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一 等 奖


邹丽娟 宋丽娟 高中语文

王晓艳 董 波 冷春峰 高中数学

孙 杰 曲莲萍 毛艳妮 张振杰 高中英语

孙国韬 杨伟华 于玉玲 高中物理

陈伟华 崔永合 高中化学


莱州一中 莱州六中 莱州五中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州十三中 莱州五中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 姜月磊 徐海燕 闫卫东 张亚坤 王初霞 王桂萍 孙秀华 邱永霞 李 霞 苑爱敏 杜新华 于英强 王 涛莱州一中莱州一中莱州六中莱州一中莱州一中莱州一中莱州一中莱州一中莱州一中莱州一中莱州一中莱州五中莱州六中—3—

刘 淑 莱州一中 刘丽美 莱州一中 高中历史

郭响玲 莱州一中 尹伟菊 莱州一中 张晓梅 莱州一中 高中地理

曲新伟 莱州一中 王灵仙 莱州一中 高中生物

盛 燕 莱州一中 任永瑞 莱州一中 高中技术

袁春东 莱州一中 高中音乐

孙丽娜 莱州一中 高中体育

李晓平 莱州一中 徐鲁源 烟台理工学校 高中美术

任姿臻 莱州一中 宋沅卿 莱州一中 高中健康教育

王 娟 莱州一中 唐丽梅 烟台理工学校 职业学校专业技能课

马秀美 烟台理工学校

原慧芬 王绍波 于鲲鹏 徐光辉 孙 琳 李豆豆 李雪梅 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州一中 莱州十三中 莱州一中 烟台理工学校


李爱敏 烟台理工学校 韩彩霞 烟台理工学校 张 野 烟台信息工程学校 潘艳秋 烟台信息工程学校

秦俊玲 烟台理工学校 王翠波 烟台信息工程学校职业学校公共基础课

王志茹 烟台理工学校 韩新荣 烟台理工学校 邓美娜 烟台信息工程学校 朱东梅 烟台信息工程学校 初中思想品德

李 敏 南十里中学 刘晓卿 东宋中学 翟德霞 实验中学 姜晓云 文峰中学 闫金莉 三山岛学校 初中语文

吕开龙 沙河中学 王 娟 夏邱中学 刘明顺 汇泉学校 侯维玲 双语学校 郑希涛 玉皇中学 林文娟 神堂中学 武爱婷 沙河中学 杨日萍 云峰中学 锁玲玲 云峰中学 李永节 双语学校

王雪霞 王丽丰 王 凤

王丽妍 李 晓 杨清华 范卫刚 綦瑞田 潘伟萍 张 君 崔 燕 孟宪鑫 崔香美 孙伟玲 郭淑玲 刘振华 刘晓蓉 烟台理工学校 烟台理工学校 烟台信息工程学校 云峰中学 双语学校 莱州中学 实验中学 实验中学 双语学校 实验中学 文峰中学 文峰中学 莱州中学 文峰中学 平里店中学 实验中学 柞村中学



中考阅读理解专项训练 A

Several months after I was badly hurt in a car accident, my father sent me to a blind school.

That morning was the new beginning. I went to this school and I heard lots of children. My new teacher took me to the class where we were taught to write and type in Braille(盲文) . I found it quite difficult.

"Hi, sweetheart, how is school going?" asked my father.

"Daddy, I can't do this. I try and try but I just don't get it. I don't know if I am ever going to learn to read Braille. It/s too difficult," I cried.

Daddy just held me in his arm and said, "Do you remember that we went to the temple which is on the top of a mountain? When we were climbing the

mountain, my legs started aching, I sat down and said, 'I can't see the temple. You can't see it because it is covered with fog. Although you can't see it, I know it is there. I will make sure you will climb up to it.'"

"That day you showed me that just you can't see something does not mean it is not there. So although climbing the mountain was difficult, I knew I would get to the top."

I was cleat what my dad wanted me to understand.

I went back to school and started with new energy. Very soon I could red.

One of my classmates said, "You are lucky, you know, you have at least seen the world. I have just heard it. I have been told there are many colors in this world but I don't understand what color means."

After listening to her for the first time in two years, I felt lucky. And on that day I learnt that although the light in my eyes is gone, I must see the world with the light in my heart.

