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篇一:It Pays to Be Honest

It Pays to Be Honest

As we all know,our country is famous forbehavior .In the past ,we were respected by all over the world.However,more and more bad habits are appearing.Espeacially dishonest.For example,our family often are cheated by us.

As for honest ,it is a excellent quality for us all when we touch with each other.Firstly,we will be respected when we chat with others.Secondly,if we want to make friends with others,first of all ,we should learn to be honest.Then ,we will have credit with others.Thirdly,if you cheat other people thatequal to allow others cheat you.Last ,It is important for our business to be honest,which we can get a win-win station.

In my opinion,as a college student ,we should be honest as a example for others.Thus,we will put in motion a newethos.Only when we understand to be honest will we have a wonderful life.

首先,这篇文章整体没有任何大问题,也就是说在语法上基本是达到了要求,也可以看出你的基础是在的。只是没有好好联系而已,我想只要你连着写半个月,水平应该会有很大的提高的。 以上是这篇文章的有点之处。接下来我们说说这篇文章的缺点:第一,

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1,2分 标准为 一塌糊涂

2,5分 标准为 模模糊糊

3,8分 标准为 半清半楚

4,11分 标准为 清清楚楚

5,14分 标准为 漂漂亮亮

这篇文章基本达到了清清楚楚的标准但是由于词汇和句式的问题啦只能下降一个层次了 要是老师给你给面子那么就是9分的作文,也就算是90多分吧。

在此 我给你提几点建议哈 第一要背单词,第二要多写这样可以多积累好句子。我想只要你好好写不出几天肯定会有大的改变的。

篇二:It Pays To Be Honest英语作文

It Pays To Be Honest

In our modern social life, there is no denying the fact that numerous adverse dishonest behavior around us . Those phenomenon have caused wide attention.

We almost can find such things every day of our lives: several students cheat in their exams for higher marks; a number of doctors treat their patients with unnecessary and expensive money; and some merchants sell fake products so that ignore consumer?s health , even their lives.

Obviously , It?s high time that those poor matter should be change . Being honest will benefit not only others , but also ourselves . First and foremost , only when you pays to be honest ,do you get greatly appreciated .besides, it is honesty that is the best policy bringing you unprecedented success . Last but not least , honesty will seen as the most essential moral in our lives .

From my own perspective .honesty is to a society what air is to our body , we can not live in this society without honesty . 距离2011年12月份即将开考的四、六级考试还有20多天的时间,对于大多数考生来说,如何在这段时间里冲刺一把,快速提高成绩是广大考生所关注的。众所周知,在几类题型中,阅读同写作一样,也是在考前最后阶段最容易提分的题型。
















四、通过题目确定答案所在位置,采取局部定位阅读法,做到即确准又提高做题速度。 我们考试的时候阅读理解的确是时间不够,那么四、六级考试改革后呢,一篇文章只能是8分钟的时间,而通常情况下要读上一篇300-500字的文章,至少需要大概10分钟左右。所以说在考试中,四、六级考试说白了就是拼个速度问题。



Campus life 校园生活(短对话重点)

1. 作业词汇:assignment/assigned book (必读书目 10年6月第11题)

paper essays(07-6听写答案) book/research report composition 作文 textbook教科书/reference book参考书(07-6听写答案) copy 副本

搭配词汇还有:be through with sth 结束,完成(两次考到)

due 到期 have sb's hands full with sth 忙于做某事(07-12)

2. 课程形式词汇:


原句: do you have the seminar schedule with you? (你有研讨会的日程表么?) optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程 09-12词汇)

compulsory course/requirement (必修课) presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课)

