Day

S02E19 Bachelor Party

S02E20 Showdown

S02E21 Something Borrowed

S02E22 Something Blue

S03E01 Wait for It

S03E02 We're Not from Here

S03E03 Third Wheel

S03E04 Little Boys

S03E05 How I Met Everyone Else S03E06 I'm Not That Guy

S03E07 Dowisetrepla

S03E08 Spoiler Alert

S03E09 Slapsgiving

S03E10 The Yips

S03E11 The Platinum Rule

S03E12 No Tomorrow

S03E13 Ten Sessions

S03E14 The Bracket

S03E15 The Chain of Screaming S03E16 Sandcastles in the Sand S03E17 The Goat

S03E18 Rebound Bro

S03E19 Everything Must Go

S03E20 Miracles

S04E01 Do I Know You?

S04E02 The Best Burger in New York S04E03 I Heart NJ

S04E04 Intervention

S04E05 Shelter Island

S04E06 Happily Ever After

S04E07 Not a Father's Day

S04E08 Woooo!

S04E09 The Naked Man

S04E10 The Fight

S04E11 Little Minnesota

S04E12 Benefits

S04E13 Three Days of Snow

S04E14 The Possimpible

S04E15 The Stinsons

S04E16 Sorry, Bro

S04E17 The Front Porch

S04E18 Old King Clancy

S04E19 Murtaugh

S04E20 Mosbius Designs

S04E21 The Three Days Rule

S04E22 Right Place, Right Time S04E23 As Fast as She Can

S04E24 The Leap

S05E01 Definitions

S05E02 Double Date

S05E03 Robin 101

S05E04 The Sexless Innkeeper

S05E05 Duel Citizenship

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:老爸老妈浪漫史百度云)

S05E06 Bagpipes

S05E07 The Rough Patch

S05E08 The Playbook

S05E09 Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap S05E10 The Window

S05E11 Last Cigarette Ever

S05E12 Girls Versus Suits

S05E13 Jenkins

S05E14 Perfect Week

S05E15 Rabbit or Duck

S05E16 Hooked

S05E17 Of Course

S05E18 Say Cheese

S05E19 Zoo or False

S05E20 Home Wreckers

S05E21 Twin Beds

S05E22 Robots Versus Wrestlers S05E23 The Wedding Bride

S05E24 Doppelgangers

S06E01 Big Days

S06E02 Cleaning House

S06E03 Unfinished

S06E04 Subway Wars

S06E05 Architect of Destruction S06E06 Baby Talk

S06E07 Canning Randy

S06E08 Natural History

S06E09 Glitter

S06E10 Blitzgiving

S06E11 The Mermaid Theory

S06E12 False Positive

S06E13 Bad News

S06E14 Last Words

S06E15 Oh Honey

S06E16 Desperation Day

S06E17 Garbage Island

S06E18 A Change of Heart

S06E19 Legendaddy

S06E20 The Exploding Meatball Sub

S06E21 Hopeless

S06E22 The Perfect Cocktail S06E23 Landmarks

S06E24 Challenge Accepted S07E01 The Best Man

S07E02 The Naked Truth

S07E03 Ducky Tie

S07E04 The Stinson Missile Crisis S07E05 Field Trip

S07E06 Mystery vs. History S07E07 Noretta

S07E08 The Slutty Pumpkin Returns S07E09 Disaster Averted

S07E10 Tick, Tick, Tick...

S07E11 The Rebound Girl

S07E12 Symphony of Illumination S07E13 Tailgate

S07E14 46 Minutes

S07E15 The Burning Beekeeper S07E16 The Drunk Train

S07E17 No Pressure

S07E18 Karma

S07E19 The Broath

S07E20 Trilogy Time

S07E21 Now We're Even

S07E22 Good Crazy

S07E23 The Magician's Code S07E24 The Magician's Code S08E01 Farhampton

S08E02 The Pre-Nup

S08E03 Nannies

S08E04 Who Wants to Be a Godparent? S08E05 The Autumn of Break-Ups S08E06 Splitsville

S08E07 The Stamp Tramp

S08E08 Twelve Horny Women S08E09 Lobster Crawl

S08E10 The Over-Correction S08E11 The Final Page

S08E12 The Final Page

S08E13 Band or DJ?

S08E14 Ring Up!

S08E15 P.S. I Love You

S08E16 Bad Crazy

S08E17 The Ashtray

S08E18 Weekend at Barney's S08E19 The Fortress

S08E20 The Time Travelers S08E21 Romeward Bound S08E22 The Bro Mitzvah S08E23 Something Old S08E24 Something New S09E01


























难度:容易 作者:沪江英乐 来源:dailymail 评论:2

It's been a long time coming, but How I Met Your Mother fans are finally going discover the details behind the sitcom's titular character. Cristin Milioti joins the show's ninth and final season as the Mother, whose identity has been teased through bits and pieces - a yellow umbrella, her foot - in past seasons. Viewers finally got a brief glimpse of The Mother in the season-eight finale, which showed Cristin's character buying a ticket at a train station. But Cristin will come into her own on the ninth season as a series regular, leaving plenty of

storytelling for dedicated HIMYM fans to chew on as the show comes to a close.

As for the character's personality, Cristin notes that she has a lot in common with eventual husband Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) - especially his style of

humour. 'She’s a young woman who suffers from dad humor...that’s how she rolls,' Cristin says. 'Corny isn’t even the word - a little nerdy.'


让美剧迷们魂牵梦绕的《老爸老妈浪漫史》中的老妈终于现身了,她的扮演者是 Christin Milioti。近日,Christin Milioti 爆料,这个老妈的角色跟男主 Ted Mosby


像,有点呆萌属性。Christin 之前并没有看过《老爸老妈浪漫史》,如今她正在恶补剧集,每天吃早餐都要看。希望她扮演的老妈不会让剧迷们失望哦~









六(2)班 刘冰姿

指导老师 秦玉琴