46. What can we know about the writer?

A. He was born blind.

B. He was sent to a blind school because he wanted to learn Braille.

C. He couldn't see anything after a car accident.

D. He disliked the new school.

47. What did the writer think of reading Braille?

A. It was easy. B. It was difficult

C. It was interesting. D. It was boring.

48. What did the writer's dad want him to understand?

A. You can't see anything, but it doesn't mean it is not there.

B. Climbing the mountain is as easy as learning Braille.

C. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

D. Cheer up! Life is full of choices, so choose to be happy.

49. One of the writer's classmates thinks he is lucky because the writer____.

A. has once seen the world

B. spent the least time learning Braille well

C. knew the real meaning of color

D. could tell what the world is like without seeing it

50. What does the last paragraph want to tell us?

A. The most beautiful thing in the world must be felt with the heart.

B. People can't live a happy life unless the can see.

C. The writer will live a healthy life with the light in his heart.

D. The writer's suffering(痛苦) would go away in the wind.


46—50 CBCAC


Every day when I enter the classroom, I will take a look at the wall beside my seat. You will find nothing special about this old wall if you just look at it. But for the students in my class, it is a special wall. Take a good look at it, and you will get to know the real feelings and thoughts of us, the 9th graders.

In the middle of the wall, there is a big "VICTORY". It was written in pen cil. I guess it must have been written by someone who got a good mark in an exam.

A little higher above the formulas, there is a poem. It only has two sentences. It reads: All those sweet memories have disappeared. Like tears dropping in the heavy rain.

Oh! It must have been written at the end of the last semester in middle school. Classmates had to leave school and good friends had to part. What a sad poem!

If you "explore" the wall more carefully, you will find many other interesting things, like a crying face, or a happy face, and other patterns(图案). There are still some patterns and letters that I can't understand, but they all show the feeling of the students who drew them.

For years, the wall has witnessed(目睹) all the things that have happened in the classroom. I don't know how it will be next year, two years from now, or even ten years from now. But I hope more smiling faces will be drawn on it.

46. There is ____ special on this wall.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

47. What was the "VICTORY" written in?

A. Chalk B. Pencil C. Pen D. Brush

48. When has the poem been written?

A. At the beginning of the last semester. B. At the end of the year.

C. At the end of the last semester. D. At the beginning of the last month.

49. What's the meaning of the underlined word?

A. 部分 B. 分离 C. 和好 D. 聚集

50. What's the title of the passage?

A. The Pictures of the Wall B. The Feelings of the Students

C. The Patterns of the Classroom D. The Hope of the Writer


46—50 ABCBC


No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon(外科医生) and part of it is taken out. Today, however, we needn't worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have an operation felt all its pain. Long ago, operations had usually to be done while the sick man could feel everything. The sick man had to be held down on a table by force while the doctors did their best for him. He could feel all the pain if his leg or arm was being cut off, and his fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who watched.

Soon after 1770, Josept Priestley discovered a gas which is now called "laughing gas". Laughing gas became known in America. Young men and women went to parties to try it. Most of them spent their time laughing, but one man at a party, Horace Wells, noticed that people didn't seem to feel pain when they were using this gas. He decided to make an experiment on himself. He asked a friend to help him.

Wells took some of the gas, and his friend pulled out one of Well's teeth. Wells felt no pain at all. As he didn't know enou gh about laughing gas, he gave a man less gas than he should have. The man cried out with pain when his tooth was being pulled out.

Wells tried again, but this time he gave too much of the gas, and the man died. Wells never forgot this terrible event.

51. It is ____ since a man being operated felt all the pain.

A. a few more years B. not very long

C. few years D. two thousand years

52. Long ago, when the sick man was operated on, he ____.

A. could feel nothing B. could not want anything

C. could feel all the pain D. could do anything

53. Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to ____.

A. be afraid of anything B. feel pain

C. want to go to the parties D. be ill

54. If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on, he ____.

A. felt nothing B. felt very comfortable C. still felt pain D. would die

55. One who took too much of the laughing gas ____.

A. would laugh all the time B. would die

C. would never feel again D. would be very calm


51—55 BCBCB


When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother's Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, pretended not to Understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.