搭配词汇: hardly/barely stay awake (无法保持清醒。三次考到,最新10-6考点) 09年以来的一些新课程名称

advanced physics (高级物理) data processing (数据处理) computer programming (计算机程序)

biology 生物

3 名称:

freshman(大一) sophomore(大二) junior(大三) senior(大四)(05年考点) graduate(毕业生) undergraduate (在校生,本科生) postgraduate (研究生) tutor(导师) graduate school (研究生院)


gym 健身房

overweight=out of shape 胖 dieting 节食 lose weight 减肥 slim 苗条

larger waist 腰有些肥(可以指人也可以指服装) physical training 身体锻炼 weight-lifting 举重

Job hunting 求职 (长对话重点)

short list 候选人名单(2010-12) job vacancy 职位空缺(2010-12)

job applicant candidate 候选人(多次考到) apply for application (2008/09/10) Position/post (多次考到。职位) resume (简历,注意发音,多次考到) recruit (连续考到。招聘) reputation(多次考到)

resign (辞职,多次考到)

benefit (package) (福利,两次考到) paid vacation (带薪假期)

social security (美国的社会保险) relocation expenses (异地补偿费用) phased retirement (08-12 阶段性退休) be laid off (解雇 09-12考点)

hotel consultant (08-6 酒店咨询) sales manager(08-12 销售经理)

Administrative work (08-12 行政工作)


the job will involve much train travel (工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会)

tell me about your present job...


There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager's job. And finally

篇三:It Pays to Be Honest


It Pays to Be Honest


For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象 2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实

It Pays to Be Honest

As the gradually improvement of our life standard, the invisible, but significant role of honest that plays in our daily life has been realized. However, though most of us acknowledge the importance of honest, nowadays, our society is still filled with many awful phenomenons, implying that we are seriously lacking of honest. We should own the awareness that to be honest is not only just good for others, but good for ourselves actually.

What we said is far different from what we did. Everyone declares that we should be honest, be the pioneers leading our society into a harmony one in public. Nobody suspects the remarkable factor that honest plays in every aspect of our society in public. However, what makes us depressed is that their

behavior is far different from their speeches without the public attention. For instance, a very ambitious mayor is charged to be corrupt, a famous and warm-hearted philanthropist is accused for evading paying taxes for many

years. Both of these are only one aspect of the dishonest events turning up in

our society. All the phenomenons declared that we are seriously lacking of the awareness to be honest, having nothing to do with what and how many speeches we addressed in public.

To be honest does not only mean that do not telling lies, actually, means that you open your heart to others, and others will be sincere to you afterwards, which differs from that you should suffer losses every time. To be honest is also the only tips to make real friends. The role honest plays is invisible but remarkable. In order to meet the requirement of our society, our students should hold the view to be honest.

In one word, the further development of our society needs honest, the real improvement of ourselves also needs honest. It pays to be honest.

篇四:it pays to be honest


It Pays to Be Honest


It Pays to Be Honest



What is honesty? Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. Considered a virtue, it is admired in every country and every culture. So it is necessary to be honest all the time .

However, there are people who try to get benefits by dishonest means. For example, in academic, some students who refuse to work hard in study suppose to cheat for a higher mark in the exam. Even someone will copy other's paper.

And in the market, there are many products of poor quality which make the consumers deceived or hurt, such as Sanlu milk powder.

In our life, someone may tell a lie for the hidden purpose.

The dishonest conduct has disturbed the social order and made a bad influence. Therefore, honesty should be advocated.

In my opinion, it pays to be honest. Because honesty is significant, through which we can get more trust. Actually, honesty in business will lead you to success. The honest conduct, we extend to others, whether consumers, suppliers, or shareholders, comes back to help us. In addition, honesty in study must be paid more attention. Only in this way can innovation be encouraged. In short, honesty is an important quality that should deeply root in everyone's heart. It pays to be honest.

篇五:It Pays to Be Honest

It Pays to Be Honest

It is obvious that honesty is a classical topic all the time while the society has improved a lot.

There are many dishonest phenomenon in society now. In order to make money ,some people cheat the others .And what is worse is that someone just seek excessive profits despite the others’ health and safety ,such as the Melamine event .It is very necessary for us to be honest not only in making friends but also at work .Honesty, which makes people feel that you are reliable ,so it will no longer be difficult to get on well with your friends, is a good aspect of a person .As for work ,a person who is honest usually have more chances to get promotion .

Thus, in my opinion, honesty is not only for ourselves, but also for other people. Anyway, we should be an honest person.
