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篇一:新苏教译林版 6A Unit5 Signs 教学设计






篇二:译林版6AUnit 5 Signs第一课时教案

课题: 译林版六年级上册Unit 5 Signs 课时: The first period 教学目标:

1、能听懂、会说、会读:Public signs。

2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…You can /can’t…. 3、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take …into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell。 4、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。



1、句型:What does it mean? It means ….

No littering/parking/smoking/… You can /can’t…. 2、词汇:sign, shopping centre, mean。



课前搜集一下生活中常见的“公共标识”图片。 讨论一下搜集的“公共标识”图片的名称和含义。 预习: Unit 5 Signs(P48-50),听录音模仿朗读课文,读熟,划出新单词、句子,写好音标,不懂的可以查字典。

Unit 1 Signs (Story time)

Where: signs What does it mean?

It means you can’t … .

shopping centre, Wet floor you can’t juice shop, No littering

bookshop(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:译林英语6a课件,signs), No eating or drinking

restaurant No smoking


新译林版 6A Unit 5 练习题

姓名 分数


1 ( ) A B C D 2 ( ) A B C D

3 ( ) A B C D 4 ( ) A B C D

5 ( ) A B C D

6 ( ) A B C D 7 ( ) A B C D

8 ( ) A B C D

9 ( ) A B C D


careful can wet(反义词)______

here(同音词)(同义词) go(反义词)

dirty(反义词)Can not(缩略式反义词




在购物中心 小心

看见那个标志 一家果汁商店

禁止饮食 禁止乱扔杂物

禁止停车 禁止钓鱼

禁止吸烟 一家书店

在饭店 一家玩具店

在英国 在美国

在远足 在森林里

感觉累和饿 午饭时间

带一些香蕉 买一些香蕉

找一些香蕉 给Sam 一些香蕉

继续走 挂在树上的一个标志 许多猴子 看着

懂一些公共标志 问问答答

知道“ir”的发音 在他们周围

四、按要求改变句子 1 It means the floor is wet.(对划线部分提问) 2 They are eating some noodles in a restaurant. (一般疑问句)


3 Is someone smoking? (陈述句)___________________________________________

4 Smoke here. (否定句) ________________________________________

5 I can smell it. (一般疑问句) _______________________________________


1 can’t here you it smoke means( . )

2 restaurant now are they some in eating noodles a ( . )

3 it you means or can’t there eat drink( . ) 4 shopping are Mike, Helen and Tim a at centre( . )


Mike, Helen and Tim are at a s c .

Mike: Be c , Tim!

Helen: Can you see that s ?

Tim: What does it m ?

Helen: It m the floor is w .

Then, they see a juice s .

Helen: Do you want s j ?

Mike & Tim: Yes, p .

Tim: Here’s a s . What does it mean, Mike?

Mike: It means you can’t l here.

There is a b . Helen w to go in. Now they are eating some n in

a restaurant.

Mike: You can’t take your juice i the shop, Helen.

Tim: Can you see that sign? It means you can’t eat o drink there.

Helen: I’m sorry.

Helen: Is someone s ? I can s it.

Tim: Please don’t s here. Can you see that sign? It means you

can’t smoke here.

Man: OK. Sorry!

篇四:新译林 6A Unit 5 signs

新译林 6A Unit 5 signs



under 二、词汇拓展:

1. sign ①n. 标识 public signs公共标识

②v. 签名 sign the paper 签署文件 sign one’s name签名

2. adj.细心的 adj.粗心的

carefully adv.仔细地 listen carefully 仔细听

care ①n. 关心 take care of = look after take care = be careful

②v. care for 喜欢 care about 关心,在乎

3. mean ①v. 意味着 --What does it mean? --It means...... mean adj.卑鄙的

②meaning n.意思 What’s the meaning of this word?

③meaningful adj.有意义的 meaningless adj.无意义的

4. want v. 想要 want/would like to do sth.想要做某事 want ad招聘广告 wanted adj.①被通缉的 the wanted man通缉犯

②被征求的 Teachers Wanted教师招聘 help wanted急聘

5. live ①v. 居住;度过 live in Nanjing住在南京 live a happy life过着幸福的生活

②adj. 现场直播的 live broadcast现场直播 lively adj.①生动的a lively lesson一节生动的课 ②活泼的a lively girl一个性格活泼的女孩 lovely adj.可爱的 cute可爱的

篇五:译林英语6AUnit5 Signs短语

Unit5 Signs

1. at a shopping centre 在购物中心 2. be carefully 小心

3. a juice shop 一个果汁店 4. take your juice into the shop 把你的果汁带入商店

5. eat some noodles 吃一些面条 6. in a restaurant 在饭店里

7.No eating or drinking 请勿饮食 8. No littering请勿乱扔垃圾

9. No parking 请勿停车 10. No smoking 请勿吸烟

11.be on an outing 远足 12. in the forest 在森林里

13. feel tired and hungry 感觉又累又饿 14. look for my bananas 寻找我的香蕉

15. public signs 公共标识 16. go in 进入,走进

17.Wet floor 小心地滑 18. walk on 继续走路

1. A: What does it mean? 它是什么意思?

B: It means the floor is wet. 它的意思是地面潮湿。

2. It means you can’t smoke here. 它的意思是你不能在这吸烟。

3. It means you can’t eat or drink here. 它的意思是你不能在这饮食。

4. It means you can’t litter here. 它的意思是你不能在这乱扔垃圾

5. You can read books in the library. 你可以在图书馆看书。

6. They see a lot of monkeys around them. 他们看见在他们周围有许多猴子。

7. A: What do these signs mean? 这些标识是什么意思?

B: They mean you can’t swim here. 他们的意思是你不能在这游泳。

Unit5 Signs

1. at a shopping centre 在购物中心 2. be carefully 小心

3. a juice shop 一个果汁店 4. take your juice into the shop 把你的果汁带入商店

5. eat some noodles 吃一些面条 6. in a restaurant 在饭店里

7.No eating or drinking 请勿饮食 8. No littering请勿乱扔垃圾

9. No parking 请勿停车 10. No smoking 请勿吸烟

11.be on an outing 远足 12. in the forest 在森林里

13. feel tired and hungry 感觉又累又饿 14. look for my bananas 寻找我的香蕉

15. public signs 公共标识 16. go in 进入,走进

17.Wet floor 小心地滑 18. walk on 继续走路

1. A: What does it mean? 它是什么意思?

B: It means the floor is wet. 它的意思是地面潮湿。

2. It means you can’t smoke here. 它的意思是你不能在这吸烟。

3. It means you can’t eat or drink here. 它的意思是你不能在这饮食。

4. It means you can’t litter here. 它的意思是你不能在这乱扔垃圾

5. You can read books in the library. 你可以在图书馆看书。

6. They see a lot of monkeys around them. 他们看见在他们周围有许多猴子。

7. A: What do these signs mean? 这些标识是什么意思?

B: They mean you can’t swim here. 他们的意思是你不能在这游泳。