My mother has realized the disadvantages of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she. I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人).I said in a voice that was not very convincing, "This is Mrs.Tan."And my mother was standing beside me, whispering loudly, "Why he doesn't send me the cheek. It's already two weeks late."




(1)绝大多数生物(包括植物)需要吸入氧气,但并不是所有的生物都需要氧气,厌氧细菌(如制作泡莱的乳酸菌)不需要 氧气;酉良酒时酵母菌不需要氧气。

(2)能生长的物体(如钟乳石)、能运动的物体(如机器人) 均不一定属于生物;珊瑚虫是生物,而珊瑚却不是。



植物中的菟丝子(细胞内无叶绿体,寄生在植物上)、猪笼草(捕 食小昆虫)等在生态系统中扮演着消费者的角色;动物中的蚯蚓以畜禽粪便和有机废物垃圾为食,将其分解成简单的无机物)、蜣螂 (以动物粪便为食)等在生态系统中起着分解者的作用。











(4)“展”把撕取的薄膜在水滴中展平。(目的:防止薄膜 折叠后,引起显微镜视野中细胞重叠,影响观察)





6. 人的口腔上皮细胞临时装片的制作过程






(6)在盖玻片的一侧滴儿滴稀碘液,在另一侧用吸水纸吸引,使碘液浸润标本的全部。 人口腔上皮细胞装片制作“六字法”: 擦、滴、刮、涂、盖、染 (谐音记为:她的挂图盖严)














②玉米开花期遇到连纬阴雨,果实产全会降低的原因是花粉被雨水冲走,影响传粉,进而影响果实的形成;而果树在开花 季节,如遇阴雨连绵的天气,会影响昆虫传粉,也会造成减产。












氧气:有助燃的作用,将带火星的木条放入有氧气的容器中,木条会复燃;而将正在燃烧的蜡烛放入装有正在萌发的种子的瓶中,因种子呼吸作用消耗了氧气,蜡烛会熄灭。 二氧化碳:能使澄清的石灰水变浑浊。











房在上,室在下; 房连静,室连动; 上下相通,左右不通。



1. The sun ________ in the east.

A. is always rising B. always is rising C. rises

always D. always rises

2. He often ________ his clothes on Sundays.

A. washing B. washes C. has washed D. wash

3. I’m Japanese. Where ________ from?

A. do you come B. you are coming C. you come D. are you coming

4. A mother who ________ her son will do everything for his happiness.

A. is loving B. loves C. loved D. has loved

5. ________ at a higher temperature than water?

A. Has milk boiled B. Is milk boiling C. Does milk

boil D. Was milk boiling

6. He signed to us with his hand, “The lesson is over. You ________.”

A. dismissed B. are dismissed C. have dismissed D. were dismissed

7. I haven’t met him for ages, but his mother ________ him sometimes.

A. had still seen B. still sees C. has still seen D. still saw

8. We will start as soon as our team leader________ .

A. comes B. will come C. come D. is coming

9. I think Jack ________ the answer.

A. has known B. does know C. is knowing D. knows

10. My father ________ George quite well; they were introduced at a party.

A. is knowing B. was knowing C. knows D. had been knowing

11. Where ________ ?

A. Mary works B. works Mary C. does Mary works D. does Mary work

12. I think this question ________ to answer.

A. easy B. is easy C. was easy D. Both A and B

13. ________ oil or butter when you cook it ?

A. Do you use B. Did you use C. Were you using D. Have you used

14. I ________ some newspaper at seven yesterday evening.

A. am reading B. read C. was reading D. will read

15. Now he ________ a book about New York. I don’t think he will finish it.

A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. is writing

16. Zhang Hua does a lot of housework every evening, but now he ________ his schoolmates with their lessons.

A. help B. is helping C. helps D. has helped

17. Mother washes the girl’s hair. Look, she ________ .

A. is washing it now B. washes it

C. is washing them now D. washes them now

18. He usually listens to the radio, but at the present moment he ________ television.

A. watches B. is watching C. has watched D. had watched

19. How long ago ________ playing with soldiers?

A. have you stopped B. had you stopped C. did you stop D. do you stop

20. Look at John! What ________ ?

A. does he B. he is doing C. is he doing D. does he do

21. It ________ hard when I left my house.

A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. will rain

22.The railway ________ in three years.

A. is complete B. will completed C. has completed D. will be completed

23. Don’t talk so loudly. Your father ________ .

A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. had slept

24. ----- What are you doing under the table?

----- I ________ to find my pen.

A. tried B. had tried C. try D. am trying

25. Jane and Tom ________ the door.

A. are walking at B. walk at C. walks to D. are walking to

26. How many people does the doctor know ________ of the disease?

A. are dying B. is dying C. has died D. dies

27. He ________ thin.

A. was getting B. is getting C. will getting D. had been got

28. Our team ________ every match so far this year, but we still have three games to play.

A. was winning B. has won C. had won D. wins

29. I shall tell you what he ____at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.

A. has done B. has been done C. had been doing D. was doing

30. I ________ my homework now.

A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished

31. I ________ this coat for very long. It still looks quite new.

A. wasn’t having B. haven’t had C. hadn’t D. haven’t been having

32. ________ reading the book yet?

A. Have you finished B. Were you finishing

C. Had you finished D. Are you finishing

33. The evening party ________ .You are a little late.

A. just began B. just has begun C. has just begun D. has begun just now

34. The dog is still wet. It ________ out of the rain.

A. only just comes B. has only just coming

C. was only just come D. has only just come

35. Where did you study before you ________ to this middle school?

A. come B. came C. are coming D. will come

36. He ________ home for nearly three weeks.

A. has gone away from B. has left C. has been away from D. went away from

37. ----- Did your brother go to America last year? ----- ________ .

A. No, he has never go there B. No, he has never gone here

C. No, he never was there D. No, he’s never been there

38. My uncle ________ in that factory since 1958.

A. worked B. had worked C. is working D. has worked

39. I ________ her since she was a little girl.

A. knew B. know C. had known D. have known

40. He ________ for three years.

A. has joined B. has been in the army C. joined D. has served the army

41. His grandfather ________ for thirty years.

A. died B. was dead C. has been dead D. has died

42. I ________ a college student for more than a year.

A. became B. have become C. was D. have been

43. I ________ this radio for two years.

A. used B. use C. have used D. am used

44. I ________ from my brother for a long time.

A. not have heard B. have not heard C. have heard not D. do not hear

45. Since you don’t want to go, I ________ alone.

A. will go B. go C. went D. have gone

46. He________ his watch. Have you seen it anywhere?

A. lost B. lose C. has lost D. had lost

47. I ________ the exhibition on the life and work of Lenin.

A. see B. saw C. have seen D. am seeing

48. When I was a little boy my father ________ me the earth is round.

A. tells B. has told C. had told D. told

49. You ________ your homework..

A. haven’t done B. have doing C. have not doing D. not done

50. Our teacher ________ to Beijing three times.

A. went B. had done C. has gone D. has been

51. It’s time you ________ a holiday.

A. had B. have C. will have D. have had

52. The young engineer he ________ is a friend of his.

A. is talking B. is going to talk C. talked D. is talking to

53. He ________ in Shanghai in 196o.

A. lives B. lived C. has lived D. is living

54. Robert ________ in England a few weeks ago.

A. arrives B. has arrived C. could arrive D. arrived

55. How long ago ________ in Fujian?

A. has he arrived B. did he arrive C. could he arrive D. arrived

56. Jack ________ a letter to his parents last night.

A. writes B. wrote C. write D. has written

57. His parent did not know why ________ his homework.

A. did he not do B. did he not to do

C. he had not done D. he had done not

58. Last week John ________ his leg.

A. felt and broken B. fell and broke

C. feels and breaks D. fallen and broken

59. Wang Jinsi ________ the whole nation as Iron Man.

A. was known by B. is known to C. knew D. has known

60. They ________ to a new house last month.

A. moves B. move C. moved D. have moved

61. I’ll let you know as soon as he ________ .

A. arrives B. will arrive C. arrive D. reach

62. ________ last year and is now earning his living as a newsboy.

A. He left the school B. He has left the school

C. He had left school D. He left school

63. Mike is now in New York. He ________ there since six days ago.

A. was B. is C. had been D. has been

64. Yesterday Mary ________ to me with a problem.

A. came B. goes C. went D. come

65. Where ________ yesterday?

A. went you B. was you C. have you been D. were you

66. Yesterday a man ________ my car.

A. hite B. hat C. hitted D. hit

67. The sun ________ when we got there.

A. raised B. had raised C. had risen D. rises

68. When did you ________ to see me last?

A. go B. went C. came D. come

69. ________ the news last night?

A. Heard you B. Did you heard C. Did you hear D. Were you hear

70. This book ________ everybody.

A. is known by B. is known for

C. is known to D. knows

71. I am sure he’ll come to see me before he ________ Beijing.

A. leave B. left C. will leave D. leaves

72. Jack ________ his thick coat because it was snowing.

A. puts on B. put on C. takes on D. took on

73. He ________ his coat and went out.

A. takes on B. put on C. takes on D. took on

74. How many people ________ the lecture on basic chemistry?

A. attended B. is attending C. do they attend D. did attend

75. Look at the clock! It’s time ________ home.

A. we’ll go B. we went C. we’re going D. we should go

76. He ________ you later.

A. will see B. may will see C. wills see D. will sees

77. ________ breakfast in the morning?

A. Will she be B. Will she cooks C. Will she cook D. Will she be cook

78. You ________ her again in a few days.

A. will see B. have seen C. had seen D. have been seen

79. My parents ________ me to become a doctor.

A. hoped B. wanted C. decided D. suggested

80. If we study hard, ________ .

A. we had passed the exam B. We are passing the exam

C. we have passed the exam D. we will pass the exam

81. She has been here ________ .

A. after 1978 B. for 1978 C. in 1978 D. since 1978

82. Your shirt is dirty. ________ it for you?

A. Am I going to wash B. Will I wash C. Am I washing D. shall I wash

83. ----- The clock is slow.

----- It isn’t slow, it ________ .

A. is stopping B. will stop C. has stopped D. stopped

84.They wanted to know when they ________ have an examination.

A. had gone to B. were going to C. would be going D. had been going

85. My sister ________ to see me. She’ll be here soon.

A. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came

86. When ________ , I’ll talk to him.

A. does Peter come B. Peter will come C. Peter comes D. can Peter come

87. He will pay a visit to the exhibition when he ________ time.

A. has B. will have C. has D. is going to have

88. I will go home for the vacation as soon as I ________ my exams.

A. will finish B. finish C. finishing D. finished

89. If ________ , we’ll stay at home.

A. it will rain B. it’s to rain C. it rains D. it’ll be raining





I. 单项选择(每题1分,共20分)

1. Tom is in pop music very much.

A. interest B. interesting C.

interests D. interested

2. She loves all the people in her family very much, her grandma.

A. already B. particularly C. probably D. perhaps

3. Linda wants to study abroad, but her parents

are her.

A. for B. on C. in D. against

4. I get annoyed that my friends always borrow my books but

never ______them.

A. give B. send C. return D. pay

5. I TV at nine last night.

A. watches B. watched C. am watching D. was watching

6. It’ s too early. The plane at 9:00.

A. takes away B. puts out C. takes off D. gets back

7. Please be quiet! Would you mind here?

A. speaking B. not speaking C. speaking not D. not to speak

8. We have made up to study hard .

A. mind B. one’s mind C. minds D. our minds

9. I will go to the barber’s to my

hair .

A. cut; / B. have; cut C. have; to cut D. have; cutting

10. –What are you going to do with your pocket money?

-- give it to the children from AIDS(艾滋)?

A. What about B. What for C. Why don’t D. Why not

11. Are you happy to have the summer holiday?

A. two month B. two-month C. two-months’ D. two month’s

12. I prefer to watch TV at home go shopping at weekends.

A. rather than B. better than C. more than D. worse than

13. I’m sure you can learn English your classmates.

A. as good as B. as well as C. so good as D. so well as

14. I the watch for ten years.

A. have bought B. bought C. have had D. have been buying

15. My son go to bed 11:30 last night.

A. doesn’t; until B. didn’t; before

C. didn’t; until D. doesn’t; before

16. you study, you will make.

A. the more harder; the more progress

B. The harder; the much more progress

C. The harder; the more progress D. Harder; more progress

17. -- will he be back? -- In three days.

A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How soon

18. –Do you think he is right? -- .

A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, he does.

C. I think right. D. I don’t think so.

19. people are watching the football match.

A. Five thousands B. Thousands of

C. Thousand of D. Five thousands of

20. Life in this city needs .

A. to improve B. to be improved C. improve D. be improved II. 完形填空(每题1分,共20分)


Almost everybody likes to play. All 1 the world, men and women, boys and 2 enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy. They help people to live 3 . Sports change with the seasons. People play 4 games in winter and in summer. Sailing boat is funny in warm weather while skating is good in 5 . Games and sports often grow out of the work people do. The Arabs are famous 6 their horses and camels. They use them in their work, 7 they use them in their sports games, 8 .Hunting

and fishing are very good sports. But millions of people hunt and fish for a 9 .

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other. But after a game on the sports field, they become good 10 . Sports help to train a person’s character. One learns to fight to fair and hard to win without pride and to lose with grace(体面)。

1. A. in B. on C. over D. above

2. A. man B. woman C. girls D. children

3. A. happily B. badly C. sadly D. glad

4. A. different B. no C. same D. all

5. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

6. A. for B. with C. in D. because

7. A. and B. but C. however D. if

8. A. also B. either C. neither D. too

9. A. life B. living C. game D. sport

10. A. people B. enemies C. friends D. sportsmen


The best place for a summer holiday, however, is the 1 . Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea, but 2 the others who do not. A week or two at one of the big seaside towns is something that they will 3 about for the whole of the following year.

In England it is not only the 4 who can take their children to the seaside. 5 a factory worker or a bus driver, a street cleaner or a waiter wants to take his wife or children to southern of Meargate. Blaekpool or Claton, he is 6 quite able to do so.

Now, what is it that children 7 so much about the seaside? I think it is the sand, sea and sun more than any other thing. 8 there are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat and exciting things to do, but it is the 9 of sand under one’s feet, of salt water on one’s skin, and of the warm sun on one’s back that make the seaside 10 it is.

1. A. town B. seaside C. southern D. Claton

2. A. / B. to C. for D. with

3. A. enjoy B. miss C. talk D. consider

4. A. rich B. poor C. parents D. teachers

5. A. But B. If C. Because D. Though

6. A. usually B. rarely C. nearly D. never

7. A. interest B. attract C. like D. do

8. A. Even though B. After all

C. Of course D. On the contrary(相反)

9. A. coolness B. warmth C. softness D. feeling

10. A. what B. how C. that D. which III.阅读理解(共30分)



The best way of learning a language is to use it. The best way of learning English is to talk in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will speak too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”

1. The best way of learning English is to talk in English as much as possible.

2. Sometimes you can’t understand the others, because they speak too quickly.

3. You will feel unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes.

4. It’s not better for people to laugh at your mistakes, because everyone can make mistakes.

5. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when learning English.


Robots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The first one was made by a Greek inventor. You may see robots in some films. The robots in these films are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used

to do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs. Some people can’t look after themselves and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see. Many of these people use a dog to help themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog. Scientists are making a robot to help them. In the future, robot dogs might take the place of these guide dogs. Robots are also used in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals from the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system. In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of humans. They can, however, help us in a lot of different ways.

1. The first robot was invented by a Greek.

2. Robots can only be seen in films.

3. Robots can help people look after themselves.

4. A robot cooks meal for the sick people at an American hospital.

5. Robots can help humans a lot both now and in the future. 阅读下面两篇短文,从各小题所给定四个选项中选出能回答所给问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(每题2分,共20分)


The word “hobby” is an interesting word. Every person has one thing he or she likes to do for fun. Some people like to collect things like stamps or story books. Others like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them.

I have many hobbies for fun. I sometimes play golf with my son. I play tennis with my friends. I like collecting music books. I also collect musical instruments(乐器) from China like erhu, dizi, xiao, suona and pipa. There are the instruments of China which cannot be found in America. My favorite hobby is fishing. I like to go and see my brother in the state of Alaska where fishing is wonderful. We take a boat and go to the small river where we fish for salmon. American’s most famous fish.

1. The word “hobby” means

A. collecting stamps B. playing tennis with your friends

C. Something you enjoy doing in your free time

D. Something you can see at the window shopping

2. What books does the writer like to collect?

A. Story books. B. Music books. C. Sports books. D. Art books.

3. Which instruments can be found in America?

A. Erhu B. Piano C. Dizi D. Suona

4. What’s the writer’s favorite hobby?
